BREAKING: A jury has found white nationalist leaders liable for $25 million in damages for the violent 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville. The jury awarded the money to nine people who suffered physical or emotional injuries.
— The Associated Press (@AP) November 23, 2021
… After a nearly monthlong civil trial, the jury in U.S. District Court deadlocked on two key claims but found the white nationalists liable on four other claims in the lawsuit filed by nine people who suffered physical or emotional injuries during the two days of demonstrations.
Attorney Roberta Kaplan said the plaintiffs’ lawyers plan to refile the suit so a new jury can decide the two deadlocked claims…
The verdict, though mixed, is a rebuke to the white nationalist movement, particularly for the two dozen individuals and organizations accused in a federal lawsuit of orchestrating violence against African Americans, Jews and others in a meticulously planned conspiracy.
White nationalist leader Richard Spencer vowed to appeal, saying the “entire theory of that verdict is fundamentally flawed.”
He said plaintiffs’ attorneys made it clear before the trial that they wanted to use the case to bankrupt him and other defendants…
Jury finds white supremacists liable for millions of dollars in damages for violent "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville in 2017.
— David Fahrenthold (@Fahrenthold) November 23, 2021
Prominent white supremacists Richard Spencer, Jason Kessler and Christopher Cantwell and others engaged in a conspiracy to intimidate, harass or harm in advance of the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville in 2017, a jury has ruled.
The jury did not reach a verdict on two federal conspiracy charges, but did find that every defendant was liable for civil conspiracy under Virginia law.
The jury then awarded a total of $26 million in damages against the 12 individual defendants and five white nationalist organizations on trial. More than half that money is owed by James Fields, who is serving a life sentence for ramming into a crowd of counterprotesters with his car during the rally and killing Heather Heyer.
The 11 jurors needed only to find “a preponderance of the evidence,” rather than the higher bar of “beyond reasonable doubt” in criminal trials. But they deadlocked on two federal claims of a race-based conspiracy, while agreeing that there was a conspiracy under Virginia state law and that the victims were entitled to compensation.
During that rage-filled weekend, a torch-carrying mob chanted “Jews will not replace us!” and a neo-Nazi rammed his car into a crowd of counterprotesters, killing 32-year-old counterprotester Heather Heyer. Nine people who said they suffered physical and emotional harm filed the lawsuit, which is underpinned by a Reconstruction-era statute designed to protect newly emancipated Black people from the Ku Klux Klan…
Significant verdicts in Sines v. Kessler, the case against the organizers of the Charlottesville unite the right rally. A similar strategy in a 1987 case bankrupted the KKK. Multi-million $ punitive damages judgments can have lasting impact.
— Joyce Alene (@JoyceWhiteVance) November 23, 2021
"Plaintiffs’ attorneys used a trove of evidence, including planners’ messages leaked from the group-chat platform Discord, in their argument that defendants planned, executed and celebrated the violence of that weekend."
— Susan O'Connor (@susanoconn) November 23, 2021
Here's a thread with more:
— Duty To Warn ? (@duty2warn) November 23, 2021
.@SusanBro7, mother of Heather Heyer, the activist murdered by a neo-nazi while protesting against hate and the Unite the Right rally, had this to say about today's verdict in Charlottesville:
— Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM) November 23, 2021
Dorothy A. Winsor
From the German health minister
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Not to quibble, but that’s not anywhere near true, unless “everyone” excludes those too young to get the vaccine, among others.
Old School
For those who didn’t click through to see Heather Heyer’s mother’s quote:
As I said below. These guys will declare bankruptcy. Their already bad credit scores will suffer a bit. Everyone else in America with student loans will be in the same place. What has changed? Except good people are still dead?
Old School
@MJS: Presumably, they’d mostly fall in the “recovered” category.
@sab: declaring bankruptcy doesn’t get them out of trouble or save their assets. It may leave them their homes and a car. The creditors still get the rest. I doubt they have this much, although they may. That isn’t the point. They lose almost everything they have, and it weakens their ability to do as much in the future.
Also big donors will not donate now because they know money will go toward this judgement, not future rallies or adds or recruitment. They may start donating to some other figureheads which will have to be faced. It won’t be enough to cut down these actors alone, but it’s a start. A few times like this, and we can make real progress.
