Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to Deliver Remarks Regarding First Anniversary of the Attack on the Capitol
Scheduled start time 2:30 pm ET Scheduled start time 2:45 pm Eastern
Watch Today at 2:30 p.m. ET: Attorney General Merrick B. Garland to Deliver Remarks Regarding First Anniversary of the Attack on the Capitol
— Justice Department (@TheJusticeDept) January 5, 2022
Hoping for a YouTube video; I will embed that as soon as I find it.
Garland doesn’t do breaking news.
@Spanky: I am on Team No Breaking News, but I am perfectly willing to be surprised.
Still, totally worth listening to what he says. Probably no red meat because there are a million open cases and investigations underway.
Starboard Tack
ETA: “Drink when you hear………”
Garland seems too procedural and too *boring* to use the eve of the anniversary to announce a major move against anyone. Happy to be wrong (let’s hope in a few minutes I am devastatingly WRONG).
I am really looking forward to what Garland has to say.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
It would be pretty tone deaf to give a speech today and have nothing to say, and I’m sure there are people around him to point that out if he’s really that apolitical. I imagine it’ll be like one of those Mattis interviews or letters that make people like David Ignatius say ‘if you read between the lines, this is a searing indictment…”
And nothing Garland could say could appease those who persist in the delusion that Garland could order trump seized and cast into irons.
Another Scott
I expect lots of numbers about arrests and so forth, but nothing specific about ongoing cases. I expect statements like “the full weight and power of the US Government” to follow the evidence wherever it leads and bring the sword of justice down on the ringleaders.
He knows what successful prosecution takes. He knows how judges work. He knows what’s at stake.
He’ll do his job carefully, and today he’ll update us on what that entails.
Why today and not Jan. 6?
Me, too.
Thank you for this reminder. I’d completely forgotten he was scheduled to speak.
Starboard Tack
@Another Scott:
Take a drink.
@Another Scott:
Really? I expect him to fire a shotgun at a photo of Trump and company.
I’ll be super disappointed if he doesn’t do that.
Having someone procedural and boring going over the self-evident (to us) facts might very well be entirely eye-opening to the less news-obsessed. Also too, Duh-dunt-duh-dunt-duh-dunt, while not the flashiest of tunes, does rather well in the build-up.
@germy: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have the spotlight tomorrow.
Edmund Dantes
@Another Scott: maybe someone can ask him why the DOJ has decided not to pursue domestic terrorism sentencing enhancements in the Jan 6th attacks where guys broke/damaged/vandalized federal property in the Capitol but they have said they will for a BLM protester that spray painted the steps of the Lincoln Memorial?
I’m sure it’s a fascinating good reason for it.
Another Scott
@Edmund Dantes: Popehat covered it.
The details matter.
[eta:] – I assume the BLM stuff you reference was a comment by TFG. I don’t recall Garland or Biden saying such a thing.
I expect exactly nothing from this. It’s all performative because he’s been getting beaten up in the press. He’s not going speak about any ongoing cases and won’t even identify any.
You’re right, I hadn’t thought of that.
@Edmund Dantes: Because white people with economic anxiety.
C Stars
“Be extremely subtle even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent’s fate.”
― Sun Tzu
Hopefully that’s Garland in a nutshell. We’ll see.
Somewhat off topic, but related to the Hannity texts released yesterday: It is extremely disturbing to me that Hannity himself had reservations about the plans for the Jan. 6, but Ginni Thomas–the spouse of a SC judge–seems to have organized and egged on the insurrection.
I expect him to say “thank you” to all the hard working employees of the DOJ for all the work they do.
Starting now!
Another Scott
Garland is speaking now.
@geg6: Agree. Not even sure why this is being hyped. Did DOJ do something extraordinary to publicize this, or is it Twitter?
My predictometer has been totally broken for years now. A casualty of 2016 no doubt, but it’s no good for anything anymore.
@WaterGirl: Does Nancy SMASH! have anything insurrection-related scheduled for tomorrow?
He did!
Mallard Filmore
he is on
@germy: Called it!!
“Knowing how anxious you are for information, I’m pleased to report the Department of Justice has found no evidence meriting investigation in the death of Betty White. Thank you and good afternoon.”
C Stars
@NotMax: lol!
@C Stars:
Fun to think about what the reaction and coverage would be if one of the liberal judges had an insane Lefty activist spouse who advocated throwing over the government in a Leftist coup. Sotomayor, for example. We would never hear the end of it.
He’s really laying out the scale of the investigation.
Speak softly and carry a big stick.
Have I missed the part where he speaks to investigating those who planned and funded the assault?
“We will and we must speak through our work.”
The Thin Black Duke
@Kay: And did Ginni Thomas and her Negroid husband think they would emerge unscathed the day after the revolution?
