Remember when three large companies including Amazon came together to try to disrupt healthcare and lower costs? That was too difficult to accomplish but Amazon’s founder was shot into space today.
— Samantha Liss (@samanthann) July 20, 2021
And this is the field that I’m going to be spending the rest of my career in…
Cheryl Rofer
Difficult fields are the best. Welcome.
Would you like to go to space?
Anonymous at Work
All the doctors of work with will be given that quote. Too many, sadly, for crochet.
Only dilletantes think that something needs “disruption” when what it actually needs is “competence” or “diligence”.
At least you will never lack for something to do.
FWIW, Jeffy didn’t quite go into space, he merely touched it. It’s another order of magnitude of difficulty to reach orbit, and at least another order of magnitude to escape orbit and reach the moon. To do so and come back with 1960s technology … THAT’S something Jeffy can only aspire to.
The good news is that your job is in no danger of becoming outdated.
Tough to disrupt when your true motivation is your own bottom line.
Lt. Condition
Obligatory note that it’s only difficult because of politics and entrenched interests, not because the problem itself is particularly difficult (seeing as we’ve got at least a half dozen better systems to choose from)
Brit in Chicago
If it were easy we wouldn’t need you to do it (and you’d be bored).
Chris Johnson
Sadly, he came back
Now I feel deprived because my college didn’t have “Riding Dick Rockets Almost to Space” as a major.
Or did you mean something else?
dr. bloor
Firing Bezos into the sun wouldn’t be a bad consolation prize for not getting health care fixed.
Al Z.
Universal Healthcare…. In SPACCCCEEEE !!!
Well it’s been almost 30 years since Bezos started his online bookstore. They gave up on health care almost as soon as they started. Got to figure they weren’t serious about it.
I just vacuum packed a passel of butterbeans, you could always do that!
@dr. bloor:
With our luck, he’d probably get there at night.
@Baud: I saw a survey that found that less than 1% of Americans had saved enough to build a personal rocket and go to space.
@Lt. Condition:
The political and entrenched interests are certainly preventing any rational implementation, but the “solution” (irrespective of obstacles) is probably not fall-out-of-bed simple. [Mainly because Americans have gotten used to getting what they want, when they want it, for what they perceive is low dollars, no matter the cost to others.]
And the damn liberals will want the government to pay for theirs, instead of saving for it, living within their means, etc. That’s even before they demand the government pay for the
T-bone steaksrockets demanded by thestrapping young buckswelfare queenslazy/poor people.Betty
@Lt. Condition: The answers are right there, but the power of the money of those benefiting from the status quo makes real change seem nearly impossible in this political environment.
@Ken: fewer
It actually isn’t difficult at all. Universal, comprehensive, single payer national health care.
Jim Bales
Think of it as job security!
@Cervantes: That’s easy to say, impossible to do in this country.
@Suzanne: OMG, I need to re-use this so often!
The Thin Black Duke
@OzarkHillbilly: Problem is, too many people in this country have no idea how lousy the health care system is until they get sick. It’s too late by then, though. Narcissism is a hell of a drug.
Constance Reader
And too many people are getting distracted from the real problems and saying “Fuck the billionaires!” when instead they should be saying “Down with for-profit healthcare!”
Just Chuck
@Constance Reader: Fuck the billionares who are spending hundreds of millions buying legislation to keep us from getting health care or anything else we’re already paying for with taxes when they’re not.