It looks like the Rams are doing their best to hand the game back to the Bucs. I wonder if a team has ever lost 4 fumbles in a playoff game and still won.
At last! I would love to hear G&T’s thoughts on the UK’s revelation about the self-admitted Ukrainian stooge Putin’s looking to put in power…the Ukrainian Trump, so to speak. I wonder if he has similar plans for other countries.
maybe its naivete, or perhaps a misguided faith in some of our institutions and who run them, I’m just really curious how the media will handle it if/when actual indictments of sitting politicians are issued from the events of Jan 6th.
I am assuming the hearings leading up to any indictments will be carefully orchestrated and slow-moving enough to allow anyone who hadn’t been paying attention to catch up.
I am curious to see if any indictments bring me joy or just feel anti-climatic. I’m steeled, by habit, to be disappointed.
Jerzy Russian
Regarding the NFL playoffs, can we go 4-for-4 for the road teams? I have an irrational dislike of Brady, and a justified dislike of Rodgers, so I am happy so far with these outcomes.
Here in the shadows of OSU, they’re pretty much the same thing.
I was just wondering why the news coverage of Ukraine sounded so odd to me, and then it hit me – it’s as if the broadcast is being beamed through time from 2019. There’s not the least mention that January 2022 is a baaad time to be “massing” any people anywhere for any reason. Especially considering Russia has downplayed the pandemic all along – if they are admitting it’s bad now, it must be horrific.
That cartoon got a for real laugh out loud. My kids immediately suggested: BIGLY, CHINA, YOOGE
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Bucs to Rams: “Arrrr, you sunk my battleship”
Science! Repeated from the other day because it may have been overlooked amidst the rush of comments,
China builds ‘artificial moon’ for gravity experiment
The researchers say their experiment was inspired by a levitating frog. Source
@Jerzy Russian: That makes two of us. The Niners should have yelled “we fuckin’ own you” considering he is the only QB to EVER lose four times in the playoffs to the same team. As a Bears fan, I’m super happy. If they can’t win (which they can not), the next best thing is a Packers loss.
@Jerzy Russian: I can’t believe how completely the Rams turtled in the 4th quarter. But they still pulled it out.
@Stacib: If you really want to make a MAGA turd howl, tell them that Aaron Rodgers is 0-2 all-time against Colin Kaepernick in the playoffs.
The robot wars have begun. From BBC News
A robot vacuum cleaner made a break for freedom after giving staff the slip at a Travelodge hotel.
The automated cleaner failed to stop at the front door of the hotel in Orchard Park in Cambridge on Thursday, and was still on the loose the following day.
Staff said it just kept going and “could be anywhere” while well-wishers on social media hoped the vacuum enjoyed its travels, as “it has no natural predators” in the wild.
It was found under a hedge on Friday.
Treat your AI well and they might let you live when they take over.
For once it was Brady who left too much time on the clock.
karen marie
@piratedan: I’m not going to hold my breath that indictments of sitting politicians will happen. It’s infuriating. Why the hell are so many in positions of power too afraid of Republicans to do what’s warranted?
@Almost Retired: Don’t believe Rodgers was Trump curious, just an ass regarding vaccines.
So three road teams win and each game decided by a field goal as time expires. Doubt that has ever happened in the playoffs before.
Because it’s too soon to stop piling on A-aron’s night of terror, some more Twitterfeasting. Couple of highlights:
An OAN goal
Congratulations to Jimmy Garoppolo on replacing Dr Fauci as Aaron Rodgers’ least favorite Italian
@debbie: As long as you put “power” in scare quotes. I dont think Putin will give him the keys to the executive washroom. Also the stooge I mean stalwart leader of Ukraine better realize he has a big bull’s-eye on his back.
I see news of the Rams beating the Bucs has reached these parts. So glad Tom Brady lost. I really don’t like him because I think he was manipulating Antonio Brown so Brady could have a good WR. It’s obvious to everyone he doesn’t actually care about Brown’s mental health. If he truly cared he would’ve told him to take a step back from the NFL and get some help, not enable him
@trollhattan: That’s a great Twitter roundup. Good on ya, SBNation!