About the jury findings– good. Make these bastards pay through the nose. It’s willful harm. Heather Heyer’s mom has been remarkable all through this.
taking advantage of open thread: In this morning’s post there were grief topics, myself, Sab and others having lost dear pets yesterday or very recently. Tonight I found this link on Rex Chapman’s twitter feed, a snip from an interview on Steven Colbert’s show with Andrew Garfield, who had lost his mother. “Grief is unexpressed love” A really gorgeous couple of minutes. Wanted to share it here.
Now back to your previously scheduled politics.
Turning off the money tap seems to be the only way to ruin these wastes of protoplasm; they’ll certainly never lack for followers.
Wonder if the Mercers will bail them out.
I haven’t yet run across anything in the media on this yet, but I’m wondering if this puts dark-money UTR funders in any legal jeopardy? Open them up to aiding and abetting, etc.? Or, if the low-hanging fruit all declare bankruptcy, does that close the door on going after funders farther up the line? Also, per gvg above, can these bums declare bankruptcy and THEN resume the same activities, taking funding from the same daddy-warbuckses as before?
Tony Jay
Speaking of rightwing dregs getting a flushing, I’m hearing rumours that certain far-Right Tory MPs have begun handing in Letters of No Confidence to the 1922 Committee, which is the essential first step in turfing out a Tory leader.
Flobalob’s bad week might be about to get a little bit worse. OTOH, this could just be a shot across the bows to remind the spineless oaf that the Spodes in the Party can cause him as much trouble as they did May if he wobbles on the Eurobashing/Brownbashing front.
Either way, I hope it drives the jowly maggot mad with fear.
For one thing, the Bankruptcy Act of 2005 makes it a lot harder to just declare bankruptcy and start over with a clean slate. Wikipedia:
I think that’s a bad deal, and it’s one of the things I’ve long been pissed at Joe Biden about. But if anyone deserves to be ground beneath the wheel of an unreasonable bankruptcy law, it’s these guys.
@Gvg: Well, that is heartening. I mean it. Not snark
ETA See #11 above.
Roger Moore
IIRC, bankruptcy won’t clear those debts. You can clear judgments that were for a normal debt, but not a penalty for doing something wrong.
@Roger Moore: Hopefully they’ll haunt them like student loans [shudder].
And at some bedding mill, an enormous flat sheet order (“Country Blizzard” color) has just been terminated.
@Kattails: That is beautiful, thank you.
@dimmsdale: Are you certain there were dark money funders? My impression was that the different groups involved were self motivating and paid their own way. The plaintiffs got a hold of a lot of the defendents’ communications, and if there were other funders it was very well hidden.
@lowtechcyclist: I am out of date. So Bush’s people did that to hurt normal people and instead he fucks his own and Trump’s . That is hilarious.
@Geminid: The plaintiffs and Integrity for America, the outfit that sponsored the lawsuit, also want to deter others from organizing violent demonstrations.
I get the impression that most of these guys are unemployable. Not a lot of companies want to be associated with their ilk, and so their only means of support is fundraising / grifting off the white supremacy cause. So I’m guessing they’re pretty well screwed.
Maybe the My Pillow guy will give them jobs, but I’m sure he’d come to regret it.
Punitive damages are non-dischargeable in most cases.
If you’re into irony, consider that the 2005 revisions to the Bankruptcy Code got Joe Biden the nickname “the Senator from MBNA.” His fingerprints are all over that particular piece of legislation.
While on the subject of financial judgments,
@Geminid: I honestly don’t know–I just assume there’s a ton of right-wing dark money behind most of this stuff, including the phalanxes of “concerned” “parents” assaulting local school boards. It’s just an assumption, of course, and I was unaware of the self-funding in this particular case.
@Geminid: Some groups knew this rally was trouble and distanced themselves beforehand. The national Pagans’ motorcycle club forebade local members from participating, on threat of losing their “colors.” Proud Boys founder Gavin MacInnes(sp?) said that the organization disclaimed any participation. A few months later MacInnes washed his hands of his creation. MacInnes is worth some money and didn’t want to lose it.
As it’s Open Thread, sometimes a cigar is just a piece of sh*t.
Meet The New Artist Taking Trumpworld By Storm
Another Scott
There have to be consequences or bad behavior will continue. That’s just Science.
In other news, …
Interesting. Will TFG be American’s first??
(via DPRK_News)
Wasn’t the execrable pillow clown supposed to file his trump-resurrecting lawsuit today?
Sure Lurkalot
@NotMax: It couldn’t be just disturbing. It’s awful too.
