I lost my sweet Tucker a week ago. It was all very sudden. Perfectly fine in the morning, gone by evening.
It was a normal morning, and my sweet boy was his usual happy self. At 9:30 we left for the vet, not a big deal, just a follow-up appointment for something totally unrelated to what followed. But when they brought Tucker out to the car after the appointment, something was very wrong.
I said something to the girl who had walked him out and she said he was just stressed from the noisy clinic. So we went home. Tucker didn’t want to eat or drink, and I called the vet 3 times over a couple of hours, but they assured me that the vet was unconcerned; the clinic was very noisy and he was just stressed. Tucker started to relax, and in the afternoon Tucker rallied, drank some water and scarfed down some green beans and some cheese, went outside, so I started to think maybe the vet was right.
Fast forward two more hours, and we were on the way to the emergency clinic at the University of Illinois Vet School. Tucker was able to walk to the car and he jumped in, and when we got there he wanted to smell everything outside, even in his slightly wobbly state. I didn’t know this was the end, but maybe he did. An x-ray showed that Tucker had fluid in his chest, not his lungs, but his chest. They did a needle aspiration to determine whether it was a mass or an infection, and it was the worst possible news. Tucker was bleeding into his chest cavity.
My little Henry looked to Tucker for everything, so I asked a friend to bring Henry to the clinic so Henry would understand what was happening with his Tucker. I got to be with Tucker for a few minutes, but we didn’t get a real goodbye because Tucker was on painkillers and couldn’t even make eye contact. Henry seemed totally clueless, acting almost as though Tucker wasn’t even there, and Tucker didn’t react to Henry, either, so I think Tucker was already starting to leave us. But Henry hasn’t looked for Tucker even once, so in spite of his apparent cluelessness, I know he somehow understood that Tucker is gone.
I knew something was very wrong when they brought Tucker out after his appointment, but I let the vet convince me I was wrong, and I would have made so many different choices that day if I hadn’t. That wouldn’t have changed the outcome, but Tucker would have suffered less, and we could have said our goodbyes. Regrets.
So my sweet boy is gone and my heart is breaking. It’s been a week and I still don’t have it in me to write the post that my wonderful boy Tucker deserves, honoring him with the testament he deserves, telling you stories and sharing photos of my sweet, handsome boy. I will do that when I feel I can, but for today, here’s video from the day Tucker met Henry. Tucker was full of life, full of energy, full of love. That was Tucker through and through, until the day he left us.
When Tucker Met Henry
My friend Carol had gotten a new puppy the day before, and she called me, totally overwhelmed. I told her to pack up the pup (who is now my Henry) and the pen and the toys and come over so we could help her through those first days. They stayed with me and Tucker and the kitties for nearly two weeks until I left for Thanksgiving weekend, and then Carol was on her own for the long weekend. I returned on Monday, and Carol called to say that it was too hard on her own, that she was taking the little guy back to the rescue.
But Tucker and Henry had bonded the minute they met, so that wasn’t an option. Henry came to live with us and Tucker got the little brother he never knew he needed, until the second they first met.
Yes, there’s a tarp on the floor for the new pup, the house is a wreck, there’s a bra on the couch, but this was probably the best day of Tucker’s life, the day he got the little brother he didn’t know he needed.
The day they met.
Crazy love.
la caterina
Oh, WaterGirl, what a sad day. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Tucker. May his memory be a blessing.
I’m so sorry. I had noticed you weren’t around as much lately, but I didn’t fear anything this bad. Hugs to you and Henry
ETA: That video is adorable.
Water girl, I am so very sorry for your loss. I do not have the words beyond that. Hugs, Dear.
Another Scott
I’m very sorry, WG. It’s never easy.
Thank you for sharing him with us.
Remember the good times.
Best wishes,
Ceci n est pas mon nym
Sorry for your loss, WG.
Adam L Silverman
I am very, very, very sorry for your loss. I went through something very similar with my first dog as an adult. You did everything right and everything you could do. And in the end you made that last hard, right choice for Tucker. We’re keeping good thoughts for you and your family. And, especially Henry.
Tenar Arha
Oh no. Sorry to hear of your loss. More virtual hugs (or whatever you prefer).
lol chikinburd
I’m so sorry.
I am so sorry this happened to you, it’s devastating to lose our friends.
A Good Woman
My condolences. The video made me laugh.
Dorothy A. Winsor
I’m sorry, WaterGirl
I am so sorry to hear of your loss, WaterGirl. Hold on to the happy memories, they will help.
OMG that video is adorable–they sure sorted out the game rules quickly!
So sorry about sweet Tucker, clearly a Very Good Boy.
(Confess seeing the new post title I thought we were in for a Vlad ? Carlson thread.)
So very sorry.
Aw shit, I’m so sorry.
? ? ?
Tony Jay
That video… now that’s instant joy. I’ve got damp eyes and a big stupid smile.
So sorry you lost your boy, Watergirl.
I’m so sorry. What a shock.
Tucker and Henry are both so cute in that video.
I know how much you miss him.
