I’m at the airport for the first time in well over a year, and I see a few of the geniuses have decided that they don’t need to wear masks in the common area. Most of them are sitting at tables with a empty drink, looking pleased with their clever selves. I’m following my brother’s advice: he lives in a red state and has kept wearing his mask so he can mouth “fuck you” to all the maskholes.
Anyway, I hope one of these assholes decides to exercise “mah freedum” by pitching a fit on a flight — preferably not mine, but I do have a pretty long layover at my next connection, so I wouldn’t be upset if it happened. Then, after they get kicked off, I’ll wait for the next FAA press release announcing the fine they received. The latest group of yahoos got between $9-15K worth of fines. The $9K fine was for a maskhole who wouldn’t wear a mask, and threw the one that the flight attendant gave him on the ground. The $15K fines are for assaulting a flight attendant, or causing the FA to talk to the pilots — basically anything that interferes with crew duties.
I also look forward to the day that proof of vaccination is required to board an airplane. The bitching, moaning, crying and caterwauling of the “freedum” crowd will be sweet music to my ears on that glorious day.
The MAGA crowd sure does have a One Dee Ten Tea issue (1d10t)
Another Scott
Oh, I thought this was going to be about The Blog’s Favorite Senator from Massachusetts talking to the MotUs…
They really are shameless, and she’s great at pointing it out.
I haven’t seen a credible scheme for proof of vaccination cards.
I think the FBI might be interested in talking to the following person as well:
Btw, the people who are fined by the FAA are only the tip of the iceberg. Airlines have banned thousands, maybe even tens of thousands, of people from flying with them in the last year due to bad behavior.
Never gonna happen.
Mike in NC
Spending the night in Fort Myers Beach. A Diet Coke from the vending machine cost $5!
@Calouste: Heh, enjoy the road trip, assholes.
We could use party registration as a rough substitute.
randy khan
I don’t know if they’ll actually stick with it, but several airlines (Delta for sure and I think American among them) have said the bans are permanent – basically they decided that if you couldn’t do the simple thing and wear a mask they can’t trust you not to disrupt flights in the future.
Also, while $15K will take a big bite out of most people’s finances, I think criminal charges are in order for anyone who assaults a flight attendant.
Another Scott
@jeffreyw: There won’t be a federal one.
KHN from March:
The idea of a permanent, secure vaccination record of course is a good one. But given the insane politics, the presumed need for boosters, the lack of simple universal standard IDs (RealID drivers licenses still are a hassle to get and expensive and not universal), it’s not a battle worth fighting now.
Maybe we’ll get something figured out before the next pandemic. :-/
Ankles next, ladies.
“Local Woman” took it upon herself to punch a flight attendant in the face, knocking out teeth, on a flight from Sac to San Diego Sunday. Supposedly not specific to masks, just a woman acting like a dick. They arrested her ass.
@Baud: Was unsurprised to see “Florida school.”
@Baud: Geez, after they spent all that dough on the boob job.
I haven’t been to the airport in over 15 years and have no intention of breaking my streak.
Just not gonna do it anymore.
Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) tweeted at 5:10 PM on Wed, May 26, 2021:
AZ GOPs to strip Democratic Sec of State – top election official – of powers until the end of her term https://t.co/Dm1ir4MEBa via @TPM
randy khan
@Another Scott:
Speaking of which, there’s some new research suggesting that immunity may actually increase over time following vaccination or actually getting sick. It’s obviously preliminary, and doesn’t necessarily help with variants, but it’s more good vaccine news we didn’t necessarily anticipate. It’s not necessarily odd, as there are lots of vaccines that don’t require boosters, like measles and chicken pox, but it definitely wasn’t something that was guaranteed. (Don’t have the link handy – sorry!)
Recall or no recall, Gavin can continue being Gavin.
Clearly a Freedom-hating monster who needs removal from office.
James E Powell
I always wonder, do those people ever regain their flying privileges? What does it take besides the passage of time? Completion of anger management classes? A
Fuckers. ?
Just Chuck
@jeffreyw: There won’t be a card, there will be an app that generates a QR code that gets verified with the CDC database. They scan it, the scanner comes up with your name, they check it against your ID. Presumably you’ll be able to print the code too.
EventBrite does this kind of thing a zillion times a day (well, they did).
So, I got an email today from the University President’s office that all employees who travel on University business (even just to a local high school college fair or financial aid night or a meeting at another campus) must be vaccinated. No paying for plane tickets or mileage if you’re not vaccinated. I was in the office today and several of the vaccine hesitant in other departments and the one admissions counselor in my department whose MAGAT husband has had a fit over her getting vaccinated were complaining that they’re now forced to get a jab. I played a tiny violin in my office for them.