Can you IMAGINE? I don’t even know what Ginni Thomas looks like. I would know what Sotomayor’s Leftist radical spouse looks like!
He says he’s laying a foundation, first going after overt (violent) actors and then working up the food chain.
@NotMax: Coverup!!11!
Alison Rose
Okay I assume he said “we follow the money” but I swear to God, I thought he said “we follow the bunny”
C Stars
@Kay: Yep.
@Baud: Yep.
Fox bimbos would spend weeks on it. Atlantic magazine writers would rhetorically furrow their brows.
Another Scott
@JPL: Roughly, “… anyone who was criminally involved in the attack on our democracy, whether present at the Capitol or not…”
It’s pretty open-ended. And rightfully so.
No mention of RICO yet, so far… ;-)
Busting up the Trump crime ring in the Villages:
“There cannot be different rules for the powerful and the powerless.”
OT, but I just saw that Glenn Youngkin will appoint Trump’s EPA director as the VA Sec. of Natural Resources and Dir. of Environmental Quality.
Guess that “moderate” act that the press swallowed whole was bullshit after all.
She’s like the Uhr Karen.
“In cases like january 6 a full accounting does not just suddenly materialize.’
there cannot be different rules for friends and foes
there is only one rule: follow the facts and enforce the law in ways that respect the constitution.
we adhere to these norms and especially when the circumstances we face are not normal.
@The Thin Black Duke: Negroid! Does she know this?
Mallard Filmore
“there is only one rule” … even when it gets to be 80 days before an election?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kay: she makes teh media from time to time, like when she (according to some) drunk-dialed Anita Hill
I’ll admit I remembered that first picture as being her wearing red, white and blue deely-boppers, but I was close
Starboard Tack
@Alison Rose:
Not going to get through this sober.
“We follow the money”. A hint.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@The Thin Black Duke:
“Yeah, lady, we know what all you did to bring this about, and we’re grateful. Now, line up for transport to camps, you race traitor.”
It always is.
C Stars
Gosh, Garland’s a bit more salty than I expected.
Gin & Tonic
What kind of condiment goes on a nothingburger? Asking for a friend.
You would know what her leftist radical spouse looked like as a 10-year-old with a cowboy hat and a cap gun—a dramatic foreshadowing of his future leftist radical criminality!
Of course they did. They always think they done pulled one over on the White Supremacists they sniff the butts of, and the rest of us Black folx, as well. That is, when they aren’t just True Believers, as well.
And I say this as someone who was tempted to that Dark Side, who had family who fell over.
@Kay: I was looking up Justice Sotomayor because I read an article last week on The WaPo by a journalist whose last name was also Sotomayor. Thought maybe it was her kid? Turns out the Justice isn’t even married! I was kind of surprised. She was previously married right out of law school for a few years, but they parted ways. Single ever since. Just an interesting tidbit.
@Alison Rose: It’s not about the bunny.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
Wouldn’t that be “acting”? I mean, was there anyone in his cabinet that had been Senate-confirmed by the end of his term?
Imagine naming people so reprehensible that Mitch McConnell couldn’t rig GOP unanimity in his caucus.
@Alison Rose: Ivanka’s code name?
Alison Rose
@Gin & Tonic: A dollop of weak sauce?
I’m trying to remain positive and I do believe Garland wants to hold these people accountable, but it’s hard to keep that mindset going
@Another Scott:
“It’s not the RICO!” (@Popehat, inevitably.)
Alison Rose
@Baud: Ewwwwww
Another Scott
Oooh. Citing Scalia on how genuine threats of violence are not protected by the First Amendment. Good move.
@C Stars:
should legal issues critical to the prosecutability of the jan 6 mal-actors come before SCOTUS, what are the chances Justice Thomas will recuse himself because of conflict of interest, especially issues that could potentially expose his wife Ginny to criminal liability? What are the chances Roberts might exert pressure on Thomas to do so if Thomas does not do so on his own motion (considering Roberts recent stern admonishment to the entire federal judiciary about the appearance of financial conflicts of interest?)
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I enjoyed that, I admit, because I’m petty.
Also I had just watched an older documentary of Anita Hill and sort of fallen in love with her. She has a peaceful presence. A really impressive person. So double-fun that crazypants was drunk dialing her.
About what I expected from Garland.
Mush mouthed, milquetoast, institutionalist blather.
Starboard Tack
@Baud: That’s what her father calls her in private.
Old School
I take it that you aren’t watching.
C Stars
@cmorenc: 1. Zero 2. Close to zero.
Thank you, but I knew that. I didn’t pay that much attention to her when she was nominated, other than to note with horror that elite lawyers are horrible snobby ass kissers and were disrespectful to her, but she has come to be one of my faves and I read about her.
@Old School: I’ll just keep holding my breath waiting for him to prosecute anyone other than a peon.
