Good morning! Reposting this video of a Montana man telling Tucker Carlson he is "the worst human being known to mankind" just because.
— (@MeidasTouch) July 25, 2021
Many people are saying that Tucker Carlson just might be the worst human being known to mankind!
I’m sorry, the man may have been insulting but he wasn’t threatening. If you want to make a (very lucrative) living being a controversial public figure, you need to accept that you will attract other kinds of attention besides adulation.
— Patrick Chovanec (@prchovanec) July 26, 2021
bzzt wrongo
— World Famous Art Thief (@CalmSporting) July 26, 2021
people are allowed to walk up to you and call you an asshole. it just doesn’t happen to me. because i’m not an asshole.
have you tried being less terrible
— World Famous Art Thief (@CalmSporting) July 26, 2021
Didn’t this particular public figure tell his viewers to accost people wearing masks outside, and to call Child Protective Services if they saw a child wearing a mask? It seems he supports accosting people in public for political reasons. He thinks that ethic can’t apply to him?
— Patterico (@Patterico) July 26, 2021
One of the few things that gets support from some media and political elites across the spectrum is the idea that politics is a show, a game, a way to make money; so if non-elites take elite impact seriously when those elites want to be off the clock, that's deeply wrong.
— Nicholas Grossman (@NGrossman81) July 26, 2021
As ye sow, so shall ye reap.
Fuckin punk
Remember when Jesse Watters worked for Bill O’Reilly and ambushing liberals was his speciality? Amanda Terkel has something to say about that.
on one hand Tuckums has to be deeply concerned that he’s losing his touch, didn’t a bunch of lawyers successfully get him off the hook (legally) because they claimed that no one should take what he says seriously? If that’s indeed the case, now he’s even a failure at being a “performer” if people are taking what he says at face value… what a dilemma…
The finest RW reaction for me was that Dinesh D’Souza was deeply offended by Carlson being called out. No link, but that’s peak asshole.
@Scout211: Yeah, but Watters is a journalist and it was about news and getting the public THE FACTS so it’s laudable in that case but clearly liberals are super mean and so we need to protect Tucker’s feelings.
I don’t think the italics really conveyed the level of sarcasm I was going for there. Just take my word for it, I’m being incredibly sarcastic right now.
Tucker looked like he was about to soil his trousers.
dr. bloor
Holy cats, these guys are in for a real surprise when someone decides to dust off the guillotine.
Gotta pass this along before I move on with my evening: Pink offers to pay fines for Norwegian women’s beach handball team
dr. bloor
I don’t think “about to” is an operative statement for that expression.
How that dude kept from decking his ass is beyond me.
@piratedan: That was FOX’x lawyers getting them off the hook for broadcasting his lies.
News just mentioned out troops are leaving Iraq.
Tucker is a worthless shit who’s been rich enough long enough to figure he can do and say anything he wants without consequences. He’s right in that he’s faced no real consequences. Calling him a shit to his face doesn’t count: he just laughs it off like he does in this video.
OT: Anyone hearing anything about the bipartisan infrastructure package? Today was the day the GQP was finally going to come up with its latest offer, IIRC.
Roger Moore
“I never thought leopards would eat my face,” says the founder of the Leopards Eating People’s Faces Party.
Chetan Murthy
@CaseyL: They “failed to reach an agreement”. And so the charade continues. Good thing Schumer’s not waiting for it, for the reconciliation package. Kevin Drum has the …. blistering scorn:
Did fucker Carlson actually use his daughter’s presence as a shield? What an asshole.
Keith P.
The whole scene at the fly-fishing store looked staged.
Is Bill Bennet still breathing? Maybe they could dust off that old fossil and have him lecture Trump voters on morality.
@Chetan Murthy:
Reconcile that motherfucker.
The Thin Black Duke
@raven: He wanted Tucker to swing first, because then it’s self-defense. But Tucker punked out, which is just as good, so win-win. This also proves that Tucker isn’t up for a presidential run. He’d be eaten alive.
She seems nice.
West of the Cascades
You can’t really tell from the stills of his show (Dog forbid actually watching clips of it), but this side-on view makes it clear that Tucker has no chin (the poor snowflake).
Dan B
Surprise! It’s projection!!
Don’t accosted people on vacation – check.
Don’t be impolite – check.
Don’t rape kids – check.
Rinse, repeat…
Race to the bottom.
Chetan Murthy
@germy: There was some sort of public event going on, on the grounds. With a lot of Black people there. Several of them were asking the police why this (white) woman was getting away with something that would definitely have seen a Black person meeting extreme force.