“When the president of the United States says, ‘This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ it’s because him and his constituents, which, I don’t know how there are any if you watch any of his attempts at public speaking, but I guess he got 81 million votes,” Rodgers said Thursday. “But when you say stuff like that, and then you have the CDC, which, how do you even trust them, but then they come out and talk about 75% of the COVID deaths have at least four comorbidities. And you still have this fake White House set saying that this is the pandemic of the unvaccinated, that’s not helping the conversation.”
I entertain myself while my husband watches football by listing all the funny things the announcer says. So far tonight I’ve heardTremendous sack HandoffPenetration The holeTight end Loose ballsA solid D— The Volatile Mermaid (@OhNoSheTwitnt) January 23, 2022
Before talking about some of the league’s COVID protocols that he considers nonsensical, Rodgers quoted: “The great MLK said, ‘You have a moral obligation to object to unjust rules and rules that made no sense.’”
You know, this might be true, but I see a lot of Trump supporters who, uhhhhh, how do I say this nicely, do not appear to be in the best of health.
I’m thinking of an engineer I worked with in AZ, in his early 50s, who drank NO LIE a six-pack of Diet Coke every day, and who had to leave the project because he had to have heart surgery and he was out for four months. He was freaked out about Mexicans and liberals coming for his guns, wasn’t as concerned as he should have been about eating an untried vegetable once in a while. He actually said to me once, “Water is for washing”.
@Chetan Murthy: I love that “s/he’s still doing their own research” has turned into a phrase to mock the crazies.
Gin & Tonic
@debbie: Sorry, was in transit and now I’m on a phone. People are taking the (MI6?) report fairly seriously, but Muraev, the guy they supposedly want, is a joke. Yeah, he has a TV network, but he’s at low single digits in the polling and is basically a clown. What it shows is how tone-deaf Russia is. The only way they get him in charge of a government is with massive military force.
What is remarkable is how in 8 years Russia has effectively squandered whatever “soft power” it may have had. All they have left in Ukraine is losers and Yanukovych retreads.
@Suzanne: I think the real statistic is about people who were fully vaccinated and died from COVID having multiple co-morbidities. Not the same at all.
He’s running around calling Biden a fake president, so… yeah, he’s a MAGAt. Probably why Shailene Woodley dumped his skanky ass.
In other news, apparently Barr has been testifying to the 1/6 Committee. I’ll bet that’s interesting.
Chetan Murthy
@WaterGirl: Oh, ha! Indeed. I have a (now-former) friend who got in touch this past week for the first time in *years*. Turned out, she’s unvaxxed, and has a host reasons, from why the vaxx is harmful, to why natural immunity is better (she got covid in Feb 2020 — remark, a full year before the vaxx was generally available), to why she’s not antivaxx, she thinks the vaxx is important but just not for her, to her doctor said “hold off on the vaxx”. She had all these papers she cited, etc, etc, tec.
I indulged her for 72hr, answering all her objections, and then told her to go away until she could attest to having gotten the vaxx. Boy howdy, she didn’t like that. Then came the “I no longer condemn Trumpists, I can see that all points of view should be treated with compassion”. A-yup.
I told her that I didn’t treat antivaxxers with contempt. I just wanted them to hurry up and die, so we could live.
State Farm must be mighty proud of themselves. If they were my insurance company, I’d be changing to another.
@Starboard Tack: I’m sure you’re right. My point is… I don’t know why a lot of these people don’t think they have comorbidities. Oh wait, yes I do: toxic masculinity.
My neighbors two doors down are older, can barely make it up the stairs to the front door, and yet are not taking any precautions. It blows my mind.
Oh, apparently they are. Or at least they were. No idea now. Here’s a statement they made back in November about the whole vaccine controversy:
“We don’t support some of the statements that he has made, but we respect his right to have his own personal point of view. We recognize our customers, employees, agents and brand ambassadors come from all walks of life, with differing viewpoints on many issues. Our mission at State Farm is to support safer, stronger communities. To that end, we encourage vaccinations, but respect everyone’s right to make a choice based on their personal circumstances.”