@Tony Jay: I think it’s going to get a lot worse for the little shit. The resulting leadership election will put the entire collection of spineless weasles through the mincing machine. The current collection of Tory MPs is an collection of nasty stupid people all of whom’s ambition wildly exceeds their abilities united only in their loathing for each other and contempt for their voters. An awful lot of knives will be out
@burnspbesq: Yeah, I was living in Philly at the time and that moniker made the rounds. Guess it just shows how people can change….I hope.
I don’t think it went anywhere. However, it looks like he’s got another project in the works.
@hueyplong: He claims the villainous RINO state attorneys general refused to help him file it.
Patricia Kayden
How did I miss this? “The Trump Prophecy” ??
@hueyplong: Here’s today’s Pillow Clown news.
All you can do is stand back and pray for injuries.
“Why should you pay for a crime someone else…noticed?”
Bob Loblaw (odiously played by Scott Baio)
@burnspbesq: Now I am a happy camper.
@germy: Yeah, that popped up while I was looking for classic movies on Youtube. Awesome!
Yeah. He’s claiming the current RNC chair is orchestrating a conspiracy to kill his petition to the Supreme Court or something. There was an article in the Daily Beast about it today. I tried to follow it but it was just crazy all the way through. You’d have to sniff glue for two or three hours for it to make any sense.
ETA: Oops, Trollhattan beat me to it.
@SpaceUnit: I guess I should find it inspirational – just goes to show you that anybody can make it in America.
For the attorneys here. What are the chances that Rittenhouse gets sued for damages in civil court in a similar manner? He probably has nothing to seize now, but that would prevent him from cashing in on his fame.
Thanks to all. Those links were Schadenfreudelicious, yet I’m sure I have room for more.
Pillow Clown calling Fox news unreliable and staffed by traitors was interesting. Kinda doubt he meant it the way we do.
Dear gods.
Almost Retired
@Kent: the chances are slightly more than 100 percent. Regardless of his assets or grifting potential, this is the type of high profile put-it-on- your-website case that makes us drool.
ETA – but I am in California. Wisconsin may be different.
@hueyplong: If he does, it’s the strangest goddam example of horseshoe theory that I’ve ever seen.
Screwy Louis makes it official.
@dimmsdale: There could have been outside money. It was not an expensive affair, though. I think the different organizations saw the rally as a recruiting and brand building opportunity, and their members shared cars and motel rooms for the “cause.” They mostly have jobs.
The militias mainly marched in to the park, and then when the State Police declared an illegal demonstration, marched a mile up McIntyre road to a park where people like Richard Spencer spoke.* A number of men, some affiliated with RAM (Rise Above Movement, now defunct), came to attack counterdemonstrators, and assaulted people before and after the rally broke up. Five of them were identified and arrested later. The local judge gave them 2 to 3 years prison time. A Maryland Klansman got 7-8 years for firing a shot that didn’t hit anyone, and luckily did not start a firefight.
*The city thought it had moved the rally to the more isolated McIntyre park. But with the help of the ACLU, the organizer sued and a federal judge agreed that he could hold his rally at the Lee statue, the pretext for the rally. It was a terrible decision, and the community is lucky it did not result in a bloodbath.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kent: I believe that at least one suit has already been filed.
@hueyplong: Lindell is advertising on whatever weird channel my husband watches Bewitched and Brady Bunch on. Inspiration? It’s up there on the cable dial with the religious channels.
@Tony Jay:
He can cling to his Peppa Pig doll for reassurance.
What is it with Conservatives (Boris Johnson, David Cameron) and their porcine pals?
@NotMax: One of my sisters lives in his district. I told her that their loss was all of Texas’ gain. She wasn’t amused.
Never underestimate the power of shameless ambition.
Mike in NC
@NotMax: Let’s hope this talentless hack gets invited to Mar-A-Lago and comes down with COVID.
I wonder when the big tears start flowing because the Pillow Clown has zero friends and his business is bankrupt because all the people that bought some crap from him find out that not only is what he sells not worth the cost of shipping it but what he says is worth even less?
@sab: Based purely on his viewing choices, you might consider dumping your husband.
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” – George Orwell
@Tony Jay: Is that Spode as in Lord Sidcup? Well done.
He just needs to find their “Eulalie”.
@Mike in NC
Appropriating Boticelli to crank out a mural there depicting Ivanka on the Half-shell?
On the ceiling of Dolt 45’s bedroom, natch.
Mallard Filmore
While that particular vid is a hoot, the YouTube channel looks legit. I especially like the trailer for “Brain Freeze”. Zombies!!!
@steppy: Leader of the Blackshorts
@sdhays: Well done!
