I am super excited about Adam Schiff joining us in the book club zoom tomorrow night!
I nearly wrote “please read all the information” but I thought that would be too close to “please clap”.
First: Adam Schiff will be joining us for our book club meeting at 8pm Eastern on Wednesday 1/19, for 30 minutes.
Second: Theme for this meeting is The Insurrection on Jan 6 – The Revolution Really Was Televised!
Third: We have permission to record the 30 minutes with Adam Schiff.
Fourth: 25 people signed up for the book club but haven’t indicated whether they want to participate by zoom or by BJ thread. You know who you are! :- ) Until I receive email from you, I cannot send a zoom link.
Fifth: I am looking for 5 volunteers who would like to be on the zoom but who have not read the book – IF you are willing to live blog the Adam Schiff questions and answers in the Bj thread.
Sixth: Last week’s book club zoom a success. I can not say the same for the BJ thread. The BJ thread book club clearly needs someone/s to help start the discussion and keep things moving along. I cannot be in two places at once, so I see three possible ways forward: 1) we have someone/s live blogging the Adam Schiff portion and see if that helps get the BJ thread going, 2) someone volunteers to serve as facilitator in the BJ threads, and 3) we hold the book club meetings in BJ threads after the series of book club zooms is over.
Seventh: We will have more time for questions than I anticipated. Questions for this week should relate to the book and/or to the insurrection because that was one of the themes Adam Schiff found most interesting. Questions for the second meeting can be more wide ranging as the theme is “where do we go from here, and how do we still have hope”.
If you are interested in asking a question, please share your question in this thread or by sending email to WaterGirl. There will likely not be time for all the questions to be asked, but please share your questions in advance.
zhena gogolia
It’s amazing that you’ve done this!
@zhena gogolia: You are going to join the zoom tomorrow, yes?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m not available for the zoom, haven’t quite finished the book yet. Life keeps getting in the way.
I’m at the height of the first impeachment, and I’m gobsmacked all over again how overwhelming the evidence was, and how fucked it is that it was all pretty much forgotten a month later.
I’ve been thinking about the fainting couches that were dragged out last week when Biden said that it was time for people to choose between Bull Connor and John Lewis, and how all these people have spent the last five plus years protecting, promoting and clinging to trump, a man who made his bones as a Republican by keeping birtherism alive, and wondering exactly how comparison to Bull Connor/George Wallace supporters offends them. To say nothing of trump’s massive, epic and all-purpose corruption
I think it might be easier to either have the BJ book club thread immediately after the zoom session or perhaps the next evening after people have had a chance to digest what occurred during the session.
Obviously, I would love for him to tell us everything the committee has discovered about the insurrection, but he wouldn’t answer, also for obvious reasons. But I was struck by his comment that one of the Republican House members told him he better hurry to safety, and that the GOPer wasn’t too worried because he knew these people and could talk to them whereas Adam could be in danger.
My question is, since it was obvious this GOPer apparently knew it wasn’t Antifa or BLM, why didn’t Adam ask him how he knew? And did he have the feeling that all the GOP reps were fully aware of what was really happening?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Unfortunately, it may have also offended my Senator Durbin. I have written him asking why what Biden said was rhetoric which had gone too far when, IMO, he probably didn’t go far enough.
My question concerns the period following the insurrection when congress resumed the proceedings. I believe the procedure was for the house & senate to separate for debate when a challenge was noted. Did this continue after the lawmakers reassembled? Did lawmakers have to walk past the wreckage each time? That would seem to leave an impression!
zhena gogolia
@WaterGirl: Yes.
ETA: If my typing hand weren’t impaired, I’d live blog in the comments, but I’m pretty slow right now. I should say, one of my typing hands (I do touch-type).
zhena gogolia
@BeautifulPlumage: Good question.
Also, not really a question, but CaseyL’s point about the MAGA reps creating a hostile workplace. Does he have thoughts?
@zhena gogolia: Thanks. If anyone else has seen info on this I’d appreciate knowing. Wouldn’t have to take up Rep. Schiff’s limited time.
