On the way home, I stopped by the local coffee shop drive through and got a latte, and while talking the the clerk, she noticed my sticker about the vaccine, and before I knew it, the other cashier was in the window too, and they were both excitedly quizzing me about the the first dose and if I had any side effects. Both were very excited to get their first shot in a couple weeks.
I then went to my favorite Italian place to pick up an order I called in (two quarts of Italian Wedding Soup in case I have a reaction to the shot and don’t feel like eating or cooking), and rinse and repeat the previous experience. The girls were both excited that I got my shot, full of questions, and eager to get a chance to get one.
The final stop was at my pharmacy to pick up a normal prescription and a bottle of tylenol (I don’t have any and rad not to take NSAIDS after the vaccine), and the pharmacist congratulated me on getting it.
I’m wondering if my experiences are atypical, or maybe this is why WV has a higher vaccine rate. There doesn’t seem to be much reticence or avoidance of being vaccinated with the (again, limited) number of people with whom I have discussed the issue.
Funny how doing shots is again a pastime.
Congratulations! Everyone I’ve come across in Austin is happy for me having gotten the vaccine and either has had it or wants it.
My 2nd is on the 31st. And I had no significant reaction to the 1st (Pfizer). Just some sniffles the next day.
Talking about the …. reactions especially if they’re low …. is important.
Yea John! And I look forward to those wonderful store personnel getting their shots, soonest.
I get my second dose of Pfizer on April 5. It does feel like the beginning of the end of the pandemic, at least in blue states, does it not?
Definitely WV. Around here, if anyone knows you’ve received the first shot, all they do is bitch about their inability to get an appointment.
Princess Leia
Got an appointment for our whole household (of homeless guests, plus hub and me) on Monday. The county is finally reaching out to those on the streets to try to get jabs in arms. We are the only congregate living spot of homeless folks that didn’t have any covid cases, so we are all feeling grateful for this next step.
Mary G
Good news!
Dave S
I’m soon to be 64 (not eligible yet) but play tennis with a number of older guys. Topic #1 is the vaccine; who’s gotten it, who’s getting it, etc. I’ve not heard anyone saying they are going to refuse to get vaccinated.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Congrats Cole! I’m getting my second dose this Monday and plan on taking off work the next day in case of side effects
BTW, as a veteran of the Gulf War, what tank did you drive out of curiosity? Was it the then relatively new M1 Abrams? Or the older M60 Patton? If you could, could you give me a little insight into what the experience in combat (if you did) was like? Like what jargon was used by your crew mates during main cannon firing sequences, etc. I might use it in a story for flavor. It would really help me out and I’d love to hear any stories you have
Joe Falco
Congratulations! I pre-registered to get a COVID shot on Georgia’s vaccine website,, since it recently expanded the eligibility list this week.
OT, for my fellow Georgians, I just received a text message from Fair Fight:
“As you probably know, the Georgia General Assembly is working to roll back voting rights in reaction to our historic wins over the last year. This Saturday Fair Fight is hosting a GA Democracy Warrior Summit to learn more about these issues & get trained on how to stand up to defend the sacred right to vote. Can you join us this Sat. 3/20 from 11am-3pm for the virtual GA Democracy Warrior Summit?
Please register today at We will have a variety of breakout sessions to choose from so keep an eye out for an email on Friday with the agenda!”
Passing this along in case anybody else wants to get in on this!
I tell everyone I know that they should get their shots. I offer any helpful hints that I can.
@Princess Leia:
I agree. Tell them about all the reactions that you know about.
I’m eligible starting in April. I can’t wait to be vaccinated.
Keith P.
My shoulder hurt like hell for a couple of days and i slept most of the next day as well from the first shot (Moderna)
Frank Wilhoit
What would they tell a pollster?
Got my first Moderna today. Heard rural areas are oversupplied in MO, so Sunday registered in a small town about 1/2 hour away in the boonies. They called me to get the shot last night. Meanwhile tonight’s news was all about the disaster at the urban mass vax site. I sent a selfie with my shot card to antivaxer Trumpers in TX. Said I got the Trump Vaccine, and we all need to work together to beat the Chinese flu. Don’t think we will ever talk to them again.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Keith P.:
Yeah, I got Moderna for my first shot and my arm hurt badly for a day or so
Congrats, John!
