I have no idea where all the other front pagers have been since Tony Jay’s guest post. I know where I’ve been. I had a teleconference on a project I’m involved in, then I went and ran an errand for the Mominator, then I came home and worked out, then I walked the dogs in the steam room we call the outdoors here, and now I’m typing this. As soon as I hit publish I’m going to go get the grime off, turn on the Avs game, and have something to eat.
In the meantime, I have baby wild turkeys!!!!!!!!
They’re SOOOO CUTE!!!!
Also, I really think I have a chance to win this year!
Annual Pyongyang Burrito Eating Contest begins in 57 minutes.
— DPRK News Service (@DPRK_News) June 4, 2021
I don’t care what the odds makers say!!!
Odds makers say Marshal Kim Jong-Un is heavy favourite.
— DPRK News Service (@DPRK_News) June 4, 2021
Open thread!
Adam L Silverman
I’m gonna go eat and get cleaned up, back in a bit!
Another Scott
It’s kinda nice, in a way, that one can actually keep up with the threads here even if one is away for an hour or so. ;-) Plus, it’s Friday!!
@Another Scott:
The longest four-day work week of my life!
The Dangerman
Cabbage? Reasonable.
Fiery pepper and bean mixture? Oh, hell no,
An Adam vs Kim burrito eating contest? I wanna see that on pay per view!
Edit: but only if it’s a Zoom contest. I wouldn’t trust Kim after Adam kicked his butt.
Maybe they’re all still working on reading the whole thing?
TaMara (HFG)
Wait, what kind of favorite? Or, sorry, favourite?
Is that writer’s family just gonna be thrown out of housing, or shot along with him?
Thanks for baby wild turkey pix.
As for this almost top 10,000 blog having a schedule, I am bit confused. First, I’ve never seen that this blog has any fixed schedule. If the bigshot front posters put things up frequently, then there are complaints about bigfooting, often with subsidiary story arcs about Cole intentionally doing so because he’s pissed about somebody or some thing.
But, a reasonable gap between posts, people run around in a panic as if, unimaginable as it may seem, the BJ readers are bunch of spoiled toddlers who will throw a tantrum if they don’t get candy on a regular schedule.
So, I dunno. I’ll go look the wild turkey pix again and then go do something in real life.
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman:
Don’t tell me – you’re going for the “fiery pepper and bean mixture,” right?
Ohio Mom
Debbie @3:
What happened this week that made it so excruciating?
@Ohio Mom:
Just a couple of 11–hour work days that just did me in.
Not unimaginable at all.
Adam L Silverman
@Gin & Tonic: That’s just SCIENCE!
Adam L Silverman
@TaMara (HFG):
Yeah Adam. If I were you I wouldn’t challenge Kim to an eating contest. You will lose. Even if you win; nay….especially if you win.
Adam L Silverman
@HeleninEire: No one ever lets me have any fun…
The thing to do is lose on purpose and let him win on the fiery bean burritos. Bogart the meats. He wins and explodes on the toilet and you save the world by being a loser. There will be a movie; so decide what star you favor to play you.
Ohio Mom
Oh no, we are too old for that.
So, I was looking at the doomvirus numbers locally, using the tracking page the LA Times runs. Their current state-level summary is:
Zombies? And, what’s worse, nine tenths of a zombie. Messy.
Good to see you, Adam!
Flying on an aeroplane tomorrow morning (no not one powered by steam) for the first time since Christmas 2019. Flying halfway across the country to see my dad, sister, her wife & my (now) 3 1/2 year old niece. I haven’t seen any of my family except via video chat within that same span of time.
I am pretty excited. Fully vaxxed and ready to begin to get life back to normal, at least somewhat.
Hoping everyone’s weekend is filled with felicity.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: This is Zack Snyder’s fault!
Adam L Silverman
@worn: Have fun. Travel safely! Enjoy your family!
And remember, Einstein’s extra special theory of relativity: the longer your spend with your relatives, the slower time passes.
busy translating Tony Jay’s frist post.