Meant to mention this earlier, but didn’t:
Programming note — Hillary Clinton is going to be on The Rachel Maddow Show tonight. I shall certainly be watching; perhaps other jackals will as well. (MSNBC, 9:00 pm EST).
@NotMax: trump people are so sick they would pay money for garbage like that.
@sdhays: Aunt Dahlia will hear about this.
@lowtechcyclist: You don’t get to extinguish punitive damages or criminal fines in bankruptcy. And if they declare bankruptcy, everything they own will be transferred or sold for the benefit of their creditors, with the exception of the first mortgage on their residence and their IRAs and 401K accounts. Why do people think that bankruptcy is like a get out of jail free card? It’s not.
Also, I know we are watchful and wary but this really seems like a victory and we should allow ourselves at least a little celebration.
@hueyplong: He’s sweet guy and very lefty. I just don’t watch tv with him because his choices suck.
@NotMax: Rule 11 is like Thor’s hammer when the judge has finally had enough.
Dan B
@NotMax: So who would be the models for the angels carrying her drape? I’m imagining Bannon, Stephen Miller, Ghouliani… any others come to mind?
seconded on all points
we have to prosecute each and every one of these kkklowns every time they incite or commit violence
I wish the reference wasn’t so esoteric. “Spodes” as shorthand for cosplay Fascists would be extremely useful to point out their essential haplessness.
Wait…how would you kn…never mind.
For anyone who didn’t get enough chance to slam your head into a desk today, check out the focus group results of No VA swing voters:
Almost Retired
@hueyplong: tears on my pillow, pain in my heart…
Omnes Omnibus
@Barbara: Because a lot of people now believe that everyone will get away with everything and that, even if it briefly seems like they won’t, a Trumpy judge, Schumer, Manchin, Sinema or AOC will wreck it somehow.
Tony Jay
Oh hell yes, it’s going to be brutal. The last Tory leadership bout was basically a coronation for That Funny Bloke Off Of The Telly, but this time it’s going to be a whirling chaotica of third-rate wannabes who all think they’re destined for greatness alternately kneecapping and fisting each other while spewing ever accelerating volumes of red-meat vileness in the direction of Tory Party members.
The News Media will love every sickly second of it, and whoever survives to climb out of the threshing pit with their knickers on backwards will enjoy the soft, suckling sensation of a thousand political pundits learning to fit willing mouths around their suddenly emerging suitability for the highest of offices.
How… delightful.
Hey, got Pfizer #3 24 hours ago and am happy to tell y’all I feel no aftereffects. None. #2 was a beast comprising pain, flu symptoms and little sleep for a day or two. I’m returning the horse stuff.
Tony Jay
Pigs are clean, friendly and can’t give evidence against you in a court of law.
Almost Retired
@trollhattan: the worms are breathing a sigh of relief.
Omnes Omnibus
Sure, if you marry them.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: a Trumpy judge, Schumer, Manchin, Sinema and AOC have been adding Yoko Ono songs to my Spotify playlist. FML.
Poe Larity
What we need is a law that prioritizes taking their guns & ammo. I know guys with $50k in guns.
Good god. Her work sucks.
@Tony Jay
Them’s some biggy piggies.
it sure seems to have been so for TFG.
Chief Oshkosh
@Kattails: Thanks.
Steve in the ATL
@Tony Jay:
How did you get access to my performance review?!
Poe Larity
@NotMax: What if all the great BJ artists made awful MAGA art and the proceeds went to good causes? They could all use DougJ for a signature.
Even the ones who are… how to put this delicately… from the UK’s tropical former overseas possessions?
@Poe Larity: That’s another good reason to license firearms. A creditor might have a chance to collect a debtor’s guns in California, where ownership is recorded. Not so in Virginia, though, if the gun owner is willing to lie.
I’ll definitely be watching.
Steeplejack (phone)
Uh, there is about $2 million in donations for his legal defense that his lawyers and others are already scrapping over.
Chief Oshkosh
@sdhays: Ah, but are they really Spodian? Do they wear black shorts? In November in the City? Simply not done, old boy.
karen marie
@sab: Why would they declare bankruptcy? I’ll be surprised if they’re ever required to pay a cent. These verdicts will be appealed, the jury award will be greatly reduced, if not thrown out. The jury having deadlocked on two counts could spell trouble for the other four surviving an appeal.
@karen marie:
They plan to refile.
Alison Rose
Sounds good to me.
Dan B
@Scout211: Good for them. Keep fighting the terrorists.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Tony Jay: I can’t imagine Boris’ Benny Hill act goes over well with his party considering the Tory image is they are the VERY SERIOUS PEOPLE(tm).
