Lazy Caturday..
— Buitengebieden (@buitengebieden_) September 25, 2021
Anybody else suddenly feeling like taking a nap?
Our grey bicolor cat Piper does this when he’s feeling playful… he wants to be repeatedly ‘nudged’ out of the way, but since he’s a big solid dude (15lbs) it’s a bit of a workout for his human partner!
I am both.
The only time I don’t feel like taking a nap is while napping
Anybody else suddenly feeling like taking a nap?
Not me. Been there, done that today. Time for a beer!
Another Scott
Our dog Sophie would do that. People using a walker coming by her and she would just lie there. She had no fear of being stepped on and didn’t think there was any problem. We’d have to tell her to move. I managed to trip over her one night when I was walking down a dark hallway. Landed on my right knee. I always think of her – she was a great dog – when it acts up a little…
[ snif! ]
zhena gogolia
@NotMax: I think we need a thread on the career of Bruce Dern, don’t you? I think he has a lot of closet fans out there.
the pollyanna from hell
All my housemates are gone, even the dachshunds. Am energized because no one here to resist even my most arbitrary decree!
Well, my husband and daughter and I took an ill-advised canoe trip this afternoon on the Potomac River near the upper end of its safe “run range” and capsized. We were cautious enough that we had stayed within a few feet of the bank because the river was so fast, and we all got out safely. We even saved the boat. Well, he did. I didn’t even bother. I am going more in the direction of a bottle of wine than a nap.
zhena gogolia
@Barbara: Glad you’re all okay!
zhena gogolia
I started watching My Zoe, directed by and starring Zoe Delpy, on Prime today. It’s very compelling.
Broke down and joined Netflix today. It is apparently a law that all academics must watch The Chair. I’m tired of telling people I don’t have Netflix.
@dexwood: Beer makes me want to take a nap.
Steeplejack (phone)
@the pollyanna from hell:
Is that temporary or permanent?
@zhena gogolia:
I thought that was David Carridine.
I’ll see myself out.
@Barbara: Yikes! I’ve seen that river, it’s not…small.
Glad you only had an unexpected bath.
zhena gogolia
@Steeplejack (phone): I love the idea that she has these dachshund housemates who just go off on day trips and she doesn’t even know where they are.
@Spanky: Is there nothing it can’t do?
ETA : That’s how it is for my wife. For me, a glass of red wine in the afternoon makes me wish for a nap.
zhena gogolia
@Spanky: I don’t get it?
the pollyanna from hell
@Steeplejack (phone): The pandemic is no longer frightening enough to keep them home, but they’ll be back.
All kinds of great football!!!
@zhena gogolia: Read the Wikipedia entry on his death.
@zhena gogolia:
Did you see Bruce Dern’s portrayal of Joe Kennedy?
The first Dern performance I ever saw on the big screen was in Silent Running. I think I’d already seen him on TV a bunch of times.
No naps! Going to see the rock show!
zhena gogolia
@Spanky: This is the ostensive definition of TMI.
zhena gogolia
@germy: No, I didn’t see him as Joe Kennedy. I’ve been recommending Cycle Savages to everyone today.
I love Bruce Dern. He killed John Wayne, for God’s sake!
Steeplejack (phone)
@zhena gogolia:
Just commandeer an open thread, start yakking about him and see what develops.
I have no strong opinion about Bruce Dern, although it strikes me that I have never seen Silent Running, which probably needs to be rectified.
He has 191 acting credits on IMDB. That’s a lot! He has worked steadily for 60 years.
@zhena gogolia: Not in the closet, Silent Running had about as much impact on me as any movie ever. Unfortunately not enough of us payed attention.
ETA: Yes it is a cheesy tearjerker but it was a proper warning.
Steeplejack (phone)
@zhena gogolia:
Ha! True.
zhena gogolia
@Steeplejack (phone): He was on every Western of the 1960s-70s, playing some kind of creep. He’s a master.
But in Cycle Savages, I think he improvises all his own dialogue. It’s incredible.
zhena gogolia
NOT TO MENTION FAMILY PLOT it is a brilliant, hilarious performance
Felanius Kootea
@zhena gogolia: Ooh! I loved The Chair. My older friend hated it.
