Cali Zoo in Colombia gifted its residents with their favorite food as part of Christmas celebration
— Reuters (@Reuters) December 23, 2021
I’m generally a fan of zoo-animals-opening-presents clips, but this is the first one I’ve seen that includes butterflies!
Elsewhere, wrapping up a very busy week:
Packages are moving, gifts are being delivered, and shelves are stocked. Today, retail inventories are up more than 3% from last year.
We’re making progress.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) December 23, 2021
President Biden to ABC: "If the only thing standing between getting voting rights legislation passed and not getting passed is the filibuster, I support making the exception of voting rights for the filibuster."
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) December 23, 2021
A Biden administration effort to reunite children and parents who were separated under President Donald Trump’s zero-tolerance border policy is making progress as it nears the end of its first year, with 100 children returned to their families.
— The Associated Press (@AP) December 23, 2021
President Joe Biden is making two final nominations to the federal bench this year as he caps his first year in office with 40 judges confirmed, the most since Ronald Reagan’s presidency.
— The Associated Press (@AP) December 23, 2021
A lot of economic data out today. But one figure stands out:
– When @POTUS took office, 880,000 people EACH week were filing for unemployment
– This week, that's down to 205,000Overall, we had 20m+ on unemployment a year ago, today, that's under 2m.
— Ronald Klain (@WHCOS) December 23, 2021
zhena gogolia
I got transferred into a less restrictive brace yesterday, but unfortunately it’s more painful, and we can’t figure out how to get it on and off and it’s Xmas eve so no help for us until Mon.
Just love that zoos thought to gift butterflies too!
@zhena gogolia:
Search youtube for a video. I see all kinds, but have no idea what yours looks like.
Chief Oshkosh
At relatives for the holidays. It’s been years since I’ve seen a hardcopy NYTimes. Wow. It really has become dreck. No real, actual information on how the economy and jobs are going. Every story is somehow twisted to make the topic appear worse than in really is, and absolutely no acknowledge of how we got here, good (D) or bad (R).
And yet people still buy it. Witness my being able to read it at the breakfast table this morning. I’ll have to ask my relatives why they still subscribe. Heck, they are way to the left of me.
Just in time for Christmas.
Q: Batman?
A: Batman!
zhena gogolia
@debbie: I did. They’re unhelpful. We should have asked for a practice session in the office but we didn’t think of it.
zhena gogolia
@Chief Oshkosh: Yesterday they had a hit piece on Hillary Clinton by Amanda Fucking Hess.
Thank god that the media had trumped that the economy was doom and gloom for months and now that it is going gang busters – crickets; except inflation is the great danger and eating up all gains! The sky is falling. And Omicron – through less deadly and likely solely due to AO’s that won’t get vaccinated – i.e. AO’s that vote thug – is President Biden’s responsibility because he wasn’t nice enough to these stupid snow flakes.
Merry Christmas
Love y’all
Mike E
I see that Newsweek has joined CNN and NPR in Biden bashing, or concern trolling the fcuk outta the administration at the very least. I hope the eventual (inshallah) dam breaking on the BBB passage and omicron mitigation efforts get the notice of the population at large and we can have nice things in 2022…oh, and I got my calendar, yay! Merry Christmas to all ?
@zhena gogolia: THEY should have thought of it. Particularly right before a holiday like that.
Feed the World
Let them know it’s Christmastime.
Why has it taken me a lifetime to notice the the first four notes of “Carol of the Bells” are the same as the ancient Dies Irae tune?
@Mike E:
I hear that Newsweek has been moving to the right a lot.
Today is my spousal unit’s 76 birthday. She wanted to go out for breakfast. Because of Omicron, I said no. But we will order take out from one of our favorites, Red Lobster, for lunch. Order online. Pick up outside. We are hosting a Christmas day three table bridge game with bridge friends, but they are all vaxxed, and except for one, boosted. So we feel relatively safe about that.
So, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, pick your festive greeting, to all and sundry here. One of my daily reads, this blog, and for good reason. I even chip in a few shekels now and then. Worth it. I hope you all take care and have a better 2022 then the year now ending.
Sure Lurkalot
@Mike E: Stay away from WAPO’s front page today…
When you let dogs pick their own presents.
A bit on Biden’s most recent judicial nominees:
The goddam CBS News story on the nominations includes this tidbit:
The only people who might raise this spurious objection are right wing asswipes.
