is the texas wall going to generate electricity? because if not, it feels like texas should probably consider reprioritizing their tasks.
— FREE THE WEREWOLF MACHINE (@golikehellmachi) June 16, 2021
Texans are facing $38 billion in excess energy costs due to government failures during the winter storm.
Now, when Texans can't pay their electricity bills, Abbott's @PUCTX is allowing power shut-offs in 100° heat.
What happens when government doesn't work for the people:
— Beto O'Rourke (@BetoORourke) June 19, 2021
as an oklahoman whose state has always been treated as inferior by texas, i would be able to enjoy the schadenfreude a whole lot more if it didn't have a cost measured in human lives.
— FREE THE WEREWOLF MACHINE (@golikehellmachi) June 16, 2021
Think how bad Republicans have had to screw up Texas for a corporation to consider it energy insecure.
— Peter Wolf (@peterawolf) June 18, 2021
“The agreement states that in exchange for an entry into sweepstakes, electric customers allow them to control their thermostats during periods of high energy demand.”
— mike (cheugy) (@aniceburrito) June 18, 2021
John Revolta
But hey, let’s move all those Bitcoin servers down there from China! What could go wrong?
@John Revolta:
Well with no power to invest in it, it will likely fail miserably.
Texas, the state that seems like it wants to do everything wrong, just to be different than the other 25% of the states that also can’t seem to find their asses with both hands.
Glory, the eve of the battle
The Pwn Star State.
Wondering if part of the deal for Tesla’s under construction “gigafactory” there includes guarantees of uninterrupted power, at a fixed favorable reduced rate per kwh, and possibly recompense paid directly by the state for any claimed losses due to electricity interruptions or instability in delivery.
Many places have this program. I believe in most places you can override the utility by resetting the thermostat. This being Texas, there could be different rules.
“Get fucked Texass. We’d rather deal with fracking earthquakes than massive power outages.”
@Baud: We do this voluntarily for a small reduction in our bill. They don’t reset our thermostat, but installed a dedicated device on the AC unit. If we don’t like it we can remove it ourselves. We aren’t high AC users. We keep it around 78, which for a lot of people is boiling.
@NotMax: Or Tesla powers the factory with its own solar panels and Powerwalls.
(Probably not possible, but a nice thought.)
Five million square foot factory. Being built on land which was vacant because it’s a floodplain.
Remember in the wayback times the Texas bumper sticker: Drive 80, Freeze a Yankee ?
@mrmoshpotato: Did you mean ‘fracking earthquakes,’ as in seismic anomalies induced by fluid injection, or ‘FRACKING EARTHQUAKES,‘ per BSG. Because either way it works fine.
I have a cousin, whom I dearly love, living in Austin. Were it not for that, I’d be OK with Nuevo Aztlan a/k/a Tejas a/k/a Texass being walled off from the rest of the USofA, and renamed Dumbfuckistan, and made its own principality. On the condition that ALL their Rethug (and other insane/asshole) politicians (and supporters) cannot leave or come back to America America. Hell, I’d even offer them admission to the UN (as if they’d take it).
I think about how, for the first ten or twenty years of FOX News’ existence, the GOP in government knew what the channel was spouting was bullshit, but it helped them win elections so they played along. And now, those guys are dead or retired and they were replaced by GOPers who grew up watching FOX News and actually believe the crap the channel spouts. And lo and behold, here’s Texas, making the choice to permit the electric company to roast its citizens like holiday turkeys so there’s more $ to spend on a propaganda wall. It’s absolutely nuts.
The effects of the February Texas freeze reached Virginia in at least one way: a shortage of HVAC components. I learned this last month while talking to an HVAC technician while we were waiting for takeout food. He said his company had customers waiting to have their heat pumps serviced because of a shortage of components manufactured by Trane’s Texas plant. He said that essential molds for housings were damaged in the freeze. Then the fabrication of replacement molds was faulty, and the plant was only now resuming production with a better set. The technician was glad that it had been a fairly cool spring in Virginia so far.
I looked up the Trane plant. It’s in Tyler, Texas, and snow collapsed the roof on one of the buildings. Demolition of the building began a month ago.
You get what you vote for.
And then you blame it on something else.
SomeONE else: Yankees, socialist libtards/Demoncraps, darkies, Messicans, “elites” with IQs above room temp, etc.
SomeONE else: Yankees, socialist libtards/Demon-craps, “the coloreds,” Messicans, “elites” with IQs above room temp, etc.
You’re telling me that in a state where there are people who are constantly whinging about Big Gubment controlling their lives, they let their power company control their thermostat? You’re kidding me, right?
I mean my utilities have digital meters that can monitor consumption in surprising ways. But they don’t have control of my thermostat or water faucets. Accepting that private utilities can control your life in the ways you won’t accept from governments seems….typically GOP and Glibertarian to be honest.
the utilities gave them the thermostats for free, right?
Those clever idiots!
@Booger: Can I pick “Both?”
Mike in NC
There must never be another shitty Texan in the White House. Ever!
@SFAW: it’s pride month.
they’ll blame the gays.
@Mike in NC: technically, amateur demolition derby driver jorge esprescott bush is a floridian.
Chris T.
Isn’t “room temperature” in Texas now 110 F?
@Mike in NC: The last Texan who could have made it to the White House that wasn’t shitty was Ann Richards.
We here at Cyber Squirrels, Inc. – a completely real and totally viable entity – are completing the final R&D testing on our new series of cybersteel products under the general brand name “BitSteel(TM).”
We are looking to get this line into the market ASAP and will be working with the Texas Republican Party to exclusively use our products in the construction of the wall, which will be invisible and noone will actually know where it is but we will guarantee a 30,000% annual return on investment.
Investment packages available upon request.
@Geminid: a buddy of mine uses a lot of silicone for mold making. A lot lot.
Most is produced in Texas as it’s made from petroleum byproducts. Many of the components are temperature sensitive and large batches were lost due to the cold.
Even now ordering is so limited he can only get 1/3 of what’s he needs and he is limited to even smaller orders at a time which has doubled his shipping costs.
He’s struggling with no end in site