Other than slight discomfort at the point of injection, over 24 hours in and no side effects from the second Moderna dose.
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Other than slight discomfort at the point of injection, over 24 hours in and no side effects from the second Moderna dose.
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Good news! I get my second Pfizer tomorrow and I’m stocking up with easy prep meals and snax after the Tech game in case I go down hard and the kids have to fend for themselves on Sunday.
I just had a sore arm and a few hours of feeling off from Pfizer two.
The tail doesn’t start to grow for another few days.
obviously this was all made possible because you hydrated properly…..
@dmsilev: No, he got Moderna, not Pfizer.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
Had first Moderna shot yesterday, arm is sore but nothing else going on.
I have never had such a feeling of relief and, frankly, joy from a medical intervention, ever.
My symptoms didn’t kick in until about 30 hours after. Dayquill and a sleep.
@Ken: Ah, my mistake. Moderna is the 6th toe, right?
Someday soon, I too , hope to get lucky and get the vaccine.
@Ken: Oh, he’ll get a third eye! I think that’ll look really nice on him.
John, don’t let Bill Gates tell you otherwise – your third eye will be very handsome.
Yes, you are lucky. I was sick with a fever, chills, headache, body aches and slight nausea for 36 hours after Moderna #2. Plus, I got a rash on my arm near the injection site along with the sore arm for 4 days. However, my husband’s reaction was just like yours, John.
Both my sisters had only a sore arm and felt tired after Pfizer #2. And my daughter only felt slightly tired and achy for 24 hours after the J&J.
I guess I am just unlucky. But I was fine with it because I planned for a day doing nothing and it was a relief to know that the vaccine was working.
My wife, son and daughter in-law all had awful reactions. Mine very minor. I had heard that the stronger the reaction the better your immune system is. So, John, our immune systems suck.
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix: The way I described my feelings to someone is “I’m on a five week timer to Good”. Even knowing that that timer was running, that my immune system had started building its defenses, was an enormous relief. I’ll feel even better 2.5 weeks from now when the process has made it to completion.
Just got Pfizer 1 and experienced homicidal rage, but might just be the Friday drive from Aquidneck Island jab-site back to Providence.
I got my first Pfizer shot today and so far all good. I go back April 9 for the second shot which is when the government tracking chip gets added.
mali muso
Day 4 out from my Pfizer shot 1. Had a sore arm for about 2 days, but nothing else. Going to be prepared for possibly a harder reaction after shot 2, as I hear that may be the case. Cried some actual tears of relief after the shot…even though I’m not in any high-risk categories. Just the heavy sense of underlying fear from the past year slowly melting.
James E Powell
I got Pfizer #2 yesterday and feel no side effects at all. Unless there is some change, I plan on doing my usual wine & cheese liberal Friday night. I read that alcohol does not impair the process.
We got ours Wednesday and my experience was like yours, John. Mrs J lost an afternoon to an upset tummy and went to bed early on both the first jab and the second.
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix: Same here! Get shot #2 on 4/20!
obviously they gave you the placebo.
I get my 2nd Moderna shot in 4 weeks. I’m hoping that if there are side effects that they won’t be any worse than what I went through on the interferon shots I had to do weekly (and then thrice weekly) for 17 years. Chills, fever, body aches and feeling like crap were par for the course back then.
Betty Cracker
I was able to get in line and pre-register in anticipation of the blessed day when my age group is eligible, so I’m stoked! That wasn’t possible in Florida until this week because the state is run by screeching red-assed baboons.
Which one of you cowards is going to debate me?
Getting my second Pfizer tomorrow. Hope Im just as lucky .
Just got home from Pfizer Part Deux; for Central Texas locals, I had to drive from Cedar Park to San Marcos, which is a reasonably pleasant drive except for downtown Austin. No reaction yet. I’ll probably vomit tomorrow, but it’s just as likely to be a reaction to the Everton match as to the vaccine.
J R in WV
Wife and I got our second Moderna shots yesterday at the county Primary Care Center, which since late March weather is far better than mid-February weather is now doing drive-thru vaccinations. The Primary Care Clinic is the Only health care in the county, they seem very professional, even have a dental facility.
