if you want to get rich, pick an obscure drug with relatively mundane adverse effects to improper use or overdose, set up pill farm hotlines for 2022, and start seeding social media with posts that big pharma & the media don’t want you to take this promising covid cure https://t.co/XSVrSwdIU6
— kilgore trout, horse paste suppository (@KT_So_It_Goes) September 3, 2021
If they were only killing themselves, and not spreading the plague…
dig into the genesis of hydroxycloroquine and ivermectin and you’ll find all the same people who built all the pyramid schemes before them to get ben shapiro to shill for energy pills and dana loesch to pretend she eats gelatinized beets
— kilgore trout, horse paste suppository (@KT_So_It_Goes) September 3, 2021
we watched them try to move into the new age with the fixation on obscure retail stocks and crypto; they know how to gin up artificial demand, collect a cut, and punch out with a check before the rubes catch on. this time the rubes are dying as a result. oh well.
— kilgore trout, horse paste suppository (@KT_So_It_Goes) September 3, 2021
I want to be the masculine ideal. Magic pills make it so! pic.twitter.com/6j0wcZZX5S
— DoomerVonDoomington (@DoomerVon) September 3, 2021
now here’s a guy who sold his way to the top on magic vitamins https://t.co/9GUOr5skdp
— kilgore trout, horse paste suppository (@KT_So_It_Goes) September 3, 2021
I should market Essence of Baud.
It boggles the mind.
I’ve been trying to push heartworm pills, because you just need a blood test once a year. Truth be known, they probably need a blood test anyway.
Maybe I’m a bad person but I’m more or less okay with just sitting back with a bowl of popcorn and watching these clowns grift one another into bankruptcy and early graves.
@featheredsprite: I’m sure that Essence of Baud would be pretty fucking mind boggling.
@SpaceUnit: If only it wasn’t devastating our hospitals. Right there with you. Been hanging out more on r/hermancainaward than here recently, as my current mood suits and I’m trying to not shitpost in such a nice blog.
Gin & Tonic
I’d send Donald Trump my urine for free.
Poe Larity
Anyone market a Red Pill supplement?
@Gin & Tonic: I mean, I’d deliver mine personally. We’d probably both enjoy it.
Mike in NC
There’s probably a warehouse someplace filled with cases of Trump Vodka they couldn’t give away. Relabel them as “Trump COVID Elixir” and see how they fly off the shelves.
So, wait, are you actually saying that there is a large subpopulation of Americans who haven’t changed much in their “thinking” since the days of traveling snake-oil salesmen 150 years ago?
@Gin & Tonic: Imagine the line that will form at his grave…
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
I just bought 1000 shares of MiracleLeechCure™
dr. bloor
Every generation has its own Popiel Pocket Fishermen.
@VeniceRiley: Yeah, the collateral death and destruction is awful, but we’ve entered a world of next-level fuckery. These people are beyond the reach of you or myself or any sensible person at this point. All we can do is watch with our fingers over our face.
dr. bloor
@Mike in NC:
An inability to give away booze is certainly consistent with bankrupting a casino, that’s for sure.
West of the Rockies
Well, a con-servative has to make a dollar…
I suggest taking this classic cartoon literally: https://xkcd.com/1217/
Shoot the virus. What could possibly go wrong?
West of the Rockies
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Even better if those leeches are made in the US of A!
Maybe I can get Ben Shapiro to shill for Spanky’s Leech Emporium!
West of the Rockies
Yes, you’re a bad person. I like that about you.
John Revolta
Look at that face! I mean, who wouldn’t trust that friendly smirk and those “fork it over, dope” eyes?
@West of the Rockies: aw shucks!
Clean Energy??? Shapiro is such a sellout to Big Solar.
That picture of Ben Shapiro tho. That’s a face crying out for a fist.
Every grift is profitable if the real purpose is to launder Russian mob money into US dollars and real estate.
He apparently is the con artist who turned my beloved niece into a right winger/trumper/anti vaxxer. WTAF
He’s ridiculous. He’s a fast talking, vacuous, gritting bullshit artist.
Poe Larity
What pill would make Rod Dreher more memorable?
Seen elsewhere:
Anne Laurie
Remember to stock up on glass-topped vials, cuz I’ve been told it will eat through metal or plastic…
@Gin & Tonic: He’d rather pay those girls in Russia for their, uh, contributions.
@MomSense: I’m truly sorry about your niece.
@Gin & Tonic:
Can I make a suggestion?
