LGM readers have already seen this but if you haven’t, it’s worth a watch (lots of profanity, you’ve been warned). His simple point: if you don’t trust the medical establishment’s COVID vaccine, why do you trust the doctors at the hospital where you go for treatment for COVID? By the way, we (the vaccinated, voluntary maskers) are a huge majority:
I don’t know about you, but I’m pissed. I’m mad that masks haven’t been mandated yet because I have to stare at assholes in the grocery story who I fucking know aren’t vaxxed–the percentage of unmasked is almost identical to the percentage of unvaccinated around here. If I think about how little we’ve done to protect children, I get even madder, especially when I see that not continuing COVID precautions at schools is even on the table.
Wouldn’t it be great if, for once, the backlash came down on the whiny, bad-faith assholes who are the root of the problem instead of the people who are trying to make it better?
If that tik tok rant isn’t the best summation for the increasing anger of the 73%, it will do until that best summation comes along.
“We don’t co-parent w/ the Govt”
You’re lucky they don’t take your kids because of child endangerment, asshole.
“I will not wear your fear”
OK by me, if you’re also willing to be jailed when you cause the death of innocents. Actually, now that I think about it: no, it’s not OK. You should be shipped to Gitmo with others of your mindset, before you harm others due to your vaccine lies and denialism.
I was so pissed at teachers unions for opposing vaccine mandate. I am so glad they’ve shifted their stand and agreed for vaccinations to be required for teachers to protect students who are too young to be inoculated. WFT were they thinking by opposing it in the first place.
I agree with TikTok guy. I wish they would stay out of hospitals and just use their stupid home remedies and suffer at home. But then I remember lots of them are victims of misinformation. I wish someone would force that malevolent cyborg Mark Zuckerberg to spend a week in a COVID ward. That fucker, more than anyone else, is responsible for all the misinformation and nutty who are seeing now.
Because like everything else, conservatives don’t have real beliefs. Once they get COVID, it’s real. Here’s a thread by a guy who did a search for “covid prayers” on Facebook; unsurprisingly, it’s unvaccinated people who have been posting memes about not wearing a “face diaper” until, uh oh, they have a fever and can’t breathe: https://twitter.com/TepidButterASMR/status/1425275160697970701?s=20
I want to move back to Nashville SO badly… and I can’t/won’t because of unmasked/unvaxxed assholes. In Tennessee, as a different LGM post shows, the idiots are threatening doctors with physical harm. And while I’m psyched to see my kid this weekend for the first time in 18 months, even his mom (a nurse) is telling me “make sure you get up here, the border’s not likely to stay open long w/ delta.”
I’m pissed and I will not be un-pissed for a long, long time.
@brendancalling: Are you saying that there is talk about closing the border of a US state?
Is this a thing now?
If so, glad I drove across the country last week.
Amir Khalid
That breast cancer patient’s husband has every right to his anger and his F-bombs. I’d be upset too, if a loved one got kicked out of hospital to make room for these ignorant selfish clods, instead of getting needed treatment.
Raoul Paste
No wonder this tick-tock guy is angry. And his comments are spot on
A-fucking-men. I live in Memphis. I just hope I don’t need a hospital for I don’t know how many goddamn months because I am sure right now they are filled with anti vaxxers from TN, AR, and MS.
Yeah I’m pissed. Is it obvious?
@hueyplong: I believe he’s talking about Canada.
Keith P.
Except you don’t. If you’re just looking for an excuse to be pissed off at people, stay home to cool down for a bit.
The Thin Black Duke
I know I’m sounding like a broken record (showing my age, huh?), but we got to put the brakes on these assholes before they kill the rest of us. Let’s pretend that Anti-Vaxxers are BLM protestors, alright?
What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?
@brendancalling: Yeah I saw in this morning’s Covid post that some dumbasses in Tennessee are making implied threats against health care workers who are advocating for safety measures – vaccines and masks – at public forums by saying “you can leave here safely, but we know where you live”…
To which, if my wife, who is a health care worker were threatened like that I’d be like, “yeah, well, we know who you are too and don’t come to us, ever again, for any medical care and that goes for the rest of your family too. I don’t care if you severed an artery shooting yourself by accident. You can just fucking bleed out right in front of us assholes. If you get cancer, have fun self treating with horse de-wormer or whatever. Heart attack? – the defibrillator is over there if you can manage to crawl that far but I ain’t doing CPR. See how that works? We can both make threats but I have something you need, and you got nothing I need, so keep running your mouth and see where it get you the next time you have a boo boo.”