So it goes.
Roger Moore
The same Bill Bennett who was addicted to slot machines? That Bill Bennett? Yeah, right. His view of morality was always that of the rich man: morality is good for the little people, but the important people don’t need to worry about it.
Via LGM, Hawley jumps on the anti-CRT bandwagon.
Two things.
1. Should we label this Common Core 2.0?
2. Should the Dems introduce the Love American Style Act in response?
The Tucker Carlson confrontation reminds me of a particularly satisfying Monty Python sketch.
Another classic example of how police treat a dangerous white woman who was endangering the lives of dozens of others. Mental health care was provided immediately, no beating, no shooting, just treated her with kid gloves.
Okay, here’s a great story.
This thread:
So the woman who wrote the notes saw the tweet and responded! She’s funny and brilliant.
Do unto others is a good way to live. Some people seem to think they are the only ones who get to do, not be done to.
Nobody in their right mind would believe Tucker Carlson, but there are still a lot of people who do. Tucker knows this, and he knows that people will die because they listen to him and the rest on Fox. He really is the worst kind of human being.
dr. bloor
Joyce van Patten and Stuart Margolin shall lead us to the promised land.
Roger Moore
Republican Jesus says, “Do unto others before they do unto you.”
LeVar Burton is hosting Jeopardy all this week.
The commentators for the women’s triathlon are doing their goddamndest to highlight the fact that the woman leading the race and who is a two-time world champ is from Bermuda. As if that horrid obstacle to get over is a defining characteristic of her career. I mean, she was born in Bermuda (breathlessly “it’s the size of Tuscon”).
It is the first gold medal for Bermuda, but sweet mother of colonialism, she’s born of English parents and was schooled in England.
The Thin Black Duke
@germy: This is wonderful. Thank you.
@The Thin Black Duke:
I am now a fan of tawdry lorde.
Tucker’s morphing into TFG. I never noticed he has a wattle.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Chris Matthews is trending on twitter. He’s still with us.
Ari Melber had him on his show and the reaction is about 7-1 “Nope”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
10 to 1 that was Bozeman and Tucks was on his way to the rick fuckers Yellowstone Club. He may now have a different idea of Montanans especially there or in Missoula, college towns that are the most liberal in the state.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: based on my very scientific forty-five second scroll through
A couple people actually said they like him. Go figure.
She’s so right! ?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Oh, I thought 7-1 referred to a date.
Some day, people will look back at these legislative sessions and wonder WTF were they thinking?
Reminds me of Hannity urging his listeners to sell everything and rush to ND to get in on the fracking bonanza. “Look what I can do!”
Personally, I think Tucker is lucky that the larger man didn’t take it upon himself to call his friends on the cell to help him drag Tucker off to a quiet location, and beat the living daylights out of him in privacy and with anonymity.
All he did was publicly shame the soft, chubby, hairless little man-boy.
Tuck and I are the same age and he went to St. George’s during the sex scandal. I grew up in Newport and almost certainly crossed paths with that shithead. More than a few of my friends went to St. George’s—I also used to skateboard with Alex Hightower, the dude who confronted Spicer.
@Chetan Murthy: Righty-oh. How many people are surprised by this? Betcha the shits said, “Give us a few more days…”
Go, Pink!
Dan B
@realbtl: I thought I read it was Livingstone. (Don’t quote me.)
This absolutely adorably cute and funny. A cartoon come to life.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@debbie: I remember once flipping through the channels and I caught O’Reilly threatening a boycott of Mexico because their president (Fox?) had said something negative about Bush, I think it was Iraq related. “Go ask the French what happens when the O’Reilly Nation (I think he said) starts a boycott” He was so comically buffoonish, but I’m sure five of his followers made a YouTube of themselves pouring French wine into the gutter and they thought they made the whole city of Bordeaux tremble
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: It’s old home week. Biden had Tony Coelho at the WH for a ceremony commemorating ADA, which he wrote with Tom Harkin. Harkin didn’t attend because the 81 year old was working on an ADA project in Wisconsin.
Old liberals never die, they just keep pushing the boulder up hill.
Again, TFG will NOT be ignored. Ever.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
@debbie: he has such a wide vocabulary
@germy: Hilarious. Thanks.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He shows up Fridays on Glenn Beck’s show. He hasn’t changed a bit. Still struts like a flea-bitten peacock. A nation of one.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Hey BillO, you sexual harassing sack of shit! I know!