Good job news to share – got a call yesterday afternoon that an offer will be forthcoming for the new position at my company that I had applied for a few weeks ago. Since i had asked for thank you email suggestions on a different morning thread, I thought I’d share an update.
So long as there aren’t any surprises in the offer letter, I’ll probably be making the transition at the end of January.
No pay raise (considered a lateral move to a new department), but I’ll still get my merit raise and bonus in the new year. Plus no more call weeks or weekend and holiday shifts. So even without more pay, that’s a nice “bonus”. ?
Betty Cracker
Training a puppy is giving me flashbacks to parenting an infant around the turn of the century. Back then, everything revolved around Don’t Wake the Baby! Now, it’s a bit cold in the house, and I want to go find a flannel shirt, but I will not risk waking the puppy, who is cozily snuggled in fleece and sleeping in a dog bed at my feet. So I’ll sit here and shiver instead!
Another Scott
@HeartlandLiberal: Happy birthday to her. Tell her she’s got good company – it’s Anthony Fauci’s birthday too!
Merry Xmas, everyone. Stay safe.
Seriously considered splurging on lobster tail for Xmas din-din.
Until scoped out the price per pound at Costco yesterday. Oy vey. My splurge function don’t reach that far.
@NotMax: ?Soon it will be Christmas Day ?
Cannot believe how lucky the Fro family was to fly home yesterday, before all these flights started getting canceled – whew!
And that’s on top of 1) having a high-speed police chase zip around/past us on Rt 29 last night AND 2) a driver going the wrong way/me pulling over to avoid a head-on collision 2 miles from home, all on the drive home from the airport.
I think I’m going to just stay home and read a few good books today, knock on wood…
Enjoy bidding “No Trump!”
@Mousebumples: congrats!
@zhena gogolia:
What the FTFNYT, Batman! It’s 2021!
Betty Cracker
@Jeffro: Whoa, staying home sounds like a great idea after that!
@Betty Cracker: It was “the most dangerous part of any vacation is the drive to/from the airport” live and in color. 0_0
(and this after flying, avoiding Covid, zip-lining, etc)
@Jeffro: Have you tried the new extension of Berkmar Drive? It runs parallel to and a few hundred yards west of Rt. 29. Starts at Rio Road and comes out at the airport. It’s very mellow compared to 29, with light traffic, and roundabouts instead of traffic lights. I take it when I drive to Charlottesville from Greene.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
As many people get ready to celebrate the Christian Revision of a Roman Holiday Celebrating the Winter Solstice always remember to keep Saturn in Saturnalia!
We’re doing what we seemingly do every solstice: immerse ourselves in some significant home renovation project, this time upstairs putting in a new wall, closets and rehabbing the half bath. No Xmas eve would be possible without a trip to a hardware store.
Got Netflix? Watch Comedy Monster.
@zhena gogolia:
Good Morning Everyone ???
@Mousebumples: Wonderful news!
I missed the whole thank you email suggestions question – were you asking for suggestions for a thank you note after an interview, or something like that?
Gonna force me to bring in Christopher, aren’t ya?
Newsweek today is not your father’s Newsweek. It has had legitimacy issues for at least several years, probably back to 2010. Sold and resold among a series of shady operators.
@Betty Cracker: There will be much waking of the
babypuppy once your company arrives. Have you either murdered or forgiven the mister for his total lapse in judgment earlier this week?mrmoshpotato
@NotMax: Excellent.
Mike E
@Sure Lurkalot: Yeah, done. I avoid them and NYT for obvious reasons, and I only click on an article by Reuters/AP if it’s of particular interest…local news sources are the way to go but they have been treading on the clickbait beat more often lately, alas.
On the holiday feast duty, I failed to get a chicken to roast on Xmas but the local warehouse store had a 13lb butterball turkey for a couple of bucks so it’ll be Thanksgiving redux with me and Miss E… I’ll be eating sandwiches and turkey chowder into the New Year!
Snow on the ground this Christmas Eve hereabouts. Yay!
Old guy goes out in his slippers and bathrobe while storm rages, clears off car so snow won’t drip in garage, and gets it into the garage so local guy can plow.
Garage door closes with clean car inside. Snow stops. Boo!
If the snow doesn’t melt by tomorrow, Yay wins in a walk.
Those are your choices. Pick one.
Still, those overnight guests = kitchen workers today/night.
@Mousebumples: Woohoo congrats, that’s awesome!
Good morning
@Mousebumples: Great news!
