The Pekingese wins #BestInShow! Wow! #Wasabi #WestminsterDogShow2021 #WestminsterDogShow2021
— m pappas (@soxfanmap) June 14, 2021
Congratulations to Wasabi, his breeder / handler, and all the other Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show this year.
And for those of you giving conformation dog shows side-eye, try thinking of it this way: For the dogs, it’s like being an Olympic contender (mixed with a beauty-pageant circuit). The competitors don’t necessarily enjoy all the training, dieting, primping, and traveling — but there’s no dog competing at the Westminster level who doesn’t want to be in that ring.
Dogs like having a job to do, and the ‘job’ for these guys is showing off in front of crowds. Probably not the job you or I or our own household companions would choose, but it’s not as though they’d understand our commenting hobby…
Wasabi, a fuzzy Pekingese with a black and brown face and soulful eyes, won Best in Show at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show #WKCDogShow
— Reuters (@Reuters) June 14, 2021
Serious, grownup, political news:
“America is back at the table”
US President Joe Biden says “the only way we’re going to meet the global threats, is by working together,” adding that “the United States is going to do our part”
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 13, 2021
G7 summit: Has this been a meeting that mattered?
— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) June 14, 2021
President Biden arrived in Brussels for two days of summits with NATO and the European Union aimed at reinvigorating transatlantic ties
— Reuters (@Reuters) June 14, 2021
Jen Rubin:
Opinion: America is back. And it’s popular.
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) June 13, 2021
Sigh. Love dogs, but they need to be allowed to act like dogs.
Some days, it does feel like work.
Maybe more like East German Olympic contenders, since the dogs don’t voluntarily compete.
How enigmatic.
I’m sure I’ll miss the Pentagon Papers thread.
@debbie: Yesterday, Billie and Percy went for a morning walkabout. Billie came back covered in mud, Percy just had muddy paws. He is so much more dignified than that overly exuberant water dog.
It’s my understanding that dogs used to like having a job to do, until socialist Joe got in office and expanded UI benefits. Now they have zero incentive to work.
Here we are, smack in the middle of the holiday and once again (as is traditional) no parade.
Betty Cracker
As I said last night, that Pekingese looks like a decorative, ambulatory facial tissue box holder with eyes. But it’s a cute little tissue box holder with eyes! My Great-Aunt Marylee had a series of Pekingese, so I got to know the breed a little through her. She spoiled them something awful! I haven’t seen one in the wild in ages.
In the Baud! 20XX! American Dogs Plan, dogs get universal basic income.
Good Morning Everyone ???
WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP!!! Hooray for me!!!
eta: how many Baud bucks am I gonna get?
Good morning.
chickenbone in everypotdish!Spanky
@OzarkHillbilly: I see things like that and think “how can I get a cut of that?”
Used to be I’d have scruples about it, but having now seen who these people really are, I feel much freer. Only worry now is I’d probably overthink things, when these people are at lizard-brain levels of function.
Too soon to tell. Have to get the bill past Manchin.
@Baud: Damn. I’m gonna die long before that happens.
Louis DeJoy strikes again. Yesterday my package was here in Indy, today it’s in Columbia City. Fortunately, it’s nothing I urgently need.
Doesn’t that pup get awfully hot?
Payment forthcoming in Bitbauds?
@Betty Cracker: My mother had a Pekingese, but she kept her fur trimmed up pretty short. That dog (Tinka) looked like a puppy rather than a dust mop.
@OzarkHillbilly: One of the hallmarks of a cult is unquestioning belief in dates for events like this, and renewed faith when the event doesn’t happen. No, that is not logical.
So, apparently they’ll be rioting either way that day. //
Dorothy A. Winsor
As soon as I finish my sad half-caff coffee, I’m going out for a walk. In the meantime, I’m reading Jean Korelitz’s THE PLOT. The central character is a writer whose first book was a big deal. Since then, it’s been downhill. The person who recommended the book to me says he eventually steals a dynamite plot from someone who dies. That should be fun. At the moment, he’s hanging out at the places writers go. Boy howdy, do I recognize these people. Also, I feel seen
Jackal Clickbait. Coming soon to a Twitter near you.
Today show: 2100 of 3000 belligerent airline passengers this year were because of airline mask mandate.
Well, according to Pillow Cretin, SCOTUS will rule to overturn the election in August – when they’re not in session.
(Damn editor)
I liked Bibi’s last speech: “Who else will stand up to Biden?!!” he demanded. Reminded me of all the money we’ve sent his way.
I didn’t hear about that. I’m happy he’s unhappy.
@germy: “Who else will stand up to Santa Claus?”
“Just leave the presents and get out!”
@Baud: I’ll be happier when I see how unhappy he looks in his mugshot.
Duplicate comment deleted. My Andoid is jumping the edit window around on me. Anyone else with Android notice anything wonky?
Gin & Tonic
@germy: I’m trying (and failing) to think of two people I care less about than Greenwald and Uygur.
First running event of the season yesterday (at Revolution brewing, for those of you in the vicinity), and it was . . . weird to be inside with so! many! people! I stayed to the edge of the room, and it has REALLY high ceilings, but it was still weird. Beautiful here this morning–cool breeze, nice sun; I’d take off of work if I didn’t have a zillion things due before I take off at the end of the week.
