For a couple of years now, I have been listening to the Popehat podcast “All the President’s Lawyers”. Josh Barro asks Popehat questions about legal issues and Ken White answers them.
Just a few days ago they announced with no warning that this was the last episode of their podcast. The title was “The end of the road, for now”, which pretty much let the cat out of the bag. I waited to listen to the episode for a few days, but in the meantime I had made up this story in my head.
Josh Barro had tweeted something awful – I think it was racist but it might have been sexist. At this point there is so much to be outraged about that sometimes the details fall out of my ears while I am sleeping. In any case, I made up this whole story in my head about how Popehat was outraged and offended by Josh Barro’s ignorant and awful tweet so he was ending their joint venture.
I waited a few days to listen to the episode. They started every show with “Hello Ken” with a lilting “Hello Josh” in return, but this time, in the final episode, Ken’s “Hello Josh” had a different note, less warm, less friendly, more stilted.
Aha! I was right! Popehat is dropping Josh for having shown his true colors!
Except that I was terribly wrong. Yes, they were ending this particular venture together but they are planning to start a new one, so I couldn’t have been more wrong.
Do you guys ever tell yourself stories, certain that you are right about someone else’s intentions or motivations, only to discover that you are completely full of it?
Totally open thread.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
This is why I avoid podcasts and stick to a unifying sites like Pornhub.
Gin & Tonic
I tell myself stories about my own intentions and find out I am completely full of it. I don’t have time to figure out other people’s intentions.
@Gin & Tonic: @japa21:
You guys are clearly better people than I am, then.
So I sat down to my computer and heard what sounded like…an OWL. Listened for a couple of hoots, then went to the door and opened it and my goodness there were TWO great horned owls hooting in my trees.
Heh. I will count them in my yard count for the Audubon Christmas Bird Count tomorrow (called the guy in charge, let him him hear them, and agree that it’s close enough to count them
Hey, any chance they eat house sparrows? That would be cool….
@japa21: For some reason, what you wrote reminded me of my sister. She will say something and if it doesn’t get the response she hoped for she announces that she is kidding. Not saying that you do that, of course.
I do that with my own intentions and motivations all the time.
@pat: Is the bird count thing a once-a-year thing, or is it more often than that?
@Baud: Always the hero in your own story?
Almost Retired
@WaterGirl: I have been doing that since childhood, when I wasted hours speculating about what REALLY happened to the first Darren on “Bewitched.”. Turns out he had back problems or something and the schedule was too physically taxing. My theories were way better.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Yeah, I worry that I’ve offended someone or something, when maybe they’re just busy
@WaterGirl: Me kid? Moi? Never in a million years. Probably not, anyway. Well, maybe…sometimes.
My wife, however, would tell a different story.
And I could never consider myself better than you.
BTW, sometimes there are whole posts here where all everybody is doing is creating stories about other peoples’ intentions.
@Almost Retired: I think we all had theories about Darren!
It is weird when they change out a character without saying anything… do they think we won’t notice???
Audubon Christmas Bird Count happens once a year around the 18th of December. If we find an unusual bird a few days before or after, we can count it.
I saw a PELICAN on Monday but when I went back on Wednesday, the first day I could count it, it has headed south.
Darn, too bad.
We used to be able to get together after the count for a pot luck and to crow (heh) about the unusual birds we had found. This is the second year that the pot luck has been cancelled. Darn…
Yes. Make up scenarios about what could happen, tell myself stories about what is going on around me … most of the time I am either somewhat wrong or way off. Once in a while I am pretty close. Sometimes it is better than expected, other times worse.
Really better to just find out what is actually going on. The phrase about how a coward dies a thousand deaths and the brave only die once was clearly written about someone who lacked imagination…
Okay, that made me laugh. That is so true.
The only character.
@pat: Sorry, I missed the word “Christmas” in your original comment.
Do they have other bird counts at other times of the year?
@Baud: I don’t even get a walk-on? Totally crushed.
I thought we were talking about the real world.
The is a breeding bird survey in May. Our local organization doesn’t take part in that, but I did it where I used to live and we would drive through the countryside counting red-ringed blackbirds.
Happy to report that my Pets of Balloon Juice calendar arrived in today’s mail. It will be put on the wall in my home office on New Year’s Eve. Thank you Watergirl and all the volunteers who put it together!
@Baud: Surely you are not suggesting that BJ is not real? Heresy.
I learned through hard experience that I’m almost always wrong when I guess at other people’s motivations.
My only win? “If a guy says he’s not hitting on you, he is.”
