I don’t know if it is all the throwback posts, but I had the most vivid dreams about Tunch last night. It was weird- he was there, in my old apartment from undergrad that he never lived in, with my roommate’s brother taking care of him. He was not dead, I had just forgotten him and my stuff, and I went back to pick some stuff up and there he was. Really weird.
That is one of my favorite memories of the blog- you all donating so much money to MARC in his name to really get them to where they are now.
I miss this joint.
Reading about your dream made me cry, but in a good way.
Always loved, never forgotten, forever missed.
I had two dogs die within six months of each other last year. I haven’t been able to adopt another dog because I take care of my mother who is 88, soon to be 89 and she has fragile bones, take your vitamins. When I’m missing my girls or just thinking about them, which is a lot of the time these days, I tend to dream about them later. Usually it’s about time for one more hug, which I would dearly love. Your dream about Tunch sounds like a pleasant dream and one I wouldn’t mind having about one of my dogs from the past.
@WaterGirl: it made me tear up a bit too.
* stupid autocomplete
Grumpy Old Railroader
Yepper. The dear old friends (furry or two legged) show up in the damndest places in our dreams. My oft occurring dream is showing up for work on the railroad and I don’t have my boots (or lantern) and hoping that nobody notices. Dreamz is weird
Poe Larity
He was trying to remind you that you forgot that organic chem test.
Tunch the Magnificent!
Come to think on it, one of Cole’s posts about vet trips with Tunch – you know, kitty strait jackets and rhinoceros hide gloves – would be classic. But memories can hurt.
Please someone take these hiccups away so I can sleep
@WaterGirl: I know what you mean. I used to enjoy reading about Tunch, and seeing pics of him. My own cat, Bing, is huge and imposing, and I admired Tunch–his look and his personality. Then, in a blink of an eye, he was gone. It was shocking: “RIP Tunch”
JohnMc in NC
I’ve never cried so much over an animal I never met. I still miss him too.
Damn, the loss of a pet cuts so deep. When my Charlie passed away, for weeks I would just break down all of a sudden and lay on the bed sobbing for what seemed to be forever.
I don’t know how people handle the passing of their parents or a spouse or godforbid a child.
Ohio Mom
Whenever a dead loved one visits me in my dreams, it’s never long enough.
These sorts of dreams make it easy to see how beliefs about things like angels and eternal life, ghosts and spirits just beyond the veil, and the like, came to be.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
We all miss you Tunch!
@Ohio Mom: You are lucky. I rarely dream (that I know of) and when I do they’re awful, awful nightmares. I detest dreaming. It’s exhausting.
I am so sorry.
Ohio Mom
@Yarrow: Oh, I have nightmares too, and I hate them. And unlike the tantalizing dreams about people I’ll miss forever, the bad ones linger. They can haunt me for the first part of the day until I shake them.
I didn’t always have such strong and vivid dreams. I think it’s the med I take for RA.
@Sebastian: It is what it is. Fortunately doesn’t happen all that often.
@Ohio Mom:
I cannot remember having a good dream. It’s either awful dreams or nothing. The covid vaccines kicked the nightmares into high gear. I dreaded going to bed because the nightmares were so horrific. Like, get out of bed and walk it off kind of bad. I was constantly exhausted from horrible dreams and then not sleeping after I woke up from one.
As I have searched through the depths of the blog looking for stuff for the anniversary, I have had similar moments of strong emotion. I don’t want to say much, because I don’t know what WaterGirl is going to post, in what order, but I will say that the jackaltariat, led by you, has done a large portion of good works over the life of the blog. I think we raised $13,000 in one day for MARC, and we raised $25,000 for Mayhew’s niece in a similarly short time. Just two examples. And there have been so many other moments of kindness and grace. That’s all thanks to you and the space that you have created here.
Not ever being a person who remembers dreams (presumably I have them), long held a reserved seat in the skeptic’s gallery about those who say they do.
@NotMax: We’re all lying. ?
so what stuff did you forget at the apartment. I mean you went back for the stuff and not Tunch … that must have been pretty important stuff … was it the mustard? I bet Tunch has the mustard now. He will give it back when you feed him.
I do manage to miss Tunch, which is surprising since I not only never met him, but am barely a cat person. Hope he visits you in a livable way in your dreams.
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): so true.
Aha! Vindicated; I suspected as much all along.
Good stuff, right?!?!
I’m one night behind you in the Vivid Dream Department ™ . You apparently substituted “previously scheduled life” for Tunch and sent it up 79 North to PGH. Thank you!
@mrmoshpotato: Can. Not. Believe. You. Told. Him….
