Looks like everyone must be at the BJ Holiday Party. My invitation must have gotten lost. :-)
MazeDancer sent me this yesterday and it was very good timing because I was feeling cranky for no reason yesterday and this cheered me right up.
The Dogs of 2021 pic.twitter.com/aXNh5jD13H
— WeRateDogs® (@dog_rates) December 30, 2021
We always make a video celebrating the best dog moments of the year. The Dogs of 2021 will be posted tomorrow. To puppare, here’s a collection of all our previous year end videoshttps://t.co/mMojfq58K8
— WeRateDogs® (@dog_rates) December 29, 2021
I am making either challah or brioche, depending on who you listen to. It’s the King Arthur Flour recipe, except that I substituted butter for the oil in the recipe, and I just twist the bread so it’s pretty. I don’t care about the fancy weaving.
What are you guys up to?
Calling family and friends. Has anyone seen burnspbesq
I have lived in four states and two countries so they are many and in different time zones.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Sitting here watching Cincy at Bama.
Raven, where you at?
Just bought snacks, not going anywhere tonight. We’ll probably try a new cocktail or two (pandemic hobby!) and possibly stay awake until midnight.
ETA Damn! Just missed #2!
Yes. We’re all partying before we all get snowed in.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): Go Bearcats! Then Go Blue!
The rest of the household has gone to parties. (No comment). I’m trying to finish knitting a vest I’ve been working at for awhile. It’s at a stage where I have to pay attention so just as well everyone’s out. It’s also nice to have a peaceful evening. I haven’t really celebrated New Year’s since I was in my 30’s.
Starboard Tack
Making pasta and hoping it snows hard enough to keep the yahoos down the block from blowing off firecrackers in the alley as usual
ETA: Also rye whisky.
Watching the fire in the wood stove, reading one of the books I got for Christmas, and letting the dough rise for making a pizza later. Then to bed, hoping that the predicted snowfall is not preceded by freezing rain!
John Revolta
Battening down the hatches for the coming storm. Had a lovely layer of ice on everything that you couldn’t actually see, so salted & sanded the walks & driveway. Got the car all topped off and out of harm’s way. Planning to hunker down big time until Monday, maybe Tuesday. 2021 can bite me.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@mrmoshpotato: ?RTR?, but it’s been pretty tight so far.
I picked up a couple of DVDs at the library and plan to watch both True Grit and News of the World tonight, if I can stay awake late enough.
@Starboard Tack:
Ah, that reminds me to time the celebratory gunfire tonight. //
mali muso
Making homemade pizza as is our usual Friday night tradition. Doubt I will stay up to see in the new year. I’ve had enough of this one to last me a lifetime.
I can’t even remember the last time I went out for NYE. Probably college. The most fun was going to a friend’s cabin right before Y2K. Hiding out in the middle of the wilds of central Washington was fun, especially screwing over my friend Steve in a card game. I don’t even remember the game now, just that i pulled a boss move on him and he flipped out in a good way. man if we only knew what was coming…
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@debbie: Got plenty of that at Christmas down home at my mom’s. Should be be quieter tonight now that I’m back at my place.
Knitting, watching Netflix and eating homemade steak tacos with an avocado horseradish sauce prepared by Chef M. Argiope, who has delivered me food and tea all week in exchange for hopefully not giving him COVID. We have a groovy thing going. Happy New Year, all.
@John Revolta:
Things are looking up, 2021 was better than 2020, (and 2017, 2018, 2019) so it is possible for 2022 to actually not suck all that bad. We just have to remember that the asinine stupidity of the conservative side of the aisle runs deep and stay away from that and any and everything will be better.
Now if we could only convince more people of that…..
@debbie: I am so sorry about your nephew’s cancer rearing it’s ugly head again. I was skimming earlier posts and came across it.
I’m going to watch GA beat MI and then off to bed. Actually, I’ll be luck to watch the first quarter. Although I don’t have cable, visitors from a few weeks ago signed on to their sling acct. and low and behold, it’s still available. It’s a NYE miracle.
Watching Cincy find out just how big the gap between Alabama and everyone else is.
Watched the doggies yesterday, much needed smiles.
@mrmoshpotato: Jealous.
