Marjorie Taylor-Greene and associates’ idle hands sure are getting a lot of attention from the devil:
AOC is reacting to a video from last year that CNN found on MTG’s Facebook page. MTG and soon-to-be seditionist Aguero were proudly filming themselves yelling through AOC’s mail slot. AOC told CNN, “This is a woman that’s deeply unwell. And clearly needs help. And her kind of fixation has lasted for several years now” and “raised concerns for other Members…I think that this is an assessment that needs to be made by the proper professional.”
Chat Noir
Republicans don’t realize it’s not a badge of honor to be a colossal asshole.
@Chat Noir: Sometimes you have to go that extra mile to pwn the libtards.
Lordy. What an odious human being.
Not one ounce of class.
She is not fit to lick AOC’s boots.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Chat Noir:
Except that they’re playing to their base…which does consider being a colossal asshole a proverbial badge of honor.
@Chat Noir: They realize it and they’re proud to wear that badge.
Said it before, will continue to say it:
Swalwell’s ok for a Terp.
Raoul Paste
AOC handles things so well . And as I’ve commented before, I’m so sick of hearing about MTG every blessed day
One of the many reasons I’m hoping Fetterman ends up in the Senate is to see which of these clowns wants to get sideways with a 6’8”, 250 pound United States Senator.
My neighbor just told me I don’t have to wear a mask outdoors when I went to sit with him on his porch. I told him I wear it to piss rightwingers off. It’s fun.
@burnspbesq: He won’t suffer any of those fools gladly. He’s sort of scary. I am waiting to vote for him.
@Jeffery: I’ve got an elderly MAGA relative who’s been anti-mask and anti-vaccine. Lives in the same retirement complex as my parents.
Suddenly now that everyone ELSE is going to start going maskless he is getting all nervous and conflicted. He was happy to be a flaming asshole when the rest of us were keeping him safe. But now…. ? Suddenly the tables are turned and the only one who can keep him safe is himself.
I think this dropping of the mask requirement is actually going to light a fire under some folks to get their asses vaccinated. Not because they need the vaccine for permission to unmask. But because it will dawn on them that no one else is going to keep them safe anymore, they have to do it themselves.
I expect the Biden folks and the CDC gamed this whole thing out carefully. But it really puts the responsibility back on the individual and not society to keep their asses safe. I actually like that. And yes, I know there are some immuno-compromised individuals who can’t get vaccinated. But we were never going to keep the country locked down just for them anyway.
@burnspbesq: I really like him and I hope he wins.
@Pennsylvanian: wipe them out. All of them
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
True, but judging from MTG’s fixation on AOC, MTG might like to.
@Kent: He might also have heard the latest emanation from the fever (literally) swamps, that vaccinated people are “shedding” virus particles and strange proteins and that the un-vaxxed need to protect themselves by wearing masks.
Explaining why they need to protect themselves from a hoax virus that is no worse than the flu is left as an exercise for the reader.
Good. This story makes my day. They want to be the center of the universe. The quicker we can SAFELY leave the behind, the better.
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix:
Her fixation on AOC is grounded in cold, hard fundraising cash.
@burnspbesq: I am actually slightly hopeful that Fetterman can win. He has broad appeal and he is super smart. People like the way he boils things into manageable layman talk, and he doesn’t look like a politician, which I think is a good thing for the Pennsyltucky portion of the state. I would love to see him repping PA in the Senate!
@Chat Noir:
Middle-school bullies think it’s a badge of honor to be a colossal asshole, and that’s about the emotional maturity level most of the GOP asshole bullies like MTG, Lauren Boebert, or Gym Jordan operate on.
I know. We can finally start telling them: “Do whatever the fuck you want to do. Just stop bothering me with your stupidity”
All these masking and social distancing requirements gave them a vehicle to be defiant assholes. And they, of course, lept at the opportunity. But now? In very short order, no one will give a fuck if you have your mask on or off, or if you got vaccinated or not. Biden just took away all their power to be assholes.
Republicans for the past year: Wearing a mask is a personal choice and nobody should feel like they have to wear one in order to go into buildings.
Republicans now: Wearing a mask is fascism and if you wear one even if the CDC says you don’t have to you should be bullied and treated like a criminal.
Personally I think wearing a mask in certain situations, such as the grocery store or the subway, should remain socially acceptable indefinitely. Wearing a mask is about protecting others, so if you see somebody wearing a mask you should assume it is because they have been in contact with somebody who might have been contagious (with COVID or anything else), and they are doing YOU a favor by trying to protect YOU. They deserve gratitude not ridicule
Honestly, we consider it gross if somebody walks around getting all their other bodily fluids all over the place.