That’s a Banhammer Offense!
FYI. Apple – fall – tree.
Lovely dream about Tunch, who was before my time. I also have dreams about the departed from time to time, usually nice ones.
My pet calendar arrived Monday. Nice to know that the proceeds will help other animals.
My wife and I have both had dream visits from departed animals. I can’t say if they’re all in our heads or a glimpse into another world. In the end, does it matter? I say it doesn’t.
Tony Jay
Ah, Tunch, that big, beautiful bastard. Long worshipped by the Native American tribes as the embodiment of Earth, Sky, and Mountain, his mythology states that he visits his most loyal acolytes through the Dreamspace to remind them that All Their Things Belong To Him and Now Would Be A Good Time For Food.
Speaking of dreams and repeat locations, whenever I dream of ‘home’, it’s always the house I lived in from age 7 to 19. Same living room, same kitchen, same bedroom with the view out back to the apple trees. I guess nowhere else has sunk its roots in quite so deeply.
There’s also the Enormous Library that I occasionally find myself in. Polished brown wood shelves, shiny brass handles, shelves stacked high to a distant ceiling, room after room after room of all the books ever written, filed away just for me. That’s my happy space.
@NotMax: I don’t think that’s a fruit tree. Nuts, more likely.
Tony Jay
Is spraying beans of douchedom across state lines a felony or just a misdemeanour if you’re a Low-Melanin American?
Pomme de terror?
@Tony Jay: Assumes facts not in evidence.
The beans of douchdom could’ve been sprayed and germinated in the same state. Most likely they did.
Tony Jay
That’s for the courts to decide.
@Tony Jay: ? Unexplained fires are a matter for the courts. Canyonero!?
Two related/connected stories.
A number of years ago I was visiting a friend in Buffalo. They had a rescue dog on my previous visit but put him down for various (good) reasons. However, it was mentioned they had told their daughter they sent him across the Rainbow Bridge. Now, at the time I was unfamiliar with the “pets going to heaven” Rainbow Bridge, but I *was* familiar with the Rainbow Bridge that went from Niagara Falls, NY to Niagara Falls, Ontario. I blinked a few times and replied, “You told her you sent the dog to Canada?” Which, while unintended, is really kind of sweet.
A while back I was in Ottawa for a training class and while taking a nap before dinner our old Siamese cat, Samantha, jumped up on the bed and curled up next to me. “Sammy!” I said, “You’re not supposed to be here! But stay a little while longer….” It was one of the most vivd, absolutely felt real dreams I’ve ever had. At the time I didn’t make the deceased pet/Canada connection but clearly it was somewhere in the back of my head.
Enjoy Canada, Tunch. Say hi to Samantha and Tipper for me.
Tony Jay
Exactly. Unless it’s Tory Britain where unexplained fires, toppling statues of slavers and all matters touching on grift at the highest levels of State are clearly matters beyond the remit of the courts and best discussed in BOLD TYPE across the front pages of friendly Volkisch publications.
@Tony Jay: The Simpsons – Canyonero
It was the suddenness that was so shocking.
Tony Jay
I know. I’ve had that bloody tune worming through my ear since you posted the comment. 8-)
@Poe Larity:
Shut up shut up shut up
Organic chem or a language class that you can’t cram for – forgot you signed up for – never dropped or attended . . .
and you need the class to graduate . . .
next week. Argh.
@debbie: yes, the suddenness of it.
Long time reader and very very rare commentor but I have to respond this morning. I actually remember exactly where I was and who I was with when I read Tunch died and I actually started crying in public, at a restaurant table. For a man and a cat neither of whom I’d ever met. That’s how connected I (and I suspect many others) feel to this community you’ve built, John. Thank you and thank you Tunch
@trdonoghue: me too, in my office
Miss Bianca
@trdonoghue: I know, I remember where I was when I read about Tunch’s death. I was at home, so I could weep in respectable privacy. I was still a lurker then, and wanted desperately to make some sort of condolence comment, but was too chickenshit to do it, figuring JC would get outpourings of support from commenters he actually knew. Which he did. But still. RIP, Tunch.
Paul in KY
Hope you have more dreams of that fluffy dude, John. My old cat CB died back in Sep. He was 18. Appeared in the pet calendar several years ago. He had a wonderful life. Have dreamed of him a couple times since then.
Ann Marie
I was home, fortunately, when I saw that Tunch had died, and cried like a baby. He was magnificent. I wish that one of my cats would visit me in my dreams but I don’t think they ever have.
Tearing up now thinking of Tunch. We all loved that cat.