People with dogs don’t get an extra hour of sleep. (h/t Gin & Tonic)
That was too good to see just once.
A good friend of mine really struggles with the time changes – for several weeks afterwards – but the only thing I notice is that it messes with dog & cat mealtimes, as my guys will happily tell you about if you’re willing to listen.
After days /weeks of cold and rainy weather, it’s sunny today and the high is supposed to be 63. Same for tomorrow, then cloudy and rain. But I’ll take two good days! Then the weather turns for good, I imagine.
What’s happening in your corner of the world?
Nor do people with young children.
Dorothy A. Winsor
It’s sunny and warm today–high in the 60s.
I went to a good online writers workshop yesterday, which I hope will help me fix the book I’m currently tearing apart. OTOH, Duolingo French has a bug that won’t let me advance, so I had to go do Spanish instead. I filed a bug report two days ago but it’s still there.
@sdhays: Do they paw at your face when it’s time to get up?
Mike in NC
The cats got us up at 8:30, which was actually 7:30. Cold and wet outside, so I’ll crack a book.
Gin & Tonic
::blushing awkwardly::
Our cat waited until 7:00 (daylight saving time) 6:00 (standard time) to tell me her breakfast bowl was empty.
Her inner clock really is uncanny. When she makes herself known in the morning I’m always amazed that the clock is right at the hour.
Chloe showed her contempt for the time change by knocking the bedside clock onto the floor.
Then Chloe is my hero.
@indycat32: Cats are excellent communicators! Not much guesswork involved. :-)
billie jean and percy have no sympathy for the one armed man either. demanding to be taken out for pees and poops whether momma is up or not.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Wow. I’m just on Spanish. I’ve kind of leveled off, but it’s my fault because I only have time to do a little each day.
@OzarkHillbilly: Do you take them out on a leash? :: shudder ::
@WaterGirl: I got the message: I don’t care what the clock says, it’s 7 and I want my breakfast.
Math Guy
The cats were persistent this morning.
@WaterGirl: i have to put billie on a leash because she is prone to wanderings and right now it’s bow season. gun seson is coming up. i have good neighbors who would not shoot my dogs but i do’nt want to spoil their hunts. billie is pretty good about making sure daddy is ok. i get lots of sympathy snuggles from both her and p.
I get used to falling back pretty easily. It’s the loss of an hour when we spring forward that’s tough to overcome.
@OzarkHillbilly: You deserve all the snuggles. Just remind them: No Tripping.
Maybe get Mrs. Ozark to put up a sign?
@WaterGirl: Pretty much. And whine.
Dan B
Washington state legislature voted to keep Dayllght Savings year round. Our cats had a great deal to do with that. At the moment they are doing a great job at selling wall to wall carpet because cats know that hardwood floors are excellent drums. And the leap from the windowsill of the high window over the bed to the floor has the same harmonic frequency as a tree falling on the house.
@WaterGirl: morning routine with my childhood siamese bestie: mom lets her out, she climbs up one side of the steep two-story roof then slides down the other landing w/a thump atop my window eave. she peers over the edge where she is just able to see my face and the showdown begins: me knowing if i even twitch my eyelid it’s over, then “twitch”.
triumphant, bestie slides down and plops onto my window sill where she does her siamese yowl until i relent and open the window.
The Moar You Know
My dog is, in the mornings, a champ with the time change. Tonight’s evening meal, and the evening meals for weeks to come, will be a different story.
@rosalind: HA!
nap time.
My grandfather grew up on a dairy farm and he hated dayligjht savings with a passion.
@sdhays: Yeah, I almost wrote “paw your face and whine and cry til you get up” but I realized the “whine and cry” part is universal across all species!
I thought there was a good chance you might get by without the face pawing.
@rosalind: Holy shit!
@Dan B: We have hardwod floors everywhere. Yesterday the dog went flying down the stairs, missed her landingband skidded straight through the living room and banged into th opposite wall. She’s okay.
@sab: Did you get my email about the pet calendar? I sent you my phone number since that seems to be the only way your phone will do what we want.
@WaterGirl: No. I’ll check it now,
I’m for permanent Standard time. Let the earth be the earth. But I will happily accept permanent DST if that’s all we can get to end this madness.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: I was working on Spanish during the pandemic, but we’re hoping to get to France in the spring. I had some French in school, so it’s a bit more familiar.
