how strangely topical
it's almost as though civil rights advocates have been swimming upstream against the same condescending, bad-faith arguments for decades
— Gerry Doyle (@mgerrydoyle) January 18, 2022
Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things: voter suppression and election subversion. It’s about making it harder to vote, who gets to count the vote, and whether your vote counts at all.
We have to pass the Freedom to Vote Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.
— President Biden (@POTUS) January 18, 2022
‘To truly honor the legacy of the man we celebrate today, we must continue to fight for the freedom to vote, for freedom for all,’ said Vice President Kamala Harris in a #MLKDay speech, urging the Senate to act to bolster right to vote
— Reuters (@Reuters) January 18, 2022
The U.S. economy has never worked fairly for people of color, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says in a speech to mark Martin Luther King Day. Yellen's remarks were recorded for the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network breakfast in Washington.
— The Associated Press (@AP) January 17, 2022
The family of Martin Luther King Jr. leads a march for voting rights as the Senate prepares to take up legislation.
— Sophia Cai (@SophiaCai99) January 17, 2022
From a long thread:
So, I scrapped my original speech and spent the entire first half of it reading excerpts from a bunch of Dr. King's speeches, but without telling anyone that I was doing so, leading the audience to think King's words were mine. And, whew, chile, it was AMAZING.
— Ida Bae Wells (@nhannahjones) January 17, 2022
Dr. King was a radical critic of racism, capitalism and militarism. He didn't die. He was assassinated. And many, including Regan, fought the national holiday we're not commemorating. If you haven't read, in entirety, his speeches, you've been miseducated & I hope that you will
— Ida Bae Wells (@nhannahjones) January 17, 2022
Dog Dawg Damn
So weird that Hannah Jones’ screen name on Twitter is a prominent AA journalist. She’s a verified user, but about what I expect from a charlatan whose scholarship is deeply flawed. I view Hannah-Jones as using “woke groupthink” to protect her intellectual copyright (and the 1619 project) from criticism….but don’t take my word for it. Look yourself! Real scholars (and very liberal ones) have torn it apart….but it’s her grift, so we can’t complain. Because to complain is to be anti-in-group .
On another note. Hope everyone ordered their free tests. Thanks Biden!
That is all.
@Dog Dawg Damn: and why exactly do you think she is a charlatan whose scholarship is deeply flawed? Because 3 jealous old white dudes don’t think she bent the knee to them? Or because she pointed out the indisputable but uncomfortable truth that slavery and racism has influenced every bit of our history from 1619 until the present? Don’t come back with the one paper from the 3 jealous old white dudes which has been thoroughly debunked.
That NHJ flex was awesome – reading quotes from Martin Luther King until her audience tin Luther King day were getting outraged about how radical her speech was, until she revealed that the speech was by the guy who they were honoring.
What RaflW said. :)
I’ve never understood the urge to get into an elevator and fart; but I guess it has a strong appeal to some folks. Best let them ride down to the basement level by themselves, in a little cloud of their own making.
Meanwhile, much respect to Nikole Hannah-Jones, a MacArthur Fellow, for her decision to speak MLK’s words aloud for her audience to hear.
I mean, I was excited that the five dollar pumpkin pie I bought at the co-op (66.667% off!) turned out to be tasty.
But also, I have no interest in hearing from, as was just so elegantly put, fart-sniffers.
With that, I wish you all a good night. Even the person who should buy some Beano.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dog Dawg Damn: Weren’t you just talking about the danger of CRT a few weeks ago? I am starting to think you might have issues, dude.
Anyone need a beer while I’m up?
Felanius Kootea
@Dog Dawg Damn: And yet, here you are, complaining.
No comment on the fact that the audience wasn’t familiar enough with MLK’s words to understand that he gave more than the “I have a dream speech?”
I love that Nikole Hannah-Jones lives rent free in so many heads. It gives me life.
@Dog Dawg Damn: sounds like you didn’t bother to read the 1619 project before forming an opinion. Here’s a copy for you before you embarrass yourself some more.
Omnes Omnibus
@Felanius Kootea: Come on, everyone knows he gave the “I have been to the mountain top” speech and even about its tragic premonitions. People know his two speeches. Wait… What?
Fair Economist
@Gretchen: Ooh, didn’t know about that link. Bookmarking!
@Fair Economist: it’s the link to the original project. The recently published book has more but that’s the basis. Very interesting stuff.
Ms. James ain’t fucking around
Villago Delenda Est
White supremacists need to be driven back under the rocks from which they oozed. This includes the first poster to this thread.
While you’re up and offering, wouldn’t say no to a pousse-café.
Variant acceptable.
Managed to successfully salvage a loaf being made today in the super duper bread machine.
When went to lift the lid to check on the consistency of the mixed dough, discovered I’d had a senior moment regarding a recipe I prepare so often it is committed to memory and included in the ingredients only 1 cup of water instead of 1½.
Waaaaay too late.
Plus, I ain’t got no liquor.
@Gretchen: Thanks. Just bought the book.
Thank you for the link!
OMG: Stuart Stevens (Lincoln Project) recommended/praised DougJ’s NYT pitchbot twitter. 9h s ago.
Cephalus Max
@Gretchen: THANK YOU.
No One You Know
@Cephalus Max: yes, THANK YOU, Gretchen, H.E. Wolf, and others!
@Gretchen: Adding my thanks, Gretchen. Might pull this down and read up during my 9 hour flight home next week.
This was a good thread.