Should this be the last one of these threads? Is anyone still getting vaccinated?
Or is everybody done?
Tell me which stickers you want, so I can sticker you!
ruemara’s kitties, Odoroki and Himesama:
Dr. Fauci and Nancy Smash:
Samwise, Baby Champ and Henry:
Rosie & Thurston, Lily, Tikka:
Green balloons!
Kamala and Joe!
One and done for Johnson & Johnson:
Now with Dolly, Penelope and ducklings!
Katalin Kariko who was laughed at her entire career for researching mRNA, and Kizzmekia Corbett. Two scientists who happen to be women, and saved our lives!
Stickers by MazeDancer!
Are any of you still unable to get an appointment? Find A Shot
If you are still waiting for access to the vaccine, these stickers may be for you!
All credit and thanks to MazeDancer for the various stickers!
I am pairing this with an Open Thread.
In less than 5 minutes, I will be putting up an open thread to pair with this one.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
Got the shot & got the NY excelsior pass!
I think I earlier asked for Tikka but gimme all the cats.
Just hit fully vaccinated yesterday; what a relief. Dinner with my sister and her spouse tonight – getting back to normal.
@Wapiti: Yay! What stickers would you like?
Tenar Arha
Hey, so my brother got his second shot the other day. May I have some stickers for him?
He’s generally grumpy, but charming when he wants to be, so if yes I think a Tikka, a Steve, & a Joe Biden (for a little levity) would fit him.
Meanwhile, over in RWNJ world, Dr Faucci is called a fraud and Trump the one who wisely didn’t panic and kept things real in the face of false information about COVID. Facts are no match for the impenetrable shell of an epistemologically closed bubble over in RWNJ territory.
Last week, on Wednesday 2021 May 26 at 15:17 UTC, I was two weeks past my second Moderna vaccination. I already got a sticker for the second shot, so don’t need another. Instead I celebrated yesterday by getting a real haircut.
@cmorenc: I won’t give them the clicks, but I will say “ugh”. These are the same people who would have joined the moonies a million years ago.
@Ken: My first real haircut was a thrill!
My younger teen gets Pfizer #2 on the 3rd!
@Benw: What a relief! Stickers?
My 93 year-old mom, who is basically confined to bed, and her 93 year-old spouse with dementia got their second shots a couple of days ago. I am so relieved that they finally got vaccinated! Huge thanks to the county board of health for running a program to vaccinate house-bound seniors and others who are not in nursing homes/assisted living, but can’t leave the house.
I’ve only been punctured once until June 9. Guess I’m playing trail sweep.
The main use of these threads, going forward, i would think would be for international Juicers (who have less vaccine access than American Juicers) or when new age groups have access to the shot – eg kids 2+ later this fall, hopefully. (though that would be more about vaccinating the family than us personally, I suppose)
Thanks for coordinating this, WaterGirl! ?
@scav: I am not familiar with that term. Trail sweep?
@Mousebumples: Family counts!
Onkel Fritze
Umm, no, not everybody getting vaccinated. Living in Colombia, they just openend up vaccination to everybody 50+ on thursday. Trying to get an appointment.
I saw in the NYT that people with enough money are leaving South America to get vaccinated in the U.S.. Many feel guilty but are desperate – some were surprised how happy the people here are to give the shot; and also, how we are having troubling even just giving the vaccines away.
I’ll add – I hope more people in the world come here and get the shot; the fewer people in the world that can get covid, the better and safer we all are. So I say welcome to the States and please get your free vaccination curtesy of the US taxpayer (and we are happy to do this!)
Have been fully vaccinated since May 11th and was the first to use the shower at my gym today ha!
@WaterGirl: If you’ve got a group going on a hike, someone has to be at the tail end, making sure that no one stops along the trail and gets left behind.
John Barleycorn
Southern Sweden just opened up to the 50-59 folks. My SO and I got Pfizer #1 on Tuesday and we are making antibodies like nobody’s business. #2 in 5 more weeks.
Still waiting for the spawn to get their spots in line.
Please Badger me!
I’m hosting a class this morning at my shop. Four students, one instructor. Everyone here is vaccinated with the exception of one young person; there’s a grandma in the group whose son won’t let her visit the grandkids if she’s been anywhere in the vicinity of an unvaccinated person.
We have worked it out, more or less, with the help of a separate small table for the unvaccinated person and cranking up the air circulation.
Cripes, though. Is this going to be the new normal? I was hoping I wouldn’t have to be the diplomat in these situations.
West of the Rockies
Do we have a sticker to express the disdain we feel for Trumpian anti-vaxxers?
I became fully vaccinated (2nd Pfizer + two weeks) on Thursday 27 May — and yes, like so many others, the first thing I did was get a haircut!
As for stickers, I did get Champ for the first and Tikka for the second (to say nothing of the grand assortment WG assigned me just for working through my needle phobia!), but if there are still some to spare I’d love another cat. You choose, @WaterGirl. I love them all.
@Onkel Fritze: You are right, that was a very US-centric question. My apologies!
Crossing my fingers for you!