As for throwing a mask on the ground, I think this is appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAYL5H46QnQ
(SNL Andy Samberg: Threw It on the Ground)
@Mike in NC:
When did they start bottling Diet Coke in gallon milk bottles?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: “No sir. There is no Amtrak route to Hawaii.”
That’s why we need infrastructure!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The photos they censored were pretty modest judging from the ones I saw online, and they also covered shoulders. Of course they didn’t censor some of the male students, even the ones in swimsuits!
@mrmoshpotato: That’s $5 in Confederate money.
@James E Powell: I don’t know. But it’s not like airlines make a lot of money on economy class tickets, and the delays people cause by being assholes are pretty expensive. Look at those cases: diverting a plane mid-flight; 28 minute delay on a flight that takes less than 3 hours (and for which an economy ticket is about $200 round-trip). Unless those people fly weekly, or are regulars in first class, the airline is never going to recoup that money even in a lifetime.
@mrmoshpotato: better still: “Yes sir, there is an Amtrak train to Hawaii and the terminal is right out there, just beyond the surf line. If you’ll please start walking into the Pacific and keep going until everything goes black, you’ll be, um, departing right on time.”
Alison Rose
@mrmoshpotato: When TFG requested it, since he went through about that much in an hour.
I wonder how vaccine passports would work for those vaccinated overseas? And I don’t mean Germany. I’m Sputnik vaxxed but I guarantee there is not CDC accessible record of my vaccination sitting in Pakistan, and I am dreading the day I’m banned from flying because I can’t demonstrate my vaccination status to their satisfaction.
My husband is flying home this evening from the first trip for his new job. Looking forward to his report on airport/airplane happenings.
@rikyrah: BJ bar: is that a bill of attainder?
@mrmoshpotato: They’ll finish the bridge any day now.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
This has to be unconstitutional, right?
Dan B
@Baud: And first openly gay woman to lead a WH presser.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I flew from Charlotte to Denver last Saturday. The weather diversion to SLC because we didn’t have enough gas to fly in a holding pattern is an entirely different post.
First flight since March 2020. Plenty of people in the airport maskless. Two women on our flight had masks but *never* had them above their noses. One of them, her mask was covered in all kinds of Texas shit. Figures.
Hope they die..soon. Yes, I’m that kind of person.
I hope you rocked the fuck out on that tiny violin.
Another mass murder in the USA Today. At this point fuck the Second Amendment.
@Dan B:
I didn’t know that about her. Which is good. There’s no reason I should.
Yes, we’re regularly seeing them at the grocery store now. Many of them are visibly self-conscious; they look like they are just dying for somebody to NOTICE THEM so they can start something, or just so they can be publicly aggrieved.
I’m so tired of these fucking people.
Mary G
Completely bonkers thread reporting a UK
hearinggrilling of Boris Johnson’s designated Covid scapegoat Dominick Cummings:Selected commentary by the tweeter because there are too many gobsmacking bits of testimony to choose from, but it gives you the idea:
Not sure what this refers to, but I’m sure it was bad:
It just goes on and on and as bad as it is, you know our government was that bad on steroids.
It goes on and on, each admission worse than the last one, and you know if it was that bad over there, it was that bad on steroids here. Can’t wait for Tony Jay’s perspective, though he may be too incandescent with rage to be able to write.
Serious question, though. Why haven’t we had anything like this here? Democrats control the government, don’t they? Why do Republicans get to wave their shiny objects and refuse to cooperate?
Budgie smugglers (Speedos)?
@Jeffro: Haha, ouch. “Hitch a ride on a hammerhead!”
Damn if one of those same turtles Cole moved the other day was in the middle of my road today. I went to move it and it took off, and yes those suckers are fast!
It ran under mg car and camped out. I scaredit out and caught it, using Cole’s turtle carrying instructions, and got it into the woods where it took off towards a creek.
coming back home a few hours later and there was another one in the middle of another road about a quarter mile away. Or maybe it was the same one that had circled around. Anyway while I see a lot of snapping turtles here, I’ve never seen one of these before. Then maybe two today. I blame Cole.
@Delk: Coming into O’Hare or Midway?
@Mary G:
We don’t have a parliamentary system where the executive is drawn from the legislative.