Countdown to greatness for me – Moderna 2 on March 29.
The first dose was so uplifting. Hoping for even more smiles after #2. It’s great that you could share the goodness with others.
Congratulations! Got my 2nd shot yesterday (Pfizer). My arm started to get stiff about 6 hours later, in the evening, and was sore through the night and today. About 26 hours after the shot, the soreness began to ease and is lessening by the hour. I expect in another hour (total of 29-30 hours after the shot) it will be pretty much gone.
After the first shot, it took about 10 hours to start hurting, and hurt all the next day and night, easing hour by hour beginning the second morning. So about 32-36 total hours of sore arm on that occasion.
No other reaction either time, except joy and gratitude.
I am a primary care physician, and have been closing every visit with unvaccinated patients urging them to sign up ASAP for the shot. I have only had a handful of patients (maybe 10% at most) tell me that they will not get it, about evenly divided between RWNJ GQP types and POC. I try to honestly tell all of the refuseniks about the safety and my personal positive experience with the Pfizer shot, Unfortunately, I have a hard time convincing either party.
Eric NNY
I got my second last Friday. I got really sick. I was miserable. BUT, I can only assume it was infinitely less terrible than the actual disease so I’m still thrilled and no regrets.
John Revolta
I’m scheduled for my second shot a week from Saturday. Better still though, Mrs. Revolta, who’s a couple years younger, will probably be signed up next week for her first. I really don’t feel vaccinated until she gets it too.
Eric NNY
@Princess Leia: you are good people.
Old Dan and Little Ann
My 2nd was 2 Fridays ago. I had a huge headache all day Saturday and wanted to do nothing but sleep. Minor headache Sunday. Rockin’ and rollin’ on Monday.
@Mart: Think I’m going to start calling them the Trump flu and the Biden vaccine.
@John Revolta: Aw that’s sweet.
Bookeater (formerly JosieJ)
As I’m reading this, I’m sitting waiting for my 84 year old mom to get her second shot! It was a bit of an ordeal to find her second shot due to a mix-up with Walgreens’s website, but she’s got it and I’m satisfied. I’m also in a high risk group (I’m a transplant patient) but I can get mine at the clinic that follows me, so my process should be a lot less painful!
My 2nd is early next week. I’ve already got the painkillers on-hand, and dinner will either be “cook something simple” or tap the Strategic Leftover Reserve (aka the freezer). I do have to go shopping for some premium ice cream though. That will wait until the day before, because otherwise I’ll eat it all ahead of time.
The city here updates a “how is the vaccination campaign going” dashboard weekly; last update (yesterday) had nearly 40% of the whole population and nearly 90% of the 65+ segment having had at least one dose, so at least locally looks pretty good.
For Los Angelenos, they just expanded the eligibility to include people with hyper-tension and other more common issues so check the list and with your doctors. My wife’s cardiologist reached out to let her know she can now get vaccinated. Now we just have to find an open appt, which may take a week or two since places are fully booked, but we still greatly appreciated her doc reaching out. Now if we could only figure out how to get her parents their shots in (spit) rural Texas…
Major Major Major Major
@John Revolta: My dad became eligible a week or two before my mom. He wanted to wait and go in together, but she told him “don’t be silly, grab a slot as soon as you can. And if worst comes to worst, you can take care of me while I’m sick”. Thankfully, worst didn’t come to worst and they both have had their second shots as of a couple of weeks ago.
Mike in NC
Number 2 shot is on Monday, I’m glad to report.
Got my first “FISA” Fauci ouchie on Tuesday here in the Peoples Republic of Hawaii. Taking off for a long hike through Utah this weekend. Hope to come out of the canyons when they are chasing arms for dose 2. First shot absolutely no problems. Maybe I just got the microchip and no RNA?
Congrats! What a great feeling it is, wrapping up the whole vaccine hunt and acquire process.
IIUC WV [too many letters, Mozart] excelled in distribution by relying on local pharmacies, figuring correctly that they have good access for and relationships with a wide-flung population. They definitely stand out on the national map.
