Another Scott posted a link to this in an earlier thread.
I didn’t know these details about the history of the Supreme Court. Did you?
It’s not unprecedented for Congress to adjust the size of the Supreme Court to defeat white supremacy. We’ve done it three times before.
Here are some examples from our nation’s First Reconstruction. ??
— Mondaire Jones (@MondaireJones) April 21, 2021
The year was 1861.
The Supreme Court was run by white supremacists who decided Dred Scott.
President Lincoln warned that if Congress didn’t check the Court, “the people will have ceased to be their own rulers.”
In 1863, Congress answered Lincoln’s call — expanding the Court.
— Mondaire Jones (@MondaireJones) April 21, 2021
Then in 1866, after Lincoln’s assassination, the white supremacist Andrew Johnson was President. A seat on the Court sat empty.
If Johnson filled it, the Court could have halted Reconstruction.
So Congress shrank the Court from 10 justices to 7, and Johnson never filled a seat.
— Mondaire Jones (@MondaireJones) April 21, 2021
In 1869, Ulysses S. Grant succeeded Johnson.
Grant strongly supported Reconstruction.
So Congress once again expanded the Court, to its current nine justices.
— Mondaire Jones (@MondaireJones) April 21, 2021
And this, on the history of the filibuster.
I know the history of the filibuster.
Over time, especially during the Jim Crow era, the filibuster was being used to deny voting rights and civil rights. And that’s just a fact.
We need a work-around for voting rights and civil rights in order to move the agenda forward.
— James E. Clyburn (@WhipClyburn) March 25, 2021
We need to stop having conversations about the filibuster and the Supreme Court on Republican terms.
History matters.
Since so many of us have already been vaccinated, I thought I would pair this with the new I Got the Shot! thread.
zhena gogolia
Mondaire Jones is my new hero. “I didn’t know there were so many syllables in the word ‘white.'”
@zhena gogolia: I loved that so much when I saw it in TaMara’s thread yesterday, I will post it again here.
And this one:
I say D.C. needs to add logging and mining jobs. Those cherry trees? Mow em down! How about an open pit lobbyist mine?
@trollhattan: The Rs can’t even come up with credible excuses any more, and they embarrass themselves daily, even if they don’t know it.
Another interesting historical tidbit.
The right to petition Congress was much more robust until the slave owners shut it down because they didn’t want to deal with petitions about slavery.
I hope all Democrats grasp what is at stake. The media will play up Republican hissy fits over these issues so it will take serious determination to do what is required.
@WaterGirl: Yeah it’s right there in the Constitution, no territory can become a state unless a certain percentage of its population is employed in logging, mining and manufacturing.
@Baud: Racism truly is baked into our system, much more than I realized before 2010.
@Barbara: “Real Americans”
@Betty: They decry the flood of “misinformation” when the Press Corpse has been serving lies for decades now…
It’s definitely shaped our system in ways that are not obvious on their face.
Indian law is still suffering from the effects of Jacksonian era racism.
Words I never thought I’d write: Northern Ireland wildfire.
Climate, schmimate.
Mike R
@WaterGirl: Goons like Cotton, Cruz and Hawley aren’t embarrassed they know what they are pitching to the base is bull. They just don’t care, as long as the rank and file are buying the tripe, their base is dumber than a box of rocks. They for sure don’t care what we think, they are reasonably sure we will never vote for them. Now Ron Johnson, that may not be an act, his performances academy award level stuff if it is an act, my thought he is too dumb to know he is embarrassing himself.
Mowing down the Amazon rainforest for cattle and profit has an accelerating effect on global warming. Bolsonaro is a big fan of all three.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@trollhattan: Jesus. And it’s fucking April.
@WaterGirl: I cant bear to watch that. Is it Tom C?
Just a reminder…. Balloon Juice turns 20 in January, and I am starting a collection of links for the occasion. So if you have links to any of the classic threads – when John brought Lily home, faxing credenzas, Red Kitten’s baby being born, etc, please send links to me by email. thanks.
@sab: It is Tom Cotton, but I have to tell you that I watched the whole thing 3 times just to get to see the response by Mondaire Jones. It was so good. Totally worth seeing Tom Cotton for several seconds.
I see the Missouri legislature refuses to adhere to Missouri constitution, and fund voter approved Medicaid expansion. Next stop, federal court.
If this governance stuff is just a suggestion to the Boll weevils, then yes, nine is just a number.
@Baud: It doesn’t look a day older than 18, right?
I’m no Matt Gaetz.
Another Scott
A few things that strike me about Rep. Jones:
Thanks, WG.
@WaterGirl: It had that facelift a couple of years ago. Thanks for all your work, by the way.