Site has been flaunting a multiplicity of wonkiness for quite a few days now.
The whippet should have won, since it’s a real dog and not a tribble.*
*-Of course, having a whippet at home that we love has nothing to do with it.
Whippet good?
They should add “Eating cat poop from a litter box” to the competition.
I’m talking about Cenk and Greenwald.
Amir Khalid
Some good news: the Kuala Lumpur has refused to stay a summary judgement that disgraced former PM Najib Abdul Razak must pay the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) RM1.69 billion (roughly US$400 million) in tax arrears. Najib had sought a stay pending his appeal of the judgment in LHDN’s lawsuit against him.
Betty Cracker
@MagdaInBlack: Same with Aunt Marylee’s Pekes, which were trimmed suitably for South Carolina weather.
Adam Schiff (@AdamSchiff) tweeted at 4:48 PM on Sun, Jun 13, 2021:
Time and time again Trump called for investigations into those he feared or who stood in his way, including journalists and members of Congress.
And his calls may have been answered. That’s unacceptable and wrong.
Don’t just take it from me, here are the facts from @JoyAnnReid:
@Amir Khalid: If only we had a government so competent in the US to go after some former President’s tax evasion…
Amir Khalid
I’d rather not see for myself, but what are Cenk and Glenn squabbling about?
@Amir Khalid:
Probably who hates Democrats more.
Betty Cracker
@rikyrah: I think today is the day when AG Garland meets with CNN, WaPo and NYT reps to answer questions about this issue.
FWIW, I will condemn things on demand. For a nominal fee, of course, to cover the expenses.
Betty Cracker
@Amir Khalid: This kicked off the squabble:
@Amir Khalid:
Cenk: “USA bad! But Putin bad, too! Why you not criticize Putin?”
GG: “Aaaaaiiiiiieeeeee!!”
David Rothkopf (@djrothkopf) tweeted at 7:15 AM on Mon, Jun 14, 2021:
Biden and his team have delivered the critical message to Putin even before that meeting begins–through meetings with the G7, NATO and the EU showing our alliances working together effectively. My latest for @TheDailyBeast.
@germy: I liked Foreign Minister Yair Lapid’s speech at yesterday’s Knesset meeting. After seeing the raucous jeering and heckling of new Prime Minister Naftali Bennet, Lapid discarded his prepared remarks and reprimanded the opposition-to-be for their discreditable display, by way of an apology to his mother:
I half-suspect the reason the Pekingese won is that the judges can’t see the dog’s body under all that fur, so can’t knock off tenths of a point for slight deviations from the AKC standards. But that’s the part of me talking that despises the AKC for the damage their standards have done to so many breeds.
The samoyed was robbed.
Gin & Tonic
@TomatoQueen: Probably anti-Russian bias on the part of the judges. Get Greenwald on it.
Damn, Greenwald is an arrogant, rage addicted asshole. Cenk threw him the biggest, slowest softball in the world. He straight up said this was Greenwald’s chance to flaunt how his detractors were wrong. Instead Greenwald throws a screaming, profanity filled hissy fit. What a prima donna.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Geminid: Wow. Good for the Foreign Minister
To be fair, Greenwald’s detractors aren’t wrong.
Another Scott
@Ken: They’ve ruined the GSD.
@Frankensteinbeck: All the people who ever managed to work with him deserve a trophy for being the most patient and laid back people in the world.
@NotMax: And the parties are always sorely lacking.
@Another Scott: You’re not kidding. None of them even meet the original breed standard because their back legs are so screwed up they can’t do the flying trot any more.
Yeah, but all Greenwald would have needed was to reply with one example of some time he has criticized Putin, and Cenk has helped him pretend the whole ‘why don’t you criticize Putin?’ attack line is bullshit. There has to be one example. This is pathological levels of “How dare you question me?” ego. Unless it’s pathological levels of “How dare you question Putin?” but I doubt that.
You ain’t kiddin’! At some point, you just can’t help it with people this willingly stupid.
And even if the person photoshopped that and is making a point, there still are people who truly believe this “reinstatement” bullshit.
@Ken: I inherited my uncle’s cocker. He had had a cocker as a child in the 1930s. I wish I had asked him about grooming Topsy back in the day, because there is no way they were hauling a dog in for professional grooming every two months during the Depression. There is no way you could take a dog with the silky fluffy fur of the modern American cocker out in the field for hunting. Our English cocker who died 35 years ago didn’t have the modern imstantly matting fur either.
Gin & Tonic
There isn’t one, that’s the problem.
@Ken: The AKC doesn’t write the breed standards though. Breed clubs write them and then either the club members or board votes on them. And while I’ll disparage hair dogs winning anytime, the judges do put hands on them and through their fur. I’ve had a show dog and I belong to a breed club. And I stopped showing him when he stopped enjoying the outing.
Don’t know how a post titled “Winners” devolved into a discussion about Cenk and Glem.