Mine was Pfizer and shot #1 was limited to arm pain, at its greatest on day 2. Shot #2 began the same but by that night my arm hurt like hell and I hardly slept, so day 2 was a rainout and IDK if it was from feeling sick or simply no sleep. Day’s 3 & 4 I added swollen lymph nodes. By day 5 it was all good.
I would take a fistful of naproxin after shot #2 if I had it to do over.
Mary G
O/T, but Laura Linton, Steve Munchkin’s wife, she of the designer labels and black gloves at the Treasury, made a “movie” and it is hilariously terrible:
J&J for me, so one shot. Before arranging it, several people pretty much demanded I that do something about getting a shot, and a (former) co-worker offered to drive me anywhere I needed to go. I found that the scheduler for the nearest MD mass vaccination site was dysfunctional, complained about it on Twitter, and was advised in replies to my tweet that CVS worked well and opened appointments early in the morning, around 5am. So, I followed this advice, and it worked. I’m now a week away from full immunity.
ETA: And the arm was sore for a couple of days, and that was it.
Central Planning
My BigCo is giving everyone the day off after their vaccine if they have side effects. I also learned today that we offer two weeks of emergency time off if you get sick with COVID-19.
See, there is all this discussion of Republicans avoiding the vaccine. However, from what you are saying of WV and from what my mom has said about MS, there is enthusiasm for the vaccine. A lot of people know someone who got sick or who died.
I know people who got sick, but the people who died have been more distant relations.
@Joe Falco: I may have sent you that text. I am volunteering with Fair Fight tonight. Not really supposed to post the link on social media, but directly to friends and family is fine, if they really want to volunteer.
M. Bouffant
“rad not to take NSAIDS after the vaccine”
What’s this mean? (Besides the typo.) Got the J&J vaccine a wk. ago, but they didn’t say anything about NSAIDS, & I have one for the occasional pain in my ass.
@Mary G: I saw the preview some time ago, and I really want to see this movie. ?
Hungry Joe
I’m on Day 11 after my second Moderna. Got moderately sick for about 36 hours, but symptoms went away fast and left no trace, e.g. weakness, feeling rocky. It was like it never happened.
Have read very few J&J accounts so it’s nice to see one. Spouse is getting all “I only want one of the first two” picky and not accepting the notion that Covid is infinitely worse. Hope she hears a few firsthand J&J anecdotes and relents on getting the first possible jab, whichever. Plus, hates needles.
Dan B
@Eric NNY: My partner’s ex had Covid in February. He was very sick for three weeks. He got his furst vaccine last week and was 8n bed for three days, followed by two kidney stones. He has had migraines, new for him, and brain fog. We hope the vaccine helps with the long haul symptoms.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Mary G:
Holy shit, that almost makes The Room look like a Coppola film in comparison. Also, this screams wish-fulfillment. “It’s either let me live out my fantasies in a film I want to make or a costly divorce, Munchkin, dear.”
I also always hated how Mnuchin deliberately changed his signature to be printed so his name would be recognizable on cash. It was done for his ego and narcissism as well as a possible future run for President; name recognition IOW. No one can convince me otherwise
James E Powell
I, too, got my second shot today, about an hour ago. Pfizer. I’m prepared for, but not expecting, side effects. I don’t know why, I’m just optimistic.
Came home in a pretty good mood, turned on the TV and saw on CNN that people are still arguing about wearing a fucking mask. A nation of assholes. No other explanation.
Can the day get any better? All indications are yes.
Congratulations Cole. No vaccine stickers here in my neck of the ‘burbs. I think they should have them like “I voted”. Got my first Moderna shot at Safeway less than 24 hours after the registration email. Very slightly sore shoulder the next day. I assume shot #2 will deck me. Couldn’t schedule the follow up for one month.
Now trying to get KrackenJill an appointment.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
My mom was the same exact way. She ended up getting the Pfizer shot, but I kept telling her not to wait and get the J&J vaccine if that’s what was available. Getting mildly sick was better than having to be hospitalized or worse. Of course, it also came out that J&J is actually just about as effective as Pfizer and Moderna
@John Revolta:
There’s a lot of that going around, and it’s really sweet. Ms. Redshift has had hers because she volunteered to help at upcoming clinics, but she really would rather I’d gotten it.
