It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas ????
— 617 Images Boston (@617Images) December 23, 2021
Remember, dear reader: You may be sad tonight, but you are nowhere near as sad as the man who tried to spoil his kid’s Xmas memory by smart-arsing at the President during a NORAD Santa call…
On a call with President Biden & First Lady Jill Biden intended for kids calling into NORAD to track Santa, a father ended the call by saying "Let's go Brandon," which is code for "F*** Joe Biden"
Biden replied, "Let's go Brandon, I agree."— Jeremy Diamond (@JDiamond1) December 24, 2021
President Grandpa Joe, fortunately, is not the sort of narcissist who greets the young callers by asking if they still believe, ‘Because at seven it’s marginal, right?”
“I told the president fuck you after he was nice to my kid but also I didn’t have the guts to say fuck you so I said let’s go brandon tee hee what a hardass I am he’s so owned”
— kilgore trout, tucker carlson’s mailman (@KT_So_It_Goes) December 24, 2021
why should Biden care what Fox viewers are saying abt him?
like Trump stayed up late at night scrolling Daily Kos?
— Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert) December 24, 2021
Little know his full name is Santa Brando Claus.
Damn fingers. typo.
Santa Brandon Claus.
Also too, you can’t spell Santa Claus without U-S-A.
In the spirit of the post,
I don’t agree that President Biden may not have known the phrase. He seems close to his grandkids, who might have talked about it. He also has a competent staff, who might have laughed with him about it. He’s no stranger to the f-bomb!
@NotMax: now your #1 post makes sense. I was wondering how Marlon Brando fit into this!
I had never heard of that Simonson dolt. Woulda been ok keeping it that way.
Anyhoo, good night and happy feast day of St. Nick or whatever.
Steeplejack (phone)
Well said by @TheRealHoarse on whether Biden caught the “Let’s go, Brandon” reference:
Happy holidays to Anne Laurie for keeping the overnight posts going. Us west coasters appreciate you! And I wish you didn’t have to continue doing the COVID updates but I really appreciate them!
Mary G
Well I just deleted a long post about the assholishness of can opener designers which I was using to try to excuse myself from diving into a one box of See’s dark chocolates I received as a gift, even though I thought I explained why I did not want them. Some people can be hostile to others’ changes. It’s hard enough to give up carbs when everyone around you is eating them, but having my very own box of them is tough. I did not eat any more of them. Yay.
Mike in Pasadena
Biden didn’t know. That’s the point — in contrast to Trump, he doesn’t give a rip what his detractors are saying about him. He doesn’t let the thugs rent space for free in his head. He has important things to think about, not the white trash “smart” ass crap.
@Mary G: Not eating oranges and making fake IDs for you, eh?
@Mike in Pasadena: I don’t believe that Biden doesn’t know what the phrase means. I’m certain he knows. He just doesn’t care.
Mangling the punch line is but one of my mutant abilities.
That exchange was recorded. So when the guy’s kid goes back years from now to relive his conversation with the President of the United States, he’s going to have to see that his dad was a jerk in that moment. By that time he’ll probably have already figured out that his dad is a jerk, but it’s recorded for all of America to remember. Poor kid.
Chetan Murthy
@JoyceH: I would have put it differently: He has the grace to let the jab just slip past him without landing.
I mean grace in the spiritual sense, of course.
Starboard Tack
@Chetan Murthy:
Yeah. It’s equally that and rope-a-dope.
Yes. Exactly. It ll be super funny and heartwarming! Merry Christmas!
Just kidding. It’s like white male hetero Christians want to make me hate them. But Joe is human forbearance by example. Kinda like Jesus.
Matt McIrvin
@Chetan Murthy: Exactly. I find it unimaginable that Biden doesn’t know way that phrase means. But unlike the other guy, he can read the room.
@Matt McIrvin: I’m sure he knows, just like Obama knew about “Thanks, Obama”, and his response was pretty funny when you think about it, . Took the wind out of the guy’s sails by not taking the bait.
Chetan Murthy
@opiejeanne: I didn’t know about President Obama’s dunking that meme! Sweet!
@Chetan Murthy: I think it was at one of the White House Correspondents’ dinners. It got big laughs.
And, in case it wasn’t clear, I meant that Biden’s response was funny.
