I thought we might have a thread for all the lurkers out there. It’s been well over a month since the last one.
You may already know this, but when you post your first comment, it goes into moderation, and sometimes it takes a while for one of us to see it and free your comment so it shows up for everyone. Once it’s released from moderation, it goes into the comments with the time-stamp for when you first submitted it, so then most people probably never see it. So it’s not surprising that first comments don’t get replied to.
So I thought we would try this open thread where I can keep a particular eye out for first comments that go into moderation.
Some of you guys poked your heads up last time we had a lurker thread; hoping to see you guys again today, too!
In any case, it’s lurker appreciation day here on Balloon Juice! Welcome, all.
Totally open thread.
Steeplejack (phone)
Oh, man, no takers in half an hour?! Democrats in disarray and cute cats must be mesmerizing.
Come on in, the water’s fine!
I’ve posted a few times over the years, but mostly just lurk.
A friend’s dad recently died in his late-90s. A month ago, he was being transferred to hospice care, my friend was riding in the ambulance with him, his dad called him over and said, “Son tell the driver this thing has a bad left wheel bearing.” The old boy was a master mechanic, he fixed tanks in WWII, ran a Federal motor pool, a great dad and husband. One of those guys who could fix anything, including an ornate Turkish coffee/espresso maker my friend’s wife bought at an antique auction for its looks. The guy she bought it from told her it stopped working in the 60s. Her father-in-law fixed it in an afternoon of tinkering. Just a great guy.
Hello, I post at rare intervals.
I like watching birds and listening to new indie-ish music.
I’m glad that the Senate has approved a temporary funding measure.
I don’t have the intestinal fortitude to keep up with the DC sausage-making today, so I decided I might as well clean the bathroom. Such is my exciting life.
Long time lurker, but here’s a topic for discussion.
In 2019, 19 of the 20 top Christian Facebook groups were run by foreign troll farms.
Lurk, lurk lurk… I rarely post, but I love this place so I check in regularly.
The Thin Black Duke
Open thread? Things are going wrong and right at the same time, so maybe I’m doing OK, I think.
john b
I poke my head out every once in a while, but have mostly been lurking for 14ish years. I think I was directed here by Andrew Sullivan’s blog — boy has my opinion of him declined!
I visit the site most days. Nice to see all of you!
I’m definitely a lurker, the “furry” contingent of the BJ jackals. I figured Trump’s election would be my end because I’d lose Obamacare and thus access to the care that keeps me alive, but thank Christ on crutches it didn’t happen.
A lot of my lurking is just because I’m perpetually behind the curve; my work doesn’t allow me to keep BJ up often enough to contribute to most threads before they’re already dead.
I’ve had a near suicidal crisis when I hit my 50th birthday (and still stuck in a minimum wage job with my PhD) but my friends and fiancee pulled me out. Life’s a struggle, but there’s one thing I’m rich in: Friends and loved one that have my back. I wouldn’t be alive without them.
I’m more of a skulker than a lurker.
Ol' Nat
I’m too busy teaching middle schoolers! So sorry!
@AliceBlue: Frankly, that’s a far more constructive use of your time. The strutting, deafening peacockery among the U.S. Senate now that they’re under pressure to actually DO THEIR JOBS would be enough to make anyone sick.
The Thin Black Duke
@ArchTeryx: Good for you. If you got loved ones that are there when you need them, then you did pretty good in the choices you made in your life.
@BobinPDX: I read that and thought, “Wow, that’s shocking!” Then after a moment of thought, “Well, maybe not that shocking.” Then a moment later. “Actually, I ought to have expected that was the case.”
So maybe one of you non-lurkers can explain, if we want to respond to someone else and include one of those nice boxes with a quote from the post, the series of commands necessary to accomplish this task.
Hi, All … I occasionally comment, but mostly just lurk (every day since GW’s reign of error). I frequent other blogs as well, but consider BJ the adults in the room. Thank you all for letting me listen in!
I do not post much since everything I see seems so bleak.
We were hours away from a fascist coup in January, but not enough people give a shit to prevent it and rather rely on traditions that people like McConnell just abuse and people like Trump exploit. Police brutality is increasing.
A vocal and active militant, x-tian, and white segment of our nation is losing their shit because other people are not white or x-tian enough for them. Plus, not enough people in power cares that we’re in the final days of a dying earth. The nation is ungovernable and seems about to collapse; maybe like the Soviet Union. If the country is beholden to maskholes and vax-deniers, how do we have a hope of tackling the wholesale changes needed to address and mitigate climate change?
My hope is that it will be a peaceful transition into smaller nations, but I doubt it. I’m pretty sure whatever course it takes, any money I’ve managed to save in my years working toward retirement will vanish overnight thanks to having it all in the rigged stock market and backed by a fiat currency. And, even if the country breaks up peacefully, many smaller nations will be even harder to coordinate to tackle the climate crisis.
So I don’t post often, because I have little uplifting or hopeful to contribute.
what a great story. … even better if the van is actually perfectly fine.
Other Other Other John
But I LIKE creeping on this blog like a weirdo but never saying anything!
@Jager: Sounds like a great guy. There are still people developing those kinds of skills, but kids today are more likely to be remembered for their ability to unbrick a router or make smart home devices cooperate.
Lurker here! Been reading this blog since about 2006 but never get around to commenting! Hi everyone. I enjoy the political posts, and the culture/music posts, and the food preservation/cooking posts. I’ve lots to say but never get around to it. I live in seattle and always intend to go to the Meetups but never do. Hope everyone is doing ok.
Long-time reader, fifth(?)-time commenter. Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I only threw my hat in the ring the first time a few months ago, and probably won’t have too much to say in general.
I’m not really a lurker. I just haven’t been posting a lot lately. When I go back to work I’ll try to post when I can!
I continue to lurk because you all know what you did.
Anomalous Cowherd
Oh, man. Ever since LGM started with those dumb “badges” (“Badges? We don’t need no stinking badges!”) I’ve been afeared of posting because posting leads to…badges!!
Promise me that BJ will eschew “badges” and I might post more (although I don’t know if that’s a promise or a threat).
This is 100% fer realz.
There’s another sign on the west side that just says “Lurker Park.”
“Lurker Park, a great place for kids!”
So I’m one of those long-time sorta lurkers (since GWB and Iraq, comment infrequently)…but my comments are always in moderation for a few minutes whenever I post regardless of the content. So what’s that all about?
Also, great blog…top 10000. At least.
After he retired he and his wife moved into a new condo. My friend called one afternoon, he asked his mom what was going on, she said, “your father is taking the kitchen cabinets apart, they have been driving him crazy because he says they are out of plumb.”
As a infrequent commenter/lurker, I have a question. Each time I make one of my infrequent comments, there’s about a five-minute window before my comment appears. Is this an editing window that every commenter experiences or is this moderation?
….Oops, didn’t see Ejoiner @ 26.
Select the text you want to quote and copy it (Ctrl-C), then hit the reply button. That will take you to the comment box. Now hit Ctrl-V
Now select the text you just copied over and then click on the quote icon. Now click after the last of that text to de-select it and hit Enter 2 times to get the cursor out of the quote box,
add your reply text and you are on your way
note that if you hit enter while still inside the selected text it will disappear.
@john b: you’re not kidding about Andrew Sullivan! I still get his weekly email, and he has gone nuts over “woke” among other things. It’s so extreme I can’t even remember what I used to like about him. Probably this place has replaced him in terms of my activity.
Introvert tentatively raises hand
That took some time for me to figure out as well. And then posting a link took even more time to figure out. Because of course, it’s magic. ?