Have my appointment for a vaccine tomorrow at a local Giant Eagle. Finally. I don’t know which, but they said it’s a first dose, so obviously Moderna or Pfizer. Confirmation email said they will schedule second dose when I’m there tomorrow. My John had his second Pfizer on Monday. He got really sick for about 24 hours and low energy until today. He’s good as new now. PA had a very rocky start with the vaccine but it has apparently caught up and, so far this week, we are second place among the states in shots in arms (big kudos to New Mexico at #1).
@trollhattan: I was a bit dubious at first about J&J, but seeing Derek Lowe’s take on it was reassuring. The J&J shots were tested on a population that had more of the variant virus, but still prevented all serious cases. That’s good enough for me.
Van Buren
Had 2nd Moderna Sunday. First shot, sore arm kicked after a day and lasted 3 days. This time, sore arm started within a few hours but was gone by Tuesday.
Kids getting 2nd shots on the 26th.
Wife gets Pfizer #1 on 4/21. Was just able to get appt today, after becoming eligible yesterday.
Pretty happy.
Miss Bianca
I am getting my first jab tomorrow (Moderna), and already have my second scheduled – the one thing my Public Health Agency has actually handled really well is vaccination.
A little nervous about the potential side effects, since I had a several-day reaction to the flu shot when I got it last fall. Guess I will stock up on some Tylenol.
Pal D wants to wait for the J & J shot – one and done! – although I have no idea when or if we are getting that one out here in rural CO. I may have to ask at the vax clinic tomorrow!
Got my 1st (Moderna) 7 days ago. Arm soreness for about 3 days was all. Mrs. S had her 1st (Pfizer) today. Only a sore arm so far. Don’t anticipate much more when we get our respective #2s in 3 weeks.
Surprised at how efficient our little county’s system has been. (Calvert, MD)
Dan B
Don’t post your shot card on social media.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Mary G:
It gets worse. This a short synopsis from her wiki page about Me, You, Madness:
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): If someone gave me that pitch in an elevator, I’d be looking for a way to get out, ASAP.
I am supposed to be eligible Monday; HerrDoktor got his first Pfizer this past Monday via our Hospital system. I’ll wait for the hospital to contact me, and if they’ve got no shots, sign up via the vax finder at either CVS, Walgreens, or Wegmans. No way in fucking hell am I participating in Charlie Baker’s clusterfuck of a Massachusetts Mass Vaccination program.
I get my second Moderna shot on March 30th. My arm was a lttle sore the next day from my first shot.
Congrats Cole, got my second today too. Celebrated with a decaf cappuccino.
Had my first Moderna on Tuesday; the sore arm started about 4 hours afterwards and I had it all day yesterday. It was gone this morning when I got up. The 2nd will be on 4/13 and I hope the side effects will be just as mild because I have to work. My sister and her husband get their 2nd shots next week. She got Pfizer; he got Moderna. They’re looking forward to getting hair cuts!
That’s wonderful! I’m so thrilled about your second dose, and it’s double good news to hear how enthusiastic all your fellow humans were about it. Hope springs!
People I know were happy I had my first shot. Next Wednesday is number two. My neighbors are happy they have had their first shots as well.
Yeah, it’s almost like a lot of white people are selfish douchebags.
@FlyingToaster: A tip about signing up at Wegmans..hit their website right around noon. They get the vaccine shipments mid-morning and then they open up appointments right before noon.
@Mary G: Birth of another cult classic. “You’re tearing me apart, Lisa!!”
Double Thumbs up. Also, this should be everyone’s moment of Zen on the Internet today.
Pfizer #2 + 8 days. No reaction (I never get one) so hoping it worked!
@Mary G:
Is … is that man in that clip wearing (badly) a kilt over JEGGINGS? And ANKLE BOOTS??
@gbbalto: A very wise person told me that people react differently to shots, and it has nothing to do with the effectiveness.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
David Tennant, arguably one of the greatest British actors, was in a film called “Bad Samaritan” which is basically the same idea with him playing the male serial killer, and it still sucked. A vastly less talented redo? Pass.