@Steeplejack (phone): And never had a drink in his life.
I know I’ve been mentioning this on several threads but I’m really looking forward to seeing this:
Here’s the trailer:
(I’ve been a Wain fan for decades and I’m glad he’s getting his own film, however fanciful.)
@Steeplejack (phone): You need hankies for Silent Running. Interesting for the R2D2 predecessors.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Down Periscope
Black Sunday
The Laughing Policeman
No one does an angry white male like Dern
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Interesting trivia, Dern’s grand dad was Secretary of Defense/War for FDR
@zhena gogolia:
Thankfully, I missed that memo. Too many other things to watch. Latest was the first two episodes of an adaptation of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series (Apple TV+). ‘Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire’ IN SPAAAAAACE!! is the basic premise for those not familiar with the books, and at least so far looks promising. Very fond memories of the books, one of the first ‘grown-up’ sets of books I read as a kid.
I took my daughters out to get a new bike and a scooter today, then we rode them down to the local park. It’s been a good day, other than the lack of sleep, the mysterious cat scratch on my arm, and the girls driving me nuts during said trip to get the bikes :)
@Barbara: Yikes. My dad and I did that once in the Cuyahoga, and he came up umder the canoe. It was scary.
Steeplejack (phone)
I see from that it’s not streaming free anywhere, but it’s available to rent for $3.99 at most of the services.
My 14 yo CKD miniature poodle is just like that cat when it’s time for him to get out from under the covers so I can make the bed. Gotta poke and prod and move him around until he accepts it’s time to rise. Yes, I’ve made it with him inside still but he gets confused and can’t figure out how to get out – more than once he’s tumbled over the edge which freaks out both of us. No, I can’t/won’t not make the bed – have had too many standard poodles who’s curly hair collected sand and sticks and occasionally snails, all of which were deposited in the sheets unless the bed got made every day. Good habits die hard.
I forever lost the ability to nap when I worked 3rd shift – If I’m down during the day, I’m out for hours.
The standard poodles, OTOH, were Super Nappers.
Steeplejack (phone)
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Down Periscope is an underrated little comedy—very funny.
@Raven: Ohio State playing Akron U. My husband thinks it’ll be awesome. I just hope our team survives. Kind of like watching Vanderbilt playing in the SEC.
Omnes Omnibus
Nap? I just started running again this week. Way different than riding a bike which is what I have been doing for years. It will take some adjustment, but I like the feeling of running again.
@sab: Yea, we barely beat them today.
Steeplejack (phone)
LOL, your link comes out in the middle of the Women’s March. Can’t see the poodles napping through that!
Neil Gaiman fans, take a peek.
@Steeplejack (phone): Weird – although I love that pic.
Let’s try again –
Kayla Rudbek
Mr. Rudbek and I took a 35-mile tandem ride today with over 1000 feet of climbing. I’m trying to decide whether to bake any dessert tonight, or whether I should just finish off the last of the Boston brown bread.
@Kayla Rudbek: Go with Plan B.
Sure Lurkalot
@Benw: Joan Jett or did I confuse you with some other rock on-er?
joel hanes
Sometimes I Feel So Uninspired
This is the seventh CNN article after SIX that center around Gabby Petito.
CNN, you could walk the walk yourself, ya know.
Sure Lurkalot
@Kayla Rudbek: Wow, that’s a climb. I rode 65 miles this week in 3 stints with a few hills but I’d be pretty wobbly after 1000 feet. Eat anything and everything!
@Steeplejack (phone): From before Kelsey Grammar went totally insane? Yeah, I liked that one a lot.
@zhena gogolia: A blind date showed up in a Dipsea tee shirt. We spent some time discussing On The Edge (and silent running), and then fell in love at table 13 at the Rubicon in a single afternoon. Married 25 years now and Bruce Dern still gets a modicum of credit.
Steeplejack (phone)
There you go—nice dozing pooches!
Steeplejack (phone)
Beautiful Twitter thread about nurses and hospitals.
@Sure Lurkalot: Myles Kennedy tonight, Joan Jett on Tuesday!