@Anya: In defense of the teachers’ union, I think it was less an objection to a mandate (although I imagine there are plenty of teachers mad about it) and more that the union wanted to be part of the conversation. Which seems stupid to all of us sitting in the middle of the crisis especially those of us with kids under 12), but I can see the union’s point of view- allow a mandate over something like vaccination to be made without being involved and next time a city or state wants something from the union they may try to get it without involving the union. And I wouldn’t put it past a city or state gov’t to try it, so I get it. The union came around to the right position; that’s what matters.
Oh Greg(o)…
Masks aren’t “fated” to be anything.
Also, from downstairs:
I see soon-to-be-dead, stupid, selfish idiots.
Works here too.
@WhatsMyNym: Whew. Well, for us, anyway. Not so great for him, though it’s possible that being stuck in Canada might not be the worst thing at this particular moment.
zhena gogolia
It’s a thing of beauty.
Ohio Mom
For people (no one here, I’m sending this out to the universe) who think, Eh, she has Stage 4 breast cancer, she’s a goner anyway, some people with Stage 4 BC live years and years, managing their disease as a chronic condition.
It depends on a bunch of different variables, among them the genetic profile of your disease — there are very effective newer treatments for some genetic profiles. And as you are juggling your treatments, periodically a new drug is approved that changes your entire prognosis arc.
At anyway, the TikTokker’s wife certainly deserves to be kept comfortable and kept stable, no matter what. It has to be devastating to be kicked out of the hospital for the sake of assholes who purposefully threw away their good health.
On a related note, I saw in today’s paper that my otherwise excellent suburban school district, which managed last year fabulously, successfully preventing any school-based Covid transmissions, has capitulated to the anti-mask crowd and is making masks optional.
Maybe I should be starting a pool on when the first case starts spreading. Mostly I am relieved (once again) that my family’s public school days are over, and beyond irritated that I now live in a carefully coddled Petri dish.
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?: This implied threat is already in practice for some paramedics. Don’t ask me how I know
ETA> Paramedics make the threat.
I feel the TikTok guy’s anger 100%. I want to explode as I see ambulances bringing these fuckers to my local hospitals all day long from counties populated by Covidiots. Our city council just got rolled by a bunch of them protesting a mask ordinance. Their plan was to stop the city ordinance so schools would not have a leg to stand on if they wanted kids to mask when school started. They won with signs like “My body, my choice.” They and their sick children should be offered tents outside the hospitals where they can take all the “personal responsibility” (our governor’s pandemic plan) they want and let the rest of us, who believe in civilization, have our lives back.
Dorothy A. Winsor
There’s deep irony in the way they accuse immigrants of being disease carriers, when it’s actually them
@Ohio Mom: My neighbor’s wife lived for decades with cancer due to management type drugs. Many people can.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
@Ohio Mom:
“Optional” means that a mask is an asshole filter, showing which kids are assholes and/or have asshole parents.
Wondering still why ‘fuck those guys’ is not a rotating tag line.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix
@Keith P.:
Nah, I need to eat.
Also, being pissed gets your blood moving. It gets me up in the morning. Lots of 90 year olds who get pissed regularly — I was raised by one and he still gets mad while watching MSNBC and hearing about idiots.
@Ohio Mom:
I’m so tired of being subject to the tyranny of the minority.
And, honestly, I’m pissed at the FDA for demanding more test subjects for the vaccines for kids, two-thirds of the way through the process. I absolutely get the concern over safety, but vaccines have been around for centuries, the science is pretty well established and, much like the risk of Covid is much worse than the risk of a vaccine for adults, I think we’re at the point where the risk for kids of Delta is greater than the risk of side effects from the vaccine. Or at least, I don’t think a couple thousand more test subjects will change the data, but how many thousands of kids will get infected this fall who might not have if the vaccine had been available a few months sooner?
