Time for a new I Got the Shot!
Stickers are below, but first, something new!
The Other Hank made a video from his dashcam videos and made a time lapse of getting the vaccine. I got a little dizzy watching the speeding cars, but it’s pretty cool! Thanks for sharing it with us.
Just tell me which sticker you want, so I can sticker you!
New stickers!
ruemara’s kitties, Odoroki (first two!) and Himesama:
Dr. Fauci and Nancy Smash:
Samwise, Baby Champ and Henry:
Rosie & Thurston, Lily, Tikka:
I got my 2nd Pfizer shot yesterday, at a local CVS. Since it was my 2nd, it was super easy and fast: check my name at the desk, check my name at the vaccination station, get the jab, wait, leave. 18 minutes total.
Lily sticker please!
Doc Sardonic
Two Pfizers Fauci Ouchies done. I must say CVS has done really well for me, in and out in 20 minutes or less both times. Corvette please
West of the Rockies
I get my second Pfizer in four hours. I’m excited and a smidge nervous about feeling out of it for a day or so. Can I preemptively get two ducklings?
Two Moderna done.
Tikka, please.
Next up in my fam is Spawn the Elder’s second shot on 4/30.
Second Pfizer yesterday.
Feel like shit today. No fever but muscle aches, headache and fatigue.
I’ll take a Lily sticker, please.
randy khan
I am excitedly awaiting my opportunity to get a sticker on Sunday.
e julius drivingstorm
Took my better half for drive-up Pfizer #1 shot. She takes 81 mg aspirin most days because a doctor said it would be a good idea about 30 years ago. The shot administerer said that qualifies as a blood thinner so that means a 30 minute observation period instead of 15. The lady fireman went to double check and came back saying no problem and let us go early. Once again, hats off to the the EMT’s, National Guard and all concerned to make the experience as pleasant as possible.
I got my first Moderna shot yesterday morning! Spent a big chunk of yesterday just wiped out and tired, though that might just be due to the little sleep I get. I posted in the most recent thread, but I never saw if I got a sticker.
So if I can get ANOTHER sticker: I’d love a Kamala but hers looks like it’s only for J&J people. So I’d appreciate a Samwise sticker, if you please.
I love these posts :)
Al Z.
I’m right now in the Syracuse OnCenter doing the post shot 15 minute wait. 2nd Dose Done! (Team Pfizer)
Thanks for front paging me!
Another Scott
That’s a lot of cones!!
Neato. Thanks.
Got my first Moderna this morning at a Walgreens. Kamala, please, and I’ll upgrade to Joe when I get the second.
Tom Levenson
Pfizer number 2 this a.m.!
In two weeks, I plan to go to a local tapas-and-gin spot, book a table on their patio, and have some nice person bring me a truly elaborate cocktail, before chowing down on some buñuelos de bacalao and associated offerings.
rabbit troop sux
Got my first dose of Pfizer yesterday afternoon through MedStar here in DC!
Badger please and thank you
Tom Levenson
@Tom Levenson: Also, this is, to me, a Big Biden Deal, so can I get the Joe Corvette Biden sticker, please?
@MrSnrub: @Doc Sardonic: Agree that CVS has done a good job. An unanticipated benefit of their very aggressive expansion policy (my neighborhood has three CVS locations) is that it gives people local options.
@MisterForkbeard: This is Balloon Juice, so the rules are out the window. You get both.
I got my second Moderna this morning. I’ll take Lily, please, as I drove home with the same silly grin on my face.
I got my second Pfizer on Sunday, so all done!
I’d like a Penelope sticker, please.
@randy khan: For that, you get the Penelope sticker to keep you company while you wait.
We get our second Pfizer at 6 tonight, and then I plan to make an appointment for a haircut in 2 weeks; I can hardly wait!
I’m so happy for all who’ve gotten immunized. Vaccinations finally are coming to Abaco, The Bahamas, an area still struggling to come back after almost total devastation by Hurricane Dorian. (The house I’m staying in got power yesterday after nearly 20 months without it.) However, vaccinations are restricted to citizens at the moment, and I doubt that will change, so I’ll have to wait until I return to the States.
(Penelope can keep you company while you wait. WG)
@Tom Levenson: Tikka, Champ and Henry are all thrilled for you.
Both my husband and I got our 2nd Moderna shot on Sunday at the local college campus. On our first visit there last month, it was busy—lots of people. On Sunday, there was hardly anyone there. We were in and out in about half an hour.
Monday we both had a sore shoulder and a tendency to fall asleep when we sat down, but no other side effects. Tuesday we were back to normal.