Saw this today:
James E Powell
My Beloved Buckeyes’ defense is so bad this year that the game might be much closer than the
drunkspeople who set the line at -48.5 ever imagined.Kayla Rudbek
And I’m trying to decide whether LED scrunchies or LED shoelaces would work better for visibility to drivers when I am riding the tandem. My hair is long enough to be braided but I don’t think that a scrunchie would work that well at the end of my braid, and having the scrunchie close to my scalp might not be that visible with the helmet and its straps. Lacing the LED strip into my braid or tying up the end of my braid with the LED would probably work better. What I really want is LED lights incorporated into the beads that some ponytail holders have (particularly for children) but I haven’t seen anything like that yet.
@Steeplejack (phone):
Just wow. It must be so heartening for Charlotte to read that things turned out as well as they have.
zhena gogolia
@laura: I don’t have a story like that, but my spouse does a mean Bruce Dern imitation. Cracks me up.
Steeplejack (phone)
Yeah, now people see “Kelsey Grammer” and get turned off. But he used to be funny; he has sort of an early Bob Hope vibe in this movie.
@Kayla Rudbek: Scrunchy. You might need to attach it in the middle of your braid but if it is like a normal scrunchy you can wrap it around at least twice. No one is going to see your shoelaces.
@zhena gogolia:
Does he do that “What are you, stupid?” look Bruce Dern always does?
@Kayla Rudbek: In addition to a headlight and taillight?
Naps! I just woke up from one.
I was in transit all night from Seattle to Portland (Maine, not Oregon), got my car, my hotel room, and a short walk around Downtown before dinner, and the exhaustion caught up with me around then as I got lost a lot trying to find my way back to the hotel.
I totally passed out for over an hour, with the lights on and my book by my side. Still have that disoriented feeling and will probably turn in for the night quite soon.
@James E Powell: Go Zips!
James E Powell
I just got back from getting my Pfizer booster plus a flu shot – one in each arm – at my local Walgreens. So I wasn’t totally a college football couch potato.
Chatting with the woman administering the shots and she remarked that she was soon moving to Tennessee because “I don’t want to raise my children in California.” I didn’t want to hear what always comes next, so I quickly changed the subject to the change in seasons.
No one tell Betty her Gators are behind the Vols right now.
@debbie: Paul Groves (Peter Fonda), a television commercial director, is in the midst of a personality crisis. His wife Sally (Susan Strasberg) has left him and he seeks the help of his friend John (Bruce Dern), a self-styled guru who’s an advocate of LSD. Paul asks John to be the guide on his first “trip”. John takes Paul to a “freak-out” at his friend Max’s (Dennis Hopper) pad. Splitting the scene, they score some acid from Max and return to John’s split-level pad with an indoor/outdoor pool. Paul experiences visions of sex, death, strobe lights, flowers, dancing girls, witches, hooded riders, a torture chamber, and a dwarf. He panics but John tells him to “go with it, man.” Would you trust John?
@Kayla Rudbek: well, I assume you already have regular head and tail lights on the bikes? Years ago, they used to have lights you put on the spokes of bikes, they slid up and down the spokes as the wheels turned and were quite visible from the side. Of, course they were for kids, and for fun, but I think they would work quite well from a practical point of view too.
there are reflective vests. Most are too hot unless it is really cool, but I have seen mesh ones with just the stripes being reflective. I think they are regular safety equipment but I have also seen them sold for walking dogs.
@James E Powell:
I just scheduled mine for next Saturday afternoon after I’ve gotten my apartment cleaned and laundry folded. I figure the coroner will be impressed by the apartment’s tidiness. ;)
Hell, no! ?
I had a similar experience with a friend in high school. We were both tripping our brains out and he decides he wants to see how fast his car will go on the freeway. As the lights were strobing by and the speedometer seemed to indicate more than 80 mph, I remember surrendering to whatever was going to happen..
I was somewhat surprised to eventually find myself back on firm ground. Never expected that to happen.
Kayla Rudbek
@mrmoshpotato: yes, and the color-changing LED vest when I remember to wear or bring it. My goal is to be visible to the proverbial one-eyed sniper at a moonless midnight in a thunderstorm “out of his bad eye” as my dad would say.
