(for those who can’t play the embedded video, here’s the link: https://fb.watch/9ZJ7tLGbTF/)*
I love stop motion animation, but it completely boggles my mind the patience and dedication to the craft it takes to pull it off.
Open thread
I will have a recipe thread later today – I may have to break it into two posts, one today and one tomorrow – I have a lot of holiday recipes, LOL.
*yes, I know it’s Facebook. Yes, I know it’s evil. Yes, I know you’ll never join, watch, participate in such stuff. He has a Youtube page – owned by evil goliath Google – but he hasn’t posted it there yet. Check back, maybe he will.
TaMara (HFG)
It’s 8 degrees here – the ducks are safely tucked away still – even though they are not happy about it. Trixie, in her little Goodwill jacket, got to the patio door, felt that cold air and said, “nope, no way, nada” and ran over to her potty pad. Luckily Scout went out and Trixie can’t help but follow her big sister’s lead on everything. So she’s out there braving the cold.
With his particular set of skills, Nick Park is a true hero!
That animation is charming. And the dogs’n’ducks update is more than welcome.
This is amazing but all I can think about are all the bugs he’s invited to infest his garage with all that sugar that will never get completely cleaned up! (Living in the South, I’m very bug-phobic.)
It’s not just the South. Live in New York City for awhile, and you will never lose your paranoia about leaving even a crumb on the kitchen counter. The only difference now is that the cockroaches are inside my head rather than in my kitchen or bathroom.
Another Scott
Neat stuff. I enjoy looking for the Easter Eggs (like “NOLL GREEN” (?) written in the clouds early on).
Mai Naem mobile
@beth: haha. This is what I kept on thinking about. Ants. Trails of ants everywhere forever.
Getting ready for a day in the kitchen! I asked my mom if she wanted some cookies: “No, we’ll just eat them.”
“well, yes, that IS the point. You can freeze them.”
“You made those chocolate ones a few years ago . . .” (I hacked them together and don’t actually have a recipe but she asks for them all the time; I’ll figure out something.)
“How about some ginger snaps?”
“Dad will eat those.”
“So you DO want some cookies!”
I’m also going to make the orange marmalade/spice cookies I saw in the FYNYT, and these thin wheat cookies that get an orange glaze (called “Connie’s cookies,” for a friend who loves them), and maybe some macarons, because I have a ton of egg whites.
I also have seven squash to roast (4 spaghetti, 3 butternut), and two heads of cabbage (one red, one green) to turn into kraut.
TaMara (HFG)
@beth: For me it’s mice! With all the dog, duck and cat food in my garage I live in fear of dropping enough to invite the infestation.
My back neighbors were hoarders and when the landlord finally took back control of the house, he must have disturbed an entire army of mice as he cleaned two dumpsters worth of garbage out, who then scattered far and wide and it took me a full year to get rid of them in my garage. And all my pet food is locked down tight.
Ducks, btw, hate mice and kill them on sight. And I also have a large family of garter snakes who live in and around my foundation who I am happy to have to reduce my rodent population.
@TaMara (HFG): Chickens go crazy for mice.
TaMara (HFG)
@OzarkHillbilly: It was such a surprise to me…but I guess it makes sense, since mice would go after their food and maybe eggs, they’d be programmed to get rid of the vermin.
My ducks also catch flies in mid-air.
@TaMara (HFG): We need so many pictures of all of this.
If he doesn’t charge a million dollars for one of these, how does he make money? He mentioned 21 hours for four shots. Geesus.
TaMara (HFG)
@Starfish: I’ve got to get some video of how well Scout and Trixie are getting along. It’s adorable. I don’t think I realized how quiet and down she’s been since Bixby died – probably because it wasn’t as dramatic as Bixby when Bailey died.
But I’m seeing so much of her old self emerging – and lots of zoomies.
@TaMara (HFG): I think it’s purely a predatory response. Chickens are little velociraptors. Years back I rebuilt a Civil War era barn. I uncovered a nest of mice ( 15? More?) in a rotten timber and when they scattered the chickens were all over them. I’ve seen them go after snakes too. I once spied a tiny kitten in their yard just before I opened the gates. I doubt very much he would have survived if I hadn’t.
Mai Naem mobile
If this internet cookie/data mining stuff is so great why don’t they figure out I’ve already bought an item(online) and stop with the ads. Why do I get ads for stuff I searched for 2-3 years back? Do they think I am looking for this stuff again? Some of it is just stuff you aren’t going to replace for years or just obscure stuff that’s a one time buy. I don’t think online advertising is that effective.
@TaMara (HFG): Go Trixie, go! And thanks so much, the animated clip with explainer really brightened my day.
@Mai Naem mobile: @beth:
Same here. I was sitting there wondering if the live bacteria cleaners (BacOut or whatever) would eat the sugar thoroughly enough to prevent an ant invasion. after hellish slow sweeping of course.
I woke up to the news that Kickstarter is moving to blockchain, and just…ugh. That’s all I’ve got.
I miss Mnym! Every time there’s a reference to a giant corporation I’m reminded of her and hope she’s doing well. It’s been so long, I cant even spell her handle correctly.
Yes, Mnemosyne. I wonder what happened to her.
Also, I was looking at an old thread last night and had occasion to remember Corner Stone. Wonder how he’s doing. His son turned 10 in 2014, will be 17 now. How times flies.
Gin & Tonic
@Steeplejack: Incidentally, my son’s date with the knife went swimmingly, and he is experiencing very little pain or swelling. But it was all arthroscopic – three small incisions, maybe 1/2″ each. But the PT will be the hard part.
This morning I started the dry aging process for our Christmas rib roast. I’ve never dry aged a roast before, so I’m looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Gin & Tonic:
Good to hear! I wish him a speedy and complete recovery.
@Steeplejack: Thanks Steeplejack! Auld Lange Mnemosyne to all acquaintences.
@TaMara (HFG): My brother was catsitting for some friends, and the kitty also likes to catch flies out of the air. My brother says flies are “sky raisins” to kitties, and wasps (as the cat he was petsitting discovered) are “spicy sky raisins.”
I loved the term. Had never heard it before, but have since seen other cat owners refer to flies as sky raisins. It makes the flies sound charming… almost.
I often wonder about Mnemonic and Corner Stone, and it seems to have been quite a while since we last heard from lamh36 (not sure of the numeric suffix).
@SiubhanDuinne: I heard through MazeDancer last week that lamh has moved back from Texas to NOLA and is happily ensconced at the place where she used to work.
lamh is apparently very happy to be home!!
I sent word to lamh thru MazeDancer that I hoped we would see her back at BJ soon.