As we waited in the car for our 15 minute observation period, I asked one of the staff if they had any patients show any sign of a serious reaction, and she thought a minute and said since starting the vaccination program in late January, no one had a reaction after their shot that required an intervention, not one!
No arm pain to speak of, but my new little green tail has started itching something awful!!! ;~)
Actually, I am a little listless, dunno whether that’s from spending the past year in the house or not. And creaky, but I’m old and arthritic and take a lot of meds. But it is a GREAT relief from constant fear to have both shots done. Even tho it will be a couple more weeks for full immunity. It feels great to think about it~!!~
Husband didn’t have any symptoms after the second shot except a sore arm for a day, but the afternoon of day 9 he got a very bad headache, which is very unusual for him. May or may not have been a reaction to the vaccine, but went away by the next morning.
About 12 hours after my second Moderna shot, I woke up in bed sweating like mad with a fever, chills, and body aches all over. Couldn’t get back to sleep. Started to get better later the next day after some Tylenol, tea, and rest, and was mostly gone by the second day. Lucky it was the weekend or I definitely would have missed work.
No regrets — looking forward to hanging out with some other vaccinated friends this weekend for the first time in a year.
Gin & Tonic
@p.a.: You had to go all the way down to the island? I hope you packed a lunch.
I got mine in Cranston.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
@dmsilev: My wife is a healthcare worker and she said the same thing after she got hers weeks ago — every day post shot #1 means a day that you’re less likely to die of COVID.
@eclare: 4/15! By May 1, I have a superpower.
Faithful Lurker
I must have looked more dithery than usual this morning at our little corner produce market. A nice young man came up to me and said that I was looking nervous and did I want a covid shot. They’re giving the shots locally and have more vaccine than people. Who would have believed it 2 months ago.
I’ve had my 2 shots.
I’m hoping I can be like that, but since I had Covid the odds aren’t good. I’m so excited – my employees at the pub will be eligible on March 29th (should have been with this round, grrrr…..), and everyone in MO will be able to sign up on April 9th. I guess our rotten governor Parson was kind of shamed into it with all the bad publicity about the mass vaccine events out near Bumfuck, MO, (not a real town as far as I know) where doses were going to waste while people in the big cities were desperately trying to sign up anywhere they could find a dose. One theory I have about this is that people in the rural areas haven’t changed their lives that much, so they aren’t that hot to get vaccinated, while so many people in cities have had to make big changes in their lives that they cannot WAIT to be vaccinated!
@japa21: I was chatting with one of the clinic guys at work and he said that it was pretty much random, and also that there wasn’t a huge correlation between the strengths of reaction of the first and second doses. So, guess we all get to roll the dice and see.
Sure beats getting the disease though.
Gin & Tonic
OT, but the House passed a resolution condemning the military coup in Myanmar. 14 reps voted against it – I haven’t checked one for one, but there’s an awful lot of overlap with the 12 who voted against the Congressional gold medals for the police who worked to prevent the insurrection of January 6.
Apparently they are all OK with the idea of military coups.
I experienced soul-burning shame at giving in to Liberal Hysteria over the Great China Virus Hoax and sacrificing my Liberty to Big Gummint “scientists.” I’m sure that’s why I felt down for about half a day after Pfizer 2.
Oh who am I kidding. It was euphoric.
The reaction came on fast btw — kinda scary. But then it plateaued and left me in the fog for a while, and all was well by the next day.
@Gin & Tonic: Well yes, as long as they’re the Right Sort of People, if you know what I mean.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
I can’t wait for my turn to come. Don’t know how long it’ll be, but I’m eagerly awaiting.
” no side effects from the second Moderna dose. ”
I felt like I was coming down with bad flu for 3 days after the second shot. Achy, tired and sore, and a little woozy, but then fine.
When I got the shot I asked how long it usually took any side effects to start, and the nurse said a few hours. So, by some obscure logic, I stayed up late to see how bad it would be, but nothing. Then I woke up and still felt OK. But after walking around for a few minutes, I did not feel OK.
Another milestone: I have a weekly meeting with several coworkers. Over Zoom, of course. Today, we broached the subject of meeting in person. Everyone has had their first shot, and by early April we’ll all be done. So, tentatively, third week in April we might sit down together outside somewhere and actually talk face to face for the first time in over a year.