Still in Montreal, saw some good rockabilly last night, heading back to Vermont this afternoon or maybe this evening. If I stay later, I’m grabbing a pre-roll of the very reasonably priced and fairly high-quality legal weed they sell here. Then I’ll go play bluegrass with Canadians.
Ha! My parents were complaining to me just now that their puppy doesn’t understand DST and got them up at roughly 5:30 this morning…
@sdhays: Came to say this. Glad you got it in first, as a first comment.
@Emerald: I didn’t know Earth had a preference for which number our clocks were pointing to at a given stage of its rotation….
Miss Bianca
@Emerald: Same here (although I think I would actually prefer permanent DST – I like the evening sun).
mali muso
Co-signed on the young children thing. Me and my kiddo are actually having a sleepover out of town with friends, so there were 3 kids to contend with.
Another Scott
Getting enough sleep is important. Otherwise, one does stupid things…
Don’t you hate it when that happens??
(via JJMacNab)
My cats are either old enough or fat enough that they don’t fret about mealtimes. Or maybe it’s because kibble is always available? In any case, I’m very fortunate they don’t wake me up to feed them, ever.
Today is chore day: laundry to do, and a couple wooden box planters to assemble. One is for a couple of my strawberry plants that are in too-small pots. The other has a trellis, and is for spring, when I am hoping to grow some English peas.
I love English peas and, strangely, they seem to have vanished from supermarkets. I don’t know if it’s a regional thing, or fresh peas just aren’t profitable enough, or what. One booth at one weekend Farmer’s Market here had them, briefly; and that seems to have been all.
So I will try to grow my own.
Went to a Community Mixer yesterday with a bunch of Progressive Organizers/Activists and local elected officials. It was our first real chance to meet socially after almost two years of only zoom meetings. Got to chat with people working their asses off to bring Rent Control to Pasadena, to Unionize Rose Bowl workers before a potential World Cup comes to LA, and to extend PUSD voting rights to Undocumented parents of students. It was day 14 since our booster so we were officially fully protected by our Moderna shields! Oh yeah and there were killer tacos too. Such a great pick me up, spending time with like-minded community members working on important issues. It really helps counter the feelings of helplessness that so many of us struggle with. I encourage people here to find ways to join local groups and get active in some way. It’s really great for the soul and there’s always plenty of work and somebody’s gotta do it. You meet so many amazing people and get such a great sense of fulfillment, win or lose.
Several states have passed legislation or propositions to change to permanent DST (California is one) but that actually can’t happen until Congress passes a bill changing an archaic law. That law allows states to choose permanent Standard time but not permanent daylight savings time. State legislators and voters want permanent DST not permanent ST. It’s a dilemma that has to be fixed in Washington.
@Another Scott:
I oppose fiat time.
Will it ever be fixed? What’s your opinion?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@UncleEbeneezer: That sounds like fun.
@UncleEbeneezer: I took a day of work to help with entry at the WA Beer Summit on Friday and know what you mean about finally getting to socialize with like-minded people. Talked to a lot of old brewery friends I haven’t seen since mid 2019. I definitely needed that!
Every year, more states push for the change. There is now some talk in the senate to change the law and some states are starting to lobby in congress for it.
I guess I had good timing. Since I got the booster shot yesterday, I got some nice sleep with the extra hour. Spawn the Youngest, having been born shortly before the pandemic and being used to having us all in the house all the time, is exceedingly, exceedingly cuddly. Craves that human contact. So she ends up sleeping at least part of most nights with Mr. Suzanne and I. She will snuggle in super-close to me, and it is so sweet, but it is not restful. Anyway, I was up for an hour with her early this morning, but I got to go back to sleep by myself! YAYAYAYA.
This is Florida so sunny and in the upper 50s is cold. Jesse our pup has weird eating habits, not dictated by the clock so the time change meant nothing much to her/us. I’ll be watching Liverpool shortly and tape the Mexican Grand Prix for later. My sister-in-law is over to learn how to make Ina’s elephant ears and then my home made chicken chow mien for lunch. I need to fill in some dog excavations in the back yard, take down the neighbor’s Halloween decorations while their out of town for a funeral and clean out the kitchen trash can that stinks, probably from raw chicken juice. We also have a Lowe’s list so we might be going there later. Hey…you asked, I answered.
