Chauvin was just found guilty on all counts, bail was revoked, and he’s in the custody of the Hennepin County Sheriff. Since there’s a 300+ comment thread below, let’s give WP a break and start a new open thread.
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I look eagerly for the sentencing and see what that ends up being.
Also, what about those other officers?
I’m sorry I cannot be denied #2.
It just adds to the celebration! ???
Now we only have to worry about white supremacists rioting in response.
Cheryl Rofer
@cain: Going to trial later this summer.
Tom Levenson
@Phylllis: I wouldn’t be surprised after this verdict if one or more of them take a deal.
If one is offered.
WV Blondie
Another summer blockbuster.
How are the streets doing? Calm or is shit getting started?
dr. bloor
@cain: I’m guessing any plea deals the DA’s office might have on the table are looking a lot more appealing to them right now.
He will get serious time. He is 45 years old. He won’t be getting out until he is an old man.
mali muso
Tears of relief and I’m still kind of shaking. May this be the start of a movement towards justice.
@Cheryl Rofer: I can’t help wondering if those cops walking Chauvin out of the court think of him as a monster or one of their own.
Mary G
What a relief. I have never seen a more horrifying tape. Just right into the camera lens “yeah, I’m killing him and there’s nothing you can do about it” with no emotion whatsoever. He had better get a good long sentence, for life preferably, but that judge sounds totally prejudiced in Chauvin’s favor.
@Tom Levenson: If they have even one lick of sense.
Alison Rose
@Cheryl Rofer: BOY BYE.
Karen S.
Maybe I’m numb, but I can’t say I’m happy. I mean, I guess I am, but I feel like I can’t exhale yet. I don’t know when I’ll feel like it’s safe to do so.
I am crying and having a glass of wine. THANK GOD!!! or FSM! Or (your choice of deity)!
I bet they get offered. MN doesn’t want to roll the dice and risk any sort of acquittal. They will offer and take the deal. The got the big fish.
@Ukai: This has basically been my biggest concern the whole time. The judge gave me a few scares with their talk about appeals and trying to chastise people outside of the courtroom for discussing the case, but the violence was always going to be spearheaded by the supremacists.
@cain: What ABC is showing is peaceful.
Amir Khalid
@Tom Levenson:
I’m not sure what there is to deal for. Chauvin is already convicted.
James E Powell
Damn, I felt like we were all in the mood to go for a TBogg
The Dangerman
Whew. I could use a smoke but I don’t smoke. I could use a drink but can’t drink. Huh. Call it a conundrum.
Mary G
@Kent: Chauvin isn’t leaving prison alive. I say that with no joy or malice. Does anyone think that anyone can or will keep him safe?!
They are cowards. They may do something, but why give them the bandwidth?
dr. bloor
I wouldn’t lay odds on his getting out at all. He must be shitting his pants right now.
I’m guessing that most of them are pissed as hell that he fucked up everything for them. Made them all look bad. Made their jobs worse and harder. Etc. etc.
I want to virtually hug EVERY SINGLE PERSON who showed up for the BLM protests. Justice happened because the PEOPLE demanded it.
Giant shout out to the brave BIPOC activists who led the protests.
Yes, I do. We are talking about MN, a largely white state. The prisons are full of white racist neo-Nazi gangs. He will find his people in prison who will treat him as a fucking hero.
@Amir Khalid: Talking about the other 3 officers there I believe
Sadly, I can’t agree. We also need to worry about police starting crap with peaceful celebrations, because anti-police rallies are always met with more violence than other kinds. And police deciding that protests/celebrations are the most dangerous thing in town and putting most of their forces there, leaving other places unprotected for opportunistic looters that they’ll blame on the protests.
Hopefully not. I’m by nature an optimist, but I’ve learned to keep that under control at times like this.
@Phylllis: I think people are largely relieved. Sad that the system is still fucked up, but this is the least bad outcome for today.
Miss Bianca
@Suzanne: I really don’t care, do u?