I think this loss will give them the opportunity to dump him. I’m sure he’s done with the Packers now, too
@Starboard Tack: Look forward to reading this. I always forget how much I loved T-Dispatch. Used to read it regularly back in the early-aughts. Especially loved when Chalmers Johnson would drop in to write long pieces about US Imperialism.
Chetan Murthy
@WaterGirl: No, she called me up about an entirely different subject (entirely different, and even admirable, actually). She just thought it was completely normal to talk about not being vaxxed and all. And that I would be 100% with it, b/c y’know, it’s just a different viewpoint. After all, she’s fine with the vaccine, thinks it’s important, just not for her after all. And she doesn’t think she’s an antivaxxer or anything, nosirreee, she just has all these arguments for why the vaxx is harmful, not effective, not for her, etc, etc, at her fingertips.
I mean, right down to “you wouldn’t look down on people who smoke, who break a leg, we shouldn’t look down on antivaxxers”.
She’s from a wealthy family, always lived a life of privilege, so I can imagine she’s never actually thought about things in any mode other than “I get what I want, and I’ll invent a justification for it”.
But whatevs. Truthfully, I wrote and erased 4 different emails telling her to, y’know, “get the damn shot”. So finally sending it Friday was closure, of a sort. Combined with “we just want them to die quickly so we may live,” I suspect she won’t be contacting me again. Which, good.
@Jerzy Russian: Why can’t you hate Brady? He’s a self-confessed cheat.
Represent! I read Blowback (many years after 9/11) and wowsers, what a great book! And especially so b/c it’s not directly about our kinetic military adventurism at all — it’s about how our policies in Japan have created blowback of many kinds. Insightful writer, well worth the read.
The Wisconsin GOP has just banned teaching about the Green Bay Packers loss in schools.— FakeJoeBiden (@fake_biden) January 23, 2022
she doesn’t think she’s an antivaxxer or anything, nosirreee, she just has all these arguments for why the vaxx is harmful, not effective, not for her, etc, etc, at her fingertips.
This describes the attitude of someone very dear to me to an absolute T. Needless to say, I have major heartburnings about it.
TomDispatch, gets it right and used Andrew Bacevich’s book to show why. Conservatives want their lack of concept of an actual working economy to not fail and to do that they have to remove all accounting for failure from their time in office and to do that they want to use all the people they don’t think are worth a shit to win wars from which they can profit from by using taxes to build up a huge military so that they can say how great they are at saving countries, even while they fuck over their own. Their one major problem is that it doesn’t work.
Needless to say, I have major heartburnings about it.
If I could remain friends with these people, I’d do it. If I could remain friends, and not be reminded many times a day that they’re not doing their duty, that their actions are what keeps me stuck in my house, that their actions were what made me fear for my mother’s life for a year, I would keep them as friends. But i cannot, it does indeed (as you say) cause me major heartburn. So my ditching these people (and Trumpists and GrOPers) is not some sort of act of civic virtue: it’s an act of self-preservation, of self-respect and self-care.
Nobody can or should tell you what to do in this situation: it’s all about what’s right for you and the people whom you want to keep near to you.
I wonder how well Russia’s military is holding up, what with their immensely low vaccination rate and the seemingly overwhelming morale of the Russian people.
I never read Blowback, but it was an essay that he did that I think was closely related to the book and taking the same concept and applying it to Afghanistan/Iraq. I think he might have been on, back when I was still a fan, and everything he said just made so much sense. That was right when I started to realize what a disaster those wars were.
I live in a seniors apartment complex and I’d bet that everyone that lives here has comorbidities. Some are obvious, some less so. But some of the people with obvious comorbidities act like they have none. Hell I’ve had them since I was in single digits and for the most part they have remained behind the scenes, but some of them are seemingly rearing their ugly heads. Either that or I’m getting old…..
Dan B
@WaterGirl: I was struck by how discovering friends and acquaintances are anti-vaxxers is much like LGBT people discovering who are the homophobes in your life. It’s distressing but you have to know your psychological limits. And there is the concept of “chosen family” over birth family for many.
@Ruckus: Last summer, we had a gentleman from a flooring contractor in our house. Dude wasn’t vaccinated — we asked because we wanted to keep the Spawns away. The dude looked like he was going to have a heart attack in my house, and he was out of breath just coming from the street up to the house. I do not understand.
