Time for a new vaccination thread!
Share your experience, and get a sticker! Just tell me which sticker you want, so I can sticker you!
Samwise, Baby Champ and Henry:
Rosie & Thurston, Lily, Tikka:
This post is in: COVID-19, Open Threads, I Got the Shot!
Time for a new vaccination thread!
Share your experience, and get a sticker! Just tell me which sticker you want, so I can sticker you!
Samwise, Baby Champ and Henry:
Rosie & Thurston, Lily, Tikka:
Comments are closed.
Got the second shot last Tuesday, so my “full immunity” timer has ticked down to 8 days. Pfizer shot, minimal side effects (felt very tired both right after the shot and the afternoon of the following day, arm was sore for about two days). Really efficient operation run by the local public health department. I spent a grand total of 20 minutes in the clinic, including the 15 minute post-shot observation period.
Now planning first-in-over-a-year visit to see my (also vaccinated) parents. That’ll be mid April, mostly because it aligns with school vacation for my niece and nephew. They’ve already requested a baking lesson (making bagels…).
zhena gogolia
Is there any reason why you can’t get the second shot in the other arm?
@zhena gogolia: No reason at all. In fact, for people who had a bad reaction in their arm with the first shot, they suggested changing arms as an option.
It’s totally up to the person getting the shot.
Officially fully vaccinated since last Friday, so no vaccine sticker is called for. But we do need an ‘I got a haircut’ sticker.
ETA: Maybe Steve, before and after.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Got my second Moderna shot on the 22nd. Hardly experienced any side effects aside from slight aches and minor tiredness the day after. No fever either
I’ll take the Steve sticker please : )
@zhena gogolia: It’s up to you. I ended up getting both shots in the same arm (right, since I’m left-handed), but both times the nurses said that there wasn’t any difference and it was my call.
Got my second Pfizer shot on Friday. I had a sore arm for a day and my armpit is still swollen but no other side effects. Tikka sticker for me please!
Going to get Pfizer #2 on Thursday – Got an email from the health department that said no rescheduling – if I miss it I will have to wait until it is generally available. (I’m in the educational group, though at 62 YO others my age are getting it too.) Which is fine except I was scheduled to do a Zoom class with “visiting” prospective grad students a half hour later and across town. Had to move the class since I’m not going to miss the shot.
The first one two weeks ago was easy and quick. Got to choose which arm and since my left has been cramping up I went with my right and noticed no ill effects. Was a bit tired the next day but I’m often tired.
This means our June Yellowstone vacation (originally planned for last summer) should be low stress and relatively safe since Jenny will have her second shot a week after mine now that the under 65s are starting to be vaccinated. We will both be “fully” immune by mid-April. We are pretty good at traveling without relying on food-buying on the road anyway, traveling with two large coolers when we went out to our cabin in the mountains of WY last year. But it will be much easier to go on a two week trip when we can safely get takeout somewhere. And we will continue to mask and avoid close contact with people until we are told otherwise by competent authorities.
Everyone in my family has had one dose (of two); my second is due the 10th of Apirl. So very happy everyone has some high level protection.
I’ll take a gaggle of ducks if available relative to everyone having one dose.
First Pfizer done, a little soreness in the arm and neck and a sluggish day to recover. All is well!
No third eye or tentacles growing or enhanced superpowers. Disappointing!
Second Pfizer TBD, the Buckeye has some cranky systems; “don’t call us, we’ll call you.”
Have to credit the Ohio National Guard and the Ohio DoH, they have the process and experience down to a well-choreographed science. There’s even an assigned resource collecting on-the-spot instant feedback about “what can we do to make this process better?” I suggested serving cold beer.
Subcommandante Yakbreath
Got my first Pfizer shot on Saturday, and my wife will get hers on Wednesday. Good times.
Got my first shot of Pfizer on Saturday in DC through Medstar. I asked and I can’t remember exactly, but when I asked, that facility was giving 120-160 shots that day.
Either I’m dealing with a delayed reaction to the second shot (last Monday) or I’ve got food poisoning. Either way, blech.
@MattF: We will have to work on a “I got a haircut” sticker. :-)
I can’t remember which part of Ohio you’re in, but here in Columbus, EMS, firefighters, etc. have been administering the shots, and they’ve really been aces.
Subcommandante Yakbreath
@Subcommandante Yakbreath: Samwise, please? : )
My wife & I are getting our second shot on Wednesday.
My youngest got her first last Tuesday. My oldest will get hers when she can walk into a clinic and get it (scheduling is not her strong suit).
I’ll be eligible on Wednesday, along with a couple million other people in the state of Washington. I’m expecting something of a train wreck in the attempt to get an appointment, as the state can only administer about 60,000 doses a day.