Just as I predicted all along.
Alison Rose
@The Dangerman: Same.
@dr. bloor:
He’ll be in solitary for the entirety of his term. He’s a dead man in the general population.
Cheryl Rofer
Patricia Kayden
Blessings to the young lady who videotaped the murder. She made this happen.
randy khan
I am not happy; I am relieved. A small quantum of justice was achieved, but it’s telling how many of us followed the trial and still harbored doubts that it would happen.
I hope this helps Floyd’s soul rest in peace, and gives some comfort to his family and loved ones.
Is it too much to hope that the tide is turning?
Alison Rose
@Suzanne: With the caveat that everything I “know” about this sort of thing comes from Law and Order, wouldn’t a police officer be kept out of general population? Not necessarily solitary confinement, but not mixed in with other prisoners. They know he’d have a massive target on him the moment he stepped through the doors.
Another Scott
@Suzanne: In the discussion with Barr about a plea deal (see the NBCNews link downstairs), Chauvin was apparently thinking that he would be safer in a federal pen somewhere outside of MN. It looks like he won’t get his wish.
“If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.” – wasn’t that the saying??…
Mary G
Reporting on this blog in the last comment thread were that the judge is some sort of Fox News conservative type. Who jacked off about Waters for Christ sake. The sentence is entirely up to him. He will have to follow the guidelines. But he doesn’t have to throw the book at him and give him maximum consecutive sentences.
I would expect pretty middle of the road sentences served concurrently. That is still probably 12.5 to 20 years.
Ohio Mom
Woot! Woot!
I’ve been off-line this afternoon, what a great headline to greet me!
May this be the first of many more instances of justice meted out to law enforcement.
@Patricia Kayden: She really did.
@Patricia Kayden: My wife and I were just talking about this. That footage should be in the Smithsonian. It’s our generation’s equivalent of the Zapruder footage of JFK. THANK GOD for that woman. Can you imagine what would have happened if that wonderful woman had not had the presence of mind to record the incident? Now, imagine how many MORE of these incidents have NEVER been captured on film. Van Jones made reference to this just now on CNN. All those unfilmed police killings.
@Mary G: Can’t do much better in terms of an endorsement for recording history.
Fuck Yes! Fuck Yes! Fuck Yes!
You underestimate how many white skinheads and neo-Nazi types are in the prisons in a largely white state like MN. He is more likely to be a hero to a significant portion of the prison population.
The only kind of prisoners that are universally hated are the pedophile types.
James E Powell
@randy khan:
I agree with you but prefer not to shit on good news till the following day.
@Miss Bianca: No, I really don’t care.
dr. bloor
I’d guess he’s also a suicide risk. He’s a sociopath for sure, but I don’t think he’s wired for a long bid. He thought that badge was his stay-out-of-jail-free-and-forever card.
WV Blondie
Also, I keep thinking of Mark Slackmeyer about John Mitchell: “Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!”
Wyatt Salamanca
This is a promising start.
For an encore, I need to see Donald Trump indicted and convicted of tax evasion or anything else that will place him behind bars where he fucking belongs.
Mary G
@Baud: Game recognizes game. Pete Souza is a pro. I am not at all sure I would have been able to stand there filming with the other three cops loose. My hands would’ve been shaking and I’d probably have started barfing or attacking Chauvin if it had been me.
Cheryl Rofer
Her name is Darnella Frazier.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
ABC says Biden just called George Floyd’s family
He’s still a cop, though. I doubt he ever hits gen pop.
Not sure I can really bring myself to care much about Chauvin’s prison fate.
Sister Golden Bear
@Kent: “He
willshould get serious time.” Fixed it for you.I’ll believe it when I see the actual sentence.
@Amir Khalid: The potential plea deals are related to the other officers involved.
@WV Blondie:
One of the dangers of scrolling through a thread at 90 mph.
At first, I thought you’d written Joni Mitchell!
@Wyatt Salamanca:
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is listening. With interest.
