It kills me that I will never be able to write satire that will match what these people are actually like
— OwMyPopehat (@Popehat) September 15, 2021
No, Daily Wire dudes, while the music industry will never stop producing songs of angst, *you* will never be as successful, rich, or popular as President Obama. It isn’t a dog whistle, it’s a bull horn (of bitterness)…
— Craig Bro Dude (@CraigSJ) September 15, 2021
Damn Obama must have reached back in time to 65 when I broke up with my college girlfriend of two years, I must have listened to Otis Redding’s “I’ve Been Loving You Too Long” 10,000 times…thanks Obama, I could have been listening to, I don’t know, Paul Revere and the Raiders or the god damned Buckinghams.
Poe Larity
I work late one day and don’t hit the bar and miss there’s a double secret Metallica concert down the block.
Thanks, Obama.
The Dangerman
My My Misty American Eyes?
/winger tears
The words that just come out.
It can’t be driven by the more autonomic brain systems because those actually have to function to get them close to a mic — but damned if I see any evidence of higher brain function.
Unrequited love, courtesy of Carol Burnett.
Next thing you know, you libtards will be trying to claim that Elvis appropriated songs written or performed by black people.
Comrade Colette
OT? So, I just cracked open a fortune cookie and the reverse side of the fortune is printed with a slick, full-color ad. Not only that, it’s for cannabis delivery. (It’s legal in California.) This is a first, at least for me – anyone else gotten one? In hindsight I’m surprised fortune cookie ads weren’t already a thing.
The cookie itself was terrible, and the fortune was “A dream of yours will come true,” which is about as lame and clichéd as fortunes come. Capitalism ruins everything.
West of the Rockies
Christ… victimization is evidently a hell of a drug. Republicans just can’t get enough of it. Rage and resentment: they exude it like CO2.
The Pale Scot
I gotta crash but this is funny
Nicki Minaj shared that she was apprehensive about getting the vaccine because her cousin told her it made him impotent and swelled his balls.
West of the Rockies
@Comrade Colette:
I got one last night. I guess no space is too small for advertising.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I listened to a lot of Motown, which was obviously all about white male angst. And Aretha Franklin, what was she singing about in “Respect” or “Natural Woman” if it wasn’t about being a white boy?
Omnes Omnibus
Hendrix was white?
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@The Pale Scot: Yep. The White House has offered to set her up with a conversation with a doctor to answer her questions.
And the health minister of Trinidad and Tobago (where her cousin and his balls live) made a statement that nobody, NOBODY in the world, has experienced this side effect.
He didn’t mention, though others online have, that it’s a symptom of some STDs.
@Omnes Omnibus: So was Little Richard, apparently.
@Poe Larity: I think I have a friend who attended the double-secret Metallica concert….
Dude, the grunge moment ended 25 years ago. What happened was that you turned 40 during Obama’s presidency and your kids grew as tired of you telling them how great the bands were back in your day as you grew of listening to your dad go on and on about Lawrence Welk losing his Sunday slot.
M. Bouffant
I wish Randy Newman would re-do the lyrics to “Short People”, ‘cept call it “White People”, if you follow my no-reason-to-live drift.
James E Powell
I do not agree that rock n roll was about white male angst. Based on my experience in bar bards, rock n roll is about girls dancing. Everything else is boring wanker bullshit.
Another Scott
@M. Bouffant: Relatedly, …
Ben Folds
What the . . . wait, did I just imagine being a little kid and listening to my mother play records by Aretha Franklin, Otis Redding, and Wilson Pickett? Did I not grow up on Jimi Hendrix, Parliament, Rick James, and Prince? Michael & Janet Jackson? And what about Living Colour and Funkadelic?
My God, the whining from these RWNJs is worse than a dental drill, and almost as painful.
I bet he knows the lyrics to a ton of gangsta rap.
Completely O/T but I loved this whole Twitter thread.
It starts with the discovery by an electrician of a raccoon in an attic eating king crab legs. “really nice fucking setup”
@Omnes Omnibus:
Wanda Hendrix was.
Come to think of it, white male angst/anxiety is apparently something like the cold fusion of right-wing culture . . . .
After white people co-opted rock n roll from black R&B artists, all of the rock I listened to was made by white men. Then a black man was elected president who was incredibly smart and accomplished, which made me feel inferior, because due to things like white people co-opting black music, I’d assumed that everything made by white people was better than black people. So Obama’s election really messed me up, but instead of self-reflection and learning history, I opted for cognitive dissonance, so here I am claiming a black man destroyed rock n roll.
Did I get that right?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Personally, I blame Ethelred the Unready for the suppression of white man angst. Mostly because that makes just as much sense as that tool in the Daily Wire.
Comrade Colette
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Æthelred was ready! He was always ready!
Just … not for what happened.
Madame stopped by this afternoon/evening and shared with me some of the phone conversations/text that she has had with my landlord. That lady(my landlord) is seriously unhinged. The whole, go to our bank and deposit rent into our account has been somewhat unusual and often a pain in the ass, especially the past year and change with COVID. Madame wants to send her some information but they don’t have a business address, apparently running this endeavor out of their home and they don’t want to give out that information. As I said, just nuts.
I just applied for the state’s COVID Rental Relief program and sent the crazy lady an email with an attached letter saying that I applied for the program and that it would be in her best interests to cooperate as well.
The unit next to me recently became vacant, and they want $1800/month for rent, a unit 2 house down the street is 1 1/2 times the size and they want $1850.
@Comrade Colette
What’s the Old English for “hoocuddanode?”