If you ever catch Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates on PBS, she’s going to be one of the guests in next week’s episode.
Mallard Filmore
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
I am watching the DOJ show, so have not verified anything … but this may be appointment to Virginia state positions.
@Kay: She did a very good interview with John Oliver back in 2018 concerning workplace sexual harassment. Starts at the 17:25 mark.
Another Scott
Good speech.
I liked the reminder to everyone that the DOJ cannot protect our democracy alone.
C Stars
I feel like this speech probably looks much better on paper. I seem to remember way back when Obama first nominated him to the SC, folks noted that his mien and delivery was quite bland.
@Gin & Tonic:
Low-fat, sugar free, vegan mayonnaise
Thanks. I generally don’t watch so I haven’t seen it. She was a prosecutor so I expected her to be different. Pleasant surprise. Annually really. She’s the gift that keeps on giving.
@Gin & Tonic: Interesting. I found it more meaty and more inspirational than I expected.
I’ve never understood the freakout, here and elsewhere, over Garland’s alleged inactivity. Barack Obama believed he would be a good Supreme Court justice, calling him “someone who brings to his work a spirit of decency, modesty, integrity, even-handedness, and excellence.”
Referring to the Oklahoma City bombing investigation, Obama said, “Throughout the process, Merrick took pains to do everything by the book. When people offered to turn over evidence voluntarily, he refused, taking the harder route of obtaining the proper subpoenas instead, because Merrick would take no chances that someone who murdered innocent Americans might go free on a technicality.”
(More here:
This is a much bigger investigation than OKC, and I’ve always been willing to wait and see.
@Alison Rose:
Follow the Bunny.
@Alison Rose: I definitely also heard follow the bunny. I mean granted I’m at work and was writing an email so only half listening but I thought of Alice in Wonderland and figured that tracks. FOLLOW THE BUNNY.
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
@Mallard Filmore:
Oh, it is. I’m talking about referring to him as Trump’s former EPA director.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Getting awful Green Lanterny around here
@Another Scott: Am I the only one who thought he was speaking to the current supreme court justices when he was talking about the voting rights act and how they took a hatchet to it.
For Garland, i consider that calling them out publicly.
The Thin Black Duke
@Woodrow/asim: Herman Cain would like a word. Oh. Oops.
C Stars
@WaterGirl: I didn’t expect a juicy cheeseburger because, well, Merrick Garland. But also given the chronology of recent leaks and revelations about those who were in communication with TFG, it just didn’t seem likely.
@geg6: Good to know! Thanks!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: What does that mean? All sorts of people are using that lately but i just do not know.
the google wanted to tell me about ejaculation between breasts so i didn’t linger too long there trying to figure it out.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@WaterGirl: Politics, or in this case criminal prosecutions, are merely a matter of courage and will. The implied notion in a lot of these comments that if Garland had any balls he would have arrested trump by now.
@Alison Rose: I heard it that way too.
@Avalune: no no, “follow the bunny” like in The Matrix. *headtappingmeme
@The Thin Black Duke: Didn’t he win some kinda award?
@The Thin Black Duke: “Aww, shucky duckie.”
I’ll give it up to ol’ Herman for his soundbite-ability. The rest, full nope. (I assume he’s still dead.)
@Leto: I thought “follow the bunny” was Alice in Wonderland.
C Stars
@WaterGirl: I found this on Urban Dictionary (below the more R-rated entries that you mention):
Green Lanternism
A belief that political miracles are achieved by sheer will force. Proponents of the Green Lantern Theory have attributed failure and compromise to a lack of presidential willpower. Matthew Yglesias came up with the Green Lantern Theory of Geopolitics* to ridicule conservatives who claimed “the only thing limiting us is a lack of willpower” in foreign policy. The Green Lantern Theory was later applied to the Obama Administration who seemed to lack the will power to make the radical changes in policy such as universal health care, lowering medical costs, banking reform, and peaceful negotiations that people had hoped for., especially after the Republicans took over the US House in 2011.
randy khan
Of course it was. Sadly, lots of people mistake a folksy demeanor for actually being reasonable. Just wait for what he does on abortion. And never mind what he actually said he would do on education, which could strip public schools of tons of funding in favor of money going to private schools. Luckily the Dems still control the State Senate, so they should be able to stop that sort of stuff.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: @C Stars:
Thank you!
Bah. Performative pablum for the masses. I demand the skulls of
myour nation’s enemies piled high on the steps of the Lincoln Monument, and the reflecting pool red with blood.— Conan the Historian
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Well, we are “through the looking glass and off the map”, as Adam reminds us from time to time…
@Baud: That’s what the Urban Dictionary wanted to tell me when I asked for the definition of Green Lantern. ?♀️
I replaced the DOJ live link with the YouTube video of the speech that just finished.