I got my first shot this afternoon and am very disappointed to see that I am only getting four, maybe four and a half bars @ 4G. Do I have to wait for the second shot for full connectivity
ETA: I do live in an area with very poor cellular coverage, but it’s not much better on my home wifi. I am dissapoint.
Found out today that the timeline for vaccinations has been moved up. I’m eligible starting March 23rd and my kids are all eligible starting April 19 (ages 16 and up). I can’t wait. This has been exhausting.
@eclare: duuuuuuude
I got my second Pfizer shot yesterday morning: arm got sore overnight, chills and body aches this afternoon. Looking forward to getting past this phase!
Uncle Cosmo
You just think you’re “lucky,” Cole.
Not having any side effects might mean it didn’t provoke your immune system into cranking up to develop antibodies. I.e., you are one of those exceedingly unlucky souls in whom it didn’t take. Who will keep getting jabbed with different concoctions until one of them damn well does take. As evidenced by fever, chills, puking, soreness, fatigue, and all the other shit the rest of us have to put up with.
(Have as nice of a day as you can now that I’ve done my best to ruin it… ;^p)
I am due for the second Moderna dose on April 1. Hope all goes well.
I did not have any issues with the first shot.
@p.a.: Are you lucky enough to be in the current RI eligibility brackets? I’m a hair under 50, without eligible medical problems (at least that RI cares about), and feel like even when the mid-April slots open up, it might be another month before any spots are actually available. Especially given the way things seem to have been mismanaged so far.
My wife, on the other hand, despite being slightly younger than me, is fortunate enough to work for a medical provider in Worcester and got both her jabs. The second Moderna knocked her down for almost 36 hours. So now our middle-school aged child is only angling to kill me.
I didn’t have any reaction to my first shot (Pfizer) but had two days of feeling ick with the second. Still two days of ick are better that one nanosecond on a ventilator IMHO.
Had Pfizer One yesterday and I’m pretty miserable, with symptoms akin to when I had Covid. I mean, I’m happy in my brain, just miserable in my body.
On the bright side, one of those symptoms I have again is loss of appetite. While I was in isolation with actual Covid, in January, I put on a pair of shorts that were a struggle to wear in the summer and they slipped right on. I think that was the highlight of my isolation.
You are pretty lucky. I was exhausted and completely devoid of energy for a day or so after my second Moderna. My husband felt awful, chills and shivering and headache, after his (although my daughter and I wondered how much of that was “man flu”).
I had a migraine just over a week after my second Pfizer shot but I don’t/didn’t credit it to the shot, which may have been a contributing factor though, as I’ve had migraines for decades and I normally get one about ever 5-6 weeks now that there is a method to block a lot of them (Large dosage of B2 and Magnesium Oxide every day seems to work pretty good) and I am able to get a mitigation med (Zolmitriptan) for the rest of them.
Uncle Cosmo
I did, but I suspect they had more to do with the administration of the shot. Cripes, the injection site bled.
Hoping the’ same guy’s not needling late Wholly Saturday afternoon when I return for Jabbituya 2.0: The BooBooster. But I’m immorally certain he will be… :^(
Kayla Rudbek
Still waiting for notice to make my appointment for the shot. At this point I’ll take any of Moderna/Pfizer/J&J. And good news for me in that the initial results from the genetic testing is that I don’t have BRCA mutations, so I can probably get away with lumpectomies.
Of course, I have been assured that the radiation treatments will make my bust size smaller, so 1) plans for knitting myself more sweaters are on hold until after that is done and 2) I am now trying to figure out what size of camp shirts I should buy in preparation for the surgery, recovery, and radiation treatments (I tend to prefer polo shirts but that’s not going to work for the post-surgery and medical appointments as I understand it). Any suggestions from the jackals in terms of how much approximate size/volume I should expect to lose, before I start shopping?
I get my first Moderna tomorrow. According to the schedule that means I would get my second on the 19th, which is right before I leave town for a few days. Kinda hoping I can push that to the 24th so at least I have the weekend to account for the immune system whoosh.