@Chat Noir: For their tribe, it is.
Step one: ban all of MTG’s staff, down to her fucking secretaries. She would have to be expelled by vote, they can just be fired.
Step two: when she whines and cries that it’s preventing her from doing her “job”, smile sweetly and say “Yes, yes it is. So why don’t you just quit and leave the adults to work in peace?”
@Kent: oh, Im sure they’ll find another way to vent their assholery, it’s their nature ?
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
What’s always galled me is how idiotic these people are when it comes to the science of masking. I tried to relate my own experiences as a student nurse at clinical caring for patients under isolation precautions where you have to wear PPE to a customer recently who questioned that masks worked.
I even flat out asked, politely, at one point why healthcare workers wear masks if they don’t work. He mentioned surgeons wearing them during operations, but couldn’t see that the same principle applies to the public wearing masks in the community
I have been donating like crazy just so I can see my new junior senator scare the piss out of these assholes.
Betty Cracker
That’s a really good point. I live in a region with a large asshole population, and at the grocery store that required masks but did not enforce it, I’ve seen non-mask-wearers parade around and defiantly glare at others, spoiling for a confrontation. Now the oppositional defiant-disordered babies will have to dress up in Trump swag to express their bile, and that’s weak sauce after potentially spreading a deadly virus.
James E Powell
@Chat Noir:
For them, it is. It’s how they become popular with Republican voters.
We don’t talk enough about what colossal assholes Republican voters are. The focus is on the people they elect as if the voters have no other choice but to vote for ignorant, hateful bigots.
I do not know what the solution to this might be. Exposing their corruption, dishonesty, and hypocrisy will have no effect. Their voters do not care about those things.
Seriously, a spokesperson telling a sitting Rep what to do deserves an in your face response complete with feigned threats of force.
Does House leadership have the authority to fire a member’s staff? If they do, they certainly ought to fire Dyer. Where does he get off trying to start something with a Congressman? Who the bleep does he think he is?
I don’t think they can fire them. But they can certainly restrict where they can go and ban them from House Chambers and other public areas if they are assholes.
Just Chuck
@burnspbesq: Harry Reid was a bare-knuckle boxer. There’s a story that went around about how he nearly strangled a lobbyist in his office.
Lawrence Schuman
“Come out and play”
What if we did? If a couple of these fuckers got beaten into a body cast it might tamp this shit down.
Other MJS
AOC uses the subjunctive! ♥♥
What does it sound like when you blow all the dog whistles at once? I’m thinking this get-to-know-me statement from Stephanik contains the answer. Bonus quatloo for capitalizing Socialist Democrat[sic] and Far-Left.
Miss Bianca
@dmsilev: My God, this whole scenario really *is* turning into The Sneetches, isn’t it?
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix:
She is not fit to lick AOC’s boots.
I was thinking the exact same thing.
More seriously, I was watching some news clip about MTG following after AOC and demanding that she debate her about something. I think that this woman is unhinged and might try to do something unpleasant and harmful if she is not reined in.
@geg6: I’ve read that your Congressman may enter the Pennsylvania Senate race. He might not be a big rough stud like Fetterman, but I doubt if Conner Lamb is a shrinking violet either.
I will continue to mask up at work for the forseeable future. I ride public transit. When people eventually come back to my building, I won’t know if they’re vaxed or not. I am but I’m not taking any chances.
@Just Chuck: As I recall that story, Reid was wearing a wire to expose a bribery ring and Reid got so angry when the bribery attempt actually happened, he strangled the lobbyist and the Feds who had been listening in had to rush in and restrain him.
I have no idea if it actually was that dramatic, but that’s the story I remember.
He also had a bomb placed under his car because he wouldn’t work for the mob. I think it was in response to this incident, but I could be misremembering.
He’d be nuts to run against Fetterman. Fetterman will kill him statewide. He’s way too conservative for the big Blue areas.
@geg6: What about Pennsylvania’s African American Democrats? They are many of those blue area voters. Some of them are adamantly opposed to Fetterman because of the time he chased down that Black man and held him with a shotgun in his hands, and now in essence brags about it.
And when I look at recently elected Democratic Congresswomen like Chrissy Houlihan and Madeline Dean, their politics seem fairly close to Lamb’s. Are Pennsylvania Democrats really that “Progressive?” Joe Biden creamed Bernie Sanders in Pennsylvania. Granted, Pennsylvania was Biden’s home state, but Michigan is similar to Pennsylvania, and Biden creamed Sanders there also, won every county.
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix: I guarantee you there is an “adult parody” in the works already
I love that they’re all going on cable television and telling people they will fund everything with “user fees”.