ETA: our granddaughter is scheduled for her first Phizer shot today so everything else can come up a cropper if that happens and today will still be a wonderful day.
Ms. Deranged in AZ
Still mid-eighties here in the Phoenix Valley. Installed AC in my workshop in the garage so I can use it year round. Need to put insulation on the garage door today.
No daylight savings time here. Kitties wake me up pretty consistently at about 6:30. They follow me downstairs where I open the window blinds for them so they can see the neighbors via the front window and the birds via the back window.
They always start bugging me for dinner at 3:30 pm and I always spend the next hour and half telling them that it’s not time for dinner. So they are consistently early for dinner.
Pre-pandemic, I’d fly to Europe twice a year from the midwest, so an hour time change is n.b.d.
Fall of ’19 because of a couple of once-in-a-lifetime invitations I went Minneapolis–Copenhagen(+6)–Minneapolis–Los Angeles(-2)–Minneapolis–Scotland(+5)–Minneapolis over just a three week period. It was basically fine. Careful napping helps.
What I can barely tolerate is the sunsets will be >5pm (bottoming out at 4:31) for about 10 weeks. I struggle with that.
Artie was reluctant to get in, or stay, in our bed because it’s pretty high up. At the beach the bed was very low and she started sleeping with us. Now she jumps up on the stool at the foot of the bed and curls right up. My wife reminded me that we built the addition on the house so we could have a bedroom big enough for a king so Bohdi and Lil Bit could sleep in it. . .it looks like Artie will benefit. As far as her food, she is happy to sleep as long as we do.
@cope: I love hearing these stories about Sunday afternoons.
@Ms. Deranged in AZ: A frequent refrain in my house:
“Too early!” in a cheerful tone of voice, of course.
@BeautifulPlumage: Nice. We’ve gone to a brewery and sat outside etc. (a month or two ago) and we went to a great Halloween event last weekend with friends, but this was really the first chance to be with our heavy-hitter political friends (and City Councilmembers etc.) in a public setting that wasn’t a protest, march, etc. What’s wild is that pre-pandemic I was seeing these people at least once a week, sometimes more. So it was a real night/day twist to go two years without really seeing them in meatspace.
@raven: Another Artie milestone!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: It was. We spend so much of our time with Manchinema and shity anti-mask/vax/CRT assholes in our minds that it’s always really nice when we get a reminder of all the decent people out there, especially the ones taking action.
It’s good to remind people of all the taco trucks we could have had.
My cat’s stomach and mine have never been on the same schedule. But it was nice to open my eyes and have light to see by this morning.
Went to a “Beer and Greet” with my Congressman yesterday at a local brewery yesterday. It was a great event. I was amazed that the Congressman was there but he caught a 2am flight out of DC to be at our event in little old Lodi. There were lots of folks there including our State Senator and my city councilman. The crowd was great and we ended up staying there a lot longer than we expected to.
Today we are going out into the Delta to check out the Sandhill Cranes.
@Baud: Not from a truck in this case, but yes. And from local Mexican-American family that lives in our community who started doing this as a business on the side to make a little extra $ during the pandemic. They were SO GOOD!!
Dorothy A. Winsor
@Baud: It always made me laugh that the Rs thought taco trucks were a horrifying threat
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I thought I had some familiarity with French left over from high school, but when we were in Normandy several years ago my son looked at me and said “Dad, you’re just embarrassing yourself.”
My scheme for making him chase the toy an extra ten minutes in the park yesterday worked, and the dog slept in and I was able to wake with sunrise, so yay.
Yesterday was cloudy but today it’s sun, followed by sun, followed by the sun setting too damn early. (I’d just keep the clocks an hour ahead and be done with the 2x/year change thing). Now I’m doing the appliance, thermostat and camera clocks. That’s a lot of clocks.
Was there a video with this post? Didn’t see it.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@frosty: LOL. I never dare to speak it. But I can read it. And in a context, I can understand a lot of what’s said to me. Frex, in a restaurant, I know they’re likely to be talking about food. Though they could be punking me, of course. It’s the French.
