most of media are married to Dem doom/gloom
watch this clip for an unfiltered reality check
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) November 19, 2021
The bill includes a monthly per-child cash payment of up to $300 for most parents, child care funding, universal pre-K, an extension of ACA subsidies and Medicare hearing benefits.
It also commits $555B toward combating climate change, the largest such effort in US history.
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) November 19, 2021
And with this bill @SpeakerPelosi becomes the greatest Speaker of the modern era, passing historic legislation (ACA, ARP, Infrastructure, BBB) with tiny margins. Let's also remember she supplied votes for TARP to save the US economy and twice impeached a lawless president.
— Jennifer 'pro-voting' Rubin (@JRubinBlogger) November 19, 2021
— Nancy Pelosi (@TeamPelosi) November 19, 2021
The Build Back Better Act that just passed the House will provide universal pre-K, deliver tax cuts for the middle class, lower the costs of child care and health care, and launch an unprecedented effort to combat climate change.
It’s a win for the American people.
— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) November 19, 2021
And this morning, for 85 minutes, Vice-President Harris became the first woman to assume presidential powers (while President Biden underwent a colonoscopy).
Jen Psaki's with some great shade on Kevin McCarthy's 8.5-hour speech
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) November 19, 2021
He (McCarthy) cosplays Tienanmen Square? Is he tank dude? Does this make me objectively pro-tank?
Love that Nancy SMASH uses the sunglasses gif on her own damn Twitter page.
zhena gogolia
I love Jen, Nancy, and Kamala.
ETA: Women are really good. Why does this country hate us so much?
I was hoping there would be a clip of Jen’s response to the McCarthy question. It was so good. Now I’m going to watch the clip even though I watched the press conference. She made McCarthy look like the fool he is – at least to anyone who is connected with reality.
zhena gogolia
Anne Laurie and WaterGirl are keeping me sane.
ETA: If baud were here, he would be involved as well.
I never ever ever tire of seeing the gif with Nancy Smash striding along and putting on her shades LIKE A BOSS.
@zhena gogolia: We really are a full-service blog! Some people on BJ make you crazy, some people keep you sane.
The fun thing about that is that depending on the commenter, different front-pagers and commenters probably fill those two roles. :-)
edit: Always Baud!
@SiubhanDuinne: Like the boss she is!
Good news from India too. The Indian government will repeal the 3 farms laws it passed. The farmers camped outside Delhi for over a year have won!
A celebratory number lauding the farmers and soldiers of Punjab from the heady days of early days of independent India.
West of the Rockies
I think the Dems should more emphatically explain why funding universal pre-K is important. Yeah, such funding is playing the long game, but still, a lot of people just say, “So what’s so great about universal pre-K?”
What did he say about post-WW2?
@debbie: Something about a swim meet? I didn’t understand it early. McCarthy sounds like a blabbering madman.
Or like a guy with marching orders from TFG. He must have had input for the speech.
@debbie: You are probably right.
I hope to god that in the end, T**** will be the anchor that sinks the republican ship, that by all rights should have been sunk multiple years ago.
Love the cheering, gleeful, jumping-in-joy Dem reps reacting to Madam Speaker’s gavel SMASH.
may have to watch Rachel tonight – I usually don’t…
zhena gogolia
This one was my favorite:
@zhena gogolia:
@West of the Rockies: “Why, that’s where we start teaching them CRT, of course.”
Yeah, I’m not having any of the ‘Dems are doomed and demoralized’ nonsense. This is winning. After fours years of TFG our media thinks ‘winning’ is calling people names and breaking shit. Bozos.
I read some pundit piece suggesting that the guy wanted to prove that he was a good Trumpkin.
Unfortunately, Trump’s vile influence is going to continue for a while.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
“Abraham Lincoln was not assassinated”
Does this mean Abe faked his own death like JFK and JFK Jr.?
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: It all makes sense when you remember Abe is a vampire killer.
And now McCarthy is being attacked from his right flank:
Professor Bigfoot
@germy: The shade of Marcus Junius Brutus looks at Rep. Raskin’s Twitter feed and thinks, daaaaaaamn, now that is brutal.
Too muchly grammaring and sensicality for one of TFG’s speechifications.
@zhena gogolia: Good one!
@germy: That’s more of a smelly taint than a right flank.
Friday art
for the good news thread.
Santorum had nothing to do with it.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Baud is a monster. Ask him when he gets back and I am sure he will confirm it.
Good god. They really do eat their own!
@Omnes Omnibus: Hard to imagine that when I’m picturing him frolicking in the Austral Spring, prancing pantless through fields of flowers.
And such small portions (if they’re gnawing on brains).
Oh, I think far longer than a while. TFG may die, but his followers will live on for at a least a few generations.
I can almost envision John Boehner staying up all night to watch this shitshow, laughing his ass off and making snide remarks to the bottle of scotch he’s holding.
Omnes Omnibus
@Spanky: Are you saying that no monster frolics or prances?
I gotta say, “Elon is one of my best friends” is one of the saddest/funniest things to come out of last night’s gooberthon.
And yes, yes: Congrats to Madam Pelosi and the Democratic crew. She sounded a very flexible and open note to a few (unnamed!) folks at the other end of the building in terms of the bill potentially going to conference.
So, let’s roll, Democrats! The sooner we get this nailed down, to faster we get to election protection and voting rights.