DECADES I have been waiting for Republicans to have to say how they will get revenue and they finally have to do it.
I get it. If I had made the deal they did, where they traded everything for Trump’s tax cuts, I would be loathe to give them up too.
The “user fees” idea is really just an expansion of what they do state level.
All of government suddenly comes with a “user fee” if you live in a GOP state, including courts and the criminal system. They aren’t just “regressive”. They literally fund the government by taking money from the absolute lowest income group. They hit them the hardest. That’s why they need so MANY user fees!
Raising taxes on one multi-millionaire or billionaire = “user fees” on 10 million poor people. They opt for the second.
There is no evidence that Black voters won’t vote for Fetterman. His term as mayor pretty much puts that to rest since Braddock is majority Black. And the guy he chased down even voted for and endorsed him. Only white lefties seem to think it’s a problem.
ETA: Also, you must remember that the people you are citing aren’t from the population centers of Philly, Pittsburgh and Erie. TFG won my county and so did Lamb. Fetterman relates very well to the WWC voters that everyone tells us that we must appeal to. He is well positioned to win statewide.
@geg6: Only white lefties! They are Fetterman’s biggest backers. White lefties give Fetterman a pass on anything because he was a Sanders supporter. They give him a pass on his fracking flipflops also.
I’m talking about people on Black Twitter, like @SashaBeauloux. She’s not from Pennsylvania, but she subtweets a group of African American Pennsylvanians that oppose Fetterman. Their name escapes me right now. But they would be easy enough to find if you are interested.
That Fetterman won Braddock, a town of 8,000, proves little. And the current mayor endorsed another candidate, not Fetterman, which doesn’t prove much either.
I don’t know why the Black jogger endorsed Fetterman ten years later. But if he had gotten an attorney at the time, Fetterman would have paid out a lot of money for false imprisonment. And if a similar incident happened now, people here would be all over the cops for not arresting the big white vigilante.
@Geminid: And Madeleine Dean represents Bucks County, which is a big enough population center.
But this will be a hardfought primary, so we will get to see how strong Fetterman is statewide. So far he has only won a Democratic primary for Lieutenant Governor. In the general election, he was on a common ticket, and won because the candidate for Governor won.
@Geminid: I don’t where you saw him brag about that incident. I have seen him apologize for it, explain how it happened and contrasted that with years of working to support Black youth in Braddock. I had really hoped Kenyatta would stay in the state legislature to counter the crazy Republicans. Conor is in a district that could go Republican so that is also a consideration.
@Geminid: Madeline Dean represents the Montgomery County area in PA, not Bucks. Montgomery County went blue a number of years ago. Bucks, not so much. And she is from the bluest area of Montco.
@LaméDuck: Thank you for pointing that out. She’s my Rep and I was surprised to hear I lived in Bucks Co.
Then I guess we are neighbors because she’s my congressperson as well. She was also my state rep before running for congress.
@LaméDuck: Sorry, I was in a hurry and did not look Dean’s district up. It is in the Philadelphia suburbs isn’t it?
@Geminid: Yes. Montgomery County is just outside of Philadelphia. Very blue the closer you are to the city line and turns red as you move away from Phila.
@Betty: Well, if you say Fetterman apologized I’ll take your word for it. I was going by a Fetterman ad that implied that he was more hero than vigilante, and some very emphatic criticism from Black people in and out of Pennsylvania.
And while a Lamb Senate run might open up his seat to a Republican takeback- assuming that the Republican legislature doesn’t make that outcome likely anyway when it redistricts- the decision is in Lamb’s hands, not mine. If his prospects are as hopeless as the Pittsburg area commenter says, he’d be very naive to jump in. But I don’t think Lamb is a naive man.
You Pennsylvania folks will get to see this campaign first hand. I hope it’s not destructive. It’s not my fight, but I see somewhat of a cult of personality around John Fetterman that I don’t think is warranted, and I’m not sure he will live up to it. And I don’t think he is the only Democrat who can win that seat. What I’ve been told on this thread indicates to me that Lamb would be a stronger candidate in the general election.
@Geminid: And I think either of Representatives Dean and Houlihan would be even stronger. Last I read, both have considered a run. They have some time to make a move.
@Geminid: Well, you certainly are entitled to all of your opinions.
@demit: We all are, aren’t we?
We’re going to see how that plays. According to Fetterman he heard gunfire and stopped a potential shooter who was running towards a school. I think the jogger and Fetterman should make clear what happened because it can easily be a mess later during the general if he wins the primary.
@Freemark: There is good independent reporting on the event, some contemporaneous, that at least can be compared to Fetterman’s account