@Annie: That was me and beth. Since she isn’t here, I will pass on your thanks.
More about the CBC, I count in the city and I can more or less give a count of pigeons of 2000, but I do attempt to see that many and not just make it up.
The best CBC I did was when the hackberry trees in the Catholic cemetery were full of berries and I counted 300 robins and 200 starlings. It was amazing.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: OMG! LMAO!
@pat: Wow. How can you count when they are flying around?
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: I have never been to P-hub, and I never will. Is it a website with oodles of porn? Or is it kind of a clearinghouse of porn where you can find a million porn sites linked?
Dan B
Decades ago I spent a lot of time imagining bad scenarios and worrying about people’s thoughts and feelings. Then it dawned on me things usually worked out and my concerns were not doing me any good. So much better!
Huh. 30 comments in, and no-one has said “When I make up stories about other peoples’ motivations, I assume the worst, and have never been wrong.” I guess my stories about the motivations of the Balloon Juice commentariat are wrong.
Dan B
@WaterGirl: He might be suggesting BJ is the elusive dark matter and dark energy. In that case we are filling the universe!
You learn to look at a group and think, 5,10, 20… anyway, the organizer came to check on my count and we agreed. It is a bit tricky but when you’ve got that many, you learn how to group them, that’s the best I can say about it.
Mallards on the Mississippi, pigeons on the rooftops, house sparrows at feeders in the city, and the occasional Cooper’s Hawk lurking in the brush next to the feeders. Always something to look forward to.
Oh, and there is a Belted Kingfisher in my area. Yay. And the chance of catching sight of the Peregrine Falcon.
Nope. Not ever.
Had to read a bit further to see this was not a reply to WaterGirl‘s question about Pornhub.
There go two miscreants
@WaterGirl: We have a wild turkey count here in Maryland (during the summer, not at Xmas) and this year there were so many in our neighborhood that the only way I could count them was to take video & freeze frames — they move around so much even though not flying!
@Ken: Well, you may be wrong but you do make me laugh quite often. In my book, humor > right.
@Dan B: Let’s go with that one.
Dan B
@Ken: Cracked me up!
@There go two miscreants: That was clever of you.
Hard to think of anything more different…
Almost Retired
@WaterGirl: Asking for a friend?
Gin & Tonic
@WaterGirl: I do not view myself as better (or worse) than anyone in this regard, I’m just wired differently, I guess. I look at actions, not intentions.
Hollywood completely missed the boat on that in the (rancid) Bewitched movie.
Could have slightly redeemed it by casting Affleck for the first half and Damon for the second.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: I agree, a place where you can really get a grip on yourself.
@Ken: I did note that no one answered my question about that. No one here ever looks at porn, I guess. //
We grew up with Flash Gordon on TV, so when Flesh Gordon came out, my sister and I went to see it with her husband and my boyfriend.
I did not know that there was an R version of it and an X-rated version. My first clue was when they handed us little towels as we walked into the theater. (shudder!) I don’t remember much of the movie except that in one scene someone said “they have Dale” and my boyfriend said loudly “everybody’s had Dale”. That and the towel are my only memories of that movie.
it’s a free porn site with almost every flavour of porn, from clips to full movies, with links to various sites from sex workers sites, through “hook up sites” to pay per view streaming sites.
Recently they have purged their site of thousands of video’s that allegedly violate their age/consent policies and seriously updated their verification policies and procedures.
22 floors up, had another Anna hummingbird driveby today.
@Gin & Tonic: Same here.
@Almost Retired: Ha! Maybe I’m wrong, but I mostly think of porn as a guy thing, it holds no interest for me. I am kind of curious about the “hub” part of the name, that’s why I wondered if it’s literally some kind of hub or if it just means “get your porn here”.
Inquiring minds and all that.
Sure Lurkalot
I recently reconnected with a friend after 3 decades. We had a nice lunch outdoors and planned to get together afterwards. I texted some ideas followed by no response. I was sure I had said something that bothered her and she was ghosting me. About two weeks later, she got in touch to get together again. We’ve since gone on a couple of outdoor trips with her 2 year old granddaughter which have been sweetness and light in these troubled times. I’m glad my radar was faulty.
I routinely tell me I’m full of shit.
The idea of faulty mindreading reminds me of a conversation many years ago when I was asked what my social anxiety felt like. I had to think a minute, and my response was that I was convinced that everybody around me, including total strangers, was constantly judging me and that I was always guilty. Of what, I had/have no idea.
@Jay: So it really is a hub. Interesting.
