Why we are better off getting out of Afghanistan:
Four Russian military planes evacuated Russian and other nationals from Kabul on Wednesday on the orders of President Vladimir Putin, as Moscow held military exercises involving its tank forces in neighbouring Tajikistan.
The flights mark a shift in Russia’s stance on Afghanistan. Its ambassador to Kabul had previously praised the Taliban’s conduct and said the group, still officially designated a terrorist organisation in Russia, had made Kabul safer in the first 24 hours than it had been under the previous authorities. read more
But the Kremlin said on Wednesday that the situation was very tense and, citing the presence of Islamic State in Afghanistan as well as the Taliban, said that the terrorist threat was “very high.”
It’s literally not our problem anymore. Let Putin and the Chinese deal with their own increasing security problems. less time for them to engage in industrial espionage and fuck with elections.
Adding another issue to Putin’s plate is fine with me.
Technically speaking, Joe Biden is now solely responsible for any bad thing that happens in Afghanistan for the next 1000 years.
Mallard Filmore
Those two cultures don’t have the “sensitivities” that we in the west embrace. I see a lot of pain if the Taliban cannot keep their wingnuts within their own borders.
@Baud: I think we can still lay that at the feet of Alexander the Great, IMNSHO.
@Baud: Not to mention the previous 20!
More like Alexander the So-So, amirite?
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
It’s their headache. And it couldn’t get dumped in the laps of any more deserving authoritarian assholes.
As an aside, it hardly shocks me, but it does sadden me to see how openly wingnuts here are drooling over the prospect of some awful disaster happening in Afghanistan in the next few weeks, one that would get loads of people killed, just so they can point to Biden and blame him for it. These people have no souls.
Ohio Mom
Who are these Americans who didn’t/aren’t listening to State Department’s pleas to leave? “Contractors” NGO staff? They’ve had months and months of warnings, I read somewhere they were offered money to pack up and leave.
Ironic since so many Afghans clearly want to leave that there are Americans dwaddling. I wonder how many there are all together.
Just another thing I guess to add to the list of “Biden’s fault.”
@Baud: Greek isn’t any of my languages, but I think it’s just a direct translation from Μέγας Ἀλέξανδρος.
@FlyingToaster: The Indus Valley civilization extended into Afghanistan, so they have first claim until something earlier is unearthed.
I blame Lucy the Australopithecus afarensis.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
On the Pod Save The World podcast today, Ben Rhodes told the story of getting this email from Clarissa Ward of CNN, whose reporting has been much discussed on twitter recently
I admire his restraint, and I find her email to be incredibly unprofessional
as the hosts pointed out, no other reporters talk about their beat this way. Health care, Haiti, Puerto Rico.. Do reports not know people who have suffered from lack of health care? Puerto Rican friends? Do they know about Haiti? Do they send enraged emails to sources and gov’t officials whose email addresses they have?
And it reminded me of this mini-thread
Back under Carter we literally funded the Taliban to fight Russians. Now we are surprised when Russians leave as the Taliban takes over. I have goldfish with a longer attention span and historical memory than US reporters. I could say stupider, but we all know it’s griftier. When a reporter gets to high up DC levels it’s mostly about the salary and the book deals.
@Mallard Filmore: I also see a lot more pain for Uighurs who don’t deserve it,
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I would like the media to be more professional, not more unprofessional on other topics.
But the inconsistency is noteworthy.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I assume no one has any examples of unprofessional behavior by Clarissa Ward towards Trump people.
@Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.): These people are already used to cheerleading covid. I mean, if you count the excess deaths, we’re way north of a million as it is. This is just a snack for them.
(The Onion)
@Baud: Alexander’s mom told him that everyone has terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days, even in Afganistan.
Richard Engel is on NBC News right now, interviewing a Taliban member.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Edward Murrow would rip her face off.
zhena gogolia
That’s what worries me.
Mike E
When will Blob be added to the lexicon… just askin’ for a friend
What diner are they at?
Did they take him hostage?
@zhena gogolia:
We have to show them that ending wars is popular.
Although… Biden can, perhaps, if major media personalties will allow it, chart a new course on U.S. foreign policy.
That’s permissible. It’s possible. We don’t have to keep making the same mistakes over and over and we don’t have to hire or listen to the same people. It’s a choice.
@sab: Yep. Afghanistan had a Marxist, but secular government, where women were allowed to do radical things like wear pants and have careers.
With the help of Carter and Reagan, the Mujahadeen “fixed” that problem.
@Mallard Filmore: Indeed.
In retrospect, it might have been wise to refrain from giving the stinger missiles to allow the Mujahideen to bring down the Soviet monster attack helicopters.
Let the Soviets be the ones doing just well enough to be bogged down forever.
Bet he would love that – he can cover himself in martyr-hood. I have no idea why he wants to interview them.
Honestly, between the Americans and English – they’ve done more to create terrorists/hostile islamic govts than any other. We can also thank them for converting Iran into a conservative Islamici republic cuz they have the gall to want to do something with their own resources on their own land. In the end, they got nothing except a pissed off new govt.