@Adam L Silverman: The zombies escaped from Vegas?
@Adam L Silverman:
Thanks, Adam. I am really looking forward to seeing them. It’s a reflection on the last 18 months that I am willingly leaving Oregon (in freaking June!) to spend nine days down in Tejas.
Adam L Silverman
@worn: Don’t forget to stop and pick up your complimentary shootin arn at the kiosk between the gate and the baggage claim!
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: Most likely.
@worn: Have a great trip!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Gin & Tonic: Kimchi, doengjang, gochujang, and haemul or GTFO*.
*fermented cabbage, fermented soybean paste, hot pepper paste, and seafood. Which actually doesn’t sound half bad.
Same. Ugh.
Adam L Silverman
Is he a heavy favourite before eating all the burritos, or after?
Adam L Silverman
@craigie: I’m not heavy, I’m structurally dense.
If I never see Love Field again…..
Anyhow, Tteokbokki is like eating nitromethane, but it will set you right on a cold winter’s day.
Fiery pepper and bean mixture sounds like the by product of a burrito.
I had a strange train of thought, which I will share.
I happened upon a YouTube channel that follows a stable of Fresians over in the Netherlands (I think the Netherlands, wherever Fresians are from originally). Fresians are a breed of horse, a particularly lovely breed. Larger than regular riding horses, smaller than draft horses, they’re famous for their looks: coal black, long flowing mane, tail and fetlock feathers. You see them in movies being ridden by armored knights.
Anyway. This channel, this stable’s channel, had an episode where a group of mares came in from the pasture to the barn. They started eating a big pile of hay in the middle of the barn, right next to an oversized stall containing four fillies. Recently weaned fillies. Fillies who happened to be daughters of the mares who had just come inside.
Well, the fillies were very excited to see the mares. Kept stretching out their necks and heads, trying to get their moms’ attention, make contact…
And the mares could not have been less interested. They completely ignored the fillies, even sidled away from the ones who got closest. The voiceover narration said that, once the offspring are weaned, the mares have no interest in them whatsoever.
It got me to thinking about parenthood and family ties.
Most animals – of whatever species, breed – are a lot like those horses. The parents are intensely focused on their babies – raising, feeding, protecting, nurturing; sometimes literally self-sacrificing for them – but as soon as the babies are grown enough to go off on their own, the parents are completely over it. If the youngsters ever encounter their parents again, the best they can hope for is a vague “Have we met?” response. It’s usually a lot less friendly than that (especially if the parents have new babies on hand).
I know there are exceptions, animals who maintain multi-generational and extended family groups. And I know among those exceptions are our own relatives, primates.
But it did make me wonder, in view of how the default setting for so many peoples’ families is “dysfunctional”: How natural is it, really, to have a lifelong close family bond?
How much of our “family feeling” is conditioned by thousands of years of societal insistence on how wonderful and important family ties are? If we weren’t constantly and ceaselessly told that Family is The Most Important Thing; if families weren’t forever memorialized in art and culture…
Would our species be more like most other species? Family bonds that are intense beyond belief while the youngsters are still youngsters… but which then attenuate to mild affection – or complete disinterest – as soon as the youngsters are grown and flown?
Would we be better off if our longest, deepest attachments were with whoever we bonded with once we were on our own? What would society look like, if that were the case?
Adam L Silverman
@CaseyL: Perhaps you should cut back the dose of whatever you take on Friday nights?//
Actually it is a great question that demonstrates the difference between nature versus nurture.
@Adam L Silverman: Maybe so. I think it might also illustrate the inherent problems with insisting there are ties that bind even if the people being so bound have nothing in common other than the family tie.
James E Powell
Capt. Ramsey: Speaking of horses did you ever see those Lipizzaner stallions.
Hunter: What?
Capt. Ramsey: From Portugal. The Lipizzaner stallions. The most highly trained horses in the world. They’re all white?
Hunter: Yes, sir.