Central Planning
My kids (5 of them) are having 3 friends over. We’re having all sorts of appetizers, dips, fondue, pulled pork, and more.
I’m also battling with Amazon – I bought TurboTax the other day and it came with a small giftcard; application of the giftcard shows it as invalid. I’m about to talk to the 3rd agent :D
@mali muso: Thick crust, super-thin crust, or somewhere in between?
Tomorrrow’s sweat will start the 19th year of them on my 5 acres. My late Comanche wife said “why not here” in 2003 when the local group asked if she knew a possible new place. It makes the land feel good plus I got a huge bag of homemade fudge and cookies today when they were prepping. Happy New Year all.
@Argiope: Telling kids “go to your room” has a whole new feel to it now that people are stuck in a room for 5-7-10-14 days, depending on what public health tells you to do at the moment.
Staying home as the big O has everyone spooked. Watching Cincy vs Bama with half an eye while waiting for the Michigan game.
Starboard Tack
@Argiope: How’s that sauce made?
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): Yeah. Cincinnati surprisingly isn’t getting blown out.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
nah, there’s reasons
Central Planning
Also, got some Bulleit Bourbon for a blueberry dressing, and man is it good. I usually don’t drink bourbon (or like it), but maybe I’ll use it for Old Fashioneds.
@Starboard Tack: avocado, lemon juice, prepared horseradish and garlic in the food processor. It’s definitely going to knock the rest of this rona right outta me.
Watching Golden Girls reruns on Hulu. Undecided about dinner. Here’s hoping the gunfire isn’t as bad as last year, it was scary.
mali muso
@WaterGirl: Turned out somewhere in between. I got a little impatient and baked it a little earlier than I probably should have, so the rise wasn’t as great. Oh well, still tastes good!
Oh, thanks! Hope your game is good.
Mike in NC
Wife informed me that “American Hustle” is airing on Starz tonight at 9 PM. Great satire with Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, and Amy Adams.
Starboard Tack
@Central Planning: I drink Bulleit rye but they don’t distill it, just age and bottle it. I wonder if they also get their bourbon stock from Midwest Grain Products.
Just finished hacked-together cioppino. About to shape the baguettes to be baked tomorrow. Made a pot of black eyed peas and a pot of black beans. Drinking some wine and about to bust open a good bottle of bubbly. But not going anywhere at all—just hanging with my Friend.
Starboard Tack
@Argiope: I’ll have to make that. I can’t find prepared horseradish in the supermarkets near me. Trader Joe’s quit carrying it. Think I’ll get some roots and grate my own.
Going to a small gathering at a friend’s place in about an hour. Couple of drinks, hors d’oeuvres, fireworks well before midnight. Maybe try to finagle the game onto the tee vee in the other room.
Maybe stay up late enough to open the house and bang the pots.
Collards and black eyed peas tomorrow while we wait for the nasty storms.
My family and I are quarantining no isolating in our house in Margate New Jersey after I got sick literally Christmas Eve while driving my family from Queens to the house to get away from Omicron.
Instead of getting sick in Queens we got sick here. Local Jewish community brought Sabbath dinner and a nice babka, and my four-year-old and 10 year old are eating the babka while my wife and I, somewhat feverish and totally prostrate, are trying to navigate cleanup.
(The Bierigs, of Vineland, with whom my family has intertwined via my father’s second cousin dating the older brother of the meal delivery Bierig’s father Herbie 65 years ago.)
Central Planning
@Starboard Tack: I’ll have to see what the bottle says. I’m pretty sure it says rye whiskey on it too.
Will be spending tonight with my family, eating traditional foods and snacks. Which was unplanned, as my flight back to Seattle was cancelled and was unable to get a flight back for a few days.
But being with family and in balmier weather is really not a disappointment….
I’m trying to make decision – a very good local beer or a glass of bourbon to set the course for our evening at home.
@debbie: Two good choices. I’m not a big Tom Hanks fan , but I did like him in this. Filmed at the Bonanza Creek Ranch of recent dubious fame.
Listening to radio, self-isolating tonight.
Every year WQXR has listeners vote for their favorite works of classical music, counts down the top 125 thru week before New Year’s. Beethoven’s Fifth, #7, now on. His 9th has topped lists most years, but once Dvorak’s New World Symphony was leader. You can hear #6-#1 at wqxr.org, also download complete ‘Top 125’ list.