@rikyrah: Shared on my political channel :)
Agreed. They also don’t police the scam breeders, which COULD be done. And rescue organizations, who pick up the pieces, have been asking them to do something for DECADES.
Because we’re the winners.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I blogged about what YA is and what it isn’t. It’s possible I sound a little irritable about the topic.
Are we Not
MenMax?Betty Cracker
@Bunter: The lady who was the Best in Show judge last night seemed pretty solid.
@Amir Khalid: Imagine a slap fight in a bus station bathroom.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: My college roommate worked for years in bookstores in Ohio. She said one of the biggest customer groups for YA was Mennonite and Amish women. They liked the coming of age (growth into moral adulthood) and toned-down sex aspect of these books.
Very generous. I’d go with uncleaned port-a-potty.
@Another Scott: According to friends, you need to get a dog from one of the working lines. Their backs don’t slope. But even so, from all I’ve read, you need to be careful. I’m always glad to see a GSD with a straight back.
The first dog I remembered seeing was Prince, the GSD my folks had when I was 3, 4. He was a great dog. Yes, I hate what’s been done to the breed, too.
Such an Israeli reaction! Good to see!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@sab: Also the pacing tends to be quick. No dawdling around.
Another Scott
In other news, Priming doesn’t work well, but boosting and other techniques might in the fight against fake news:
The original article is here –
Alejandra Gonzalez
the rescue dog shows are my favorite!
Another Scott
@Kristine: There’s a young black GSD in our neighborhood that we’ve watched grow up. Straight back, natural gait, just a beautiful well behaved dog.
Our first dog was a GSD/border collie-ish mix. Incredibly smart and empathetic. We miss her every day.
Miss Bianca
@Betty Cracker:
I’m not sure that Pekingese exist in the wild.
zhena gogolia
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That’s what I love about The Witch of Blackbird Pond.
Alejandra Gonzalez
@Betty Cracker: She’s been around forever! I had to check because I didn’t remember but, yeah, this was her fifth Westminster as a judge in some capacity.
I will never understand how people who say they love dogs can tolerate/support dog-breeding, which is done only to please humans and produces disease and suffering in the dogs.
Dog shows like this manifest the cognitive dissonance of these “dog lovers”.
Nutmeg again
@TomatoQueen: I have to agree. Just on personality, That dog was a winner!
Miss Bianca
@EthylEster: So, you think that all dogs should be the result of accidental or non-purposeful breeding, then? Or should there just not be dogs at all?
@EthylEster: Oh please. I currently have three rescues from different rescue orgs, two of them very mixed breed. Love them dearly. But some day I will have a purebred again.
Different breeds have different characteristics, so you know in advance what the dog’s appearance, personality, and energy levels will be like. Avoid backyard breeders and puppy mills; reputable breeders work hard and go to considerable expense to produce healthy, happy dogs. Dog shows are great places to learn about the various breeds and find out what kinds would thrive in the environment you can provide them and which wouldn’t work out.
Also I eat meat.
Michael Cain
@Another Scott: We had a border collie when I was a kid (it adopted us, a story for another time). My sister was one of several three-year olds in the group of houses that shared a back yard. The collie herded the little kids around. 20 minutes in the sandbox, then gather them up and move them over to the swing set for 20 minutes, then some time crawling around in the bushes…
@Michael Cain: That’s hilarious!
Dead thread I know, but where better to recall the early days after 9/11 when security and bomb-sniffing dogs were in suddenly much greater demand, so that unconventional breeds for that kind of work were tried. Including border collies. They do indeed really want to herd …
J R in WV
All of our dogs have been mixes, some of them look a little like recognized “breeds” but in reality probably only have a tiny proportion of genes in common with actual recognized dogs with “papers”.
One had at least some Airedale, the curly close coat and head shape, so maybe 25%-50% Airedale.
Was a cute, smart, affectionate dog, smart and affectionate is all we ask for. Cute helps too.
Smartest dog we ever had was a long haired black dog, also affectionate, very smart, in control of all the other critters from squirrels to the dogs and cats. And deer, and, and… Some border collie?
Right now we have 3 dogs, one is middle aged, white lab mix, 84 pounds of sweetness. The other two are litter-mates, mostly black, a boy 67 pounds and a girl 63 pounds. They are really affectionate, smart. Part Great Pyrenees, part lab, they were born and grew up at a goat dairy, were never inside until they came to us.
Just Chuck
I love dogs so much that I measure the length and angles of their limbs… oh wait. Beauty pageants for different species are just a different kind of creepy.
@Another Scott: The dog love of my life (13 years gone) was a backyard bred beast with a lovely personality. She had a straight back, normal slightly longish back legs. She was huge. She was sable ( greyish all over with no saddle.) Cheerful friendly personality. People used to stop me on the street and say “She looks like RinTinTin. This is what a GSD should look like.”
When I lived in Las Vegas NV when she was a puppy, police units in the next field were always trying to buy her. She was obsessed with bite work. I wouldn’t let her do it until her obedience got perfect (which I knew would never happen.) She maxed out at 135 pounds and was never fat. Just a big beast of a girl. She loved guinea pigs. Let them run up and down her back and even let them pee on her. Scary as hell to strange men approaching me in the park.