I blame Biden.
Ohio Mom
@Chief Oshkosh: We subscribe to the internet version of The Times and I have come to the conclusion that much of it has devolved into clickbait, particularly the opinion pages. Many days they must intentionally set out to troll, there’s no other explanation.
The fluffier sections — food, design, health and science, travel, arts — can still delight and inform usefully most of the time.
@Mike E: I go with AP and a weekly foray into foreign press like Al Jazeera or what Google News eventually uncovers after 50 versions of the same lead story.
AP political writers are Village infected but better than many. They are a good source for stories you don’t see elsewhere and do actual investigative journalism.
Back in the day when I worked in newspapers, I would hang out by the teletype machines (look it up) and just dig it as they spat out AP news. It was a related syndrome to reading the encyclopedia for hours at a time, one random article after the next.
That tidbit is truly awful reporting.
Occurred to mention the first opera composed for TV, Amahl and the Night Visitors was an American television Christmastime staple for 15 years, following its premiere in 1951.
@Ohio Mom:
I read that as fluffer sections and thought the NYT really has gone in an unexpected direction.
Ohio Mom
@zhena gogolia: Rats, I was going to suggest YouTube as well.
Another option is to call the on-call doctor, though in my experience, you often get blown off. Still might be worth a try.
Today I’ll do the Long Cooking I mentioned yesterday (beans and bolognese sauce (in separate pots)), interspersed w/ general tidying (insofar as I tidy anything . . .). Friend is coming over later; he was with folks last weekend, but everyone was vaxxed, careful, many were boosted, etc., and no one has gotten sick, so I’m gonna assume I can welcome him. We’re really not doing anything or going anywhere, and I am fine with that. I finally got around to planning the cooking for the next two weekends–gonna be some feasting, what with venison tenderloin, albacore tuna, crab, lasagna, and some seriously good cheese sitting around my house now. Well, I haven’t actually made the lasagna yet, but I have all the pieces. Probably make some bread, maybe some cinnamon rolls, etc. My freezer is already packed (the chest freezer, mind you), so it’s more likely that I’m going to take a bunch of stuff out, assemble and cook it in various ways . . . and put it back in the freezer. I wish I could make a big dinner for all of you!
Only if you do it right.
Another Scott
No clicks from me, but this thread is almost too over the top.
Why do voters fall for these people??
(via LOLGOP)
Chief Oshkosh
@Sure Lurkalot: Still rankles that WaPo gives editorial space to that Abernathy fraud. Why the fuck should some two-bit, unoriginal tiny town newspaper editor get a regular national gig? Oh, right – Hillbilly Elegy. A completely disproven view on all things political and, well basically, all things period.
But if you’re going to do it, why not give a national gig to a liberal newspaper editor? There are, after all, many pockets of liberalism, even in Ohio. And Oklahoma. And Iowa. And…
@HeartlandLiberal: Sounds like you have a lovely day set up. Enjoy, and Happy Birthday to Mrs. HL.
@BlueGuitarist: The best bid!!
Omnes Omnibus
@Kalakal: It’s not the same thing, but I bought my brother’s dog a smoked pig femur as a Christmas present. I suspect he will like it.
Ugh. Only white men are presumed “impartial” – all others must prove they are, because of course “diverse” comes with an expectation of bias. I really thought they were past this, but I guess not. Stuck in the 1990’s, forever.
YY_Sima Qian
Merry Christmas everyone!
Betty Cracker
@WaterGirl: I find that a short memory is one of the keys to a happy marriage. ;-)
@Omnes Omnibus: That will be 2 super special gifts for you this Christmas. Almost unheard of! You will have to let us know how your dad likes his gift.
@YY_Sima Qian:
Your female bias is showing, Kay.
My favorite part of the zoo clip was the first set of monkeys. I assume there are some goodies mixed in, but the first few were definitely going “WTF? Straw???“
@Betty Cracker: @mrmoshpotato:
It appears that there is a third choice! Murdered, forgiven, forgotten.
Excellent choice, Ms. Cracker.
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: Exactly.
Well, I can’t stay to chat. I must bag my gifts, pack, and drive north for the holiday. Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and have a nice weekend to those who do not. Except Republicans, they can fuck right off as usual.
In that order.
It’s visible in the western sky after sunset. Look for the big bright one. That’s Jupiter. Now look further west, closer to the horizon. The yellowish one is Saturn. You can’t mistake it, they’re in a boring section of the zodiac without many bright stars.
