This is Odin. His bed has been stolen. Not sure how you could sit back and allow such a travesty to unfold without intervening. 14/10
— WeRateDogs® (@dog_rates) March 16, 2021
the reason that there have been such predictable partisan swings back-and-forth since around 2005-06 is the constant view that the country was headed in the wrong direction.
if that's changing…
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) March 17, 2021
Yeah, one wonders why voters might be getting disillusioned with the GOP Death Cult…
What the hell is wrong with these people?
— Atticus Finch (@Atticus59914029) March 18, 2021
For background, read here:
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) March 18, 2021
Massie apparently didn't like the mob of insurrectionists being called insurrectionists (?) or the Capitol being called a "temple" of democracy
— Steven Dennis (@StevenTDennis) March 17, 2021
Hmmmm. I’m getting an ad for dog diapers, and I don’t have a dog.
Must be inferring something about House Republicans. Not House trained?
Uncle Cosmo
Am I (could I be) Baron Von Furstinthread?
(ETA: Nein, looks more like #2 to me…)
FTR Among the 12 was the Great Disgrace of the MD Congressional Delegation, Andy Harris, an anesthesiologist high on his own supply. Who will live in infamy for having screamed his pointy widduw head off the day after his first election immediately demanding his Congressional goldplated health care – overlooking the fact that he would not be sworn in for two months. Happily, we gerrymandered the living fuck out of the electoral map so we only have to deal with one fucking arsehole like him.
Does Massie prefer “incel-rection?
Look up definition of passive aggressive in the dictionary and you’ll find a picture of Odin.
@Spanky: The price is no accident!
@Uncle Cosmo:
Add those 12 names to the list we won’t work with on a bipartisan basis.
@debbie: more like, keep those 12 names on the list and move them up.
ETA. Is it me? Or has Boebert gone radio silent?
It’s not even 8am yet. I got nothing.
That damn cat!!!
Their reasoning confirms their brain damage. ?
@Immanentize: Glad (?) To see it’s not just me.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Oh good. I can get on the site this morning. Yesterday, it gave me an error message every time I refreshed.
Voting against the commendation for the capital police is stunning–and not in a good way. You’d think that would be an easy, feel-good vote. But no, stupidly evil gotta be stupidly evil. They probably feel self-righteous about it. To normal people, that’s incomprehensible.
Uncle Cosmo
@Baud: No, flail!
Maybe she’s just moved over to some new right-wing network that thinks OANN is too liberal?
Unspoken: “a prosecution of me.” Besides, I’d think the prosecution will start with felony murder.
Yeah, I noticed that too. Although from the vote totals, it looks like 10 members didn’t vote at all. I tried to find which members didn’t vote and can’t find it yet. Maybe Boebert is a chicken?
Good Morning Everyone ???
The cat ? is so completely unbothered ???
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Even Glock Barbie voted for the bill. That suggests there is a difference between her and the nutjob from GA. Razor thin difference.
Betty Cracker
My Daisy could sympathize with Odin; her diminutive companion animal Badger often monopolizes Daisy’s boxer-sized bed and forces her to arrange herself as best she can on his Boston terrier-sized bed. So unfair.
@Immanentize: Boebert is still tweeting, and the replies are fun to read: “Resign!” “Traitor,” mugshots from her failure-to-appear arrest, etc. An good example of the twitter concept of “ratioed.”
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
Boebert is such a squish.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: How was your class yesterday? Any Roland Barthes-ian deconstruction analysts on the group?
She’s as silent as Ivanka…
@Geminid: You are a brave man for peeking.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Ken: You’re probably right. Because you’d think this vote was a non-brainer. Commendation for the cops? Sure. But Massie et al or someone on their staffs actually read the bill carefully and picked apart the words. Why be so particular about it?
@rikyrah: Good morning.
@debbie: Yes! And where are Maggie Haberman’s dispatches from Jared?
Uh huh
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Immanentize: Despite my having a shaky connection, it was fun! We all really loosened up when they asked what made me start writing fiction, and I confessed to writing Tolkien fanfic. They laughed and cheered. Of course, I couldn’t tell you what they said after I logged off.
According to TPM, Richard Shelby is maybe hinting at giving support to Marjorie Traitor Greene’s “IMPEECH BIEDUN!!!!!! Skreeee!!!” frothing over a President Biden EO regarding the border “wall,” hinting that it’s not unlike the Hunter/Burisma-related arm-twisting by That Fat POS. Or something.
Not that it’s part of his psychological makeup, but I would enjoy seeing/hearing AG Garland announce investigation(s) into whether various Rethug Reps and Senators committed Treason. Most of them wouldn’t stand a chance of getting charged, let alone convicted, but I’d love to see them shit their pant(ie)s over the prospect. [Hawley, Cruz, Boebert are the first who come to mind.]
Is Debra Haaland still a voting member? She’s not been sworn in as Secretary yet (I think that happens today).
