"We have to deliver on all the promises we’ve made," Biden tells his cabinet.
"I think we're in a situation where the vast majority of the public agrees with the essence of what we're trying to do." pic.twitter.com/j79s7Yr7DT
— Steven Portnoy (@stevenportnoy) July 20, 2021
President Biden held his first Cabinet meeting today in the Cabinet room, where he touted his accomplishments on Covid-19, economy, rebuilding relations w/world leaders.
"I think we can turn this great movement into an economic boom," he said about the bipartisan infra package.
— Nancy Cook (@nancook) July 20, 2021
By fully vaccinating 160 million Americans and 80% of our seniors – we’ve fundamentally changed the course of the pandemic. But we cannot let up – especially because of the Delta variant. If you haven’t gotten vaccinated yet, now is the time.
— President Biden (@POTUS) July 20, 2021
SCHUMER: “A ‘yes’ vote tomorrow is simply that the Senate is ready to begin debating a bipartisan infrastructure bill. … We’ve waited a month, it’s time to move forward. Once we get on the bill, there’s going to be plenty of time for the bipartisan group to continue its work." pic.twitter.com/yjYGAxc0x3
— JM Rieger (@RiegerReport) July 20, 2021
And I understand a lot of Milwaukee Bucks fans will be happy today, even if they didn’t get much sleep last night. Giannis Antetokounmpo seems like a genuinely nice guy!
“I never thought ever at 26 I’d be sitting in this chair.”
Giannis on winning his first championship. #NBAFinals pic.twitter.com/pjdWH2ljZJ
— NBA TV (@NBATV) July 21, 2021
I'm a Bulls fan for life, but this video of Giannis reacting to this fan giving him drawings she made of him made me a Giannis Antetokounmpo fan for life.
How can you not root for @Giannis_An34? pic.twitter.com/rEfUxnLQnF
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) July 17, 2021
She’s weeping with joy! ?
Rex Chapman is sad today.
The majority of voter do approve of what you are doing. That’s why they voted for you. Ram the legislation through however it has to be done. The GQP never hesitated to do so.
If it’s the tweet I’m seeing, it should be anger, not sadness. Good god, Alabama.
Good Morning Everyone ???
Congratulations Milwaukee ????
That young man strapped that team on his back and carried them over the threshold last night.
Absolutely stunning performance.????
Chief Oshkosh
@Jeffery: I think that all the “t”-s need to be crossed and the the “i”-s dotted, but yes, I agree that there should be no waiting at all for the Republicans. I don’t understand Schumer’s schedule because I am not privy to any of the considerations, but I don’t think one of those considerations should be “spend time trying to cajole assholes into morphing into not-assholes.”
Guess what’s almost surely going to make the cut this time?
When you focus on the past, that’s your ego.
When you focus on the future, that’s your pride.
— Giannis Antetokounmpo
Dorothy A. Winsor
That video of Giannis is really sweet
Ram it through, Chuck. You let those muthaphuckas ? stall as much as they can.. They are not sincere. No need to pretend that they are.
@debbie: Rex was a pro basketball player, Long time Phoenix Sun.
Good morning.
When you focus on the present, that means something hurts.
I don’t understand how the GOP got this reputation among ourselves that they have had great legislative successes.
Now there’s something you don’t read about every day.
Chief Oshkosh
@debbie: Is this about the miners strike in Alabama?
Flight risk?
Congrats to Milwaukee.
Did Bezos’ rocket team design this lamp?
Ah, got it. Thanks.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: It’s the Reagan devolution, and the post-9/11 war and counterterrorism bills. Which at this point were all a long time ago.
According to the news this morning, the GOP is asking Chuck to wait until Monday. Lots of posturing going on, but either way, the end game is near.
@Matt McIrvin:
Sometimes I think the main thing holding us back is us.
@Chief Oshkosh:
No, a city council meeting. It’s not showing up for me now; I hate Twitter’s randomness.
Gin & Tonic
An AQI of 120 this morning in goddamn New England. That’s scary.
@debbie: Here you go.
Man, the GOP has one and only one divining rod for racism and it’s that word.
His economic anxiety must be through the roof.
Biden’s remarks to the Cabinet were simple and spot on. Good communication: to the Cabinet, to Democrats, and to the public.
He put his whole chest in that reply to Paul.
MSNBC (@MSNBC) tweeted at 6:01 AM on Wed, Jul 21, 2021:
“Senator Paul, you do not know what you’re talking about, quite frankly, and I want to say that officially,” Dr. Fauci said after Sen. Paul accused Fauci of lying to Congress about the role the NIH played in funding research in Wuhan, China. https://t.co/t2cpSsjhPp
Thanks. Can you imagine speaking like that so shamelessly, knowing exactly how it would be taken?