How about having a timeline of the blog as part of the celebration? Any other facelifts or provider changes, a list of when front-pagers joined and left, when we hit the thousandth post or millionth comment (have we?), that sort of stuff.
Yeah, I never really figured it out until the last 12 years. They’ve finally revealed themselves and continue to go down the path as the middle class grows in minorities communities.
These assholes want to pull a political Tulsa on the country.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
So…how does Latin Trump think this move is going to help the deal with the US for financial aid?
@Mike R:
What they’ve learned is that they can boldly do anything they want as long as they are unapologetic – the base is happy to accommodate them and even give them money because their job is fuzz up reality by throwing bullshit everywhere.
The real failure is that 24 hour news is not up to the job of being real journalists. Ultimately GOP shit is what makes them money not Democratic and so market forces is what drives this behavior. They even got all your 24 hours news nicely subdivided for you – MSNBC for the left leaning, CNN for centrist, FOX for the crazy and you got OANN and others – because the right is willing to give money to any grifter they see.
@Ken: Those are some good ideas! I just started an anniversary ideas list and added that as the first item.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
I think it’s probably time to start putting some serious pressure on Brazil. That asshole needs get kicked out. He’s going to single handedly destroy a unique ecosystem, but also increase climate change for all of us.
I would be interested in having the rainforest and many others in a world trust to protect the planet. We would pay Brazil handsomely to maintain its pristine state. A billion or two a year and we could possibly make sure it is directed towards financial incentives for farmers and the like.
This is one of the last weekends before my folks come back to Maine so my kids’ band is here for a rehearsal / jam session in the barn. 2 guitars, keyboards, sax, base, and drums. They’re setting up now and it’s going to get loud soon.
The bass player brought his dog and he is a little thing but already bossing everyone around. They have an EP coming out soon and a bunch of gigs starting next month and they need to practice.
Barn doors are open, strong breeze off the ocean and everyone is either vaxxer or partially vaxxed.
I’m in charge of knitting and sitting on the porch in a rocking chair.
They’re warming up to Hey Joe now.
@Another Scott: as I mentioned yesterday he is my Rep and I could not be more thrilled. Nita Lowey was an excellent Congressperson but she was ready for retirement. Mondaire to me represents everything good about the US and NY for that matter. He is the son of a Haitian immigrant who graduated from his local high school, went to Stanford and then Harvard and has mostly worked in public service since. He has a bright future and I look forward to voting for him for many years to come for whatever office he wants.
I saw an old movie “Thunderheart” starring Val Kilmer who ludicrously is cast as “half-Sioux” – it does a really good job showing the sheer poverty of the reservations. There was some Lakota mysticism involved as well.
The visuals were haunting both of the land and abject poverty. There was a bit of moralizing as well. I thought it was a good flick for the most part. But it’s interesting to watch it after all that has been happening in the past 25 years.
@Mike R:
I was reminded of an old Danny Kaye movie called the Inspector General and in the opening scene there was a musical piece of him being a literal snake oil salesman and then getting a bit of a conscious. That’s not what today’s hucksters have.
Check it out –
ETA Also, Danny Kaye is awesome – give you a nice pep for your Saturday :-)
@WaterGirl: I was trying to come up with some contest ideas too, but all I could think of was guessing the number of comments about the willow.
@MomSense: Does your kids’ band have a Bandcamp or Soundcloud page? What kind of music do they perform?
For gigs they play a variety of things. They’re all music nerds so they have a big repertoire. The EP is original music written by a good friend of theirs so they are the band for his songs. I think they are sort of merging because they play 4-5 of my son’s songs (one is a blues rumba) and their lead singer has been writing. As soon as it is released I’ll share the link. All I have now are a couple of drop box links with two of the singles.
The neighbors are all coming out and setting up their lawn chairs. The woman across the street is in her 80s and she’s already dancing.
@cain: I had been meaning to watch thunder heart again. It’s not on Netflix, is it streaming somewhere?
You know, I’ve seen people complain that Biden appointing a commission to study the Supreme Court issue is just a way to table the matter, but I really don’t think so. I think what he’s doing is starting to build a consensus and a rationale for expanding the court. There are good reasons for expanding the court that are completely non-partisan. The Supreme Court has just become too small to function effectively in a nation with a population this large. The appeals courts directly below the Supreme Court have rosters than range from 10 judges to 29 judges. So I think the plan is to gather the facts and promote the notion that the Supreme Court is too small for such a large and technologically advanced nation, which could pick up some support from people who might not buy into ‘we must expand the court because it’s too conservative’.
@Ken: I think Cole might say “too many!” :-)
keep thinking, there’s plenty of time.
@JoyceH: I think that was a great decision on Biden’s part.