Needed one additional throwaway character, just so one could ask “Was Chip in Dale?”
@Sure Lurkalot: Yeah, BG and I often touch base by text during Medium Cool the other week, and I sent him 3 or 4 texts and he never answered.
I wasn’t sure what to think so I emailed him the next day. It turns out that the most recent iOS update had removed either his email address or his phone number from “send and receive texts” lists so he wasn’t seeing my texts at all.
Always best not to assume.
@Cameron: So did that realization help with your social anxiety?
Gin & Tonic
@schrodingers_cat: My dear wife, on the other hand, spends a lot of time and energy attempting to analyze intentions and motivations. To me it sounds like this.
Someone needs to throw together a site dedicated to clips of aliens (and alien cosplay) re: Star Trek.
Call it Gornhub.
@WaterGirl: Not really, but it went a long way to explaining why I was an alcoholic.
I’m going to make my Puerto Rican eggnog tomorrow:
I hope I don’t get in trouble for using rum from Barbados instead of Puerto Rico.
Ever try mixing in an equivalent amount of softened vanilla ice cream in place of the cream/half and half?
I tell myself that I’m out of beer and need to go on a beer run. Also, a wintry mix is forecast for after midnight, and it feels like a good time to clean up this place a bit.
@Cameron: Your antidote to smooth out all the perceived judgments?
@NotMax: I haven’t thought of that, but I assume it would be similar. Though I wonder if the ice cream would separate once melted? I suppose it would depend on the type of ice cream and whether they whip it full of air and emulsifiers?
@WaterGirl: [Studies ingredient list carefully] Egg nog?
It does sound good. I’m going to try my hand at a traditional recipe like the one that someone here mentioned a few weeks ago —lots o’ booze. It will have only a week to age before Christmas, but that’s ok I guess, since various things including the covid resurgence have put paid to my original holiday plans. I’m going to try stashing some to check periodically on the benefit of extended aging.
@mrmoshpotato: You are getting snow? We really haven’t had any at all yet.
edit: I love snow, so… ever hopeful… I just went to Weather Underground. Nope, no snow for us, just rain. For me the one redeeming thing about winter is snow.
Dan B
@WaterGirl: Reminds me of Pina Coladas on the beach in Costa Rica made with fresh local coconuts. Along with big bowls of either chicken soup, that looked suspiciously like iguana, or seafood soup with lots of shellfish and small crustaceans. We walked the hot mile back to our resort feeling quite toasted from alcohol, sugar, coconut cream, and shadeless tropical heat. Ahhhh!
Was going to risk aggravating this nagging pulled muscle in the back by doing some mowing today. Getting pretty shaggy in spots out there.
But it rained for 15 minutes a short while ago, hard enough to have the decision snatched away by Mother Nature.
@prostratedragon: I’m pretty sure I adjusted the amount or rum WAY DOWN from 1 or 2 cups of rum in the original recipe.
I think that’s where the “drink carefully” warning came from in the original recipe.
@prostratedragon: You should try the coquito. (Puerto Rican eggnog) It’s way better than the traditional stuff.. You can just move the booze up to the original amounts if you are looking for a kick.
@Dan B: I’ll take some tropical heat, please.
Don’t be a little prick. Get one.
As to the original post, I spin conjectures, but don’t invest much in them unless I have to take some action without further information. This is because I’ve learned that different threads can run in parallel for long distances before taking a sudden and defining divergence. Or more succinctly, nobody knows nothing. An effect of my Congregationalist(*) upbringing is that I assume my own motives are never completely pure, so can’t convince even myself of any fictions there.
(*) A good illustration of dramatic irony is a churchful of Congregationalists reciting together the Prayer of General Confession. And of the macabre.
Dan B
@WaterGirl: Very different in hilly Seattle with very few snowplows. We do have a nearly hill less route to a grocery store but our street doesn’t get plowed for days. I miss my little four wheel drive Toyota Tercel wagon that got through everything including a New Years party at my partner’s old huge house. It was a scene transporting four drag queens up the hill the next day after sleeping the night on the floor and sofas in drag.
@pat: That’s a nice Count Eve bird. I hope you hear them tomorrow. My wife and I are participating in the DC Christmas Count tomorrow morning. We probably won’t see or hear any owls. Hopefully a Bald Eagle will fly over, or we’ll discover a lingering warbler.
@prostratedragon: My biggest takeaway from Catholicism was “my fault, my fault, my most grievous fault”.
And people wonder where catholic guilt comes from!
He’s really mooning Karma:
Later on. Wintry. Mix. aka cold rain, slush, shit, I am not going out there!