Tony Jay
@Steeplejack (phone):
‘Zaktly. We also know full well that, were this a situation where a Person of the Left was less than polite in their seasonal greetings to a National Executive Figure of the Right, the oh-so independent News Media would be shooting flames out of their collective arsemouths and writing multi-thousand word screeds on how this raises Pulitzer prize winning questions about the Left’s wilful failure to respect tradition, heritage and the rosy-checked patriotism of Christian America.
But it’s not, so it isn’t, and in conclusion they can go fuck themselves with a used lemon-juicer.
Merry Christmas!!!!
@Tony Jay: Happy Christmas to you.
We didn’t have any Christmas plans this year. Once we put up the tiny trees and put the stuffed grinch on top of the grandfather clock we were done.
Thought the kids would be upset but they weren’t. To them Christmas is a rare day off, and they are thrilled to not have family commitments today.
Husband and I both cheated and bought each other one Christmas present. Also too I intend to make gingerbread today.
And New Years resolution is to walk the (now very plump) pitbull at least twice a day every day to thin us both down.
@Chetan Murthy:
Well said.
I for one would be delighted to have someone say “Let’s go, Brandon!” in my presence. “A fan of the Eagles*, huh? What year did you graduate? My wife went to Plant City High School, they beat your guys pretty good a coupla times while she was there.” Etcetera.
*The Brandon (FL) High School mascot, of course. Brandon is just down the road from Plant City, FL, where my wife grew up.
Tony Jay
Minimalist Christmas is a Happy Christmas to me!
We’re popping around to see various enclaves of direct family, but only briefly, and other than that the World Outside is behind a firmly locked door until the inevitable (don’t call it a) Lockdown is started and finished with.
I have lots of food and drink and a set of brand new pans to play with (gif of childish glee) when I’m not pacing in front of a blinking laptop screen trying to think up a new euphemism for “Tory fucker”. All is therefore good with the world.
Another Scott
Cheryl Rofer might list this as another example of toxic masculinity. Biden was great to let to roll on by and not play the game.
Have a good holiday, everyone.
I suspect the Biden administration would have been more than willing to let this slide without any reprisals, but since the moron that did it decided to record it on video and share it with right wing media it is very likely his commanding officer will see his face attached to this and then he will be in deep shit. The military doesn’t tolerate this type of open behavior even if Biden would have made the choice to let this slide.
@Tony Jay
Cockney rhyming slang too antiquated?
Gory Clucker
Lorry Mucker
Hoary Ducker
Oh wow. I thought it was a military parent that did this. If it was an active service member, he definitely should be punished.
Also, too, when the media repeats on a Let’s Go Brandon incident, they should never bleep out “Fuck,” when explaining what it means.
Ok, looked at the post and it says it was the father.
I wonder what the poor guy Brandon thinks of his win being co opted by a bunch of egotistical self centered political tribe, few of any even know a guy named Brandon won a race and a sports reporter either mis heard or tried to cover up that a bunch of foul mouthed race fans thought it was more important to yell obscenities about the President than cheer the winner of the race they supposedly came to see. Most of them paid good money to attend that race, but with the cameras on them, they wanted to yell “fuck Biden” NOT cheer the actual winner. They didn’t pay any attention to him.
And now his name is associated with sore losers of the radical right, but he didn’t do it, the race “fans” did it. If he complains, he will be attacked by lots of looneys, both race fans and not. If he doesn’t…it will probably affect his prospects of getting lucrative endorsement contracts.
@Baud: From what I’ve gathered from right wing media, the guy who did it was a parent in the military (as that was what the event was for, military kids) and is likely active duty. He recorded it, he moved his children away and went over to some armchair of chaise couch to make his joke with a huge shit eating grin on his face.
I doubt he will have that grin when he gets called into his CO’s office.
Gotcha. As much as I hated Trump, if an active duty service member flipped him the bird, that person should be punished. I hope we see that here.
This whole ‘Brandon’ thing reminds me so much of behavior of 15 year olds. Stupidly rude but thinking they’re so clever. It kind of explains a lot of their behaviour like why they are so defiant about covid even though its self-destructive.
zhena gogolia
@JoyceH: I agree.
Chief Oshkosh
@Will: Holy shit, this guy is in the service??!! What the ever-loving fuck? Welp, hope he likes exploring the joys of east Skagway in the mud season.
@Tony Jay:
This is what we pay you good money to produce! Merry Christmas, TJ.