We should all go in on sponsoring it then!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mary G:
Dan B
@Baud: All over the gay blogs. Her credentials are amazing. For me it’s amazing in my adulthood to have gone from “mentally ill”, perverted, kicked out of an honors program in college, FBI file, knew guys who suffered electroshock, dozens of friends and lovers dead of AUDS while the President did nothing to : Openly gay people in high level positions (FU Peter Thiel – not talking about you) being no big deal.*
*Unless the RWNJ’s steal the mid terms and hand over the country to the Gileads.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
There’s always an unstated “the Democrats can make them do it if they really wanted to” character to these arguments.
Dan B
@mrmoshpotato: Yep. Guys in Speedoes. Showing off the family jewels. Asshole jocks got a pass. Young women were treated to prudish prickery.
@Dan B:
to Balloon Juice commenter.
Not what many would consider progress.
Omnes Omnibus
Can the university require vaccinations before the vaccines receive final (not emergency) approval?
@geg6: I don’t get these people at all. I might ask if they’re fine with letting the healthcare premiums go through the roof next year for everybody there-because of all the vaccine shy people getting 100k worth of monoclonal antibodies or kajillion dollar hospital stays, or long covid instead? All because the special no-jab snowflakiness?
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: It’s not requiring vaccinations. It’s saying no travel on university business without vaccinations.
@Just Chuck: This is how the NYS Excelsior Pass works. And they just upped the expiration time to one year.
Roger Moore
It sounds as if they are doing it indirectly. They aren’t requiring people get vaccinated, just saying that people who have to travel need to be vaccinated. As long as they aren’t actually punishing people who don’t get vaccinated, I think they’re legally in the clear.
Just One More Canuck
@Mary G: So now we know Tony Jay’s real name?
@Just One More Canuck: maybe Tony Jay is his real name and Ian Dunt is his Twitter handle.
@Mary G: Keep in mind that the Tories have a majority in Parliament even. But here comes catch: Cummings was testifying in front of two House of Commons committees (Health and Social Care, and Science and Technology) and both those committees are chaired by Tories who were cabinet ministers, but were sacked (or resigned) from the cabinet when Johnson became Prime Minister. It also looks like Cummings had a bit of a come-to-Jesus moment, or at least he wants to get back at Johnson for sacking him and/or thinks things are coming down the pipe and wants to get ahead of them.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Aren’t most of us DougJ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I know I am!
Yes, but did you read the two eye witness accounts from two different local news websites? Color me shocked that our local Fox station found one eye witness that blamed it on the flight attendant! No, seriously.
First, from Fox40:https://fox40.com/news/california-connection/witness-says-southwest-airlines-flight-attendant-provoked-violent-incident/
This one seems a bit more credible, from the local NBC affiliate:
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Don’t read the replies to that tweet:
It’s this and constant Biden/Dem bashing in that thread.
Say you want to blame the Republicans? You’re “deflecting blame onto the minority party”. Say our democracy is at stake? “We don’t have a democracy now. In 4 years Biden will come back and ask voters to re-elect him to save democracy. All Biden and AG Garland care about are big corporations and the rich”, etc.
Lots of people also complaining about not seeing any arm twisting by leadership, etc
Dan B
@Mary G: The tweet stream from Dunt is epic. There were cabinet meetings where it was reported that ventilators were rejected because the price went up, there were shortages of oxygen and PPE. It seems these weren’t anticipated and nothing substantial done after the reports. Plus the minister who was in charge didn’t understand the scientific reports.
And were the money
managerslaunderers of London sending bales of money to 10 Downing Street?debbie
@Omnes Omnibus:
Thanks, long day. I misread jab as job.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
This is who a lot of people are. It’s like being shocked that Republican want to limit voting.
Dan B
@Baud: Are you suggesting that my meteoric career was headed in the wrong direction?
@Omnes Omnibus: We can only aspire to being a NYT Pitchbot.
@mrmoshpotato: O’Hare
@Omnes Omnibus: Even with the sunset provision? It was that that made me wonder.
Tony Jay
@Mary G:
Oh, believe me, I’ll get to it. Seven hours of that testimony was like watching a particularly malicious goblin running wild with a straight-razor at a Nudist Colony inhabited solely by middle-aged men with advanced elephantiasis. I can’t not vent about it, but there’s sooooo much true-blue gore sloshing around Casa WTF that it’s going to take some extended period of alcoholic contemplation before I can get my head around just how incandescently furious each individual dewdrop of insider bile should make every single person still drawing breath in this wet-cardboard fort of a country.
Fucksake. There’s a picture of a whiteboard up in Downing Street covered with brainstorming bullshit from mid-March last year with “Who do we not save?” scrawled on it. Spin that you inconceivably incompetent jizzites!
Grrrrrr. I fucking hate these people.