God, I don’t know what’s in your cache—and I don’t want to—but the Green Lantern
theoryfallacy is that some individual in a situation, usually someone in power, has the superhuman ability to just make things happen.Vox:
Brad DeLong boiled it down to “the belief that if only people would lead, they could do anything.”
The “Green Lantern” theory is that those in power can do whatever they want if they have the will (though it’s usually not expressed in quite those terms).
For example, Garland should be able to pile the skulls of
myour nation’s enemies (etc.), so the fact that he hasn’t done so means he doesn’t want to.Gin & Tonic
Since it’s an open thread, I’ll follow up on a post from this morning:
C Stars
@Steeplejack: The–ahem–activity that Watergirl mentions is just what is listed as the first definition of Green Lantern in, which is the first entry that pops up if you google the term. I read the whole entry (yes, I did) and there’s also something to do with a blacklight. Seems complicated and unnecessary.
Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
How has
ObamaGarland betrayed us today?Formerly disgruntled in Oregon
@C Stars:
Sounds like sex!
The Moar You Know
@Cacti: I, too, wanted him to lead off with “the hangings will start tomorrow” but then remembered I don’t live in the Philippines.
Another Scott
@WaterGirl: He was calling out the Roberts SCOTUS and the other federal courts, the GQP in Congress, and basically everyone who swears an oath to protect the Constitution from “all enemies foreign and domestic”. He did the same in his voting rights speech last year. But he also made the point that we’re all in this together, that his DOJ will not be partisan, and will only work with the legal tools that the department has (while pressing for more tools and resources).
It’s easy to see why Obama wanted him (as a compromise nominee) on the SCOTUS.
Regardless of what Garland does or doesn’t say, I don’t want to hear any hot takes from law professors who do not practice and for the rest of my born days from Jeff Toobin because fuck that workplace jack hands.
C Stars
@Formerly disgruntled in Oregon: True, true, but after all that does one really have the energy to run and plug in the blacklight?
To each their own, I suppose. Also, I may have misconstrued the actual activity being described. I read it rather speedily as I assumed off the bat it had nothing whatsoever to do with Merrick Garland.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: it was, but “follow the white rabbit” is used in both Matrix 1 and 4 and I was using it in that context. “Follow the money” and “Follow the bunny/white rabbit” to discover “the truth!”
zhena gogolia
@NotMax: lol
Or, more formally, “Leading with leadery leadership.”
Tapping heels together while pining for Kansas is another approach.
zhena gogolia
@The Moar You Know: lol
James E Powell
Everyone in the press/media hates this guy. So does nearly everyone on social media.
The Thin Black Duke
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Posthumously.
C Stars
@stinger: I actually thought it was quite clever of Garland to link this insurrection to the Oklahoma City bombing. All of a piece with the violent right wing extremism.
joel hanes
Minor DC Comics hero The Green Lantern acquires his ability to do things by sheer force of will by recharging a special ring in a mystical green lantern while reciting special words.
@Leto: Oh you are correct but I’m pretty sure the matrix nod to following the bunny was also still a reference to Through the Looking Glass and following the rabbit down the hole – so either way.
@Steeplejack: Count me as officially offended by your “cache” reference.
If that was supposed to be funny, it wasn’t.
@James E Powell:
Has all the right enemies, at least.
Gin & Tonic
Take with a grain (or two) of salt, naturally, but the photos in this Tweet reportedly show a statue of Nursultan Nazarbaev in the city of Taldykorgan, Kazakhstan.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
“There goes my people. I must follow them, for I am their leader.”― Mahatma Gandhi
Knew it was a lie when he wrote it because the trash heap he works for were begging Dear Leader to call off the mob.
They just lie and lie and lie. All day, every day.
No! Skulls! Piled high! Or better, displayed as a salutary reminder to all of the consequences of offending
meour nation’s highest principles!Kent
@Kay: Which is why Fox News is so gung ho about pursuing 1/6 prosecutions. Since they are all leftists in disguise, throw the fucking book at them!
oh wait…
Enhanced Voting Techniques
The Song of Solomon is a spicy take for The Bible.
Doug R
@Alison Rose: I heard “bunny” as well.
@Gin & Tonic
Covered this a few days ago.
Ghost peppers.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Ezekiel 23 also has a few words on the subject.
@Kay: They’re sticking to the original script. The plan, apparently, was to provoke violence between the rioters and Antifa as a pretext for disrupting the proceedings, perhaps by invoking martial law, but Antifa ungraciously refused to show up. It’s illustrative of how dumb and poorly-planned the whole event was that they didn’t anticipate this possibility and arrange for some Antifa cosplayers themselves.
I love his Twitter photo. “I am a serious newsman”. Whatever you clown.
@C Stars:
We may need another metaphor for Trump.