Isn’t that a ham? Or did they take most of the meat off it?
YEAH ????
Good morning folks. Omicron has finally hit the St Louis area—we seem to be one of the last places in the country to see it. Numbers blew up yesterday & now nothing for the next three days cause everything is closed for Xmas.
I am double vaxxed & boosted & mostly healthy & have reached the conclusion that most or all of us are going to get Covid at some point in the next year or two) and be mostly fine w/ it if we are vaccinated) but I take care of an 88 year old mom (and I can’t be so loosey goosey about how she’d fare) so this means canceling plans to attend a New Years Eve celebration & one other holiday event. Anyways, back to tighter quarantine living for me for a bit. I figure Omicron should burn through in, what, 3-4 weeks (at least that is the experience in other places atm) and things will hopefully be back to near normal (pandemic wise at least).
Last regular outing for me was seeing the new West Side Story a couple days ago. It was really good. I was a cast member in our high school’s spring musical version of it & they’ve made some pretty good decisions about staging, locations, and grounding the action w/ a little more historical/cultural context that fills in backstory and overall provides deeper character motivation than the original. Almost all the casting choices were superb (except for the guy playing Tony who had the biggest name aside from Rita Moreno—who was great btw) but just, to me, did not have the same intensity/energy as the other folks. Dancing ? and singing ? were lovely. See it if you have the chance. If you are a stan for the original film (which I also love & which won 10 Oscars lol), try to bring fresh eyes & ears to your viewing.
Off for the morning walk & then wrapping presents ?. Wishing everyone a nice Xmas eve & Xmas.
@Mousebumples: Congrats!! So glad that worked out for you.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ken: The meat is gone. It looks suspiciously like a human femur, but they don’t usually sell those in pet stores in Wisconsin.
Reading about the plane cancellations.
My sister, the extrovert, has been scared by Cousin Omicron, even though she is fully vaccinated and boosted.
She turned down 4 invitations in the past 10 days.
Me, I am keeping quiet,but just sitting here happy about it.?
@Baud: I guess one could do all 3, in that particular order.
If murdered first and then forgiven and then forgotten, I suspect that would be small consolation to the offender. :-)
While cannot say for sure it is Christmas related, someplace in the neighborhood people have been setting off more and more frequent test runs of fireworks over the last several days and nights. Anyone else experiencing such a anomalous practice? First year ever I can recall this taking place in December.
If they had even said “liberal”! Give them at least an ideology. I don’t know that they’re all liberals and either does the writer but that at least that’s “political”. But they don’t. It’s “diverse”. The default norm versus the other is “stoking fears”.
I maintain it isnt that they’re conservative. It’s that they’re conventional. They refuse to change any approach, ever.
@NotMax: Just realized earlier today that I haven’t seen it scheduled on tv for years. Not this year either. But on radio they’ve been playing excerpts this year.
Betty Cracker
@Brachiator: Good God, that’s maddening. I wonder what they said when Trump held a giant political rally / super-spreader event to celebrate ramming a SCOTUS justice through during his last days in office?
@Chief Oshkosh: Abernathy probably whines about affirmative action with absolutely zero sense of irony.
@marcopolo: I LOVED the original and probably saw it a bunch of times. I probably listened to the soundtrack a millions times and my sisters and I would dance to the soundtrack on our roof.
So I have mixed feelings about seeing the new one. I just don’t see how it could measure up. But I’ll never know unless i see it. Thanks for the review.
It’s doubly bad because they don’t even identify whose fears are stoked. Had they identified Republicans, the reader would at least have to option of saying “Fuck Their Feelings.” The story portrays it as just fear in the air that is widely shared.
Of course, the next article will be about how liberals aren’t respecting rule of law because they won’t accept the right wing Supreme Court’s decisions.
Everybody aware of the bagged salad recall? Dole, FreshExpress and many house brands are involved. At least one death from listeria. Sorry no link, but there is an article at Kos that links to the CDC info. Check any bags you have. Merry safe Christmas.
Because they say all the right wrong things.
Not quite as popular as “He seemed such a quiet, polite man”, but definitely something you might hear after a serial killer is captured.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You can get them at Costco.
@zhena gogolia:
An evergreen topic for the FNYT.
Fresh Polish sausage is in the oven for Christmas morning breakfast. New refrigerator being delivered today (hopefully). Old one conked out a week ago.
