The doom and gloom was starting to take over the last thread.
How about a new one?
We’re getting a major storm here, strong enough that I got up to check Weather Underground. Storm and strong winds and tornado watch for another 4 hours.
Even the middle of the screened in porch is wet.
Open thread.
Raining here too
Old School
Major storms and tornadoes are happier topics?
Well, at least you don’t have to dig out the shovel.
@mrmoshpotato: But it’s no-you-can’t-edit, and pork chops o’clock.
Music, maestro, por favor.
On the bright side, we here in Denver got our first measurable snow in 233 days. I welcome the snow!
@Old School: A good, not-gonna-blow-the-house-down storm can be awesome – with good windows and a well-sealed basement. ? ⛈️
Raining in NE Illinois. Expected to hit the 60s midweek, but it should cool down after that.
We’ve got fairly heavy rain (couple of inches or so) due early next week. Won’t be much fun during the storm, but we could really use the water, so…
@NotMax: Music For Dancing, indeed!
Boostination: it works. LA County Public Health:
Thought a little cheering up of the room was in order, and I’m too much of cheapskate to spring for new chintz curtains.
We’re getting 3-6 inches overnight, probably. My husband has his booster tomorrow, so we’ll have to clear the driveway before then… ❄️❄️❄️
Doom? Gloom? Here on Balloon Juice?
Red Cedar
We’ve got a good nine inches of snow here in St. Paul, and the suburbs south of us are reporting 15 and 20 inches. And it’s still coming down!
Actually that thermometer (to the right of this box on the website) keeps creeping up. Pretty impressive pre-promise-of-a-match.
Interesting that everyone is having interesting weather, but I certainly didn’t mean to limit the conversation to weather. :-)
Two of the TV shows I was going to watch tonight are instead 60 minutes of some weather guy yammering on and on about the storm. I hate that!
I’m heading to bed.
@Red Cedar
Been there, done that (for two years), have the Doan’s pills.
Grand Avenue in the fresh snow sure is purty, though, don’cha know.
@Red Cedar: Sounds like perfect classical MPR weather.
@mvr: It is nice to see it creep up. I hope we’ll have a good head start when we start actively fundraising again on Feb 1, or maybe even a smidge earlier.
We’re going with the no active fundraising during the holiday season rule.
Okay, one last comment. It’s no surprise that we have a storm – the temp was 34 degrees this morning, and now we’re suddenly up to 62!
I did not see that coming!
70 degrees here in Lakeland. Clear, moon setting in the west. Perfect. Eat your heart out.
Watched the unforgiverable on Netflix. Made me cry.
@WaterGirl: Appreciate your work and everyone else’s work on this. I’m actually sitting out the donations for a bit myself, having just seen my credit card balance. But when the fundraising starts up I’ll kick in again.
Curl up with a mug of steaming hot lutefisk–
Never mind.
The storm system Seattle forecasters said was coming in starting late Friday is… coming in, late Friday! Kudos to Seattle weather watchers: They’re usually a few days off. So it’s both very cold AND wet; which is to say, miserable weather. I don’t mind cold and I don’t mind wet; just not both at once!
Even Oscar has opted to stay indoors.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I do just want to quickly say sorry for the doom and gloom last thread. I had to get that all off my chest and I want to thank those who were trying to raise my spirits. You all definitely gave me a lot to think about and it helped a little bit
@NotMax: How about Mike Nesmith ?
(He’s flying down to Rio in what is said to be the first ever music video).
Happy holidays to all who celebrate this time of year! It’s cold but we took Hudson for his usual (slow ass) walk.
What’s a basement?
@NotMax: Maybe if I was in Minnesota. ?
Vodka and braised pork chops here in the windy, unseasonably warm, city by the greatest lake. (Yeah, you four heard me!)
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): I did not see what went on in the other thread, but it seems like the way you are processing politics is not emotionally healthy for you. And that is a little bit concerning.
Harrumph. Soundies.
(No slam on Nesmith.)
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Same houses have them. :)
Well, if they’re high enough above sea level with suitable soil.
@NotMax: No slam, indeed. “Rio” is worth a look / listen on the merits of the music.
Another Scott
Meanwhile, AndroidPolice – How MS Teams broke 911 emergency calls:
(Insert old joke about if Microsoft developed cars…)
True story.
I was invited (read: begged) to join a small tech consortium laboring on a prototype of what became MTV.
Whom I fobbed off with a “Yeah, good luck with that harebrained scheme.”
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Damn dude, you coulda been a millionaire
@NotMax: Tough miss on that one.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
If I stopped to enumerate all the could’a, should’a would’as I’d not have a spare moment for anything else.
Gold dust under the bridge.
Kayla Rudbek
@Red Cedar: I should check in with my parents this weekend. At least they should be able to put the stuff that should be refrigerated out on the back porch/steps (their fridge is broken)
Flying Down to Rio.
Also too, flying down to Rio.
Starting tomorrow night and extending through Thursday, our bit of California is predicted to get a righteous soaking, the first since October’s deluge. Good news if it happens, because the soaked soils from October are drying out and it’s helpful for runoff into reservoirs and rivers, to have saturated soil when rain and snow arrive. Except March if it’s too much. That’s how we roll.
@NotMax: I was expecting you to flag the Astaire. I Do, I Do in the Sky was a surprise, though.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Baby Jane’s in Acapulco, We are flying down to Rio…
Fair Economist
@dmsilev: Keep in mind that unvaxxed people have mostly had it, so vaxxed vs. unvaxxed there is mostly vaxxed vs previously infected.
Fair Economist
Here in Socal serious rain is rare enough that it’s fun and different, provided you don’t have to be out or driving in it.
62° here in NE Ohio. I have the window open (in December!) and the cats are thrilled, and busy duking it out amongst themselves to determime who gets to sit on the window ledge and sniff the fresh air. The dog is asleep and snoring loudly through that stubby pitbull snout.
@NotMax: You are livimg in Hawaii, so you must have dome some thimgs right in your life.
@mrmoshpotato: Erie?
Serious wind and rain out on Lake Washington tonight. I’m guessing tomorrow’s Christmas Ships parades will be curtailed due to high winds. Not great being in a crowd of small boats in 30 knot winds, especially at night and with visibility seriously degraded by your own Christmas lights.
@sab: stubby pittie snouts love nose rubs.
@Jay: Yes they do. I tend to pat dog heads and forget nose hugs. That is a shame, because nose hugs are what mama dog did and what they do to each other since no hands,
The last couple of weeks are the first time in her life there are no other dogs around. I think she is disconcerted. She loves her cats, but they are cats and thus inherently weird and incomprehensible.
We went for a walk today and she was obsessed with a neighborhood dachsund. My husband thought she wanted to eat it. I thought it reminded her of her terrier and chihuahua siblings.
Dogs live Dickensian lives. So many lost family members. I am amazed at their continued ability to love and trust through all the loss.
Amir Khalid
All i hear is Doom and Gloom.
@Amir Khalid:Watching that I see Jagger amd Richards, but what I mostly hear is Watts on drums.
I am waking up to news that there were a lot of tornadoes out there across the Midwest up into OHIO and I’m worried for a bunch y’all.
@PaulWartenberg: We had tornado warnings here but no sirens so apparently no sightings right here anyway. Tree branches are down but no whole trees are down, so that’s a plus!