We got invited last night to a smoked turkey dinner with the neighbors diagonal to our backyard, plus the neighbors who are directly behind us (all vaccinated and very careful). I made an emergency cherry pie from last year’s harvest and all the food was excellent. All 3 couples moved here within the last 18 months; feeling super lucky because all our close neighbors all being such fun folks, including others who were not present last night. We took a big leap of faith moving away from CO, and we sure have landed in the sweet spot here.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: My kids were holding their phones up to signs and reading a translation in English. I told them they were cheating.
@dearmaizie: Oh, sorry! It was this line from Gin & Tonic that was too good to see just once.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Are you using the app? When I was using Duolingo the browser version was better than the app version.
My pups always enjoy the extra sleep in that comes with weekends. It’s my cats that let everyone know they expect to be fed and they want it now! Takes them a bit to adapt.
@Baud: on every corner, as I recall.
I am blessed that Gordita is as lazy as I am. She gets up whenever I get up. Or not. Some days she just lazes in til I almost start to get worried.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@delk: I’m using the browser. I could try the app but I prefer not to clutter up my phone
@RaflW: i live in Burlington VT. During the deepest period of winter we get sunsets before 4, on the days when we get sun at all.
Gin & Tonic
If you have the stomach for it, this is a good story about the refugee crisis on the Poland-Belarus border. The Lukashenko government expedites processing of refugees from Syria, Iraq and elsewhere, the Belarusian airline flies them in (using tour companies with ties to the government) and they are encouraged to head west, in many cases actively assisted by Belarusian border guards. Poland doesn’t want them and does everything possible to block them or send them back.
Happy Four Seasons Total Landscaping Day to those who celebrate
@Sebastian: I just set the DVR to record the new documentary about it on MSNBC tonight.
@frosty: In my experience, the French can either appreciate the effort or be horrified. They particularly dislike the English accent while we find the French accent charming.
@Betty: Francophile friends tell me that outside Paris, clumsy attempts at speaking the language are generally appreciated but don’t even bother in the city itself.
If I ever go I won’t try either, since I faffed about taking German when required to select a furrin language. Had I gone to a certain high school in Seattle I could have taken Swedish, which would have qualified me for a job with the Muppets.
didn’t know there was one.
We should make it a tradition. Dem pols can use it as a very easy way to disrupt whatever the GOP is spinning up early Nov. A gift that keeps on giving.
@frosty: I’m in Paris right now. I can read French reasonably well on the daily newspaper level, and understand spoken French OK, but my own attempts to speak are pretty primitive. Once in a laundromat in Bordeaux an old fellow told me the cure for that was “watch more television!”
Having fought wars against people with English accents for 1000 years will do that to you
@Betty: I’ve generally found that they tend to appreciate/respect/respond to a genuine attempt at French or a good go at International Charades — often it’s almost a magic key into getting some to attempt their store of English (which they can entirely conveniently forget when irked). They will nevertheless feel entirely free to correct your French and not find your accent at all satisfactory — but then every single region in la belle France is convinced proper French is only spoken there so there’s a lot of company in linguistic failure.
Nutmeg again
I always thought that pets & kids were the best reason to abolish the daylight savings baloney. Still do!
@Gin & Tonic:
I’ve listened to a couple of reports on the BBC and I have to wonder where the fuck the U.N. is. A perfect opportunity for their one true skill: Scolding. //
There was also a report on NPR about a group of Sudanese who had been pushed back and forth for three weeks and had not eaten in all that time.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Your grandfather was a wise person.
Nutmeg again
@JMG: There are podcast radio programs designed to help with that. The speech is not as fast as real radio, or as slang-filled as TV ( although Spirals, aka, Engrages has 9 seasons and is a terrific Parisian detective show).
I am trying to get a modest working knowledge of German (insert gales of laughter) and I just adore the Youtube/podcast etc series called EasyGerman. The cast/producers are fantastic. l y a peut–être aurait une série en Francais?
@scav: My sister speaks Mandarin and when she was first learning adult Chinese were too polite to correct her while children laughed at her. She also speaks French. She said learning Mandarin made her appreciate the French enthusiasm for correcting foreigners French.
Almost Retired
Woo Hoo! The return of standard time. The digital clock in my car is accurate again.
@Almost Retired:
Heh, I have at least three cameras and two cars yet to “fix.” There are other gizmos that I have not clue one how to change and are on the right time just part of the year.
OTOH the phone just knows.