Just peeked at her Twitter. She’s doing a surprising number of retweets. Too lazy, you think?
So let me get this straight. The Republicans who voted against this were voting AGAINST showing recognition to police for their efforts above and beyond the call of duty as a way of SUPPORTING the police?
Does this seem completely backwards to anyone else? Whoever’s advising these people should be fired.
I hope they make impeaching Biden the issue in the midterms.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: the difference between Boebert’s and Greene’s vote on this resolution may be that Greene won the the GA 14th by over 40 points,* while Boebert won the CO 3rd by only 6.
*since its first election in 2012, no Democratic Congressional candidate has won more than 30% of the vote in this Northwest Georgia district.
Oil firms knew decades ago fossil fuels posed grave health risks, files reveal
Profits > people.
@debbie: staff or someone not her handling her account? She has fallen far.
@Ken: I think Haaland has resigned her seat. At least she gave a farewell speech in the House floor yesterday. A good speech, covered by New Mexico media.
Is it possible people vote for these assholes because they’re assholes?
The Thin Black Duke
@rikyrah: I wonder if the news coverage would be different if Robert Kraft was one of the victims.
I can’t believe I haven’t heard about this before.
@Uncle Cosmo: My 5th VA district congressman voted against the resolution. No surprise there; he is a true asshole. I’d type his name, but it’s too close to breakfast.
Uncle Cosmo
@Wag: Waiting for the day she flips off the safety while holstering her surrogate-willy & puts a round into her leg.
Oh yes, absolutely that’s part of the reason. MAGA’s love that their representatives are assholes – they see it as being “politically incorrect” and “not woke”.
Well, after all, according to Senator Tim Scott, “woke supremacy” is as bad as “white supremacy.” No, I’m not kidding.
Bobby Thomson
Check each of their phone records.
Tis true. I saw a Woke Only water fountain just the other day.
@debbie: Small cat in giant bed! LOL
True, but you’d think being a likeable person comes in somewhere for an elected pol. Gaetz, for example, comes across as an obnoxious tool no matter what the setting or occasion may be.
@rikyrah: It doesn’t count unless he speaks at a press conference.
While all Congresscritters by definition seek attention, Republicans, especially their crazy dangerous branch are some of the most dimwhitted drama queens in DC. Who do those 12 think their performance plays to? I swear to FSM.
@Soprano2: @danielx: I have a vague hope that the resumption of earmarks will have some effect, though it may take a few election cycles. It also depends on voters in congressional district X noticing that district Y got all their roads repaved, and X got nothing.
Any bookfacers want to be totally awesome and bring us regular reports from this upcoming shitshow-to-be?
@Baud: Iowa: The R won by six votes and theree are 22 votes not counted for trifling reasons. They basically said, Whoops, out of time. The R goes to Congress. The D immediately appealed to Congress, as is her legal right.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Hey did raven make it to his bracket Calcutta? What were his choices?
I only know of one routine Calcutta, and the money in it is batshit nuts – like tens of thousands of $$$.
Believe it or not, they find these people likeable. Keep in mind, these are people who think Donald Trump is wonderful.
Noting that this weekend TCM has a decent bunch of, shall we say, durable films among their offerings. (All times Eastern.)
Bad Day at Black Rock – Saturday 1:30 p.m.
Anatomy of a Murder – Saturday 5 p.m.
The Third Man – Saturday at midnight, again Sunday at 10 a.m.
The Caine Mutiny – Sunday 3:30 p.m.
My Favorite Year – Sunday 6 p.m.
The Mouse on the Moon – Sunday 10:45 p.m.
@Soprano2: They hate all the right people.
Another Scott
@Dorothy A. Winsor: :-). Excellent. Glad you had a good time.
Gin & Tonic
@rikyrah: I got my Pfizer #2 yesterday, so I’m part of that count. A little arm soreness this AM, but not much else. The fatigue I can probably attribute to my double-red-cell donation yesterday.
Matt McIrvin
I’m happy that so many Democrats won and we seem to have competent people in office, but I don’t think I’m ever again going to be able to honestly say that I think the United States is on the right track. It can’t possibly get onto the right track during the time I have remaining to live. Maybe 300 years from now, if anything is left.
@NotMax: Zither me! (The accompanying movie is pretty good too.)
@NotMax: Bad Day at Black Rock is a winner. It has a strong liberal political undercurrent. The insolent Lee Marvin and the crazy Ernest Borgnine are memorable thugs. And when Borgnine jumps the one-armed Spencer Tracy- well, you just have to see it.
With good, stark New Mexico scenery.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@rikyrah: Let me guess, the narrative is “These Shameless Yellow She-Hussies with their ancient devil inspired massage techniques lured this fine white Christian boy into the horrors of SEX-ADDICTION!!! at which point it could only end in blood” This is like watching a re-enactment of early 20th C white American society. All do we need now is some phrenologist quack explaining why East Asians are obsessed with sex because the shape of their skulls.
