you mean a conductor?
— Fred Will Not Go To Space Today (@LesserFrederick) July 31, 2021
For those of you having difficulty understand why people don't trust the vaccine, let me shed some light on the matter. A thread:
Imagine you're a normal person, and you come back from your men's rights group meeting and you log on to a gaming review website and 1/
— Will Truman (@trumwill) August 3, 2021
I believe this (not truncated, just very snarky) thread may have been based on an actual posting. And I’m very glad I don’t know who the original might’ve been!
In ADDITION to denying the efficacy of the miracle drug ivermectin, the so-called medical experts do nothing but take a dump on the Alex Jones concoction you’ve been taking that have been helping you bulk up.
Yet we’re supposed to believe them when 34/
The same media reporting on the vaccine is the one that lets you sign up for their paper online but to cancel you have to CALL AND TALK TO SOMEBODY.
How is that trustworthy?! 71/
Because the applesauce has those rib things, you are invariably left with applesauce in the container that you can’t get out!
Corporate America is stealing your applesauce@!@! You simply can’t trust them or their drugs. 88/
Remember two weeks to flatten the curve? Yeah that was a big lie. I mean, it was Trump who said it but the deep state made him. We can’t trust a government that forces honorable presidents to say things they know aren’t true. 112/
And schools! Let’s talk about schools! They’re nothing but CRT factories and also the government kept them closed FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR! Can you believe it?
So you decide you’re going to homeschool, but then they act like you’re a religious weirdo and 143/
and Brie Larson wasn’t even any good. She was stiff as a board. The whole movie was a feminist lecture. Count me out. But as soon as you say you don’t care for the movie and call the lead actress an entitled bitch people call you a sexist. 166/
And so the more they want you to take the vaccine, the more reluctant you get. If they would just respect your decision not to get the vaccine and never talk to you about it or talk about how they got the vaccine or show any sign of taking Covid seriously at all, then you’d 182
while the politicians who are supposed to be taking this seriously instead fly on planes without masks. Those Hollywood starlets telling people to be careful are throwing parties and having sex. A lot of sex, probably. Which they wouldn’t do if they took the virsu seriously. 213/
So imagine you’re this guy. Just for a minute. Would you take the vaccine?
That’s what I thought /fin
To the extent that there is overlap between his reasoning and realworld hesitancy, it is with the group of unvaccinated that are most hostile and least persuadable. Certainly unpersuadable by people like me.
— Will Truman (@trumwill) August 4, 2021
I support being as generous and kind with as possible with the vaccine-hesitant. Many have fears that are real even if mostly – in my estimation – misguided.
But for people who would point to Brexit and polling errors, there is not much I can pragmatically do with that. /fin
— Will Truman (@trumwill) August 4, 2021
Chief Oshkosh
Will Truman seems like a nice guy, but I’m with the cartoonist. The anti-vaxxers are shark chum at this point. Like I’ve said, ya hate ta see it…
full disclosure, I am a WFT fan, I grew up in the DC metro area and have followed the team my entire life, as a kid pre-Lombardi with Sonny Jurgensen and ever since and on our boards we have to deal with the likes of the following:
Why Masks Are Not Safe or Effective
By Dr. Bob McCauley, ND
When you wear a mask:
• You are breathing in your own CO2.
• You are causing your lungs to unnecessarily work harder.
• You are getting less oxygen into your body and brain.
• You create a warm place for bacteria and viruses to thrive by breathing into a mask and contaminating it. Never wear a mask more than once.
• The COVID virus is 1000 times smaller than the hole in the N95 mask, the best mask on the market. Cloth bandanas are worthless bacterial traps.
• There are no randomized controlled trials scientific studies that show mask are effective in stopping the spread of infectious disease.
• The “social distancing” 6-foot rule was invented out of thin air. No studies exist to support this notion.
• The CDC has flip-flopped several times now on whether airborne transmission of the Chinese virus is possible.
