— Classical Studies Memes for Hellenistic Teens (@CSMFHT) March 15, 2021
Gotta admit, this sounds a lot more like the Julius Caesar in the history books…
Entirely unrelated, probably:
— Jordan Fabian (@Jordanfabian) March 16, 2021
Biden's new phrase: "Shots in arms and money in pockets."pic.twitter.com/lUDQctZHhr
— The Recount (@therecount) March 15, 2021
Finally: The federal government is set to launch a massive confidence-building campaign to encourage all Americans to get vaccinated against #Covid19, @levfacher reports. The previous administration's $300M effort never got off the ground. https://t.co/gObXGIGU6i
— Helen Branswell (@HelenBranswell) March 15, 2021
Hi ya’ll
Starboard Tack
@raven: Yo.
And chicks for free!
so when they mean there was 300M spent/allocated on promoting the vaccination program done by the 45 administration, that implies that 299M+ went into the pockets of the Trump family, right?
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
RIP Lt. Al Giardello
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: Taco trucks on every corner or GTFO!
FIRST QUESTION: “Why haven’t you held a press conference before now?”
BIDEN: “I’ve been busy, in case you haven’t noticed.”
Previous malmisadmiistration’s $300M program? Is that how much we were supposed to pay shitforbrains to do anything for us about Covid? A finders fee as it were?
zhena gogolia
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
I saw that. Such a great actor.
Starboard Tack
March 25th. Prepare for nine days of nattering,
Great minds think alike!
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Amazing character in a show packed with amazing characters.
Today I found a web comic that was written about Jen Psaki in 2015.
mali muso
And a chicken in every pot!
Anne Laurie, that clipping is the best thing I’ll read all day.
My late father was very fond of telling me the old (terrible) joke, “Et tu, Brute?” “Nope, I ain’t et nuthin’ yet.” I think he started telling me that joke when I was five, and had no idea who Julius Caesar was (or what Latin was, for that matter). I’m sorry he’s not still here to share this bit of trivia about Caesar’s final words with; he’d have loved it.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Tricky Dick was a terrible person, but always sharp on politics.
it certainly was.
I like that one of the replies to the “Et tu, Brute” thread explained that kai su / et tu was used as a curse to reflect whatever the perpetrator did back to themselves. So really, considering Brutus’ end, Caesar’s curse worked. Makes me wish my Latin teachers spent less time on Cicero and more time on curses. My own pet translation before reading this was that “et” was often short for “etiam,” which is “even,” and I liked “Even you, Brutus,” better than “You too, Brutus?” (or much worse, “And you, Brutus?” Bleh, how does that even make sense in context.) But the curse is my new fave, that’s perfect for Mr. “I will hunt down your ship and crucify you all!!!1!1”
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Boy, Jen Psaki’s press conferences are really intense.
@mali muso: And a spooky skeleton in every body!
@Baud: you’re trying to raise chickens? ‘cuz i’m not sure that mark knopfler guy is the right one to ask about farming…
Frank Wilhoit
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: Assumes total absence of sabotage.
Biden will have his press conference and the usual MSM sources will still bitch about him.
That the template returned so quickly to the old standard after 4 years of Trump hell just makes me think even less of our MSM betters…..as if that were a possible thing.
Another Scott
@LurkerNoLonger: Does anybody really know
what time it isthe number??Cheers,
@Another Scott: Kenneth, what is the frequency?
Another Scott
@different-church-lady: !!
Malki! is great.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
look on the bright side: Biden’s presidency is really unlikely to be the inspiration for updated productions of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: A great Yaphet Kotto anecdote from David Simon: https://twitter.com/AoDespair/status/1371837558989148169?s=20
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: He was badass in Blue Collar
Apropos of nothing, I fixed our St. Paddy’s day dinner today since I was working from home. Corned beef, slow-cooked in the dutch oven, then glazed with local mustard bbq sauce. Just enough left for hubby to have a sammich for his lunch tomorrow.
Keith P.
@kindness: “When does President Biden plan on designing his own Air Force One paint job, as President Trump did?”
@kindness: it is amazing…four straight years of non-stop golfing, lying, offending our allies and embracing our enemies, griftinggriftinggrifting, and more lying, and the DC snooze media is right back at it with the false equivalencies and GQP framing in under 2 months.
Ah well. It would explain why in addition to everything else, the Dems are pressing hard on the Jan 6th insurrection, voting rights, Kavanaugh, and an infrastructure bill. Not only are they important for the nation…we have to keep our country’s snooze media busy or else they just default to their usual stupid stuff.
Caesarian selection.