Omnes Omnibus
@prostratedragon: The legislature is not acting as a judiciary and imposing a punishment on her. It is limiting the scope of her duties.
Just One More Canuck
@Baud: the tweets were a bit on the tame side for Tony – he must save the good stuff for us
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
When you say a lot of people, do you just mean people in general? I don’t know, this “villain rotation” thing…
I also can’t blame people for being frustrated. I’m angry and frustrated. Not enough gets done in time before the GOP gets back into power and fucks shit up again
Robert Sneddon
@Dan B:
It is important to remember at all times that Dominic Cummings, the “person” giving evidence to the Select Committees is a prime-cut vindictive fabulist of the first water and anything that comes out of his mouth is to be distrusted and disbelieved just as it should have been when he was a mover and shaker in Number 10 and BoJo’s best mate. Anything he says, everything he utters is filtered through a fractal mirror of self-gratification and creative distortion when it isn’t just made up out of whole cloth.
Many other people might be more condemnatory of the waste of oxygen in question but I’m too nice and over-eager to see the good in people. Silly me.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
What does it matter when things gets done? If infrastructure gets done next month, do the roads taste less sweet?
So an interlude: Tomorrow morning was supposed to be my colonoscopy, Earlier this morning I called the doctor’s secretary with a prep question. An hour later she called back saying the doctor is away the rest of the week and she had called me several times two weeks ago to let me know. This was a lie. I don’t check my phone much, but there’s no record of that at all. She then rescheduled me for 10 days from now. This was all one hour before I was to take the laxative of death. I am extremely angry, to the point of talking to a lawyer unhappy, but on the other hand, do I want to ruin this poor young woman’s life just because she’s an incompetent?
Omnes Omnibus
@JMG: If you call a lawyer, what would you want the lawyer to do? How were you actually harmed by what happened? What would be then end result that you are looking for?
If some of the other things repubs throw fits about had that kind of immediate consequence, we’d be a lot better off as a country right now.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Bill of attainder.
Anonymous At Work
If the FAA fines you for being a maskhole, do you get put on a watchlist? Or just a fine and no further trouble?
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: That would require a pretty hefty retainer.
I don’t suppose you asked her why she didn’t leave a voice mail any of the “several” times she tried to call.
Like Omnes, I doubt legal action is appropriate, but a complaint to the office manager would be warranted.
@trollhattan: I would bet money that alcohol was involved.
According to what Fox allowed to air undisputed, the shooting is a result of the vaccines.
@Another Scott:
This is a little disingenuous on SPW’s part. She knows what the real problem is, yet I don’t see her lobbying the Delaware Legislature to change the GCL to redefine to whom officers’ and directors’ fiduciary duties lie.
Dimon is doing what the company’s lawyers have told him he’s legally required to do as CEO of a Delaware corporation. SPW knows this, but she seems more interested in scoring debating points than fixing the problem.
Howzabout instead looking forward to the day when proof of vaccination is no longer a consideration?
OMG WTF WATTSEA (we are too stupid to exist anymore)
The Dail -the Irish Parliament has passed a motion to condemn the ‘de facto annexation’of Palestinian land by Israel. Please copy.
@Dan B:
She is so fabulous. Brilliant beautiful badass! I still remember when she took care of that person who crashed the stage to get to MVP Harris.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I told you, don’t watch the workings of the sausage factory.
@Another Scott:
God, I love that “I did the math for you.”
Omnes Omnibus
@?BillinGlendaleCA: No one listens.
John Revolta
@JMG: There must be something going around. I just spent the last two days telling multiple people that no, I do NOT have an appointment for a colonoscopy on Friday, because I rescheduled that appt. and had it last week instead. If somebody shows up at my house tomorrow and makes me drink a gallon of Gatorade at gunpoint, I won’t be the least bit surprised.
Since Warren is a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, I’m not sure what kind of authority she would be able to bring to bear against the state of Delaware’s legislature. If you want to pick on her for not doing something in the U.S. Senate, fine. She really has no power over the Delaware legislature, though.
Dan B
@Robert Sneddon: It seems as though the simplest explanation of Cummings testimony is there is much more damaging in the pipeline about to arrive and he wants to be ahead of it. Of course your explanation that he’s a fabulist who wants attention is as good an explanation at this time.
His testimony does seem in line with the 10 Downing Street whiteboard that had, “Who do we not save?” written on it. BoJo seems like a leader who likes nut cases around to keep his job
@burnspbesq: I’m glad Joe Biden picked Janet Yellen for Treasury Secretary. That’s a job for a doer, not a talker.
Did you miss my use of the word “lobby”—a word which has a commonly understood meaning—or did you choose to deliberately ignore it?