Fortunately, I’m at pretty low risk for contagion, as I’m retired, my “bubble” is just me, and my only real exposure is an every-two-week trip to the grocery store (at 7:00 on Sunday mornings). I’d rather the doses go to those who are more vulnerable, so I’m not going to fight for an appointment.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
My brother got the J&J on Friday, so all three of us are good to go.
If you would, in his honor, hit me with a Kamala please…
Sure Lurkalot
Sir Lurkalot gets #2 this afternoon and I go tomorrow afternoon. Excited and a bit nervous but keeping my eyes on the prize.
For sir Lurkalot:
White & Gold Purgatorian
Got my first Pfizer shot on Friday! Sore arm and a little tired the next day, but it was a happy tired! I had to drive about 50 miles to a CVS with appointments available and that is the furthest I’ve been from home in over a year. What a year this has been.
ETA am I eligible for a Baby Champ, please?
Tom Levenson
Got Pfizer one last Wednesday. Scheduled for the next one on Wed., April 14. Planning to enjoy a cocktail at our favorite local place’s outdoor patio on or around Saturday, April 24.
No real reaction. A tiny ache for an hour or so about 12 hours after getting the jab, but not so much that I would have noticed it if I weren’t hyperaware of possible effects.
For a sticker? I’m not going to play favorites, so how about the blue background balloon?
Al Z.
I got my first Pfizer last week when NY opened up its eligibility to 50 and older. Went into the office, walked a few blocks to the vaccination center, grabbed a Rueben on the way back; pretty painless. Second shot scheduled for the 14th – can’t wait. Hopefully NY’s Excelsior Pass works. But I will be photographing and getting my CDC vaccination card laminated. Apparently Staples and Office Depot will do this for free: https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/26/us/staples-office-depot-covid-vaccine-laminate-trnd/index.html
Subcommandante Yakbreath
Thanks! One of our cats is a doppleganger of Samwise, although he never wears a spiffy bow tie…
Got my first shot on Friday the 19th. Woot!
Got my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine last Tuesday at the Oregon Convention Center. They have brought in the National Guard to help with the logistics and have a pretty efficient system: about 40 min total in and out the doors. My arm was sore at the injection site and I was a bit tired for a day or so, but that was the worst of it. W’ell see what #2 brings on the 13th…fingers crossed my reaction isn’t as bad as Moderna #2 was for my GF. She was feverish and just wiped out for about 36 hours.
I’d take a Dolly sticker if I knew how. She’s a damn national treasure!
Dan B
Recovering from #2 on Saturday. Arm is still swollen but neck and trapezias (sp?) feel okay. So glad to have both shots. It was amazing how little sensation there was from the shot. I kidder the shot giver that I was ready for the shot, after she’d given it. She liked that.
My immune system has said that Covid is outrageous – get away!
A great friend says we’ll be able to breathe on each other soon.
Dolly smiling would be great!
My daughter and I got our second Pfizer shots on Saturday. Both of us had a not so hot day yesterday – fatigue, aches, chills. I would like a Joe sticker please!
My husband and I live in North Minneapolis and stood in the rain for about 4 hours Saturday morning at 40 degrees, but were able to get our first Moderna shots at a community health clinic. They did an excellent job and organized a priority line for those given preference by MN guidelines, as well as a general public line (which is what we shivered in all morning). The floodgates open across the state starting tomorrow with all adults eligible, so we decided that it was better to see if we could qualify ahead of time since it will be that much more difficult to get an appointment. As of Friday, you already had to drive 3 hours outside the Metro to find availability.
Neither of us had any significant side effects, though this has been by far the most arm soreness I’ve ever gotten from a vaccine (and I say that having had 3 shots of Gardasil!). That soreness is all but gone this morning.
I do have both some conflicted feelings as well as a burning rage about who comprised the vast majority of people in line and more specifically where they live, but that might be better off in a different thread.
100% all about the Dolly sticker
Princess Leia
Got Moderna #1 last Wednesday- felt a little funky that day, but the next I felt fabulous!!
Idaho finally opened up for 45-54 w/ pre-existing conditions late last week. I thought it was just going to be register on Friday for shots beginning on Monday, I was able to get in later in the day & got my first Moderna shot. Soreness on the site for 2 days.
I will take Baby Champ please.
I was getting frustrated as friends & coworkers younger than me were getting the first shot the last couple of weeks. My wife works for one of the (2) local hospital systems in Boise and kept telling me to look at this site or that to register. Each time I tried it said I wasn’t eligible yet – so how did these friends & coworkers get the shot.
West of the Cascades
Is there a “got my appointment!!” sticker? Going in for dose #1 of Pfizer in two days!
