FTR this is the only one I thought should be left standing
— zeddy (@Zeddary) December 7, 2021
Per the Nashville Scene:
… A notorious statue of Confederate general and early KKK leader Nathan Bedford Forrest that has stood beside I-65 in Crieve Hall for more than two decades has now been removed. The statue — a frequent source of mockery and vandalism — was sculpted by Jack Kershaw. Though visible from the interstate, the eyesore sat on the private Hogan Road property of a man named Bill Dorris, who once said of Kershaw, “As an artist, mediocre.”
Dorris died a little more than a year ago and made national headlines for designating a $5 million trust to his border collie Lulu upon his death. (You read that correctly, yes.) A source at the time told the Scene that the estate was valued at closer to half a million dollars.
As reported Tuesday morning by NewsChannel 5’s Nick Beres: “The executor of the will ordered for the statue removed early Tuesday morning. … It will be held in storage and possibly be put up for sale. For now, the flags will remain at the site.”
I’ve seen that, albeit from a distance. Ugliest damned sculpture a sculptor ever sculpted. Just a wretched and bizarre tribute to a wretched and hateful person. I’m thrilled it’s been removed.
Omnes Omnibus
Wearing either my art critic hat or my decent human hat*, I say the same thing: Good, melt it down for scrap.
*Not saying that art critics can’t be good people. It is theoretically possible.
No, Forrest actually looked like that, and his horse ran on its two back legs.
Love the skirt. Sassy!
Sure Lurkalot
The horse on the way to Denver International Airport would like a word.
Well, the quality of the art matches the quality and humanity of the subject, so I guess there’s that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Sure Lurkalot:
Link doesn’t work.Never mind.Woodrow/asim
@Omnes Omnibus: Try
@Sure Lurkalot: Is that where the idea for the demon sheep ad originated?
Also, that thing does catch my eye most times I travel to or from DIA. I have a preference for the convention center bear, tho.
Open thread?
My spinal steroid injections went well. I guess I fell asleep during the meat of it because I don’t remember the actual shots part. But right now my back feels amazing. It’s just from the lidocaine and will fade in a day or two but in the immediate I will take it.
Almost Retired
Oh my. Are we sure it wasn’t the estate of Nathan Bedford Forrest that demanded its removal?
Mike in NC
Hideous eyesore would be a fitting addition at Mar-A-Lago, a temple to bad taste.
@SiubhanDuinne: honestly, that’s right up there with the Cristiano Ronaldo bust debacle from a few years ago. Seriously, did the same artist do that one too?
Jay C
@Sure Lurkalot:
Personally, I think that when it comes to “bad sculpture” to the level of “probably cursed” – “Blucifer” (the common nickname for the Denver Airport horse) takes the prize on an all-time basis, as he actually killed the artist than made him.
Seriously: it was created by the Mexican-American artist Luis Jimenez, Jr. : it was his last piece, and while he was assembling it in his studio in 2006, some rigging failed, and a section of the horse fell on, and mortally injured Jimenez.
Now that’s bad karma…..
Sure Lurkalot
@RaflW: The Denver Convention Center bear is quite popluar. Someone gave me a minature souvenir one and it’s proudly displayed on a dresser in the boudoir.
Actually, it would seem to me to have been much more disrespectful to Forrest to have left the statue there. It’s always reminded me of a demented ventriloquist dummy.
In Atlantic City, one of the amusement park piers was called Steel Pier. Its biggest star, for over 50 years, was the Diving Horse. A horse, with rider, would jump/slide off a platform into a very large pool about 50 feet below.
The pier also had coin-operated souvenir machines, where you would put in the money and the machine would extrude hot plastic into a mold. One of these machines would create a horse, a la the Diving Horse.
The horse was smooth and golden-amber, with no details of musculature or anything like that.
The horse part of that statue always reminded me of those extruded-plastic horses
It even looks like it’s in much the same pose.
Sure Lurkalot
@Jay C: There was some brouhaha about criticizing the sculputure both because the sculptor was a minority and his tragic death. I don’t see what those things had to do with the fact that his creation is abominable and pretty much everyone hates it, which would have been the case if he wasn’t tragically killed, I’m afraid.
Much like how one is labeled anti-semitic if there’s a whiff of criticism about Israel.
Jay C
Oh, and as an “honorable mention” in the “bad public sculpture” sweeps, let’s not forget Jamestown, NY’s original monument to its famous resident Lucille Ball….
zhena gogolia
@Yutsano: Great.