Futurespouse got dose 1 of AZ/OXford a couple days back. No clots so far.
@Kayla Rudbek: I had a lumpectomy and radiation for breast cancer and didn’t notice any size difference at all, except for the little chunk missing after the lumpectomy. If you would like to compare notes in more detail, WaterGirl has my email; would be happy to communicate directly.
It’s really not so bad.
I just washed my car for the first time this year, 24h exactly after my first Pfizer dose. If anything, I think moving my arms a lot, while there is soreness, may help work it out faster?
I do understand that second doses are more likely to have side effects. Hopefully mild, I’ll know in three weeks.
@Soprano2: my daughter and her husband in Kansas City are both healthy 40 year olds and were called for their shots yesterday. She heard that there were so many refusers in the rural areas that they have enough for younger people.
Sister Golden Bear
A couple hours into Pfizer #1 and the only problem is that I’m still only getting 4G. I’m gonna have to take it up with Bill Gates.
Just got Moderna #2 about an hour ago. Arm slightly sore, and kind of tired. But I was already kind of tired, so maybe I just need a nap.
I work for a pharma company in MP, IL. They just offered to bring in the med bus to do the vaccinations onsite for anybody that wants to take it.
@EntroPi: Yep I’m 61, 62 barreling down on me. Just filed for Social.
I heard there was a big drive-through event at Arrowhead Stadium, giving J&J shots to any resident of Jackson County, (Kansas City area) who had an appointment, no age restrictions.
I had my Oxford/AZ #1 on Wednesday morning and started feeling rough about 12 hours later. Was still a little washed out this morning but am much better now.
One relative with fairly serious migraines ended up crawling around on her floor for hours after her shot. She probably had Covid months ago, but was never tested at the time (husband definitely had it). But then again, the wrong food can send her to bed or urgent care, so she’s knows it’s a crap shoot to do something like the vaccine. She wanted it anyway, and I am proud of her for that. She’s going to ask her neurologist about the wisdom of a second dose.
One friend needed IV antihistamines 4-6 hours after her shot. It worked out OK, and she also is checking with her care provider about wether to do dose two.
That said, I had no qualms about getting dose one, though since it was far out of town, I brought the quasi-spousal-unit. We stopped for pie on the way home. :)
@Renie: No, that’s when they activate it. Have to ensure you make it through the first dose. No point wasting resources if you don’t.
Pfizer #2 on Monday. It’s a 20- minute drive home, so I hope I can get there before anything kicks in. I’ve got 12 sick days socked away, so I should be covered.
karen marie
Not as hard as I expected it to be — I have an appointment for 3 pm on Monday for my first shot. Thanks for the encouragement, kids!
I was migrainish, achy, and flushy after the first. My doctor told me to get the second shot regardless.
@Booger: Yep. My first thought was well I won’t forget that date!
@Kayla Rudbek: look for the softest fabrics you can find. Think baby clothes soft. Soft is your friend when radiation is on your calendar. I’m wishing you good margins and a full, swift recovery.
@EntroPi: I had real issues with the state appointment website on my iPad. Went on android phone, 5 minutes done. Went back on iPad to check for improvement: nope. iPad/Safari only loaded day 0 appointments, all full. Android loaded 0, 0+1, 0+2 etc. plenty of openings.
Question for those who are past Pfizer dose two: Are we nuts to have me drive alone the 155 miles to dose two, and then home? If I have a serious reaction, one of my dearest friends lives 5 mins away, and I will certainly let him know before and after how I’m doing. But assuming the 15 minutes pass uneventfully, I plan to hop in the car and be home 2.5 hours later.
For context, I have no problem driving from Kearney, NE to Minneapolis, alone, in one day when I’m not integrating mRNA into my deltoid.
The quasi-spousal-unit can come with if need be, but it’s suboptimal from his work perspective. Just gathering no-obligation opinions. Thanks.
Starboard Tack
@Gin & Tonic:
Cross posted from below:
From @kristin_wilson
Lauren Boebert
Andy Biggs (Both)
Matt Gaetz (Both)
Tom Massie (Both)
Ken Buck
Mary Miller
Chip Roy
Jodey Hice
Alex Mooney
Scott Perry
Andy Harris (Both)
Ted Budd
Barry Moore
Marjorie Taylor Greene (Both)
Capitol Police
I don’t understand the refusers. France and Germany are expecting a surge in infections because vaccine deliveries have been slow.