Someday you’ll write a beautiful tribute to Tucker. But not right now, and that’s OK. So sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for you and Henry, and for Tucker. We lost our Delilah last year very suddenly. She was fine all day. It was actually an excellent day for her. Then she wasn’t well, she collapsed, fell down the stairs, howled at the bottom and died. Stroke.
I also feel sorry for your vet. Treating pets is like pediatrics combined with advanced gerontolgy, with nothing in between. They can’t tell you how they feel, and they try to hide everything anyway. So there are many unpleasant surprises. One of the more stressful areas of medicine. Had you known you might have helped, but you couldn’t have known with the technology available.
Just very very sad.
Old School
Awwww… my sympathies WaterGirl. Tucker was a good boy.
So sorry for your loss, WaterGirl.
Too very sad-
With sympathy to you and your pet family.
David ? ☘The Establishment☘? Koch
So, so sorry for your loss.
That said, thank you for giving Tucker a good life.
Condolences. Similar thing with us, but I can’t really blame our vet.
We had an English Setter who had a vet appointment early November, everything was great. She started acting sluggish and not pooing 2 weeks later, just before Thanksgiving. We thought that she had eaten some (new) feminine hygiene products, and that they would soon work their way through. Monday after Thanksgiving, she was worse, we took her in, and turns out she had an enlarged heart, and congestive heart failure. Nothing to do at that point other than put her down. A day that truly sucked.
So very sorry for your loss. That video is so much fun to watch. Happy, happy, happy pups! Thanks for sharing.
I am so sad for you, WG. Tucker was not only a beautiful and Very Good Boy, he was also very lucky to have you and Henry in his life.
The video makes me smile. What a great story.
So sorry you have lost a dear pet.
I feel you. Just weeks ago I greeted my cat, Cassidy, after work, and he was friendly and purring away. I left him to take off my shoes, then started upstairs and I heard him dig into the stairs as if he were falling. It turned out he had thrown a clot into the distal aorta and the clot cut off circulation to his hind legs. There is no treatment and no cure. Less that 45 minutes after that I was saying goodbye to him for the last time, 8 years to the day after I adopted him.
Life truly is fragile. You did well with Tucker.
That video has me laughing through tears.
So sorry for your loss.
I’m so sorry to hear this.
Oh oh oh oh WG.
Can’t improve on what has already been said.
Just wanted to add my condolences into the mix.
What a beautiful doggie and such a great kind heart.
Raoul Paste
I am very sorry
Thanks for sharing that video. It’s a sad joy to watch those playful pooches
So sorry for your heartbreak. The video confirms you had two wonderful buddies to fill up your home. Many tears left to shed as you remember your good boy.
The Thin Black Duke
Oh damn. I’m so sorry.
Jenny Howard
I’m so sorry you lost your friend.
So sorry – I lost my beloved Reno last night. She lived with heart disease for 4 years and it finally gave out. Losing pets always sucks.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Oh my gosh, Watergirl! I’m so, so sorry. There’s just a jumble of inadequate words in my head that can’t even get out my fingers.
What a sweet, sweet video. I am so glad you have that video to watch and remind you of your sweet, sweet boy.
What a painful loss for you and Henry.
My sincere condolences.
So very sorry. What a pair Tucker and Henry were.
I’m so very sorry. That’s a terrible blow.
Oh God, I am so very, very sorry. He knew he was loved and you did all you could for him.
There’s nothing for me to say except I’m sorry you had to lose your boy. Hugs. And thanks for sharing him with us.
Oh no. How really sad. I’m so sorry.
@Capri: I am so sorry Capri…… :(
Jim Appleton
Peace and strength to you. My heart goes out.
Someone once told me after a similar experience that it’s easier when they go quickly. I felt like slugging her.
I am so sorry. There is a hole in your heart right now and I am so sad for you.
Chacal Charles Calthrop
so, so sorry. It always hurts.
I am so sorry for your loss, and for your regrets. I’m glad Tucker and Henry had each other.
And lots of virtual hugs for you too.
I’m so sorry. That video is lovely
Must admit to being spooked upon seeing only the title of the post in the fly-out tab.
I am so very sorry to read this, WG. Tucker was clearly a good sport and a very good boy.
I’m so sorry, that’s very tough. The video is so cute though.The stare down, then off to the races! Thanks for sharing.
Grumpy Old Railroader
Losing a member of the family is heart wrenching. My beautiful young bride, Mrs Grumpy, and I have had 6 cats over the last 40 years and each parting was just so painfully sad. When our last cat died a decade ago we decided no more, it just hurt too much when they were gone.
Well #1 son talked to Mrs. Grumpy six months ago. They have a 2 Y.O. chihuahua mix and with both spouses working 12 hours + every day, the dog was alone too much and the chaos a lonely dog can cause in the house. So Mrs. Grumpy agreed to do a trial adoption with a 30-day return policy and well, the rest is history. Luna quickly adopted us and now she rules the roost. I went from sporadic exercising to twice daily hour + walks. It took us a while to figure out the best routine and of course lots of $$$ on up to date vet care, toys and clothes but we are 3 amigos. Gotta go. Luna wants to go out and do her business
Henry seems like a real rule breaker, running in the opposite direction. ??♀️
We lost a kitty very suddenly too, a few years back. He was fine and purring when I got up and went downstairs, and an hour later I came up for more coffee and he had died from a heart attack with no warning.