@sab: They certainly take their language seriously, even among themselves. Additionally, after a mere year living near Paris, I too conveniently forgot my English when within earshot of a class of over-loud Anglophone tourists.
@brendancalling: I just could not do it. But yeah, Minneapolis has a lot of gray days in Nov and early Dec too. At least by January most years we have continuous snowcover to brighten things up.
This year the leaves are still bright colors on Nov 7 (weeks late), so who knows what the heck it’s gonna look like in future in late autumn/early winter.
@Nutmeg again: In our Uber back from dinner last night, the driver had the radio broadcast of the game of Paris’ soccer team, PSG. I have never heard such fast talking in such an excited tone in my sports experience. He sounded like a hockey announcer on meth. Thankfully no goals were scored while we listened. Guy might’ve died on the air.
Amir Khalid
We don’t have daylight saving time here in the tropics. Neither humans nor pets know anything about it.
Liverpool are 3-1 behind to hosts West Ham United, thanks to a series of unforced errors by keeper Alisson Becker. Our 25-game unbeaten run, matching a club record set under Bob Paisley, looks to be over. ::sob::
@Amir Khalid: Surely (Shirley!) you must be pleased by ManU’s consecutive drubbings. However, City awaits.
Amir Khalid
I really couldn’t care less about Man U now. They’ve lost their way very badly since Alex Ferguson retired, and are not at Liverpool’s level anymore.
ETA: Divock Origi pulled one back for us, but we just weren’t able to get the equaliser.
I’m glad we don’t have year-round Savings Time. Last couple of weeks, the kiddo has been waiting for the bus in the dark.. That’s fine, he’s in high school, but in midwinter the elementary school kids would be waiting in the dark as well. I’m not so keen on that.
I don’t see what the big deal is about switching back and forth. My main complaint about that is that the extra hour in the fall should fall on Sunday night, not Saturday night. Who cares if you can sleep an hour later on Sunday? You can do that anyway. But an extra hour of sleep before work Monday would be sweet.
Somehow, my brilliant kitty anticipated the switch and got me up TWO hours early just to be sure.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@lowtechcyclist: Did we have double daylight savings under Carter? Am I misremembering that? I do know that in that era, I taught a class in Michigan that started and ENDED in the dark. Being on the extreme western edge of the Eastern Time Zone was brutal.
I had to split the difference (11:30) for Jada’s noon treat. She knows.
@Betty: They (mostly Parisians) don’t even like the Quebec accent. Many years ago before I forgot all my French I found people in Provence didn’t care.
@Sebastian: hahahahaha
@Almost Retired: Me, too, only in the opposite direction. Why do they have to make changing the time on a car clock so complicated?
Hold CD button down while you hit the button to turn on the air conditioner, and then find a paper clip to stick in the hole to press to make the changes, and make sure another person is on hand because it only works if you are changing the tire at the same time.
@Another Scott: Oopsie poopsie! Throw him in the slammer!
@lowtechcyclist: Yep, Artie has developed a fan club of about 8 kids who line up to pet her on their way to school and it was getting really dark last week.
@Amir Khalid: They’ll always be the Dallas Cowboys of NY Yankees.
Major Major Major Major
We use a machine that spits out blasts of kibble at 05:30 and 06:00, and we have a baby gate in front of the bedroom door so Samwise can’t scratch it… and this being manhattan we sleep with earplugs anyway.
Today I’m cleaning, taking pictures for a post about The Incal, and exploring Animal Crossing New Horizons 2.0. And then we are watching the fourth Evangelion movie. Busy day of activities I enjoy!
I see a Cuban sandwich in my near future.
@frosty: Hah! Our young French houseguest despises the Quebecois accent, which I find amusing (Gauling?).
@lowtechcyclist: It is likely less of a thing now with people having lots of connected devices that adjust to the change without our intervention, but in the manual-time days, having the change back or forth on a Monday early a.m. would have probably resulted in a lot of missed busses (or standing around a long time), blown meetings, etc.
Major Major Major Major
@mrmoshpotato: open face steak sandwich with fries and an iced tea for me!
Fair Economist
LOL! So true! Some years I haven’t even bothered locating and reading the car manual to find out how to do it, and just leave it on permanent daylight savings or standard time. I did finally remember how to do it on my old car, and then my son totaled the car.
