Russia and China have been exporting their SARS-CoV-2 vaccine to build goodwill. At the same time, however, they have been taking steps that undermine that goodwill. Russia has built up its military forces as if to attack Ukraine and is now building them down; additionally, information has come out about earlier attacks on Czech and Bulgarian arms depots. China has been imprisoning Uyghurs in concentration (“reeducation”) camps and has been militarily active in the South China Sea.
Both vaccines, like the AstraZeneca vaccine, use an adenovirus to carry in parts of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to provoke an immune response. The method has been used successfully for an Ebola vaccine.
Brazil and Slovakia have now rejected Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine because it is not as advertised. For a vaccine, the adenovirus must be made incapable of replicating or inducing its own immune reaction. This is accomplished by deleting two genes. Both countries’ regulatory agencies found the adenovirus capable of replicating, and Brazil found immunogenicity.
The original Sputnik V was properly developed. Its information has been published, and it has been used widely across Russia, although it did not have a Type 3 trial of the sort required by America’s Food and Drug Administration for approval. Another part of FDA approval is inspection of the factories and their procedures that will mass produce the vaccines.
Although the widespread distribution of Sputnik V is, in effect, a Type 3 trial, the problem with the vaccines delivered to Brazil and Slovakia seems to originate in production. Somehow the vaccine was contaminated with a wild adenovirus, which are common. This is a failure of quality control.
Meanwhile, Russian twitter is trash-talking other vaccines. Not a good look.
More here about the technical side, and a Twitter thread that says much the same thing.
Cross-posted to Nuclear Diner
I guess you either want to help humanity or you want to take over the world. You can’t really do both.
Just me? Ok, second!
Just more talking points from writer to a friendly Amerikan and British govt. propaganda. bellingcat is a mouth piece for m-16. It’s sadly just more Russia & China bad and Amerika good. brazil and india are leading in deaths not a good sign. Sad
Mary G
FTFNYT: Rudy Tooty in trouble:
@Mary G:
Cheryl Rofer
@jo6pac: Nope, it’s the regulators in Slovakia and Brazil who did their tests and found Sputnik V defective.
Derek Lowe has a second post on the matter, specifically about the Russian bad behavior.
ETA: It’s really quite mind-boggling that the technical details of vaccine manufacturing have gotten politicized.
Old School
As I interpret that technical article, the vaccine is still effective concerning COVID-19 and probably won’t cause big problems, but will cause respiratory infections in some people.
But rather than correcting the issue, they opted to choose the “Fake News!” response.
(I think you’ve said all this, but I’m simplifying.)
So a good vaccine marketed badly?
Another Scott
Thanks for this.
We really are in a golden age of getting important factual information out quickly and wide. It’s a shame that we have to fight with so much disinformation in the process…
Laura Too
So the Russian vaccine has a live virus? Does it cause Covid or another virus? I vaguely remember the swine flu vaccine fiasco, my grandparents got very sick. Is this the same sort of thing?
Cheryl Rofer
@MattF: Thanks! That must have posted about when I was writing this post. I linked the Bergstrom tweet thread in the post.
Fair Economist
A replication-competent adenovirus vector is a whopper of a goof in this era. There’s not the faintest excuse for adenovirus replication genes even being in a production factory with so many excellent production vectors available. Truly amateur hour and you can’t trust anything from a system displaying such incompetence.
Cheryl Rofer
@sab: More than that. There are dangers associated with the still-active adenovirus, including infections and excessive immune response.
ETA: Agree with Fair Economist.
OT since this is not about Russia but India. BJP friendly voices on Twitter are urging media not to show funeral pyres as it is supposedly hurtful to Hindus. People on Twitter do not listen to them retweet far and wide. The only thing that moves the monsters in New Delhi is public shaming in the international media which they cannot intimidate like they can with the home-grown media.
Attacking Brazilian public health officials doesn’t make any sense at all.
Fair Economist
@Laura Too: Another virus; the one they used to package the spike protein, which happens to be an adenovirus vector. Human adenoviruses are normally considered cold viruses but they used a chimp adenovirus; so on top of everything else wrong about this there’s a real possibility they just added a new human common cold virus, if the vector proves able to spread between humans.