Also, do NOT go in there!
It all stems from Mary.
After all, she was a Jewish mother.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@mrmoshpotato: So… snow adjacent! We haven’t even had that.
I am good with rain if it’s warm and I am good with cold if there is snow, but cold and wet is a really awful combination.
So I do not envy your “wintry mix”.
@NotMax: That is not how she was presented in the catholic church.
@WaterGirl: People talk about Jewish guilt, but nothing compares to Catholic guilt: “Jesus died for my sins. MY sins — mine in particular!”
When I was five years old we were saying our bedtime prayers to the crucifix in our room, and my mother told me, “Every time you lie the nails in Jesus go in a little deeper.” Like, I was put on earth to hurt Christ himself by being a failed human or something…
@WaterGirl: When it comes to blocking people from your life, hard liquor beats a castle & moat combo every time.
Gin & Tonic
You want egg nog? Try this, the ultimate New England egg nog, courtesy of chef Matt Jennings. You can substitute good bourbon for the Japanese whiskey.
@WaterGirl: I’ve always thought “Wintery Mix” would be a good name for a stripper.
@different-church-lady: Oh, that’s awful! What a terrible thing to say to a child.
@different-church-lady: That it would.
@Gin & Tonic: There’s no point in eggnog if it’s not home made, amirite?
@WaterGirl: I know! And then I went ahead and lied my ass off anyway!
@Cameron: Effective, but a pretty high cost. You said “were” so I assume you, John Cole and raven are all in the same club?
Dan B
@WaterGirl: You could try Montana: -15, or Edmonton: -34. Or just the Cascades. They were completely white today with no wind to knock the snow off the trees. Lovely and warmer than two states and a province to the east.
@different-church-lady: The feathered boa would have to be white with some sparkles,.
@Dan B: As in below zero? No thank you!
@WaterGirl: I’m still a work in progress. No more fifth a day, though….even if I could still afford it.
@WaterGirl: and Omes
@raven: Did not know that. It’s a good club to be in if you have an issue.
Both those things are true, but eventually you realize it’s no big deal.
@Cameron: I think we’re all a work in progress, it’s just that the details are different.
Also too.
Dan B
@WaterGirl: Below zero, check. Jet Sream is whacked. It’s blowing right over Seattle and down to Phoenix then east over the upper peninsula of Michigan. North of it It’s freezing. South of it is warm.
@Dan B: Crazy. Nothing to see here, right?
A warbler, huh? I’m guessing you live a bit farther south than I do (western Wisconsin.) Good luck!
I expect to see several bald eagles along the Mississippi. I really should get some of my photos organized into an OTR.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: I am not in any group; I simply stopped drinking.
Another Scott
ObOpenThread. So the 20+ year old lock on our front door decided to shear off and isn’t made anymore (Kwikset Titan). All 3 of our door have 9 window panes, so I installed double-sided lock deadbolts (all keyed alike). I see that they’re illegal according to the Virginia building code unless they’re captive keys (and these aren’t – we just keep the key in the interior lock).
I really, really don’t want to think about replacing the doors. 3M security film is an option.
I also see that “bumping” can be used to quickly defeat most locks these days…
We haven’t had breakins in this area and I don’t worry about them, but I don’t want to replace the locks again 5-10 years from now. Wifi locks are out – I’m not insane.
What would you do in this situation? Just get the ubiquitous single-side deadbolts and hope for the best? That plus the 3M film? Captive keys? Start over with new doors? Something else? Not worry about it because a bumper will get in in 15 seconds anyway??
I figure I’ll be spending at least $500. I prefer not to spend $5000, but…
@Omnes Omnibus: I simply quit myself, 30 years ago.
Dan B
@WaterGirl: Nope. Derechoes, twister squalls, Thwaites glacier collapse, thawing permafrost, etc. Nada…
Omnes Omnibus
Fuck. I have to go out to buy AAA batteries.
@pat: Yes you should.
@Omnes Omnibus: Good thing you don’t need AA.
@Another Scott:
But how else is the Amazon pizza delivery guy gonna get in your house whenever your smart fridge places an order for you?
West of the Rockies
Gornhub! Ha!
@raven: There are days when I wish I could quit myself.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: LOL, I am will pick some up while I am at the store; I am running low on those too. And maybe some ice cream.
@different-church-lady: You are the only one who can do it. Shit is way overrated, that I know for sure.