@Baud: @WaterGirl: I think you two have invented a new version of the “fuck, marry, kill” game. Which I see has a wikipedia page, because everything does.
@Omnes Omnibus
Thought Dahmer & Lecter, Inc. was only an online retailer too.
@WaterGirl: basically. I had an individual interview with my prospective new supervisor, and another one with the coworkers on this new team. Just wanted feedback on who to send thank you emails to. Ended up going with a thank you email to all 4 of these people. ?
How do you know?
Friend of mine’s dog actually brought a human femur to the back door. Turned out it was courtesy of Herbert Baumeister, who was in fact a serial murderer.
@rikyrah: exactly!
@Geminid: Have to check that out! ?
@zhena gogolia:
Rats. How about using your other (pain-free) arm to figure out the right way? The urgent care clinic near me is open today; is there one near you?
@Ken: Ha! Get back to us when our version gets a wikipedia page!
@Mousebumples: Smart choice!
Danger in sending identical notes to 4 people. Danger in writing something slightly different – she said “wonderful” to meet you but only “great” to meet me!
Merry Christmas Eve, jackals. Raising a glass of cava to you.
Omnes Omnibus
@OzarkHillbilly: The less you know the better.
@danielx: Did you mention that here in the past week? Or do we have at least two people on BJ who have had that experience?
Hoping for the first, obviously!
Obviously, that was an excellent decision! Congratulations!
MCE, wherever you are!
As per “Something Good Open Thread”, episodes of “The Repair Shop” are on the Discovery channel all day. If you are unfamiliar with it, it’s a British show about people getting all kinds of objects fixed and restored…furniture, toys, clocks, art pieces, musical instruments and so on. Very calming, relaxing vibe to it.
@Omnes Omnibus: “If you don’t want to know the answer, don’t ask the question.”
What a nice Christmas present! Congratulations! (I always sent emails, even for the interviews where it was clear I wasn’t going to be getting any offers. Good karma at the very least!)
Are you suggesting that your dog has never brought home a human femur?
It’s readily available on YouTube. I watch it every year (last time was just about a week ago, in fact). A wonderfully-conceived piece. I love it.
It was a big deal, because a local freelance reporter had been trying to get the local constabulary interested in the guy for a while and they blew her off. As I recall they dug up six bodies on his property.
@Another Scott:
That would be the wife he’s getting divorced from after less than a year of marriage, yes? Smelly situation from the get-go.
Merry Christmas to all from mostly a lurker. Rain here in PHX! Hooray!
@Baud: I am! I guess that makes me the outlier, then.
@Danielx: Glad to hear it. I did not want to think that experience is a common one.
Balloon Juice, where a dog returning with a femur bone in its mouth is relevant to the conversation twice in one week.
What I appreciate is the diversity of their experiences. Public defenders, and people who have been fighting the good fight for the little guy are being made judges.????
@Another Scott:
That is a weird-ass thread. If even only some of that stuff is true . . .
The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols is as lovely this year as it always has been. Funny, I’ve been a nonbeliever for a good six decades, yet I’m a sucker for the Nativity story and all the traditional Christmas music.
@YY_Sima Qian:
Merry Christmas to you! ?
A very happy birthday to Mrs Liberal!
Here too. I’m usually crying by the end when they sing Hark the Herald Angels Sing. ?
@Omnes Omnibus:
Merry Christmas! ? Have a safe trip.
Obviously WaterGirl already knows how to hunt and kill, so her dog doesn’t see the need to teach her.
(At least, that’s the excuse people use when their cat brings some maimed small animal into the house and releases it.)
I live in an area of about 100 acres of 5-10 acre treed lots so the deer know to hang out here to avoid hunters. Every Spring I get presented with the odd deer leg, turkey wing or my favorite a pile of intestines. Well aged of course.
Obituary for Schenectady man (key points are quoted here):
That truly is sad.
@germy: Finally a truthful obit with no Gofundme request!
@mrmoshpotato: I do and I’ll have to look it up , thanks!
Sure Lurkalot
@Chief Oshkosh: Too funny…when I posted the comment, it was an Annie Linskey front pager about Biden’s failure on testing. After I read your comment, I went back…that article is gone, but yessiree, we got Abernathy as you noted. Don’t think I have the will to read that.
@debbie: @eclare:
“He didn’t believe in masks or the virus”
I hope he didn’t infect too many people on the way out.