It is distressing. I think the hardest person for me has been my sister. Smart, always kind and caring and thoughtful. Religious. Voted for Trump. Won’t take the vaccine. Cares more about “babies being murdered” than living people. Finding out that my sister isn’t who I thought she was has made this a really hard 6 years from me.
Cares more about “babies being murdered” than living people.
That describes my maternal uncle and his wife to T. Would always complain with the other adults about local taxes during holiday get-togethers and of course aren’t vaccinated. Care about “babies” are Trump cultists, and are right-wing Christians. Sorry you found out your sister isn’t who you thought she is, WG
Some people spend a life time of fooling themselves that they are perfect, great, healthy as a horse(‘s ass) (which might be why they believe in Ivermectin as an anti-viral).
Many are raised that way, you can tell because they are the one’s crying WHY? when they get sick or anything goes wrong. We are all flawed, some through no fault of their own and many because they walk around with their heads shoved in a place that is entirely too small to stuff a fat head into, and which also makes walking around just a touch more difficult. They seem to never learn though and I’d bet that beside all that, the smell can a bit much.
I have a sister who is a member of a rather large cult, named to sound like it’s a modern day truth, and it’s proven by nothing like any factual information or reality. She’s been involved for decades. She knows everything, and everything she knows is bullshit. So, welcome to the club. There used to be meetings among the concerned but the discussions of possibilities of any redemption or salvation are all so depressing that we stopped.
And that’s the game Chiefs win! Holy freaking cow…….
@Soprano2: Yes, this hurts as a Bills fan. Although as a Buffalo fan I’ve come to expect the worst, not trying to take anything away from Mahomes who is great, but this stinks.
Poe Larity
@Chetan Murthy: I’m totally cool with her world view as long as she has signed a DNR. Anything else is objectively selfish.
Cousin called, his son-in-law, who was in the ICU for 3 weeks in 2020, and caught it again last Xmas, is in the ICU again this week.
Call all the prayer circles you want, but there’s nothing Christian about hogging the ICU.
@Ruckus: the co-morbidity is older age… but look, this virus has laid very healthy ppl low so no one can predict how they will react. All we can do is mask up, vax etc
@Chetan Murthy: Being a Republican/antivaxxer isn’t like arguing over marginal tax rates: these are moral issues of the age and they’ve sided with monsters. There’s no reasoning or co-existing with them.
Starboard Tack
There’s a good short article on TomDispatch linking the Vietnam and Afghanistan Wars to Trumpism.
Jerzy Russian
It looks like the Rams are doing their best to hand the game back to the Bucs. I wonder if a team has ever lost 4 fumbles in a playoff game and still won.
At last! I would love to hear G&T’s thoughts on the UK’s revelation about the self-admitted Ukrainian stooge Putin’s looking to put in power…the Ukrainian Trump, so to speak. I wonder if he has similar plans for other countries.
maybe its naivete, or perhaps a misguided faith in some of our institutions and who run them, I’m just really curious how the media will handle it if/when actual indictments of sitting politicians are issued from the events of Jan 6th.
@Jerzy Russian:
Apparently the Bengals QB fumbled the ball nine times, and they won anyway.
James E Powell
@Jerzy Russian:
I’ve never seen anything like this.
Jerzy Russian
@debbie: I think their quarterback was sacked 9 times, and they still won.
Jerzy Russian
@James E Powell: I bet they want that missed field goal back, or that fumble right after Brady fumbled back, or …
Another Scott
@debbie: Here’s a recent article about him: KyivIndependent – Who is Murayev, the man UK exposes as potential leader of Kremlin’s coup
It looks pretty complicated, as one might expect with various oligarchs (including VVP) on various sides…
Oh wow. Rams pulled it off.
Ohio Mom
@piratedan: Especially Fox!
I am assuming the hearings leading up to any indictments will be carefully orchestrated and slow-moving enough to allow anyone who hadn’t been paying attention to catch up.
I am curious to see if any indictments bring me joy or just feel anti-climatic. I’m steeled, by habit, to be disappointed.
Jerzy Russian
Regarding the NFL playoffs, can we go 4-for-4 for the road teams? I have an irrational dislike of Brady, and a justified dislike of Rodgers, so I am happy so far with these outcomes.
