Jake Sullivan, Biden’s National Security Advisor, spoke to the White House Press Corps yesterday.
I don’t know that Jake Sullivan gets a lot of attention, but he is most definitely worth listening to today. And by today I mean yesterday. He talked for 24 minutes, starting at 1:18 and ending at 1:42. Definitely worth a listen as he talks about President Biden’s meeting with Putin.
He’s very good. Such a relief to have the grown-ups in charge.
Shorter: Putin is probably not happy with a President who knows what he’s doing.
What other good things is the Biden team up to this week?
Open thread.
Patricia Kayden
Thank goodness for President Biden!! It’s a relief to have an intelligent adult in the White House.
Old School
Dec. 7th was the first Maternal Health Day of Action (“Call to Action” Summit) sponsored by the White House. VP Kamala Harris presided. https://twitter.com/VP/status/1468234931385995264
On Dec. 1, VP Harris spotlighted the Protecting Moms Who Served Act, recently signed into law by President Biden. It is designed to expand and diversify the maternal health workforce and improve mental health. https://twitter.com/KamalaHarris/status/1466213024260366336
These are family-focused issues as much as they are “women’s” issues. Only rarely does one become a mater without a pater somewhere in the mix. :)
Not only this week, but not using Twitter as a personal whine bar must be ranked as a plus.
West of the Rockies
I know David Brooks is much loathed here. But I will say that his last couple of essays have acknowledged that the Republican Party is in ruins. He has a long essay in The Atlantic. It is articulate. I see the glimmer of a man not wholly-devoid of integrity and intelligence. I think he may be joining (maybe not Rubin) Frum and David Jolly and others. I count that as not a bad thing.
Will Halfwit and Thiessen ever get there? No damn way.
This one is more local, but it’s a very good thing that California is in the process of planning. California plans to be an abortion sanctuary if Roe is overturned.
@Scout211: We need to be ready on the entire Left Coast. Especially in the eastern portions. I know Washington and Oregon will start getting a stream of women from Idaho and Montana at least. We’ll have to see what happens but it won’t be pretty.
From Kris Kringle’s perspective, that’s the Right Coast.
Reverse the ban on RU-486 and make “Morning-After” pills free and widely available and Fuck the Supreme Court
@Scout211: “Hi, you states planning to ban abortion? We have a budget surplus that’s bigger than your entire state budget. Lot of freedom in that.”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I take it you survived the blizzard in Hawaii?
The next attack will be to try to go after the blue states (who have all the money) – and by that I mean trying to get their people into the various institutions. We must be wary of that – I know that they’ve already tried to do some of that here in Portland and surrounding cities. My wife is building curriculum that is equitable for students in her school system and I know she is going to eventually be attacked.
And boy howdy – if Congress flips or even the presidency the feds are going to play hard ball with this particular thing.
Frank Wilhoit
@West of the Rockies: Brooks is a lightweight, a polymath manque, a bargain-basement James Burke, the intellectual analogue of nouveau riche, always eager to pretend to more knowledge, and specifically to better-integrated knowledge, than he in fact possesses.
As such, he may resile from rhetorical and actual violence, but he is also accustomed to making exquisitely oblique excuses for plenty of things that he resiles from.
The bottom line is that, like Joe Manchin, he is unpredictable. If he says something this morning that sounds correct or even insightful, by nightfall he will be saying things that are even more foolish than vile.
You damn him with faint praise; I will not even give him stopped-clock credit, because the hands of the clock have come off their arbors and are merely swinging to the jolts of the tumbril.
@West of the Rockies: He probably wrote his screed after getting salad from the salad bar at Applebees.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Am not that far above sea level to fret about snow. But we had one helluva storm which sat on top of us for days and is only now beginning to abate.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): The temperatures got all the way down to… 75F!!! THE HORROR! They had to break out the emergency wind breakers! THE EMERGENCY WIND BREAKERS!
I know I know, but it’s fun to tease ;)
I love the AG’s lawsuit RE: TX gerrymandering. Put Roberts on record for the awful decisions that have occurred under his tenure. Make him and the rest of the Dominionist court declare openly that the judicial branch has abandoned the rule of law and democracy to support white christian nationalist extremists.
Taney doesn’t come close to this deplorable.
West of the Rockies
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
No, he perished tragically.
West of the Rockies
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Sorry, I’m being a smart ass. Hope my tone wasn’t mean.
@West of the Rockies:
Is there any other way to perish?
EDIT: come to think of it, some GOP members wouldn’t be a tragedy.
West of the Rockies
@Frank Wilhoit:
You may well be correct. Don’t know if he and E.J. Dionne still do their NPR shtick, but Dionne spanked him every time.
@germy: Was going to say, I can think of a few instances where it would not be tragic…
@West of the Rockies:
Turned out the whole of the afterlife is an infinite number of concrete benches arrayed in what looked like an East German dentist’s waiting room, with the TVs on eternal vertical roll.
So I came back.
@germy: I’ve heard the term “a good death”, apparently not all perishing is tragic.
@Patricia Kayden:
ANY adult is an improvement, it’s a bonus there is intelligence involved.
@Anoniminous: RU-486 and Plan B do nothing for 2nd or 3rd trimester abortions. Sorry, but this is not nearly the solution it may appear at first glance. Pregnant people will be harmed and will die as a result of stripping away Consitutional Rights.
I didn’t watch the posted video conference, but I think it’s safe to assume that Putin’s main priority for the foreseeable future is going to be damaging Biden’s presidency in any way possible and that it’s best to view his actions on the Ukrainian border through that cynical lens.
Whatever his larger geopolitical goals they will be best facilitated by having his fawning and obedient puppet reinstalled in the White House.
ETA: I think it’s also safe to say that he will be coordinating these efforts with the good patriots at Fox News Channel and other right wing media outlets.
So, the Ohio Supreme Court is hearing arguments on the ridiculous redistricting map created by the GQP and signed into law by Gov. DeWine.
Who comes up with this bullshit math ???
@Frank Wilhoit:
Huh, I learned a new word, thanks Frank Wilhoit.
My dad died with my arm around his shoulder after suffering from Alzheimers for almost 20 yrs. I was of course sad to see/feel him go, but the where ever or no where that he ended up is better than the last decade of his life. He’s not the only person I’ve known that can be said of.
@cain: And that book was somewhat of a scam as he included misinformation about the place he supposedly visited as support for the dumb things he said in it.
Fake Irishman
Small thing, but Chuck Schumer just filed for cloture on three more judges, two for the appeals courts( and all three women)I suspect final confirmation votes will be next Monday. That would give Biden 11 appeals judges and 20 district picks confirmed, which is a solid achievement. I think Schumer will try to move on several more batches before going home ofr the holidays.
Competence is highly underrated.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@West of the Rockies:
LOL, don’t worry about it. I was being tongue in cheek myself
I feel bad for the people living higher up on the mountain
@germy: After 41 years I still grieve.
Another crazy murderer with a Revolver.
Proof Tomorrow Never Knows.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
There was (is?)* a shop not terribly distant from where I’m sitting which specialized in selling wood-burning stoves and also in installing fireplaces.
*Have not traveled that way for years.
@Fake Irishman: Thanks – this is good news, and I hadn’t heard it until now. Appreciate you posting it!
Most people don’t miss competence until it’s gone. They take it for granted.
Yet another reason to lament 2016 is that the tandem of Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel would have well and truly had Putin’s number.