Also too, Yes, It’s True: “My Darling Clementine” and the “Ode to Joy” Use the Same Meter as a Song Sung at Julius Caesar’s Triumph in 45 B.C.
Shots in arms, money in your pocket, trumpers in jail, oh yeah.
“Mr. Biden, Mr. Biden, do you think Americans should be concerned that you haven’t played gold yet?”
@piratedan: I was going to ask which family member got the $300 million but you beat me to it.
(today’s haiku)
shot goes in your arm
money goes in your pocket
Joe gettin’ it done
zhena gogolia
Andy Borowitz, satirist in The New Yorker:
Obama Persuades Republicans to Take Vaccine by Urging Them Not To
@Major Major Major Major:
I live on a corner. Still no taco truck.
@jnfr: You should move.
especially because most accidents happen close to home. helps if you move …
@Elizabelle: The better strategy would be to convince republican men that blacks get the most benefit when whites reject the vaccine.
Open thread? Bit of dialogue (paraphrased from memory) in a recently viewed WW1 movie which stuck with me.
Scene: the subterranean warrens burrowed in the British trenches.
Commanding officer: “What can we expect this evening?”
Cook: “Cutlets, sir.”
Commanding officer: “Really? Cutlets?”
Cook: “Yes, sir. Meat cutlets, sir.’
Commanding officer: “What kind of meat?”
Cook: “I wouldn’t delve too deeply into that if I were you, sir.”
Got the Moderna jab 1 this afternoon at Safeway. I got the email with a registration link the evening before.
Really badly managed. Spent an hour and a half in line standing inside the store. I don’t they administered more than 20 shots in that time. I had to ask several staffers to get a chair for the guy in front of me. He was looking really unsteady. One person working the line and giving out consent forms that duplicated everything entered on line. Another person giving shots and he was checking insurance cards and filling out the CDC cards, too. Two chairs in the waiting room for people who have gotten their shots to cool off for 15 minutes. I bailed on that.
The poor execution sucked a lot of the joy out of the moment. Plus I couldn’t schedule shot #2 in less 4 weeks. Still happy to be on the way.
Since we’re quoting from the classics, I suggest Augustine’s “Creating Hell for people who ask questions like that.”
Roger Moore
@Chacal Charles Calthrop:
Somebody will always use the current person in charge as the inspiration for one of Shakespeare’s plays. Maybe it won’t be Caesar, but it will be something. It doesn’t have to make sense; they’ll just do it because the person currently in charge is always a big target.
Remember the diner scene from that old W.C. Fields movie? His dialog with the waitress:
“I didn’t squawk about the steak dear. I merely said that I didn’t see that old horse that used to be tethered outside here”
Just One More Canuck
@different-church-lady: that’s so spot on
“This steak still has marks where the jockey hit it” — Rodney Dangerfield in “Caddyshack.”
He’s avoiding the summons.
Still surprising the powers that be at the time let a subsequent line in that scene referring to her, um, ample posterior slip by.
Another Scott
@Ken: Wikipedia – “A 1970 Dear Abby column in The Milwaukee Sentinel said: “There is no such thing as a stupid question if it’s sincere. Better to ask and risk appearing stupid than to continue on your ignorant way and make a stupid mistake.”
Emphasis added.
I think Joe knows what to do if the question is in bad faith.
It might be entertaining. ;-)
@Another Scott:
Joe will handle the vapidity well.
By the way, the actress playing the waitress was an interesting and brave woman. She stood up to the McCarthy people during the witch hunts of the ’50s.
@NotMax: One of Pratchett’s Discworld novels had a food stall with menu:
Rice……………………………….1 p
Rice with meat………………2 p
Rice with named meat….5 p
“Word is you had the diet Coke button removed. Why do you hate the great American Coca-Cola Company?”
Hey raven?
@Baud: ???
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
RIP ??
Loved him
Dan B
@KrackenJack: Sorry Safeway was a faster luck. I had problems with Kaiser but once I found the unsigned street to the state headquarters (grrrrr!) the line moved until it got so busy they had to stop for ten minutes. Otherwise it was efficient and had the best shot giver, almost no sensation.
There’s a new site at the convention area by the stadiums that will be ramping up to 22,000 vaccinations a day. Go Seattle!
And stay away scary variants!!!
I saw Yaphet Kotto 1.5 times in “Fences” at the Arena Stage in Washington, DC.
Yes, I was there the night he headed to his dressing room at intermission and … never came back out. After a long delay, the understudy emerged and finished the play; received tumultuous applause. Because: would you want to follow Mr. Kotto? On the same evening??
I don’t recall what was Kotto’s beef, but he stayed gone.