The anti-woke mob are coming for KinderCare:
This too, my friends, is “CRT”. “CRT adjacent” “CRT inspired”
The banned list of “woke” words multiplies every 24 hour period. “Compassion” is now on it. I would suggest using “empathy” as a workable synonym but sadly that is on the banned list too.
I have an ex-girlfriend who majored in French in college, married a Frenchman and for years flew Atlanta-Paris as a Delta flight attendant. She said that Parisians even look down on other French speakers, so don’t bother unless you’re fluent, and even then you’re on thin ice.
@WaterGirl: Okay, gotcha. Read like there was a video. (Or at least to my old, addled brain it did.)
Sure Lurkalot
I don’t have any pets at the moment but what wakes me up at the change back to standard time is my own hunger.
I too wish we’d stay on one time but it seems that there’d be a lot of disagreement which to stick with. It is posited that the change to DST itself is hazardous…more accidents and stress, but both schemes have their pluses and minuses. I personally hated driving home from work in the dark in winter, especially in bad weather. I have insomnia so I like dark mornings.
That’s pretty good advice. I’m at about the same level in Spanish—read it okay, can get the gist of spoken Spanish unless it’s a Venezolano going full speed, mostly useless at speaking from lack of practice. Although occasionally I have successfully given people directions in something approaching Spanish.
Soap operas and telenovelas are great practice, because the actors tend to speak slowly and dramatically in clutch situations. Forget sports. Too fast and too much special vocabulary.
Of course, Kindercare isn’t doing this, Fox just completely invented this whole scenario with the pictures and the “oppressors” and the “victims” but that doesn’t matter. If you gotta cut some corners on the facts to fight “wokeness”, well, ends/means.
@Steeplejack: Adverts can also be good bite-sized practice as you can generally guess the basic context etc. They’re generally not designed to be highbrow-esoteric. Also, watching familiar movies or tv shows dubbed. Any confusion as to plot is removed, clearing the deck for dedicated vocabulary processing. (For what it’s worth, Tom Selleck had a much more appropriate voice in French.)
@Fair Economist:
Proof positive that not only isn’t it worth doing, but bad things happen if you do.
James E Powell
Youngkin’s huge, Democrats better wise up, decisive & game changing victory
Youngkin 50.69
McAuliffe 48.53
Murphy’s razor-thin, Democrats better wise up, won but actually lost victory
Murphy 50.9
Ciattarelli 48.3
Full blown panic.
Wait until these people find out about Sesame Street. Sesame Street has been “woke” since 1972.
The anti-woke mob are definitely coming for Big Bird.
I dozed off early last night, woke up at one-something (by my phone) and wondered whether it was EDT or EST. Checked my Casio runner’s watch, which for some reason never moves from the bedside table, and saw that it was still EDT. So I read in bed for a while and got a tremendous feeling of satisfaction when I watched my phone fall back at 2:00. Of course then I was wide awake, so I got up, checked the Interwebs on the computer, watched some Elementary and reset the time on my microwave, which is hands down the most accurate clock I have, I think because it runs on electricity and not a battery (?). ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I haven’t started the process of resetting my handful of wristwatches. Hey, they’re one of the few ways a gentleman can accessorize! Plus I just like watches.
And now I feel an afternoon siesta coming on, which has nothing to do with DST but stems from my dreadful COVID “sleep hygiene” the last 20 months. I sleep when I can sleep, and for some reason an hour or two in the afternoon is very high quality.
@Fair Economist: @WaterGirl: Searching my memory hole since this topic came up and finally remembered that resetting my car’s clock is exactly how you’d think it would be done: using the turn signal stalk.
@James E Powell:
They are ridiculous people. It was a loss by Democrats and maybe it means something for the midterms but the coverage of this is insane. It is a full blown panic by media celebrities. They’re going nuts.
A LOT of children’s material includes “kindness” and “compassion” and “empathy”- almost all of the quality children’s material does. If they start parsing all of it and jamming it into the ever-expanding “wokeness” category there won’t be anything left.
zhena gogolia
@James E Powell: It’s infuriating!!!!
That’s their over-reach. Just like when they don’t want white kids to feel bad, their rules erase MLK jr, Ruby Bridges, etc. from being mentioned.
That’s their flaw.