One way to do it is to first click on the reply to the person’s comment so you have your comment box ready. Be sure it is in visual mode and not text mode. Then go back to the comment and highlight then copy what you’d like to quote. Then paste it in your comment box. Then highlight that quote and click the quotation mark icon. You should be good. If you accidentally include your own text in the quote (which happens to me too often) you can highlight it and then click the quotation mark icon again and it should undo the quote box. Good luck. I hope others add their techniques as mine are rather rudimentary.
@Mag: I have these thoughts too, although I try to be optimistic and concentrate on the good things in my life. But I’m almost 70 and I never imagined that I would be growing old in a country that seems to be going to hell in a handbasket.
I usually lurk unless I have some specific knowledge about or a question regarding a topic. Not one to venture hot takes. I leave that to the regulars.
ETA: What Scout and Jeffery said
I’m sure other people have a much more efficient way to quote text. My process is:
Testing, 1, 2, 5:
Hope that works for you. Quoting definitely helps me to follow busy conversations.
@PaulWartenberg: Alright, that made me laugh.
oops, sorry guys! The fence guys showed up – without calling ahead – to replace “one fence post” but they were supposed to be replacing 8, so it took some time to sort that out.
I didn’t mean to leave you guys hanging!
Hi all! I’ve been a lurker for YEARS. Really love this place but just have never been a commenter type. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone. It’s a great community of people you have here.
I’ve been reading here and lurking since 2005, and just want to say thank you for all the great content through the years!
Tony Jay
Pull up a chair.
So, before you hit Reply, copy the line of text you want to block quote. Then hit Reply.
You’ll then have a lovely comment box with the name of the person you’re replying to in it. Paste the line of text you copied in there.
Now, here’s a thing. After you’ve pasted the text, hit return. If you don’t, I’ve found that everything you write after the quote appears in the same blockquote, which is bloody annoying and gets a finger-wag.
So, then, highlight the quote you pasted. See the boxes above the comment window? b for Bold, i for italic, etc? Depending on the format you’re using the one you want is either called b-quote or is the symbol for speech marks.
Hit that. Your quote is now safely contained in a blockquote box and you can respond to it below.
Then start drinking. Because they’ll probably reply back to you and it becomes a whole thing.
@Rob: Hey Rob. Welcome!
The Senate must have gotten something done while I was out talking to the day laborers for the fence.
Tony Jay
That was my outside voice. Welcome to the madhouse.
@xephyr: You have a great nym, you should post more to get it out there. :-)
Aww. It’s nice to be appreciated.
@john b: I recognize “john b” so I guess even sporadic posting over 14 years makes an impression! :-)
Any of you New Englanders heard of Bertram Aaron Yaffe?
@Marc: Skulking sounds more sinister than lurking. What are you hiding!?!?!!! :-)
mostly just lurk but sometimes post. was hoping to get a few pics of some new kittens that have been romping around the neighborhood, but the rain has put a kibosh on that.
And now the House has, too, so it’s a done deal. Was just watching the vote on C-SPAN.
@pajaro: I see that a couple of people have replied with instructions. Are you good, or should I add my explanation to the mix?
First, to reply to a comment that you are reading without including a blockquote—the “nice boxes” that you referred to—just press the Reply button at the end of the person’s comment. That will take you to the comment editing box at the bottom of the page, where you can write your reply.
Just wanted to make that clear before moving on to . . .
Reply with a blockquote: If you are going to quote something from the other person’s comment that you are reading, it is best to copy that snippet to your clipboard before pressing the Reply button.
Once you are down in the editing box, write some or all of your comment, then paste in your quoted snippet in the place where you want it to go.
Then highlight the snippet and, from the toolbar above the comment box, click the “b-quote” or [big quotes icon] button. That will put your snippet in an HTML blockquote, and it should show up as a nice box in your comment.
Feel free to play around with it and ask questions. This is a good thread for mistakes and experimentation, since we are not dealing with our usual life-and-death issues. I will check back periodically.
@Niques: Sometimes we are the adults in the room, sometimes we are the squabbling kids.
We apparently like to mix it up. :-)
Lurker since forever. I once posted for cookies. Love this site and check daily, for the most part.
Roger Moore
To quote someone (assuming the visual text editor is working right):
It’s actually more complex than maybe it ought to be. The especially hard part is learning that hitting return once while you’re in the quote box just starts a new paragraph, but doing it twice takes you to a new paragraph that is outside the quote box.
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
I comment irregularly, as the regulars are much faster at getting good bits out. Anyway, an aged alcoholic starets may not be the best one to hand out advice. Ask Nicholas II about that.
WaterGirl, I really appreciate that you do this from time to time. As a lurker who is also a full-time worker, I usually don’t see threads until long after they have posted, and by that time someone else has already posted all the thoughts I had. So I just read the front pagers and cheer them on. Betty Cracker and Cole have been especially gratifying recently, though MisterMix still brings his usual fire.
@Mag: Here’s hoping that we have something to celebrate by sometime next week.
Major Major Major Major
Welcome lurkers! Don’t be strangers, even if somebody is mean to you… most of us are nice and welcoming, even the front pagers!
@Other Other Other John: All the commenters were lurkers at one point. I lurked for quite awhile before I screwed up the courage to post something.
@Katrina: Lurk less, comment more!
@joey5slice: I remember your nym, so you must have had something to say!
Boris Rasputin (the evil twin)
@PaulWartenberg: I knew Poe – how did you know about him living next to the building site? Drove him to drink, as if he needed an excuse.
@Anomalous Cowherd: What are the badges? I will have to go look at LGM for a minute after I post this.
There was a hilarious Sunday years and years ago when John Cole thought it would be a great idea if we all had avatars! That was something.
The avatars were turned off before the end of the day. I might have to find that post for our 20th anniversary in January.
edit: are the badges things like the “frequent commenter” and “much beloved” symbols? ugh.
Tony Jay
It should be surprising, but it’s not, is it? And I’d bet at least two fingers and a strip of back skin that it’s not – just – the crazy godbotherers.
One day we’ll find out that the entire global wingnutosphere was run out of one trollfarm in a flat above a second hand PC repair shop in downtown Bratislava, and that won’t be surprising either.
Mike Molloy
Seconded. Another long-time reader who occasionally delurks to say hello in these lurker threads.
One thing I like very much about BJ comments threads: all in a straight line, no threading/indenting, makes it at least possible to follow the conversation. Keeping up with the fast pace of posting, that is another thing…
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Jager: That’s a great story about the ambulance wheel bearing.
@Other Other Other John:
It’s good to have your nym “on file” in case you are ever suddenly moved to explain how all of us are wrong about something.
@WaterGirl: Simply put, a digital badge is an indicator of accomplishment or skill that can be displayed, accessed, and verified online. These badges can be earned in a wide variety of environments, an increasing number of which are online.
Me neither. Making lunch then doing housework.
@Jager: My kind of guy!
I may have posted before, don’t remember. Anyway keep up the good work, the world economy is saved.
@bbleh: I had no idea that all of the lurkers are actually members of a large clan with the last name ‘Lurker’. Who knew?
@Anomalous Cowherd:
Cole will never allow badges here—or even nested comments, thank God!
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
While I agree about most of the people here being nice, it helps if you delurk on a non-controversial thread. Let people get to know you before sharing your opinion on the kind of hot-button topic that attracts hit-and-run posters.
Have been lurking all day but wandered off to see if Sinema and Manchin have salvaged their reputations by deciding to support both bills. Not yet.
@Ejoiner: Does it actually say “your comment is in moderation”?
Or does the 5-minute edit window just make you think your comment is in moderation?
Otherwise, comments post immediately (once your first comment has been approved) but you do have 5 minutes to edit it.
Then you truly have it all.