I’d like a Biden sticker please…if he hadn’t been elected, we’d have gone back to Canada and would still be waiting for our jab. Mind you, if Biden hadn’t been elected, most people would still be waiting here as well…
@Tom Levenson: As you can see Tikka, Champ and Henry all insisted on being sticker, and now you get Joe, too.
First Pfizer yesterday. Kamala me!
@StringOnAStick: Come back for another sticker after your shot!
2nd Moderna shot yesterday! Double ducklings for me please :-)
Second Pfizer this past Sunday!!
Regal Tikka sticker, please!
Just Chuck
“WTF” for me please. Every pharmacy I checked in Colorado is booked up and not taking any more appointments. Apparently there’s a drive-thru vaccination site in Denver now, so me and the gf will probably do that.
I wonder if you could track the progress in vaccinations by counting how many people on Zoom have a professional haircut.
Got my first Pfizer last Friday.
Got Moderna #1 last Friday. My left arm was a bit sore for ~36 hours, but not so sore as to stop me from putting in my vegetable garden. Thanks, Dolly!
Thank you for the comfort, WaterGirl.
Got second Pfizer last Friday!
Anonymous At Work
How confused were other people by the random times written on car windows??? I was wondering if it was a Bible thing except no Book name and the times kept changing.
Oh, and 2nd Moderna Monday. Tuesday will be super “fun”.
Scheduled for Moderna #2 on Friday. Can’t wait!
@Just Chuck: Check your local Planned Parenthood. They are doing doses in many states. My wife got her first by luckily checking their website on a Sat morning and nabbing an appointment.
They did that so they knew when the 15-minute post-vaccination wait period was over.
Emily B.
I had Pfizer #1 on Sunday 4/11. I’d been braced for a long vaccine hunt, given what I’d heard about other folks’ experiences here in New Jersey, but months ago I signed up with the state vaccine registry and sure enough, when I turned eligible on 4/5, I got an email from the state offering me an appointment at the new FEMA vaccine center in Newark. I took it!
In and out in 30 minutes. Side effects so far: sore arm, optimism. A Samwise sticker, please.
If Biden hadn’t been elected, we would now be Brazil.
(MazeDancer made some new stickers, so here is a bonus sticker for you! ~WG)
Pfizer #1 here in E TN. Second shot booked for 5/10.
Samwise, please.
Got my first Pfizer shot last Thursday. My second is scheduled for April 29th. I can’t wait- it feels like, even in Flori-duh, the end is finally in sight!
May I please have a Kamala sticker? Thanks!
Mo Salad
As mentioned in another thread, Pford Pfield Pfizer #2, last night. The soreness is starting to spread throughout the arm.
Corvette Joe, please.
My siblings and I and our mother all have had at least the first jab. Even though we live in different states, it feels good to know that we are all on the same page. Nieces and nephews are slated to get vaccinated.
Got my second this morning at a big county site. Woo!
They said they can do 1400 people a day. For scale they have 36 injection pods filling a big ballroom.
Today was not at that pace. By the lines, or lack of lines I should say, it looked like it was 10 second doses for every 1 first dose.
Please let me have a Big Biden Deal sticker.
Got the second last week. Relief. The healthcare system I use around here, St Luke’s, sent an unprompted ask if I wanted on their list. Very thoughtful of them I thought.
I love Kamala….VP sticker me please.
My MIL just texted us to let us know that she just got Pfizer #2. WOOHOO!
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
Second Moderna shot yesterday. So far, just a slightly sore arm.
I can haz Biden, plz? /ancient meme
You can see Dr. Fauci and Nancy Smash a few comments up.
Here are 3 new stickers of ruemara’s beautiful kitties:
I know that Coliseum parking lot well. Lots of great concerts in those two buildings. Nice seeing familiar landmarks and buildings. Hopefully I’ll be back to seeing fun shows and ballgames again this year.
Cathie from Canada
Pfizer One for us at the end of March, here in Saskatoon SK Canada — our second doses here are being delayed for 4 months in Canada so that more can get their first shot. So our second dose will be sometime in July.
Still, we do feel a lot safer now — just worried still about our 40ish kids, who aren’t eligible yet here, hopefully they won’t have to wait for too many more weeks.
Canada is in a race now between the vaccines and the variants — we need to get enough people vaccinated so that additional variants don’t develop. The more variants there are, the greater the risk that one of them will be immune to the existing vaccines.
And I want a duck sticker, please!
Just came home from my second Pfizer. With the first one, my arm got sore enough the next day that I couldn’t raise it above my shoulder. But it passed. Expecting this time to be a little worse. Still, better than Covid! I’m happy.