First he promised it while running, so why not deliver?
More importantly, he did NOT charge the commission with making a recommendation!
He asked for pros and cons and other information, so Biden has clearly left the decision-making up to him.
So there won’t be delays about what to include and what the Rs and Dems can agree on. Everything can go in there, Joe and his advisors will look at the totality of the information, and look at what’s happening in real life, and make a decision.
Seems really smart to me.
If the organization of your government is such that the racists win then change how your government is organized. Probably a good rule to live by.
@WaterGirl: While they’re at it, they might want to split the 9th circuit into 2. That’s the court with 29 judges, and it has double the population of any other circuit court. It’s the west coast and the next level inland – it’s enormous! When did they set those boundaries, pre-Gold Rush?!
@JoyceH: Yeah, as far as I can tell, he asked them to look at everything, including terms for judges.
James E Powell
Biden knows we get nowhere without doing this first.
@James E Powell: And this allows the courts to show their true colors during the time the commission is putting together their information.
@James E Powell:
And that’s just like Obama.
@guachi: You are active military, correct?
So you can say whatever you like on blogs as long as you’re not posting as Private First Class or Major so-and-so, right? You can be as political as you want, privately? As long as you’re not a white supremacist?
Just curious what the rules are.
@gwangung: I always felt that Obama made a point of bringing the people along on things before he advanced new things publicly.
@TinRoofRusted: I just looked up Rep. Jones to see where his district is, since I’m originally a New Yorker, and I saw that he is exactly my daughter’s age, born in May of 1987. Yikes. But that’s wonderful.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@JoyceH: I think broad judicial reform is a much better approach than the start-at-the-top “Expand the Court!”
Hopefully I’ll see your link when you post it.
@MomSense: Sounds like so much fun. Is this at your dad’s place?
I hope you are right!
Another Scott
(via Popehat)
@WaterGirl: It’s not supposed to be partisan so something like “vote for democrats” is against the rules. But advocating policy is fine – tax the rich, add DC as a state, expand the Supreme Court.
Personally, I don’t actually care if other members of the military advocate for or against a party. I’m on a First Class FB group and the partisan posts were hot and heavy last Fall.
Opinions are good, IMO. Shows that you actually care.
Yes, it’s a lot of fun.
zhena gogolia
It sounds like a blast.
@Another Scott: I snorted!
@guachi: Thank you!
@MomSense: It will be wonderful to have your dad back, I’m sure, but I supposed it will complicate the otherwise simple “let’s hang out at the farm.” (or whatever you call it)
He already said he wants to have a party and get the band to play. His great aunt, who was born here and lived here, was a musician and elementary school music teacher. She was also chair of the local temperance society so she might not approve of all the songs about whisky.
Steve in the ATL
@MomSense: you’re not charging admission for this? Why do you hate America?!
@Steve in the ATL:
Ha! Need you to quickly draft a rep agreement for me!
@MomSense: That sounds great! Your dad’s health must be so much better than it was.
@MomSense: I’m sure he has a boilerplate contract somewhere – he can just fill it in like a Mad Lib.
Uncle Cosmo
@Another Scott: Back in the day (the day being mid-January 1991) wags were fond of noting that the national bird of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was DUUUUUUCK!
He’s like the healthiest person who could drop at any time.
@MomSense: Yikes, that’s complicated. A good reminder to all of us to live every day. I would give a lot to have had one more day/week/month/year with my dad. I’m glad you get time together.
Steve in the ATL
@MomSense: one of my law school buds, whose family does not sell pecan logs, was the lawyer for the Dave Matthews Band and managed Hanson back when they had a career. Are your boys ready to go big?
@Steve in the ATL:
Steve in the ATL
@mrmoshpotato: clearly you were not on the morning thread, in which Subaru Diane and I revealed our connections thereto!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@MomSense: Sounds like a party and half! Have fun.
@Steve in the ATL: I shall go edumacate myself.
@Steve in the ATL:
Of course I think so, but they have some really good songs and were playing three four nights a week before the pandemic. The venues like them because they sell out. Mix of guys showing up to hear the guitars and lots of young women because the guys are all handsome. I can send you some singles once I get them.
Steve in the ATL
@MomSense: can’t wait!
It is important to be aware of all Internet traditions. There may be a quiz as part of the 20th anniversary celebration.
@MomSense: I was picturing a 45, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what you meant by “singles”. They still call them that, though, that’s fun!
OMG! ? Legend!
Totally agree Danny Kaye was awesome. When I was a little kid we had an album of 78s (one song per side, and I think there were 10 or 12 discs in the album). I have many favourites from that whole album, but one thing I didn’t really appreciate until I was a lot older was what a phenomenal scat artist Danny Kaye was. Here are two examples from that long-ago collection that highlight his great scatwork:
Minnie the Moocher
@mrmoshpotato: Holy shit. I could barely watch, but I couldn’t look away.