There is always hope. And lots and lots of work ahead.
Celebrate this verdict and …. next!
@Patricia Kayden: Yes, you’re right.
Cheryl Rofer
@Alison Rose: I don’t know the answer to that, but I cannot imagine he’ll be safe if he’s not in solitary. I am sure that what Kent says is correct and that there are lots of white thugs in there. I am also sure that there is at least one person there who has a problem with cops in general or Chauvin specifically.
I care about rule of law as a general matter, and I don’t like the idea of prisons being a lawless place. Whether its prison rape or inmate killings. None of that is tied to Chauvin’s particular fate, as opposed to anyone else, however.
Don K
@randy khan:
Yep, relief is my primary emotion. Also, “It’s about fucking time one of these motherfuckers is held to account!”
Patricia Kayden
Agreed. There’s nothing to celebrate until this becomes the norm.
Cheryl Rofer
@JPL: So that everyone can see without clicking:
@Wyatt Salamanca:
He and the rest of his shitstain crime family (including most of the bastard administration) belong in a Sun-bound rocket.
Patricia Kayden
@Kent: Or hopefully not at all. He sat on a man’s neck for 9 minutes. Whatever happens to him in prison, I don’t care.
Miss Bianca
@WV Blondie: Me too. What can I say, Doonesbury was a primer for tender young minds, mine included.
In fact, I now wonder whether a precocious taste for Doonesbury might have been a formative factor in my political coming of age. I grew up in a conservative WASP-y GOP home and environment, and I had become a die-hard, pro-union, pro-environment, Mother Jones and Nation-reading Democrat by the time I was 17.
@Kent: The feds can always prosecute him, also, right?
@Cheryl Rofer:
There’s a catch in there somewhere, maybe I’m just too tired to see it.
mali muso
Keith Ellison speaking now. I like that he points out that it’s not justice but it’s accountability. And that’s a step.
@Cheryl Rofer: Thank you.
So relieved. I was really worried about a hung jury, thinking there might be one or more racist holdouts on the jury.
The Moar You Know
I’m fucking astonished. And very grateful.
Doesn’t look like the face of a good cop.
Has anyone cited any evidence for that other than the Maxine Waters comment? Because the only comments I see in the last thread are that he must be that sort based on that comment, not “reporting.”
I haven’t obsessively read all the threads, so if there is actual evidence, I’d be glad to hear it, but what I’ve seen from legal professionals online was that the comment wasn’t particularly out of line with things judges say, and mainly meant “no, I’m not declaring a mistrial, you’re welcome to use that in an appeal if you want.”
Sen. Tim Scott R-SC: “There is no question in my mind that the jury reached the right verdict.”
The Thin Black Duke
Maybe that punk will be safe in prison, thanks to his fellow neo-nazis. But he won’t be happy.
@mali muso: It is justice. Holding people accountable is what the justice system does when it’s working properly.
Omnes Omnibus
@Redshift: Well, everyone here is a legal expert.
He’ll never get into the Anglo-Saxon Caucus with that attitude.
Not happy so much as relieved. We have an anecdotal data point. Still waiting on a measurable trend.
@Cheryl Rofer:
What crap.. the system worked because it was forced to. Without that cell phone showing 9 minutes and 30 seconds of someone dying.. the man would still be patrolling around.
@Cheryl Rofer: busy posting that one far and wide – thank you Cheryl!
Cheryl Rofer
@Suzanne: He’ll go into protective custody. And probably on suicide watch ASAP, I’d imagine.
@Redshift: I think it’s safe to say that a universal quality of judges is they don’t like it when anyone makes their job harder.
Patricia Kayden
@guachi: exactly. thank you.
Looks like a shocked cop though.
@Martin: True.
@Patricia Kayden: The snack that changed history.
The Tucker Carlsons of the world will probably try to spin this verdict as some sort of Democratic Deep State socialist conspiracy, but I can’t see that being very successful with anybody who doesn’t believe right-wing racist crap already.