John Revolta
@M. Bouffant: Randy got to that already
Chetan Murthy
@John Revolta: *oof
Housing/rent prices are ridiculous.
@MomSense: I paid $900/month for a one bdr one block from LAX in 1995. It was not a luxury unit. I was making less than 40k.
Mary G
No one has mentioned Chuck Berry. For shame.
Amir Khalid
@Mary G:
Or Bo Diddley, either.
@MomSense: Our tenants moved out and we began the repairs. It turns our we are going to have to gut the entire 800 sq ft house and have already replaced the floor joists and put in a subfloor. Our estimated bill is going to be $50,000. How much do you figure we should charge per month?
@Mary G: Chuck Berry is a jerk.
Mary G
@raven: Many rockers are.
a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio
@Comrade Colette: Yes, but since electric lettuce is still not legal in Tennessee, the ads were for online betting.
Mary G
Climate change is here. (San Diego Union-Tribune)
When I was little there was a good 50 yards of beach to the right of the rocks in the second picture. Much more on a low tide.
This part is insane:
Losing a few guys off a freight train is acceptable risk, I guess. The supply chain is fucked up enough already. Same mentality that thinks losing olds, POCs, the disabled, and the ill is a small price to pay to keep the bar or diner open.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Can they be claimed as dependents on his taxes?
Also, thanks for writing that parenthetical.
Dude needs to lay off whatever crazy ass drugs he’s taking.
Minorities’ music has ruined Up With People for me FOREVER.
Sloane Ranger
@Mary G:
Sloane Ranger
@Sloane Ranger: Dand! Should have read the thread below!
I’m glad white men listened to Obama and stopped having angst. Thanks, Obama!
Let’s face it…..everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is about white males in RWNJ world.
And here I thought certain white “olds” hated it when their kids started a rock and roll band because rock was “colored” music. Anyone remember the scene in The Buddy Holly Story when the band shows up in NYC?
@Peale: It is easy to poke fun at Lawrence Welk, but I will happily defend the proposition that black folks stole more from him than vice-versa.
There is a power and something the hell else I am not sure what, to LW and other non-toxic parts of my white culture. We should treasure and nurture them before the white race disappears.
Be gone, elitist critics!
And a 1, and a 2, and a 3…
@a thousand flouncing lurkers was fidelio: ‘electric lettuce’ ?
had not heard that one before
@Omnes Omnibus:
And James Brown, Martha Reeves…
@West of the Rockies:
I know, right? Life’s just so unfair to them!
The weird thing is, this seems to be the current RWNJ vision of masculinity: entitlement, victimization, resentment, and lots and lots of whining.
Maybe it’s just because I’m in my late 60s and grew up in a different time, but fuck this shit. Real men don’t whine. Or, at a minimum, they don’t make it a way of life.
I get it. I think it’s more accurate that decades of stagnant wages and increased cost of living have brought us to this housing crisis.
The Moar You Know
Rock died in 1981, the year a group of old, past their prime white guys known as The Rolling Stones put together a tour for their latest dismal, tired release and put together a deal with Jovan for the world’s first corporate-sponsored rock tour. Fortunately, the youngsters got both punk and rap out of the deal, far better alternatives to the creatively bankrupt bullshit the terrified and obsolete rock generation kept trying to foist on the youngs until whatever year it was Kurt Cobain blew his head off and the industry threw in the towel. I think 1995.
The Moar You Know
@Mary G: Not climate change. Just local stupidity. You’re local here too, you’ve seen this. This is from building to the edge of the coast for 100 years, undergrounding every river, stream, creek, rivulet and drainage channel for ten miles east in the name of development, never once taking into consideration that these waterways WERE HOW THE SAND GOT TO THE BEACH, IDIOTS, AND NOW IT CANT. So now we literally truck in millions of tons of sand from inland for the tourist areas and leave the rest to erode, and turns out – whocouldnode, right? – that there’s some pretty valuable shit on the coastline that aren’t tourist draws or rich people’s views.
But thanks for that article, that’s a fucking mess and going to cause some problems.
Bill Arnold
@Comrade Colette:
Fortune Cookies are a contemporary form of Aleuromancy, diviniation by flour/baked goods.
Capitalism tries to ruin all the things.
@raven: I’m assuming that $50k turns into $75k before you’re done, especially if you figure in property taxes, etc. Not to mention no rental income during the time of the repairs.
Figure 3 years to make back that money, that’s $25k.
So in round numbers… $2k a month for rent.
If you can’t get anything like that for rent, furnish it, your bride would probably have a ball doing that anyway, and turn it into an air bnb.
@Mary G: That picture… holy fuck.
Another Scott
@Mary G: Relatedly, flood water splashing over the center concrete barrier on I95 in Richmond, VA –
Climate change isn’t helping even if it’s mostly lack of maintenance and planning.
Sister Golden Bear
Because white rock n rollers are all about following the rules.
Lacuna Synecdoche
Anne Laurie @ Top:
The Sad Trombone of Bitter Tears?
Lacuna Synecdoche
Jason Campbell via Anne Laurie @ Top:
(I mean, c’mon. Seriously. We all know that when wingnuts start talking about “young white male angst,” what they really mean is “white incels who can’t get laid.”)
@Gemina13: Yah, the dude needs to listen to some Sister Rosetta Tharp.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Chuck Berry & Fats Domino also?
This may be the ur example of ‘words arranged in an order meaning nothing’.
Pretty close, but i was born in LA and living in Utah for past 40 years. So i would add some other perspectives to the mix.