I have scheduled m first shot for tomorrow morning. Joy!
@NotMax: Everyone should watch Bad Day at Black Rock. What a great film. What a prescient title?
Perseverance needs a lube job.
@Betty Cracker: They say to always have one more litter box than you have cats.
My rule is that you need one more dog bed than the number of dogs. That way, no matter what, the second dog has a choice.
I hope the FBI / DOJ are all up in her business.
I was certain it was filmed in AZ.
ETA: Wikipedia
Bosley Crowther, film critic for The New York Times, also liked it, writing, “Slowly, through a process of guarded discourse, which director John Sturges has built up by patient, methodical pacing of his almost completely male cast, an eerie light begins to glimmer … Quite as interesting as the drama, which smacks of being contrived, are the types of masculine creatures paraded in this film. Mr. Tracy is sturdy and laconic as a war veteran with a lame arm (which does not hamper him, however, in fighting judo style). Mr. Ryan is angular and vicious as the uneasy king-pin of the town, and Walter Brennan is cryptic and caustic as the local mortician with a streak of spunk. Ernest Borgnine as a potbellied bully (he was Sgt. “Fatso” Judson in From Here to Eternity), Dean Jagger as a rum-guzzling sheriff, Lee Marvin as a dimwitted tough, John Ericson as a nervous hotel clerk and Russell Collins as a station-master are all good, too.”[16]
Was called Twin Pines, California until that pesky McFly kid showed up.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
They are playing to the flea market stand operators, diner owners, used car dealers and the like that consider themselves overtaxed and overregulated small businessmen, and who spend a lot of time sending chain emails about Obama, Biden, China and The Blacks.
Amir Khalid
I’ve heard that some cats will dominate the family dog and boss it around.
@Immanentize: Maybe she’s saving them for her next propagriftment project- Mein Leader Part 2
Bill K
I’m always fascinated by the pack mentality that leads to situations like the dog and cat in this post. Under other circumstances the dog would attack and kill the cat immediately. But both the dog and the cat understand that they are members of the same pack which is that household. So the cat can confidently make a power play under the protection of the alpha human and the dog feels he has to suck it up.
@NotMax: Heh. Lone Pine after.
@Amir Khalid: @Bill K: The dog is merely recognizing that the cat is further up the hierarchy, because the cat bosses the human around. Why else would the human clean the cat’s litter box?
@Gin & Tonic: Getting mine today!
@OzarkHillbilly: Ah. I was fooled by the fictional New Mexico setting. I also thought that The Harvey Girls was filmed in Arizona, but now I see that it too was filmed in California, except for a few scenes filmed in the Monument Valley
I read that Earnest Borgnine’s early characters were so mean and obnoxious that he had a problem with meeting men on the street who wanted to fight him.
@Geminid: Was that the scene where Judy Garland and Angela Lansbury were riding a giant mechanical spider, or have I mixed up two movies?
Excellent plan. Beta dog always needs a choice.
@Ken: Don’t know. I just remember the scene where Angela Lansbury picks a fight with Judy Garland, and the other Harvey Girls come storming across the street to brawl with the saloon girls. But the kind-hearted Garland later befriends the sad Lansbury.
@SFAW: Such an embarrassment to me that he is a graduate of my alma mater.
mali muso
Good morning, jackals! Dropped off the kiddo at daycare this morning with a smile on my face as her music selections for the car ride were on point. You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced a four year old belting out “Higher Ground” along with Stevie Wonder.
Cheryl from Maryland
@Uncle Cosmo: It troubles me that despite Hogan’s complete clusterfuck of vaccine distribution and his lies regarding vaccine access (I live in MoCo — we are unfairly blamed for taking the vast majority of the appointments at Six Flags despite that the majority of appointments are for people who live in Howard and Anne Arundel Counties AND get fewer doses compared to population) that Hogan’s approval level hasn’t cratered with the big three — PG County, MoCo, and Baltimore). The Democratic Party in Maryland needs to be ready for 2022 — Governor and Senate races.
@mali muso: Such a sweet image. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Betty Cracker
@Matt McIrvin: Steve M at No More Mr. Nice Blog has been speculating about polling and now has me wondering if the polling outfits are deliberately NOT doing TFG vs. Biden and/or Democrats vs. Repub polls on handling the pandemic because they are afraid for some reason it would show Republicans and their shitty policies are unpopular.
I know fuck-all about polling, and as Steve points out, you can extrapolate from Biden’s job approval rates, the popularity of the relief package, etc., that the public supports the Democrats’ approach. But while there’s been polling among Republicans on TFG support, Steve says there have been no head-to-head comparisons. That does seem odd since TFG and well over half of Congressional Repubs claim TFG is the true POTUS.
He certainly got a lot of those kinds of roles.