@japa21: I phoned Dick Durbin, my senator also, and left a message about how disappointed I was at Durbin’s comments about Biden going too far. I also expressed that I thought Biden had told the absolute truth and that I even wished he had done it sooner.
I asked the person on the phone what had concerned Durbin about Biden’s remarks but she couldn’t say.
@BeautifulPlumage: I asked Almost Retired to facilitate the conversation with Adam Schiff, and we plan for him to start off with two things. One, a reference to Dorothy Winsor’s comment today about writing a book and then it kind of feels like it goes into a black hole where you really have no idea how real people feel about it. And two, to make the point about the hostile work environment that CaseyL made last week.
They won’t be posed as questions exactly, more like observations, and then we’ll see if he chooses to pick up on either of those things before the actual questions begin.
There will be more time for all of us to discuss that point because that was part of what I had in mind when I chose Theme 3: So Many Shocking Betrayals On So Many Fronts.
@WaterGirl: I told him that the President could have gone much farther in his rhetoric than he did and still not have gone too far. It should be noted that, once again, one line is being taken out of context and Durbin did say that much of what Biden said was accurate.
Also, I wished him luck in dealing with a party that obviously does not think that Lincoln’s line at Gettysburg, “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth,” matters any more.
@WaterGirl: ?
It’s been a long day so I am going to close up shop, but I will check this thread in the morning and throughout the day tomorrow.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Balloon Juice)
@David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch: Thanks for the chuckle.
Oops, I had to come back. I forgot to say that we are looking for questions, not speeches! :-)
Alison Rose
Yay, this is so exciting! I assume the Zoom link is the same for all the meetings?
I’d love to hear exactly what he wishes would/could happen to T**** for the insurrection, but I don’t know if he’ll want to go there.
@Alison Rose: Good question. No, there is a separate zoom link for each meeting. I’ll be sending the link out tomorrow.
@Alison Rose: Adam Schiff is being very gracious about this. He will talk for 5-10 minutes and then take about 25 minutes of questions.
I agree with you, we don’t want to put him on the spot by asking him questions he can’t answer.
I haven’t been following this very closely. I bought the book but have not had the fortitude to read it yet (I watch MSNBC every evening, check WaPo etc every day, and consider myself pretty well informed,)
If there is anything I wonder about what he knows, what he expects, what he wants to happen, it has to do with Merrick Garland and the DOJ. How far are they willing to go into the possibility of prosecuting the former president for instigating the attack on the Capitol. And if the DOJ won’t do this, how can his committee have any lasting influence on the outcome of their investigations.
Gin & Tonic
Getting a real-life Congressman (let alone one of Schiff’s stature) to join this crew of misfits is truly remarkable. Unfortunately, I have a municipal budget meeting at the same time and will be unable to join (doing my part to maintain sanity in the most local of local politics.)
@Gin & Tonic: Wish you could be there!
Okay now I’m really heading for bed.
I have one live-blogging Adam Schiff questions and answers so far, but I would love to have about 4 more so it’s not on one person’s shoulders. Goodnight.
Mo Salad
Goodnight. Just tossed another 50. Dunno if we are on angel number 7 still.
Not sure this is what you are looking for, but I left this in a comment a bit earlier. Off to bed now…
My vote is for #3 we hold the book club meeting in BJ threads after each zoom meeting is over, maybe the next evening.
Alison Rose
@WaterGirl: Yeah, TBH also, I’d probably be too nervous to ask anything, LOL. I’ll leave that to others!
Almost Retired
This is going to be awesome, and what an extraordinary accomplishment this is by Watergirl to get Congressman Schiff to commit to two sessions of our inaugural book club. A couple thoughts on this. I think he’s here because he wants to discuss his book (as opposed to a general political discussion). He selected the subject of the insurrection for his first appearance. So our questions should be targeted accordingly. If it goes well (and I know it will), the second Adam Schiff appearance on week five will be all the more engaging. We might yet break into that top 10,000 blog ceiling.
I’m willing to help facilitate the BJ Threads. I am happy to coordinate with others who are planning to do this. If that means live-blogging questions and answers, I’m in.