Do these refusers still think that the virus is fake news?
Starboard Tack
I had a rough 36 hours after my second Pfizer on 2 February. I haven’t had any subsequent developments. A prehensile tail would have been nice, but I was really hoping for wings.
Chief Oshkosh
The real issue is the erection that lasts longer than four hours. I mean, do you call 911 or what? I never could figure that out. Anyway, good luck Cole. We’re pullin’ fer ya!
Got Moderna #1 on the road in Hattiesburg MS a week ago. The pharmacy staff at Walmart where I scored an appt (thru vaccinefinder.org) weren’t concerned that we were out of state. #2 is due when we’re in California, either 29 Palms or Orange County. I’ll have to figure this one out without going thru myturn.gov, the state website, because it bounces you if you give a non-CA address.
Starboard Tack
@Chief Oshkosh:
I believe the treatment involves a needle and large syringe. Don’t try that at home.
@Kayla Rudbek: It depends on how much tissue they need to take. I recommend loose shirts that button up the front (and soft bras that fasten in the front, too). Don’t make your arms do any pulling shirts over head for the first few days. By the time you’re doing radiation you can wear whatever since you’ll be healed and will take your shirt off for that anyway.
something fabulous
@Ken: Wait, no tail from Moderna? I am disappoint.
Another Scott
A colleague of mine in NoVA signed up for an appointment in NC and drove down to get his first shot (and drove back). They apparently don’t have residency requirements and he wanted it ASAP (has a newborn at home). He has an appointment for the 2nd shot down there, but is hoping that he can finagle a way to get the 2nd shot closer to home, but that’s TBD.
The system is still crazy… :-/
@RaflW: i’m only just after dose one, but having a reaction similar to dose two, and you should be fine as long as you don’t stay overnight and then head back the next day. It takes a few hours for the immune system to rev up and go to town. I didn’t start feeling sick until around three in the morning and I got the shot at about one in the afternoon.
This is an incredibly stressful game.
Gin & Tonic
@Starboard Tack: Thank you.
@RaflW: After my Pfizer dose two, my arm began hurting 3 or 4 hours later — a little sooner and a little more painful (and ultimately lasting a little longer) than after dose one. It wouldn’t have interfered with driving, had I needed to do so at that point.
Just one person’s experience!
Impossible to predict as anecdotal evidence is all over the place.
“But the second dose of both vaccines has quickly gained a reputation for packing a punch, with side effects that may include fatigue, chills, headache, muscle aches and pains, and even a fever. “More people — 40 to 50 percent — experience some of these symptoms to one degree or another after the second vaccine,” Schaffner says. This happens because “your immune system is starting to work and cope with the stimulus that comes from the vaccine — so in a sense it’s a good thing.”
When Your Second Vaccine Dose Packs a Punch
@frosty: You might have better luck in Arizona, we still have a shortage here in California.
Starboard Tack
@Gin & Tonic:
De rien!!
something fabulous
@Booger: HA! BJ style manual in full effect!
I didn’t expect the tail to be prehensile, which is really cool. This is with the Moderna vaccine, don’t know about Pfizer. Also had a day of fatigue after the second shot.
O/T from BBC News. World Happiness Report.
The US is Number 14
Old Dan and Little Ann
I’ve had nothing but nanobot dreams since my 2nd shot. Or are they?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Good idea except we leave AZ before the 4-week wait for Moderna is done. Then it’s a question of is it better to get it too early or too late? I may msg my doc and ask her.
in either case it’s a huge relief to get #1. I’m still amazed it worked out. No side effects for either of us BTW except the usual sore shoulder from any shot.
Mary G
@frosty: Orange County checks IDs to make sure you live in the county, or at least they did when I got mine. Appointments are made through covid19.othena.com – it even has the names of the nurses who vaccinated me. Thanks Shannon Evans and Belinda Alvarez!