@debbie: I have let G & T know that we would love to have a guest post or a write-up on Ukraine if he is ever in the mood to do that.
@Another Scott:
He seems to have the makings of a real puppet.
@Jerzy Russian:
Here in the shadows of OSU, they’re pretty much the same thing.
I was just wondering why the news coverage of Ukraine sounded so odd to me, and then it hit me – it’s as if the broadcast is being beamed through time from 2019. There’s not the least mention that January 2022 is a baaad time to be “massing” any people anywhere for any reason. Especially considering Russia has downplayed the pandemic all along – if they are admitting it’s bad now, it must be horrific.
That cartoon got a for real laugh out loud. My kids immediately suggested: BIGLY, CHINA, YOOGE
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
Bucs to Rams: “Arrrr, you sunk my battleship”
Science! Repeated from the other day because it may have been overlooked amidst the rush of comments,
@Jerzy Russian: That makes two of us. The Niners should have yelled “we fuckin’ own you” considering he is the only QB to EVER lose four times in the playoffs to the same team. As a Bears fan, I’m super happy. If they can’t win (which they can not), the next best thing is a Packers loss.
@Jerzy Russian: I can’t believe how completely the Rams turtled in the 4th quarter. But they still pulled it out.
@Stacib: If you really want to make a MAGA turd howl, tell them that Aaron Rodgers is 0-2 all-time against Colin Kaepernick in the playoffs.
The robot wars have begun. From BBC News
Treat your AI well and they might let you live when they take over.
SNL’s Trump plays Wordle (starts at about 6:30).
Almost Retired
The most Trump-curious quarterbacks in the NFL both choked like dogs this weekend.
James E Powell
For once it was Brady who left too much time on the clock.
karen marie
@piratedan: I’m not going to hold my breath that indictments of sitting politicians will happen. It’s infuriating. Why the hell are so many in positions of power too afraid of Republicans to do what’s warranted?
@Almost Retired: Don’t believe Rodgers was Trump curious, just an ass regarding vaccines.
So three road teams win and each game decided by a field goal as time expires. Doubt that has ever happened in the playoffs before.
Because it’s too soon to stop piling on A-aron’s night of terror, some more Twitterfeasting. Couple of highlights:
An OAN goal
Congratulations to Jimmy Garoppolo on replacing Dr Fauci as Aaron Rodgers’ least favorite Italian
@debbie: As long as you put “power” in scare quotes. I dont think Putin will give him the keys to the executive washroom. Also the
stoogeI mean stalwart leader of Ukraine better realize he has a big bull’s-eye on his back.mrmoshpotato
@James E Powell: BALLS! DEFLATED!
Scene from Wild Kingdom 2022:
“Jim cautiously approaches the target while it is distracted with sucking up a large item on the forest floor.
“For a policy which doesn’t suck, look to Mutual of Omaha.”
The Great Resignation has gone too far.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
I see news of the Rams beating the Bucs has reached these parts. So glad Tom Brady lost. I really don’t like him because I think he was manipulating Antonio Brown so Brady could have a good WR. It’s obvious to everyone he doesn’t actually care about Brown’s mental health. If he truly cared he would’ve told him to take a step back from the NFL and get some help, not enable him
@trollhattan: That’s a great Twitter roundup. Good on ya, SBNation!
Chetan Murthy
@japa21: Nah, he was Trump-curious at the *least*. From LG&M ( ) who got it from some pro sports website (they got a link in the OP there):
Yeah: he hits all the highlights:
He’s not just -curious, he’s -ist.
@James E Powell:
As far as I know, Stafford is a good guy. Happy he got this win.
Another Scott
Works in many fields…
(via dsquareddigest)
And there’s more.
@Chetan Murthy:
Glad to see Rodgers lose and get ridiculed.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Chetan Murthy:
Don’t forget comparing himself to MLK Jr.
Chetan Murthy
@Baud: It seems he knows he’s done:
Which, well, I guess, that’s something. Many don’t realize until the door hits ’em where the Good Lord split ’em.