I see our blog host has not yet weighed in. I expect he will soon enough.
Cheryl Rofer
This…is not good
Warren Senders
I was watching “Invictus” on Netflix & just as they won the game in the movie, the verdict was announced. A whole nation burst into whoops and cheers on my screen.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Awkwardly worded. It happens.
@cain: True. There was overwhelming evidence and media attention and there was still a strong possibility he’d be acquitted.
Most of the other police brutality and murder cases won’t get this attention or result. But it’s still a positive result, and I’m happy the FoP isn’t just screaming and yelling about this the way the various right-wing sites are.
For laughs and/or despair, check our any of he rightwing social hubs. They’re (to a person) flipping the table over and screaming.
@Cheryl Rofer: Yeah, that’s awkwardly worded. You know what she’s going for, but he didn’t ‘sacrifice his life for justice’. I would have said it very differently, something along the lines of “though you were taken from us unjustly, we know that justice was served in this case and we hope it and other cases like it is an example of the good things that can come from awful events.” etc
@Cheryl Rofer: Why do you say that?
Doubt it. The crows have him now.
Cheryl Rofer
@Baud: It’s worse than awkwardly worded. Tonedeaf is more like it.
@Cheryl Rofer:
I stand by my description. But I haven’t seen the video. Just the tweet.
Kudos to the videographer who precluded a made up account of what happened, and to whoever was in charge of jury selection on the prosecution team. If there were any jury nullification fans in the pool, they didn’t make it past the strikes.
This little piece of justice doesn’t happen without good people doing good things in opposition to evil.
? Black Professor ? (@WonderKing82) Tweeted:
My mom literally called her Black sons (38, 41, 43) on 4way just to cry for 3 mintues before uttering a word….
@Cheryl Rofer: Tone deaf. Maybe this is a badly worded report of what she really said.
They’ve dragged him into the willow.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Cheryl Rofer: Right. George Floyd did not sacrifice himself. He was murdered.
Cheryl Rofer
@Elizabelle: Floyd did not die voluntarily for a cause. He was killed by a murderous cop. Volition is an important part of sacrifice.
The statement sounds perfunctory, as if Pelosi would just like all this to be over with.
zhena gogolia
The prosecution did a great job.
This is most excellent news.
Omnes Omnibus
@Elizabelle: He did not sacrifice his life for anything. That implies some choice on his part.
@Cheryl Rofer: Yikes. Pretty sure Floyd and Emmit Till didn’t sign up for what happened to them.
Patricia Kayden
I was just musing that when some geek in Seattle or Cupertino or wherever thought about putting a camera on a phone, who would have imagined this kind of social power.
Patricia Kayden
@Cheryl Rofer: Sigh.
Cheryl Rofer
Omnes Omnibus
@Patricia Kayden: Someone who know how to say what is true and hit the right notes at the same time.
Princess Leia
In our jail cops are ALWAYS put in protective custody.
@Cheryl Rofer: Democratic women in Congress. Don’t let them near a mike!
I don’t think anyone sane thinks George Floyd was a suicide. And his loss, and Emmet Till’s, and Trayvon’s, and everyone else’s — were murders.
And, in a way, they are sacrifices, too, out of which justice either arrives, or — most of the time, almost all of the time previously — was denied.
Not gonna go hunting for clouds today. These three — count them — ALL THREE — guilty verdicts were a long time coming.
Not picking on you, but must we always be so hypercritical of our own side?
Omnes Omnibus
@Cheryl Rofer:
Not a word in there that I would disagree with.
@Redshift: 1) Judge reams out black female witness with super unnecessary condescending tone. Judge goes out right wing narrative about Waters. I doubt he even know what she actually said … only what Quevin McQuarthy and all his cohort characterized the Congresswoman’s comments as violent. What she said was “confrontational.”
As in “Confront your oppressors.”
So when a middle aged white guy with authority behaves like a duck … well, you know.
Thank God Almighty!