Want to be depressed? Take a look at this:
More than 4 in 10 health-care workers have not been vaccinated, Post-KFF poll finds
Here in Colorado, my phase is starting today. I am on the list and am waiting for an appointment. I want it to be behind me already.
@Old Dan and Little Ann: Are you dreaming of electric nanosheep?
Falling Diphthong
I get my first Moderna dose Monday, so genuinely elated to read this.
Given everything we’ve been through and are going through, I’ll settle for 14th place. I expected lower.
@Chief Oshkosh: Phrasing!
Our milestone was the 1 year anniversary of us and our group eating outside a White Tiger. We only missed a couple of Friday dates the whole year!!
Go Illini!!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
That’s the infuriating thing here, “we’re on a list” but nobody actually says anything of substance. So you don’t really know wtf is going on.
Also too, most reports indicate the state’s still woefully behind on the previous group and now they’re opening it up to “us”?
Somebody pointed me to a Facebook group and while everybody means well, because it’s a free-for-all, it’s basically Twit Olympics when it comes to scurrying around trying to find a slot.
Chief Oshkosh
@Stephen: We have a winna! ;)
Mallard Filmore
I get Moderna jab #2 middle of next month, I’m hoping for eyes in the back of my head.
I think they’re beginning to come around here in Ohio. People have begun showing up, demanding shots without appointments and without eligible conditions.
I got my second Pfizer shot yesterday and ended up taking a three hour nap a couple of hours after I got home. A sore arm and fatigue seem to be my only symptoms, but some of the medications I take on a regular basis may be masking any of the other reactions I might have.
@p.a.: RI state site using Safari on my Mac was touch and go when I was making an appointment for the spouse just now, but eventually got her in at the Dunk next Saturday. My eligibility came through when they opened it up to teachers and got my J & J through CVS just a week ago. Based on your experience I might try Chrome next time for spousal appointment #2 to see if that works any better.
As for side effects, I didn’t notice anything, even though my annual flu shot always gives me a day or two of moderate symptoms. Immunology is really complicated, apparently
Mallard Filmore
Oh, com’on guys. That “chip” is just more Microsoft vaporware.
Not really, according to people I know who have declined to wear masks or any of that other nonsense because they have “done their own research.”
Needless to say (at least here at BJ) these are people I haven’t allowed to come near me, and may never again. I don’t need murderous Dunning-Kruger idiots in my life.
@Benw: You didn’t want to play the Illini.
@Kayla Rudbek: After my lumpectomy in 2017and 3 weeks of radiation, very little change in size. Persistent ache at incision site only side effect I have noticed.
Mallard Filmore
You can try cvs.com … they seem to have their own vaccine supply.
After radiation, I who would normally wear a bra with an underwire, wore fabric only bras that were known familially as the “cancer bras”.
Uncle Cosmo
Obviously you are somewhat confoozled. That was Electoral Dysfunction. If an election persists for more than 4 days, call your spin doctor.
zhena gogolia
I love this place where people are so helpful with advice. So sweet.
I had my first Pfizer 3/5, some soreness in arm and neck, no fatigue, not even as much as I usually get after the flu shot.
My husband had J&J and just had fatigue and foggy brain the next day.
@Drdavechemist: At state site I went to they set up shot 2 before you leave. They said the 3 week Pfizer window is pretty small. Don’t know about town/drugstore procedures.
@RaflW: I didn’t feel shitty until the next day.
Both 1st and 2nd does of Moderna packed a punch for me. I am still getting intense bouts of fatigue 16 days after the 2nd shot. I went thru the same reaction with the 1st shot . Things improved slowly but steadily until I felt fine 3 weeks after.
I do feel a sense of relief. Next month, I’m going to test my new superpowers. Fishing season opens April 1st. and I’m very anxious to book a few party boat trips for Stripers, California Halibut and Rockfish
I’m hoping for a prehensile tail agile enough to tie knots in my fishing line.
@Anotherlurker: So in the SF Bay?
@Mallard Filmore: The CVS, Rite Aid, and Walgreens here in California adhere to the state vaccination guidelines.
@raven: Yup. East Bay Area.
@p.a.: Crap. Guess I’ll use Chrome on whatever device I end up using, then.