Joe Falco
I’m angry at the people promoting the lies. I’m angry at the people accepting the lies. I’m furious that society’s most vulnerable is being endangered by the two groups described above. Were it possible to take those two groups and shove them off on an uninhabited island to live out the consequences of their actions, I’d happily support it.
Cobb County decided to make masks optional, against the advice of the CDC. Pro Publica has a powerful article about one parents’ decision to find another solution for her children. The article caused me to shed a few tears. link
Ohio Mom
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix:
With the exception of the kindergarten class and anyone else new to the district, the administrators, teachers and other staff already know who the assholes are.
I am sure that right now, my next door neighbor, a fourth grade teacher, has already steeled himself after looking at his class roster.
This district is fairly affluent. I predict an exodus to private schools and home schooling. Which weakens the district. Though I think most of the home schoolers will eventually come back.
Governor Deputy Dawg here in SC is getting pushback on his ‘let the parents decide’ stance on masks in schools. The SC Legislature used a ‘Budget Proviso’ trick they like to keep up their sleeve to prevent schools from mandating masks by threatening their state funding. Columbia Mayor Steve Benjamin and Columbia City Council have passed a mask mandate, that encompasses public schools within their jurisdiction. AG Alan Wilson (Joe Wilson’s dumb as a rock spawn) has issued an AG Opinion that City Council’s mandate is illegal. So 1) Most legal folks in the state are of the opinion that AG Opinions really have no legal weight or force and 2) I think Benjamin is pushing for this to be a legal showdown with the state supreme court, because the budget proviso nonsense is clearly unconstitutional.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Good rant and he’s right on point.
This analogy occurred to me recently. It’s like there’s a zombie apocalypse, and there’s a bunch of bozos complaining that the barriers are restricting their constitutional freeee-dom of movement.
So they keep opening the gates. And the zombies get in and eat them of course, but also eat innocent people before someone can get the gates closed again.
Kenny BooYah! ?? (@KwikWarren) tweeted at 7:38 AM on Thu, Aug 12, 2021:
It’s not really about mask mandates. It’s about white grievance&resistance to a system they believe they’re losing control of, that they see as increasingly favorable to black&brown ppl at their expense. It’s about clinging to&asserting white supremacy&dominance over this society
mali muso
@Nicole: Come sit by me. My kiddo will be 5 in November, and I will be first in line to get her the jab if they’d approve it. Yesterday, I followed a series of links to get put on the Pfizer list of parents interested in having their kid participate in the study. Let’s get this show on the road already!
dr. bloor
The FDA does not share your certainty. You fuck up a vaccine trial for kids and give the go-ahead to a flawed treatment, parents aren’t gonna give you a second chance.
Betty Cracker
If this doesn’t cause a huge backlash against pro-COVID politicians, business owners, anti-mask/vaccine school board protesters, etc., I’ll lose my dwindling confidence in America’s ability to function as a society. Seriously, if regular people don’t rise up and impose consequences on craven, opportunistic assholes like DeSantis, Rand Paul, et al, and the brainless, zombie-like fuck-sticks who squandered our opportunity to defeat this pandemic, we are fucking doomed.
I’m with the tik tok guy. And this is why states shut down – to keep hospital use at a manageable level (with apologies to last years overworked hospital staff.)
We’re traveling to Misery (St. Louis area) to see family this weekend. Our usual assortment of masks will be coming with (all we’re seeing are vaxxed, btw, including the overseas folks.)
Chief Oshkosh
@Betty Cracker: I think we said that after the Sandy Hook massacre. And then we said that after the kids-in-kages-kaper. We’ll end up saying it about this latest evidence of soullessness on the part of Republicans. Society is overall is not functioning, and for some, hasn’t functioned for a long time.
That said, I don’t agree that we are fucking doomed. We just have to realize that there are a lot of people who don’t live up to many, if any, standards. About the only difference I feel about this is that I’m a lot quicker to cut them off as being useless in my life. It’s a consequence to their decision. Not much else I can do. I’m just not giving them any consideration any more.
I totally fucking agree with him.
@Betty Cracker
Didn’t DeSantis run a skeevy health care company?