@John Revolta
You were such a good patient and an attractive specimen they want you back for an encore performance.
Tenar Arha
@VeniceRiley: The Wisconsin legislature apparently turned down $1 Billion from the Feds to expand Medicaid. AFAICT it’s because continuing systemic racism is more important than even ensuring medical care for their voters.
ETA added legislature for accuracy.
They’re not unique, none of the states that are currently rewriting their laws to enshrine minority rule are unique.
So there is a big “Patriot” hoedown this weekend in Dallas featuring all the crazy Q people: Lin Wood, Michael Flynn, Sidney Powell along with other more obscure nuts.
I took a look at the homepage Patriot Voice, the organization sponsoring it, and found this gem
The security team making this possible is a croud funded orginization. They don’t make money from this event as they rely solely on donations
Evidently spell check is a deep state thing.
@Dan B:
I was reminiscing with my Dad about ACT Up a few weeks ago. When HW Bush was president they staged a rally that started in my dad’s church and we marched out to the Bush compound. It was a powerful experience in many ways. For me the best part was seeing all the interactions between the older women who were the hospitality committee and volunteers and our ACT UP guests. Lots of tears and hugs and love. I don’t think they were expecting to be welcomed at a little church in Maine with so much love.
One of the other churches had police officers to keep protesters out. They were wearing riot gear. It was pathetic.
I still can’t believe the horror that was AIDS in the 80s. I was still dancing then and it took so many. Some of those feelings came back during the pandemic – the feelings of being forsaken and forgotten. There are dancers I can still see so clearly – their beauty and artistry just gone. It’s overwhelming.
So, if a person who has health insurance refuses to get a covid vaccine, and then gets covid resulting in high medical bills; would it be a bad thing if the insurance company refuses to cover the medical costs? Just asking because I know of at least a couple of co-workers who have declined the vaccine on the basis of “if I end up getting sick, my insurance will cover the cost”… And these are people who work in “public safety”.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I just hope it’s going to be enough to undo the damage and neglect of the last 40 years
@Another Scott: Between her and Katie Porter, I have hope.
@Mary G:
You’re right, that Ian Dunt thread on Dominic Cummings’s session before the parliamentary committee is astonishing. Anatomy of a colossal, extended fiasco. Highly recommended end-to-end read.
The mind boggles to think what similar hearings in the U.S. Congress
wouldcould reveal.Shana
@?BillinGlendaleCA: These were middle school students Dude.
Once Yellen’s signature appears on currency, and presuming Biden appoints a woman (as has been the case for the office since 1949) to the currently vacant office of Treasurer of the United States, it will be the first time the signatures of two women are a part of U.S. dollars.
Dilbert dogbert
@Benno: Is getting revaccinated dangerous???
Robert Sneddon
@Dan B: Dominic Cummings has no career in politics left ahead of him so getting out in front of any bad stuff is pointless for him and there’s nothing legal he’s liable for, he was a private individual working for PM Johnson. I can only see his “testimony” as self-justifying revenge on the hordes of enemies in government who stabbed him in the back.
The reality was that back in Jan and Feb 2020 there was no case to be made in the UK for hard lockdowns. Doing something like that at that time would have taken a military-coup-grade effort to override local and Parliamentary controls on government and that just wasn’t going to happen. Maybe in the movies it could have been done but not in a Western democracy.
An epidemiologist I saw quoted somewhere during the early days of this planetary clusterfuck said something to the effect of “The only proper reaction to a pandemic is overreaction”. The problem is that no-one will even begin to react to a bad situation until it is too late to over-react and prevent really bad things happening or at least damp down the consequences. People are people, basically and that includes the politicians we choose to put in charge of the polis (i.e. us).
Karen demands to speak with with The Airport Manager!
@MomSense: been positive since ‘85. I like to think that a lot of knowledge about viruses was learned from HIV.
Why is the former (and obsolete) blogroll all of a sudden showing up in the sidebar?
Also too, something now there as well called TWiB.
Dan B
@MomSense: Congratulations on your church! The reactions of churches varied enormously from fear and hatred to embrace and support.
I lost a friend who’d become a dancer. The worst was my friend from elementary school who was gay but it was invisible in Ohio. We went backpacking and hung out. One night he got disgustingly drunk. I got very angry and didn’t answer the phone when he called a week later. A fiend informed me he’d called me from the hospital. He died of pneumocystis two weeks later. I’d abandoned him when he was most in need. 35 years of friendship gone on a moment of false pride.
@Tony Jay: Remember, between the Johnson govt and the Trump one, yours was hands-down the more functional one.