Capt. Ramsey: “Yes, sir” you’re aware they’re all white or “Yes, sir” you’ve seen them?
Hunter: Yes, sir I’ve seen them. Yes, sir I was aware that they are all white. They are not from Portugal; they’re from Spain and at birth, they’re not white; they’re black. Sir.
Capt. Ramsey: I didn’t know that. But they are from Portugal.
CBS TV news just told me a San Diego judge just ruled California’s assault weapons ban unconstitutional. Nothing on their page yet. :(
ETA: Federal Judge Overturns California’s Assault Weapons Ban
ETA2: Statement from Gavin Newsom…
@CaseyL: Interesting to think about, but while horses are somewhat social, humans are WAAY social.
@JWR: What sloppy reporting by CBS Los Angeles. Does the federal judge have a name? He sounds like a nut job.
The main issue appeared to be the state’s definition of an assault weapon. California’s attorney general argued that assault weapons were more dangerous and were used in more crimes and mass shootings.
But the judge disagreed, stating in his ruling that the guns are overwhelmingly owned for legal purposes. And, he said, the definition unlawfully deprives law-abiding citizens from owning firearms that are legal in most other states.
Yeah, let’s have a race to the bottom, Judge. Because if there is one thing we don’t have enough of in the US, it is firearms deaths.
What legal purposes? These are military grade weapons.
Adam L Silverman
@JWR: This will be appealed, by close of business on Monday, to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. And that appeal with see an order staying Judge Benitez’s ruling and orders today from going into effect. Between now and when the 9th Circuit issues such a stay, a lot of people in California are going to be ordering AR pattern rifles online and paying for express shipping to whichever gun store they’ll go to to pick them up and handle the background check to complete the purchase.
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: Judge Roger Benitez. Appointed to the District Court in the Southern District of California in 2003 by President George W Bush. He’s 70 and is currently the senior judge in the district.
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you.
Appalling ruling.
Another Scott
It would be nice to have fewer judges who intentionally misunderstand what the higher courts have said…
They are from Friesland. Frisian is very closely related to English, and spoken in some of the North Sea costal regions in Germany and The Nederlands.
This jackass judge compared an AR 15 to a Swiss Army knife. Good for defending the home and the homeland. Jesus. His introduction:
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: Actually, Scalia’s Heller and MacDonald decisions state that the Federal, state, and/or municipal government may reasonably regulate firearms despite him writing for the majority that the 2nd Amendment created an explicit individual right to keep and bear arms separate from militia service.
The problem is is that no one can agree on what reasonably regulate means because no one can agree what a reasonable regulation is. The other problem is there ia an entire group of 2nd Amendment absolutists, including Justices Thomas and Alito, that complete ignore that part of Scalia’s ruling because they don’t agree with it. Those folks just go stray to “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!!!!”
That was my first thought as well. I’ll look around for just who in the hell this judge thinks he is, anyway.
Good God. Benitez has a footnote about how many Californians were murdered by “attacker’s use of hands, fists, or feet.”
This thing reads like a parody, but it is sadly official.
Judge Benitez may be right when he says more murders are committed by knife than by firearm, but there are not that many mass knife murders by a single attacker.
Adam L Silverman
@JWR: He’s the same judge who ruled that the magazine capacity limit/ban on magazines above ten rounds and the state’s ammunition background check laws were both unconstitutional.
So he’s the go to Federal judge in California for the 2nd Amendment absolutists.
The 9th Circuit reimposed the magazine ban. Not sure about the ammo background check.
Benitez’s language. We are dealing with our friendly, neighborhood guns. Not some exotic weapon. He wants you to be more afraid of Scary Mr. Knife. Or Mr. Foot! He be lethal.
If you aren’t exposed to the Faux-rage of the moment, it may be incomprehensible. I think it was Tom Cotton questioning an ATF appointee at confirmation that injected definition of an assault weapon into the lizard brains.