Patricia Kayden
@Jay C: Well, other than the fact that the original statue looked more like the Screaming Demon idol from Indiana Jones than it looked like Lucy, I don’t see what the fuss was all about.
Gotta say that is the SECOND most hideous statue I have ever seen. Nothing quite matches the horror of Number 1:
Patricia Kayden
@RAM: ? It is very unflattering but he was a KKK leader so it’s quite fitting.
Tony Gerace
That “statue” makes Nathan Bedford Forrest look like an ignorant, hateful lunatic. A very realistic portrayal!
Omnes Omnibus
This exists.
Patricia Kayden
@Mike in NC: Trump wouldn’t want it since he only allows statues of himself to be erected in his mansion.
@Sure Lurkalot:
Dear Dog, how have I missed that?
@Mike in NC: Perfect! Tfg can have have a sculpture garden of all the hideous statues that have been taken down.
@Yutsano: Good news!
@Omnes Omnibus: Fonz of the Undead?
@Omnes Omnibus: Ohhh. I wonder what Henry Winkler thinks, but from what I’ve seen/read, he is much too nice to say.
Jay C
Well, Milwaukee’s “Bronze Fonz” doesn’t look much like Henry Winkler: which I imagine they did on purpose so he wouldn’t be tempted to sue them…..
(Though who, exactly, “owns” the IP for the “Fonzie” character is a good question)
Tom Levenson
@Sure Lurkalot: Dear FSM in its Colander! That is freaking terrifying.
Omnes Omnibus
@eclare: Most of the redevelopment of Milwaukee’s riverfront has been very well done. This is a glaring exception. If anything, it is worse in person.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Omnes Omnibus: that reminded me of Scary Lucy, but I didn’t know it had been replaced.
There is probably a Tim Burton animated movie where all these horror statues come alive one night a year and get together to… well, I don’t know. Since it’s a Tim Burton movie, probably to weep that they never really made a connection with their fathers.
Reminds me of the restored Monkey Jesus.
@Jay C: Now that one’s gonna give me nightmares.
zhena gogolia
I’m loving these hilarious statues. I was going to post Tsereteli’s Peter the Great, but it looks like a masterpiece compared to some of these.
This Lady with a Dog monument is pretty bad, but not as scary as Lucy.
Here in SW Washington State, we have the infamous Uncle Sam billboard alongside I-5. It’s been there for 50 years now.
No statues dedicated to him, but he made a fortune from gullible kids.
zhena gogolia
@Geoduck: Gaa. The eyes are like a Byzantine icon.
zhena gogolia
@germy: I wanted those Sea Monkeys so damn bad. Luckily my mother had common sense.
@zhena gogolia:
I sent away for a lot of junk, but I never bought the sea monkeys. I loved the cartoon illustration of the sea monkey family, though.
@SiubhanDuinne: Google stuff about the art at DIA, there is some really creepy Hieronymus Bosch type stuff.
Be prepared to go down a very long rabbit hole.
Omnes Omnibus
@zhena gogolia: Someone on this site recently accused me of being the kind of person who bought sea monkeys as a child. It was in response to my rejecting some doomsday theory or another. I never showed the least interest in having sea monkeys.
Whaaa??! I actually bought the sea monkey thing. I was like wtf is this! Glad I didn’t get the x-Ray Specs. They were regular ads on comic books back in the early 80s.
I’m kind of pissed that I helped fund white supremacy.
@Yutsano: I had a treatment like that a few years ago. It helped me a lot, I hope you get relief.
@Omnes Omnibus: That was me :( :( :(
You had no way of knowing.
I was a big reader of DC comics in the 1960s, so I saw all those ads: “Throw your voice!” “Mystery box!” “X-Ray Specs!”
They got rich, 75 cents at a time.
zhena gogolia
@germy: Those crowns!
Not so much hideous as ridiculous.
And of a far, far better person than Forrest
BBC News – Belgrade’s ‘tiny head’ Gagarin statue causes dismay
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus: Good for you!
What is Lulu going to pee on now?
@zhena gogolia:
The sea monkey mom was very elegant and demure, as I recall.
zhena gogolia
I think she had long eyelashes.
Gin & Tonic
@germy: I sent away for stuff from those tiny ads at the back of Popular Science. Never comics, because my mother thought they were worthless.
If she were alive I’d tell her about a co-worker who sold off a bunch of comic books and bought himself a beautiful vintage MG-B.
@Carol: Good question!
@Yutsano: I had some shots like that years ago, helped me a lot, hope they do the same for you
zhena gogolia
I see I misremembered the crowns. They looked like crowns, but they were excrescences from their heads. Mom does in fact have false eyelashes, I think.