Steve, please.
Joy in FL
I got my first Moderna last Thursday. Sore shoulder and warm to the touch for about 36 hours. No other effects, so that was nice.
Baby Champ sticker, please, to match my sweet tuxedo cat Hermès: )
@Cathie from Canada: I wasn’t sure which duck you wanted!
Got Pfizer #2 yesterday. Same effects as the first one; the arm feels like a torn muscle, nausea, chills & aches, and so so tired. But elated that I’m done! I get to go see my mom in May :)
Handsome Joe, please!!
Johnny's mom
I so JUST got my first shot, that I’m still sitting in observation! YaY!
@Johnny’s mom: What sticker would you like?
@rikyrah: that is the truth.
Yay for Nancy Smash and her badass shades!
Almost Retired
Got my second Moderna shot yesterday afternoon. I was fine for awhile, until my wife noticed that I didn’t (1) immediately change the channel after Jeopardy before Wheel of Fortune came on; and (2) was staring vacantly at Vanna and couldn’t solve the stupid puzzles. So she put me to bed. Feel fine this morning. A dog sticker of some sort, please.
I suppose it was possible that last night’s Wheel of Fortune puzzles were exceptionally challenging, but I’m going with brain fog.
Pfitzer #2 tomorrow. I don’t have enough hair left to have a barber cut it. Looking forward to getting my teeth cleaned.
Hubby and I got our 2nd Pfizer doses this morning! About 20 minutes start to finish including the 15 minute wait. We had both doses at someplace the county is working with called My Dr’s Pharmacy but the space is just an otherwise empty storefront in a strip mall. They’ve rigged it up with folding tables and computers in the front, a large space with distanced chairs in the middle and the shot-giving stations at the back. Time display on the wall above a tv running with information about what you can do once 2 weeks are up, how to use your covid-card.
Steve sticker please.
Anyone else get knocked out of commission for a day and a half after Pfizer dose 2? I was find the day of the shot, woke up before dawn the next sore and fatigued all over. I’m on day 2 of sick leave and am just starting to feel normal again.
I am past my immunity day, as yesterday was two weeks after my second shot! I already got my Lily sticker for that.
Today Mr. Jnfr gets his second shot, so two weeks from today we are both official as immunized as we can get.
I assume there will be boosters in our future, as we get our flu shots every fall too. We’re gonna get them all.
@Almost Retired: What a great story!
@jnfr: One for each of you.
Just got my s cond Pfizer in Newburyport. Super fast. 10 minutes to being released.
Uhm — so many great stickers but —
“The shot, it is done” please and thank you.
Got my second Moderna dose this morning and am just waiting for the side effects to kick in…
I’ll take the duckies – Doses done!!!!!
karen marie
@West of the Rockies: I don’t understand the “stickers.” Are they actual stickers?
Also too, I had my second Pfizer shot on Monday morning. Not feeling any side effect other than a slightly tender arm – less noticeable than the first shot. I was tired yesterday but that could just be from my bad habit of staying up too late and getting up to early because my dog thinks the sun coming up is some kind of signal
PS I don’t know how the stickers work but I like the duckies.
karen marie
@e julius drivingstorm: I got my Pfizer #2 shot from a very nice retired nurse who is volunteering to give shots because she’s a lovely person.
Red Cedar
Second Pfizer was Monday and I’m still feeling so, so sooo sick. Ok, actually I’m starting to feel a little better, the fever is coming down, but I still ache everywhere and my headache is relentless and I can’t bring myself to eat. Really can’t remember being this miserable in a long long time.
Lily sticker please!
@karen marie: You can print out your sticker if you like. Just drag it to your desktop on a computer. You should also be able to save the image from a phone, but I haven’t tried it so I don’t have instructions.
@karen marie: Here’s Lily, such a lovely dog, in honor of your lovely shot-giver.
Got my first Pfizer Pfizer immunizer.
Samwise sticka please!
J R in WV
It depends on whether you get the little prehensile green tail or the third eye. The tail takes longer to grow than the third eve~!!~
My biggest side effect is that my tail really itches a whole lot~!!~
In the waiting area after my first Pfizer shot. May I have a Badger sticker please?
Got my second Moderna last Thursday. Kroger handled it really well – easy, relatively quick, and I saw many of the same people in line who were there a month ago for my first.
Side effects: about 36 hours of general achiness, lethargy, and brain fog. 80% better on day 3 (mostly just muscle soreness by then), and 100% better on day 4. I’ll take it!
At my first shot they butchered my name on the Vaccination Card in a hilarious and unpronounceable way. To fix it they gave me a whole new one at shot no. 2.