Watching national news in Spanish or another language you are trying to learn is often a good way to reinforce learning. It’s another situation where you might already have a good idea of the context or background of the story.
They’re already dragging Big Bird for getting vaccinated!
@Brachiator: Does anyone remember Cedric the Entertainer’s telenovella ” ¿Que Hora Es?”? The entire dialogue was from first year Spanish.
Gin & Tonic
Well, turns out Big Bird is saltier than I remember:
@James E Powell: What does that mean?
I love Ceddie! I’ll have to look that up.
James E Powell
Also, the news uses fairly common words & phrases
My Russian ex-wife used news & soap operas.
James E Powell
I’m suggesting that the evidence for the Roaring Narratives may be suspect.
Goofus was maligned by the woke mob!
Now it’s workable.
Father Guido Sarducci’s Five Minute University
The pundits have been framing Youngkin’s victory as an omen of disaster for the Democrats while asking of Murphy’s (bigger) victory, “Should he tack to the right now because he barely won?”
@Almost Retired:
I once had a travel alarm clock that I would use as a handy desk clock. It supposedly would sync with an atomic clock somewhere and automatically switch to daylight savings time. But it would always take a few days to make the switch. I never bothered trying to override it and just waited for it to adjust.
@James E Powell:
The other good thing about soap operas is that you get practice on all of that everyday “filler” dialogue. “Hi, how are you?” “What’s going on?” “Where’s Miranda?” “What time are they coming?” “I don’t know what to do about this.” Then you find out that “this” is her husband having an affair with her twin sister and you’re off to the races.
@James E Powell:
¡Las Demócratas en desorden!
I finally broke down and used a post-it as a bookmark for the page in the owner’s manual that has instructions for changing the time.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: My car has a Time/Clock button on the stereo. One pushes it and then it offers a manual option or a sync with a satellite option. The one pushes the back button (which works).
Almost Retired
@WaterGirl: I tried to use the Owner’s Manual to figure out how to change my clock, but it was apparently authored by the same people who write IKEA furniture assembly instructions.
I have one of those “atomic” clocks that gets the signal from the Big Brain in Colorado, and it bugged me that it had that same problem of taking its sweet time to change on DST. I used to manually change the hour because it bugged me.
I did a mild reorganization of my desk area earlier this year, and this morning I was delighted to find that it had already reset itself. I have no idea what changed; I think it’s still pretty much in the same place it was before.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I don’t remember that, but I remember they started DST in February, and they got lots of flak from parents on account of their kids going to school in the dark. I’d honestly forgotten all about that until you mentioned Carter and DST.
@Almost Retired
Newest wrinkle are instruction booklets which are nothing more than a single page with QR codes in place of printed text and/or pictures.
Hey, y’all. Just saw on Twitter that NBC has allowed Bert and Ernie to come out, in a statement that, yes, they are a couple and have been one forever.
Between that and Big Bird getting vaxxed, RW Twitter is having a bad day.
@Gin & Tonic: I’m no good at linking to Tweets, but there is an excellent one with Big Bird being hauled off by the cops for beating the stuffing out of Aaron Rodgers. Has Big Bird walking away flanked by two cops, with a bloodied Rodgers in a fetal curl on the ground.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I can’t believe some of the things you people have to do to adjust your car clocks. My Subaru has a plus button and a minus button on the clock face. No manual needed.
Omnes Omnibus
@CaseyL: Why would NBC have any control over Bert and Ernie?
My wife and I envy you! When we go to visit her family outside of Tampa, first place we go after getting off the plane is La Segunda bakery in Ybor City for Cuban sandwiches.
Now I want one, dammit! And a guava turnover too.
There’s an actual anti-empathy movement among evangelicals, believe it or not. It blows my mind because what’s the opposite of empathy and compassion? I’d say it would be hardness of heart.
And Jesus’ opinion about hardheartedness is quite clear: according to the Gospels, he spoke against it more than any other sin, with the possible exception of hypocrisy.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Because if it’s on Twitter, someone will believe it.
Gin & Tonic
@Baud: They wouldn’t put it on the Internet if it weren’t true.
And if they start going after kindness, the late Glen Campbell would like a word with them.
Omnes Omnibus
@lowtechcyclist: Nick Lowe would like to have a word about Peace, Love, and Understanding.
Since the thread is open: the Denver Broncos are curb stomping the Dallas Cowboys 30-0 at this point.