It is a good but somber day, so I feel guilty wondering whether Jenna Ellis is choking on that bag of salty appendages to which she is so richly entitled.
@Cheryl Rofer:
Now that, actually, is a good slogan. Good for AG Ellison.
@Elizabelle: Yes we should be on this. It’s a REALLY bad thing to say right now! She’s not good at winging it, and she shouldn’t have said it at this moment. If it was a prepared remark, it’s even worse.
The reflexive defensiveness on the behalf Democratic officials here is approaching Republican levels.
@Served: Well, you guys have at it.
I have just found something better to do. Ciao!
@cain: Well all systems need help. It is actually hard to know the truth when you don’t have a video of perfect evidence. Have you ever read about witness statements when compared to video? People aren’t that observant. 4 witnesses describe different things, etc. it is OK for systems to need help. That is the job of all of us when we are needed.
And we are all supposed to stand up and force justice. It is built into our system to expect us too, because there is no other way that works.
@Cheryl Rofer: agreed.
He didn’t ‘sacrifice his life for justice’, he was murdered.
Love Nancy but not everything needs a statement.
No, we should drop it. It’s not Republicanism. It’s making a mountain out of a molehill. It’s worth noting perhaps, but then moving on to important things.
Same. What a goddamn shame.
Cheryl Rofer
@Elizabelle: I’m just quoting Pelosi. And yes, it’s a bad quote.
I don’t share the unquestioning love that many here have for her. She is a great Speaker of the House, but she is human and sometimes gets things wrong. I don’t think that diminishes her.
<p data-mce-fragment=”1″><a href=”#comment-8148547″ data-mce-fragment=”1″>@Baud</a>: </p>
<p data-mce-fragment=”1″></p>
<p data-mce-fragment=”1″><a href=”#comment-8148547″ data-mce-fragment=”1″>@Baud</a>: </p>
Exhibit A of what I said: A comment on a blog making a mountain out of a molehill? Grow up and let people criticize people when they do something wrong.
Another Scott
@Cheryl Rofer:
Horses’s mouth:
Pelosi’s remarks start at 7:30.
I think her remarks were fine. She sincerely religious and maybe got a little tongue-tied in that particular phrase.
Cheryl Rofer
Fine. Now there are several comments on the topic. We can move onto important things.
Mary G
Mayor also an idiot:
Cheryl Rofer
@Another Scott: Ah, that’s much better. As someone else in the thread said, she should be more careful about winging it.
@Cheryl Rofer: Yes, exactly.
We should reprove allies when they get it wrong.
I’ve been reproved when I got things wrong in the past.
@Baud: Nancy Pelosi is very religious and when she made the statement, she pointed to the heavens as if she was talking to George Floyd. The words weren’t meant for me, but to George.
Good lord – Rep Waters is featured in about 40% of Fox News dot com’s top stories at the moment. Still. Like, as of this moment (6:15 EST)
Nora Lenderbee
Thank god.
And it’s about fucking time.
@Mary G: I cringed a little reading that, but the important thing is the verdict itself, not the quality of the commentary about it.
Mary G
Politician manages to say the right thing:
ETA: I really like Sen. Murphy and think he’s going places. He’s probably the only politician whose emails I don’t unsubscribe to, because they are about issues and not
The Thin Black Duke
If you folks are upset at what Nancy said, wait until Tucker Carlson weights in.
@Baud: How about we talk about we talk about Mars.
A dark victory.
Talk about ripples in the force, I seem to have awakened from a deep nap just as this came out. And I see, as noted elsewhere, that the motherfucker has the nerve to look stunned at the verdict. Tilts all that notetaking into The Shining territory.
Looks like Jesse is toast.
I’m glad we can postpone moving to Mars for at least one more day.
@Miss Bianca: Me too. Parents were/are raving wing nuts and once a copy of Mother Jones arrived with a provocative cover I was slapped across the face with it. It just made me even more determined to be on the side of fairness.