@Kayla Rudbek:
There are LED headbands. Maybe one could fit snugly over the helmet. Just a thought.
Kayla Rudbek
@Gvg: they still make the spoke lights. I think that I may have bought some for Mr. Rudbek as a birthday or Christmas present, so I should go look for them.
The LED “vest” I have is more like a set of clear tubes connected to the battery power, with a stabilizing strap around the torso, so it’s all ventilation apart from the battery power controller. It’s just a matter of remembering to wear or bring it.
zhena gogolia
@debbie: He does more creepy young Bruce Dern.
zhena gogolia
@Raven: THE TRIP
So trump just endorsed Stacy Abrams and declared victory in Arizona..
zhena gogolia
@JPL: What?
@zhena gogolia: He is in GA ranting and raving, but probably gave Stacy some ad buys
stephen fowler on Twitter: “Full Trump on Stacey Abrams vis-a-vis Brian Kemp: “Of course having her I think might be better than having your existing Governor, might very well be better.” #gapol” / Twitter
@debbie: I had a surrender moment of my. Two of us had an intense trip going on some great organic mesc. We had a bunch of bizarre encounters but, when we experienced non-verbal communication, we decided we needed to separate. We started by walking around our dorm in opposite directions and, when we met up and were ok, we went our merry ways. I had a night of crazy meetings with people and then went back to the rack. After tossing and turning I finally decided I didn’t care if I lived or died I fell asleep. We met each other in the dining hall in the morning and both said “you ok”??? That was a weird one.
Imagine being a fly on the wall when Stacy finds out that trump semi endorsed her.
Before tonight there was not information on trump calling Kemp to change the results of the election.
Haha. Time for some very targeted ad buys from Team Stacy.
I’m feeling a little peekid, maybe the booster is catching up.
She might have to vote for Kemp.
@zhena gogolia:
Check this out. If Stacey never conceded, why should he? ?
The Pale Scot
Found this last night
Kansas There’s Know Place Like Home – Full Concert Live 2009
The band toured colleges to raise money for music programs, this concert is at Washburn University with Larry Baird conducting.
Fuckin’ Steve Walsh sounds awesome at 60 yrs old, how do these guys keep their range for 40 years?
@Baud: The House will now ask Kemp for tapes of his phone calls with Kemp and Kemp will probably turn them over.
The Pale Scot
@the pollyanna from hell:
Open a bottle and make omelettes in the nude :)
The VA sent out an email today advising it’s walk-in for boosters if you’re eligible (I think we all got Pfizer). I need a flu shot as well and I don’t want to waste anyone’s time so Monday I will call my local clinic and confirm.
Have I mentioned recently that my VA healthcare is better and less expensive than Medicare? Two cancer scares in the past 2 years (both ultimately benign after multiple tests and a couple of biopsies), one of which required Community Care, with no out of pocket for me. Thank the FSM for socialized medicine.
@The Pale Scot
Precludes also frying bacon.
@Miki: I like the hearing aids they gave me!
Another Scott
Deadlines are approaching on lots of important legislation. We’ll see some sort of motion soon.
(via CherylRofer)
@JPL: He doesn’t know whether to shit or go blind!!!
Mary G
Just got up from a nap. My second of the day. Have been having extreme fatigue like in an RA flare without any of the other symptoms. Getting blood tests Wednesday to see what’s up, might be extreme anemia. Or just politics.
After interviewing a series of terrible roofers I finally have two bids that are trustworthy.
Thoughts? I already negotiated $1,000 off bid #1 for being an old and no more room there. #2 won’t go any lower.
@Mary G: Find out exactly what is covered on the warranties.
@Mary G: Cutting tree branches is a serious value add. Getting tree pruning around here usually starts at $1K and goes up depending on complexity.
@Mary G: Go with the Teufelhund.
Patricia Kayden
Old article but certainly timely.
@raven: I took a nap after my booster and (so far) feel fine – although I’m feeling the first twinges of soreness at vaccine site.
@Jackie: Yea, I’m not sure I feel much different than any other Saturday football marathon!