And go ahead and contribute to dead threads. It’s good practice. And, one day, when your schedule changes, you will be ready to roll.
@Reboot: In case no one has answered yet, it’s just an edit window. If you are in moderation you will see something like “Your comment is in moderation.”
You have 5 minutes to correct your typos or add the clever thing you thought of just as you pressed POST COMMENT.
Like john b, I’ve been lurking since 2008 or so when I found BJ via A. Sullivan and never looked back. I check in daily…especially for Covid-19 updates. Y’all have been my news source for all that time.
Today’s On the Road reminds me that I have some great pictures from a long-ago raft trip (1974) through the bottom of the Grand Canyon. (I have never seen it from the top.) The photos are on Kodachrome so need to be scanned, and that is possible now. Also I’m reasonably certain that the subject area has not been bulldozed for an industrial park or a freeway, so the scenery is still there.
@raven: obligatory
Do you get a message? I believe that you get one when a comment goes into moderation. For other delays, I’ll yield to WaterGirl or another front-pager for an explanation.
Roger Moore
I kind of doubt we’ll ever get badges. Cole has expressed distaste for commenting systems that require a log-in, and I think you really need a log-in system for things like badges to work.
@wesincle: Yes? Is there something you want to say?
You don’t have to wait to be called on. :-)
Tony Jay
I foresee lots of parents with Minecraft obsessed kids wondering why their terrified spawn refuse point blank to step foot in there.
Steve in the ATL
@Major Major Major Major: Speak for yourself.
“Balloon Juice: Come for the politics, stay for the detailed user instructions”
BTW, The five minute delay mentioned in 26 and 30, does lead to some repetition. The radio profanity delay is 30 seconds or less.
@lashonharangue: I’m not sure how many more hot takes I can stand before we either pass these two bills or we don’t! I am mostly in the sticking my fingers in my hears and singing “la la la la la” phase because the whole thing is kind of anxiety-producing for me.
Hi from Portland – long time lurker, first time commenter. Thanks for keeping me sane over the last four years!
Major Major Major Major
@Roger Moore:
This is good advice, but it’s only necessary because we suck. Commenters who have been here for years will get called Russian bots because a Johnny come lately doesn’t recognize them. Hell, front pagers get cussed out in their own threads sometimes.
@Bunyippie: Welcome!
I want to know how to pronounce your name. How did you come up with that? I bet it means something.
Long time lurker and very occasionally comment. I could probably comment more since I’m retired and totally aggravated that the Republicans want to take all women’s hard earned rights away. The legality of abortions was settled when I was in high school. Not going back. Also, I have a holiday request please post Steve’s Merry Shitmas. I laughed so hard I was crying. Even better I have a look alike to Steve. Thanks for all the great posts.
@Tony Jay: Vertical integration in the social media industry would be Facebook buying a troll farm.
@john b:
This nym always makes me break into song. “I want to go home, please let me go home. Well I feel so break up, I want to go home.” ?
Princess Leia
Today is a good day to vote for Fat Bears!!!! http://www.fatbearweek.org
I’m voting for Otis, since he is old and so am I.
Comrade Colette
@ArchTeryx: Hey, glad to see you back and doing better! I was worried.
@lashonharangue: Your nym cracks me up every time I see it. One of our rabbis hosts a women’s circle wine tasting and discussion on lashon hara every year or so. Somehow it always devolves into a gossip-fest. I blame the wine (and human nature).
@WaterGirl: Reading the threads I got the impression people can reply instantly to the comment immediately preceding theirs, so I wondered. Thanks for the explanation!
Ohio Mom
@ArchTeryx: I remember that panic about your health coverage. In my own feeble way, I tried to be encouraging — you had me worried.
Glad to hear you are hanging on. I don’t know why life has to be so hard but it often is.
OMG they admit it
@Roger Moore:
I need directions for my wicked smaht phone. Ever since the site upgrade/redesign I haven’t been able to use the link or quote functions on my phone.
ETA Welcome lurkers!!
@ArchTeryx: When I was 21-22 I went thru a bad stretch. Deep depression, best friend was killed, dumped by the woman I loved… My life was a country song. I decided fuck it all and took off hitchhiking the great American west. In my 2 months on the road, I made no great discoveries about myself, didn’t find the meaning of life but sitting by a fire at a small alpine lake, I did figure out one thing: I missed my friends.
Came down out of the mountains, stuck my thumb out on Interstate 90, and 26 hours later I was walking up to my apt door on Arsenal street in S STL.
Tony Jay
1) Why buy in what you produce in house in such quantity?
2) I’d be entirely surprised to discover that’s one of the ‘special services’ Fakebook offers its state-level and mega-Corp clients.
Hey, can somebody tell TBogg he’s needed? Quick trip to Spain might be required to help a gal out, but he’s probably game[heh].
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
Yeah, we suck. One of the ways we suck is that some people will mostly lurk and only come out to tell everyone how wrong they are about controversial topics except for that one time they’re perfectly normal talking about pets.
Starboard Tack
I pop up for awhile once in a while. The comments are sometimes better information than the news.
Tenar Arha
@raven: I pretty much knew nothing about this man. Thank you for sharing. (The name of the family foundation is vaguely familiar).
@Tony Jay: That is a most excellent explanation. Better than I could have done!
As no good deed goes unpunished, I nominate you to write the BJ user manual. :-)
@ALurkSupreme: Always!
@Steeplejack: Not so far! I guess one thing about being a mostly-lurker and just reading is that you get the idea that everyone else’s comments pop up instantly, so you wonder if there’s some reason your comments get a five-minute delay. Good to know it’s not just me!
@eldorado: Well, whenever you get the pics, send me an email and I will add them to an appropriate thread.
In case you don’t know the email address, it’s my nym at balloon-juice.com
edit: But no doubt you are too busy running around in the cool, classic car whose name is also your nym?
What phone? What browser?
Roger Moore
@Tony Jay:
I would be specific that this is not just the right wingnutsphere, either. The “Bernie or Bust” gang, the US Green Party, the granola anti-vax gang, and all the similar left wing crazies are being stoked by the same gang that’s encouraging the right wing crazies. They just want the world to be overtaken by crazy.
@Anomalous Cowherd:
I can pretty much guarantee that there will be no stinking badges. Jackals will go wild. And not in a good way.
Sayingshrieking the quiet parts out loud.“Why is not now Russia inventink PutinTube?”
Major Major Major Major
@ArchTeryx: I remember that. Glad you made it through.
Am I still a lurker? I must have posted, oh… a dozen times in 15 years!
Roger Moore
Obviously, they need AR-15s, which are the go-to solution when dealing with 30-50 feral hogs.
iPhone Safari
Your comment is supposed to appear immediately, but there is a glitch in the site’s buffering system where your comment may not appear for five minutes or until you refresh the page.
Can’t remember whether it can be a browser refresh or the “Refresh” at the top of the page or whether it must be the double-secret “click here to refresh” just above the comment box. See if one of those makes your comment appear before five minutes.
@Tony Jay:
Watched the multipart HBO thing on the “Q” phenomenon only to find myself being bored stiff by a bunch of schlubs with no social skills who hang out in countries lacking morals crime laws.
Such a surprise [not].
@Mag: Hi, I’m the resident nattering nabob of negativity and I’m glad to have a realistic comrade in arms even if you only lurk… My hobbies include studying the end of empires and pandemics through history. I think the US is firmly on the downward slope but humanity is good at reinventing itself- See Charlemagne. So welcome
generic nym
Been lurking about 10 years.
Cowgirl in the Sandi
De-lurking to say hi to all. We need more pet pics, garden chats and cooking posts!! Although I am excited for the puppy post tomorrow!
zhena gogolia
@trollhattan: I just read that!