Mary G
Wait tell they find out what blog you hang out at.
@Baud: I agree. Picking apart what prominent Democratic women say is Twitter and MSM sport. NP is not one of the most elegant and eloquent off the cuff public speakers out there, so fucking what. Oh and did you know, she loves ice-cream.
TS (the original)
@Cheryl Rofer:
Not sure about this at all – but what I always wonder when people vote against unions (recent amazon poll) – do they not see the benefit the police get from their union, the support, the wages, the attacks on anyone who disagrees?
Mary G
@Cheryl Rofer: No. WTF was she thinking?
@Cheryl Rofer:
@raven: Who’s Jesse, and who put him (her?) in a toaster? And do you butter or spread jam before the cannibalism?
This Chris Stewert guy is a good speaker.
Cheryl Rofer
Headed out to teach a class. Back later.
@Baud: There’s been stories here that I’ve wanted to Dr d to my remaining parent, but I knew it would cause a firestorm so I didn’t. Just like any hard-core RW partisan, nothing anyone can say will impact his point of view, though it would give him something to be enraged about. He lives to be enraged!
@WaterGirl: It’s moving something that’s far, far larger than the Ever Given, but it could be. Remember that Laquan McDonald’s killer was also convicted by jury, though on lesser homicide charges, and is currently in prison.
@jnfr: whoa. From those eyes, he really did not expect that.
@Cheryl Rofer: Thanks for all the little extra tidbits you’ve been adding to the mix. The statement from the Fraternal Order of Police reads like a hand-washing to me. And good Luckovich cartoon and damn that was fast!
Laura Too
We have a lot of work to do in my city, but for today I am going to let the sense of peace and love wash over me. It is the first public hugs I’ve had since the riots. I can’t tell you how good it felt! I was standing on a hill with a lot of the press. I rode my bike down to the courthouse, and I was alone. I usually try to at least have 1 contact when I go but there wasn’t anyone to go so I stayed on the edge. Still, when the verdicts were read out and the cheering started I broke down. And I had a bunch of people hugging me. It was so beautiful. For all the ugliness there is so much love.
@The Thin Black Duke:
I’m hoping Glenn Beck will be apoplectic tomorrow.
I don’t think Waters’s comments were super responsible but, frankly, I’m glad we have her bringing a little fire. A little righteous indignation is wholly justified. She didn’t encourage violence and it’s not like she’s the President; unlike another far, far more egregious purveyor of irresponsible rhetoric that I can think of once was.
Edited for clarity.
I am so relieved. Let’s pray that this is just the start of holding LEO accountable. And let’s reimagine policing. As important as this victory is, it will not bring back George Floyd. We have to work to do.
TS (the original)
As you said – it’s more often the women on our own side. The media goes looking for comments from women to quote the parts that they know will be criticised. Gives the GQP something to talk about when the facts are against them
In other news:
Ha f*cking hah, you Covid denying has-been!
Ahh yes. We have ourselves another Brandon Lee – we’ll soon see him haunting the valley with a crow on his shoulder and a murder above him doling out steamed veggies.
@Mary G: high praise.
Praise from Sir Hubert is praise indeed.
You’re making an assumption of equity here. It’s like the black woman who committed voter fraud accidentally getting 5 years of prison time.
The system punishes and judges blacks more severely. The scenario you are describing is if everyone involved were middle class white.
They are cowards. They won’t do jack shit.
James E Powell
We Democrats love reproving our own.
And still look like a fillet of salmon, or no?
zhena gogolia
Boy, even Jeannine Pirro is saying the verdict is supported by the facts.
Wait till they found out that you support Baud 2024.
@zhena gogolia:
Damn. So drunk she’s thinking straight?
@James E Powell: Well, certainly, Republicans never critique their own. I quite like that about our side.
I also like that we can criticize appropriately. Use a fly swatter when a swatter is warranted.