I’m scheduled for my 2nd dose (Pfizer) tomorrow afternoon so I should be fully immunized by mid-April. Mrs. Lex and I are looking forward to partaking of the whole gamut of formerly forbidden pleasures such as wandering the supermarkets and getting professional haircuts. Heck, I’m even looking forward to going to the Doctor and Dentist just to make sure all my parts are still in working order. My younger son and his S/O are on the same schedule as I am so family get-togethers may also become a thing again.
I’d prefer a Dolly sticker please.
Got Pfizer 1 at a mass vaccination site in Baltimore last Tuesday. I was a little drowsy that afternoon, but to be honest it may have just been the stress of driving to downtown, waiting in a long line and, you know, feeling like it’s kinda momentous. No real apparent side effects, other than a sense of relief.
Auntie Anne
I already have my sticker, but got my first Moderna yesterday. Was really impressed by my drive-though state run event – the National Guard directed folks through multiple lines. The Guard members were uniformly cheerful and just plain old nice – so great to see them being used for something positive after 1/6. And in a nice touch, the Dept of Health and Human Services had someone pass though the waiting area post-shot to distribute information on state resources for mental health, and other things related to covid. I was left feeling as though my state government is here to help us – such a nice change after the TFG.
Got my first Moderna shot Friday. Can I have Badger? I love me some Badger.
Almost Retired
Got my first Moderna shot. A care center administrator friend called and said they had leftovers, and she couldn’t find anyone currently eligible to take it. I had exactly one hour to get my not-yet-eligible ass from the South Bay to Beverly Hills. I made it, but I had to go full on Michael Douglas in “Streets of San Francisco” with my driving style. I think I jumped over a squad car on La Cienega and violated various anti-tire-squealing ordinances along the way. But I made it. Barely. I was grumpy and brain-foggy afterwards, but my wife didn’t notice any difference. Badger please.
Got dose 1 last Tuesday, scheduled for second shit 4/20.
Moderna, if you’re keeping track. No side effects to speak of
Can I have Lily?
@zhena gogolia: They asked me which arm received Jab the First, and picked the other arm for #2.
Got my 2nd moderna shot on thurs 3/25. Was pretty wiped out for a couple of days. Very tired…but unable to sleep well? Kind of hyped up. The local hospital where I got it has a drive thru operation and it was very efficient. I really am still tired but I am chalking that up to not sleeping soundly since last thurs.
Gimme the Joey B sticker!!!
Getting my second Pfizer shot tomorrow morning. No reaction at all to the first one, but I scheduled a couple days off afterwards just in case. Then three out of the four members of the household will be fully vaccinated. Fingers crossed.
Actually sitting waiting through my after shot 15 minutes after first Moderna at UCSD.
David Anderson
I got Pfizer #1 last Monday. Scheduled out Dose #2 in mid-April so by May Day, I’ll be protected and protecting the people around me. My wife got her Pfizer #1 last Tuesday.
Got Moderna #1, scheduled for Moderna #2 on 4/20. I went to Walmart, which is a 45 minute drive, but at the time the Memphis health dept was having serious issues (FBI was called in). Since I’m in TN and got Moderna, I’ll take Dolly, thanks!
The boss just got her second.
Got Moderna #2 last Saturday morning. Slightly sore arm at the injection site all weekend, but nothing more. Now on Monday morning I’m getting the slight wooziness and the muscle aches. Nothing at all severe and in a way somewhat reassuring. I was thinking that it didn’t “take.” Well, it took, and I’m glad. Oh, I almost forgot. I’ll take a Steve sticker, and thanks!
Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog
Got the second jab Wednesday (Pfizer). A lot of fatigue Thursday, feeling fine since Friday.
Huge relief. I hadn’t recognized how much worry I’ve been carrying around.
@thruppence: Don’t forget to come back for your sticker tomorrow!
@Auntie Anne: You were at the tail end of the previous thread, so I gave you Dolly again, here. :-)
@West of the Cascades:
Not officially, but we’ll give you a Penelope for good luck, and then you can come back for another sticker once you get your first shot. :-)
West of the Cascades
@WaterGirl: Love it! I just put a note on my calendar to come back Weds afternoon and report. Thanks for posting these encouraging threads!
@Al Z.: I have read that it’s not a good idea to get the card laminated because if there are boosters required, that would likely get noted on your original card.
Not sure how they could do that with a laminated card.
@Tom Levenson: Sorry, but Baby Champ and Henry insisted!
Got shot 1, Pfizer, yesterday. No adverse reaction other than the shot area is sore.
joey B please
JustSuze (finally stopped lurking)
Got Pfizer #2 this morning. I can’t decide between Tikka and Steve. Autocorrect tried to make Tikka into Tools.
@Sure Lurkalot: I was a little bit nervous as I was getting ready to drive for my second shot. No idea why, and it passed. So you are not alone.
@JustSuze (finally stopped lurking): Welcome to commenting!