@Cheryl from Maryland: Worth noting that failures are very much at the managerial level. E.g., that the Six Flags scheduling page would show incomprehensible errors and timeouts when faced with heavy traffic. This should not happen. The CVS scheduling page, in contrast, simply made the user wait until it was ready. I did get a callback from the MDCOVID ‘hot’ line after I complained— two weeks later.
Fast women:
@Phylllis: Tim Scott faces reelection in 2022, and it appears that he is going all in to shore up support within the base Republican base. My 5th VA Congressman seems to be following the same strategy. This may not work so well for the freshman Congressman, who won by only 6 points and faces redistricting. But he ran as a “bright red, Biblical Conservative,” and does not have it in him to moderate his politics. A one-termer, I hope.
@Betty Cracker: IMO, the ‘TFG is POTUS’ claim is pure bullshit at this point.. Except, perhaps, among the few who are getting their information directly from the grey aliens. In any case, polling is even more useless than ever, so why bother.
Steve in the ATL
@MattF: that is patently ridiculous. The greys are reasonable; it’s the reptilians who are spreading lies.
As far as I know*, ammunition is never registered, never has been, and I doubt ever will. Hell’s bells, most firearms aren’t registered in this country.
*my one caveat is there may be some type of regulations regarding specialized types of ammo, but I’m so out of touch with that world that I don’t even know what all is out there, much less how stringently it may be regulated, tho I really doubt any ammo is.
Beady-eyed, sleazy KGB mobster.
@Steve in the ATL: That’s exactly what the greys want you to believe.
Betty Cracker
@MattF: Agreed, but as we know, pollsters conduct useless polls addressing bullshit topics all the time. So why are they leaving this big, fat, juicy issue alone?
J R in WV
And how many year ago did we learn that lead affected the brain?
My first job was in the composing room of my family’s newspaper plant, with dozens of hot pots of molten lead on the linotypes. ~1965 give or take a year, was in Jr High and worked nights in the summertime as a proofreader.
Wow did it get hot in there!! Even on a cool summer’s evening.
I figured out yesterday that our neighbour is seriously messed up from a year old brain injury that she told me was “completely healed”. Saturday she told me she and her boyfriend were going to cut down the pine tree between our houses because it was ratty and blocked her view. Monday I asked her to let us trim it up and if that wasn’t good enough then cut it down. She agreed. I did the work, she freaked out and said she’d never said she was going to cut it down, oh no, now she can see the street, someone stole her shrubs, these big rocks are her’s so why were they on our side of the property line (I immediately rolled them to her side). I told her I’d plant some new shrubs on our side, but she insists I put them in the middle so we can share them but she doesn’t like what shrubs I offered to plant
Apparently she’s healed enough to present as fairly normal on a superficial basis, and we’ve only lived here a few months. Now I expect her boyfriend to come unglued on me over it but I will stand my ground and tell my side of the story. What sucks is she is super talkative and doesn’t pick up on “I’m busy” cues, and I have a ton of front yard work to do. I’m not planting anything in there, period; she’s too nuts and I just want to end all interactions after this cluster because I don’t trust her at all.
Another Scott
Yay Torture Beast!!
@germy: D.C. prosecutors will throw the book at that guy. I read that Texas authorities tipped D.C. police off, said he was coming.
Years ago I had a friend visiting from London, and he was going on and on about all the stuff in American culture he found weird.
At one point he went into a tirade about how we believe celebrities are the roles they play. He used Bing Crosby as an example. Bing is seen as a lovable, mellow dude… but in reality he was an abusive father; two of his sons committed suicide.
He went down the list of a few other celebrities like John Wayne, etc.
I’m not sure if that’s an American thing, though. I think people in the UK believe celebrity myths, as well. (Like Benny Hill as a “swinging bachelor” or Jimmy Savile as a kind-hearted philanthropist)
Someone in a comments section somewhere made a pun:
The incel is now in cell.
@Another Scott:
Major should appear at all press conferences, staring intently at any reporter who tries a frivolous question. Maybe walk slowly towards the reporter, too.
Biden: “Want to rephrase that into an intelligent question, or should I let go of this leash?”
Another Scott
@J R in WV: A good friend from high school was a long-time auto mechanic. Once he showed me a bottle of some sort of solvent he worked with, listing all the health warnings, and pointing out that his colleagues rarely wore gloves when using it. One of the things mentioned was leukemia.
He died of leukemia maybe 15-20 years later.
In general, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair.
J R in WV
@Uncle Cosmo:
If, as widely reported, she carries a Glock, there is no seperate safety switch at all.
Their “safety” is a tiny lever within the trigger, which is depressed when you squeeze the trigger. Or when anything else depresses the trigger and also depresses the tiny spring-loaded safety level.
I wouldn’t have one, although I have fired Glocks at ranges, which since there is no holster involved, is less dangerous than trying to carry one around. They shoot well, but no way would I buy one to carry around.
Betty Cracker
@StringOnAStick: Ugh, that’s an awful situation. I hope you can successfully extricate yourself so you don’t have to deal with either one of them.