A gallimaufry of temporal tuneage.
The Zombies
The Kinks
Da Schnozz
Chambers Brothers
Pink Floyd
It’s A Beautiful Day
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, but how much cred does Nick Lowe have with the anti-wokes?
Chicago, Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?
Omnes Omnibus
@lowtechcyclist: Okay, point taken, but it was really nice version of the song.
And lo Jesus said unto to the multitudes, come to me and I shall cure your sickness. And the lepers did respond, nay, Jesus, we did the research and the prophet Joe Rogan says to use the dewormer of horses.
–MAGA 3:16.
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Yeah, I am amazed at some the stories here of how many hoops some car makers force people to jump through to change the clock. Our 2010 CR-V has you push up and down buttons while holding the clock button. Our 2018 Accord has a GPS connection that changes the time automatically.
Of course I believe it. These are the same people who are trying to make Mr. Rogers a negative example of manhood.
Speaking of Mr. Rogers, Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood has done great work around coronavirus and helping littles understand the pandemic.
Steeplejack (phone)
My new favorite kids’ show is Bluey—pleasing visual style and soft Aussie accents.
Gin & Tonic
@Steeplejack (phone): Speaking of accents, ever watch Beached Az?
@Steeplejack (phone): My kids like Bluey. It’s really cute.
When my kids were little I would watch the shows with them- not really “watch” like they do, engrossed, but listen. I would end up thinking “I have to be nicer to people” :)
So that’s good! A good lesson. You get busy and forget.
My absolute favorite Mr. Rogers was when he said he asked his mother when he was little why he couldn’t marry her (his mother) and she said “I’m already married”. That’s genuis- level parenting. Simple, true, no one gets their feelings hurt and it cuts it off neatly. Bravo to Mrs. Rogers.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Gin & Tonic:
Never seen it. Where is it?
A lot of the anti-woke mob came up in that period, so maybe they’re nostalgiac. I, OTOH, thought the whole thing was dumb so would prefer not to replay Bill Clinton, endlessly, on a loop, forever.
One of our fellow parishoners was an older gentleman, artist and retired businessman, whom I’ll call Mr. Garcia. Mr. and Mrs. Garcia would walk over to service promptly every Sunday, except when the time sprang forward, when for several years they reliably walked in as we began the closing hymn. One year, determined to get it right that fall, he wound up joining us kids for Sunday school class. (I think Mrs. Garcia got to say, “I told you so” that time after joining us later.) He was a very good sport about it.
Some wag sneaked in a puzzler in the background of an episode of this TV show from the early 50s which am idly watching while lounging with eyes half-shut.
Scene is in a railroad station. Big blackboard against the wall behind where the actors are doing their stuff, with all the information hand written. Straight sitcom, not SF or anything along that line.
Four columns: City of origin, name/number of train, scheduled arrival time and status.
This is what it reads in the part of that last column which is visible:
On Time
On Time
On Time
@NotMax: Wonder whether UMich had campus buses back then. In our times the buses have a marquee that they sometimes use when off-campus that says in large letters, “I’m Lost.” It’s the cutest thing.
Gin & Tonic
@Steeplejack (phone): First episode. It’s Aussies making fun of the Kiwi accent, mostly. One of my Aussie friends thinks it’s hilarious.
James E Powell
¡Demasiado a la izquierda!
Diceros bicornis
All this talk of French and of Paris…reminds me to pipe up with I’ll be in Paris the second week of December. As there a Juicer who mentioned coming to the City of Light (ahem, we’ve been Fallen Back for a whole week now, so it’s actually pretty dark pretty early…) around that time? Meet up Parisian style maybe?
Our clocks went forward at the start of October and Juno had been coming in to get her morning walk at 6am. I thought we’d get to lay in until 7 for a while but she adjusted in three days and we were back to 6am almost straight away.
I do get to see the sunrise in the morning though. There’s that.
Jim Appleton
In the ’90’s I travelled about three out of four weeks by air for work.
Going east (spring forward), I took two or three days ahead to get mys3lf partway there. Going from Portland to Miami then having a 5am call became a lot easier on mind and body.
Lately, as an old, I do a bit of the same with my pets for time changes but spread over a week or so. It’s no big deal for m3, and they’re tem0orarily confused but not outraged.