@Mary G
Were it me would ask for (and contact) local references, including arranging to visit and eyeball the work done.
Steeplejack (phone)
Trump pretty much admits it all (must-see video):
zhena gogolia
@Steeplejack (phone): JL Cauvin really needs to lose weight.
Obvious Russian Troll
@Steeplejack (phone): I have to admit I thought Kelsey Grammer was always crazy; he was just eventually unable to keep it under wraps. He always was the rare funny Republican.
I got my booster shot and I suspect that’s going to be my one achievement of the weekend. Since the local pharmacy with Pfizer is Walmart, I rewarded myself with a couple slices of cake that are called ‘chocolate chip explosion’. Then over to the Hibachi Box, where I got a salmon and scallops dinner and six sushi rolls. Now I move on to the strenuous schedule of loafing.
@Obvious Russian Troll: I used to think Jon Voight was a good actor too.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Obvious Russian Troll:
It can take a while for public awareness of their real-life personality to catch up to their image as a performer, and then it taints everything they did before.
@Mary G: Number one.
@James E Powell:
They seem to be doing better tonight.
Mary G
@NotMax: good idea, thanks.
@Geminid: thank you too.
Dan B
@CaseyL: I wonder how Seattle to Maine fatigue compares to Seattle to London / Europe but those are non-stop. Get rested! Weather here is glorious but it’s rain or showers for at least the next four days.
Another Scott
@Mary G: The labor warranty is what matters with roofing. If #2 won’t give you a written labor warranty, your choice is easy.
Good luck!
zhena gogolia
@raven: He was.
@JPL: I bet Abrams wasn’t surprised. It’s obvious the orange churl is petty, vindictive, and demands loyalty from the Republicans but gives none in return.
If I were Abrams I’d save that tape for next October, maybe let an independent PAC called something like “Make Georgia Great Again” air it. Winning over some trump voters would be great for Abrams, but just getting them to stay home will do. That was enough to put Warnock and Ossoff over the top.
@Mary G: #2 putting a ticking clock on the bid like that sets off alarm bells for me.
I had the roof inspected before I bought the house, and they said the roof would be good for 10 years, so imagine my surprise when my roof sprung a leak just a few months after I bought the house.
Guy #1 said I needed a new roof, not a repair. Guy #2 said new roof, not a repair.
For guy #3, I didn’t mention that the previous two had said I needed a new roof.
So guy #3 inspected the roof and said the same thing, so I asked why he felt it needed a new roof.
His answer: “Honey, it’s just plum wore out.”
the pollyanna from hell
@NotMax: I thought the frisson of hot grease was the point.
@Geminid: trump also is messing with Glenn Youngkin, Republican candidate for Virginia Governor. Youngkin was loud about his admiration for trump when he was fighting for the nomination, but he has been somewhat reticent about it since. trump must have noticed, because this week he explained to local conservative radio host John Fredericks that candidates who were lukewarm about trump’s MAGA message tended to lose. Youngkin, trump said, needed to go “full MAGA” to win Virginia (which trump himself lost by 10 points, the worst Republican performance in the state since Goldwater lost to Johnson in1964).
I think trump just wanted attention, and wasn’t trying to hurt Youngkin like he’s trying to hurt Kemp. But he wasn’t doing Youngkin any favors either.
Obligatory fuck LBJ.
Obvious Russian Troll
@Steeplejack (phone): The thing about Grammer was that–at least as he was used on Frasier and Cheers–he was sort of a straight man whose character was making fun of people that were very much like Kelsey Grammer. I’m not entirely sure he understood that.
Which in turn helped his career.
He also had kind of a horrific life in some ways–he was the one who had to identify the body of his murdered sister–so I admit I give him a little more slack than, say, Jon Voigt (as raven mentioned).
James E Powell
I will be damned, they covered. Apologies to all whom I may have offended with my earlier, caustic remarks.
Still insanely angry that he lost – I enjoy that. Every day he loses all over again.
If we’re lucky, Trump will do for VA Gov what he did for GA Senate runoffs!
Just Chuck
Read that the first time as “Our grey bipolar cat”, which describes my gf’s cat to a tee.