@Baud: Me, too. After all the years losing in Detroit, he has to be on top of the world.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Chetan Murthy:
The funny thing about the comorbidies thing? A lot of Americans have them. And you don’t always know you do
@Chetan Murthy:
Rodgers should have remembered the right wing advice that sports ball players should just shut up and play.
@Chetan Murthy:
You know, this might be true, but I see a lot of Trump supporters who, uhhhhh, how do I say this nicely, do not appear to be in the best of health.
I’m thinking of an engineer I worked with in AZ, in his early 50s, who drank NO LIE a six-pack of Diet Coke every day, and who had to leave the project because he had to have heart surgery and he was out for four months. He was freaked out about Mexicans and liberals coming for his guns, wasn’t as concerned as he should have been about eating an untried vegetable once in a while. He actually said to me once, “Water is for washing”.
@Chetan Murthy: I love that “s/he’s still doing their own research” has turned into a phrase to mock the crazies.
Gin & Tonic
@debbie: Sorry, was in transit and now I’m on a phone. People are taking the (MI6?) report fairly seriously, but Muraev, the guy they supposedly want, is a joke. Yeah, he has a TV network, but he’s at low single digits in the polling and is basically a clown. What it shows is how tone-deaf Russia is. The only way they get him in charge of a government is with massive military force.
What is remarkable is how in 8 years Russia has effectively squandered whatever “soft power” it may have had. All they have left in Ukraine is losers and Yanukovych retreads.
@Chetan Murthy: Consequences, bitches.
Starboard Tack
@Suzanne: I think the real statistic is about people who were fully vaccinated and died from COVID having multiple co-morbidities. Not the same at all.
He’s running around calling Biden a fake president, so… yeah, he’s a MAGAt. Probably why Shailene Woodley dumped his skanky ass.
In other news, apparently Barr has been testifying to the 1/6 Committee. I’ll bet that’s interesting.
Chetan Murthy
@WaterGirl: Oh, ha! Indeed. I have a (now-former) friend who got in touch this past week for the first time in *years*. Turned out, she’s unvaxxed, and has a host reasons, from why the vaxx is harmful, to why natural immunity is better (she got covid in Feb 2020 — remark, a full year before the vaxx was generally available), to why she’s not antivaxx, she thinks the vaxx is important but just not for her, to her doctor said “hold off on the vaxx”. She had all these papers she cited, etc, etc, tec.
I indulged her for 72hr, answering all her objections, and then told her to go away until she could attest to having gotten the vaxx. Boy howdy, she didn’t like that. Then came the “I no longer condemn Trumpists, I can see that all points of view should be treated with compassion”. A-yup.
I told her that I didn’t treat antivaxxers with contempt. I just wanted them to hurry up and die, so we could live.
That shut her up. Bad riddance to good rubbish.
@Chetan Murthy: Interesting story. Wise move on your part. I wonder what made her choose now to contact you. Has everyone else cut her off?
As long as we’re citing LGM regarding Rodgers, this was hilarious.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
@Chetan Murthy:
What, no reaction to Qaron Rodgers comparing himself to freakin’ MLK?
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
State Farm must be mighty proud of themselves. If they were my insurance company, I’d be changing to another.
@Starboard Tack: I’m sure you’re right. My point is… I don’t know why a lot of these people don’t think they have comorbidities. Oh wait, yes I do: toxic masculinity.
My neighbors two doors down are older, can barely make it up the stairs to the front door, and yet are not taking any precautions. It blows my mind.
At an abandoned weather station in the Chukchi Sea.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
Oh, apparently they are. Or at least they were. No idea now. Here’s a statement they made back in November about the whole vaccine controversy:
I think this loss will give them the opportunity to dump him. I’m sure he’s done with the Packers now, too
@Gin & Tonic:
Thanks. Until I saw a photo of him in the article Another Scott linked to, I had never seen a mousy man. I can see why Putin latched onto him.
@Origuy: That’s pretty cool.
Starboard Tack
@geg6: I have State Farm for everything and pretty locked in. I’ve already called corporate twice on the matter and had my head patted.
@Suzanne: So he did at least take baths on occasion?
