Kids or grandkids got the shot? Nieces, nephews? Friends? The kids next door?
Tell us about it here.
*awesome stickers by Maze Dancer, as always
And of course, all the other animal stickers from before are also available.
What stickers do you want?
No actual sticker yet for Tikka, but here’s a new Tikka image from Tom today.

M. Ellis
My eight year-old daughter got the shot early Saturday. It’s a combination of vast relief and worry that something will happen before she’s completed the course, but on the whole, a big positive. The past couple 20 months or so have been brutal.
@M. Ellis: Yay, what a relief!
Those are the two stickers I would want if I were 8. Would you like a different sticker?
Our granddaughter got he first poke yesterday. She is the last in our immediate family to be immunized. Our daughter said it was a total clusterfuck at the Walgreens’s where it happened. Poorly organized, long waits and lots of maskless goobers on hand but she persevered. As official vaccine whisperer for the family, I offered to try to get an appointment for the next shot through our county’s program. She’s thinking about it. Anyway, I’ll hold off on a sticker until her second shot, thanks.
@cope: Congrats on the first shot anyway, sticker or no sticker.
M. Ellis
@WaterGirl: Oh she’d be very happy with the cat sticker, thank you.
Tikka was clearly hurting from the shot, so decided to take a nap … which they were going to do anyway, so no big deal.
Paging Suzanne.
@WaterGirl: I’m here! Spawn got her shot this afternoon! Tikka profile sticker, plz!
Now; fingers crossed for quick approval for the littles!
Isn’t it “we slew”, not “we slayed”? I hate “slayed”. /grumpy pedant
Kids have a vaccine appointment on Saturday. Very excited!
I will note that we got Spawn’s vaccination at CVS and they were freakin’ maniacal in their efficiency. That has not always been the case.
Our seven year old grand-daughter: “She stuck a hole in my arm!”
We are beyond relieved, and she didn’t have much in the way of side effects
Yellow kitty please.
I will also note that we got the fourth official notice of an infection at Spawn’s school today, so ehhhhhh. Very glad to get this done.
@Suzanne: The Walgreens that I went to was as efficient as it could be with only the pharmacist and one pharmacy tech there. I asked the tech if she flew solo a lot, and she replied yeah. Ugh. Felt sorry for her.
@sempronia: I think ‘slayed’ is what the kids say.
Congrats on the appointment!
This post is in the sidebar, so even if there’s not one of these on the front page, let us know when you have been to the appointment. And ask for your sticker!
Ken B
@Suzanne: I got my first two jabs (Moderna) at a CVS. They managed to be friendly, efficient, and still gave a definite ‘Don’t fuck around’ vibe at the same time.
A goober in front of me was arguing with everyone until the CVS peeps gave him a look. After that he was “Yes, M’am,” “No, M’am,” “How high, Mam?”
Of course, each place is its own umiverse.
Get my booster next Friday.
randy khan
I hit six months from my second shot tomorrow and have scheduled my booster for Wednesday. My wife already has her booster. CVS cut me off just at the last screen with some weird problem, but it had saved all of my data other than the date/time for the appointment, so at least I didn’t have to reenter everything.
Very much looking forward to getting it and feeling that little extra bit of security.
@sempronia: “Slayed” is what the yoots say.
@randy khan: It does feel good to get the booster. I am planning to do Thanksgiving with my relatives this year, they are all vaxxed, I’ve asked.
We’ll see about Christmas. My county just removed its mask mandate since, obviously, it was working.
randy khan
We will be having an all-vaxxed Thanksgiving, too. I’m comparing to a year ago when we had a couple of people socially-distanced on our porch and did meals on wheels deliveries (so to speak) to some of our usual guests, and am very grateful for the vaccines.
@randy khan: I skipped it entirely last year. A lot of my relatives are older, it has been tough not to see them.
The two grandkids got their shots this afternoon. I’d like the ‘yay us ‘ sticker. The 7 year old apparently had a bit of of a meltdown over the shot but the 10 year old was blasé. She’s the one who had lymphoma 3 years ago, so shots are really no big deal for her. But we’re all breathing a little easier.
I have four grandchildren, but, unfortunately, only the three eldest are getting their shots. The fourth is only 3 years old. I’ll be much happier when she’s able to be vaxxed. The other 3 are scheduled for this week.
Burrowing Owl
I commented (too) late on Kids Shots thread #1 so here it is again:
My 11-year-old got his first shot on Saturday afternoon, and though he does not like needles, he took it well. He’d like two stickers, please: the Nicely Done, Human, and the UB Jabbed. And I had my Moderna booster on Halloween, so if you’re feeling really generous with stickers, I’d like Odoroki.
Thank you! It is such a relief to finally get younger kids vaccinated, and I feel for parents with under fives.
My comment was in moderation and then disappeared. What did I do?
Two more somewhat wild eligible children have their doses, and we did a happy dance!
Please one yellow kitty and one blue-caped superhero. THANKS!!!!
@eclare: So the RiteAid where I got my first two shots (in February and March) was a shitshow. I got there about 15 mins early both times, and had to wait an hour both times. For the booster this weekend, I went to the CVS by my house and it was super-easy. I had to go to a CVS today for Spawn’s shot, but it was about 15 minutes away. It was wham-bam and we were outta there. Thumbs up.
The kids got their first shot today! And I got my booster. One kid, upon finishing up getting the flu shot as well, announced, “I faced my fears!” I’m guessing that came from the Muppet Haunted House special.
Duck with scarf sticker please! You can never have too many ducks with scarves. Thank you!
Family member in America is in lawn forcement. Not innoculated from covid. Has a few kids. I, along with all the other family, have been holding our jaws tight, our shoulders up, in extreme tension that the kids would get infected. Thank jeebie the kids are all within the age range of covid shootery, and the other parent is going to win the tug to get the kids vaccinated. Thank the flying spaghetti monster and their lair of strainers in stainless steel sinks. Yeah!
My sweet li’l 11 year old got her first shot on Saturday. She did not want to hold mama’s hand nor did she want the lollipop afterwards. She has always been good with shots so this was no big deal for her. She did have to come home an hour early from school today due to being really tired. Picked her up and when we got home, she went straight to bed for a nice hour long nap with the dogs. She’s right as rain now.
I think she would appreciate the single “woof” sticker for this round of vaccination.