Thanks. Can you be a little more specific about how the link and quote functions don’t work, or where in the process things break down?
@Steeplejack: Aha–let me try that.
Thirty seconds later…Well, I didn’t locate the double-secret refresh, and the page refresh didn’t seem to work. Maybe there’s a mystic symbol I’m overlooking.
Ladies and germs, Joe Manchin everybody!
Starboard Tack
@Roger Moore:
I think that’s the actual strategy. Russia is economically and politically weak and trolling is a cheap way to weaken the “West”. The Soviets did the same thing with mass media before the internet.
@Princess Leia: 812 vs 131 is tough, tho!
Those are some handsome, fat bois!
Tony Jay
Are you sure that’s wise? You’ve seen my British Politics rants, roght? Do the Lurkers of Balloon Juice really deserve 200 expletive laden paragraphs explaining how to embed a link?
Shall add that there’s also non-appearance, different from moderation. There are times when FYWP in its unwisdom simply doesn’t deign to display a comment until after multiple refreshes performed.
I click on the link button, paste the link in to the bar and then the whole thing hovers above the function bar above my comments and when I try to hit return / blue arrow bar it moves again but doesn’t populate the comment box.
Hello! While I guess most of you know me by now, I still consider myself a lurker. Hope you all are well!
@Tenar Arha: I knew about him from a friend who told me about the book. One of they guys working on our rental is from Sparta so I lent him my copy and started to seek more info. WW2 combat Marine officer who ended up running on and anti-Vietnam war platform is intriguing.
To hell with the lurkers, us regulars would love it.
The double-secret refresh is the actual blue text that says “click here to refresh” right above the comment box: “If you don’t see both the Visual and the Text tab on the editor, click here to refresh.”
Major Major Major Major
@pajaro: First, go to a blog where the website actually works…
They are all so weird. The pig farm thing is just bizarre.
Delurked last to send John condolences re Tunch. Still sad. Thank you jackals. And Baud. And all you frontpagers.
@raven: I was reading recently of a Marine Commandant (early 60s?) who was very anti-Vietnam War whose name now escapes me. You can probably ring my bell with his name.
eta WWII Medal of Honor recipient iirc
Not sure when but I may be taking youngest spawn on a college tour to Athens. He’s looking at University of Georgia in Athens, Vanderbilt in Nashville, and UT in Austin. He wants to be in a city with a decent music scene. He’s going to do a gap year in the OG Athens first, though.
So the Ramones are the BJ lurkers of punk rock?
The Great Molasses Flood occurred on January 15, 1919, in the north end of Boston, Massachusetts.
A steel storage tank ruptured, spilling 2.3 million gallons of molasses into the streets. The 20 foot high wave of molasses rushed through the streets at around 35 mph, destroying 4 buildings and killing 21 people. Nearly 150 people were injured by the flood.
I’m not usually a talky person. I DO come here everyday to reassure myself that there is intelligent life out there. From pets to nature to travel to politics, I enjoy it all and am learning in the process. Who could ask for more?
Thank you all!
ETA: Betty Cracker, you’re a treasure! I lived in north FL for years. Thanks for ALL your commentary.
Mary G
Let me tell you MY method of quoting from a comment.
Or not.
Andrew Sullivan has gone the full Glenn Greenwald. I still get his Friday blather and tongue bathing of his guest of the week in the mistaken impression I might want to subscribe to his substack. Never gonna happen, but I keep the email because I did love the DIsh way back in the day, and I wait his inevitable trip to Hungary to lick Orban’s ass.
@Tony Jay: I’ve been staying off the political thread and even news to save my sanity. Have you written about Flobalob’s admission that Brexit was a bad deal? I’d hate to miss it, but am too lazy to go through comments that will get me riled up.
@OzarkHillbilly: Well there is Major General Smedley Butler or David Monroe Shoup
@Steeplejack: Okay, thanks for that info–here goes.
Hmmm. Tried ‘click here to refresh’ both before and after posting the comment–neither way worked for me.
Dee Lurker
I was a regular poster for a while, but switched to lurking because I would get too argumentative and angry. Rather than derail threads because of hot-headedness, I have switched to lurking with the rare post. I originally posted under White Trash Liberal. The last time I was active was during the 2016 primaries. I bet Corner Stone $500 that the nominee would not be Jeb Bush and would likely be either Cruz or Trump. I am positive CS welshed. We had a Phi Phi/Sharon Needles kind of relationship.
Anyhow, I love you all… even Corner Stone… sort of. And, politically, I am of the opinion that this will only get worse because the GOP pick and roll keeps working. They obstruct and get no blame for it, but once they are in power, they bowl over opposition and get a tongue bath. I do not see a way out. I have seen fascism build and grow more brazen over the last three decades. I can’t shake the feeling that we will dive into that mode of government. I just hope it will be a mercifully brief catastrophe.
@MomSense: Let me know if I can help. Here’s the link to the Flagpole
Tony Jay
@Roger Moore:
I don’t doubt it.
A while ago the FTF Guardian ran a piece about how, after the 2019 election in the UK, the trollfarms and state propaganda machines were now being tasked to infiltrate the left-wing and stir up division in the Labour Party.
Topic never raised again. I guess it must have belatedly occured to the editors of that rag that ‘now being tasked’ raised a whole lot of red flags about who the bad actors had been infiltrating and targeting before 2019 that they didn’t want anyone thinking about too much.
But yeah, to me the Wingnutosphere is basically anyone who opposes the sensible centre-left reforms the whole world needs before we shoot ourselves in the crown jewels. That’s mostly the Right, but I’m too old and cynical to think the paymasters haven’t got their claws into the Faux Left. In the marketplace of ideas it pays to have megastores near the entrance and the exit.
@raven: Shoup! He’s the one I was reading of. Now for Butler. Thanx.
Dakota Expat
Ditto for me. Also thanks to those of you who instructed on formatting block quotes. Cool.
I’ve lurked a long long time; got brought out a few days back by Mr. Mix & fountain pens!
My life is ruined!
On my version of the mobile site (Android, several different browsers), after you enter the URL you want to link to, you get two buttons: “Cancel” and “Add Link.” It might be that you have to scroll down a skosh to see them if your on-screen keyboard is taking up space at the bottom of your screen. The link won’t go in until you explicitly choose “Add Link.” You can’t do it with a “generic” return.
In keeping with the thread title, The Lurkers, “Hey You.”
Tony Jay
@Mary G:
Heh. I haven’t addressed those precise issues, but Anne-Laurie does have a weighty rant clogging up her in-tray where I discuss Britain’s Slobby Shame and swear a lot.
@TxTiger: You are welcome! I appreciate the lurkers, too, especially when you occasionally poke your heads out and let us know you are here.
Betty Cracker often speaks for me – taking the thoughts that are in my head and making more sense of them than I can!
Ok Here goes.
Nope – it just gives me a white arrow on a blue background and this time I managed to get the comment in the comment box but then I hit the pencil to type the words, hit the arrow and I had a naked link again with the words floating over the comment box.
You might have to press it twice. And of course that’s after you post your comment—because before there is nothing hidden to reveal.
Omnes Omnibus
@AliceBlue: Could you clean mine next? Please?
Delurking to get out of the spam filter, plus to say thanks for the “Author in our Midst” article.
Been lurking for a couple years now, with a few comments. Usually all that needs to be said has been said already :)
I peruse this blog to keep up-to-date with news, and often find the comment section to be very informative. I do dig your travel and nature posts, too. Keep up the good work!
@Dakota Expat:
That’s a fine-looking blockquote you’ve got there!