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m not religous but I love the King’s College service. I went to a school where we had a church service every day and I can’t think of any of us who didn’t turn out agnostic/atheist. I still love a lot of the music though and the singing at the festival makes me tear up every year. It is truly beautiful see
I went to public school, but my family was relentlessly religious so I know where you’re coming from. So much gorgeous music over nearly a millennium, and the KJV language of the Christmas story gets to me every time.
@NotMax: You want a toe? I can get you a toe – Walter Sobchak
@marcopolo: Not just you. Most reviews have talked about how the cast is great. The actress for Maria is fantastic Rita Moreno shines and the actor who plays Tony is…on screen.
zhena gogolia
@rikyrah: The doctor talk to us on the phone and I think it’s been straightened out now thank you
Another Scott
Meanwhile, …
Yep, same education situation.
That high note towards the end of both O Come All Ye Faithful and Hark, the Herald Angels Sing gets me every freakin’ year.
What is that? I could use some Christmas spirit.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Another Scott: Flair!
Nothing like a Catholic high midnight mass on Christmas Eve/Christmas night, which is what I grew up doing. I think I was born a non-believer but I am always moved by the majesty of that service. Such beauty in the music and vestments and readings and candlelight. Haven’t been in many years and wouldn’t think of going in the current environment, but my ex and I would go every few years just for the experience. We lived very close to a church built back in the 1840s and it was spectacular inside, especially at Christmas. John and I have have never gone to our local church for it because the church is super modern architecture and it just wouldn’t feel so majestic.
Good morning, and Happy Christmas Eve to all!
@debbie: It’s the lone choir boy at the beginning of Once in royal David’s city that gets me. If I’m not teary by that point I am from then on. Something that stunned me is that the soloist gets chosen just before the song starts, up till then none of them know which it will be.
@WaterGirl: It’s a service from Kings College Cambridge. It’s been broadcast every year since 1928. It’s wonderful. Here’s the official take on it
Fair Economist
@Steeplejack: For a couple years Newsweek has been pretty openly RW propaganda. Now they seem to be shifting to the NYT model of some decent reporting to cover for the RW propaganda.
Merry Christmas to you! ?
It’s the recollection of a happy, secure innocence for me, I suppose, of being a little kid on Christmas Day, of everyone being happy and putting the usual arguing and getting on with life aside. I hear “O Holy Night” or “Silent Night” and I get teary. Then again, The Pogues doing “Fairytale of New York” is a grittier Christmas song and the same thing happens.
Happy War on Christmas Eve!
Probably better for their nerves not to be worrying too much ahead of time.
@Fair Economist: They have long shown up on Reddit with clickbaity stuff. I’ve put them on a toss-out list there with Fox News posts, Fox Business posts, Washington Examiner, etc., etc., as useless wastes of my time.
@Kalakal: Have I missed it? I will check out the link – checked but it’s not clear whether this is a LIVE only event or if you can listen later.
Okay, so it looks like I missed it for Christmas Eve. And I can’t tell when the Christmas Day version is on. Seems like it’s audio only, not video?
@debbie: You may well be right. I don’t know how they do it, the program is watched by 100s of millions of people, even a minor mistake would stand out a mile and yet they never crack. Heart achingley beautiful every time
We’ve expanded our assault on the holidays?
@mrmoshpotato: It’s Christmas’s fault. It overextended this year by encroaching on Halloween, and opened itself up to this flanking attack.
@WaterGirl: Looks like the Christmas day one is audio only 8am EST BBC radio 3.
There is Carols from Kings on later today, it’s the same choir, building etc. here’s a link
Youtube has a lot of parts of the service but doesn’t seem to have the whole thing except on audio.
@Ken: And I suppose payback for what it did to Labor Day and Thanksgiving.
Merry Christmas to all. Fortunately the dead fridge won’t interfere with our dinners which I’m picking up from deli today.
J R in WV
We live on hundreds of acres of wooded WV hillside — many people hunt the fierce White-tail and terrifying Turkey on these hillsides.
We also get eyeless heads on the back porch just outside the bedroom. And the lovely dogs puke up mounds of deerbits, most recently onto the bed, between Wife’s pillows and mine! Merry Xmas everyone!!! Wheee — more deer guts!
@J R in WV: Yep…our dog is now too old to go roaming, so we are thankfully spared those deer season traditions lol – just loved hearing that dog sound they make in preparation for the big urp, and running flat out to grab a collar and pull them out onto the deck/back door. Even better when you miss the goal by THAT much…