Save the supply for delivery of a larger amount than a normal delivery. And remember the more you save the more there will be to ferment for a better delivery reward. I’d suggest a tanker truck.
Roger Moore
There are three problems with this:
Roger Moore
@Gin & Tonic:
In Putin’s Russia, Donald Trump pay YOU for urine.
@SpaceUnit: Thanks. At least she lives on a remote ranch in Montana so hopefully she won’t die from COVID and orphan her two babies because of that Hershey’s squirt.
The truly amazing thing is that they’ve convinced themselves that they are independent free thinkers and all the liberals are sheeple. It’s just amazing.
Part of it of course is that they live in a world that is ‘faith based’ and of course ‘good people’ like Ben Shapiro would never cheat the ‘faithful’ – but the ‘faithful’ have been feeding the capitalists thanks to fear and jesus.
@Roger Moore: You’re absolutely right, of course. Only there’s precious little I can do about it. I’d love to shut off the right wing grift empire, but I just don’t have access to that particular valve.
Glenzilla has recognized the error of his ways regarding tweets about Chelsea Manning and can now return to being a dick in his written exchanges with everyone else.
h/t https://www.mediaite.com/news/glenn-greenwald-apologizes-for-gross-response-to-chelsea-manning/
Since we like to point and mock and Shapiro is a deserving subject, here’s an article about the time Shapiro’s attempt to shame Cardi B’s Wet Ass Pussy turned into a confession that he never made his wife feel that way. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2020/08/11/the-importance-of-humiliating-ben-shapiro/amp/
I saw it go down in real time and it was delicious.
@cain: I want to think that they’ll eventually snap out of it and come to their senses, but I honestly can’t imagine what it would take at this point. They’re literally ready to kill themselves just to stick it to the libs.
Hungry Joe
A small and not particularly noble part of me understands where these grifters are coming from. And yes, I use this quote every chance I get:
”It is immoral to allow a sucker to keep his money.” — Canada Bill Jones
@MomSense: I did too. It was stunning and delicious ?
Poor little Ben.
Pfeh. Horse dewormer is for wimps.
Now, when it comes to my proprietary elephant dewormer….
Dorothy A. Winsor
Anne Laurie
@hilts: Glennzilla realizes he’s gone too far for his ‘both sides’ defenders, and that his legions of slavering fanbois don’t have the clout to replace those Very Serious Media dollars.
Fortunately for him, the NYTimes op-ed editors have the memories of mayflies…
Anyone remember the old show “Green Acres”? There was a recurring character on it named Mr. Haney who was always trying to sell the main character (Mr. Douglas) some form of snake oil. It was always hilarious at the absurd claims and long windy stories while Douglas just got more and more exasperated. Surely the writers had a good imagination! Or maybe not. Apparently Mr. Haney had a lot of children who have risen high in the right wing environment
Convenient that he fails to mention his negative tweet about trans women that caused her tweet. ?
@Anne Laurie: If only they had the lifespan of mayflies.
He mentioned it.
The proverbial non-apology apology.
Then fuck his non-apology apolgy.
In happier news, how’s about this:
Splitting Image
@Anne Laurie:
Like their forebears, they learn nothing and remember nothing.
Bill Arnold
Has she seen this?
Absolute destruction by Andrew Neil leaves Ben Shapiro lost for words – The conservative YouTube sensation’s interview with the BBC broadcaster may be the only one he never claims victory, and with good reason (Tom Peck, 10 May 2019)
Ben Shapiro: US commentator clashes with BBC’s Andrew Neil – BBC News (Youtube, May 10, 2019, 16:06)
In case it’s not clear, Andrew Neil is arguably the best known interviewer in the UK, and Ben Shapiro had never heard of him, and Andrew Neil is fairly right wing (not rightmost, though, sigh) and recently left the BBC to start a new TV outlet, GB News. (Which is not doing well. And he left after 2 weeks and may not return[1].)
[1] Andrew Neil poised to quit GB News – Veteran interviewer has not presented his evening show since June 24, just two weeks after launch, and insiders believe he will not be back (Ben Woods, 3 September 2021)
@SpaceUnit: I’ve decided this is my attitude as well.
eddie blake
@Baud: how is that NOT already a product?
@craigie: And I’m not being glib. It’s just nihilistic resignation. There’s nothing I can do but be morbidly entertained.
patrick II
@eddie blake:
It is — available here on most days.