But isis-k! – CNN
Alexander’s Pakistani clan Descendants: The Kalash people …
I am listening to Jen Psaki’s press briefing today. Oh my god, it’s not just one reporter asking why they aren’t getting people out more quickly and a different reporter questioning the safety of the vetting process because it’s being rushed.
It’s the same fucking questioner asking both questions, one after another. It makes me want to bang my head against a wall.
COVID vaccine scammer ??
@Cacti: Mika Brzezinski, big fan of women’s empowerment, totally ignoring her father’s contribution to the cause. Oh yes, he let his wife saw up trees in the garage.
I actually like wife’s work. Doesn’t detract from my point.
It’s the same as a Fox News clip Aaron Rupar had up a couple of days ago, about the FDA approval of Pfizer (two different reporters, but working in tandem, so to speak):
”How can we trust the safety of the vaccine since the approval process was so rushed?”
[talk talk]
“What took them so long?”
“What in your opinion is the most effective attack against President Biden?”
I can’t believe you were able to type those words with a straight face, without air quotes and without your head exploding. Kudos to you!
Henceforth “Joe Genghis Kahn Biden, Destroyer of Tribal Collectives. Cursed be His name.”
Wow. Apart from the total criminality and immorality of the scam, that guy makes a great point at the end: perhaps a not-insignificant number of people who get Covid even though they’ve “been vaccinated” haven’t really been vaccinated at all — they just have a pricey forged document that says they have.
Mika is a meeping scold.
@Mallard Filmore: Because that worked out so well for the Russians last time they tried winning in Afghanistan.
@SiubhanDuinne: That is a polite description.
Politeness is my middle name.
/s/ Subaru Politeness Diane
zhena gogolia
I just scanned Dexter Fucking Filkins’s scolding of Biden in the New Yorker. The word “Trump” appears nowhere in the text.
@SiubhanDuinne: Then you should know that there’s a mob enforcer who is using your name!
@Baud:I have always wondered what was so great about Alexander anyway?
zhena gogolia
@schrodingers_cat: And what was so terrible about Ivan?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@zhena gogolia: And I suspect Ivar had bones
@zhena gogolia: Did he hurt British fee fees? Because that would explain it. I know little of Russian history before the twentieth century.
zhena gogolia
@schrodingers_cat: Oh, it’s very much a homegrown nickname, although it means something more like “threatening” or “formidable.” I don’t think he had much to do with the British.
@zhena gogolia: Thanks, I didn’t know.
@zhena gogolia:
And what was so Eighth about Henry?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Philip the Fair cheated, and he also gaslighted Joanna the Mad.
zhena gogolia
@SiubhanDuinne: I got married to the widow next door, she’s been married seven times before, and every one was an enery, wouldn’t have a willie or a sam
Enhanced Voting Techniques
The way this stupid world works I would not be surprised if Russia invaded Afghanistan again in some crazed “We can win were the Americans failed and stop the Chines” kind of group think.
Jake Lobin (@JakeLobin) tweeted at 4:17 PM on Wed, Aug 25, 2021:
Holy shit. Jen Psaki just DECIMATED Erik Prince for charging $6500 to leave Kabul:
“I don’t think any human being who has a heart and soul would support efforts to PROFIT off of people’s agony and pain as they’re trying to depart a country & fearing for their lives.”
Amen ??
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@FlyingToaster: Cyrus the Great, he was the first one to invade Afghanistan.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@schrodingers_cat: He perfected the art of land reclamation in Lebanon. I gather it’s not “Great” as in “wonderful” more like “the most important”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Charles the Simple was a complicated man
No one understood him but his queen
It dawns on me the Eric Prince likely has contractors staying in country post 8/31 as private security for quite large sums. I bet he’s flying contractors in and selling the empty seats on the out. What a ghoul.
@sab: I don’t think so. We funded the Mujahedeen. The Taliban wasn’t founded until much later, per some of our local experts.
Pashtunwali is described a few paragraphs down in this post. That’s precisely why no empire has [or will] crack it – it’s the graveyard of empires because the instant anyone takes the foreign money, they’re out of the circle of trust and can’t get back in. Bound to fail because whoever locally was supported by the invader as figurehead/leader of the whole thing is immediately leader of nothing. Hard for outsiders to accept/understand/comprehend an area that isn’t a nation-state..
Why might some Americans not leave Afghanistan? Maybe they think the Taliban will let their NGOs continue to operate as long as they are not scams.
If George Soros wasn’t so busy commanding Jewish space lasers, maybe someone could interview on the subject.
@Unsympathetic: This article was so full of dishonest takes that it makes it hard to bother with whatever you think makes it relevant.
If ONLY Afghanistan were the graveyard of empires, Britain would have been out of India a whole lot earlier, Russia would be a lot smaller, and the US would stop with the imperial delusions and get back to being the best example so far of a republic that maximizes freedom and middle class wealth.
Afghans have the misfortune but also the advantage of being surrounded by big powers: Russia, China, Iran, India (the British Raj of yesteryear). They always find an excuse to occupy, but the Afghans always have 3 or 4 comparable powers to play against the deluded occupiers.
Chetan Murthy
@topclimber: And there’s at least real *howler* in there: Bin Laden was in AFG when we invaded; he fled to Abbotabad a while later.
I can think of seven reasons. ?