From the guy who brought the world Shut The Fuck Up And Put On Your Mask, it’s Take Your Trump Signs Down!
zhena gogolia
@Four Seasons Total Landscaping mistermix:
I really don’t understand why this person thinks you don’t have to buy groceries.
@dr. bloor:
The FDA is crossing T’s and dotting I’d while kids all over the country are being intubated. They’re in a tough spot, but kids lives are LITERALLY on the line and every day they delay for “more testing” is another day for kids to potentially need a PICU response.
zhena gogolia
Ohio Mom
Granted, this was not quite ten years and two superintendents ago, but when a friend of mine moved her younger son from our district to a private school for high school, she found herself being invited by the superintendent to a focus group on why those parents were pulling their kids out. Call it an exit interview. The superintendent was sincerely looking for ways the district was not meeting everyone’s percieved needs.
Last year the district gave everyone a choice of in person or remote (with the stipulation that once you made your decision, that was it for the school year), and then hired something like 40 extra teachers to handle the increased work load. No remote students had a chance to fall between the cracks. For the in person group, suspected and confirmed cases among both staff and students were immediately quarantined. As I said above, there were no cases of in-school transmission.
And now, all caution is being thrown to the wind, with masks being made optional just as Delta is spreading among children?
Who is behind this? I don’t know, maybe that core group of Republicans that are always organizing against levies and everything else meant to keep the district strong. I’m no longer in the middle of the school grapevine, so that is only a guess.
…if you don’t trust the medical establishment’s COVID vaccine, why do you trust the doctors at the hospital where you go for treatment for COVID?
The answer is, they’re not gonna tell ME what to do, I’m gonna tell THEM, when I’m good and ready.
Its not about trust. It’s more like ODD. It’s emotional immaturity.
Betty Cracker
@NotMax: That was his predecessor Rick Scott. DeSantis was a House backbencher who was friends with Matt Gaetz.
“Damn vending machines at the hospital don’t accept live chickens. What’s up with that?”
@Betty Cracker
Thanks. Some days can’t tell the cretins apart without a program.
@matryoshka: < My body, my choice? So the anti-vaxxers and the anti-maskers believe in abortion rights now? Irony just died. Was it COVID?
@dr. bloor:
I know they don’t, but I feel like this is the FDA falling into “the way we’ve always done things” when the house is on fire. We have a lot of decades of info on vaccines, and plenty of data on adults in real-world circumstance now. I just don’t see how adding a couple thousand kids to the testing is going to do anything other than slow it down at a time when lots of kids are getting sick in the real world. In this particular testing instance, I don’t think the additional data benefits will be worth more than the real-world consequences we’re seeing right now. The FDA, obviously, does not agree. And so they decide to tell Pfizer and Moderna, well after the trials have already started, that they have to add more kids into it. Like, maybe you should have thought of that at the start, FDA.
Bureaucracy is what it is, but in this case, kids are getting sick and dying and the FDA, being a huge bureaucracy, is not able to show any flexibility to meet the changing circumstances, and kids are getting sick.
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
@Anya: On behalf of Martha Wells’s Murderbot and its 35,000 hours (and counting) of entertainment media, I have to protest your designation of Zuckerberg as a cyborg.
However, Zuckerberg would fit right into Corporate space.
@NotMax: chickens was good enough for my great-grandpappy, why ain’t they good enough today, huh?!
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So just reading a friends facebook repost of realive who is a ER nurse in Texas talking about how with ER at 107% full, they have these anti vaccer twats protesting at the front door about mask mandates. I wonder how long before the anti-vaccers storm a hospital and attack the staff will screaming about how oppressed they are.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I work in the Medical Device industry, the FDA has every reason to be hard ass with the kind of half ass crap industry does. It’s not just the trial size, the FDA has to make sure they are not being lied too about the results.
To which we’ve seen the response. “Oh, honey, it’s too late for the vaccine. Now take these pills so I can stick this tube down your throat into your lungs, and maybe in four weeks you’ll wake up. Maybe.”
@Ken: yeah I don’t feel the least sorry for them either way. And those near-deathbed conversions are only vaguely pathetic. But 8n the meantime, healthcare professionals are being shredded, and that just isn’t fair, to them especially, or to anyone who does take care of their own health.
Hospitals have armed security because lunatics do sometimes attack the staff.