Edit: *or* can recombine with a human adenovirus to make an infectious virus.
This Brazilian finding properly should require a worldwide stop on the Sputnik vaccine until everything can be sorted out.
Mary G
@schrodingers_cat: What is a good Twitter to @ the monsters?
@Old School: In the tweet thread, there’s also a question of whether the recombination that allowed the adenovirus to reproduce, might also have removed the spike protein gene. It sounded like there’s no evidence either way on that.
The concern obviously is, if that did happen, you’re basically giving people respiratory infections with the replication-ready virus, but not giving any resistance to COVID.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Mary G:
Incoming 10000 word stream of consciousness screed from Greenwald to be posted in a bit….
@Mary G:
@Mary G: Just retweeting is a good idea. Because the BJP monsters are many and they are awful.
@Mary G: Re: Rudy. I read a New York magazine article a year or two ago that explained Rudy’s behavior i.t.o. absolute, complete shamelessness. It’s been helpful to keep that in mind.
Laura Too
@Fair Economist: Thanks! And thanks Cheryl!
Glem, dat you? What are your fresh thoughts on the patriots living in Crimea?
He’s been back to sockpuppeting LGM so why not also at a top 10k poliblog? Lockdown in Brazil, baby.
@Laura Too: This is my question. What does it actually mean if it’s got a live virus – that the vaccine adenovirus can infect others without getting a shot and spread somehow?
ETA: I see this question has already been answered. Yikes, what a fuckup.
@trollhattan: Wait, Glem’s been back at LGM? I thought he was too proud to sockpuppet anymore :)
Me too. How does he have time to be Tucker’s comedy sidekick and still troll blogs? That seems so 2009.
@trollhattan: Well, it’s not like being Tucker’s sidekick is actually difficult:
Bam, money. And we know Glenn gets REALLY MAD when people accurately describe him and has a history with LGM, so I guess it makes sense.
Sing Michael, sing!
Underneath the 19 bus!
@jo6pac: BiP, is that you?
@schrodingers_cat: You have to read this article, it will amuse the fuck out of you. This was posted on our family whatsapp:
After the “Jai Hind” I just laughed.. stupid motherfucker.
What! This is unbelievably sloppy.
Kayla Rudbek
Hasn’t Russian biotech/biological science been awful ever since Lysenko?
@Cheryl Rofer:
Very interesting post. The probable source of the problem is clearly explained.
Thanks much.
@Cheryl Rofer: The remarkable thing about Derek Lowe’s two articles is that the comments aren’t (yet) full of people defending Russia’s vaccine program. Maybe it’s too late at night for the sock puppets to be up.
@Ken: I’m amazed that we even got one of those here.
Guys COVID in Delhi has reached my family’s doorstep. Husband kitteh’s cousin and his aunt both have it. Aunt is in her mid 80s and barely breathing. My SIL, the medic in Mumbai is giving her advice over the phone because there is no way she can get medical help in the hellscape that India’s capital is right now.
These are upper caste privileged people, I don’t even know how the have-nots are coping.
@schrodingers_cat: Yikes. I am so sorry. It sounds like my sister’s friends from Wuhan in the early days.
@cain: It would be funny if these delusions of grandeur of the BJP and their voters had not turned India into the hellscape it is right now.
Thanks for sharing.
@schrodingers_cat: I am so sorry. This is such a scary time.
@Ken: It’s quite possible that Lowe is deleting the sockpuppets.
Thanks for the very clear explanation. I do think that people might be underestimating the complexity of manufacturing vaccines when they ask for IP rules to be waived or relaxed. The nightmare scenario would be for countries to expend resources manufacturing a vaccine that fails at some point in the production process. I am honestly not sure what the answer is here.
@MattF: He doesn’t usually delete comments, even when the hydroxychloroquine contingent was at their worst. And in his second post, he actually invites them to jump in: “Come at me.” Maybe that discouraged them?
Even though vaccine production is complex, the development, testing and production protocols are well known and have been clearly established. Response to Ebola and other diseases, have helped scientists all over the world come up with standards of practice.
And even though you have “Warp Speed” and other programs to speed up vaccine development, you still have to have key checks in the process to try to prevent major disasters.