His idiot supporters believe that he achieved political miracles when he actually didn’t do much of anything at all, besides his posturing and bloviating.
And yet I heard some idiot recently declare that Trump was the greatest president since Washington.
Alison Rose
@Doug R: since many people did, I wonder if he has a cold
but now I keep picturing bunnies in Maga hats…
@Kent: the great thing about spewing lies is that don’t have to be logically consistent.
I’ve suspected this has been the practice going back to W and 2000 at least. TFG’s fit over the mail in ballots indicates the usual GOPer projection. If we’ve been doing it, surely they must be too. I’ve always thought the SCOTUS decision to stop the FL 2000 recount was prompted by knowing if the lawyers looked too closely they would turn up something far worse than hanging chads.
Back during the Kasich administration he put the kibosh on a state voter ID law that would have required anyone living out of state more than 30 days to get a new driver’s license and re-register to vote upon returning to OH. It was targeting out of state students on college campuses but unintended consequences, might expose the wrong voter fraud, you know.
Starboard Tack
@Brachiator: Sounds like the Wizard of Oz. Another charlatan.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Ken: Someone was obsessing over hookers and wine in the early Iron Age, damn.
funny. ummm… zero?
Well, why would they show up? It was a Trump rally. They think Antifa has some kind of emergency mobilization plan? Big trucks with black-booted Antifa sitting on the sides rolling into DC? The profound misunderstanding of Antifa on the Right is really something. Fantasies are fine but one really shouldn’t plan around them.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I suggest “The Brown Lantern”
Citizen Alan
I firmly believe that when Clarence Thomas looks in a mirror, he sees a white man staring back at him. Every opinion he’s ever written or joined that touches on civil rights suggests that he doesn’t expect the law to ever treat him as it does the typical African-American.
I believe the original German is “triumph of the will”.
@Leto: What is this Matrix that you speak of, a film of some sort?
@Baud: Did TFG kick the doors in, fire his Tommy gun into the air, and holler “you’ll never take me alive, copper!”
No? Disappointed
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Clarence Thomas officiated Rush Limbaugh’s wedding. The third one. It didn’t take. Not sure about the fourth.
So, the obvious conclusion to draw here is that the DOJ is running around shouting SHOW ME THE BUNNY! Right?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: A film franchise that should have stopped after the first.
I keep seeing variations of this as part of Trump’s master plan, but I don’t see how this would have accomplished anything, except for a possible delay of the largely ceremonial counting of the electoral votes.
But none of this would have kept Trump in office a nanosecond past January 20.
The preferred description is “Timeless moral lessons, as relevant now as when first penned.”
@Kay: I think I remember some comments on left wing blogs in the days leading up to 1/6 that urged counter-protesters to steer clear, mostly, I think, to avoid the way it would be reported if there were violence. As you recall, there had been at least one earlier Proud Boys march where counter-protesters showed up and people were stabbed, and of course the media reported it as left-wing violence. I also would not be surprised if people in the loose network that is “Antifa” had listening posts in RW chat rooms who picked up on their eager anticipation of a massive showdown.
Yeah, that detail seems to be overlooked in all their plans.
J R in WV
I didn’t see/hear the speech, but Wife did, and was favorably impressed, also somewhat surprised by it. No surprise that several folk here were not impressed at all, they told us they wouldn’t be impressed before he said a word.
We shall see what happens as it unfolds over the next few months. Here again we will watch history as it happens. After Nixon resigned I thought I wouldn’t live to see that kind of history again, but here it is again. Hmm, didn’t someone once say something about “Those who do not remember history are condemned to repeat it!”? Is the dammed White Rabbit running in circles?
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Now it’s just Mayhew with his hookers and blow.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
What, that brothel is still going after 2,500 years? I mean, World’s Oldest Profession, but I never imagined. 0o
@Brachiator: Was there anything about the whole production that would have made sense under normal law or procedure? I mean, look at all the lawsuits based on totally bonkers ideas about election law. If they were willing to advance the arguments they did with a straight face in courts of law, what they dreamed up in privacy must have been several times more fantastical.
I don’t know much about Antifa and I don’t trust what I hear. I listened to a (great) podcast that was “about” an Antifa (young man) who was killed walking out of a bar when a Right winger ran him over- his mother was the main speaker in the series- and to me it became about their relationship- the mother and son. He had been with Antifa since he was 16. It’s a much broader political philosophy than “liberal” – they don’t really take part in “politics” like we understand it. So it would make sense for them to fight with Proud Boys but not with Trumpsters wearing MAGA hats. They wouldn’t care if Trump was seated instead of Biden. It’s a much longer and bigger battle to them.
Yes, I saw such posts, too. All the political groups I belong to on FB were warning people to stay away.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Why isn’t Garland prosecuting the Designated Hitter rule?