They also have the people who will be treating anyone who’s injured by security. I’m sure they wouldn’t do anything that would violate their oaths – though not quite as sure as I was before seeing eclare‘s note above.
Jim Appleton
@What Have the Romans Ever Done for Us?: In my EMT days in a small rural community, I responded as lead to several people who previously made threats. I did my job with compassion and without attitude. What appeared to be quiet shame was enough. These days it’s got to be a lot harder to take the high road.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Well, shoot! Invite them in! Give them a tour! I’m sure they’d love observing an intubation!
dr. bloor
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony:
Masks optional for them, of course.
Honestly, hard core Republicans are the whiniest snowflakes out there. Everything with them is projection of themselves. And their need to act and feel like they are the only true Americans (and the majority no less) only seals the deal that they are too far gone to reach. Some of the MSM is starting to notice but most the MSM is happy to watch those idiots sit in a mud puddle farting and will then call it a bubble bath on their shows.
How else are you going to get to herd mentality?
“I will not wear your fear”
so the rest of us get to wear your stupidity.
thanks for nothing, freedom fighter!
Matt McIrvin
My favorite recent rant comes from, of all people, a goofy Australian who talks about superhero movies. The video purports to be explaining a post-credits scene in “The Suicide Squad”, but I’ve linked to the 2:20 mark where it takes a sudden left turn:
“NO!!!! YOUR information is incorrect!”
@Bex: It’s sickening. They took a “leftist” slogan and subverted it to their cause as a kind of camouflage, precisely to make it look like they are somehow not as radical as they are. They don’t believe in anything except death.
Matt McIrvin
@Bex: They’re trying to throw the slogan back at abortion-rights advocates and implicitly accuse liberals of hypocrisy. “If you think you should have the right to terminate your pregnancy then I should have the right to spray disease germs everywhere on all and sundry!”
I mean, this doesn’t even meet the libertarian-asshole “My right to swing my fist ends at your face” standard.
@NotMax: No that was the one before him, Rick Scott
James E Powell
Speaking as a vaccinated, mask-wearing union teacher, I believe that union leaders were trying to
placaterespond to their loudest & angriest members and searching for some middle ground that wasn’t there. The size & persistence of the anti-mask, anti-vaxx population and the Delta made that untenable. Just like a lot of employers, they realized that COVID was not going away on its own and changed their position. I think they also realized that the majority of their members are vaccinated, wearing masks, and getting pretty angry themselves.emmyelle
Yesterday one of my direct reports, whose job requires frequent travel in the best of times, asked if she could go to conferences next month in Florida and Texas. I thought about it and decided that no, she can not go. because, if she get’s in a car accident, she’s going to die because there are no beds in the hospital for her.
I’m quite simply astounded that these conferences are even allowed to happen
My kid is in Montreal, Quebec.
@rikyrah: I’m all for those people dying for their bigotry. Just wish it didn’t take down a lot of us with them.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Yes, I’ve read about that, but so far it is lone nuts. I am thinking a 1/6 style lynch mob/freak show at the Capital thing on some hospital. This is starting to have that vibe.
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
@MrMoonKnight: I know I’m a very bad person, but these “Covid prayers” and the news of right-wing radio hosts sick or dead from Covid warm the cockles of my black heart.
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
@danielx: How about “Fuckem. -EFGoldman” as a memorial tag?
@The Thin Black Duke:
Maybe like an unwound cassette? I know pencils help with that.
Yeah, Tik Tok rant is still a conservative mindset hiding out in there. The consequences landed on his wife. NOW he is mad as hell and ranting on Tik Tok. Also still granting these idiots some kind of “right” to decide if they want to be vaccinated. ie. It is still ok for them to endanger themselves and everyone in their lives. Just don’t get between ME and MY healthcare.
Be sure to follow it up with observing a post-mortem of a covid casualty to help drive the point home.
@The Thin Black Duke:
Maybe like an unwound cassette? I know pencils help with that.
What’s the equivalent for an 8 track tape?
Throw the car away and get one built in the current century?
@NotMax: That was Rick Scott, the Medicare fraudster.
I enjoyed your observation of idiots in a mud puddle farting and calling it a bubble bath. This is one of the reasons language is a good thing.