American privilege and arrogance. I swear that it’s the root of everything that is wrong in this country.
@Origuy: Thank you!
@John Barleycorn: Love your nym!
@West of the Rockies: We have two!
@SiubhanDuinne: All the cats were fighting over you!
Fair Economist
Got my second shot Monday; probably don’t need the second shot biologically since I had COVID as well, but I can demonstrate vaccination now when it’s required. Got a little sick the next day but not nearly as bad as after the first shot.
I’ll take double green balloons, thx.
“Got the shot” may be winding down amongst Balloon Juice readership for now, but it will be back when we start needing boosters. That might be as early as this fall, but maybe we’ll get a longer break.
Mary G
Only person in the house who hasn’t had the shot is the teen. His aunt who is close to his age came to see us yesterday and we tag teamed nagging him over burgers and onion rings. The good thing is that his dishwasher job which he loves, is also on the case, except they are so busy that he is working all the hours in the week. He says he will do it soon but he’s truly needle phobic and I suspect he will stall until he turns 18 in September and can get the one shot J&J version.
Can I have the eagle “make it happen” sticker to show him? Maybe knowing that strangers on the internet are on his case will help. Bribery no longer works.
What prompted me to check out the “Faucci is a fraud” RWNJ meme was the first soccer game I refereed late this spring after North Carolina lifted the mask mandate for scholastic sports on April 30 – and one of my fellow refs in the crew was someone I’d worked with plenty of times before, but never before had we gotten into any sort of political discussion. At halftime, he made an off-hand remark about how relived he was not to have to wear a mask, especially now in warmer weather (check, I agree with that sentiment) – but then he gratuitously added that the reason for the mask mandate in the first place was because of Faucci’s fraudulent advice, then further adding that Faucci helped fund the Chinese lab that set the virus loose in the first place !!** There were some further points he made in our brief conversation about this matter that quickly drove home that his information sources were concentrated from NewsMax-type sources, and trying to engage him with actual facts was hopeless against an impenetrable shield of RW media disinformation.
** what this distortion is based on is that the US funded observers at the Wuhan lab, until Trump yanked the funding and authorization for such incident to his pique with China, back before COVID was at all on the horizon, and Faucci was on-board with our placement of observers at the facility.
West of the Rockies
@West of the Rockies:
Excellent, WaterGirl!
Onkel Fritze
That’s ok. Just now that you guys are close to done, might wanna send some of the stuff down south.
@Mary G: After everything you have done for him, I can’t believe that he would choose to put you at risk.
Maybe he hasn’t looked at it that way?
Funny, they’re behaving beautifully now!
Thank you so much!
@Onkel Fritze: A friend of mine lives in a county that is only 25% vaccinated. Not nearly enough.
I was appalled earlier this week when I saw a vaccine map of the world.
It’s like saying you want to swim in the part of the pool that no one has peed in.
There is no “non-peeing” part of the world. How can people not get that?
@SiubhanDuinne: Of course they are behaving – I gave them all what they wanted!
@Mary G:
He can’t be any more needle-phobic than I have been all my life, and I breezed through both Pfizers.
One trick that helped me a LOT was to gaze at one of those “optical illusions” apps on my phone (there are a lot of them, called things like “Mesmerise” and “Hypnotise”) — kind of like spooling into an endless psychedelic spiral of shapes and colours. It’s supremely distracting, and I quite literally hardly noticed the jab itself because I was so immersed in the pretty patterns :-) If the Teen has a phone, have him download one of those apps and have it open when he goes for his vax.
Or, alternatively, spring for a lap dance.
That’d probably distract every bit as well!
Chacal Charles Calthrop
@Chacal Charles Calthrop: thank you so much!!!
2-1/2 weeks to go for my second jab, so 2 weeks after that I can travel abroad. I figure the EU will have sorted vax passports by then (barring an influx of. Brits infected with the Indian variant)
Mary G
@WaterGirl: I can’t be mad at him. He spent the first six weeks of the first quarantine in his room. Seriously, he only came out in a mask and gloves to get food. For six weeks at age 17. Hard for me to do at 64, and I am a hermit.
After a bunch of doctors said it was airborne and I was worried about his mental health, I told him he could go out if he took a shower the minute he got home and put his clothes in the washer.
He declined to get together with some of his friends who were too lax about it, and went to the beach and the skateboard park and ate outside at the taco stand only.
He was very scrupulous about that and after a while I told him to just wash his hands when he got home, which he does to this day, and uses Clorox wipes on the door handle and faucet afterwards.
His mom and stepdad have both been tested for their healthcare work and have been negative. His girlfriend comes over in a mask until she gets into his room, when I assume it comes off, but I never go in there, so I don’t care.
His aunt who was here is studying to be a nurse, the first in the family to go to college, and she got on the county app the day it opened and has had most of the family vaccinated since mid-January. She and I played good cop/bad cop, where I did a wistful “I still have to eat alone at my desk, because Teen isn’t vaccinated” as I accepted my burger, and she went off at him hammer and tongs. So I am not going to jump in on that, it’s covered.