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: Interesting question. A quick google search indicates the oldest operating brothels are around a century old. But, I’d think by their nature, there could be older brothels that never came to public notice. Definitely room for a master’s thesis in history here.
What you must realize is that they pretty much consider all Dems to be Antifa. They have no idea what the real Antifa, which is simply a loosely connected group of anti-fascists, is or the fact that they aren’t not an organization, per se. It’s just Democrats.
Starboard Tack
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: Exactly! The DH is the crime of the (last) century.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch:
And the 7-inning double headers, and the runner-starts-on-2nd rule?!
They really do love their boogymen, don’t they?
“A penetrating analysis.”
– Porkus Review
@smith: Antifa has no organized structure, at all – that is solely a rightwing myth that they spread. So, even if someone that call’s themselves Antifa read what you said online, there’d be no way to spread such information to anyone else who also say’s they were Antifa.
@Avalune: Can’t wait for Tom Cruz to be cast as Merrick Garland, shouting, “SHOW ME THE BUNNY!!!!!” In the upcoming film adaptation.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: “Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself.” :P
@Cermet: I’m not talking about an organized structure. People with similar political views talk to each other. They sometimes agree to show up at a place and time to make themselves heard. As far as I know, that’s it. Certainly no meetings, no dues, no membership lists, no charter, no elected officers. But not completely isolated individuals who never communicate with each other, either.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
If there was such a thing as a millenia-old brothel, imagine the history contained in it! Which crowned rulers and Popes patronized it… or owned it!
The Moar You Know
@Kay: you gotta learn to speak conservative better. The vehicle you’re looking for is called a “low-rider”.
@Avalune: I would pay to see that.
“Remember, remember
The January 6th offenders…”
ETA: Maybe in future history books?
@Enhanced Voting Techniques: EXCELLENT!
I think Orange Lanterns are supposed to be the embodiment of greed, so that one also works on multiple levels.
@Kay: What they don’t have is a wife of a supreme court judge with a bankroll to rent buses. When they go out into Eastern Oregon to start fires, they are lucky if they have enough money to rent a sub-compact from Avis.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
In the immortal words of George Zip (inventor of the Zip Code), “Win one for the Bunny! ?”
Okay, some people on Twitter are telling us that Garland said “both sides”. (I haven’t heard this–haven’t heard any of the presentation.)
Is that possibly true? I don’t trust the people who are saying this. They don’t even have a four-second clip or quote.
Miss Bianca
@ThresherK: Probably best to just take a listen to it for yourself – I don’t think it’s that long.
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: those immortal words turned the tide in the fight for Drambui IIRC
The podcast was sad because the kid had (in my view) completely romanticized his role, like a 16 year old might. He and his mother had a hard life, poverty, which he understandably saw as unfair, an injustice,so he joined this kind of army. And ended up dead. But way beyond “politics”. Outside any system.
Captain C
@Kay: Antifa just means Anti-Fascist (so those who are opposed, well…). In a somewhat narrower sense, it’s those on the left who are willing to physically oppose the bullying and intimidation done by the various Rightist groups. What the lying right and their mouthpieces in the media do is try and confuse them with the Black Bloc anarchists, who generally seem to be privileged kids pretending to have a political philosophy but who really want to trash shit and get praised for it, especially at other people’s rallies.
Chris Johnson
Could ‘bunny’ be somebody’s code name? Like Trump? Or Clarence Thomas? Or I don’t know, Tucker Carlson? Who is the bunny they are following?
Beau of the Fifth Column thinks they’re leaking stuff about Hannity sending worried texts, to give him motivation to flip whereupon they can cut him a deal. I think this is the time when the pressure is really on to reveal big big names that were behind 1/6. I mean, we know Ginny Thomas was, and Hannity knew and we know that. This is not going to be all about Trump and his spawn: they’re total losers expecting to reap the benefits because they’re Russia’s pet potemkin first family. So who was NOT a bozo but was responsible for the actual work of all this?
Not that it went well, mind you, but still?
Can anyone imagine what a putative defendant’s lawyer would make of statements by the AG that he was going to get these people come hell or high water? They are already in some cases asserting that they are victims of a political witch hunt. I truly do not understand this desire for some kind of moral victory that supposedly accrues from vitriolic statements by law enforcement about people under investigation. Any victory along these lines would be symbolic at best and might actually compromise actual prosecutions. It seems obvious enough to me that it becomes incredibly tedious to listen to those who are flogging Garland for not being the modern day AG equivalent of GWB scoring all those rhetorical points over the axis of evil.
Not all of the kids are alright.
@Captain C: My impression is that “Antifa” means something similar to what “Anti-War” meant during Vietnam. There were organized anti-war groups then (though many were pretty loosely organized), but being “Anti-War” didn’t imply membership in any of them. A lot of anti-war people showed up for demos, carried out other actions as they saw fit, called themselves anti-war, but never attended any meetings or joined any group.
