Every now and then I feel betrayed by you all and this is one of those times.
Why did not one of you mention Up to Speed on Hulu with Speed Levitch.
by John Cole| 43 Comments
This post is in: TV & Movies
Every now and then I feel betrayed by you all and this is one of those times.
Why did not one of you mention Up to Speed on Hulu with Speed Levitch.
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Comrade Colette
Uh, because I stopped paying attention to pop culture sometime around when you were enlisting in the Army?
OK, I looked the dude up and he’s a dead ringer for my husband’s cousin, whose last name is also Levitch. Hmmm.
I had to look him up and the series. Looks interesting.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Comrade Colette:
Don’t feel bad, I had no idea what Cole was talking about
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
No Hulu here. But I will tell you about Bob’s Burgers and Regular Show!
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): Zest
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Oh man I remember Regular Show! Cartoon Network totally fucked that show over for it’s finale in favor of more reruns of Teen Titans Go, didn’t it?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I don’t know. I still have seasons 6 and 7 to go.
Jack the Cold Warrior
Don’t have Hulu, Netflix and Prime are expensive enough…
I’m still processing the fact that Dave Chappelle has crossed the Washed-up Comedian Rubicon, i.e. from “I said some insightful and groundbreaking shit that made you laugh hard” to “Fuck laughing, it’s funny because I said it.”
Chetan Murthy
@LeftCoastYankee: I’ve always respected Chappelle. His Cosby routine, for instance, was appropriately nuanced. It was clear he wasn’t defending the man, but also was trying to explain how important the man was to (admittedly male) comedians coming up.
I’ve -heard- about this new routine, and specifically about his comparing the acceptance of gay rights to the lack of progress for Black people. And I can understand and get behind that. But then I read that he started trashing transgender people and ….. ugh. Just ugh. I think Joe Biden is right, that rights for transgender Americans is the great civil rights struggle of our time, and ….. I can’t get behind trashing people fighting for transgender civil rights.
C’mon Dave, you can be better than that.
I’m waiting for Another Life; I don’t feel comfortable in this world anymore. The Guilty Maid is How I Live Now, but What Dreams May Come in this Unfinished Life?
Uh, because I don’t have Hulu and I’ve never heard of Speed Levitch. I didn’t even realize he was a person. I thought maybe it was something like the autobahn.
@Juju: Yes,my position exactly.
I guessed it was some new device for improving internet speed. I never know about the new tech, I am even worse at popular culture.
Hahaha…no Hulu here either
Speed Levitch?
I don’t think Speed Levitch will be playing for the Milwaukee Bucks this season, so I am not particularly interested. Sandro Mamukelashvili I am interested in. Will he develop into a good NBA big man? I hope so.
Don’t happen to subscribe to that service. As it is limited to streaming in the U.S., Disney doesn’t seem to know what to do with it.
Speed Levitch sounds like the name of a punk klezmer band.
No shit.
We were hoping to spare you the indignity?
Speed Levitch sounds like Putin’s biker boyfriend. The one Vlad thinks we don’t know about.
Mustang Bobby
What is hulu?
I kind of liked all the Star Trek nostalgia. I loved Star Trek in my early adolesence. I liked the later sequels, but husband with remote didn’t so did not see much. (In his defense, when we got married and he moved into my house, I had bought my TV at a yard sale and I had never even considered cable, too pricey.)
We are getting Hulu in time for The Orville, which I love. I very much want to watch “For all Mankind”, which everyone I respect says is wonderful, but not enough to pay for a Bezos product. Sorry Ron Moore.
TV is so complicated these days.
Mustang Bobby
@sab: I may sign up for Hulu in order to get “The Orville,” or wait until my brother bootlegs it. I hope they do something to honor Norm McDonald (Yaphet).
@Mustang Bobby: You have a brother?! Is he still an Ohioan?
I think I may need to start following older guys. Cole is following people I never heard of nor want to.
Stupid gen x’ers.
Idiot Cole founded blog that is center of my online universe. If you know me you know how pointless that was
Mustang Bobby
@sab: I have two brothers, one older, one younger. The older lives outside Baltimore; the younger outside Seattle.
@Mustang Bobby: So safe to say no Ohioans.
I moved out of state for years. But like all Ohio women, catch an out of state guy them drag him home.
Mustang Bobby
@sab: I’m going there this weekend to see my mom. My last visit while it’s still warm.
@Mustang Bobby:
Me still here. Dad in nursing home still here. RWNJ nephew still here.
Everyone else in California. Including RWNJ sibling, apolitical academic sister and cis nephew and trans niece.
Baby sister (age sixty) in Mass,
@Mustang Bobby: Nearish Toledo (Perrysburg?)
Mustang Bobby
@sab: Nearish Cincinnati (Montgomery).
@Mustang Bobby: Yikes. Miles and miles away.
Mustang Bobby
I haven’t been to Perrysburg since 2013, when the folks relocated to Cincinnati and the “life enriching community.” No close family lives there anymore, and all my friends moved away. I missed out on my 50th high school reunion last month, but I heard only three people from the class showed up.
Ohio Mom
@Mustang Bobby: That’s my neighborhood, we’re in Blue Ash. If it wasn’t Covid, I’d say let’s have a meet-up.
But like my plan for an all-Ohio meet-up in Columbus last summer, Nope. Not yet. Maybe next year?
I was in Toledo a couple of times recently to share the High Holidays with my 97-year-old mother-in-law. I grew up there, but I can’t imagine what would bring me back when she is no longer with us. Every friend and family member has moved on, one way or another.
...now I try to be amused
I had never heard of Up to Speed, but it’s directed by Richard Linklater so that’s promising. I first saw Speed in Linklater’s Waking Life.
Unique uid
For All Mankind is an Apple TV product, not sure if it is on other platforms too. It is fun, 2 seasons / 20 episodes so far.
Apple TV offers a free trial period, not sure how long. But you could just buy a month for $5
J R in WV
@Mustang Bobby:
But ain’t it a fancy dance out in the Polynesian islands?
ETA to fix /sarcasm tag to be human readable… cute, Bobby.
@J R in WV:
it’s a hoop