@SpaceUnit: It does none of us any good to bang our heads against the wall as we wring our hands, wailing that there must be some way to reach them. Nope nope nope.
Doug R
@cain: Yeah the same people who tell me not to trust big media have no curiosity about who really funds their favourite sources.
I know big media doesn’t really want to kill me since that’d lose them a source of revenue. Those sketchy sites spreading Russian propaganda-not so much.
eddie blake
@patrick II: silly me. baud 202? campaign swag.
Villago Delenda Est
My problem here is the same one that prevents me from becoming a televangelist, that is, I have scruples.
@VeniceRiley: that page is astounding. The sheer level of magical thinking—“prayer Warriors, flood heaven with prayers,” WTAF YOU’RE A FUCKING ADULT SANTA ISN’T REAL EITHER—makes my head hurt. One of those wretched fools was saying that the HCA nominee was having a stroke but they rebuked it in the name of Jesus, “because we’re not having that.”
It’s sad, infuriating, and downright EMBARRASSING. The whole world must be seeing this—my ex in Canada says everyday it’s like a new joke, what are the Americans up to THIS week?
I feel no sympathy at all for the ones who go down, not even the redemption stories. They leave behind families suffering unfathomable grief, and very likely huge financial burdens as well. And my God, the number of orphaned children—WTAF.
Villago Delenda Est
Speaking of Ben Shapiro, here he is displaying his super genius.
This is actually my idea, I swear. Tougher laws on quacks kicks the crackpots in the nutsack, economically speaking.
@Barbara: They’re just trying to wear our asses out with all this nonsense. We shouldn’t let them.
Wyatt Salamanca
What the Fuck is wrong with Facebook? Part 10,000
(Can someone here remind me again why the fuck anybody wants to have a Facebook account? Fuck Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandburg, and all the other lowlife scum that run this motherfucking monstrosity!)
h/t https://www.mediaite.com/tech/facebook-apologizes-for-ai-labeling-video-of-black-men-as-being-about-primates/
Villago Delenda Est
@Wyatt Salamanca: They only apology I’ll ever entertain from Mark Zuckerberg is a Captain Needa apology.
Old scam, just decked out in new duds.
@Gin & Tonic: & they said no way was the peetape real, ’cause he’s a germaphobe
dude’s been collecting third party urine for years
@dr. bloor: ron popeil did nothing wrong
@Baud: Essence of Baud – is it a dessert topping / floor wax?
It’s a silver lining in the storm clouds!
Hurricane Ida obliterated the offices of conservative undercover operative James O’Keefe and his Project Veritas group. Even “Retracto,” the stuffed alpaca O’Keefe uses as his mascot, was destroyed.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
This is interesting. When Manning was placed on suicide watch people like Griftwald denied it and said it was an attempt to torture Manning. So it was true all along.
Sloane Ranger
@Bill Arnold: I really really like Andrew Neil’s interviewing style. I prefer him to Jeremy Paxton. They both do their research and have the facts at their fingertips, but Paxton comes over as aggressive while Neil just sounds relentless.
Nelson Muntz “Ha-ha!”
But he’ll grift off of it.
Bill Arnold
Thanks for that.
From the dark heart of Project Veritas itself:
BREAKING: Project Veritas Headquarters Destroyed – Urgent message from James O’Keefe following devastating flooding in Mamaroneck, New York (September 02, 2021)
A lot of collateral damage. It has also added some absolutely true oomph to global heating narratives. Basically, Ida’s track took it over the hottest parts of the Gulf of Mexico (hot to a depth of 100 feet plus) picking up strength and moisture, and the moisture was then dumped on land.
A very recent Wall Street Journal opinion piece has two extra words at the end of the headline, which I’ve helpfully striked.
Climate Change Brings a Flood of Hyperbole (WSJ, Steven E. Koonin, Aug. 10, 2021)
Bill Arnold
@Sloane Ranger:
I liked how Neil just helped young Ben dig a hole deeper and deeper.
@BeautifulPlumage: no, a bag of glass
Starboard Tack
I can recommend
@JPL: But aren’t they liver flavored? Yuk if you are not an actual dog.
Warren Lorente
@Baud: “I do not avoid the company of women, Mandrake. But I do deny them my essence” – Brig. General Jack D. Ripper
Chris Johnson
@Bill Arnold: That was a very special moment, yes. Ben getting haughty and accusing the British right-winger of being a liberal.
That reaction of ‘if you only knew how much of a fool you’ve made of yourself’… priceless.