Rachel Bakes
Still lurking a month later. My zucchini bread failed to rise today so I’m bummed. As it’s the only way I consume the stuff, disguised in baked goods, I’m sad to see the last of the farm share’s squash go into unsuccessful bread.
Off to my special needs son’s open house tonight. Another evening of anguish.
Major Major Major Major
@Dee Lurker:
This didn’t not happen to me, roundabout last January… stay sane, it’s way more important than arguing with Corner Stone.
@NotMax: nice
@dnfree: I was getting his weekly email and just automatically deleting it. I think I read the very first one when he auto-subscribed former Dish readers. Realized he had gone even more bonkers and hadn’t read one since the first one. I finally had the mental bandwidth to unsubscribe.
@Regulon: I just checked the back end, and you have never posted here, at least not with the email address you used to comment today.
Dr. Jakyll and Miss Deride
(Can’t even show up on time to the lurker thread–one reason I remain a lurker.)
Now that I have no one’s attention, I’d like to air a couple of pet peeves.
(1) Could we have a permanent moratorium on all versions of the phrase “We are so fucked” (and the attitude behind it)? There are a lot of bad actors trying to make us feel that way. Why let them?
(2) These days, people often write sentences in which two auxiliary verbs lead to a main verb, but the tense of one auxiliary verb clashes with the tense of the main verb. (E.g: “I have, and will, prevail.”) It’s tempting to do this because it produces a short punchy sentence, while the most obvious fix is usually clumsy and long-winded. Still, once you notice the problem it’s distracting.
Anyway, thanks for the lurker thread!
OMG, I just listened to a My Favorite Murder podcast about that. Crazy!
Omnes Omnibus
@Tony Jay: You’ve put the instruction to start drinking in the wrong place. It should be far earlier.
@EighthCousin: You should post your pictures using the OTR form!
Pro-tip: Write your introduction and whatever you want to say about each photo – in Word or some other place and then paste it in.
That way if you are the unlucky and it’s the 1 in 100 times where the form hiccups, all you have to do is start the form over and paste it in again. :-)
Omnes Omnibus
@geg6: That should be, “We don’t need no stinkin’ badges.”
ETA: I agree with the sentiment.
@Rachel Bakes:
That happened to me with a package of baking
powdersoda I purchased from Whole Foods. It said right there on the package that it was good for another year. But it had died, alas. I made the same recipe from a box of bakingpowdersoda that I purchased at the grocery. The bread turned out fine..I don’t shop at Whole Foods anymore. One strike and they were OUT! ?
ETA: baking powder, baking soda . . .
@JohnOL: Time to repay the favor? :-) But it’s okay if you still prefer lurking.
@Arlene: I will make a mental note, but no promises.
@Reboot: Now that you know, you may end up commenting more?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I prefer geg6’s version tbh.
Princess Leia
@Benw: Tomorrow’s matchups are really interesting! And a good way to remember that a healthy ecosystem helps all creatures to thrive. And fun to boot!!!!!
zhena gogolia
@Tony Jay: You are so funny.
(Maybe someone with an iPhone can take a look at this and weigh in. I assume the mobile site works substantially the same as on Android, but maybe I’m wrong.)
As painful as it is, you’ve got to be very explicit about the process and what happens when. I am having a hard time understanding your comment.
Here is what happens for me:
– My cursor is in the comment box. I type (or highlight) the text that I want to show up in blue as the hyperlink in my eventual comment.
– I click the link button on the comment toolbar. I get a pop-up box titled “Insert/edit link,” with space to type in (or paste) the “destination URL.” The “Link text” field is already filled in with the text that I highlighted in the comment.
– I paste in the URL I want to link to (previously copied to my phone’s clipboard).
– Then I get the Cancel and Add Link buttons. I click Add Link, and I am returned to the comment box with the newly created link in place. As I said before, sometimes I have to scroll down a bit to reveal the C/AL buttons from under my on-screen keyboard.
Where in this process do things break down for you?
P.S. Totally understand if you say to hell with it.
@Reboot: As I mentioned up thread, no delay, just a window where you can edit what you wrote. Unless you get “your comment is in moderation”, everybody can see it right away.
@Antonius: You tell us!
Lurk. Lurk.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Typical.
@Steeplejack: oops, forgot about that.
But if you can see your own comment, and you see the 5-minute edit window, everyone else can see your comment, too.
@Cowgirl in the Sandi: We are doing the Artists in Our Midst and the Authors in Our Midst series.
Send me email if you want to be featured in the Authors series. I know you have your Sanibel books, at least!
Hello, WaterGirl and everybody. I usually lurk, though I was featured in Artists in Our Midst a few weeks ago, which is not exactly lurking. Today, though, my cat was diagnosed with an abscess and not a broken leg, which was quite a relief for me. And he’s doing fine and will recover.
@raven: RIP. He never stopped serving. Thank you for sharing!
Dan B
@Katrina: Hope to entice you to a Seattle Meetup, probably 2022 – yikes! After Covid is mostly in the rear view would be ideal. There are lots of Seattle Jackals so it’s odd that it’s usually when a visitor visits, like Yutsano who is a temporary Eastern WA resident.
@OzarkHillbilly: That right there is my Dublin story. Not the depression part… I was happy and exited to go. And I made some wonderful friends over there. But wow, I missed my NY friends. Funnily now I miss my Dublin friends as much as I missed my NY friends.
But I am looking on the bright side. I now have 2 homes. And I can visit whenever I want.
Good news on the kitty! ?
@Reboot: This shows you where the link is.
Can you let me know whether you are seeing your comment and the 5-minute edit window right after posting your comment?
If NOT, then click the link you see in the image above.
IF YOU DO see the edit window, then everyone can see your comment.
@Tony Jay: Let me get back to you on that! :-)
I’ve been lurking so long I remember when Cole was a conservative. Seriously, though, BJ is a daily source of news, opinion, warm spit, and hot air for me.
@Major Major Major Major: Thanks for that, M4.
15 years ago-ish I was searching for the geopolitical blog of Juan Cole. Somehow I ended up here. Maybe 30-40 comments in that time, but BJ is a daily read.
@Benw: I’ll go with that.
@Mike Molloy:
Heh. Another long-time reader here, but in contrast, I rarely venture into the comments (even to read) in no small part because it I find the lack of threading really daunting.
I get how reading everything in-line makes for a better real-time experience — it flows more like a natural conversation — but trying to make heads or tails of the conversation after the fact, when I have time, involves way too much searching and scrolling for the earlier comment that has the context for someone’s witty reply. (Maybe I’d find that easier if my memory for names wasn’t piss-poor.)
And maybe it’s time I just try to get over it. I took to heart Cole’s admonition a few weeks ago that communities like this wither away if people don’t, you know, participate, and I’d hate to see that happen to BJ. It’s the last political blog I’ve kept on my list these last 20 years because I like its sensibility the most. So maybe it’s time to step up.
@Dakota Expat: That’s funny. I was totally surprised by how many people here are secret fountain pen lovers!
Makes me wonder what other secret things are part of the unseen bond that holds us all together here.
Tony Jay
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yeah, but I was trying to make a good impression for once. Every day doesn’t necessarily have to be the first day of school.
Yes, I’m drinking now.
@KrackenJack: Was walking home from coffee with a friend who was seeking input and support for a service project (related to G.E.D.s and trade school.)
Saw a plumber and his young (ok, assumption here) apprentice loading out from a job down the block from my home. Made me glad. We need skilled tradespeople. The work can be messy and occasionally hard. But well paid and relatively recession resistant (pipes still leak!).
@MomSense: I have an iPhone and use Safari, but I don’t have the patience to use a phone for commenting. But if you can teach me how to highlight something and copy it, I can test on my iphone and let you know how to get the link to work.