Got Pfizer number one last Wednesday. My arm was too sore to lift above my head and I had trouble sleeping that night because of the pain, but back to normal by Thursday evening.
Still way better than Covid, I’m saying.
Baby Champ, please.
I just received an email confirmation to get my second shot on Thursday.
I admit I was worrying a bit, thinking “What if there is a sudden shortage of Moderna?”
My sister in Texas got her first shot on Saturday.
@debbie: Ugh. I hope it passes quickly.
Henry hopes you feel better soon.
@Brachiator: Another example of “just in time” scheduling. I am not a fan.
@David Anderson: You guys can share Rosie and Thurston for your first doses. :-)
@WaterGirl: Same, not a fan, which is why I drove to Walmart: they scheduled the second dose when I got my first. City of Memphis still not doing that.
Once Florida announced that 40 and ups could start getting the vaccine on Monday the 29th, I preregistered at the state vaccine site on Friday. On Saturday, I got a call letting me know an appointment was available on Sunday the 28th. I went in yesterday and got my first Pfizer shot. There was a steady stream of people, but I experienced no delays and was in and out in 30 minutes, and have my appointment to get the second shot in three weeks
So far I haven’t noticed any new superpowers or ability to control my cellphone or other technology. Isn’t that what the 5G thing was supposed to do? Disappointing.
Biden Bucks sticker, plz.
Spouse and I have an April Fool’s Day date to get our 2nd Pfizer jabbin. I’m a side sleeper so I’m getting Thursday’s shot in the non sleeping on side this go round. Won’t be laminating the shot record in expectation that boosters will be “A Thing.”
(Penelope, to keep you company while you wait.)
Got Pfizer #2 Saturday. Sunday wasn’t fun: 101.4 fever, chills, general malaise. Acetaminophen helped a bit. After 18 hours, returned to fairly normal. Glad it’s done.
@mvr: Here’s a balloon for your first shot, come back for a new sticker after the second one.
High hopes for your vacation.
I got Moderna #1 on Friday, before Ohio opens eligibility to all adults today. I think my only side effect was the sore arm– I was tired and crabby that night, but it had also been a long week at work. My husband, on the other hand, slept until almost noon and then fell asleep on the couch later!
May I have a Kamala sticker, please?
Maybe I just have a good group, but my social media is full of people celebrating their jabs and the possibility of in-person visits this summer. I’m trying not to be too hopeful, but… I could see my mom by Orthodox Easter. I could meet friends for a board game. I can hardly believe it.
First jab done. Baby Champ, please.
All three vaccines available around here, so I searched for Pfizer locations and conveniently the nearest Walmart was the place to go.
Today was the first day of eligibility, applied at 8:30, got an appointment for 11:00, and was in/out in 20 minutes (of which 15 minutes was post-vaccination monitoring). No lines, no waiting.
Only odd thing was being sent to the garden department for the jab; then, sitting in a roped-off area with a wall of charcoal to the left, gas grills in front, and a wall of pool chlorine tablets to the right.
Self-rewarded by buying apple pie from the deli and some marshmallow Reece’s on the way out.
Second shot in 3 weeks.
RobertDSC-Mac Mini
My second shot is in 5 days. Not that I’m counting or anything. Pfizer.
Notably, my parents have both theirs with Pfizer and my younger sister got her first Pfizer a week after me. Just how it all works out, I guess.
Madam Vice President, please.
Appointment for Mrs Kelly and I today at 3 pm. We’re still a month from qualifying in Oregon but our local hospital is cold calling folks in Beachie Fire area the looking for arms to jab. That’s one cold call phone offer I’m glad to accept ;-)
@Kelly: That’s exciting. Congratulations!
Come back for your stickers this afternoon. :-)
Getting Dolly shot #2 tomorrow. Can I have Lily please?
@Al Z.:
I’ve decided not to have my card laminated, in case the answer to some future variant is a booster shot. I have a photo on my phone and the card in the file cabinet.
Today is the day that everyone 16 and over in Texas becomes eligible. It’s going to be a fustercluck for months. Glad I’m done.
I had a horrible experience. group 1b in Chicago.
Booked 1st and 2nd dose appointments at the end of Feb. Had to camp out on their website so I could schedule as soon a they were available.
got dose #1 at a Walgreens on 3/2 without a problem.
Yesterday I got a message that my 3/30 appointment was canceled as the site didn’t have any Pfizer doses. and told that I would need to reschedule – when there isnt an appointment available thru their site anywhere in Central or Northern Illinois.
the pharmacist told me my best bet was to call around and find stores that had Pfizer and get on a call list for extra/no show doses.
I spent a couple hours and found one place.