J R in WV
When I heard that a verdict was ready to be handed up that quickly, I thought then that it would be guilty. Glad i was correct on that issue, at least. Guy looked like he was compelled to do the dirty deed in the video of him killing George Floyd. Stone cold killer in his eyes. Psycho, even. He got what he deserved.
zhena gogolia
@Mary G:
He’s a treasure.
@Kropacetic: Sorry, I picked up on the wrong thread of criticizing our, ultimately, very talented Congresswomen. But I’m pretty sure Pelosi’s heart is in the right place. Also, too, Catholics and martyrs…
zhena gogolia
@The Thin Black Duke:
Haha, why would we turn our fire in that direction?
zhena gogolia
Who’s Jesse?
Mary G
@Laura Too: Happy for you and your home town too.
Megha Mohan (@meghamohan) Tweeted:
Family of Emmett Till (a 14-year-old Black boy who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955, after being accused of offending a white woman in a grocery store) is with the family of George Floyd to offer support as the jury comes to a decision on the trial of Derek Chauvin. (via CNN)
zhena gogolia
She actually sounds sober. Like Cecily Strong would have to tone it down a little.
Luckovich is almost always on point, whatever the issue, and quite amazingly quick to respond, but in this case I’m guessing he had a couple of versions ready to go so he could just hit the Send button when the verdict came down.
Not saying this in any way to diminish him. I’m a huge Mike Luckovich fan.
zhena gogolia
@JustRuss: @Kent: I would guess that bailiffs develop a certain kind of clinical detachment. It’s a perp, walk it out.
@cain: i would also guess that the VAST majority of cops AND politicians are breathing a sigh of relief. Anything less than maybe 2 out of 3 would have been a major injustice, and people would have responded.
@James E Powell: I would have said this was cringing and not reproving.
@zhena gogolia: Colin!
zhena gogolia
@Laura Too: Wow. That’s so nice.
Stacey Abrams (@staceyabrams) Tweeted:
The evidence of our eyes met at last by accountability in the eyes of justice.
@Laura Too:
Thank you, Laura. We’re all so relieved for you, and I’m so glad you got some love and hugs and peace in person. It really does feel (in a lot of ways, not only the Chauvin verdict) that the Bad Times are beginning to turn around.
Patricia Kayden
@JustRuss: My guess is neither of those. At worst, some probably think he’s a screwup who made their own jobs more difficult. At best, some might fear they could wind up in the same sorry place some day.
I wish joy to all in this moment of accountability. Let’s hope that it is a watershed and systemic reform is no longer put off. There’s so much good that can be done and that every Black Man, Woman and Child who live a daily life of trauma because of systemic racism has space to breathe and rest with ease and love.
Once, many many months ago, I said I wouldn’t wish Covid-19 on anybody.
I take it back.
Why do you hate salmon?
@zhena gogolia: I can barely stand to fathom an alternative outcome but still, the genesis of this event was a grievous and monumentally cruel act. I can’t bring myself to celebrate.
Alison Rose
@Cheryl Rofer: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Nancy no
@Mary G: hells yeah AOC on point
Raoul Paste
I am so sick of Marjorie Taylor Greene being in the news every damn day, because she’s done something outrageous . I await her unhelpful comments on this verdict
Chief Oshkosh
Has-been? More like, never really was.
@burnspbesq: He deserves the same concern from prison authorities for his personal safety that Jeffrey Dahmer was given.
@WaterGirl: I don’t know about a turning tide. What we have finally found is the bottom of the hole. What does it take to convict a white cop of murdering a black man? Video. The jury has to be able to see the murder with their own eyes. That’s what it takes to blow through all the excuses and suppositions, all the “why didn’t he comply?” and “the cop feared for his life.”
This is justice, finally, but not a place of much hope. This case was exceedingly rare in that the murder was recorded. If this is what it takes to get justice, we can’t expect it very often.