Travels with Charley
Hello! I’m a long-time lurker (13+ years), but I usually read the posts & comments at the end of each day, long after most of the conversations have ended. Balloon Juice is the sane corner of my world.
I’ve been lurking for years and check in every day but I feel as though I don’t have much to add to the discussions. Besides the politics I enjoy the posts about travel, animals (especially ducks), anything that dunks on the vile Trump family and anything written by Tamara, John or Betty Cracker. Thanks for the appreciation.
Ivan X
Yay welcome lurkers, I still feel like one after 14 years here.
@geg6: I did look at the badges, and my immediate response was “ugh”.
We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!
Tony Jay
Mate, you got out of Britain. That should be a BIG help.
So close – the final button is below the bottom of my screen. I can just see a bit of blue rectangle.
@Rachel Bakes: I’m sorry about the evening of anguish. Maybe look at the kittens post from earlier today? I found it quite soothing after all the distress about politics.
Formerly EmperorOfIceCream
I’m a pretty constant lurker/reader since about 2005. Very very occasionally a commenter. Getting ready to retire(ish) so hope to become a more active/ornery participant in BJ community. Still at work so not more now, but wanted to throw my comment here. Thanks for this thread!
@WaterGirl: Hi! Yes, they did. I hope you got your fence sorted.
@Dr. Jakyll and Miss Deride:
Totally with you on that!
Did you miss our grammar (and more) pet peeves thread earlier this week? You might enjoy that. Or not!
Excellent! I was working after my post and not following the news so I just found out from you. Yay!
@Rob: Well, sort of, on the fence.
Now they have to “work me into the schedule” because the previous guy had me down for just one fence post. :: sigh ::
I’m just popping in to say that these lurker threads are a great idea. I was a long-time lurker until the one last month. This is a great way for folks to say hello without feeling too awkward. Now I post my dumb comments on a fairly regular basis, and everyone’s been really nice.
Thanks WaterGirl!
@Kalakal: We are all finding it strange and scary these days!
Arrgh. Somebody seems to be on the fence about working with you.
@Tony Jay: Yes we do. When I was living in Dublin I would never comment about Irish politics because I didn’t understand the parliamentary system. Well almost never. I had boatloads to say about “Repeal” and am proud to say it was my first vote as an Irish citizen. I did so because that was what I call “girl” politics, not Irish politics.
Anyway when my Irish friends would talk about American politics they didn’t quite get it and some of them would be so off base it was shocking. And more than once when I would explain it to them they would say something like “Wow it’s so good to hear from someone who really knows what’s going on.”
So that’s a long way to say…keep posting. You have taught me lots about across the pond politics.
If people in a Balloon Juice conversation are replying to one another, you can go back up the chain by clicking on the nym of the person being replied to, then the nym that person is replying to, etc. Then you can come back down the chain by using your browser’s “back” function (whether backspace key, back arrow or whatever).
A lot of times you just want to refresh yourself on what the current comment is replying to. You click on the “addressee’s” nym, which would be @shirk in this message, you look at that, then you click “back” to return to the “current” comment you were reading.
@neabinorb: You were the stone carver! Very well received. :-)
And double-yay for the kitty news.
The nice thing about lurkers is that they never disagree with me.
@Baud: Sometimes they write to me and tell me you are wrong.
*not intended as a factual statement
Major Major Major Major
@WaterGirl: I tried to help! Back before Cole went with a bad contractor :)
@shirk: We will welcome you with open arms!
You and any lurker who wants to lurk less, comment more.
Highlight/copy/paste on an iPhone (or iPad).
@Formerly EmperorOfIceCream: Thanks for coming!
@Rob: Ha!
Tony Jay
Too late. I’m 2000 words and half a bottle of vodka into it and am pretty sure I know less now than when I jumped in.
I was commenting a lot during the election, much needed therapy. Now much more relaxed except when machinema gets in the news
I think I started reading here during the first Obama campaign. I’ve posted infrequently over the years but mostly lurk cuz I’m usually late to the threads. I do visit every day though and read all the posts and comments.
You should be able to “scroll” to it—nudge the box up a bit on the screen with your finger.
Maybe take a look at the video I posted at #230. It might help.
@WaterGirl: That wasn’t me. Honest, Baud.
Fellow old-time lurkers- this has been such a blast-from-the-past!!! I too stumbled here after fat-fingering a Juan Cole update search. He was on solid rotation for me. Yes, I used to read the DISH before a confused-ranting-zombie devoured Andrew Sullivan, and the Godfather of Blog, Kevin Drum, John Aravosis/America Blog, before it was just toooooo much. I’m left with with my dog(cat)-blog Balloon-Juice. And all is well, in our own heads. Sheesh, the world out there – still craaazy.
Enjoy the site very much and am happy to be dipping my toe into the water.Steeplejack
That you know of. ?
@HeleninEire: Ha!
I am willing to go on record confirming that it was not you.
@VillagePerson: We you just trying out the strike feature, or are you trying to tell us something? :-)
Eh, video in #230 not useful for MomSense. I thought it might show some “nudging.”
Tony Jay
As long as they keep on pissing me off, and fuck to the ing to the hell they do that soooooo much.
Rachel Bakes
Fortunately we can do it remotely rather than sit in a room with the parents of typical kids and hear what they are doing whereas our son is only in the room for roughly an hour a day.
To sooth the frustration our giant kitty has actually deigned to come out of hiding and cuddle today. More kittens it is!
@Steeplejack (phone):
Maybe you could try Chrome for iPhone and see if balloon-juice looks different on your phone using a different browser?
@Tony Jay: You’re not wrong there, I can’t believe the stuff I hear from family and friends. I still haven’t recovered from Brexit and the sheer level of stupidity corruption and malice now makes me realise that what I thought was hatred for Thatcher was merely intense loathing compared to my feelings for Trump and Johnson.
Love your rants by the way
Roger Moore
We don’t need no stinking badges!
Hi all – I’ve been reading BJ daily since the infamous Atrios conversion porn post way back when. But today for some reason I’ve decided to finally come clean with you lot. So … this morning I played tuba with a brass sextet. I rehearse every Tue PM with the Prime Time Band – a concert band (wind instruments – no strings) for those of us 50 and over. Grew up just a very short bridge away from Asbury Park, NJ. College in Boston then a move to the west coast – Venice Beach during the beginning of the roller skating craze. Learned to play upright bass and joined a boardwalk band on weekends playing blues and rock. I later moved up to that part of the CA coast that bends out to the west such that there are south-facing beaches. Wife and I often sit for friends and neighbors dogs. Huge baseball fan. Retired software geek. Hopefully that’s enough of an intro. Thanks for listening …
@WaterGirl: That’s what I like about this blog, it sometimes makes me laugh, sometimes makes me snarl, but at least lets me know the world isn’t solely populated by DeSantis fans.
That and the cat pics, I like cats. Dogs too
@WaterGirl: That would be terrifying. I am still traumatized by his attempt to teach me how to link. Although it was exciting to be the subject of a short rant.
I have been trying to figure out the box thing this afternoon, but copy and paste eludes me. Is it possible that my problem is trying to do this on a primitive mobile device (twelve year old Nook which is some sort of Android device)? I Could follow the directions on a laptop but the Nook doesn’t seem to have much copy/paste capability.
Tony Jay
See you tomorrow afternoon, then.
There will be swearing.
@Tony Jay: As long as it’s proper British swearing, dammit! None of that foreign rubbish
Dan B
@SpaceUnit: Ooh, a challenge! Jackals must never be known for being ‘nice’. We have our reputations, don’t you realize?!!!
@Dan B: Oops, did I say nice? I meant snarly and bitey.