• The CDC has flip-flopped several times now on whether it is necessary or safe to wear a mask.
• When you wear a mask and you’re all alone there’s something wrong with you.
• You have a 99.6% chance of surviving COVID, 96.9% of surviving the flu, 79% chance of surviving meningitis and only 70% of surviving encephalitis, which was in the mosquitoes in the Michigan this year.
• Masks give one a false sense of protection.
THIS is the type of crap that you have to beat back every single fucking day and while I went ahead and addressed each bullet point for the farce that it was, I will likely get a time out because of my tone, or not respecting their opinion or some other bullshit where we have to accommodate the idiot else feelings will be hurt. I can only imagine the frustration with those who have to deal with the willfully strident idiocy every damn day. Gotta love the smattering of stats to try and lend it a sense of legitimacy and that is what makes this kind of crap so insidious.
Not at all embarrassed to say 98% of the post makes not the least lick of sense to me.
By that I mean I recognize the words as being in English but that’s where any cogent communication ends.
Anti vaxx people live in a special zone of self-reinforcing ignorance and resistance. There is not much that can be done about them.
Sane people may just have to try to limit contact.
My sister in Texas tries to reduce the number of days she goes into the office. On Monday a worker felt ill and went home. On Tuesday he was diagnosed with Covid. The unvaccinated still refuse to reconsider.
The Monte Lake fire has blown up, it’s in the town of Monte Creek, and the Kamloops suburbs of Barnhartvale, Dallas and Campbell Creek are being evacuated.
“Chinese virus” is the ironclad tell it ‘s worthy of being nothing more than bird cage liner. (As if what precedes it wasn’t already.)
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@piratedan: This is called a Gish Gallop, good chance the guy who wrote it has a fake medical degree. This shit got started with the Creationists.
James E Powell
Do you mean the Will Truman thread? It’s a parody of a very long twitter thread from about a week ago that explained that it’s perfectly reasonable that people refuse vaccinations & mitigation efforts and also – spoiler alert – that it’s the Democrats fault.
I don’t remember the guy’s name, but it was a Poe’s Law situation.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
yup, I understood all of that and I even went ahead and answered each and every one of his bullshit bullet points and I completely understand it will make zero difference to the offender, but to anyone on the fence who is thinking of buying the bullshit, it should help.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@piratedan: That’s over doing, ask them why do they think all those medical works wear all that gear if it’s not effective?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@piratedan: and as predicted, the “Doctor” is a woo peddling quack.
They always fucking are.
What am I doing up at 4 AM?? but the comic is excellent and will be shared. And, “…you mean a conductor?”
I need some kind of snack right now so I can sleep without listening to my stomach rumbling.
My mother’s sister was fully vaxxed, still got COVID but a relatively mild case given that she’s 90; lives in FL, I know, such a surprise. A couple of days in the hospital but not, you know, on a vent or intubated or dead or anything.
coin operated
Iran elected a new president this week. Paging Adam….
sorry about that, is she recovering well?
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: OMG thank you for this link. Delightful and informative and makes it clear why such a thing is absolutely crazy-making to the point of homicidal.
Long time reader, first time commenter.
I’ve been fighting anti-vaccine misinformation for close to 20 years. I started working as a primary school teacher right around the time that Andrew Wakefield was a rising star in the movement. It’s always been loud but mostly on the fringes.
It’s dismaying how quickly it’s moved into the mainstream in the west. I live in Guiyang, China now. I have for the last three years. The local government holds regular COVID vaccine drives, and the lines are always stupidly long to get them. When I talk to my Chinese friends, they’re baffled at the resistance in the US to it. “Don’t they know that they can save their grandmother’s life? Or the life of someone else’s grandmother?” I don’t have an answer for them.