@Omnes Omnibus: :)
@Another Scott: I don’t know what a double-sided lock deadbolt is or what “bumping” is, or “captive keys”, so I am no help at all. If you don’t get a good answer here, maybe try the Garden Thread? It seems like Ozark and raven and some other handy folks are often in that thread.
I am going to have to look up bumping now.
@raven: No, I mean I wish I could quit being me. The booze is the least of my problems…
(ETA: Then again, I suppose your answer still applies…)
@Omnes Omnibus: That sucks. Can you steal them from something else in the short run?
Pretty sure I read a Wikipedia article about it a few months ago.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Do you think I haven’t tried that? No, I must go.
@different-church-lady: Got it.
Do you have any idea how many photos I’ve got? Sigh…
I will get right on in. I make a calendar for friends and family every year and every one has an eagle. Maybe I’ll just go to those collections. Yeah… then I just have to figure out how to do it. Can’t be that difficult, I did it once before, why not?
@Omnes Omnibus: Everready rechargables. Totally worth it.
@different-church-lady: That’s what I thought you meant!
The absence of the comma was my clue, though I wasn’t 100% sure.
Pro tip: If out of AAAs, running AAs through a cycle in the clothes dryer doesn’t work.
Using the housekey inside the fake rock next to the back door, of course.
@Omnes Omnibus: The ice cream makes it worth it. Good call.
@WaterGirl: Hitchcock was Catholic —one of the most important things to know about him in my opinion— but he absolutely nailed low church Protestants in The Man Who Knew Too Much. “From Whence These Dire Portents Around”, with obbligato by James Stewart and Doris Day.
@NotMax: Gotta wash ’em in hot water first.
My early gift (though I know it may evaporate before long)—a three-judge panel on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati ruled to reinstate Biden’s vaccination mandate for businesses with more than 100 workers. The divided court also dismissed the argument that OSHA exceeded its authority, writing that “OSHA has regulated workplace health and safety, including diseases, for decades.”
@Another Scott:
Top 7 Bump Proof Lock Reviews
@prostratedragon: It’s been so long since I have seen that movie. I went to a Hitchcock retrospective series in the fancy old theatre here. It was wonderful, but way too long ago for me to remember the details.
@NotMax: But at least it’s a creative idea!
The only time that ever worked for me was in the iconic Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes series. They had two Watsons (David Burke and Edward Hardwicke), and whichever one I’m looking at I cannot for the life of me remember the other one.
@Another Scott:
locks are for keeping honest people out, or relatives you don’t like.
Around here, they use chainsaws with concrete blades and just cut their way in in seconds.
You can have a pretty door, historically accurate door, or a semi secure door, ( steel clad, steel frame, heavily anchored into the frames and lintles, semi bumpproof keyed deadbolts and handle locks), which if they really want to get in, only slows them down.
Go with a good lockset and the 3M film, the film is more to “protect” the glass, so that if somebody does try to smash the pane, ( depending on how it’s mounted), you don’t have a gaping hole in your door, taped up with plastic until a glazer gets there.
@Steeplejack: They must have chosen well, then.
Unrelated, is your swelling situation better?
Yup: rotating tag line.
@Jay: Concrete is a poor choice of material for a door.
I think some people pick up emotional detail much more than others. Let’s say you’re the child of emotionally abusive alcoholics (raises hand slowly, in case this is a trick); you learn to walk on eggshells constantly to avoid triggering the anger of mean daddy and mean mommy. If I find I’m doing that with an adult friend, I used to spin all sorts of stories to myself to let them off the hook so I wouldn’t have to state my case and walk away. I learned to stop doing that; if I think someone is being an emotional bully and you have my childhood (and adulthood) as your data set, you learn to pay attention when your brain is doing the “danger Will Robinson” dance.
@WaterGirl: I think a lot about people’s intentions and have been doing it since I was very young — tween or early teen. I’ve gotten better at it over the years, but I think that’s the psychological training.
The reason I started is because I grew up in a dysfunctional family and figuring out people’s intentions was a survival skill. Before training I tended to skew negative when thinking about someone’s intentions. After training, I realized that a good guess about someone else’s intentions should be based on how the actions benefit or protect them.
@StringOnAStick: Two alcoholics, both emotionally abusive. You won the lottery there, didn’t you? And by won, I mean didn’t win. Sounds like you are doing well now, though. That takes a lot of hard work, good for you.
Heard wafting through Threadkill Lane: A Couple of Swells.
@TheflipPsyd: Experiences like that just make us more interesting people, right?
@NotMax: Ha! I think it might have just been one, though.
Omnes Omnibus
Mission accomplished.
