On the Road is a weekday feature spotlighting reader photo submissions.
From the exotic to the familiar, whether you’re traveling or in your own backyard, we would love to see the world through your eyes.
Continuing with Genovesa.
The lava rocks and pools.
A juvenile great frigatebird.
This was another wonderful example of bird behavior I got to witness. That young frigatebird looking so intently at mom was anxious to be fed.
The female started to feed the chick, and a male frigatebird swooped in, grabbed her beak, and tried to steal the baby’s food.
This happened several times — as soon as the baby got its beak inside its mother’s the male flew in and kept it from getting fed.
Finally the male left them alone and the chick was able to eat.
And finally two more young frigatebirds because they are just so cute.
There go two miscreants
That last one reminds me of Jimmy Durante!
@There go two miscreants: I always think Liberace!
Frigatebirds, living the pirate life all the time!
Note to self: do not piss off a mama bird who is trying to feed her young.
Warning shot fired in pic #3, pic #5 message sent, loud and clear.
I love the little blue-eyed babe in the parka in the background, just watching and wondering.
So if the male swipes some of the food, then leaves them alone, is it about making a point as much as about the food? “I’m the boss, and don’t you forget it” ??
Mary G
What a great story, though Mom’s red eyes are a bit scary. Peter Jackson could make a movie trilogy out of it. There are never enough juvenile great frigatebirds.