We had a nutty neighbor at our old place — not right next door but catty-corner across the road. When he first moved in, he was really friendly with my husband, who is the most laid-back guy EVER, but then he started making false accusations and picking petty fights. I worried they’d come to blows more than once.
My husband planted shrubs and bamboo in such a way as to block the view of that guy’s place from our yard. He (my hubby) called these plants “Johnny-blockers,” LOL! Sounds like you need some Johnny-blockers!
@germy: OK, you are speaking of regs that apply in DC, my bad, but want to note,
The ammo is still not registered. (and can’t be, there are no serial numbers on ammo)
eta: which is not to say it can’t be illegal.
Matt McIrvin
@Betty Cracker: Head-to-head candidate comparisons are rare until you get at least within a couple of years of the election, no?
Miss Bianca
Well, Boebert showed up at an in-person, indoor “rally” in the western part of our district the other day. So she may be laying low on social media, but she’s soaking up the plaudits from GOP death cultists in-state.
Meanwhile, the state Democratic Party has apparently made CD-3 its number one priority. Lucky me, I guess…
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Geminid: I’m always surprised when people can’t tell a fictional character like the ones Borgnine played from reality. My book club recently read The Gown, in which a embroiderer makes these tapestries about the Holocaust. Several people searched to see if those tapestries were real. That never occurred to me. It’s fiction
I’d be very surprised if he did. He deals with that behavior every day. My little sis had a brain tumor removed when she was in her late 20s. It destroyed her short term memory. I know it drove her husband nuts but he was a saint and found ways to deal with it. The same can be said of her now SO.
@Gin & Tonic:
@germy: Yeah, people have that tendency. It’s easier than seeing actors as fully rounded human beings.
smedley the uncertain
@OzarkHillbilly: Depleted Uranium?
@Miss Bianca: Colorado will gain an eighth Representative through reapportionment, so the CO3rd’s northern and eastern boundaries will be adjusted some. The new independent redistricting commission is supposed to act neutrally, but I’m hoping they just happen to give Boebert a more Democratic district.
J R in WV
I can’t believe I haven’t heard about this before.
I have read that CNN article twice now, pretty closely. No where do they mention any reason the Iowa election people have for not counting the 22 ballots, other than to elect the Republican rather than the Democrat.
When they do refer to the ballots it is always as “22 legally cast ballots” or other words to that effect, like “In this case, there are 22 ballots that were legitimately cast that hadn’t been counted.”
To me, “Whoops, out of time, the R goes to congress” doesn’t pull very much weight. Hope this works out properly and for the best interests of democracy!
Republicans twisting and turning to steal elections is nothing new, of course. But interesting to watch.
@germy: Well, see, these people are actors. Professional pretenders, and they are often very good at it. One of the few things I actually learned in college. So, e.g., Edward G. Robinson, in real life, was an intelligent, highly cultured guy.
@Betty Cracker: Yeah, we had talked so many times about how lucky we were to have good neighbours on all sides; surprise!
@OzarkHillbilly: Thanks, I hope that’s true. She told me that he was with her when the gust of wind lifted the restaurant patio umbrella and beaned her with the pole end.
@Geminid: Twitter got pretty hilarious when Gun Bunny Boebert tried to start a gratitude thread.
Steve in the ATL
So those letters in Parade magazine and the like where people ask “Is the guy who plays Sheldon on the Big Bang Theory really a math genius?” are actually written by moronic fans, not by lazy publicists?
Steve in the ATL
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
You know the guy who plays Baud on “Balloon Juice”? IRL he actually wears pants!
Steve in the ATL
@J R in WV:
Well, about 20 years ago SCOTUS said “Whoops, out of time, the R goes to the White House”….
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: We have 5 beds for one dog. They all get used every day. ;-)
@Steve in the ATL:
There are more than a few actors who are perceived as being really smart and funny, when they’ve just been lucky to pick a script written by a smart and funny screenwriter.
@germy: Biden: “His kill word is ‘press conference’.”
@smedley the uncertain: I was thinking mortar rounds. But there’s a long list of weapons not covered by the second amendment.
Betty Cracker
@germy: False advertising! I was waiting for a pterodactyl to appear and bite their heads off, and it never did. “Hauntingly beautiful” my arse! :)
“Fox!” (low growling)
“OAN!” (louder growling, barking)
“Newsmax!” (breaks free of leash, dives at reporter)
@J R in WV: I read that Iowa law regarding recounts was very restrictive, and the Democrat had no means to challenge the exclusion of the 22 ballots in an Iowa court.
By contrast, when Claudia Tenney narrowly won the NY 22nd District last November, and Democratic Congressman Anthony Brindisi asked for a recount, there was an exhaustive review of all the many contested ballots. NY Judge Scott DelConte said that it was more important to get this done right than to get it done quickly, and he really meant it. Ultimately, Tenney was declared the winner by less than 200 votes, but the judge, who ran for his post as a Democrat, had been so thorough that Brindisi did not appeal.