Hoping all yon jackals, jackalettes, hangers-on and lurkers have a very healthy, happy, peareful and prosperous 2022 !
James E Powell
Is that the John Wayne version or the Jeff Bridges version?
I’m a stan for the latter.
Central Planning
@gwangung: It is unseasonably warm here in Rochester, NY. I think the thermometer said 54 degrees (f) earlier today. No complaints from me!
Doc Sardonic
Just cracked open a bottle of small batch bourbon ?. Time to get whiskey bent and hell bound.
@Central Planning: Try some Buffalo Trace bourbon some time. I’m a sour mash guy (George Dickel) and I’m impressed.
@mali muso: Pizza is very forgiving.
I hope you just cursed the Dawgs. ?
@WaterGirl: Take a road trip up north. We’re all vaxxed and boosted.
@tom: Go Blue!
Until i called her last week, I hadn’t talked with my godmother by phone for over 10 years. I called last week and we talked for about an hour.
I went to the mailbox just now and found a card she had sent after we talked, and she included a photo of me with her and my family from when I was not quite 3.
Sweet photo – my oldest sister, my mom, middle sister, my godmother, me.
@Starboard Tack: It’s tasty, but blowing the back of my head off. He may have used a bit more horseradish than the recipe called for. Not complaining! Room service is not to be…ahem…sneezed at.
@WaterGirl: Yep. And sending yourself to your room is very weird, too, especially once you feel pretty normal again.
zhena gogolia
@Argiope: New Richard Armitage thriller on Netflix. I watched the first half hour and it’s incredibly stupid.
@zhena gogolia: I’m sorry. Are you going to watch anyway with the sound off? :-)
I snickered watching that, and Ponyo sensed me watching dogs and she got very jealous.
mali muso
@zhena gogolia: Hmm, how stupid? I can put up with a lot for RA. lol.
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: Your mother looks like my mother.
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: I’m going to use it to watch while I have to stretch my arm for several minutes at a time.
Richard isn’t at peak yumminess, because he’s some kind of photographer down on his luck.
zhena gogolia
@mali muso: Not that stupid! Quite watchable. Cush Jumbo is the heroine and she’s very attractive.
zhena gogolia
@mali muso: It’s called Stay Close.
Tony Jay
Usual NYE. Boy tucked up in bed, on the couch with Lady Jay watching Jules Holland’s traditional Hootenanny with a couple of beers waiting for the big switch over to the New Year. 15 mins to go and then I think a bit of Witcher and bed.
Off to London on Sunday for a packed few days of shows for the boy’s birthday. Masked and passported and lots of glaring menacingly at any Cockney who comes within 5 feet.
@NYCMT: I’m sorry that you are ailing, but covid does appear to be bringing family together.
Gin & Tonic
@dexwood: No need to make a decision – the path forward is obvious.
mali muso
@zhena gogolia: Thanks, gonna add it to the watchlist. Btw, did you ever get any of his audiobook narrations?
@Gin & Tonic: Dos, si!
Gin & Tonic
As part of a long-delayed family room remodel, we bought ourselves a new, large, nice TV, so I suspect we will stay in and watch something on it. Wine will be consumed. The silence after the departed grandchildren will be remarked upon.
Looking forward to another year on this rock. What’s left of my family is only cousins, all younger than I am and one nephew. When you get old enough, many of the rest of them are gone. Most of my friends are gone. And none of those left live close. Oh well, my health is decent if not perfect, the sun was shinning on my daily walk, the world still revolves, people are still people, dogs are still great and such is life, it’s still good and it’s still good to be here, and I hope that I can live as long and well as Betty White.
zhena gogolia
@mali muso: No, not yet. I don’t like listening to books, but he might change my mind. What a voice!
zhena gogolia
@Ruckus: All best wishes to you for the year ahead.
Miss Bianca
Pizza, mead, movies (well, finishing up the second season of Columbo, then we’ll see about a movie after that.) Try to stay up till midnight to watch the fireworks on Pikes Peak from the living room window, if the weather allows.
yep, it’s our usual wild ‘n’crazy New Year’s Eve, which pretty much resembles most other evenings here at the Mountain Hacienda (minus the fireworks).
@zhena gogolia:
Thank you!