I’m hoping that by then one of the CVSs in walking distance might have their crap together.
These are the pharmacies in California that are part of the federal program. They use the California eligibility requirements but it’s possible that they may accept non-residents. I am not sure. I do know you don’t have to be a county resident like the public health department programs require.
@Anotherlurker: Damn, my buddy lives in Berkley and he’s come east for a couple of offshore trips. He’s not really crazy about it like I am and I keep thinking maybe a couple of bay trips there would be good
Here we are off the rigs in Louisiana.
@raven: I didn’t want to lose in the first round
@Benw: Nobody does, pretty tough task without Wright. I actually would have liked to seen two amazing Puerto Rican guards play each other.
@Kayla Rudbek:
No suggestions, but lots of good thoughts and positive wishes for you.
@Scout211: Thanks all!
@Anotherlurker: I didn’t get the tail. Bummer. I was hoping for an elephant nose without having to breathe through it (masking would be difficult.)
My first Moderna was mild, except I felt the urgent need to nap for five hours. And my arm was a bit sore.
My second shot was a bit worse. Arm same sore, but a day longer. Also very slightly feverish, and a bit queasy, and same urgent need to nap, but for two days.
Sort of like the worst flu shot reaction I have ever had. Mostly I have no flu shot reactions.
So apparently everyone’s reaction to every vaccine is different.
This is actually kind of interesting having multiple vaccines out there with reactions all over the place. My 96 year old dad (a retired doctor who has never missed a chance to be vaccinated ever) had pretty much no reaction at all. I think he had Moderna. He used to give us tetanus shots annually instead of every ten years. A wonder he didn’t kill us.
Pfizer here. Had no real reactions for the first approx 12 hrs after either shot. The second as I’ve said was feeling rather tired for the entire next day, better second, back to normal waking on the third day.
Everyone is different, so it is hard to say one way or another. I had to drive all the way across Los Angeles to get home, in traffic, was not a problem but that was only an hour.
If you are nervous about it, I’d take precautions if at all possible. One never really knows.
The deniers seem to get their news from out of their asses, or fox – which seems to be the same, so I wouldn’t count on it being anywhere near realistic.
@dmsilev: Damn. I wanted the tail to hold my pencil so that I can touch type tax data using two sets of fingers, while holding my paper in place and checking off with the pencil.
I still would have gotten the shots without the tail, but it is a disappointment.
@Betty Cracker: I got an email from the county health department this afternoon after Desantis announced 50 year olds can start next Monday. I hesitated because I need Pfizer #2 but google says the shots are the same. When I entered my birthday it gave me choices next week but that is to soon so I backed out. I will check later for later slots. I need April 1 about. This will save me an hour+ drive in traffic to Jacksonville.
i hadn’t heard from them in the 2 months since I preregistered, but within hours of the Governor’s announcement they sent an email. That really encourages me.
@raven: Nice! Are Yellowfin the quarry?
I’m born and raised L.I. NY so I spent a lot of my time chasing inshore and offshore species. Thanks to my Dad, I’ve been a fishing junkie since I was 3. I have fished the East Coast, Gulf Coast Fl. California and Alaska.
Florida had excellent fishing but I couldn’t stand the people. When someone on a party boat asks if they can fish next to you on the bow, because there are too many N*words fishing the stern, it is a big turn off.
I like the fishing out here.
Off topic, can I share a picture? If so, how?
@raven: imma miss Moses and Jose next year! Good luck the rest of the way
@raven: My dad, a physician, got a binch of vaccinesin Korea in the 1950s where they ised a giant syringe, amd dosed them out bit by bit. Pretty much everyone at tje back of the line, including him, got hepatitis.
He used to be six feet tall. He came come from Korea weighing less than his five two wife.
He expected for most of his life that his liver would blow out early from complications from the hepatitis. He’s 96 years old in a nursing home now with a fully functionning liver, and dementia. And his younger wife died ten years ago. Go figure.
@Kayla Rudbek: Buy for smoothness and softness against bare skin. You will have sore incisions healing, right? Think about how it feels when buying. Think comfort IMO. I had chemo, not radiation so I can’t say more.