@Barbara: The “resister” Twitter wants their version of Barr.
@Peale: Aren’t there any Jews willing to loan them a space laser or two?
zhena gogolia
@schrodingers_cat: I agree with sc.
Chief Oshkosh
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Who has said that? Has it been said at BJ?
zhena gogolia
@NotMax: swang?
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Alison Rose: “Silly little bleeder. One rabbit stew coming up.”
I second your final sentence and scorn anyone who thought this could all be wrapped up in a day or two.
Anti-Fascist. It explains itself.
I liked AG Garlands assurance they will be “tracked down, on any level.”
@Brachiator: Pretty sure “the plan” involved invoking Marshall Law… something something… discard the votes in swing states… something something… President forever!
Starboard Tack
@Mart: George Marshall died sometime ago.
@Mart: That would be martial law, as in rule according to military diktat. It’s not too bold to say that to some extent we are all being ruled by Marshall law, Marshall being John Marshall, the fourth and still arguably the most consequential CJ of the Supreme Court.
@Starboard Tack: Marshall Martial what’s the diff?
Chief Oshkosh
@C Stars:
Are prosecutors pursuing now with the post-OKC bombing and post-911 legal tools available? Seems like something to do.
Starboard Tack
@Barbara: Yours is better.
@joel hanes:
Minor? Sir…
@Mart: Just don’t confuse them with Marital.
(Joke stolen from Terry Pratchett, where someone thought he was ordering an illustrated handbook of Martial Arts…)
@Starboard Tack: I love wordplay.
@Miss Bianca: Okay, I skimmed thru it at 1.75x normal speed, stopped a couple of times to relisten to a bit here and there, and still am not picking up what is being claimed. Still not hearing the Bothsidesing.
I’ll just keep my eye out for more people claiming it.
@Kay: It’s not really a misunderstanding – the leaders know who exactly antifa is – as with everything they use every tool for the ill-informed to be terrorized.
Starboard Tack
@Ken: It takes a license?
Song by Duran Duran
Captain C
This sounds like a pretty good analogy.
Hmm . . . an Adderall snorting, incredibly lazy, malignant narcissist and congenital liar of questionable literacy, always on the scam. The indolent idiot of Arkham Asylum?
Starboard Tack
@rmjohnston: Also preening and overweening
Chief Oshkosh
@Chief Oshkosh: That was weird – totally off quote from another thread from earlier today. Oh well.
@Leto: In the upcoming dramatic court scene..
TomC: I Want the BUNNY!
Col: You want the bunny?! You want the bunny??!
TomC: I think I”m entitled to it!
Col: You can’t have the bunny!!! Son, we live in a place with a lot of grass. We keep the bunnies to eat them – you use them a punchline! I have no inclination to give answers to someone whose grass is well groomed.
Col: either way, I don’t give a DAMN what you think you’re entitled to!
Old School
It is likely this part being referred to:
@cintibud: Unlikely, apparently V for Vendetta is on the ban list cuz of critical race theory.
We are talking about Trump, so nothing was normal.
@NotMax: Speaking of kids not being alright – it seems that George Floyd’s 4 year old grand niece got shot in her bed on New Years morning at 4am. It took the cops till 7am to show up. An internal affairs investigation has started because a 3 hour response time to a shooting is pretty piss poor and of course. You can’t rule out the cops wanting revenge.
@cain: I was waiting for you can’t handle the bunny.
I think the formula is: F = Gc²
where F= fascism, G = Ginni Thomas, and c= the speed of light
I won’t speculate as to why, but the amazing thing to me is that she may not be racist. Either that or her exception is for one person.
Welcome relief. Facts, no hyperbole. Was very clear about the process. Thank the FSM Barr is gone.
Merrick did take a not at all subtle shot at SCOTUS overturning preclearance. Spoke at length of the dangers of eroding voting rights. That’s gonna really chap Robert’s ass getting schooled in front of the whole DOJ staff revealing what a partisan hack he is. Not allowed in the NPR playbook.
lol – sorry to disappoint. It would have made the other bits harder to write :-)
randy khan
@C Stars:
I sometimes feel like certain Urban Dictionary entries are made up just to catch people who are looking for other things.
Less than the chances that Trump will come out and admit he lost the election and congratulate Biden for his victory and great leadership.
If Ginni Thomas were convicted of insurrectionist activities and the case reached the SCOTUS, Clarence would not recuse himself. He wouldn’t recuse himself if he were the defendant.
@Citizen Alan: The Honorable Supreme Court Justice Uncle Ruckus. No relation.
The same could be said for Mueller. In this case, being a SCOTUS justice and AG are very different and require very different qualities.
Garland is much older now¹ and age may do much to explain Mueller’s abject failure.