I am going to try really hard to stay awake tomorrow evening so I can be part of the zoom. Last week, fell asleep on the couch; this week I’ll set an alarm or two before I sit down.
Joy in FL
$7.00 for Michigan : ) and I’m really looking forward to our book club zoom.
@Scout211: I vote for #3 also. The thread last time was a bit disappointing. I think it might be energized by the zoom participants. Next day might work better for them.
Ben Cisco, MSCIS Padawan
Sadly, I will not be able to make it, I have a late meeting (with a two hour travel time to it for that extra special goodness).
A Good Woman
Willing to help live blog
I guess I’m one of the rare people who have read the book. Listened, actually, because I got the Audible version and Congressman Schiff told me bedtime stories which gave me nightmares.
I would like to join tonight, if you’ll allow me.
Questions, I have a few. In retrospect, should Congress have started impeachment immediately after J6. Why has the DOJ not indicted Mark Meadows? Does “Speaker McCarthy” keep him awake at night?
What does the Congressman think will the time be like if Trump is indicted for anything? Does he think any high-ranking people around Trump will be charged with “conspiracy to commit sedition,” or just the little people who aren’t important?
I was struck, reading the book, at how often legislators, their staff and families were threatened and feared for their safety even before Jan 6th, and continuing, despite Jan 6th. My question would be, what can we as citizens do about this? Obviously elect more democrats will be one part of that, but I don’t imagine even having bigger majorities would end those threats. Successfully prosecuting those who threaten and harm would also help, but I don’t feel as though I have any control over that. Is there anything we can do to help?
What exciting news! Hope that we will gain some insights of how things work on these committees. What are the strategies to enforce ignored subpoenas? While Bannon’s arrest was satisfying, it is frustrating that his trial will not be held until late summer. Justice delayed becomes justice denied.
@Joy in FL: Good morning! That’s $42 for Michigan, thank you so much!
@A Good Woman: Thank you so much!
@Nancy: I answered you by email, but you can also see what I wrote at comment #40. I think it’s mostly the same. Thank you!
I’ve read about half the book, so wasn’t planning on chiming in with much, but am very much looking forward to THE WHOLE THING11!!!. Do you still need someone to help liveblog the zoom? And how do you want that to work? several of us in one thread could just be messy.
Do we use the same zoom link sent previously or will there be a new one?OK, I read further.
Given the background of the (seemingly) partisan differences in the response to the coup/insurrection and the voter suppression activity in numerous red states, has Congressman Schiff been reading James Fallows postings on the similarity of America today and the Roman Republic? Would ge care to comment?
A Good Woman
No, I am good. I am board secretary for my condo and for another community group. I should be able to manage.
Happy to help.
Mo Salad
@WaterGirl: Verifying that you saw comment 26. Another hit of crack.
Scamp Dog
I can help with the live blogging if you still need volunteers. And are paying attention to this thread. :) I’ll try contacting you via email later today.
@Mo Salad: Got it, thank you!
I just added an important note to the fundraising thread if you want to check it out.
Four Directions Double-Match is Confirmed and More Angels are Waiting in the Wings!
@Scamp Dog: Yes! Please send me email so I can answer any of your questions and send the zoom link.
@narya: I think that would be great if you’re up for live blogging this.
I am not worried about multiple people in a thread being messy or confusing. Your nyms will be right there on each comment.
Some people will type faster. Some will type more slowly but include more details. I’m hoping this will be the next best thing to being there. :-)
Plus, I think it will leave a nice paper trail to help remind us all of some interesting question that was asked or some interesting answer he gives or some detail we wanted to follow up on but would likely forget.
I’m jazzed!
Miss Bianca
@Scout211: I’d like that too (very late to the thread!) because my Wednesday evenings are jammed up and I will likely have to miss the Adam Schiff Zoom tonight unless I can get someone else to record my radio show for me. (I always have to wait for the state of CO to update their COVID stats, and they’re not usually up till 5 or 6 pm MT).
Also psyched that the Zooms with AS will be recorded! Yay!