ETA: @SiubhanDuinne: I will show him, thank you, although maybe I can enlist the girlfriend for@NotMax:’s solution.
Despite catching Covid between the first and second Pfizer shots, and my insurance company thinking my second scheduled shot (not given do to Covid infection) was actually my first received shot so therefore I needed to wait longer before receiving my second shot…
I’m am happy to say that I’m fully vaccinated.
Give me a Joe sticker.
Chris Johnson
I’m still waiting on Moderna #2. By the end of June I’ll be a couple weeks past dose 2.
@cmorenc: Our very own Cheryl Rofer pointed out this great thread on Twitter.
What people need to understand is that these contradictions aren’t a SYMPTOM of Trumpism. They point to its very core – its emotional, psychological appeal to millions of America. The ability to sustain these contradictions is why Trump was elected, how his movement exists.
Ultimately what Trump offers – what fascism offers – is a philosophy of total emotional and psychological indulgence. Believe whatever makes you feel best. Live your politics examined.
Don’t want to take credit for the insurrection, but want to claim its dead as your martyrs? Go ahead! Say it! The Capitol was attacked by antifa but Ashlii Babbit was a hero patriot.
Hate China, but annoyed by the scolding liberals and their masks? Call the coronavirus a Democratic hoax – and at the same time, a deadly foreign bioweapon.
Voters aren’t drawn to Trump’s politics because of a specific policy view or really even an ideology. They’re drawn to them because those politics say: “Please, think whatever is easiest. Indulge in your laziest ideas and basest prejudices. There are no rules. Save one.”
“You must support the leader. You cannot abandon the leader. Support for the leader absolves you of the burden of rationality and the sin of inconsistency. Indeed, faith in the leader can be proven by embracing irrationality and rejecting consistency. Prove your faith.”
That’s why Trumpism and fascism reliably attract the worst and the weakest, the dumb, the selfish, and the cowardly. It’s an endlessly flexible vessel for their worst vices, willing to forgive anything and let them do anything in exchange for loyalty to the strongman.
The mistake American political thinkers keep making is to try to link Trump to preexisting ideology. There are ideas associated with Trumpism, of course, but THEY are the symptom: what happens when you let people indulge in whatever fleeting hate takes their fancy.
You can’t understand Trump’s rise without looking at this deeper psychological appeal. This is his promise to his voters, it’s why nothing his movement says or believes makes sense, and no one seems to care.
It’s also why we can’t triangulate or maneuver his supporters away from him. They don’t really want any of what we’re offering, anyway – they want the freedom to do and think whatever they feel at any moment, something no liberal of any description could ever promise.
@WaterGirl: I scheduled mine for next Saturday!
@Mousebumples: I am looking forward to that one so much.
Scamp Dog
I got my first shot Monday of the Pfizer vaccine, and got scheduled for the second three weeks later. Could I get the second “I got the shot” balloon?
For a slightly related musical accompaniment, try Snakefinger’s I Got The Spot.
@Scamp Dog: Yay.
Oh I got my second Moderna on the 20th! No problems that time but the first one gave me a case of cellulitis. A week after the jab the site got swollen, insanely itchy, and so hot you could warm cold hands on it. Antibiotics called for.
I would love any sticker with cats, and if there are any spares I know a couple of other cat people who are fully vaxed…
Thanks for the reminder!
@Mary G: He is lucky to have you. And I imagine that you are lucky to have all of them! Most of the time, at least. :-)
@Kattails: Enough cats for sharing!
I got that reaction on day 8, but they didn’t give it a name, and it resolved on its own. :-)
Splitting Image
I got my first Moderna shot on Thursday.
No one’s taken Henry yet. Let’s fix that.
karen marie
I’m curious as to what percentage of BJ commenters have gotten the vaccine. Is it possible for one of the front-pagers to put up a poll?
@Splitting Image: Henry thanks you!
First shot done last Monday; second shot in September… which can be moved up as supply opens up around here, which it is predicted to do. Maybe second shot in mid-August.
@Malovich: Congratulations! You must not live in the states. May I ask where you live? (generally speaking)
What stickers would you like?
Matt McIrvin
Yesterday was my two-weeks-fully-vaccinated day, and I got my daughter her second Pfizer shot. We arrived at the vaccination location without her vaccination card/ID and had to go back and get it, so she ended up being the last person vaccinated that day. Today, she seems a little tired with a sore arm but not particularly ill. Rosie & Thurston for her.
Second dose of AZ done here in Blighty. The Child came along to see what it was like (we expect they’ll approve Pfizer for her age group soonish, and she’ll be vaxxed sometime in the autumn).
I’ll take a Steve, please.
I just got my 2nd Pfizer dose this morning – I am now fully vaccinated! The clinic guy said that the crowds are beginning to taper down as it was packed 3 weeks ago but only a few there today. Fauci sticker please.
@patroclus: There is a newer I Got the Shot! thread, so if you want to post again there where more people will see it, I will gladly sticker you again!
There is a newer I Got the Shot! thread in the sidebar.