@steppy: Could be a Spode like this:
@karen marie: JFC. Do you know anything about the legal theories they were using? The federal claims were a stretch, legally. Worth pursuing to be sure, but completely different from the state ones on which they won.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, … thread.
(via CT_Bergstrom)
@Another Scott: Reminds me of the joke about the curse of (name any 1920s movie). Everyone associated with the production has died….
@Tony Jay:
I know you remember the Tamworth Two.
US Court of Appeals for DC wonders if they have jurisdiction in TFG’s records case.
karen marie
@Barbara: Actually, I do. Also, see Scout at 95, above.
Another Scott
@Tony Jay: Happy Toast is following this.
The plaintiffs won the big $$ verdict, but what are the chances of actually collecting any of it? How many of the defendants are effectively civil-judgment-proof (via lack of leviable assets) or else have effectively transferred/secreted their assets to other parties?
@cmorenc: yea, that’s the first time anyone thought of that in this thread.
Omnes Omnibus
That doesn’t follow at all.
Gin & Tonic
For the cat lovers here:
These (Rachel and Hillary) are two very damned smart women. It’s a pleasure to listen to this conversation.
@Scout211: I just don’t understand the concept of Congress being able to write a law that says a court can’t review it. If that is a real thing, why don’t they do it more often. Could a wingnutty Congress pass a law saying any action taken by King Dump is not subject to court review?
I ordered an Instant Pot from Target! I would like to
thankblame NotMax!I will find others to
thankblame in the coming days!NotMax
@Gin & Tonic
When the prints are espied
From a freshly made stride
That’s Amur, eh
IANAL but apparently there was wording in the presidential records act to limit judicial review. NBC article.
ETA: I guess this doesn’t really answer your question.
@Gin & Tonic:
Amazing photo!
Steve in the ATL
@Scout211: IAAL and Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 laughs at this hot take. Of course, 218 years of established law means little to this SCOTUS….
Dan B
@Another Scott: Good Dog the Tories are heartless vampires selling the Health Service to the highest bidder and charging the poor a huge amount – 80% – of their assets for care. Will the next move be to set up tents in rural areas where hospitals used to be?
@Another Scott: The first time I saw that movie, on the big screen, I did laugh so hard I fell out of my theater seat. So I can see its murderous possibilities.
@SiubhanDuinne : Hillary seems to be having a great time, and she’s as sharp as ever.
Citizen Alan
@sab: I have not read anything about the verdict beyond what’s posted here, but generally, punitive damages awards are not dischargeable in bankruptcy so long the underlying cause of action was based on willful or malicious conduct.
Citizen Alan
@germy: I’ve seen student films that looked more professional than that.
Chetan Murthy
@Citizen Alan: Oh, I read about this somewhere: an entire genre of RWNJ films that are little more than a crappy trailer. The actual film slaps in a bunch of newsreel footage, maybe some bits of reality TV, and that’s it. So really, it’s just another grift.
Citizen Alan
@Poe Larity: You know what would be hilarious? If some of these a-holes lie about their gun collections and get busted for it. Lying on your bankruptcy filings for the purpose of concealing assets can bet you federal perjury charges.
@Another Scott: That’s some fucking Ignoble prize level investigation there. Seriously, comparing death rates in people who’ve seen a 37 year old movie versus those who’ve seen a month old one made sense to who, exactly?
Omnes Omnibus
@Gravenstone: Look, mate, the numbers don’t lie.
Scott Alloway
@trollhattan: Good for you. 101 temp, body aches, general fatigue, My regular temp is 97.4, but my O2 is at 97 and pulse at 62. I’m 71. Go figure.
Chetan Murthy
@Gravenstone: Oh, read down the thread, and you’ll see why he did it: he’s debunking “the vaxx kills people” gaslighting from Alex Berenson. So: all in service of a good cause!
@Omnes Omnibus: If you torture the numbers enough, they will confess.
@Omnes Omnibus
100% of those 125 years old and up who had ever seen the movie are dead.
LLC? WTF? You gotta be shitting me.
Scott Alloway
@NotMax: Well played.
@Chetan Murthy: I scanned the thread. Guess I glossed over the underlying reasoning. D’oh.
Luftwaffe Lovers Central.
Chetan Murthy
@Gravenstone: ehh, had to scroll down a bit. Guess I don’t have anything better to do, sigh.
Another Scott
He played Judas. Because of course he did.