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: There is an old bedouin saying that a running man with a knife can slit a thousand throats in one night.
I’m not sure if there is any empirical validity to back it up.
The real issue is that California’s ban is basically all about the cosmetics of the rifle. It isn’t about the caliber. Or different calibers that one can get in an AR pattern rifle. Nor is it about the fact that it is a semi-automatic where after a shot is fired, the next round is loaded from a box magazine. Rather it is about things like having a pistol grip in addition to a stock. That the box magazine is detachable. You can own a California legal AR pattern rifle. It just does not have a pistol grip and the magazine is not detachable and is limited to 10 rounds.
I’m not a lawyer, nor am I arguing that AR pattern rifles should or should not be legal for civilian ownership. But California’s ban is kind of a strange beast.
General Tso’s beef stir fry is now a thing. And it’s pretty good.
I’ve lived in this country for over 70 yrs, I’ve served in the military and carried a loaded weapon. I’ve lived near two major riots in that time and never ever have I seen the need for a weapon like an AR15. Or any other weapon actually. The only people that one has to protect themselves from are the assholes who carry weapons of warfare around in an attempt to make up for their teeny, tiny dicks. And that doesn’t happen in CA because of laws to prevent it. Sure it has happened but it’s extremely rare and taken care of rapidly.
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you.
WTF?! That sounds straight out of an NRA lobbying pamphlet.
Adam L Silverman
@JWR: @Elizabelle: Also, Benitez stayed his own ruling for 30 days. I just had a look at the ruling. He did this so that California had time to appeal and ask the 9th Circuit for an appellate level stay and to prevent the status quo from changing as a result of his ruling. Which would’ve been everybody and their sister ordering AR pattern rifles on line over the weekend, paying for expedited shipping, and trying to pick them up Monday before the 9th Circuit could stay the ruling pending hearing the appeal from the state of California. So the practical effect right now is nothing is changing.
It sounds like an infomercial.
Benitez is big on “hearth and home”, language out of Heller.
@JWR: Pretty sure that’ll get overturned by the 9th Circuit.
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: Understood, but the majority opinion is controlling.
Heller v. DC at Cornell:
(Emphasis added.)
Just as with abortion, these RWNJs will continue trying to remove anything sensible from the body of our national laws.
Fight for 15!! (on the SCOTUS)
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: It’s also a dessert topping.
Apparently the (limited) ad AI for one streaming TV channel I happened to stop at has gone on walkabout as well.
Within the most recent two short breaks there was one 15 second ad for a Memorial Day weekend sale and another 15 seconder with reminder information that early voting for the Georgia senatorial runoffs is now open.
Adam L Silverman
@Another Scott: I’m aware of what Heller says. But those aren’t the portions at play here. The part about reasonable regulation are.
Also, Scalia was a terrible historian. Thomas and Alito are even worse.
The Dangerman
@Adam L Silverman:
Floor wax.
ETA: Whacks? Or, as they say on the Simpsons, Gentlemen, start your whacking.
Adam L Silverman
@The Dangerman: That too.
Actual Likely Situation: Your [grand-] daughter or [grand-] son is sneaking in after being out past curfew or in the middle of the night. And maybe, God forbid, you went to bed drunk …
Judge Benitez needed a cigarette after composing this paean to the trusty AR-15 for home and hearth. Why do I think he might have been licking it? Be Rambo in your own home!!
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: He went straight to the standard critique of California’s ban being about cosmetic features and not anything substantive.
@Adam L Silverman: Yep.
Were we calling a gun a “benign weapon?” I don’t recall that we were.
@Elizabelle: Holy shit. The judge wrote an ad. Then says that justifies overturning the three decade old ban.
What a dipshit.
@MisterForkbeard: I know. Couldn’t you just hear the silky narration, and see the visuals?
The pregnant hand. Caressing the “prohibited features.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
have some late night schadenfreude
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
I’m no constitutional scholar, but my reading of the Second Amendment’s plain language is different: that the individual right exists only pursuant to fulfilling the duty of militia service. Those AR-15s are never going to be used in state militia service. And nothing in the Second Amendment takes away a state’s authority to regulate firearms for safety.