@Shana: Prime age to get their first work done in “The Hills”.
@NotMax: Man, I want to get one of those dollars!
Dan B
@Robert Sneddon: Does this mean that there are no legal consequences for Cummings? It does seem that outside of totalitarian states that an effective Covid response would have been impossible. Is that failure of the Tories the only dirty business in the pipeline? It seems Brexut is the same since the public voted for it. But even if they were deliberately dece8ved?
@Robert Sneddon:
This was the conversation we had at work. I told leadership late Feb/early March which decisions they would be making. The choice was whether they’d be making those decisions before or after people get sick and die. But that they’d be making those decisions wasn’t up for debate.
They didn’t like that conversation.
At the heart of it is that the trajectory of a pandemic isn’t that hard to predict as you see the consequences several weeks after those consequences have been committed to. Really it comes down to whether you have the leadership skills to act when the consequences can be predicted, or whether you wait until those consequences can be seen by all.
John Revolta
@NotMax: Well, I try to keep up my appearance………
@Dan B: That is a sad story, but a good reminder to people about false pride. Thank you.
@Delk: Hopefully he doesn’t have any stories of stupidity, even with flying into our bigger, busier airport.
My daughter went thru the book so many times the pages came loose, so she’d carry it around carefully in front of her, flat, using both hands so the pages wouldn’t fall out.
@Dan B:
Please forgive yourself for that. Disgustingly drunk must have been so scary for you to witness. You can have that call with him now. You can say what you wish you had said then.
@Tony Jay: Still the wordsmith when just saying “Oh, I’ll get to that shitshow. Don’t worry.”
Dan B
@Delk: And with the persistence of the woman scientist who kept working on RNA their may be a vaccine for HIV and possibly advanced treatments.
Hello Chicago! I had many mind boggling Gay Liberation experiences there from ’69 to ’71.
So that’s why the country’s infrastructure is in such piss poor condition – you’ve been munching on all the new roads! Please stop that.
Dan B
@MomSense: Thanks. Good idea. Tearing up just thinking about it.
When are they going to have flight attendants carry Tasers from take-off to landing?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Stop it.
Steve in the ATL
@NotMax: This Week in Baseball? That’s still around?
Mary G
@MomSense: You are such good people. Very happy to see your comments when they come along.
It would be supremely fitting if the first instance of that could be the Harriet Tubman $20 bill. (Yes, I still wear my “Women on 20s” tee-shirt all the time. Why do you ask?)
Amazing. Its a science miracle that we have such effective treatment. It was hard fought and it shouldn’t have been.
@Mary G: ?
Iran bans cryptocurrency mining for four months to stave off blackouts
@Dilbert dogbert: I don’t know! I no longer have a doctor in the US and nobody will provide advice to someone who isn’t a patient! It’s very frustrating.
Mary G
Elections have consequences, part elevenby million:
TFG’s abandonment of the Kurds is still one of his most heinous actions on my list.
Mary G
@Benno: Maybe get an antibody test as the best proof you can?
@Kay: The news brought tears to my eyes. One of the children I babysat had memorized Saturday’s menu from The Very Hungry Caterpillar and would recite it from time to time (he was four then, now is 19).
Dan B
@Benno: My understanding is the risks from getting a different vaccine are extremely low. I got the Salk Polio vaccine one year and the next year or so afterwards got the Sabin. We get flu vaccines yearly that vary more widely than the differences in the Covid vaccines. It also appears that boosters are likely and there’s been no discussion of potential problems.
If you can locate a vaccine site here they should have no issue
The only issue is if you need a two dose vaccine and can’t spend a month in the US.
@Delk: It was. Between the Pasteur Institute, where the virus was first isolated, and a young man named Anthony Fauci at NIH, HIV/AIDS taught us everything we know about retroviruses, and even more the powers and limitations of vaccines.
Robert Sneddon
@Dan B:
The UK is launching a double-blind test of a booster vaccination to follow-up the existing rollout of vaccines to the adult population at the moment. If implemented the booster shots would be started in the autumn before the predicted third wave of COVID-19 cases starts hitting the hospitals through into the winter. The booster vaccines are hoped to be more effective against the spreading variants of the original COVID-19 virus.
Chetan Murthy
@Tony Jay: Tony, that thread …. wow. I’ve been following the UK situation off-and-on via The Guardian, but …. this is just bonkers. Contra some others, I think that such testimony would never happen in our country: it’d get hushed-up, tamped-down, etc, b/c y’know, can’t spook the livestock. Sigh.