@Another Scott: Hahaha! I hope they punch him in the face with more than 45 days.
@Another Scott:
And a published poet!
Man, fuck all of them sideways in seven dimensions.
Mike in NC
@mrmoshpotato: There is no shortage of lowlife lawyers in this country. Just ask the Republican Party.
@mrmoshpotato: I just used ours tonight to cook the chicken for jambalaya. It comes out easy to shred which makes it great for a dish like this.
Chetan Murthy
@frosty: It’s great isn’t it? I periodically make shredded Mexican chicken for enchiladas and such: the instant pot makes it so easy, and the chicken comes out so *juicy* and easy-to-shred! I use a stupidly simple recipe, and certainly should do a better job of finding a more-authentic one, but it’s so easy-to-do. I think I might never again purchase a burrito, they’re so easy to make! [confession: I don’t make my own tortillas]
Another Scott
(via Popehat)
Sure Lurkalot
@mrmoshpotato: I hope you learn to love it! It’s easy and there’s so many tips and recipes on the net and this very blog.
Pressure cooked?
Chetan Murthy
@Chetan Murthy: might as well share the recipe I used. I’m not claiming this is great, or the best, or anything. It seems to work, and hey, it’s tasty *enough*. I really should find better ones though.
@Tony Jay: i love that you said “the Spodes of the party”. Is that a reference most Brits will get? Love PGW.
(Waves at mrmoshpotato.)
@mrmoshpotato: Well yeah, that’s what it’s for. I’m a noob, I don’t know how to use it to sauté or slow cook.
Chetan Murthy
IKR? it makes pressure-cooking a *complete* doddle. I make mexican chicken, black beans, spanish rice, red beans (for red beans and rice), veggie soup, all just …. trivialities. You just assemble the ingredients (ok ok, maybe saute the meats and onion/garlic) and set the pressure-cooker timer, and bob’s your uncle!
@frosty: Excellent.
@karen marie:
what’s you basis for that belief? Are any findings of fact clearly erroneous? Did the judge abuse his discretion in any rulings on admissibility of evidence? Was the jury incorrectly instructed on the law?
Come on. Don’t just make shit up.
@Chetan Murthy
Will be trying out an Instant Pot recipe for leg of lamb cooked in Guinness stout for Thanksgiving.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@sixthdoctor: the pictures are so gross
Chetan Murthy
@NotMax: oh wow! I stopped eating red meat ages ago, or I’d be so down with that! As it is I can only be jealous of (and happy for) you!
@Steve in the ATL: That’s what I thought, but if the Court is actually taking that wording seriously, I figured there must be some legal nuance that alluded decidedly “not a lawyer” me.
Kayla Rudbek
@Steve in the ATL: there are only two people on the Supreme Court whose judgment I have any respect for.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kayla Rudbek: Nearly 30 years on the Court making decisions that you would probably tend to agree with and Breyer gets cancelled because of a few remarks and not resigning? Cool.
Real late to the thread, but Clinton, Schumer, and Biden all voted for that bill. Not sure blaming it on Bush’s people is fair. The bankruptcy bill was bad for debtors, good for creditors.
Bad look for the Democratic party. Hope we take up reforming that when we have more seats.
Chetan Murthy
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s understandable that people are … rather pissed-off at Breyer, just as we are at Cinemansion. They’re quite possibly the accidental executioners of our democracy, and it sure seems that they just don’t give a damn.
Also: over at LG&M (where, so I understand, there are lawyers — like you) there seems to be a consensus that these SCOTUS justices don’t actually have a very hard job — so what really matters is the partisan balance. It’s less and less a “court” and more and more a “last-resort legislature”, making up their own justifications for new laws they enact. On that assessment, Breyer is toying with giving up one of our seats on that “Guardian Council”, and we all have a right to be pretty pissed-off.
Tony Jay
Late back to the thread, but still…
‘De Pfeffel Pig’ – I am so jealous I didn’t think of this one. Brilliant.
“Spodes of the Party” – I knew you beautiful people would get that reference, and that’s what counts.
@Chetan Murthy: “On that assessment, Breyer is toying with giving up one of our seats on that “Guardian Council”, and we all have a right to be pretty pissed-off.”
there is also a belief that 6-3 is worse than 5-4, and that 7-2 would be worse than 6-3. At 7-2, there could be 2 GOP justices who “won’t go there”, but the other 5 win.
Kayla Rudbek
@Omnes Omnibus: I actually just forgot about Breyer as I haven’t heard much about his opinions for the last year or so.