Recovery from the surgery is when I switched to an iPad over a desk top or lap top computer. I can lie in bed and read the internet and the iPad didn’t weigh enough to hurt on my tummy.
I did nine weeks, 5 days a week of radiation for my cancer and didn’t take off any clothes during. Not breast cancer through, the likelihood of an old male getting that is not zero, but is rather slim. As I understand there are 2 main processes used, internal and directed beam, which is what I had. Each session took about 15 minutes.
@Anotherlurker: Yes, I caught a 60 pounder and that was it save some bonita. It was pretty expensive to take a boat with 4 350 Merc’s but it’s a long way out and we hauled ass and it was my retirement so we went for it. I mostly do charters out of Destin that take 8-10 and some headboats. I had a group of brothers I fished with there for about 5 years but they stopped coming when they put such drastic limits on snapper. I post pictures by using my flickr to produce a blind URL so you only see that shot and not my whole account. email me at markann at that google email thing.
@sab: Well those jet guns turned out to be really unsanitary too and, if you moved, they’d cut you wide open. Some dudes fainted before they even got to the gun.
@Benw: Thanks, sister Jean makes me nervous. I’ve got her bobblehead from their last run!
Decent article. Good info that everyone should have, just so they know what what’s possible and likely.
Old Dan and Little Ann
@dmsilev: Yes. And they all sound like George Soros. Even though I’ve never heard him speak. ; )
J R in WV
Email it to [email protected] — you didn’t hear this from me, capische?!
@Mallard Filmore:
CVS is one of the pharmacy chains getting direct federal supplies, and may be one of the good choices. I believe the others are Walgreens and Rite Aid, but could easily be wrong on that.
I received an email from my rep about the pharmacies in my area giving shots, with the vaccine each is using. There are 6 within a 5 minute drive, another 6 within a 10-15 drive. I have no idea about the number of shots/per day each can/does give out but if it’s feds I’d bet they don’t care where you live.
So much for my info on the feds supplying them…..
Change ‘yesterday’ to ‘this afternoon’ and you have my experience. Just got up from that nap.
We got, as best as I remember 4 airguns and 2 needle shots. USN San Diego in early 1970.
I waited about 18 hrs to pass out. Then spent 9 days in the hospital. Good times. On the up side though the Pfizer was a breeze in comparison.
@Ruckus: I’ve kind of felt that way about the last year. . .I’ve had worse.
Sword of Damocles
Got Pfizer #1 yesterday, on the way home got a flat tire and had to change it in the pouring rain. FML. Sore arm overnight, but played 2 hours of Pickleball this morning. So far so good. Wife got Pfizer #2 today, headache, little bit of chills and tired.
Got Moderna #2 day before yesterday and it knocked me on my ass. I was so sick that I was seriously considering going to the ER. Choking, vomiting, barely able to breathe…I thought I had COVID. I’m finally coming around..had some soup a little while ago and am managing to keep it down. Moderna #2 seems to be causing more the most problems. I don’t care..I would do it again if I had to. The results are worth it.
J R in WV
I entered Great Lakes in March 2 1970 and remember 2 shot lines with multiple gun injections and multiple needle injections each time — at least a dozen shots, could have been many more than that.
No idea what we were injected with, will always wonder what mystery experimental meds they tried out on us.They did their best to keep us confused, and that worked well…
Would bet anything they have no idea today what was being injected into recruits in the 1970s..
Did get pneumonia while in boot camp, spent several days on bed rest, was afraid I would get ASMOed to another company for extra days of boot camp, worst thought ever!!
@dmsilev: I gained a superpower – I can make wine disappear!
@J R in WV: Look at the link I posted.
Good, that’s encouraging John…. I’m due for my second moderna in about 2 weeks…hoping I’m as lucky…first one I had a small sore spot at injection site, and was bone tired for a day after, but other than that…
Thanks Ruckus and others. I wouldn’t really say I’m nervous, but I like to joke that I’m like the old Greyhound sign inside the front of the bus: “Safe, courteous, efficient.” It wouldn’t really be efficient to take a 5 hour nap at an interstate rest area, though I would if needed to maintain part one above.
Sister Golden Bear
@Old Dan and Little Ann: Do nanobots dream of nanobot sheep?