A bunch of your mouth-breathing, shrub-humping, war-mongering, asshole viewers go buy a bunch of champagne and French’s mustard to destroy it like dumbfucks!
Maybe all of you should parachute into Baghdad and find those elusive WMDs!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@debbie: last summer Sirius/XM was running ads of him pitching nutritional supplements. His ex-wife’s NDA must cost him a fortune
Keith P.
When did that shirt Tucker is wearing (I usually refer to it as a “Don Jr shirt”) become the defacto casual wear for conservatives? They *all* wear that shirt when they’re off-TV (that plus the fly-fishing shit cranked up to 11 in the video) which is why I think this whole episode is manufactured by Carlson to make him look unbowed in the face of the angry, unhinged liberal.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
But this was wine that they bought, right?
A Ghost to Most
The backlash in the WaPo comments has been impressive. The usual suspects say something stupid, and 15 people rip them open before I get a chance to.
People are really pissed.
I think this is funny. That is all.
Chetan Murthy
@Steeplejack: All mentions of “haboob” are funny to this 14-year-old-in-a-56-year-old-body.
@Roger Moore: It’s simpler than that: Don’t Be A Dick.
@Chetan Murthy:
Adam Jentleson:
Excellent thread (from Friday) with some fact-based analysis. Here’s the Thread Reader version for the Twitter-averse.
A rememberance of Robert Parris “Bob” Moses, at TPM. It serves as a crash course in the earlier voting rights movement, as Moses was pivotal to it. See also tonight’s Chris Hayes.
Montana? This really is the day things fall into place.
@dr. bloor: According to IMDB Stuart Margolin (OMG, haven’t thought about him in probably decades but know exactly who he is) was born almost in my hometown and evidently is still alive. Who knew?
@HumboldtBlue: I’m not an expert but even I could see that was photoshopped. The edges of the cartoon image keep moving where a TV would be stationary.
@dr. bloor: I didn’t know that Stuart Margolin was on Love, American style. I remember him from the Rockford Files.
The last thing I saw Stuart Margolin in was Arbitrage (2012), with Richard Gere. He was great as an “elder statesman” Wall Street type.
I did not know that he won back-to-back Emmys (1979-80) as Angel in The Rockford Files!
@Keith P.: A Dan Bailey owns a famous fly fishing store in Montana, maybe it’s THAT Dan Bailey.
Plus there’s a cut right before the kitten jumps.
Chetan Murthy
@brantl: Newspaper article I read noted that the Dan Bailey who upbraided Tuck-Tuck, was not related to Dan Bailey of the eponymous store. No idea if it’s accurate.
Howard Beale IV
‘It Failed Miserably’: After Wargaming Loss, Joint Chiefs Are Overhauling How the US Military Will Fight
In a fake battle for Taiwan, U.S. forces lost network access almost immediately. Hyten has issued four directives to help change that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
trump humiliates the Bush family, again, and Jeb-spawn tried so, so hard
Chetan Murthy
@Howard Beale IV: Fuuuuuck. If we’re going to depend on networks staying up to fight a war, we’d better be able to destroy Russia’s networks, and keep them destroyed. Crrrikey. What a farce.
Jentleson continues today (on the filibuster):
Good thread in general.
@MisterForkbeard: I knew that. My first language is sarcasm!
I distinctly remember Stuart Margolin in an episode of The Monkees, playing an alien. And I think Pat Paulsen was in that episode too. My god I’m old . . .
@Howard Beale IV:
I just came across that story.
Another Scott
@Howard Beale IV: Funny how that old saw, “The enemy always gets a vote”, has ramifications isn’t it?
Thanks for the pointer.
@HumboldtBlue: Great, now check the Royal Gazette and the Premier’s twitter feed to see how much Bermudians resent all that.
Keith P.
@Chetan Murthy: The store has a statement on their site saying their Dan Bailey is a different guy.
@Keith P.: Of course it did. All those gift shops and rock shops and hunting and fishing shops and native jewelry stands are where we sell our wares to the always welcome and interesting tourists.
If an a**hole like Tucker walked into my shop, i would tell him to go away. That jerk thinks he can go play in fantasy “a river runs through it” vacation.
It was interesting to see how he looks without his makeup on. I’m just disgusted with that Tucker guy.
@Chetan Murthy: has kevin drum blamed liberals for the failure of bipartisanship yet?
@Keith P.: okay. They still should have told that Tucker Carlson to go fuck off. It is not going to ruin the family business. That old grandpa, who knows what he thinks?