Tony Jay
Tis ‘Gobshites’ all the way down.
zhena gogolia
@Tony Jay: I always wondered if “shite” was pronounced with a long “i.” I thought maybe the final “e” was just silent and it was pronounced the way we do. But I heard it in an old BBC show, Sparkhouse, and it’s definitely pronounced differently. Long “i”.
Tony Jay
I don’t even remember that! Meth truly is a hell of a drug.
I can only apologise.
Tony Jay
@zhena gogolia:
Rhymes with “height”, “light” and “terribly one-sided fight”.
Steeplejack (phone)
Thanks for sharing. You had me on tenterhooks at #246!
Dan B
@WaterGirl: SEconomy you on feeling the US is strange and scary. I was kept awake by Christiane Amanpour’s interview of Stephen Breyer. This is a “liberal Justice”? He was so condescending to her and even dumped a nasty dig about how she would understand what he was talking about when she “had grandchildren”. Her son is 18. She’s had a major cancer scare that is, in essence, a chronic disease. Will she live to see grandchildren?
Old white upper class liberal men, horrors of tissue thin understanding of minorities, and women, but full of undeserved confidence that they are better at understanding what is good for “them, ie. the lessers”.
These are the people that will save us from fascism when they cannot see their own poisonous group blindness!
I await another righteous rant from the likes of Tony Jay, the well reasoned and brilliant analysis of Silverman, and the NFLTG’s of Cole. Mistermix and others are right there as well in their own styles. There are straight white men who can see reality and outline it with unapologetic ferocity.
Steeplejack (phone)
I think the old Nooks (I have one) are pretty much a read-only device. You can highlight text, but I think that’s just to set a bookmark for yourself. I don’t know anywhere that you could paste text on a Nook.
Dan B
@SpaceUnit: It is! possible for you to learns!!
To be Frank
at the beginning I tried not to be a lurker. I submitted cat pictures from trip to India (tigers are cats, right) but my nym had a forbidden character so all my attempts were for naught. Don’t be an inadvertent lurker, don’t use special characters in your nym.
Dan B
@Dan B: SEconomy, is some weird ass autocorrect.
Try: So with you.
zhena gogolia
@Dan B: Puzzled over that a bit.
@Tony Jay: Sound!
Dan B
@zhena gogolia: We need an autocorrect translator…..
So this is probably too late to be of interest to most folks, but in case you are finding yourself with some time on your hands and miss going to see indie films, the Woodstock Film Festival is going on now through October 3 and has a number of interesting films to rent and watch online….. Yes, I am a lurker, although have posted a few times, of the introvert stripe.
@To be Frank: You have tiger pics from India? Send them in!
@Dan B: I inferred from the rest of your comment that you were intending to signal disagreement. But yeah, I could not figure out what that was supposed to be.
@TiredOfItAll: Is that virtual or in person? Can you tell us more?
Tony Jay
As a pound!
Czar Chasm
pokes his head out.
Goes back inside
@Czar Chasm: It’s not that scary out here. Or is it? :-)
@WaterGirl: Sorry about the much-delayed reply. This is a totally dead thread, so you may not see this, but yes, so far I’ve always seen my comment and the 5-minute edit window. I must not have been very clear about what I was trying to say.
Longtime lurker. I just want to thank everyone here for keeping me informed and mostly sane. I have come to love this community and have felt kinda weird with this one-sided relationship. So, love to all.
Ack, I missed this – I hope I’m not too late. Head down working… Something happening in DC today?
@Czar Chasm:
Your nym is so cool! So clever! I like!
I need a clever nym but it’s too late now. Plus, I’m just not that cool.
Roger Moore
I think you probably had your baking powder and soda correct the first time. Baking soda is just sodium bicarbonate, and it stays good indefinitely. For it to work, your mixture has to contain some kind of acidic ingredient, like buttermilk or vinegar, and it needs to be baked very quickly after mixing. Baking powder is a mixture of bicarbonate with some kind of acid- tartaric, bisulfate, and/or bi- or tri-phosphate- and has a limited shelf-life. It has the advantage that it will work without any acid in the mixture (it has its own) and some mixtures are designed to create bubbles after heating, so it’s a bit less fussy about speed. But if it sits for a long time, it can slowly react and lose its fizz; this is a worse problem in areas with high humidity and if it comes in a container that is not tightly sealed.
@WaterGirl: As Bunyippie isn’t responding, let me take a stab. I suggest that his name is an amalgamation of Bunyip and yippie. The former is a creature from Australian Aboriginal mythology (and also the name of the newspaper in my town) and the latter is a member of a radical anti-establishment group.
It could also be Bunyip + pie, but you would need to catch your Bunyip first, and I don’t like your chances.
Thank you for this post! I’m an infrequent poster but a daily reader.
Question for folks: If I say please contact me to a commenter, can a front pager share my email with that person with my permission?
About 3 weeks back a commenter asked if anyone here had experience with TMS therapy as a treatment for depression. I didn’t have experience at the time, but I do now.
I had enormous trepidation about the therapy but it’s been going really well. If sharing my experience can help someone out I am here for it.
WG, thank you for everything you do. Got the nephews the 2021 calendar since their doggie was featured in October. Huge hit!
I lurk here and at LGM. The comments, and most of the commentors, at LGM make this place look better day in and day out. I rarely waste my time on them, but enjoy you guys quite a bit. Keep it up.
greetings, as I drift into the abyss….
@Reboot: Thank you for the response!
Then the good news is that there is nothing to fix here. Even during your 5-minute edit window, the rest of us see your comment as soon as it’s posted.
Steeplejack (phone)
WTF. In your original comment at #30 you said, “There’s about a five-minute window before my comment appears.”
Now you’re saying, “I’ve always seen my comment and the 5-minute edit window.” ??
If you can see your comment, it’s posted and everyone else can see it! The five-minute timer just marks the period in which you can edit or change it. It has nothing to do with the comment’s visibility.
@Teoconut: Not too late!
Though you raise a good question, even if not intentionally,
I posted this one on a Thursday at 2:15 Eastern because that’s when I posted the last lurker’s thread about 6 weeks ago, and it got a lot of comments.
I’m thinking the next lurker’s thread should maybe be at a different time to also be able to catch other folks.
Wondering if late afternoon / early evening would be good or maybe weekend?
I should have asked up top, not 4 hours into the thread :-)
Anyone have any thoughts about day/time of day for the next one?
@terben: Thank you!!!
Czar Chasm
@WaterGirl: Nah, I usually don’t have enough time to dedicate to any meaning contribution in a regular basis:
I run my county’s Children’s Services Act program, while keeping 2 small children, 2 dogs, & 3 cats alive. Fun!
Steeplejack (phone)
Yes. You would probably need to email a front-pager (e.g., WaterGirl) to explicitly make the request, since there’s no guarantee a front-pager would automatically see your comment in a thread.
Czar Chasm
@Scout211: Feh, I just sound good on paper.
*tosses back his luscious golden head of curly tresses, generating gentle harpsichord notes*
@daize: Yay on the calendar!
That question comes up a lot. Yes, a front-pager can share your email with a person. We can’t share someone else’s email without permission (which I know you’re not asking for) but we can definitely share yours with someone.
@Roger Moore:
I don’t know much about the science of baking, so your post is very interesting. I actually don’t remember which recipe I used for the zucchini bread. I just now checked some cooking sites and most of those recipes use both baking powder and baking soda. I had flat cookies and flat bread when I used that baking soda from Whole Foods. When I replaced it with Arm and Hammer baking soda, my cookies and breads were fine.