This is an observation, not a judgment.
¹ Than he was for the Oklahoma City bombing.
@smith: The crowning irony of it all is that antifa is a lot closer to an ad-hoc citizens’ “Militia” than the reskinned slavecatcher patrols Americans currently associate with the term – thanks in no small part to right wing groups misusing the term.
@Mart: Marshall Law is just Slim Shady in camo.
@Captain C:
Your first sentence there is very misleading. I mean, that is the derivation of the name, but that name has never been used with a general meaning of just being against fascism. The “narrower meaning” is the one it has always had, because it’s a reference to a name used in Germany for a particular strain of leftist activism that absolutely does not include people who are doing mainstream social-liberal democratic politics, no matter how much they hate fascists. If you just wanted to describe yourself as being anti-fascist in Germany but were not revolutionary-inclined, you wouldn’t use that specific abbreviation, you would just say anti-fascist. In the US it’s a similar story, more specifically coming out of the punk rock scene, but either way the name was picked up by a specific subculture and always had the narrower connotation.
I really hate this common dodge of saying “anyone who’s not pro-Antifa must be pro-fascist– that’s what the name means!” No, sorry, no one is required to take ideological self-labeling at face value. I mean, if the statement “Anyone who’s against the Democratic Party must be against democracy” has any truth it’s because of current circumstances, not because of the literal meaning of the name.
@cain: Wow, that stinks to high heaven.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
What if they invoked Marcia Law?
@Captain C:
Well, I’m not an expert. It was just the one podcast. But one of the people they interviewed was a friend of the antifa kid and the friend has political ambitions. He wants to be elected as a socialist. He drew a clear line between his views and those of antifa, in that he is willing to work within a system and they’re simply not interested in that although they’re aligned ideologically (and were also friends).
They reject his approach and he rejects theirs. He still believes he can effect change within the existing political system and they do not.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Adam Schiff and Jamie Raskin are considerably younger, and they couldn’t get the public outraged about trump’s crimes either.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I was speaking about Mueller’s horrendous testimony, not his public relations.
As for Garland, he would almost certainly be a great AG in normal times. His measured approach would be reassuring and his exemplary character would assure fair treatment for everyone.
Whether he is the right person in extraordinary times is another question. Because the work is done behind closed doors, we don’t know what is being done or if the level of urgency is sufficient. Business as usual, may not be good enough when the entire system is threatened.
Garland’s presentation today is long overdue. It comes in response to growing criticism of the silence and lack of visible action from the DOJ. The fact that Garland let it come to this could be a bad sign about his understanding of what is needed as opposed to how he would like to perform his duties. That doesn’t mean he’s not doing a great job — we haven’t a clue.
“As long as it takes…” That fails to acknowledge that there are other forces at work and if it takes too long, but could have been done faster if the proper sense of urgency had been guiding the work, it could be too late. I’m sure Garland doesn’t like the idea of letting politics affect his work. But politics — midterm elections specifically– are critical. Once Republicans regain control of both houses, the outcome of the DOJ’s investigations may not matter anymore. There is no guarantee, but that outcome could change the results of the elections and conceivably save our democracy.
We’ll see…
It was great that Garland pointedly criticized the radicals on the SCOTUS, particularly the phony moderate John Roberts, for gutting the VRA. The media should have raised this issue constantly over the past several years.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@TriassicSands: Mueller’s report was clear. The evidence was there. Congress dropped the ball. The American people moved on.
No one’s age had anything to do with the inability or unwillingness of the majority of the American people to care about trump’s crimes.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: This.
@Cermet: To be fair, these are the people who believe “the Jews” have been conspiring to install a Jew as Pope for 300 years. Ginning up nasty fantasies about what a given group is without worrying about whether it has any relationship with reality comes naturally.
@NotMax: What a lovely little super-spreader event, of both hate and COVID – a common combo.
@Brachiator: Here’s about all that Trump accomplished beyond meaningless Sharpie signed exec orders.
1 and 2 would have been done by any of the 8 million people who tried to win the GOP nomination…you didn’t need Trump for either. (Federalist Society gives list of nominees – GOP president nominates….at least the other GOP contenders may have known at least a little something about the nominees – pretty certain Trump had no idea who any of them were)
Not sure if anybody but Trump would have done #3 but the God Squad loves him for that and #2.
#4 is commendable but also something any other GOP president would have tried to do. But the Trump fans think the vaccine is from the devil so not a reason they think he’s the greatest president ever.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
We have an extraordinarily different view of Mueller’s testimony. To me, he seemed barely familiar with the report. “If it’s in the report, I stand by it,” was a frequent kind of response. You are actually the first person I’ve ever come across who apparently thinks Mueller’s testimony was even marginally adequate.
Shaky is not usually considered good in this context.