I continue to be appalled at how Europe-descended Western civilization [and sure, excepting NZ/AU] has failed us all. I persist in believing that this is a civilization-changing moment, in which the baton passes to the Far East, and not just China, but the democracies of the Far East. They have demonstrated a social cohesion, an ability to remember what citizenship means, what their *responsibilities* to each other are, and not merely their *rights*, that ….. well, we’ve long ago lost.
@Another Scott: and tonight when I got home from work I notified the CDC about a pharmacist whose kids need proof of vaccination for school, so she forged the cards. Presumably she also wasted two doses of Pfizer (four shots total) just in case she gets audited because the doses are tracked. I hope she loses her license, but I only had partial details to report.
Dan B
@satby: Did she get her degree from Trump University? Liberty?
I loved the illustrations. I looked it up tonight and he made those using tissue paper. Which is exactly what they look like!
Speaking of fucking around and finding out:
Amy Cooper has decided that she was the real victim after getting fired for maliciously calling the cops on Christian Cooper for Watching Birds While Black.
Matt McIrvin
@Dan B: Mixing vaccines might even be better. It’s just that that wasn’t what the field tests tested.
Gin & Tonic
Long time no thread. Anyway, good news here – my Knickerbockers have won a playoff game for the first time in way, way too long.
Chetan Murthy
@Benno: History might be a guide. This has been a problem since time immemorial, yes? People get some vaccines in (say) India, come to the US, and need to show proof of vaccination. Voila, they get the same vaxx again. As others note, it’s rarely a problem to get vaxxed twice for the same bug. I’m sure that that’s what’ll happen in this case. I mean, they’re not very expensive, vaccines, compared to anything else in life.
Hell, I *look forward* to getting the J&J (or AZ shot (I’ve had the Pfizer) just b/c I know that it’s a completely different technology, and of course targets different parts of the spike protein. Suspenders *and* a belt! Ceinture *et* bretelles! Of course, I’ll wait until there’s clearly a massive oversupply. But I’m looking forward to it.
Dan B
@Matt McIrvin: I believe that the Sabin polio vaccine was considered superior to Salk. It wouldn’t have mattered to my parents. My father had “Spanish” flu as a young boy and was left with a draining sinus for nearly forty years. We would have gotten four polio vaccines. Six – even better!
@Dan B: It just fucking appalls me. Unfit to be a pharmacist entirely.
Chetan Murthy
@satby: wanna bet that pharmacist also refuses to fill Plan B scrips?
Dan B
@satby: Hopefully they’ll keep an eye on her at the very least.
@Dan B: IIRC, lots of kids got both after it was discovered one allowed you to still be infectious with polio even though you personally didn’t get sick. I’m pretty sure I got both a couple of years apart.
@Chetan Murthy: no doubt in my mind; also probably doesn’t want to treat trans foks.
@Dan B: I couldn’t provide a name, just pharmacist mother of students at xxx town high school. It’s not a big town, they’ll figure it out of they investigate it at all.
My g-d I’m up late! Night all!
Any news on how the zoom with Four Directions went?
Realizing it’s Indiana, even so isn’t there a state pharmacy licensing board?
Mike in NC
Had a nice dinner in funky Fort Myers Beach, then strolled around town near the public beach after hours. Walked into a 7-11 for a bottle of wine. Shirts and shoes are not required, and apparently neither are pants. Lots of Floriduh Men in evidence here, and we’re told they love the Fat Orange Clown a lot in this state, where we once visited a restaurant that ran out of orange juice for breakfast.
@Chetan Murthy: you are almost certainly right, but I’m a fretter and this is the first time in my life there’s been talk about barring travel for lack of vaccine, and I’ve been everywhere. You’re talking about arriving then getting vaccinated. The scuttlebutt with vaccine passports is get vaxxed then travel. Luckily I’m in the US for a couple months yet so I, too, will wait for a clear local oversupply and get re-vaxxed. Just, you know, a fretter.
Obvious Russian Troll
@John Revolta:
I missed a message that they needed to reschedule the *follow-up* appointment to my colonoscopy yesterday–the doctor got called into surgery. He was still able to see me, though.
Good news: nothing wrong in there, not even any inflammation. Bad news: no diagnosis for my other symptoms, so he’s referring me to a gastroenterologist. But so it goes.
Another Scott
@burnspbesq: Really? A CEO’s job is to squeeze every nickel and dime and dollar out of every customer to the maximum extent possible? No matter the consequences to institutional reputation, risk of attracting attention from regulators and legislators, etc., etc.?
Really? That’s what you took from that hearing?