@mrmoshpotato: I wonder if he’s in the 83% of people who consider themselves above-average drivers?
@WaterGirl: thanks. In addition to the history, should be more widely known that (eta: Republicans in) Arizona and Georgia both increased the size of their state supreme courts about 5 years ago.
@Steve in the ATL: Now I want some Dunkin’ Donuts Munchkins.
I’m partial to saying Dems have to unfuck the courts – along with everything else. The R (in)justices are really out of step with most people.
@WaterGirl: Yeah. It’s ummm….. Well, they cleaned out the sprinkler system line! That’s for sure!
@MomSense: looking forward to hearing the band, for a sound like Hey Joe without the misogynistic lyrics.
@Ken: I wouldn’t call that driving. Hehe
@MomSense: I so want to be hanging on the porch with you and listening to the band. Sounds so damn normal. By the way, the band line up is awesome for so many music directions. Somehow bass plus sax made me think of Morphine….
ETA I kinda collect versions of Hey Joe — Patti Smith’s is my fave.
They have a song called Manatee so I think we are pretty safe with the lyrics.
Wish you were here! The sax player is a brewer so we are enjoying good beer and tunes.
Steeplejack (phone)
Thunderheart is currently streaming on Amazon Prime, DirecTV, Fubo and Pluto TV.
The search function at JustWatch is an excellent way to find stuff.
@BlueGuitarist: Interesting! And their R legislators are sure to be some of the biggest whiners about any changes to the federal courts.
@MomSense: We may need a BJ Zoom concert with the band! :-)
@Steeplejack (phone): Thank you! I have amazon prime. I can’t believe how young Val Kilmer looks in that link! Holy cow-ski.
Sister Golden Bear
@mrmoshpotato: Lesbians on a second date will not be denied!
Because I can’t be in Maine — here is one more great rock group w/sax(es).
Alejandro Escobedo. Teenage Luggage
(The first song! NPR tiny desk concert)
@Steve in the ATL: I came within a whisker of being Widespread’s road manager.
zhena gogolia
@Sister Golden Bear:
46 needs to break these contracts ??
“We Are Hoarding”: Why the U.S. Still Can’t Donate COVID-19 Vaccines to Countries in Need via @VanityFair
Steeplejack (phone)
Well, it was almost 30 years ago. How time flies.
@Steeplejack (phone): shhh.
It was a good flick – definitely worth watching if you haven’t seen it in awhile. The guy who plays the reservation sheriff steals every scene he’s in. Always proving he’s about 3-4 steps ahead of the white guy.
Indeed he does.. we are losing a lot of goodwill if we aren’t also seen helping the world – countries like India are suffering quite a bit and they should at least send whatever AZ we have to countries in need.
Contracts be damned.
Until Sens. Manchin and Sinema hear that message, our hands are tied.
@cain: I’m hoping he’s working on changing that in the background right now. Not making an announcement until the paperwork is ready to be signed for the changes so they can start redistribution ASAP. Negotiating is a bitch, but i really hope they’re doing that as we speak.
@janesays: I disagree. We can talk about the history of the filibuster and the history of supreme court changes and refute the popular talking points as if both of those are sacred and have never been changed before.
@aliasofwestgate: I have no idea whether there is a legal way to do that or not. Seems like maybe the defense production act might give them a way out, but I don’t really know about that at all.
From the article, it sounds like Biden is ramping up production of the vaccines – I presume that new contracts don’t have to have the same terms as the old contracts.
Another Scott
RollCall from April 5:
The government has various powers, but they have to be careful or there will be lawsuits that could delay things…
@cain: That is Graham Green, who I first noticed in Dances With Wolves, and whom I absolutely adore. I’ll watch just about anything he’s in – and have. He starred in this very strange eco-thriller, as a person who might be a hallucination, or a god, or an elemental spirit, who torments a land developer for most of the movie. (Clearcut, thanks, Wikipedia!)
@Another Scott: It’s complicated.
@CaseyL: I share your love for Graham Green.
Odie Hugh Manatee
Not that it matters but I approve. ;)
Party on!
When all you have is hate and bullshit, you use hate and bullshit.
All they have ever had is hate and bullshit, so that’s all they have left.
That’s so great!
@mrmoshpotato: Just possibly the stupidest thing I have ever seen. “One way” trip indeed.
@Another Scott: He’s MY representative, and I couldn’t be prouder of him! Not that I disliked Nita Lowey, my former representative, but really, Jones is a winner!
@Nora: I’d say you really hit the jackpot with him.