@NotMax: !8D
@Omnes Omnibus: What flavor ice cream? And more importantly, what brand?
I find that the better the ice cream, the less quantity I need to eat.
@WaterGirl: The poster right above yours said it best: if you come from that crap, figuring out peoples intentions is a survival skill and learning it before you learn to read is a given in dysfunctional families. I’ve spent enough on therapists over the years to buy a really nice car, and the most recent one is worth every penny.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: That was fast.
@WaterGirl: Most definitely. I am the product of 2 narcissists, one of whom was an alcoholic as well. There’s a great website called out of the fog. FOG stands for Fear Obligation and Guilt. These are the typical things used to control in a relationship. If you are raised in a family that uses them, it is much tougher to recognize and break the cycle because that is the “norm” for all your relationships.
Some of the most genuine, caring, empathic individuals I’ve ever met are products of these types of family relationships.
@StringOnAStick: A good therapist is truly priceless.
Gin & Tonic
@WaterGirl: He’s from Wisconsin. They have some weird shit there they call “ice cream” but it isn’t.
@Gin & Tonic: I thought so, too!
concrete blades on a chainsaw cut steel reinforced concrete foundations and walls. They cut through steel clad wood core doors and frames like a hot knife through butter.
With a cordless angle grinder, it takes about 30 seconds to cut a deadbolt off, then a second with a flat screwdriver to release the bolt.
Gin & Tonic
@WaterGirl: He probably lives above the store.
@Gin & Tonic: But I bet they don’t have non-dairy “ice cream” in Wisconsin!
@Gin & Tonic
An ice cream truck on every corner?
@Gin & Tonic:
frozen custard?
@Gin & Tonic: Ha! I bet every corner store carries batteries.
We lived above our family-owned local neighborhood tavern when I was growing up. More interesting than batteries, but definitely more second-hand smoke.
Gin & Tonic
@Jay: Sshh! O_O gets defensive about that.
They probably do,
Mochi ado about nothing.
@Jay: My statement stands nonetheless.
@Gin & Tonic:
while it’s not ice cream, it’s a fine frozen ice cream like product, makes for a good “milk shake”, and sure beats “iced milk” products.
@WaterGirl: In that scene the congregation are droning along, unaware of the drama of the couple in their midst who are looking around for evidence of their kidnapped son. The couple in their turn are hoping to use the group as camouflage.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Haagen-Daz Caramel Cone. Walgreens does not have a huge selection.
@Gin & Tonic: Went to the Walgreens half a mile a way. I would have been faster but the person in front of me was determining which things were on salem which she could buy with her HSA card, and which had to go on an different card.
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic: We don’t call frozen custard ice cream. It is frozen custard. Walgreens didn’t have any.
Omnes Omnibus
Abomination! Anathema! And other words beginning with A.
they have non-residential applications.
@Jay: Name three.
Poe Larity
@Jay: So how do I cut Toyon roots?
Another Scott
@different-church-lady: You know what’s coming…
Concrete Doors.
@Dan B: My kind of party!
So true!
Another Scott
@HumboldtBlue: ?
@WaterGirl: I don’t envy it either. It’s the worst of both worlds!
Odie Hugh Manatee
What a dick. I saw a recent pic of Clapton and he now looks like Mitch McConnell holding a guitar.
I hope karma kicks him in the ass, hard.
Omnes Omnibus
Our VP. Not taking anyone’s shit.
“Honey! Did you order a pizza?!”
“I did, Dave.”
fire doors, blast doors, slab drop doors, mine doors,…….
The Pale Scot
I’ve been cackling so hard my neighbor called to ask what the fuck is so funny
HBO Comedy Hour – An All-Star Toast to the Improv
Billy Crystal, Richard Lewis, Martin Mull, Robin Williams, Paul Rodriguez, Robert Klein
Billy and Robin haven’t been on yet, and I’m dying
Paul comes on after Richard, starts doing his neurotic Jewish guy act in Spanish.
You need a break from the grimality?
They’re all using “that Reagan is driving me nuts!” as a segue, with Robin and Billy being the Greek Choir on the side
No commercials so far
@Poe Larity:
18” thick steel cutting carbide blade in a Sawsall,
@different-church-lady: “How?! Are?! Your?! BALLS?!” would also suffice.
Another Scott
Thanks Jay and everyone. Gotta do more searching and figuring. I appreciate the input.
“No anchovies? You’ve got the wrong man. I spell my name…Danger!”