And the same for you and everyone else.
The picture disappeared or I imagined it…..
Tony Jay
It’s officially 2022 here in the Unfortunate Kingdom of Brexitania. Happy New Year jackals, juicers and lurkers!
May the new year be a better one and the eyes of our enemies melt in their stupid, porcine faces.
@zhena gogolia: My mom was Greek.
@mrmoshpotato: Like hell you are! Unless you mean your household rather than all of Chicago. :-)
Ohio Mom
We used to go out to eat on Friday nights, now of course it’s take-out. We had Chinese from Ohio Dad’s favorite place, now we will whatever —
I have a load of laundry I’m finishing up.
I’ve always hated the frenzied forced excitement of New Year’s Eve, am happy to stay home.
My plan for tomorrow is to bake a cake, to symbolically ensure a sweet year. I figure the world needs all the sympathetic magic it can get.
Mrs kalakal and I will be quaffing champagne when midnight comes ( or
probablydefinately before ) and watching some murders being solved courtesy of BritBox. May you all have a good night and a joyful 2022.debbie
I did not know that was the same ranch, thanks!
@James E Powell:
Oh, definitely Bridges. Love those Coen Brothers!
Made some very nice salmon last night (sauteed in butter, garlic, lemon juice) and am eating my way through it today.
Based on previous NYE, I’ll likely be in bed asleep before midnight, listening to (distant) parking lot fireworks. At least, I hope they stay distant.
The sun is going down with lots of snow and melted snow still hanging around. That should cut down on the number of people who think our parking lot a good spot to light fireworks in.
I do complain about Seattle drivers, but thus far they’ve been quite good in these weather conditions: everyone going slow and keeping a lot of room between vehicles. Of course, having been to Maine, I now have some REALLY bad, chronic tailgaters to compare Seattle drivers with!
@Starboard Tack: Whisky or whiskey?
Normal Friday evening: pasta with garlic and oil, homemade ciabatta, wine, and an evening of watching climbing competitions. We’ll miss our usual New Year’s Day ride around the bay because I’m still nursing a fractured fibula. I’ve been riding the trainer but can’t exert too much force yet. Lordy, it’s boring being laid up. It would be lovely to have snow right now.
BC in Illinois
Mrs BC and her sister will continue their focus on the gift I gave her/them last Friday — a 1,000-piece puzzle of Faith Ringgold’s Sunflower Quilting Bee at Arles. It includes 50 or so sunflowers in the design. They intend to finish tonight. We shall see.
At midnight, we will listen to the local suburbanites and the celebratory gunfire.
@mali muso: I heard someone say they were going to stay up just to make sure it (2021) leaves!
Rachel Bakes
Husband is in bed with booster after effects. Kids and I ate BBQ and watched Ducktales. Reading to daughter then cocoa and Bailey’s on my agenda before, hopefully, sleeping through the night. Best wishes for a safer, saner, and happier 2022 to all.
Starboard Tack
@sab: Doesn’t really matter after a few.
@WaterGirl: That is so sweet. My godmother is a psychopath so I try very hard to avoid her.
@JAFD: I see one of the entries on WQXR’s list is “Wagner: The Ring Cycle”; and they also have “Carmen”, “The Magic Flute”, etc. So do they excerpt the longer works, or did they start the countdown on Monday?
I dont know which Jackal linked to BBC 4’s Soul Music, whichever one of you’s it was- a sincere thank you! I’m neck deep and it is wonderful. We’re converting the Christmas remains into beef stroganoff for dinner after I collect spouse from an outdoor beer having with a lonely friend. I plan to smoke a metric shit ton (narrator- 2 puffs for this cheap date) of home grown and sip Trader Joe’s finest house brut and see this year out.
Chacal Charles Caltrop
Cooking NYE’s vegetarian dinner for brother & vegetarian niece. Seattle is in the midst of Snowmicroneggeddon so nobody is going anywhere. The dumpster fire of 2021- from the insurrection to Omicron to the latest manifestations of climate change – can’t leave soon enough IMHO
@Ken: 9AM to midnight, Monday to now-plus-75-minutes
They do a lot of play-thru complete works this week.
me too.
got a bottle of barrel select 86 proof for xmas. haven’t opened it yet but looking forward to the taste.