Ah shit. I just put on eye makeup for a zoom call and now I’m crying and I’m going to have to wash my face and reapply the mascara and I’ll probably be late for the call. Curse you for posting that.
Boys and their dogs, what can you do, huh?
Everybody wants some!
@Mart: What “disaster at the urban mass vax site” are you referring to?
Just had my first on Monday, and waiting for my 2nd, scheduled for April 1 (hm….appropriate).
I noticed a LOT of my acquaintances got real emotional after their shots….and, no wonder….that emotional load lifted after a year of constant, low level stress? I was feeling none too steady myself…
Cole – Yay! I’m so happy for you – and very pleased to hear WV has positive views of the vaccine, and everyone (at least, everyone you interacted with) looks forward to getting theirs.
Why is WV so Red? Your own anecdotes about the people make them all seem caring, intelligent, and not worms-in-the-head crazy. Why do they keep electing Republicans (Joe Manchin being the single exception)?
@Princess Leia:
That’s amazing! Congrats and kudos. May I ask how you managed to keep everyone safe? (I’m assuming it’s hard to keep the homeless indoors, long term, but that depends on why they’re homeless in the first place.)
@Mary G: Not interested in her movie, but I hope we get to see her husband in some congressional hearings.
“First, Secretary Mnunchin, we want to thank you. There were serious concerns about whether the Treasury could borrow the necessary funds for the American Recovery Act, but as it turned out you had already arranged for a trillion dollars in extra borrowing. That was immensely helpful.
“Now, however, we have some questions, the first and most obvious of which is, What were you planning to do with that money?“
That’s the plot of about every third softcore porn movie on Cinemax. Ahem. So I’ve heard.
My second Moderna left me feverish, lethargic, and mild headache for the following day. But here’s the thing: we tend to interpret pain in ways that augments or diminishes the intensity. With this stuff I kept thinking, “Wow…this is some powerful medicine. It’s really whipping my immune system into shape. Yay!”
John Revolta
@SiubhanDuinne: He appears to have a shirt tied around his waist. I didn’t see the boots and no way am I gonna watch that again. However I do recommend watching the clip below it where she’s “lifting a barbell”. The verisimilitude, it burns.
John Revolta
@Redshift: I mean, they really ought to have some kind of provision for when one spouse is eligible and the other isn’t. I can’t imagine anyone being happy with a setup like that.
Miss Bianca
@sherparick: Oh, man…as someone mourning the 2nd anniversary of the loss of my Luna (who likewise ran off, but didn’t come back), I am just about bawling over this one. Awww!!
What Have The Romans Ever Done for Us?
Sigh. Still waiting to become eligible. Maybe I’ll drive to WV from MD in a few weeks.
Congratulations to all who’ve gotten vaccinated! I’m out of the country and thus won’t be able to get vaccinated for a while, despite my Maine doctor’s office emailing me every week to tell me to come in. (Damn, the arm’s way too short.) I have no idea whether this will help with these vaccines, but when I had the first of the two-step shingles vaccine shots, my arm was really painful. I had the second shot the afternoon before I was supposed to sail a national championship regatta, so I iced and massaged my arm quite a bit—there was almost no discomfort that time. I plan to try it when I finally get my Fauci ouchie.
dr. luba
My niece is a nurse in Chicago. She spent a lot of the past year working on COVID floors.
She called to tell me that she had worked a 10 hour shift vaccinating people, and it was the most rewarding experience she’s had as a nurse. Everyone who came up to her was excited to be getting their shot, and thanked her. She felt both appreciated and amazed .
Good to hear about so many people happy to get the shot.
@sherparick: God damn it. Had to stop reading the comments for a couple of minutes because of blurred vision. Love how the dog calms down and just hugs him.
@sherparick: I tell people I’m agnostic because I don’t care enough about religion to be atheist. ‘Miracles”, good fortune, preachers, etc have never gotten me to believe in a higher power. The only thing that ever has are dogs. The fact that dogs exist is the only thing that gives me doubts.