May I have a Steve, if you please, the magnificent creature.
Just got my second Pfizer in Newburyport. Super fast. 10 minutes to being released.
Uhm — so many great stickers but —
“The shot, it is done” please and thank you.
Moderna #2 done. What a relief! May I have Joe please…
VFX Lurker
I waited 75 minutes in a socially-distanced line with other masked people at Cal State LA yesterday for My First Pfizer™ shot. The line moved quickly, but it was a long line! If you’ve waited in line at Comic-Con or Anime Expo, you have an idea of the wait time in this line. All of us had appointments, but it’s possible that many showed up early/late.
I had made my afternoon appointment last Saturday, as soon as Los Angeles lowered the age restriction on city-run sites to ages 16 and up. The state-run MyTurn.CA.gov only just lowered the age limit to 16 for Los Angeles County residents today, so it should be much easier for those ages 16 and up to get a shot now in Los Angeles County.
The vaccination itself took less than two minutes (show ID, scan QR code, point to the arm you want vaccinated, done). I had to wait 15 minutes for observation, then I could leave. I can return to Cal State LA at any time between (I think) 8AM-4PM on May the Fourth (be with you) for my second dose. ?
Himesama sticker, please! ❤
My John had a lot of effects from Pfizer #2. Took a couple days to recover but all fine now.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
I was happy to have the Steve.. but I couldn’t have had the Pelosi!?! The grass is always greener.
Jacqueline Squid Onassis
On March 30th, I got an email from the state of Oregon letting me know they’d expanded eligibility. This time it was to smokers and former smokers. Since Ms. Onassis and I are both former smokers, we were eligible! I can’t tell you how relieved I was.
I went online and was able to find appointments for both of us, 1 1/2 apart at two Safeways about 3 miles apart for 4/8 and so we have both had the first Moderna shot.
We have appointments an hour apart at those same Safeways on 5/6 for shot #2.
Henry, please.
BCHS Class of 1980
Myself, spouse and SiL all got Pfizer #2 yesterday. Not changing our hermit approach much because we live in the state where Rona DeathSantis has 53% approval. Maybe the occasional fully ? visit to the gym for the first time in 14 months.
Day after Pfsziffer #1 (first sequence): woke up with a sore arm but otherwise okay. But as the work day wore on, headache, chills, aches, all moderate. If I didn’t know it was the vaccine I’d be thinking, “Oh no, here comes something nasty.”
No sticker for me until I complete the process.
One of the Many Jens
So happy to have gotten Pfizer #1 out of the way! A little sleepy the first day, very minor arm soreness for awhile after. Looking forward to a reopening world :).
I’m debating between Henry’s woof, and baby Champ…. Can I get both?! Thanks!
@different-church-lady: Okay, just congratulations on the first step, then.
@geg6: A Thurston sticker for John.
I think I got everybody up til here. If I missed anybody or you want a different sticker, speak up.
Tenar Arha
Aww, WaterGirl, those are some nice new stickers; now you’ve made it harder for me to pick mine next week when I’m scheduled to get my 2nd shot ;)
@Tenar Arha: I liked the new ones, too! You can ask for several, I am not stingy with stickers. :-)
Mrs. and I got our first Pfizer this morning! The center was great–very organized and they scheduled our 2nd while we were in the 15 minute wait. So far, I don’t feel a thing.
How about VPOTUS for Mrs. and POTUS for myself, please? Thanks!
@J R in WV: A prehensile tail is very troublesome, not to say delicate, spot to apply soothing lotion to.
Moderna today! I’d love a Baby Champ sticker!
Fair Economist
Got my first Moderna on Saturday. Felt sick Sunday; fine since. I’ll take a Kamala sticker.
And my husband got his second on Monday, so a Biden for him.
I almost dropped a random comment yesterday as I was standing in line at the Convention Center for Pfizer dose #2.
Got the shot and barely felt the prick at all. At about 20 hrs in the chills and general feeling of something not being quite right inside have arrived. That means it’s time to wrap up work for the day & take a nice long nap.
I’ll take Betty’s wall-eyed dog, if’n your still doling out stickers, WG.
Oh, and best to all the jackals!
Cassandra (fka mostly a lurker)
I got my 1st one too, on monday. I’ve changed my user name, but I posted a few days ago about how needle-phobic I am. It wasn’t the best shot I’ve ever gotten (I didn’t even feel the poke on this year’s flu shot), but it wasn’t the worst either (in the past I travelled a lot to the sorts of locales where you need lots of shots [some with such big needles, they have to use your butt, not your arm]). A few hours after shot 1, my arm started aching; that lasted about 24 hours and is now mostly okay. Afterwards, I asked them if they had lollipops or a sticker, but they only gave me a vaccine card, indicating I’d gotten the 1st of 2. My 2nd shot is scheduled 3 weeks to the day, and maybe I’ll ask you then how I can get a sticker.
