Twitter tells me today is International Dog Day. To celebrate, here’s my favorite picture of Badger:
I don’t know why I love that picture so much. He looks so surprised and goofy, but he always looks that way. Open thread!
This post is in: Dog Blogging, Open Threads
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Old School
Yay, Badger!
(Any way to rotate that photo 90 degrees?)
Omnes Omnibus
101th anniversary of the certification of the 19th Amendment which of course meant that chicks could vote.
What a face!
Happy Dog Day to all.
I ?Badger.
What a goofball is the highest form of praise from me when I am talking about a dog.
the pollyanna from hell
In America, aren’t all dogs international? Maybe not pit bulls.
@Omnes Omnibus: I think babes is the preferred name these days.
Happy dog day, yo!
Major Major Major Major
Badger!! What a dork!
Any excuse to share a Sammy pic…
Old School
@Major Major Major Major:
Happy Belated International Cat Day, Sammy!
(Google tells me it was August 8th.)
Did the dog that raven was trying to help find a new home?
Catherine D.
@the pollyanna from hell: Chesapeake Bay retrievers spring to mind.
Badger has been so cute and adorable from Day One :)
Badgerpic reminds me of one of my cats, who will lie on the floor and turn his head back to look at me like, “aren’t I cute? tell me I’m cute! I’m really, really cute.”
He actually is pretty cute, for a fur coated demon.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Bitches? ::ducks::
Badger: “You woke me up, Mom! I was here, just sunbathin’ and everythin’ …”
the pollyanna from hell
@Catherine D.: Thx! Now I know, what I didn’t know.
I have to apologize for my dog bleg for Tai. I’ve tried to reach the son of the owner without any luck. I had some word from an intermediary that there was some local possibilities and I’ve heard nothing since. Special thanks to those who indicated interest.
In Artemis news, she got her last shots today and she seems just happy as a clam to be with us.
@raven: You did well in publicizing Tai. Keep us posted, whenever you get more news.
Artemis knows she is a lucky girl.
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
National Dog Day? Iggy and Muppet.
@Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA): I always loved that.
Inernational Dog Day. No wonder Dobby the cat is being so testy.
Lord Fartdaddy (Formerly, Mumphrey, Smedley Darlington Mingobat, et al.)
I don’t know how I’d make it without dogs in my life. Maybe people who grew up without them don’t feel that. I still don’t know how they get by though.
To dogs everywhere!
J R in WV
Badger looks really proud of that huge bone right behind him. Like he took it down and drug it home! heh.
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
@Elizabelle: I’m glad — especially because I can’t seem to think of anything else. I’ll work Chauncey in one of these days.
@raven: Good of you to do so, but unnecessary. You stepped up to help a friend.
Badger yay!
We needed Badger today. In fact, I would go so far as to say we need Badger every day.
Has something happened to Mr. Frog at John Cole’s parents’ pond? I thought we were promised pictures every day. *sniff