Russia appears to have screwed up big time. The one good thing is that at least one major misstep has been clearly identified.
Bill Arnold
Is(are?) BJP(/toxic nationalists) really trying to blame the US for their willfully incompetent(/malignant) pandemic response? Is it getting electorally significant traction in the general population?
(Yeah, the article is gibberish on several levels.)
Cheryl Rofer
@Barbara: You’re welcome. There’s been a lot of discussion the past few days of manufacturing versus patents. The m-RNA vaccines require quite a different manufacturing setup than any previous vaccines. Today’s NYT has an illustrated article on it.
It’s probably some of both – maybe Indian pharmaceutical manufacturers don’t want to spend on building an m-RNA factory unless they have access to the patent rights, for example.
The aid the US is sending to India is in other areas than patent rights. I think this is the right priority – what is needed now is oxygen and support for sick people. Even vaccines aren’t going to help much with what is happening now.
Cheryl Rofer
@schrodingers_cat: I’m sorry. I hope they recover. The situation in India is dreadful.
@schrodingers_cat: When and where will be the next important Indian elections?
Bill Arnold
Another major screw-up has been the severe (factor of 3?4?) Russian undercounting of COVID-19 deaths, made quite clear by the excess deaths statistics. That casts automatic suspicions of lying on any health-stat numbers out of Russia, including vaccine clinical trial data and post-vaccination safety data.
The tweet thread that Cheryl linked[1] is more evidence that the people marketing the Gamaleya vaccine are liars and cannot be trusted.
Why do they do this? It’s so breathtakingly stupid; one does not easily (or quickly) repair a reputation as liars.
[1] Bergstrom thread. (The lies are composite lies, crafted from from a collection of true but irrelevant facts.)
Cheryl Rofer
@Bill Arnold:
As I was writing the OP, I consciously steered away from saying “Russia is Russia.” I hate essentialist explanations like that. But it’s entirely consistent with their history and exacerbated by Putin’s presidency
ETA: The vaccines are an opportunity to extend soft power. But both Russia and China seem determined to neutralize that.
Another Scott
@schrodingers_cat: I’m very sorry. It’s horrible.
Best wishes to you and everyone affected,
@Cheryl Rofer:
But there are not, so far, problems with China’s vaccine, or am I missing something?
Cheryl Rofer
@Brachiator: Not that I know of. By “neutralize that advantage” I mean their concentration camps and militarism, as I said in the OP.
@Cheryl Rofer:
OK. I understand what you mean.
There are countries that may downplay objections to how China deals with its internal problems.
As far as I understand, none of the vaccines had a Type 3 trial completed, nor the results published in a prestigious medical publication, much less approval by the local health institutions. Nevertheless, the US and the EU granted approval to purchase the vaccines before the type 3 phase trial completion.
AstraZeneca finished the Phase 3 trials on November 23, yet the EU approved its purchase on August 15 and the US on May 20. Similar situation with Pfizer. Phase 3 Trial concluded on November 18, EU purchased approval 11/11, the US 7/22. Sputnik’s phase 3 trial concluded in February 2021 and the results published in The Lancet confirmed a 91.6% effectiveness.
Bill Arnold
Approval for purchase is not approval for use. You know that.
Shots started going into non-phase III-study arms in the US after a readout from phase III indicated reasonable statistical confidence in efficacy and safety. The initial ramp up of vaccinations was a continuation of the safety studies.
Russia approved the Gamaleya vaccine in August, 2020, before phase II results were published. ( )
That’s a large part of how they fucked up trust. Then they’ve been lying to an absurd degree about COVID-19 death statistics, another big hit to trust. (Can you trust the Russian numbers on e.g. observed Sputnik vaccine side effects? (Hint: No.)) The Gamaleya scientists are competent, and the vaccine design is probably good. (The recent news about Sputnik V containing a “replication-competent” adenovirus is pretty bad but probably not their fault.)
The anti-mRNA vaccine propaganda being created and spread by the Sputnik V marketing team (probably including the government, cold reading) is not forgivable.
Seriously, that’s some evil shit, probably driven by a combination of greed and zero-sum nationalism, amplified by arrogance.
YY_Sima Qian
@schrodingers_cat: So sorry to hear that, I hope they pull through.