Chetan Murthy
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka):
Who? [*grin*]
Miss Bianca
I just read the first book in the Murderbot series and I’d say that would be a fair summation of the theme.\\
@mrmoshpotato: haha
@Starboard Tack: Look forward to reading this. I always forget how much I loved T-Dispatch. Used to read it regularly back in the early-aughts. Especially loved when Chalmers Johnson would drop in to write long pieces about US Imperialism.
Chetan Murthy
@WaterGirl: No, she called me up about an entirely different subject (entirely different, and even admirable, actually). She just thought it was completely normal to talk about not being vaxxed and all. And that I would be 100% with it, b/c y’know, it’s just a different viewpoint. After all, she’s fine with the vaccine, thinks it’s important, just not for her after all. And she doesn’t think she’s an antivaxxer or anything, nosirreee, she just has all these arguments for why the vaxx is harmful, not effective, not for her, etc, etc, at her fingertips.
I mean, right down to “you wouldn’t look down on people who smoke, who break a leg, we shouldn’t look down on antivaxxers”.
She’s from a wealthy family, always lived a life of privilege, so I can imagine she’s never actually thought about things in any mode other than “I get what I want, and I’ll invent a justification for it”.
But whatevs. Truthfully, I wrote and erased 4 different emails telling her to, y’know, “get the damn shot”. So finally sending it Friday was closure, of a sort. Combined with “we just want them to die quickly so we may live,” I suspect she won’t be contacting me again. Which, good.
@Jerzy Russian: Why can’t you hate Brady? He’s a self-confessed cheat.
Chetan Murthy
Represent! I read Blowback (many years after 9/11) and wowsers, what a great book! And especially so b/c it’s not directly about our kinetic military adventurism at all — it’s about how our policies in Japan have created blowback of many kinds. Insightful writer, well worth the read.
Miss Bianca
@Chetan Murthy:
This describes the attitude of someone very dear to me to an absolute T. Needless to say, I have major heartburnings about it.
@Starboard Tack:
TomDispatch, gets it right and used Andrew Bacevich’s book to show why. Conservatives want their lack of concept of an actual working economy to not fail and to do that they have to remove all accounting for failure from their time in office and to do that they want to use all the people they don’t think are worth a shit to win wars from which they can profit from by using taxes to build up a huge military so that they can say how great they are at saving countries, even while they fuck over their own. Their one major problem is that it doesn’t work.
Chetan Murthy
@Miss Bianca:
If I could remain friends with these people, I’d do it. If I could remain friends, and not be reminded many times a day that they’re not doing their duty, that their actions are what keeps me stuck in my house, that their actions were what made me fear for my mother’s life for a year, I would keep them as friends. But i cannot, it does indeed (as you say) cause me major heartburn. So my ditching these people (and Trumpists and GrOPers) is not some sort of act of civic virtue: it’s an act of self-preservation, of self-respect and self-care.
Nobody can or should tell you what to do in this situation: it’s all about what’s right for you and the people whom you want to keep near to you.
I completely sympathize with your plight.
Starboard Tack
@UncleEbeneezer: Short. Not 5 minutes
ETA: Maybe 10.
@Chetan Murthy: For better or for worse, Covid has certainly revealed a lot about who people really are.
Chetan Murthy
@WaterGirl: Not just them: us, too. I never imagined I’d be such a harsh and judgmental person. Never imagined I’d be so angry all the time. Sigh.
I want a t-shirt full of cemetery markers that alternate “Own the Libs” with “Covidiot” and “My rights were Sovereign” on the tombstones.
Chetan Murthy
@brantl: “I had an immune system!” [maybe it should be in all-caps]
@Gin & Tonic:
I wonder how well Russia’s military is holding up, what with their immensely low vaccination rate and the seemingly overwhelming morale of the Russian people.
Ohio Mom
@Goku (aka Amerikan Baka): You know the old doctor joke:
What do you call a healthy patient?
Someone who hasn’t had a full work-up yet.
@Chetan Murthy:
“I’ve completed the research.”
I never read Blowback, but it was an essay that he did that I think was closely related to the book and taking the same concept and applying it to Afghanistan/Iraq. I think he might have been on, back when I was still a fan, and everything he said just made so much sense. That was right when I started to realize what a disaster those wars were.