I like how his cabinet began by praising him as the greatest president ever.
And how about that Ted Cruz? Single-handedly strangling the State Department. What a guy!
A moment that changed me: meeting the rescue dog who comforted me through unfathomable loss
They’re all flight risks, with their money.
@Gin & Tonic:
It’s 113 here. It’s also cooler, and I really wanted to open my windows too.
@germy: That bit about the third defendant ought to make the hearing about continued custody a short one.
@hueyplong: As a rich white guy with powerful friends, I doubt he’ll spend much time in jail, but pretrial release should be quite restrictive.
@germy: Some days of incarceration may impress upon Barrack the benefits of a plea deal.
@Geminid: I think the feds have got the goods on Barrack. I hope he sings like a canary.
@Geminid: And we’re talking incarceration in LA followed by the MDC in Brooklyn. Ouch.
He’ll be crooning tunes about Ivanka’s whatever-he-is.
john b
Headline straight out of Vice City
@germy: Hell yes, Tom Barrack is a huge flight risk. Wealthy people live in a world we can’t even dream of, where everyone flies on private planes and don’t have to go through security or check bags or show passports.
@OzarkHillbilly: At least his powerful friends aren’t running the DOJ and the White House anymore.
If the fix were in for him, seems like he’d have been charged and pardoned before Jan 20.
Now those powerful friends are not only not in power anymore, they’re not really his friends. They’re more like Remo in Casino.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: Aside from one tax-cut bill, the Republicans’ great legislative successes in recent years have mostly been in making things NOT happen. So I don’t think it’s all us. But they don’t really have a positive legislative agenda any more.
DO IT, Chuck! DO IT, Joe! Just pass the dang thing and let’s get going on other vital things like oh voting rights, prosecuting the insurrectionists (including the ones in Congress), and getting the world vaccinated.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Super easy for him and his resources to cut off ankle monitor, drive to Florida in a cash-purchased reliable beater, buy a reliable used boat with hired captain and make his way to Montevideo with a fresh passport as nice Canadian Guy Beaulieu of Ottawa.
They haven’t had great success, especially during the Trump administration. But they whine about the need for bipartisanship and demand compromise even though they never offer this to Democrats when the GOP is in power. The 2017 tax bill was written solely by Republicans. The Democrats never even got a chance to look at the bill. And polls indicated that the majority of the public opposed it. It was rammed through by the GOP anyway. From Wikipedia.
The GOP is shameless and brutal whenever they can get what they want.
I’m not talking about him “getting off”, I’m talking about him getting pretrial release. In a country where a person is presumed innocent until found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, pretrial release should be the norm. As is it is reserved for rich people who can afford the bail and the lawyers to argue for it. If he is given pretrial release I would expect him to be confined to home with an ankle bracelet and monitored, on high bail.
@OzarkHillbilly: You know why? Because as shocking and disgusting as it is I bet that not a single Black person in that room found it surprising.
I had forgotten about the no-hearings-held part.
In a rational country, their partei would never break 50 percent in any election, and would struggle to break 40 percent, unless and until they started acting like people who care about the country and its people.
I’ve long been a proponent of deporting them all to Dumbfuckistan, but maybe the name should be changed to Cleekitania? [ETA: Since hatred of all things Demon-crap seems to be what drives them.]
zhena gogolia
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Twitter is making me cry! I don’t even know who this guy is, but there are saintly stories about him all over twitter.
I watched the entire clip and it seems the guy who used the slur was claiming he was quoting the Black mayor. He claimed the mayor called the woman that slur.
I don’t know if that’s true. The council member is an obvious racist, either way. What triggered him was the Black man reading his wife’s social media comments into the record. His wife is a Fragile Southern White Woman (trademark) whose honor must be protected at all costs.
I hope his cost is the loss of his seat.
I’ll settle for a slapfest on the street with video.
@Baud: Congressional Republicans don’t have a long list of recent legislative successes because they no longer really have a legislative agenda, not because they hesitate to make it happen. When there’s consensus in their caucus, like with the 2017 tax bill, they don’t have any trouble making it happen. And they don’t bother trying to get Joe Manchin to go along with them, other than basically saying he should vote with them because West Virginia is so Republican.
And “GQP” can refer to Republicans across the country, not just the worms taking up space in the US Congress. Republicans in state and local governments across the country haven’t hesitated to pass a shit-ton horrible bills, even in the face of popular referenda.
@sdhays: Yet they keep getting reelected.
With a large fish?