I called the city and county and was told that I couldn’t go to one of their sites because I started at Walgreens.
corporate couldn’t (wouldn’t) help me.
after multiple phone calls and being told that there was absolutely no way that I could get a dose except by waiting until appointments were made available (for some time at least a week off) through the website, I was spitting with rage.
to.recap. my appointment was canceled, no one cared at corporate, a host of frazzled pharm techs apologized and put me on call lists but warned me not to get my hopes up.
then my friend went for her appointment. told the head pharmacist about my problem. and he put me on the appointment list for today.
I just got my second dose. he told me that his is a regional distribution center and that he has more doses than he has scheduled appointments.
he also told me that got a box of Moderna and were told it was to be redistributed to other stores and not to use it. but then never told where to send it AND they are being booked for Moderna appointments. so he us using it.
I just made my appointment and am happy to be excited about something.
@burnspbesq: Great news for Texas, though!
@lafcolleen: Henry and Lily to console you, the other three because of your horrid experience. That should not happen.
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
Whatever happened to those threads where those of us who still can’t get vaccinated get to bitch about it? Everyone in my extended family, every single adult, except me has been able to get vaccinated but here in MD I’m still not eligible. Despite the fact that I’m a) not the youngest of the the adults, though we’re all older than 45 and b) married to a front line health care worker. I’m grateful that my nearest and dearest have all been vaccinated but getting kind of pissed about constantly being the odd man out despite living with higher risk of exposure via my wife for over a year now.
In the latest news, Colorado will be giving shots to everyone over 16 starting this Friday.
I get my first shot this afternoon–Pfizer–and hubby gets his first on Friday (Moderna). Oh happy day(s).
Got the J&J at Providence Hospital in DC on 3/14, so yesterday was my 2-week anniversary, an important milestone!
Had a dead (more tired than sore) arm for a couple days, and felt fatigued in the evenings the first two days after getting the shot, but no issues since.
Will take the glorious feline version of the One-And-Done sticker, please!
@WaterGirl: Will do while I sit in 15 minute recovery…
Thanks to you and Henry!
no comment
Husband got his second Pfizer shot yesterday. He was eligible for the vaccine in this NY earlier this month due a pre-existing condition, but none of the local vaccine sites were allowing him to sign up then. (Although NY allowed sites to open up their appointments, none of them were required to do so.) Hubby drove over an hour away to get his first dose a few weeks ago, and returned to the same site yesterday for his second dose. He’s tired, but it could be from the drive.
Apparently, the VA had been giving shots to veterans. (Not sure if that started before or after my husband got his first dose.) The VA opened up their eligibility to spouses of veterans late last week, but the person my husband talked to at the local VA doesn’t know anything about it. She told him to call back this week to sign me up for a shot. If the local VA is still clueless by Friday, I may start calling around for leftover doses or look into volunteering at a vaccination site in exchange for a shot. We have vacation planned for late spring/early summer, and I’d like to be fully vaccinated by then! Don’t worry; we’ll be driving, and still wearing masks & distancing.
A Biden sticker for hubby,
& a WTF for me, please!Now I hear anyone over 30 can sign up in NY. We’ll see how the sign up process treats me, but I’ll change my sticker request to a more hopeful Make it Happen!
Urgh, got the 2nd shot yesterday morning, woke up earlier today in a brain fog and slightly dizzy. At least I was able to get out of bed, judging by some of the stories from friends and family. So I took sick leave and just woke up again, still feeling blehhh. Oh well, the price I pay and all that. Can I get the Tikka sticker for my troubles? :D
JustSuze (finally stopped lurking)
@WaterGirl: Thank you!
BK in NJ (was BK in NC)
I got my second Pfizer shot last Thursday. No significant reactions, counting down the days to two weeks past. OHJB, please.
Ida Slapter
I’d like a Dolly sticker, please. All of the pets are wonderful, but I had the Moderna shots that Dolly helped bankroll. Biden or somebody needs to give her an award she hasn’t already received. She’s a true national treasure.
Got shot #2 Fri at Meijers. Same time, same place as before. Even easier and faster than the last time. They’re well equipped and staffed so all should still run smoothly when Michigan opens the program up to more and more people in April.
I had a sore arm and felt sort of logy over the weekend, but it’s all good now. I’ll be ready to face the world again by April 10.
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?: You are right! I haven’t put up one of those since March 3. I will remedy that this week.
In the meantime, I think you deserve all the aggravation stickers.
@ColoradoGuy: Wow, that’s great news.
@chrisanthemama: Yay for you! And don’t forget to come back for your sticker.
@EdTheRed: You are the first person to request Mr. Bear, who is admittedly hard to see.
He is honored to be chosen.
@no comment: Crossing my fingers for you!
@BK in NJ (was BK in NC): I got the JB part, but what is the OH?