Is the 2nd shot (pfizer) more likely to have after-effects than the 1st? I thought it was the other way around.
@worn: Not sure what a wall-eyed dog is, but I do know who Betty’s dogs are :-) so I gave you both!
@Cassandra (fka mostly a lurker): You just tell me in your comment which stickers you want, and I put them in.
(Only people with WordPress accounts on BJ can put images into a comment.)
Cassandra (fka mostly a lurker)
@WaterGirl: Okay, thanks! I’m not a luddite (really!), but I don’t even know what ‘a wordpress account’ means, let alone how to connect it to balloon juice. But no worries, I’ll either figure it out or forego my sticker and buy myself a lollipop.
@Cassandra (fka mostly a lurker):
Sorry! That means Balloon Juice front-pagers are the only ones who can add images to comments
Just tell me what sticker you want and I add it into the comment as soon as I see it.
Forgot to mention Moderna #2 jab this afternoon. Wife and I both done. Dolly after #1, so should stay with her for #2. Set up appointment in a rural town that got me in a couple weeks before the urban slots opened. On back roads way home spotted a microbrewery sign. Googled and a ton of outdoor space. Wife’s birthday in two weeks so that will be our first beer/food out of home since March 8, 2020. Not even take out. Baby steps.
I just got home from my second dose of Pfizer! Please may I have the Lily sticker? I started lurking here and reading every day the week that John met Lily, so I’ve been admiring her for a long time.
Mallard Filmore
I have the second shot of Moderna, did not even feel it. I was fine at bedtime, but it took a while to drift info sleep. Woke up at 5:00am … stiff, cold, head hurts, skin sensitive like a mild sunburn.
It’s 9:30am now and I am not hungry for breakfast yet.
Got my second Pfizer shot yesterday in the Clarence Canon Dam parking lot. Arm was much more sore than after the first shot and I was very tired most of the day yesterday. I don’t know if that was an actual side-effect or if I was taking advantage of the day off from work to get extra naps.
Gimme that Joe sticker.
@Isua: Nice note about Lily!
@Mallard Filmore: Maybe a balloon will give you a boost.
Just got my first dose of Moderna at a CVS in the next town over.
Please give me the Samwise sticker!
I have my second dose of Pfizer — a Steve sticker for me! I really have to hand it to the Cherokee Nation; they’ve done an excellent job of not only getting the tribal membership in for shots but opening it up for everyone and getting it done.
Woo-hoo–just got back from getting Moderna#2. So happy!
I’ll take Handsome Joe in a Corvette, please.
hedgehog mobile
Just got home – Moderna #2 done. Bit of a sore arm and overwhelming relief. I can haz Old Handsome Joe, pls?
Another Scott
Pfizer #1 done (Fairfax VA South County Government Center – Pfizer). 45 minutes in, no obvious issues different from normal spring allergies (so far).
Balloon please (surprise me).
Thanks for these threads, WG.
Second Moderna done! I want a Thanks Dolly AND a Handsome Joe, if possible.
It really is a big Biden deal. Now to see if I get any after effects.
@Another Scott: I decided to hedge my bets on this one!
@AliceBlue: @hedgehog mobile: @geg6:
Wow, we had quite the run on “Bidens” there for a minute! I am going to have to restock. :-)
Warren Senders
Got my 2nd Pfizer shot earlier today. Now feeling groggy and out of it. As far as stickers go, I’m too groggy and out of it to choose. Surprise me!
Chacal Charles Calthrop
I got my first Moderna shot! Can I have Baby Champ? (who’s not quite so baby anymore per Tom Levenson’s latest pics)
@Warren Senders: You get the full “comfort” crew.
I got the second Moderna shot, still have fever and chills 14 hours later. Hopefully a cup of honey ginger tea and ibuprofen help me go back to sleep. Biden pic please.
Youngest just got his pfirst Pfizer. He would like Dolly please!
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Just got my Pfizer #1! Woo hoo!
I’ll take Kamala Harris’ smiling face as my sticker.
Got my first shot, Moderna, at the Seattle VA this morning. Well organized and a certain familiar institutional process. Got my jab about one minute after my scheduled appointment time, even with the paperwork.
Harris pls.
There is a more recent I Got the Shot! post up.