@Jay: Sounds OK, Mom just called this morning and they’re both 1500 miles away from me. Mom is a Republican and I did not comment on her saying that people should listen to the Democrats and get vaccinated ;-) Textbook example of fully vaccinated getting breakthrough COVID but having minimal consequences. Thanks for asking!
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Indeed. I noticed that his “qualification” is ND – a Naturopathic “Doctor”, aka a woo grifter
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: And I noticed that at the link you posted, a feedback window asking what is missing that would improve the page. I wasted about 20 seconds of my precious time replying “Science? Truth? Honesty?” I think my free of charge puerile snark is more valuable than the shit he is peddling
@coin operated
Iranian election was in mid-June.
Damn the toropedos, full speed ahead!
Gotta link it.
@NotMax: Can’t hear the phrase without thinking of that scene. ?
I’m enjoying the (free) subscription to Heather Cox Richardson’s posts though, sometimes it helps to remember that throughout history dark times have come and gone. I believe we’ll get through this one too.
You ‘n’ me both.
A couple of FB friends (from past jobs) are very anti-vax. I thought about jumping in and engaging, but trolls are everywhere and I didn’t want to deal with them. I intended to block them for their stupidity, but then decided to watch the progression of their looniness. The memes they share are astounding in their ignorance.
Uncle Cosmo
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: And at the bottom of the “Our History” page (and probably every other page on that website) we find this gem in small type:
This, from “Dr Bob” (NB I have been unable to locate any statement of what “doctorate” he claims, what institution he received it from and/or when) who has “just published” a book called “The Cure In The Mirror” (for cancer, of course)…
tl;dr – sheesh!
You’re probably one of those elitist libtards who says/said the same thing about The World’s Foremost Authority*
*Meaning Professor Irwin Corey, of course. [You knew he lived in GN for awhile, right?]
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Maybe he can run for Senate in Kentucky.
Uncle Cosmo
@Uncle Cosmo: ,FTR “Dr Bob” McCauley styles himself an ND, “Naturopathic Doctor” – degree-granting institution, if any, unfindable to this point. I presume he hooks a lot of wannabelieve folks with bad eyesight…
As the ducks say: QUAAAAACK!!!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Uncle Cosmo: These assholes have certain language about them. Think “Ancient Aliens”; “I am just asking questions” and “I am not saying…”
Don’t knock the Prof.
Ever see Irwin & Fran?
More like an SD — Sociopathic Dimwit/Doctor
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@debbie: The only thing I’ve seen that is effective against this stuff is even stupider comments. An example that drives Moon Land Hoax Deniers over the edge;
“Of course Stanly Kubrick faked the Apollo Moon landing, but Kubrick was such a protectionist he had it filmed on location”
I would NEVER knock him. He was one of my faves.
Thanks for the link, hadn’t heard of Irwin & Fran.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
That is a great line, I’ll have to remember it.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: I assumed ND meant No Degree.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Elizabelle: He claims it’s Naturopathic Doctor, but I will bet he uses “No Degree” with the FDA.
Get this, they have to go to a four year school for this lol
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Your comment was in moderation because you had more than 7 links.
One note: The site software does not like apostrophes in nyms, so every comment of yours will have to be approved by a front-pager before it appears. If you change your nym so it doesn’t contain an apostrophe you have to be approved only once.
As a fairly infrequent commenter, I’d like to say “welcome!”
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@WaterGirl: ah, ok.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
Get rid of the footnote links when you copy/paste from Wikipedia.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Har’lea’quinn: There any wiki or the like on these crackpots and their scams? The Creationists got beat down when their fake credentials and agendas were made public.
Actually this BS has been going on for a long time in the West, the whole reason we have the FDA and the Pure Food and Drug act is push back on the quackery. Go read that Dr. ND page and you will see how carefully he words stuff so the law doesn’t come on him.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
These people have been groomed their entire lives to not think by their pastors and the media and just obsessively only listen to a charismatic personality.
Uncle Cosmo
FTFY…I think…