@Amir Khalid: Judge Benitez actually mentioned these guns could be used for militia service.
When the gun owner is not protecting hearth and home against invaders “making furtive movements.”
Another Scott
@Adam L Silverman: I know you are aware. My point, probably poorly expressed, was that Heller (as southpaw points out) says that restrictions on types of weapons or having weapons in certain places is fair game for regulation. Yet RWNJs (e.g. in Virginia) were demanding that they be allowed to carry anything they want in schools and parks and bars and churches and… It never ends with them.
Getting lost in the weeds about particular features on a weapon is a losing battle (as you say), but the answer isn’t for judges to decide that they know better how to design them or to throw restrictions out completely. The people have a right to live without fear of unstable kooks killing them and dozens of their colleagues, also too…
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: I’m not defending Scalia’s ruling. I think it is wrong because he got the history of the 2nd Amendment wrong. I was just stating what he ruled.
Adam L Silverman
I’m going to rack out. Catch everyone on the flip.
Judge Benitez, the historian.
And: the gun ban hasn’t stopped all unlawful gun killings. So throw it out!
West of the Rockies
I hear Shrek is available.
Ba-dum TSS.
I’m watching Denzel Washington in The Equalizer, which is a satisfying corrective to this thread. Not remotely realistic, but then neither is the judge’s ruling.
Mike in NC
On Memorial Day we returned from a trip to Key West. I always wanted to go there, liked it, and now I never plan to go back. I know of many places like that here and abroad. We get inundated with cruise ship catalogs but will wait at least a year before we even think about signing up (Barcelona to Venice looks really tempting).
I wonder how much lube Benitez used writing that ruling.
OMG. This is from his conclusion. Takes an anodyne statement, and applies it to modern firearms. Which took down two of the Senator’s brothers.
Double OMG. Edward Kennedy was not talking about guns. He was talking about Robert Bork!! Judge Benitez, cut and pasted Kennedy’s quote. I suppose it is possible that Kennedy used that phrase in more than one speech. But I seriously doubt he used it to talk about guns.
Source: National Constitution Center.
On This Day: Senate rejects Robert Bork for the Supreme Court
Adventures of a man endowed with the super power of being able to add artificial sweetener to anything?
Recently watched him in Unstoppable which, so long as one lowers the brain’s pilot light to low, is an okay thriller.
duplicate. So may I say here:
Judge Benitez should be retired, so that he can spend ALL of his time with Fox News and his beloved firearms.
He included several lurid tales of people defending themselves; the
7880 year old woman shooting to protect her8075 year old husband, under direct attack by invaders. Are you going to allow her only 2.2 shots? I say not, good sir!From his ruling:
@Steeplejack: I feel like we need to wash our hands.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: No one has to buy the Kremlin’s bitch’s disgusting Chicago building. We Chicagoans will rip it down by hand.
Just Chuck
And where are all the Second Amendment fans now with all their guns? Why, they’re lining up to become fascist paramilitaries, fighting the oppression of health care and racial justice. The Second Amendment is a complete absolute utter failure at its supposed intent. I used to be “moderate” about this issue, but I’m no longer inclined to find any middle ground with these fuckers. The gun humpers were once screaming about the government going house to house confiscating guns. Now I say that can’t happen soon enough.
@Elizabelle: Thank you for giving this judge’s ruling the fisking it so roundly deserves. What a loon!
@Just Chuck: Me too. Used to be “moderate”, now I think the Second Amendment has got to go.
It is trumping (ha) too many of our other constitutional rights. The right of free assembly, free speech, not getting shot in a classroom or theatre.
@JWR: Loon as in lunatic. As in, federal job for life. Le sigh.
@Ruckus: There you go, being the voice of sanity again.
I hope we can turn back the craziness. It seems dialed up to 11, and headed for 13 or 14.