Scheduled for shot #2 (Pfizer) on 4/13. As I’m still having issues 6 days in from shot #1 – mainly nausea every damn time I eat – I’m a bit nervous about it, because I’m scheduled to work job 2 that night & the next two nights. If I pass out or puke on someone, I may get to take the time off :)
But still, I’m so excited to get this done. Now to wait one more month, then get the spouse shot. Spouse’s shots, I mean. He had Covid in January/Feb, so is supposed to wait 90 days to get vaccinated. We can go see our kids!! And my mom :)
I had my second shot a week ago today. Only seven more days and I’m considered immune. Yay. First dose minor side effect of queasiness that lasted 12 hours. Second dose knocked me out for three days with chills, bone and muscles aches and loss of appetite, which for me is not a bad thing. Then it was gone and now I am fine and waiting to get my first haircut in over a year.
I like all the ducks.
I’m scheduled for shot #2 on Thursday April 1. Not much reaction to shot #1. Hoping the second goes as smoothly.
Ohio Mom
Ohio Son’s second jab was February 25, my second was
March 11, and Ohio Dad’s will be April 7. So we are most of the way there.
I’m reminded of Pauline Kael, who famously said she didn’t know how Nixon could have won, nobody she knew voted for him. Everyone I know has either finished getting inoculated, is in the process of, searching wildly for an appointment, or is too young (under 16 in Ohio).
Who are all the people who are abstaining and screwing it up for the rest of us? Like Pauline Kael, nobody I know.
@Ohio Mom:
My extended family, for example. BIL traveling to (and staying in) Florida with his buddies at the beginning of the outbreak. My sister and her extended family (13 people) all getting together INSIDE for Thanksgiving and Christmas. And Easter. Not getting vaccinated, ostensibly because “you can get really bad side effects” but more likely because she is religious and believes all the right-wing lies. My niece holding holidays for 6 different households at Thanksgiving, and 4 different households at Christmas. Another relative right now planning a spring break trip with people from several households, not all vaccinated, traveling by plan. I could go on and on.
It makes me feel sick.
Got my second Pfizer shot on Friday. No major reaction!?
I had my 2nd Moderna shot 3-1/2 weeks ago in the afternoon. The morning after I had weird dreams and the during the day had chills, fuzzy head, no appetite and slept a lot. Felt pretty normal the next day.
Starting tomorrow, Minnesota opens up vaccinations for those 16 and older. The race is on for that category age group to get appointments for their first vaccination. I read that the “mature folks” in MN has reached 80+ percent vaccinated.
I was going to schedule overdue dental exam/cleaning and eye exam appointments but I think I will wait until more people are vaccinated. I am freaking out a bit thinking about my bare face being so close to dental and eye staff and due to HIPPA, I may not know if the people looking in my mouth and eyes have been vaccinated.
@bemused: I am waiting, too, on those things.
The variants are the wild card, and it is not at all clear that vaccinations will stay ahead of the curve with all the variants and folks doing certain things too soon.
Not knowing is not fun, but we are still worlds ahead of where we were a few months ago.
Our ICUs are at 60% capacity, and that is unusual, so things are definitely going in the wrong direction again.
Exactly, the variants. MN has UK variant going on. Breakouts of covid hotspots seem to be in school sports, schools and is happening in my area.
I have read the virus pros are concerned more about the variant in South America migrating to US.
Considering the dumbasses where I live who think they are good to go if they’ve been vaccinated and don’t have to be as careful with masking, etc, I’m just going to keep on being a hermit and masked, gloved and distant when I’m out among the rabble.
Even the people you think are pretty intelligent can shock the hell out of you. A friend was shocked when a couple they knew well or thought they knew well, had their first vaccination and celebrated by going out to dine and have a cocktail at a restaurant. My friend told the woman that they won’t have the immunity they need until two weeks after the 2nd vaccination and the woman didn’t know that. The lack of curiosity to learn how these vaccinations work just floors me.
One dose down, two weeks until the second dose!
Baby Champ, please!
@bemused: The foolishness I see in otherwise intelligent people is mind boggling. “It’s okay that we’re flying to California because we’ll be wearing masks!” “Don’t worry that two of the 4 of us haven’t been vaccinated yet!” “It’s okay, because we are family and we’re going to visit family, and we saw them at Christmas and it was fine.”
Apparently it’s magical – if you have seen someone recently, say christmas or last month, they can’t possibly have covid because *something-something-magic*!
Husband and I got our first Pfizer last Wednesday. Both of us had sore arms and I was too tired to do much the next day but fine the day after that. He went skiing and said he could tell he was low energy but back to 100% the day afterwards. Our appointments for #2 were made for April 15 before we went to the “15 minute” room.
Baby Champ and Badger please.
@StringOnAStick: They make quite a pair!