Shot #2 is a week from tomorrow. I spent this afternoon volunteering at the vaccination site run by my employer (Emory univ.), as I have been doing every Thursday afternoon for the past 5 weeks. My first shot two weeks ago was a “leftover”. I really enjoy the volunteer gig, but I can’t quite explain why. Part of it is a feeling of being part of history.
Tomorrow my husband gets his second Pfizer. My son and I got our first Pfizer last Friday. We get the second one April 2. My son had a sore arm for a couple of days. He didn’t report any other problems. I crashed my sugar within minutes of getting the shot. I have a sensor and the graph showed it dropping like crazy then. (I didn’t have the reader with me.) I drank half a can of Mountain Dew, ate 7-8 sugared peppermints and my sugar was still 72 when I got home. David’s coworker’s brother had the same reaction to the same vaccine (crashed sugar almost immediately after Pfizer). I just kept eating sugar and checking. It took 2-3 hours to get my sugar up above 90.
Because of that, I’m driving David to his second shot and he’s driving me and the kid to our second shot.
Our daughter just got her first shot scheduled for Sunday and her husband becomes eligible on Monday. It will be Pfizer or Moderna because J&J are not going to be available for several weeks now. They ran out and don’t expect to get any in soon.
My son-in-law can get his first starting next week. You have to sign up and create an account ahead of time. I set up his account today so that when they open up appointments on Monday, they can skip that part and go straight to booking an appointment. When they opened up the previous tier, people crashed the registration system the day it opened. If there’s a register, get it set up before you need it.
Finally, well done all!! I hope for regional BJ meetups soon!
Death Panel Truck
Consider yourself fortunate, Cole. I live in Washington state, where we’re so far behind other states it’s ridiculous. I won’t be getting a shot until at least the end of April or early May, and I have four comorbitidies. Meanwhile my goddamned brother and his girlfriend, both under 65, lied about being each other’s caregivers in order to step to the front of the line. My schoolteacher wife just got her first jab two weeks ago, and has to wait two more for her second. She’s been doing classroom teaching since last November, so she should have gotten her shot two months ago. I’m not in the slightest bit impressed with the way Washington has been handling this.
But do you believe in the One Dog or are you poly-canistic?
John Revolta
@Jinchi: Personally, I’m a dyslexic agnostic. I’m not sure if there is a dog.
@Dan B:
Sounds like you already have, but in case you, or others who know COVID long haulers, haven’t seen similar links on some long haulers being helped by vaccination.
I got the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine a few days ago; my wife and teen daughter got their first shot today (Moderna and Pfizer respectively, Pfizer OK’d for 16 and older).
As for side effects my arm was sore for a day in the area of the shot and I felt a bit achey and tired for about 24 hours following. I had a headache the second night following, woke up fine. I’ve dealt with much worse for far longer from seasonal allergies.
Wife felt a bit dizzy for an hour after her shot. She feels fine now. Didn’t faze our daughter at all.
@Mary G: Christ. She trump-dances. Just spastically moves side to side without moving her feet. Like a galvanic frog leg hooked to a battery.
Got my first Pfizer yesterday @Fred Hutch, one day after my eligibility came thru. Feeling a bit beat up, but glad to have the process started. Should be fully immunized by May Day and back to work like a good comrade.
@Mary G: She finally found a use for those long dormant pole dancing skills.
J R in WV
We also had our 2nd Moderna vaccine early Thursday afternoon. My shoulder was sore for a couple of hours, I’ve been having lower back pain for a while, and can’t tell if the current back issues are same old, or from the vaccination.
Anyway, quite a relief driving back home! Neighbors are also happy to be getting their shots, so like your neighborhood!
Second shot for Alice and myself this afternoon! We’ll see about Pfizer aftereffects. Instead of Italian wedding soup, if we don’t feel well there’s homemade chicken stock or scrambled eggs and toast.
NC just got to my group on Monday. and there were no appointments available on-line anywhere. but my wife found a news story about a place in Greensboro (an hour away) that reserves a percentage of its appointments for people who schedule by phone (presumably those without internet access), and how those slots often go unfilled. so, i called, and got my appointment for the first dose this coming Monday.
wife already had her J&J shot a couple weeks ago, because her job put her in the earlier group.