But the House’s authority to review the validity of its members elections is clear, even if it is used rarely. I suspect Democrats have kept this matter quiet until now so as to avoid spurious comparisons to trump baseless challenges to his defeat.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Dorothy A. Winsor: This brings two anecdotes to mind.
One: I’m a fan of spy novelist Helen MacInnes, who started out writing a number of thrillers during WW2. One of them featured a resistance operation under Nazi occupation (possibly in Bavaria if I recall correctly) that was apparently convincing enough that the Nazis went looking for the real village the fictional one was based on.
Two: I’m embarrassed to admit I sometimes read and enjoy Hollywood memoirs. One really enjoyable one was by Alison Arngrim, who played Melissa Gilbert’s arch-enemy mean girl on “Little House on the Prairie”. As she relates, they were immediate best friends in reality, but sometimes if they went out shopping in the same store, people would pull Melissa Gilbert aside and warn her that “Nellie” was also in the store. And when she and the actor playing her mother did appearances in costume, they did not, shall we say, receive a lot of love.
@smedley the uncertain: That would be a safe bet, but I am referring to a specialized market where some guys will reload ammo to specific criteria. The only thing that come to mind right now is a guy who was making tracer rounds. I don’t even recall if it was illegal to manufacture them or not, just that it was mentioned in a news story about something.
Like I said, I am way out of touch with that world and don’t even know what is out there much less any kind of regulations on them. If I need ammo I just go to the local farm and home store and buy it off the shelf.
@Steve in the ATL:
Slander! Bots CAN’T wear pants! They have no legs!
@Uncle Cosmo:
I commented on the Post article:
J R in WV
Tiffany just looks
stupidkind of vacant to me, I don’t know why. And in the video, so many of the Republicans dancing seem to have a lot of trouble finding and keeping up with the beat; many of them also look very stupid, which puts Tiff ahead of most of them by a country mile.Steve in the ATL
@Baud: dude, that would be LIBEL not slander. I thought you had been programmed with the JD app–must need an update!
Gin & Tonic
@Another Scott: We also have multiple beds for one dog, used daily. Some of them are also called “couches.”
@Steve in the ATL:
I must be infected with the zero day Guliani virus. That would also explain the melting hair.
@Betty Cracker: The crazy next door just ranted at my husband that I ruined her tree, I lied about it all and said she’s never talking to me again, which would be great if she had enough memory to actually remember that. He finally walked away and shut the garage door as she was ranting at him.
Fair Economist
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Fiction writers, especially video fiction, often try to take advantage of that to pull people in. The Coen brothers went so far as to falsely claim Fargo was “based on true events”. I remember seeing that and wondering how I didn’t hear about it in the media; so I looked it up and found out about the deception. Likewise almost any series with a secrecy/conspiratorial twist works to make the story “fit in the cracks” of the real world.
See also George “Gabby” Hayes and Louis Wolheim, for just two other examples.
@Steve in the ATL
cake ispants are a lie!”:)
J R in WV
I also want to speak about people who can’t tell fiction from reality… what is with that? Evangelists preaching about spells in Harry Potter books? Would they react the same way to The Wizard of Oz?
Fiction is by definition NOT REAL. No one in those books/movies/TV shows is real. The characters are NOT REAL at all, they’re not mass-murders, they are actors, paid to pretend to be whatever the plot requires. Sgt Shultz was smart enough to be well paid to wear a costume and say, loudly, “I know nozink!”
But lots of people can’t make the distinction, and go through life thinking that the masterful businessman in “The Apprentice” was really a masterful businessman, instead of a dorky guy who could run casinos into bankruptcy in no time! I hear he’s making noises about turning Mar-a-Lago into a casino club — where will he try to move after that goes belly-up? Bankrupt golf club?
Uncle Cosmo
It won’t be. Which probably won’t affect the Senate but probably will keep the Governorship in GOP hands.
There have been 5 gubernatorial elections this millennium. In a state where registration runs 60-40 in their favor, the Democrats have won only 2 of them (winners in bold):
Notice a pattern there?
The last 2 elections are most telling: In the 2014 Democratic primary there was no serious opposition to LtGov Anthony Brown. Hogan took him down in part because Brown was widely seen as incompetent. (The single major executive task he’d been assigned by the GOV – development and implementation of the state PPACA – turned out a fuster-cluck.)
In the 2018 MD Democratic primary, two AA candidates (Jealous and Baker) hoovered up nearly 70% of the vote; no one else came close.[1] Incumbent Hogan crushed Jealous in the general.
Note that 2 of the 3 counties that are Democratic strongholds (Montgomery, Prince Georges, and Baltimore City[2]) are heavily African-American. These results strongly suggest that
Our state has more DINOs than Jurassic Park. Many of them are found outside the more populous counties, where the deep blue bleeds into purple and then red. But many of them live in PG or Baltimore City and keep their (D) registration because for local offices, the primary is all that counts – and our primaries are closed. When they don’t have to vote for a Democrat, they’re just as likely to jump ship out of bigotry or pure cussedness.