@Dan B: I miss Kaiser. They used to hound me to get my flu shot, but their vaccination clinics were a well oiled machine. I think Safeway was just getting ramped-up and they’ll learn.
No side effects, so far.
Mike in NC
@germy: But at each ‘undisclosed location’ he gets to sleep on one of his crappy pillows.
Maybe he was ill that evening?
I admit I was surprised when I learned of his passing, because for some reason I thought he’d died of a heart attack twenty years ago. I don’t know why that happens to me sometimes. I’ll think a particular celebrity is dead when they’re not.
I have a memory of reading about the cast of Blue Collar a long time ago, and he was the one I thought had passed. So I guess it was a different actor.
Dan B
@KrackenJack: Kaiser in WA seems to be turning a bit petty rule following. It may be just my experience but they took over Group Health. That operation was more easygoing.
Their website is being revamped and they seem to have a team that doesn’t pay attention to member experience. Sigh.
Safeway here has a unique method of making sure you spend 20 minutes in line no matter how few people are in the store. Not a place for administering vaccines.
Theatre memory. Saw Pearl Bailey in Hello, Dolly! at the Kennedy Center.
For the scene at the Harmonium Gardens there was some problem with the elevator to bring her up behind the grand staircase and she missed her entrance cue. By a lot. Spontaneous applause when she eventually did appear at the top of the stairs.
At which point she gestured to shush the audience, came down the staircase and announced with a broad smile that they were damn well going to start over and this time get it right. Which is what transpired.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
A brilliant actor. ?
The worst Democrat is still better than the best Republican.
The Moar You Know
@KrackenJack: I don’t miss Kaiser – their last act was to leave me with a raging case of c.diff – but agree on their vaccination. Last time we had a pertussis outbreak here in SoCal, you got a shot when you walked in the door and you didn’t get a choice; you got it or they would turn your ass around and send you home.
Harry Reid says Al Franken is talking to Joe Manchin about reforming the filibuster.
There should be a word for that. It happens to me, too. It’s like: “how sad can I be? I thought this person was already pushing up daisies.”
@NotMax: I can see Miss Bailey doing that, and getting away with it too. If Pearl is not happy ….
Gotta be a tie-in with Kevin Bacon, however tenuous, in there somewhere.
All I could afford were SRO tickets, and didn’t regret for a second staying upright for the entire thing. Nor for the nearly an hour after the play when she and co-star Billy Daniels came out and sang a concert’s worth of songs as an unexpected dessert.
There go two miscreants
@different-church-lady: Thank you for reminding me of Wondermark! I used to read it fairly regularly but fell out of the habit. It is really funny (in a warped kind of way)!
I love that so much.
@germy: Moar of that pupper. Another youtube video. With music.
Major is taking notes.
Major Major Major Major
Broke ground on a novella tonight. Gotta keep myself busy somehow in between novel drafts!
@Major Major Major Major: you writing people are making me think that writing a book is, like, hard or something. ;)
Frank Wilhoit
The Moar You Know
@Elizabelle: I watched a lot of his videos. Not ever going to be a service dog because he’s far too energetic, but damn, he is smart and when he learns something it stays learned. Super high energy. I’d put him in rally training or police K9 training – or maybe both. You’d really need at least one and ideally two very physically fit people working with him all the time or he will get real destructive. A hard dog to place, but totally worth the time you put into training him.
@Jeffro: It’s not the writing….it’s making it GOOD.
@kindness: Even money that a good chunk of the press conference will be questions about why Biden didn’t hold a press conference until he did. Then a few days worth of pundits yammering that Biden couldn’t quash the press conference scandal.
And then there is then 90 min trip to his home in Delaware on a few weekends.
An administration staggering under an avalanche of scandals! What will Manchin say? Should Biden resign?
I’ve proposed on Twitter that we crowd source stupid press conference questions and fake scandals until the Mewling Media regain its bearings.
@Baud: ‘Money in pockets’ is a secret message for Big Lotto. Yet another scandal.
Biden better release some BidenGaffes during his presser to put all these scandals to rest.
@gwangung: I have heard that! ;)
Mass shooting in Atlanta… I guess nature is healing.
zhena gogolia
The Mitch McConnell part is hilarious.
Is anyone going to front page McTurtle’s threats about if we eliminating the filibuster today?
I’m sure Anne Laurie is compiling the tweets mocking him as we speak.
@Baud: ” I’m sure Anne Laurie is compiling the tweets mocking him as we speak. ”
McConnell has a point. If they get rid of the filibuster, the most important legislation in the Senate will grind to a halt!
Eight dead in three Atlanta shootings. Asian-American-owned massage parlours seem to have been the targets. Suspect in custody. Hate crime against Asians?