@SiubhanDuinne: Look.
zhena gogolia
Yeah. As the relative of a murder victim, there isn’t ever much to celebrate. Sadness and pain all around.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
@Omnes Omnibus:
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: @Omnes Omnibus: My inexpert legal opinion is that one should generally avoid absolute terms like “everyone” and “always.”
I’m a big Doonesbury guy and I immediately thought of Slackmeyer’s “That’s Guilty! Guilty, Guilty, Guilty!” regarding this, but…it feels a little too flip, a little too triumphant.
@Laura Too:
Merlin has just said Brrp? and run to the top of the 6 foot bookcase, which means Auntie LauraToo is safe, Mom has yelled Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! twice, and for today, or even just for tonight, we can see a way clear.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
So when I was a young Public Defender, one of the things we noticed with some cops was a pattern of injuries and charges incident to arrest. It was so bad that when we were in our cups, a bit of morbid humor was espressed, as in a joke narrative that wasn’t far off from what you’d see in arrest citations:
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
On a good note, I’m having a delightful surprise in Wild Turkey Long Branch and an Oliva Series V, principle because Derek Chauvin can’t.
He’ll have to find his joy in pruno.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Oh, and I had a fantastic accomplishment in the office today – I managed to eat spaghetti from the plastic container I brought it in without staining my cream colored polo shirt. Yay me.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
Are you . . . a witch?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Right? I sat during a zoom DNA (Dependency, Neglect and Abuse) conference zoom docket and chatted with about a dozen fellow lawyers as I did it.
It was an amazing accomplishment.
Omnes Omnibus
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: @Baud: Why would one wear a cream colored polo shirt?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Omnes Omnibus:
Per Ohio Valley weather rules, it was sunny and 70 this morning. We’re getting wet snow tonight.
It called for a polo.
Omnes Omnibus
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: But cream colored?
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Omnes Omnibus:
I didn’t buy it. It was bought for me, and there is an insistent statement that I should wear it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: Then you screwed up. A judicious spaghetti stain would have done wonders. Thank, man!
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: That should end with “Think, man!”
@Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho: Nice to see you here! I have missed your commentary.
Laura Too
@TomatoQueen: Thanks TQ, Give the beautiful little guy a scritch for me. It will be an early bedtime tonight. Tomorrow the work will begin.
Same thought.
I’d bet that at least one of the two in that picture does not think monster. At the minimum.
I agree with your post. I will say that the only justice that would be equal would be that DC is no longer alive and I don’t believe in the death penalty. Just because a criminal, like DC, is a murderer, doesn’t mean that I/we should be. I’d like to be a far better person than a shithead like DC. I’d much rather that he’d stay in prison for the rest of his natural life, let’s see if he has any concept of how wrong what he’s done is and has a long, long time to think about it. This is the part that I don’t know how things will go. The judge in this case seems to be rather right wing, but it also could be just his way of being a judge, so in my mind, while I don’t think he’ll give a long sentence, one never knows. I hope that none of the time can be served concurrently so he at least has to serve the minimums for each.
And if you wonder about my thoughts on the death penalty, let me once again say that I know a person currently in prison for murder, I went to elementary/JHS/HS and church with this person and would never had suspected anything like this from them. I just don’t think it is or should it be our right to take away a life that can be held for the rest of their days. We ask everyone else not to take a life, how can we do that and then decide that the death penalty is OK?
Ella in New Mexico
“Son of a bitch, gimme a drink’
He murdered a man not only in cold blood but under the cover of law, and thought there would be no question that he could do that whenever he saw fit. I’d bet his attorney told him what the penalty could be up front if he lost, because otherwise he likely would have acted like the pompous, arrogant, asshole I’d bet good money that he is. This is not the last time this will happen, in one fashion or another, where police kill a person of color, for being a person of color. Cops have been hardwired forever in that they can get away with killing people of color, without much pushback. They haven’t succeeded every single time but this time there was photographic proof that it was a cold blooded murder, under the cover of law and the law lost big time. Because the law is not some racist ass in a uniform with a gun, or a knee, no matter how many times faux news tries to make it one.