My point is that African-American Democrats (and to a lesser extent, left-leaning cohorts in “Monkey”, Howard and Baltimore Counties) can and will determine the statewide nominees.
For 2022 this doesn’t much affect Attorney-General, Comptroller or US Senator, since those offices are not term limited and it would appear the Democratic incumbents will cruise to re-election unless they retire. (Or are indicted, or resign after indictment. [3])
Much as it pains me to say it – Should the AA community of Democrats promote one of their own to run for Governor against a white male[4], enough DINOs are likely to crawl out of the woodwork to give the “Free” State[5] four more years of a Thuglican executive…and it may not end even then.
[1] It would’ve been interesting had Kevin Kamenetz, the outgoing term-limited Baltimore County Executive, been in the mix. KK’s sudden untimely death in mid-campaign 8^O removed the one credible white male candidate.
[2] NB the City of Baltimore belongs to no county and is as a separate jurisdiction is essentially the 24th county of the state; a condition it shares with St. Louis and (maybe) Jacksonville.
[3] Just kidding! (The days when “Cradle of Graft” was the motto on the National Lampoon‘s suggested MD license plate are long gone. I hope.)
[4] The incumbent LtGov, Boyd Rutherford, is AA – but IMO he will be eliminated in the primary by an unspecified white male. We’re talkin’ GOP here, peeps!
[5] Marylanders will tell you ain’t nuffin’ free (or even cheap) here – which is why, in the last decades of the previous millennium, great numbers beat feet just across the Mason-Dixon Line into southern PA.
@Amir Khalid: I saw this bad boy:—1988-album-tour-used-gibson-es-175d-guitar/ai/0/35963/
and thought of your quest for a hollow body!
@Uncle Cosmo
Trivia: AFAIK Maryland is the only state which has a community whose name is devoid of vowels.
@StringOnAStick: I wonder if you should write the lady a gentle and kind letter, explaining what actually happened. Something she can refer to, when her memory goes on the whack. And she might have more anger problems after the brain injury.
I wonder also if you should call the local police and report this, in the event anyone in the house has guns. You don’t want to be surprised, and they might need to know the background in event crazy lady calls them. Or copy them on the letter?
Neighbor lady sounds like the kind of person who could get shot by police, because she cannot moderate her behavior.
Strange times we live in. I am so sorry you are having to endure this situation.
Gin & Tonic
Hey, who remembers back in 2019, when Treasury lifted sanctions on Rusal (the Russian aluminum company) and it committed to a $200 M plant in Kentucky?
Funny thing – they’ve announced they’re suspending that project. Wonder if it might have anything to do with Russia’s election interference not working out as planned, and now TFG is F and Mitch is minority leader. So take the money and run, I guess. Like the hit man in an old Law & Order said: “I see your quid, but I don’t see no pro quo on the table.”
Steve in the ATL
@NotMax: surprised they didn’t change the name after all those years that TB12 manhandled the Ravens
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: I’m sure we’ve gone off on the “Strč prst skrz krk” tangent here.
Another Scott
@Uncle Cosmo: Good summary. Thanks.
However, …
IIRC, correct me if I’m wrong, the problem (or at least the public face of the problem) – like Obamacare – was the rollout of the MD exchange website.
If one were conspiracy minded, one might wonder if the tech guys at IBM (the main supplier in this case) just happened to roll out crappy software for high profile projects like this in hope of damaging high-profile Democrats. :-/
I’m not conspiracy minded, much, myself. Being a politician isn’t like being head-honcho of a big software project. They’re different skill-sets. But I do hope that our side is learning that oversight is critical, and picking a big name is no guarantee of competence.
All that said, politics isn’t fair. Perceptions matter a lot.
I don’t know how to fix MD Democratic politics, but I hope you folks get on the right road soon.
I don’t remember this episode of Murder She Wrote. Did Angela kill Judy eventually like her other victims at Cabot Cove?
Another Scott
@NotMax: How about numbers? 84, PA.
Betty Cracker
@StringOnAStick: Lord! Let’s hope that promise sticks. I hate it that I had the same thought Elizabelle expressed at #162 — a concern about guns.
@Steve in the ATL:
Well, I’m sure not voting Baud in 2020 ever again!
Starboard Tack
@Uncle Cosmo:
I think she carries in a holster to the back so she’d shoot herself in the ass. Even funnier.
@Betty Cracker:
If one doesn’t want to hear bad news, never ask the question you know the answer to, and don’t want to hear.
The most appalling ad just appeared on YouTube for me, grifting for the RNCC. It included a partial image of the orange turnip, showing his right ear and crow’s feet, I suppose in response to the cease and desist for use of his picture. winred wants to take enough seats in the House for a majority. The hook for the video was “Our president is back!”—the horror!