ETA: Sorry, @Timurid. Posted before I saw your comment at #94.
Schumer can keep them there 24/7 if he needs to. That’s the power of the majority. I hope our voters never want to give it up.
@germy: “Well, scratch #24. He did pretty good though – right up to the jet engine test.”
@SiubhanDuinne: First thing on my mind.
Been a wave of beatings and attacks, mostly on Asian elderly (at least one death).
Very concerning if it graduates to guns.
@SiubhanDuinne: Photo was a 21-year old white male, with a reddish beard under his chin, and an archery-related hat.
Le sigh. A counterpoint to Dylan Roof, maybe.
I was watching MSNBC, but Rachel repelled me — yet again — by all the verbiage around some insurrectionist yahoo being released by a judge. Repetitive, repetitive. Closed the tab. She may be “brilliant”, but I think the woman has some cognitive processing disorder. Too many words. We’re not that stupid.
@Baud: I think a good idea to go back to a talking filibuster, with some strong rules for staying on topic. That would allow for various votes whenever some starts reading the phone book, or given current GOP obsessions, the Cat in the Hat. Also, might get actual legislative activity on the corporate media and maybe even policy discussed.
If that doesn’t work, then abolish it
I think for political reasons, Biden supports what Manchin supports. He’s trying to keep Manchin in the tent.
Gonna be interesting to see republican men now have to choose between their fervent belief they should reject the vaccine and their fervent support of Trump.
@SiubhanDuinne: They got at least one 120 miles south of Atlanta.
@Baud: If we had a strong Baudist caucus in the Senate, the shocking spectacle of Senators searching their pockets for random small change, candy bars, and lotto tickets for bribes on the floor would shock the nation’s conscience. Will spur a great public outcry for some strong reform bills.
@Baud: If we can get some good news clips out of an especially ludicrous talking filibuster, I think it’s worth a try.
I would implement the naked talking filibuster.
Part of today’s (presumed) spree, or unrelated?
Mike in NC
Forgot to record it tonight, but you can stream the PBS Frontline documentary called “Trump’s American Carnage”. Well worth watching about the opposition and their God-Emperor.
@Baud: Why do you hate America?
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Baud: GOOD. Make that Droopy Dawg-looking mfer McConnell drag his decrepit ass down to the Senate floor and TALK AND STAND till he can’t go anymore.
@SiubhanDuinne: The shooter in at least one, Robert Aaron
For the last two days I keep seeing people tweeting that Frank Luntz focus group of trump supporters as they question a doctor and work through their reasons for hesitating to take the vaccine.
And I know I’m supposed to be glad when almost all of them indicate at the end that they’re now more open to the idea.
But I’m not glad. I’m disgusted at the notion that we must all hold their hands and pat them on the head like toddlers who aren’t quite capable of using their words. I loathe trump voters. I don’t want to watch while they struggle with basic information-processing.
I just despise them all so much, which I know is unhealthy and absurd, but honestly my gut reaction when I see one of them being quoted or interviewed is disgust.
I know Rachel annoys a lot of people, but I like her and don’t generally mind the over-explaining. On numerous occasions, in fact, I’ve been less than knowledgeable about the subject and have been grateful for her context and basic information. I figure during the times I’m bored and impatient with her, there are other viewers who are being educated.
@cintibud: It would get the avalanche of Biden media scandals out of the headlines. Great job creation program of video pixilation industry, maybe AI pixilation breakthroughs.
Oh right, thanks, I saw he was picked up down in Crisp County. I thought you meant there was an Asian shooting incident 150 miles south.
Gin & Tonic
@Elizabelle: Then don’t watch her.
@SiubhanDuinne: It looks like the first were in Acworth and then Atlanta so I think that increases the chances it is the same guy.
@hitchhiker: I’m very glad that after extensive handholding they’re open to the idea of vaccination. If we don’t have solid and stable herd immunity because of lower than expected uptake, we’ll have to put with continuing semi-emergency covid control BS. We need that done with.
We need to turn covid into standard SOP public health outbreak control routine asap, like measles.
@jl: Our long lost fisherman buddy wrote this “As a public health measure, include in HR1, after, naturally, dispensing with the idiocy of the filibuster, that you can’t vote w/o a vax.”
She does it to build a story and then they sell you ads. It’s the shtick.
Probably. I’m glad he got picked up instead of opting for Suicide by Cop. And I hope there are lots of Asians on his murder trial jury.
Oh man, they should – because it would be comedic gold. The attack ads would be awesome.
Announcer: “And what did Senator do as the representative of our great state? Was he looking out for us?”