Got my Moderna #1 last Wednesday through my hospital system. Dropped WarriorTeen at middle school, hauled ass out to 128, ran through (normal grocery) to grab lunches, went to the site, which is across from where my husband works.
In, out in 30 minutes.
Then to weird grocery for weird stuff. And back down the highway/back ways home.
About 5 hours post-injection, my arm started hurting. Like range-of-motion-impaired worse than the flu shot hurting. Tylenol and doing not a damn thing for about a day and a half. By Friday morning it subsided to a dull ache.
Since then I’ve been getting oddball localized pain. Saturday it was shoulders. Today it’s thigh muscles. I’m assuming that once my feet are done, I should be at the 80% immune stage, which means nothing given our asshat R Governor (Baker) and I’ll continue current protocols.
I’d like the Vice President, please!
Mrs Kelly and I got Pfizer this afternoon. Second shot appointment April 15th.
Thanks for the balloon!
My husband and I got our second dose last Thursday. Now just waiting for the 2 weeks. We were both a little tired and achy Friday (we had Pfizer) and I ran a slight fever but not bad. I’d like the 2 ducklings, please!
Ms. Deranged in AZ
I posted this on a previous thread but I want to shout it out I’m so darned happy! I got my first Pfizer shot Saturday night and am scheduled to get my second on the 18th. Woohoo! And I will take any darn sticker you’re willing to give me.
I love this thread,??
Missed this thread yesterday. Got my first Moderna dose on Friday. It was through the county health dept. and was done the arena on the University of Pittsburgh’s campus. Well organized and efficient. Lots of student volunteers guiding us through the stations. Get temp checked, checked in, waiting area for your number to be called, preliminary screening station, then shots station, then wait for 15 minutes. Easy peasy. Arm was so slightly sore, I barely noticed.
Hoping the second shot next month goes as well. Oh and free parking too. That’s a bonus.
BK in NJ (was BK in NC)
@WaterGirl: Ol’ Handsome. Guess it’s more a Wonkette acronym.
2nd shot done! Dolly + Biden, for stickers, if you would! ❤️
Omnes Omnibus
Just back from getting my first one. Pfizer. Second dose on April 20. I do not want or need a sticker. Thank you.
@BK in NJ (was BK in NC): Funny, I would have recognized Handsome Joe, but the “old” went right over my head!
@Omnes Omnibus: I’ll just say that I’m happy for you, then!
I got my 2nd Pfizer a few hours ago at SUNY Buffalo. Please give me the Steve sticker. So far all is good and since the 1st Pfizer sent me a jab at the vaccine and soon left nine hours later, I am hoping it will be the same. Glad it is done.
@HRA: It’s a good feeling.
Got my second shot at the VA, Pfizer. The total time was less than 30 minutes. Everyone in my circle over 18 that wants one, at the very least, has an appointment for their first shot.
Request for Steve in all his magnificence. Thank you!
@WaterGirl: Yes it feels like a start to being liberated. My immediate family of 18+ decided we will celebrate all past holidays outside of our eldest daughters home where we can spread out easily even in her home. I have everyone replying on their vaccines at our family messenger. I called it Christmas in July at the start. Now it is food we serve for every holiday we missed.
I got my first shot today! So did roomie. Samwise sticker, please. XD Looking forward to getting the next one next month on or around April 20th.
Second Phizer yesterday, no side effects except for the sore arm and that’s expected. Husband will get his second Moderna next week. Our 2 thirty-something daughters managed to get their 1st shots last week. They both feel a little guilty but there were appointments available so they took them. It won’t be long until we can be together as a family again.
I love the cats ,the dogs and the ducks but most of all President Biden because this wouldn’t be happening if not for him and the Democrats!
Sure Lurkalot
I got Moderna #2 yesterday afternoon and my spouse the day before. Our appointments were at different Kroger pharmacies but within 5 miles. Mine yesterday took less than a half hour from check in to back in the car.
So far nothing too bad by way of side effects other than a sore arm and a moderately painful headache. Spouse was just a bit off yesterday, tired and achy. Tylenol definitely helps and we’ve both only had to take one dose so far.
Which sticker? I like all of them so there will be no disappointment. Maybe one for each of us if that’s not too greedy.
1 dose! Teeny black and white kitten, pls and thank you!
@WereBear: That’s so great! What’s the scoop on Mr. WereBear, shot-wise?
@WaterGirl: He’s set up at a different pharmacy in a nearby town this coming Friday! Probably better to stagger us in case we don’t feel well.
Looks like we are both getting Moderna in this area, very upstate NY.
Mrs H and I are sitting in the car for the 15 minute waiting period following Moderna #2. Woot. Drove right up, label applied to cards, jabs applied to arms, roll over here to wait. Took three minutes tops at the county Health Department.
We want Kamala and Joe!