Uncle Cosmo
Um, don’t look now, but Poe’s Crows usually gave almost as good as they got. Certainly better than most any other NFL team vs the Cheatriots. There was the 2012 AFC Championship Game, when Tom “Puss In Cleats” Brady stuck out a foot trying to disembowel Ed Reed when Reed was trying to avoid him. The AFCCC from the year before that the Cheats only won due to two lucky breaks at the end. The one from the year after whre the Cheats had to cheat to win. There was the playoff game with the first play from scrimmage a 70+-yard Ravens TD run from scrimmage – P.I.C. looked pretty mortal in that one as I recall, getting stripsacked by TSizzle, picked off by Reeeeeed, and running for his life from #52 (who didn’t even have a knife on him…). There was one in the Cheats’ undefeated regular season where Kyle Boller – yup, Kyle Frickin’ Boller – and the Crows were manhandling them and only a last-minute slipup by DC Rex Ryan gave the visitors a chance to pull it out. I could go on…
…but fuck, what does an arrogant imbecile like you (& so many other Cheatriot fanbois) care for facts? Wonder if you play as free & loose with them as an (anti-)labor lawyer?
Uncle Cosmo
@Gin & Tonic: You just know that little town has a sister hamlet in the wilds of Bosnia, where the USAF had to drop bags of vowels on a mercy mission…
(TB R ~TB, tht s d ?…)
Steve in the ATL
@Uncle Cosmo: dude, you need to smoke a bowl or something. I am no Patriots fan (28-3 ring a bell?) and I despise that trump-loving jerk and his whole “TB12” brand. Plus all the cheating. And those weird sleeveless things that Belicheck wears.
If you check my dossier, you’ll see that I follow college football, not NFL. I prefer the purity and innocence of the amateur game!
ETA: and I stand in solidarity with relatives in SE Florida on that snowplow field goal BS from decades ago!
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Actually, I went to an exhibit of tapestries on just this theme at our local art gallery. I can’t remember the name of the artist. She completed the tapestries after she came to the United States, and they were amazing – intricate and well designed.
@Elizabelle: She came over to tell me she doesn’t want anything planted between our houses; yesterday we were walking around together for an hour after the “tree event”, discussing new shrubs for this blank area, showing each other our yards, her telling me over and over that it’s fine, the tree looks good. Then the event with my husband this morning. Then later this morning she came to our door to tell me she wants nothing planted in the space between our houses after I promised to spend plenty to get it back to something she likes, though last night I realized she flips 180 degrees on everything she says that involves a decision, and decided to plant nothing, not even on our side of the property line (there’s no irrigation so it would be a pain to have anything there anyway, this is high desert). She was obviously trying to get back in our good graces by being nice in this last interaction so she’d have someone to talk to, but I do not want to have any kind of relationship with her at all or else we’ll never be able to spend any time in our own yard without her showing up and not taking hints that the interaction is over. I don’t think a letter will help.
Her boyfriend lives at his own house, and I’m sure he’ll want to talk to me at some point over all this. He’ll have to take her side in front of her, but he has to know that she is not mentally competent. She even said so later yesterday that he tells her “I don’t have my memories back, but I tell him I have 100%”. After her telling me that “someone must have driven up and stolen her shrubs” is when I knew she shouldn’t even be driving. Like I said, she can superficially present as OK, maybe a bit ditzy with age; now it is real obvious it’s much more than that.
@Betty Cracker: She’s very much a liberal so I doubt she has any guns. Her boyfriend volunteers a lot with the local Green Bag program to help feed local kids; they just don’t seem like the gun type. I’m going to see how she acts and then decide if I call the police to see what I should tell them.
@Dorothy Winsor,
A little research on the artist at the Rochester Memorial Art Gallery. She was Esther Nisenthal Krinitz and her art was called embrordiery with fabric collage-not tapestry. I think you can find it by googling her. It was beautiful.
Either acetone or brake cleaner – who knows whats in that. I want ventilation/mask and gloves, for either one. If working with them regularly for job.
video all that you can manage…you will need it in case there are future hostile interactions…believe me…
J R in WV
My dad grew up in his dad’s business — a print shop/newspaper back in the 1920-30s. As a youngster, he helped out in the shop, cleaning the presses, with solvents. Back then they were solvents like benzene and carbon-tet. Who knows what else would be in an ink solvent from 1933?
Come around the late 1990s some 60 years later on Dad came down with a very rare form of leukemia — it escapes me right now. IT was rare because it takes 50+ years for the exposure to result in the disease. But because my dad started when he was very young, he lived long enough to contract the disease. (CMML?)
Anyway, he got hooked up with a clinical trial at M D Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, and took 2 clear capsules of a white powder twice a day, and it licked that cancer like antibiotics kick ass on a standard bacterial infection.
Solvents can kill, sometimes it takes a while, but they can do it.