@zhena gogolia:
Because you so often show up the other half of the country, without even seeming to try. Of course it often isn’t even a difficult task. And it’s not the country although it is an unreasonable segment of the population. The ones who are afraid that everyone is going to show them up. And they’re one’s who get shown up often. And earn it.
Chetan Murthy
I’m glad for this community, on a day like today. Glad that there people here who try to look on the bright side. I’m not one of those people, but I can still appreciate it in others. So thank you, and I’ll keep my Eeyore in the barn, at least for today.
@debbie: The “Q” cult already thinks JFK Jr. and Michael Jackson are still alive, and holds monthly rallies expecting them to announce themselves. Can you imagine what will happen after TFG kicks off?
@Omnes Omnibus: I feel like we’ve been over this a million time but once more: Baud isn’t the monster, he’s the one who lost control over his own creation, which is itself a metaphor for inhumanity. Everyone gets this wrong!
@zhena gogolia: Don Beyer, my rep, tweeted out a series of “this is now longer than,” starting with the Beatles’ “Help,” and including, among others, the combined extended edition of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
I believe I heard they’re also expecting JFK now, not just his son?
dr. bloor
“Endemic” is the word you’re looking for. Trump is the Delta version of Ronald Reagan, and it’s already been in the body politic for forty years.
(Sixty if you count Goldwater, who even I am too young to remember).
Did the vast majority of the media ever do anything different?
Omnes Omnibus
@Benw: No, Baud is still the monster, the other one is the creature.
Long lines of people waiting to piss on his grave.
zhena gogolia
@schrodingers_cat: Beautiful! I want that as a decorative platter.
Omnes Omnibus
@Brachiator: A fair point.
dr. bloor
@Ruckus: Media have had their thumbs on the scales in some way and to some extent forever, but turning news divisions into for-profit enterprises (Thanks, Roone!) along with the demise of the fairness doctrine was like shooting an 8 ball into their veins.
zhena gogolia
@Ken: Not really, but I’m looking forward to it.
@dr. bloor:
RE: Unfortunately, Trump’s vile influence is going to continue for a while.
I think that Trump and Trumpism represents something far worse.
It is going to be an interesting fight.
And “I can’t afford to test drive a Tesla,” WTF? The owner of the company is a billionaire, not the customers (though maybe that’s the anti-EV propaganda they’re feeding the base.)
Old Man Shadow
@Brachiator: I hope Barron makes a fortune by installing a pay toilet over his old man’s grave.
That is excellent news from India. And that song is great. To my spiritual brothers and sisters in Punjab: Bole So Nihal!
A sense of honor used to mean something. From a FB group Historia Obscurum:
Old Man Shadow
@Brachiator: Illiberalism has been with us since Europeans landed here.
Seems like for every positive America does, there’s at least one horror a lot of people would like to sweep under the bed.
No. You’re right – it didn’t all start with President Chump. But what’s really disappointing is that at some point over the last five years it seemed as though a number of our media figures began to realize that things weren’t normal, that we’d passed a truly dangerous threshold. The events of January 6th should have been the ultimate epiphany.
But nope. We’re right back to goalpost drills and both-side narratives.
@germy: I didn’t watch the turkey pardoning. I take it one of the turkeys was named Peanut Butter? Was the other one named Jelly?
@Omnes Omnibus: You take that back! I will defend Baud to the death! (virtually speaking)
I will grant you that he might confirm what you said.
It was, in fact, named Jelly.
@Chetan Murthy: I love your comment.
@Benw: That made my day.
@debbie: Wow.
@SpaceUnit: Of course it was! I bet Uncle Joe let the grandkids name the turkeys.
Nominated for rotating tag line.
Wow, on the POW and the Kaiser. My father was very grateful when the US Army gave him a week’s leave when his own father died in 1945, just as Dad’s unit was regearing to go East, having just been in Europe. But this is remarkable.
Headed out to hear Quinteto Astor Piazzolla at Orchestra Hall.
Thanks! Will there be a ceremony? Should I prepare some brief remarks?
Will the press be in attendance? I’m new to this.
@Chetan Murthy: I’m thankful for so many good people in this community, and you are always one of them.
@zhena gogolia:
Some women—especially those you mentioned—indeed are good. (I hope we are too.) I always thought it would be good to get more women into Congress. But then we got Lauren Boobert (not, it’s not a typo; I’m channeling Chump), Virginia Foxx, Marjorie Greene, Elise Stefanik, Joni Ernst, my-sorta-own Susan Collins, and assorted other mental cases. I’m grateful they’re currently outliers—and bold liars—and I hope we’ll see the end of them soon.
@bluefoot: Sat Sri Akal. That song is a classic!
It’s terrifying that I’m almost nostalgic for him—and even for Nixon. Everything is relative.
@prostratedragon: Street Tango!!
zhena gogolia
@Skepticat: I guess what I mean is: we have never had a woman president. Why is that? The country hates women.
@zhena gogolia: Thanks!
@zhena gogolia:
Oh, sadly, I knew and understood all too well what you meant. I think they know what we truly are, and they’re afraid.
Mike in NC
It took us 240 years to get a (fabulous) woman VP. Will it take another 240 years to get a woman president?
Well why not, he’d only be 104. Probably show up with the 95-year-old Marilyn Monroe.