Dan B
@VeniceRiley: The Tercel had, in addition to the ability to dive over boulders (fantastic for accessing mountain trailheads) and ten inch deep ruts in snow, a high roof. Did you know that is of great importance when transporting drag queens?
But… It was not a glamorous chariot suitable for the station of Drag QUEEN!
The Pale Scot
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
Since the Timecube website went down, it’s been nothing but chaos
The Pale Scot
The thought fuc’em saves me a lot of time
@Dan B
Trivia: One reason behind cloche hats becoming a popular item was because they shielded a woman’s hair from being mussed when riding in open top sedans.
Speaking of drag queens, happen to catch the Russian link last night?
Poe Larity
Planet of the Apes has begun
Dan B
@VeniceRiley: Some of the drag queens took off from the party at midnight. Platform heels postholing through ten inch deep snow! Do NOT mess with drag queens!!
Validated by Misty Dawn, Queen of queens at the Sandbox in Tacoma. GI’s regularly made the mistake of messing with the fags. The MP’s would scrape them off the sidewalk. Stilettos are lethal. Misty was also a sharp political activist. Air kiss Misty, wherever you are.
Her intro music?
@Another Scott: We just installed an antique stained glass door for the front door, along with a new storm/screen door. I put in a Kwikset single side deadbolt and I’m getting a locksmith to make a key for the original hardware.
If they want to smash the glass to get in they can come in either the front or the back. At some point you have to not worry about it.
When the kids were in school and coming home while we were at work we eventually left the door unlocked all day because they kept losing their keys. Pretty safe neighborhood.
@Dan B:
Toyota makes a “stretch” Tercel for the South Asian taxi and limo market,
would that be more appropriate to their “station”?
A quick google search didn’t find any over the top North American examples,….
@WaterGirl: Probably the best switch of an actor playing a character was this one on the Burns and Allen TV show (starting around 8’30” into this episode.
I think there was another change of actor later on that show where a scene began with the past performer, George stopped the scene to introduce him to his replacement, who then continued the scene and the rest of the episode.
Fun show. Lotsa break the fourth wall moments.
Once heard, Bea Benaderet’s titter is impossible to forget.
The Pale Scot
Robin in a pose,
“Look that Jimmy the Greek, how can he say such things?”
“Give Gandhi 5 cocktails and he’ll be saying the same shit”
Another actor switch (albeit unexplained within context of the show) was the husband on Mesozoic-era TV program The Goldbergs.
Network demanded the original actor be ousted due to McCarthyite slurs. To her credit, power behind the show (and star) Gertude Berg, although having to agree to the change of personnel, kept the original actor on salary for the duration of the show’s run.
To summarize, you want a door made of a laminate of C4 and thermite. It won’t prevent burglary, but will make it irrelevant.
Fake Irishman
Here’s a judges bonus: so far the Senate has confirmed eight judges this week, with about a half dozen more on deck before they go home. It’s quietly been a very good year for Dems confirming judges. also, the ones they are confirming are very diverse: lots of women, lots of folks of color, lots of public defenders, civil rights specialists, LGBTQ folks, tribal law experts etc. Biden has really delivered in a big way and is setting the table for a gangbusters 2022.
(And yes, Trump and McConnell did a lot of damage, but still, this is something we should be celebrating)
ring linked portcullis,
for a long time people thought they were to keep people out, in reality, they were designed to trap the “assault team” in what was called the “murder hole”.
@Omnes Omnibus:
(For future reference . . .)
Release yourself from battery bondage! Panasonic AA/AAA battery charger. Get one of these and a few packs of rechargeable batteries and you’re set. I’ve got one and can’t remember the last time I had a battery crisis.
The Pale Scot
Is that Darren, Darren’s brother Darren, or Darren’s other brother Darren?
“Y’all chat amongst yourselves for a bit. The cauldron of oil is still heating.”
I do!!11!! Best comedy ever! :-)
I prefer xhamster. What’s interesting is that I prefer the 70s which actually has some kind of story.
ETA: OMG! Thank you so mjuch, 209!!! I can’t believe it!!! OH SHIT.. this is amazing!!!
I had lunch with my brother today and firmed up my Christmas plans, i.e., none. Which is fine with me. Bro’ Man and husband are still intent on going to London on the 26th, and they’re keeping things low-key as they prepare for departure. So no entourage festivities at Sighthound Hall.
I am quite content to lay in some good food and drink and bumble around my modest rooms in Threadkill Lane and continue my convalescence. Might be a good time to do some deep binge-watching.
Do people insist they only visit Pornhub for the articles?
Time to unbox that big screen TV at last?