Perhaps later we will learn we were seeing the death throes of the crazies. But it is so hard to tell, and the judiciary has its share of whack jobs, one Roger Benitez being Exhibit A tonight.
@Elizabelle: Laughing at this Kennedy quote. Its misuse is so brazen.
Kennedy was warning about the danger of one crazy ass judge. And his quote was misused by another crazy ass judge, to protect the right to own assault weapons. Through the looking glass.
And now, to bed. Good night.
@Elizabelle: If it’s actually accurate and you know how to use the gun 2.2 shots should be more than enough, in fact 1.0 shots should be enough.
Fair Economist
Some time ago I saw a claim that some hunter-gatherer culture, maybe the San of Namibia, don’t have lifelong marriage. The normal pattern is basically serial monogamy with 5 to 7 year pairings. The anthropologists speculated this was long enough to raise a child past extreme dependency but no further. So, no nuclear families. There was no discussion of other family relations but if siblings are all half-siblings often with multiple stepfathers families are going to be quite large with a lot of more distant connections so it’s hard to see how the tight connections expected in our society could be normal.
Of course observations of hunter-gatherers by first worlders always have to be viewed with some skepticism.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Checking back in.
Yeah. Which is why Benitez was stressing the “multiple attackers” story; hit on it several times. And he brought up seat belts and smoke alarms: you may only need them once in 100,000 miles or X many years, but you really need them to function well when you do.
He brought up hands and feet as weapons of attack (early on), so he skipped the dreaded swimming pools that often make it into these screeds.
On a better topic: You know that we will require photos of Madame’s Mr. Cat with the Lion Cut.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: ETA.
No sh*t. (And now I’m thinking about Barney Fife and the one bullet he kept in his shirt pocket.) But I also think about how many rounds from an AR fired by some panicked, untrained Foxbot end up in surrounding homes or apartments (or people.)
Sanity? SANITY?? This is sanity?
And not it’s not 11. It might be 11 in CA but in the red parts it’s up to 42. I believe the concept is that everyone on the stupid side of the aisle should be armed so that when the next civil war is declared by some conservative dipshit, they can win this one and have no opposition left. Of course they will find out that if they only have themselves to hate, they will do that, because hate is the only thing they have to sell. OK hate and really, really crappy over priced products that aren’t worth a damn, let alone $39.95, like a certain dipshits pillows.
@Elizabelle: I think I only have a thumbnail of Mr. Mabel.
I’ve not been commenting much these days, but boy, is this blog borked! It’s almost as if somebody collected all of Watergirl’s listed ill behaviors and decided that tonight would be a good time to let ’em all loose. I can comment in Visual mode, then I can’t. Scrolls to the top of the page after commenting? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. And forget about removing all that data-fragment-mce stuff, because if you have to edit a comment, it puts it all back in. But remember… I’m not complainin’, I’m just sayin’. ;)
@Fair Economist:
most Hunter gatherer groups are built around family groups. Enough family groups form a tribe and engage in intermarriage, to avoid inbreeding and form closer tribal bonds.
still remember the murdered family group found in Siberia, a mix of Neanderthals, Homo Sapiens and their mixed offspring, all murdered.
Amir Khalid
In the unlikely event of a state militia call-up, somehow I can’t see a well-regulated modern state militia letting people bring in personal weapons that may have been modded in all sorts of non-standard and possibly unsafe ways. I think the judge is full of … it.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
@CaseyL: Years ago, one of my cats had kittens (back when I let my cats have kittens), and after they were weaned, I kept one out of a sentimental thought that our cat would love having one of her kids stay around. Wrong. The kitten was thrilled, the mama cat was not pleased. She apparently had been looking forward to becoming only cat again.
@Amir Khalid:
yurp, in Canada, we have “The Militia”, Citizen Soldiers, one weekend every month, 2 weeks solid every year, uniformed with their own Armouries, also know as “The Reserves”. Storied Regiments like the Rocky Mountain Rangers, the Seaforth Highlanders, the Westies, the Princess Pats.