Since you write that baking soda should last a long time, I wonder what the heck was in that box of baking soda that I bought? This was several years ago and I know at one point Whole Foods was fined for packaging issues but I thought that was incorrect weights listed on their labels. Hmmm.
That box of baking soda was just dead.
@Mrearl: @reppa: Welcome!
@Czar Chasm: Wait. Meaningful contributions? Our comments here are are supposed to represent meaningful contributions? Why didn’t anybody tell me?
@Steeplejack (phone): He knows that now, but he obviously didn’t before!
If someone asks a question, it’s a good bet that a hundred other people are thinking/wondering the same thing but haven’t said anything.
So thanks Reboot. There are no stupid questions.
@Czar Chasm: That will keep you busy!
@Steeplejack (phone): Good point about sending email.
Is this out of the block?
The Lodger
@Z: Asbury Park! I lived there in the very early 90s, across the street from where Danny DeVito grew up. I’m one of the few people who lived in Monmouth County and never saw Springsteen.
@Inspectrix: Success! Mostly. or totally, depending.
Did you intend for “thanks for the encouragement… I will try it now” to be inside the block or outside
You have some extra line breaks in the box, but you can delete those if you edit the comment.
I comment every blue moon but read the blog every single day. Having run for office several times, I’ve been somewhat preoccupied over the years. Want to get more engaged here…
In the future, you can add 5 extra minutes by making and edit and then posting it. You can just add a random period or letter.
One of your statements was inside the quote box. In the future, you can fix that by highlighting the entire quote box and checking the quote icon again. It should remove the quote box and then you can try again by highlighting only the commenter’s text and not yours.
Feel free to experiment and see what works for you. But if you need more time to edit, try the trick of quickly adding a comma or period or letter and then post that update so you get another 5 minute countdown.
@Steeplejack (phone):
Thank you!!
Thank you so much.
@Violet: For some reason your comment was in the trash. I took it back out, obviously!
If you see this comment, please post another comment so I can make sure your comments will show up automatically.
sending love back!
@GaryfromWY: Lurk less, comment more!
J R in WV
I’ve used the numbered item list function, there’s a bullet list function right beside that. After your opinion is typed and complete, press the Post Comment button at the bottom of the action window.
This is how the internet works. Control-C [copy] and Control-V are pretty common commands in all text editors.
Fool around with it until you get something you like, you can work on your reply for up to 5 minutes, you can delete everything qnd leave the comment empty if you want. No one will hate you for messing things up, although some folks will make fun of you.
@Tony Jay: Don’t apologize. I felt kind of honored to be ranted at by one of our blog’s biggest celebrities. Also too, I really should learn more of the mechanics of commenting.
Hey lurkers,
I am signing off for the evening, but I will check back in the morning for any first comments that need to be manually approved.
That way, you’ll be all set if you are inspired to want to comment on the spur of the moment on another thread.
Nice to see everyone, WG
@Steeplejack (phone): Thank goodness it’s the Nook and not just me.
@WaterGirl, the Woodstock Film Festival is usually online, but I guess this year because of Covid, some portion of it at least is online? Anyway if you just search for “Woodstock Film Festival”, you’ll pull it up and can read about the various offerings
@J R in WV:
thanks to you and others for your help. I may give it a try next time I have something to say.
Lt. Condition
I’ve been around for years and years but very rarely comment, sometimes because I just don’t have much to add and often because, living in Vietnam, I’m usually quite late to the party (as I am with this thread).
Still, it’s nice to be appreciated, heh.
Been lurking for years with an infrequent comment. It does seem that the recipes and food-related info is less these days. I miss that – food and critters really has kept me from going bonkers since I discovered this place. (I think it was right around the Subaru in the field and the missing mustard – which sounds like something right out of Clue… )
@Amazona: Welcome!
zhena gogolia
@Lt. Condition:
First time poster, long time reader.
I have been lurking since John was still drinking.
Very much like John, although he seems to do his best to discourage that.
I feel very glum about the future.
@Steeplejack (phone):
First time poster thread, huh?
Well, why not.
Hello, folks. El-Man here, coming at you from Auckland, New Zealand. Greetings and salutations, etc. Excuse the silly nym, I invented it as a temporary one and it seems to have stuck. *shrug*
I just lurk most of the time, haven’t felt the need to post until now.
Starboard Tack
If I ask “Is this a stupid question?” is that a stupid question?
Sorry for the late post, I was too busy lurking.
Erik Sea
Meanwhile lurking by a stone in the mud
Two eyes looked to see what I was and
Then something spoke and this is what
It said to me…
@Spookyleela: Welcome to commenting.
What do you mean by “very much like John, although he seems to do his best to discourage that”?
@El-Man: Hello!
@Starboard Tack: No!
@Sid_Viscous: ha!
Lurking can be very time consuming.
@Erik Sea: Welcome.
@RaflW: I spent 5 years working various trades before I went to college. I highly recommend it – even though it turned me into a non-traditional student.
Late to the game, but I read, lurk, and never comment. Does that make me a bad person?
@El-Man: International! Yay!
Tony Jay
Only if you want it to. We follow the Threefold Rule here.
Tony Jay
“Blog’s biggest…?”
I am so embarrassed, I thought you were talking about me.
Slinks off refusing eye contact.
Infamous Heel-Filcher
I lurk mostly because I get stuck in purgatory when I try to post from different devices. Let’s see if this turns out any better.
Occasionally I comment. Usually my only response comes from some more enlightened being who tells me why I’m wrong.
I recently added a story about fostering Monarchs from egg to butterfly in a thread about how we survive in these trying times.
Someone replied with enthusiasm. That felt good. I’ll probably still mostly lurk. Know that I get a strength and substance from reading BJ.
Steeplejack (phone)
Your story about the butterflies was very interesting. Remember that a lot of people—like you—read but don’t comment. So your reach is greater than you think.
Anastasio Beaverhausen
Long time lurker, THIRD time poster (whew!) I read the front page daily and particularly like the garden pics. Will eventually compile some Sighthound Hall photos and submit. But now I have to fix breakfast and get the kids on the bus. Oh, and escort the dog around the neighborhood so he can pee on every pole and bush within a one mile radius.
That’s happened once before. I’ll try not to take it personally. Thanks for all you do.
@SlothropRedux: Of course it doesn’t!
@El-Man: New Zealand… jealous. You should send pictures of home into On the Road. :-)
@Infamous Heel-Filcher: The fine print:
Your first comment from each device has to be manually approved.
If you post from a computer and the first comment is approved, future comments from the computer will show up right away,
First comment from your phone has to be manually approved but future comments will show up right away.
And so on…
If you want to do a comment from each device in this thread, I’ll make sure to approve them all and then you should be good to go.
@Nancy: Yeah, people would never do that in person to someone they just met 5 minutes ago, but it does happen on the internet.
Fostering Monarchs sounds interesting! Was your comment in the Sunday Garden chat?
@Anastasio Beaverhausen: Third time’s the charm?
@WaterGirl: I just might. We have taken some road trips now and then, got the occasional good photo…
The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion
Not “officially” a lurker, I suppose, although it’s been long enough since I commented that I’m not sure the software would remember me.
@El-Man: Great! It’s a good idea to write up your introduction and whatever you want to say about the photos and then copy that into the form.
We have the occasional form hiccup, maybe 1 in 100, but it’s frustrating if you have to recompose what you have already written. Better to paste it in again. :-)
@The Very Reverend Crimson Fire of Compassion: I remember you!
@Violet: And it happened again. I checked, and you are not on the ban list. You are not going into SPAM. You just go straight to the Trash.
I am perplexed. (and sorry this is happening!)
edit: I only see two comments as Violet with your email address. There is also a comment (different IP address) where your email was used to comment as Marie. I assume that was you?