Omnes Omnibus
@cain: @cain: Wait, you bought sea monkeys and then had the sheer unmitigated gall to accuse me of sea monkey buying? Consider yourself cancelled, bruh.
@Gin & Tonic:
I had a habit of doodling and sketching in my DC and MAD comics, rendering them worthless to collectors today.
Brine shrimp do not, in fact, stand on two legs, nor do they have human faces.
(I image-searched to verify my recollection of the ad; I see that people are selling reproductions of the ad for more than the sea monkeys cost.)
@Sure Lurkalot: Dear god, surely that isn’t for real? I can’t stop laughing
zhena gogolia
@germy: I have a huge pile of MAD going back to the JFK administration, but they’re in pretty ragged shape. I use them in my teaching.
zhena gogolia
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s positively trumpian.
Amused reminding myself of the brine shrimp hatchery I once had, to use the little critters (and out of the egg they’re really, really little) for feeding baby tropical fish.
You could buy live adults from aquarium shops–they came from Utah or San Francisco–or frozen into the convenient lump.
They neither ate bananas nor went “Eee-eee-eee.”
@zhena gogolia: Awesome! My dad got them, and I always loved the back inside cover “fold-it” cartoon.
I was too young to get a lot of the other stuff, would love to see them now.
@Gin & Tonic: I still have my comic book collection including first edition of the Killing Joke. Not sure how much my comic book collection is work – maybe $1k?
And Al Jaffee is still alive today. 100 years old. He was the MAD fold-in guy.
Gin & Tonic
@zhena gogolia: I wonder who’s honoring the lifetime guarantee these days.
@germy: That is somehow comforting.
Gin & Tonic
@cain: Once I was old enough not to care what my mother thought I started buying “comix” instead. But those are long gone – other than Zap I fondly remember one called Deviant Slice.
Former Senator David Perdue is challenging Brian Kemp for the Georgia Governor’s nomination, and I just watched his two and a half minute announcement video. What a creepy guy! There was an eerie, dystopian sound track that made me think I was being addressed by an evil robot. It was scary.
We also have a Jefferson Davis Park compete with a collection of confederate flage right along I-5 about an hour south. But just flags and monuments, no statues.
Don’t know if anyone else has mentioned this, but Ralph Northam (D) and still governor of Virginia for another month or so, has announced he’s removing the plinth from the Robert E. Lee statue in Richmond and donating the land to the city. I believe he wanted to remove it before Youngkin could have all the graffiti removed.
Ohio Mom
The only valuable issues of MAD are the very early ones. They didn’t print very many copies and no one had any idea they were worth saving.
It’s pretty easy to find copies from the 1960’s on up in places like antique malls and comics shops. They are usually about $5 each (which means the person selling them to the reseller probably got only a dollar or two per issue).
Ohio Son has a collection of (I’m guessing) well over a hundred. He grew out of MAD but back in the day they were very useful to me, as bribes (uh, “rewards”) and distractions during dicey moments (long car rides, visits to boring relatives, any time his patience was stretched to his breaking point by circumstances that couldn’t be helped).
MAD stopped publishing new issues a couple of years ago, though every now and then they do publish new special issues of collated old materials. I believe you can subscribe to a digital archive of all the issues, starting with the very rare first one; there is also a coffee table book of the full collection of Al Jaffe’s back page fold-ins.
Finally, I highly recommend Al Jaffe’s memoir (the title escapes me at the moment). He has lived an incredible life.
@Shana: Northam is trying to get out ahead of Youngkin. Virginia has a large budget surplus, and Youngkin called on Northam to cut taxes in his new budget. Instead, Northam announced a 10% pay increase for Virginia teachers.
@Ohio Mom: Thanks for the info! I’ll have to look for that memoir.
@Ohio Mom: Al Jaffe’s Mad Life
@Leto: Archaic smile? Always thought that entering a hall full of those things would be a very weird experience.
Just as I feared. Girls’ education under the Taliban:
Burn in hell, beaten bitchass!
Thank you for your previous service to 40 automobiles.
@Ohio Mom: Al Jaffe managed to outlive Mad Magazine…
Dan B
@Yutsano: Good to hear you’re feeling great!
@Shana: I’m going to RVA next week for holiday time and am excited about going on a little removed monument ave tour.
Kosh III
The sensible folks here in Nashville cheered that this hideous statue is gone. Apparently it broke when it came down.
There was the usual whinging about “erasing history.”
The artist reportedly said “someone needs to say a good word about slavery.”