First dose done!
Kamala please!
Brooklyn Dodger
@MomSense: Numero dos(e) for me and el esposo.
Kamala, and Joe thank you!
Got my 1st dose this AM, still trucking (so far)!
Baby Champ, please?
@WereBear: So glad to hear that.
West of the Cascades
I got my first shot this morning! Pfizer, Oregon Convention Center, in/out (including parking/exit) in 45 minutes. No adverse effects after five hours.
Samwise sticker, pleez?
Got my first Moderna dose about an hour ago. No side effects as of now.
One Samwise sticker, please!
Kayla Rudbek
I got my first shot (Pfizer) about 45-50 minutes ago. My weird reaction is that my left side biopsy site started hurting about 10-15 minutes after the shot. I sort of expected the backache at the usual site (it was hurting this morning as well). Either Samwise or Dolly, please!
Moderna # 2 on Monday. No side effects, not even a tail. The vaccine gives us a chance. “Everybody Vax Now!”
This is a BFBD. Give me a Hot Rod Joe please.
Got my second shot last night, feels like I’m going to sleep all day. I’d love a big Biden deal sticker also.
Is it possible to copy and paste it into my email? I want to share my sticker!
@HinTN: Following up:
Arm soreness got increasingly worse through the afternoon. The next morning, 18 hours after, sore arm and general malaise. By 24 hours it was overall body ache and nothing for it but to crawl under the covers. More or less the same symptoms as the first go ’round.
More stickers, please. Dogs and cats. ?
Just got my second Pfizer.
Nothing yet, but I’m prepared. The one good thing about working at home is that I can bag work pretty easily and just rest.
I just got my Moderna jab number 2. Now I am doing my 15 min wait. So far, so good.
Got the call from the clinical study center yesterday that today’s temp check visit would also be an unblinding. Happy to learn that I received the J&J vaccine during first visit 4 weeks ago. Since J&J is officially a one-and-done, I can say I’m vaccinated, but I’m still in the study and will receive a second dose in two weeks. If I qualify for a sticker, I will take Henry.
@Kristine: Congratulations! You should get extra stickers for being part of the trial.
Got mine a few days ago. Gimme my sticker.
@Baud: I am trying the mind meld so I can pick the exact right sticker, somewhat unsuccessfully.
I’ll start with Henry, because of the old adage “love me, love my dog”. I can add a different sticker if you like, just let me know which one.
First dose of Pfizer done! Four weeks until my second. May I have a baby Champ sticker, please?
Yes, you can email Mr. Biden.
Two ways: Both start with click on the pic. That will take you to a slightly bigger version.
If you’re on a Mac, click on pic and slide it off the page to your desktop. If not, do that right-click-save thing.
Then you can attach pic to as many emails as you like.
You have chosen wisely.
Don’t forget to link back to BJ. With credit to WaterGirl for her great idea.
Only fair to increase readership. And maybe others would like to participate in the Great Stickering.
@MazeDancer: @lahke:
I don’t need/want any credit!
@Baud: Oh, yay!
@WaterGirl: Thanks! I’m finding the whole process interesting. I worked on the product R&D/production side for ~26 years, but never was involved on the clinical side. This is where the product lives or dies.
@Kristine: I would not be brave enough to participate in a trial like that. I am glad there are people like you, who are!
I’m getting my first (Pfizer) jab this afternoon. My wife got hers this past Sunday, and essentially had no reaction. Fingers crossed for me, as we are both leading a birding trip tomorrow (6 person limit, social distancing, masks) in the DC area.
If possible could I get a Make It Happen! sticker?
Madame Bupkis
I received my second Moderna shot on Wednesday. It’s Friday and no problems. My arm is a little more sore than the first shot. That’s it! My feelings of joy and confidence to meet the world are overflowing. I will continue to mask up, of course. Because, it’s just the right thing to do. Santa Fe, here I come!
I’ll take Handsome President Uncle Joe in his bad ass wheels, please.
And thanks for doing this, Watergirl.
There go two miscreants
Just got my second shot (Moderna) at a Kaiser facility in MD; pretty well organized, no waiting except afterwards. No effects yet, but I don’t expect any — I tend to be a non-reactor to all these shots. (We’ll see if I just jinxed myself.)
Also got the happy news the other day that my son and grandson have their first shots (Pfizer). I still have two younger grandkids to worry about, but we’re making progress!
William and I just got our second shot. Rosie and Thurston and a Lily please.
Thank you, Watergirl! I love that Red Kite photo and I’m happy to see it repurposed for this.
WV Blondie
My husband got his second yesterday (Pfizer) and I got mine this morning (Moderna) – we’re doing a two-person experiment to see which one has worse side effects …
I’d love two ducklings, please!
There is a new I Got the Shot! thread up.