Senator Doofus: “No! Sam I am, I will not have green eggs and ham, not with a Trump. Not with McConnell. No. No, I will not have green eggs and ham.”
Another Scott
@hitchhiker: “Where you stand depends on where you sit.”
They’re immersed in disinformation.
I blame Murdoch and talk radio and all of the people who have been and are profiting from all of the lies. Average Joes and Janes shouldn’t need to spend time trying to figure out if they’re being lied to by the mass media. I don’t know how to fix it, but the FCC should come down hard on a lot of these operators (even cable uses the public airwaves (microwave and satellite bands)):
The FCC has power to make things better. They should use it.
@Major Major Major Major: Now that just showing off. I have to go lie down between emails.
I’m not interested in seeing Grassley’s naked body. But the attack ads write themselves:
Announcer: “And what did Grassley do while at the Capitol? Was he working for us?”
Naked Grassley: “No! I will not eat Green Eggs and Ham…”
Miss Bianca
@NotMax: Without looking, I’m going to venture a guess it starts like this: – Ecce Caesar, nunc triumphant, qui subegit Galliam…
Why yes, I did take Latin in school, how’d you guess?
ETA: OK, almost right. It’s only been 45 years, after all…
Asians, yes, but with at least half the dead reported to be women — I don’t know the exact breakdown — this gives off vibes of that weirdo man who shot up women at an exercise studio maybe 10 years ago. Another mass murder.
Racial crime and possible incel involved. Fusion. Yuck.
Hate is hate, whether aimed at Asians, women, or Asian women. Perhaps some motives will emerge as he is questioned.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
This kind of sucks if true:
$1,400 Stimulus Checks Could Be Seized By Debt Collectors
Wyden is introducing stand-alone legislation to shield stimulus payments from private third party creditors, however, it’s unclear if it would pass in this Congress with the filibuster, even though such provisions had bipartisan support before
Would they also have to wield the talking stick – which happens to have a mop head – perchance?
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@hitchhiker: Welcome, and come sit six feet from me.
@KrackenJack: Naked karaoke filibuster! I’m filing for a patent. Senate will come begging me for a license.
Biden’s in for the filibuster changes:
@SiubhanDuinne: just going by appearance, who knows if the Atlanta shooter is competent to stand trial?
@Elizabelle: I’ve read that her style is targeted to an audience of pink-collar workers, care givers, and other viewers who may not be sitting staring at the screen for any length of time, but instead may have to jump in and out of paying attention.
One summer, many years ago, I watched a soap opera (The Young and the Restless) and could hardly stand the repetition from day to day. I thought I could watch once a week and still keep up with the various plotlines. In fact, that was the intent.
Maddow isn’t targeting the politically informed but rather folks who don’t have the background and can benefit from repetition, especially if they’re called away from the TV for a time in the middle of her show. Anecdotally, I understand that a lot of viewers appreciate it and feel better informed.
Watching not mandatory. But anything, however elementary, however drawn out, which as an end causes them to wobble on or serves to jostle them off the tuffet of delusional ignorance upon which they are perched is welcome.
Baby steps are still steps.
@Elizabelle: And the guy 20 years ago who shot several women at a (?Canadian?) university because women had received fellowships or the like and he hadn’t. Some women, not necessarily the women he killed. He blamed “women”.
Another Scott
If, like me, you weren’t aware of Vanita Gupta’s history with John Cornyn, you will get an eye-full from the latest piece by Nancy LeTourneau at her blog.
Even if you are aware, click over. It’s a good read and worth getting out of the boat for a few minutes.
We must stand up for good people and not let the monsters win.
@jl: The market is global! Think of the all the aspiring Greatest Deliberative Bodies! I’ll be the Philo Farnsworth of legislative innovation.
I understand that.
I object to the idea, though, that adults who have caused so much damage need to be coddled.
I’m old, so I’ve done a shit ton of stupid stuff in my life — sometimes even out of being ignorant and stuck, as these people clearly are.
But if my stupidity has been causing harm, and I come to understand that, then it’s on me to freaking own it. To say, clearly, “Damn, what a schmuck I’ve been. I’m sorry. Let me help make it right.”
Yeah, they’ve been relentlessly lied to, and they ought to be angry about that. Instead there seems to be a patronizing expectation that we mustn’t ruffle their tiny feathers for fear they’ll hide their little heads under the sand again.
These are adults. Refusing to get vaccinated in a pandemic is a lot like taking a dump in the community pool because someone persuaded you that there might be monsters in the restroom.
Another Scott
The DC Circuit has decided now is the time for a font war. Nature is indeed healing.
Listen to the John Mayer clip in the reply, also too.