Yes, the swelling has decreased a noticeable amount just in the last couple of days. So I’m hoping for rapid progress.
Chris T.
I didn’t notice, but then I have a touch of face blindness (prosopagnosdia).
Yay! Keep on healin’.
(Odd to be rooting for smaller size junk.)
No, the whole scrotal unit was affected. Technically, hydrocelectomy and cyst removal.
Back-burner project because of pandemic-related space constraints.
Another Scott
@frosty: Good points. Thanks.
I hate shopping – especially for stuff like this. Will I be like the 5% that ends up with missing parts or too-long screws or things that don’t fit right? Will it break in 5 years??
Maybe I should get 3 of these. Nice features, very strong, weird hard to copy keys. Might be tough to retrofit though. Hmm. Made in Finland. What’s this?!? The seller is apparently someone in an apartment in Sofia, Bulgaria? It might be hard to get support from them… :-/
Gotta keep looking… ;-)
Steeplejack (phone)
@Another Scott:
Huh. Interesting. It seems that even the most prosaic topics have exotic rabbit holes down which one may dive.
Another Scott
@Steeplejack (phone): Everything is complicated. Simplicity is an illusion! :-)
Glad you’re healing up well. Here’s hoping the rest is easy.
@Omnes Omnibus: As did I.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Another Scott:
Pornhub could help there…. /s
Steeplejack (phone)
? ? ?
Major Major Major Major
Why do you hate Josh Barro so much?
Mary G
My housemate hooked up cameras, from a small company not wired into Ring, and her husband stuck one into the front porch light where you can’t really see it and we got an excellent picture of the porch pirate who stole $40 worth of cough syrup and toiletries one night.
What I really like is I can see and talk to the people who ring the bell from the comfort of my bed and say fuck off from there.
Is anybody else experiencing a sharp drop in both quality of merchandise and customer service from Amazon? I have 48 cans of cat food; one cat won’t touch it or even go near the dish; the other cat eats a third of her half.
Mary G
@Steeplejack: My plans exactly. I haven’t been on here to say I’m sorry you had to have surgery and especially down there. Glad to hear it’s improving.
@Mary G
Thing most noticed of late is wide swings in the asking price for the same item. Daily, if not as it sometimes seems, hourly.
@Another Scott:
Box store, name brand. Good enough, replaceable in needed.
1 year into the rental, the generic cheap brand, ( barely a brand), deadbolt jammed and crapped out. The builder saved $15 per condo times 100. Had to drill it out.
I have been informed by SWMBO that Die Hard isn’t a Christmas Movie,
It’s a Harry Potter Movie,
Because Bruce Willis spends all night trying to avoid Alan Rickman in a tower all night,…..
@Mary G
Unless it’s their house brand (or that of one of their subsidiaries) they can’t really be faulted for any difference in quality of what’s in the cans.
That’s not to say that if the product is unsatisfactory it shouldn’t be returnable.
Bruce K in ATH-GR
Different lands, different cultures, I suppose. When I took ownership of my apartment in Athens and had it renovated before moving in, I ended up with a security door with an integrated double-cylinder deadbolt. Same deal for the apartment my folks moved into when they came to Athens to retire, only their lock apparently also has some sort of electronic component integrated into the door key. (I leave a key hanging by my door so I can lock up at night, and unlock easily in the morning.)
Of course, apartment doors are a very different proposition from house doors.
@pat: Yes. I live close to Washington, DC.
@Jay: All doors in name only.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Mary G:
Dead thread, I’m sure, but I just have to link to this XKCD.
Oh, and also to note that reading every response as if it were an answer to WaterGirl’s question about PornHub has some entertainment value. It’s sort of like the classic where you read your fortune cookie and add “in bed”.
@Jacel: That was so great, thank you.
@The Pale Scot: Wasn’t that Darryl? :-)
@Steeplejack: Oh, so glad to hear that!
@Chris T.: I dated a fellow who had that. So interesting. And perplexing.
@Steeplejack: More like an oddly shaped house than a duplex? :-)
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yes, I was very careful to make sure that the search word “lock” was before the word “bumping”!
@Major Major Major Major: I actually have liked Josh Barro quite a bit until I saw his terrible tweet, and then I decided that maybe he is just not who I thought he was.
edit: oh my gosh, this is a new record for me! 7 replies at the end of a dead thread.
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: The thread isn’t dead until J R in WV comments. It’s the rule.
@Another Scott: You are so right about that.
The Pale Scot
My story this morning is “you were looking inside my head when you wrote this post”.
@jashead: At least it isn’t just me!