In the US they are known as the National Guard.
Senile old dude is confusing a “Well Regulated Militia”, aka the National Guard with a bunch of cosplaying ammosexuals addicted to conspiracy theory.
Tony Jay
Pffft. It’s about British politics. It’s not there to be read, it’s there to be endured.
@Tony Jay:
@A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan): Years ago a momma cat brought her litter of kittens onto my deck, which is how I wound up with them. She started pushing the kittens away at about eight or ten weeks. So my dog adopted them. When they needed snuggles they’d run to Jenny.
@Jay: That article is frightening, and quite probably true.
@JoyceH: my neighborhood is full of ferals. Next door neighbor started feeding mama and kittens and I did too some. We tried to catch and get spayed but it took awhile. Mama and 2 of first litter still hang out to get her and 1 sister helped raise the next litter. Both the possible dads hung out and watched the kittens some too. Cats form colonies that stay together. The second batch I am still working on to tame and find homes for. They have been in the spare bedroom for a few months and are very loving to each other still. Mom used to hang out under window, but seems to have gotten more distant now.
One black and white male has been ready for a home for awhile. Anybody in Florida want a cat?
I think their may be variations in how cat families interact after weaning.
Kind of interesting this morning to see Ragnarok Lobster retweeting SoonerGrunt. The subject was nitwit Naomi Wolf being suspended from Twitter, presumably over her anti-vaccine advocacy. Wolf has also wandered onto the assault weapons stage, tweeting video of her firing an AR-15 into some (hopefully) empty woods.
@MollyConger says that these weapons are called AR-15s because every time she tweets about them there ARe 15 guys who jump in to explain them to her.
@Fair Economist: Ancient Ireland had much the same. Essentially, consensual sex which someone else had been informed of was “marriage,” which could last from 1 night to 7 plus years, with a year and a day being a common length. What was due each party in the marriage if there was a split was encoded in law and depended on the length of the relationship. There were a great many lifetime marriages, they just reupped their vows. The short official lengths just meant that there was a socially acceptable was for couples to end a relationship with a split of property which left neither destitute and any children provided for.
I expect the situation in Namibia was much the same. More a codification of spousal rights than putting an end-by date on relationships.
@Gvg: So we adopted my-step-daughter’s skittish shy cat when she had to move to an apartment. We have a two story split level house (half a basement, half an upstairs, full groundfloor.) But 5 cats already this poor little guy has to blend in with. We didn’t see him for two days, but he ate all his food and used his litter box in the basement, so he is still alive. Then yesterday I saw him. Went up to let him sniff my hand. He let me scratch his head, then he hissed, and clawed my foot on my way out. Sigh. Might be a long adjustment period.
Our meankitty (shy girl) loves the new pitbull. And the new pitbull likes her. That’s hopeful. Meankitty has missed her late rottmix friend. Pitbull may be what she was pining for.
@Adam L Silverman:
LOLOLOL – never heard that one…SO TRUE…nothing like traveling somewhere in son’s car listening to the three grandsons fight in the back seat…
@Amir Khalid:
Exactly…there are no “state” militias…it’s called the National Guard, and they are issued standard weapons out of the Armory. The judge is full of it…been hanging out on RedState too much, sounds like…
@Elizabelle: Death throes of the crazies? It is to laugh. There is no Peak Wingnut.
J R in WV
I suspect the “good judge” has gotten .22 caliber
ammunition, as in slightly less than one quarter of an inch in diameter, with 2.2 shots, which is from no where, because guns are incapable of shooting .2 shots, they only shoot in whole numbers. But we waste our time talking about logical or factual errors in the opinion — the whole opinion is fanciful dreamland error.
A federal judge basing a ruling for a state on what “most other states” are doing seems odd, to say the least. Hopefully, this garbage ruling will be overturned by the appeals court. It’s the 9th, so we might have a better than even chance.