I guess IBM’s and AT&T’s decades of funding the arts and public broadcasting was against their fiduciary duty?? They should have given that money to their shareholders!!11
I guess the banks’ boards should throw them out because they’re not charging, say, 50,000% APR on loans under $1000 with terms less than 60 days in Delaware? They’re leaving money on the table and not doing their jobs for the company owners!!11
Sheesh. :-/
Dan B
@Mike in NC: It’s amazing there’s wine in Fort Meyers, then again it wouldn’t last a second in Spring Break without…
My experience of Florida is limited to a layover at Miami Airport after we “went tropo” in the tropics – Costa Rica Beach- and got to our plane 24 hours late… That and an episode of Sky King where a little girl got a deadly tropical disease on vacation in Florida and survived long enough for Sky King to get the medicine. Had a traumatic fear of Florida for decades.
@NotMax: is actually over the border in MI.
Dan B
@Benno: If you visit Seattle, and many other places (red states with “patriots for freedum”) there is plenty of supply. In fact there is already oversupply almost everywhere.
Don’t fret – get!
@Benno: Sputnik vac has lower efficacy than ones here, and mixing even with J&J will provide you with better immunity anyway. Just go to a walk-in pharmacy and get it again
Chetan Murthy
Wait, really? I distinctly remember when I was young, getting shots so we could visit family in India. And I’ve read about what was called the “yellow card” (your vaxx record) required for travel to certain countries. I thought it was much more common previously, though for the US, sure, it’s less common these days (b/c we’re governed by idiots who don’t understand how infectious disease works).
Chetan Murthy
@Chetan Murthy: here we go: https://travelotus.com/countries-that-require-yellow-card/
@Chetan Murthy: Yes, depending on where you came from or traveled through and where you were going, proof of vaccination via the internationally recognized yellow card was required. Proof of vaccination against covid is not a novel idea.
edit: In fact, I’m bringing my yellow card to my local health department for them to enter my covid vax on it. Even though I have the CDC cards, which are forgable.
@Gin & Tonic: My Florida Panthers and the Pittsburgh Penguins were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs tonight. JC and geg6 are probably not happy about this either.
Another Scott
@satby: It’s amazing what people will convince themselves is sensible behavior.
The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret wasn’t supposed to be a US documentary!!
Thank you for doing what you can.
Dan B
@Chetan Murthy: Still need some wild vaccinations to go to India, and the malaria prevention pills you start a few days before the flight. We went to Costa Rica where our luggage with the camera and malaria pills were stolen and then I arrived in Mumbai, in a different airport than scheduled thanks to huge east coast blizzard. Sat in the airport with mosquitoes buzzing everywhere with no local cash (closed currency) until I was given a phone. So thankful!
It was interesting that tropical Costa Rica required no vaccinations.
@Chetan Murthy: yeah totally. I had to get various vaccines and have a yellow card before boarding a plane for Tanzania in 2017.
@Chetan Murthy: travelled to Brazil a number of times in the 80s. Had vaccines, of course, but proof of vaccine was never required (of us) either to board a plane or to enter the country. Been traveling to India and Pakistan for the last 25 years; got recommended vaccines but documentation has never been required. All over east and Southeast Asia over the last 10 years, same same. We always get vaxxed per recommendations because it’s sensible, but I can’t recall a single time that documentation was ever required for boarding or entry. I’m not including any European travel here. Anyway, my experience. But I don’t originate in a country with yellow fever, so I suppose I never needed the yellow card. Pakistan certainly hasn’t enforced it for the last decade.
Jim Appleton
In a former life I flew a lot.
Not long after 9/11, I was in a seat just in front of a prep area where a coffee pot was way too hot and giving off an unpleasant odor about a foot from my nose.
I asked the stewardess to change the coffee. She freaked out for some reason, parked a drinks cart in front of the cockpit door, and was clearly agitated by something she perceived I had done. I only said the coffee odor was unpleasant.
This might be a flip side to the original post.
Any requirement was (is?) for approval of a visa, not for occupying an airplane seat.
@NotMax: but that’s the difference, innit? The discussion I’ve heard is not about entry visas but about physically boarding the plane, and mostly limited to travel in the US. Again, lots of experience here to and from South Asia especially, but I’ve applied for many entry visas over the years and reapply for some annually for work.
@Another Scott: That’s not exactly wrong. There was a radical change in thinking and law about the duty of corporations, which used to include ‘stakeholders’ v. shareholders.’ That went down the tubes in the Reagan era, probably some Milton Friedman/Chicago School/Brown Water Economics/Glibertarian Randian BS; now it’s pretty much law that it’s 100% stockholders and to hell with the world.