I live in a seniors apartment complex and I’d bet that everyone that lives here has comorbidities. Some are obvious, some less so. But some of the people with obvious comorbidities act like they have none. Hell I’ve had them since I was in single digits and for the most part they have remained behind the scenes, but some of them are seemingly rearing their ugly heads. Either that or I’m getting old…..
Dan B
@WaterGirl: I was struck by how discovering friends and acquaintances are anti-vaxxers is much like LGBT people discovering who are the homophobes in your life. It’s distressing but you have to know your psychological limits. And there is the concept of “chosen family” over birth family for many.
@Chetan Murthy: Good point.
@Ruckus: Last summer, we had a gentleman from a flooring contractor in our house. Dude wasn’t vaccinated — we asked because we wanted to keep the Spawns away. The dude looked like he was going to have a heart attack in my house, and he was out of breath just coming from the street up to the house. I do not understand.
@Dan B: It does seem kind of similar.
It is distressing. I think the hardest person for me has been my sister. Smart, always kind and caring and thoughtful. Religious. Voted for Trump. Won’t take the vaccine. Cares more about “babies being murdered” than living people. Finding out that my sister isn’t who I thought she was has made this a really hard 6 years from me.
@Chetan Murthy:
People trying to kill you does that to you. Especially if they are doing it out of learned stupidity.
Which is more commonly known as conservative politics.
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That describes my maternal uncle and his wife to T. Would always complain with the other adults about local taxes during holiday get-togethers and of course aren’t vaccinated. Care about “babies” are Trump cultists, and are right-wing Christians. Sorry you found out your sister isn’t who you thought she is, WG
Some people spend a life time of fooling themselves that they are perfect, great, healthy as a horse(‘s ass) (which might be why they believe in Ivermectin as an anti-viral).
Many are raised that way, you can tell because they are the one’s crying WHY? when they get sick or anything goes wrong. We are all flawed, some through no fault of their own and many because they walk around with their heads shoved in a place that is entirely too small to stuff a fat head into, and which also makes walking around just a touch more difficult. They seem to never learn though and I’d bet that beside all that, the smell can a bit much.
Jerzy Russian
The Bills-Chiefs game is nucking futs.
I have a sister who is a member of a rather large cult, named to sound like it’s a modern day truth, and it’s proven by nothing like any factual information or reality. She’s been involved for decades. She knows everything, and everything she knows is bullshit. So, welcome to the club. There used to be meetings among the concerned but the discussions of possibilities of any redemption or salvation are all so depressing that we stopped.
Freaking entertaining game.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@gwangung: unbelievable
Poe Larity
It’s a good thing I still drink, because these divisionals would have knocked me over.
@Jerzy Russian: I’ve never seen 2 minutes of football like that before. Hurts like hell to lose one like that. The Bills thought they had it won.
Another Scott
And that’s the game Chiefs win! Holy freaking cow…….
@Soprano2: Yes, this hurts as a Bills fan. Although as a Buffalo fan I’ve come to expect the worst, not trying to take anything away from Mahomes who is great, but this stinks.
Poe Larity
@Chetan Murthy: I’m totally cool with her world view as long as she has signed a DNR. Anything else is objectively selfish.
Cousin called, his son-in-law, who was in the ICU for 3 weeks in 2020, and caught it again last Xmas, is in the ICU again this week.
Call all the prayer circles you want, but there’s nothing Christian about hogging the ICU.
@Ruckus: the co-morbidity is older age… but look, this virus has laid very healthy ppl low so no one can predict how they will react. All we can do is mask up, vax etc
@Chetan Murthy: Being a Republican/antivaxxer isn’t like arguing over marginal tax rates: these are moral issues of the age and they’ve sided with monsters. There’s no reasoning or co-existing with them.
@Chetan Murthy: Well said.
Qanon Rodgers deliberately misquoted and twisted the CDC stats to claim the “vaxx’s “ don’t work and only “unhealthy ppl die,
A significant percentage of the Double Vaxxed/Boosted deaths from/with Covid had at least 4 comorbidities.
tiny, tiny death toll compared to the unvaxxed.
When he say’s “he did his own research”, all anybody should respond with is “where did you get your medical degree, and which labs did you use?”.