I’m sorry for your kitty as well.
I’m so very sorry. Condolences and good wishes to you, WG, and also to Capri, Andrew and newstons.third and the others who have been through this recently. That video is a fine tribute to Tucker.
Oh no …. The shock and pain in your words are so intensely palpable that I am sobbing.
I am so, so sorry for your great loss. {{{{Watergirl & Henry}}}}
I’m so sorry Watergirl
Condolences for your loss.
I’m so sorry WG. I lost one of mine a few years ago and felt bad that I hadn’t clicked into some signs earlier. The vet told me that my boy knew I did the best I could and that I loved him. Tucker knew you did the best you could and that you loved him. That’s the gift of dogs, they love you and know you are doing the best you can.
Joy in FL
I am so sorry about Tucker.
Thank you sharing the video <3
James E Powell
Very sorry for your loss. May your best memories of him be the thing that soothes the pain of his passing.
Oh, no, oh, no. My heart is breaking for you. How impossible.
That video is the best. That little fluff ball! So glad Tucker and Henry had each other. And you had them both.
Ghost of Joe Liebling*s Dog
I’m so sorry; how awful.
Definitely one of life’s winners. Sorry for your loss WG, and for others who are recently going through such sad times.
Laura Too
Oh my! I am so sorry! No words, just hugs.
Betty Cracker
It sucks to lose a pet in any manner, but suddenly feels so much worse. Watching a beloved pet’s decline is horrible, but at least you can take the time to let them know you love them and vice versa. When it’s sudden, you (and they) have no time to prepare, so it always feels like there’s unfinished business. I’m so sorry you’re going through this now, but how wise of Tucker to annex Henry so you have a dog to comfort you as you grieve Tucker’s loss.
Adding my condolences to the pile . . . I’m smiling through tears after watching that wonderful video. Thank you for sharing.
Oh, W.G., I’m so sorry!
That video is adorable!
Dogs know what is important.
I’m so sorry to hear about Tucker. He looked like a wonderful pup. Give Henry extra scritches from me and I’m sending virtual hugs to you.
Bye, Tucker.
So sorry; understand very much from my own experience
Mike in Oly
I am so very sorry for your loss. I’ve been there too many times. It never gets any easier. My heart is with you.
Miss Bianca
Oh, so sorry. My condolences.
But that video is so cute – shows what a good boi Tucker was. Keep that in your heart and try not to dwell on regrets over his last hours. “Coulda, shoulda, woulda” is all too easy a trap to fall into, as I am all too well aware.
How sad. Sending good thoughts to you and for Reno.
I’m so sorry.
OMGosh, how heartbreaking! Had a similar thing with our dear Otis. He was getting old and having a hard time walking, but the vet hadn’t mentioned any other issues other than old age and arthritis. My John and I got home one evening from work to find Otis laying in a puddle of blood. We rushed him to the vet and, it turns out, he had a cancerous tumor in his mouth that burst and caused the bleeding. At his age, there was nothing we could do that wouldn’t cause more suffering, so we let him go. Just awful.
My heart aches for you.
Sudden losses like this seem to hurt even more. I am so sorry.
@Capri: You loved and cared for her enough that she had four more years with you.
Condolences again WG. I remember you telling me about Henry’s arrival and how they were playing.
zhena gogolia
Oh, I am so sorry!
Edmund Dantes
So sorry for your loss.
@Andrew: Words are inadequate but so sorry for your loss.
Oh man, so sorry for your loss.
Watergirl, I am so very sorry.
I am so sorry for you and all your family.
Tucker looked like a golden retriever. Is that right? How old was he? Was a Tucker a he or a her?
I am so sorry, WaterGirl. What a wonderful pair of friends Henry and Tucker were! I hope the memories of their love and antics are of some comfort to you and Henry now.
Odie Hugh Manatee
My deepest condolences on losing Tucker. I have a bad vet story that ended up in a similar manner… he’s now our ex-vet.
I’m always at a loss for words at times like these, but I’m with you in tears.
Cephalus Max
Losing the furbababies is so hard. I’m sorry for your loss.
(And that video is fantastic.)
I’m so sorry, WG. It was such a shock for you and that makes the pain worse. I hope in time your memories with Tucker will bring comfort to you.
Warmest sympathies.
Heidi Mom
I’m so very sorry for the loss of your good boy. And you did write a beautiful tribute.
My condolences. Death sucks.
Oh, how sad, condolences from my heart. Hold onto your good memories, like your video; both your guys are just charming.
I’m so sorry, for you and for Henry. I know how hard this is. There are no words to make it better. Only time.
@Odie Hugh Manatee: My vet is really good when dealing with stuff that obviously requires lab tests, or is obvious from palpitations (poking the dog for lumps or protesting squawks). Not so much for silent suffering from troupers. And dogs are troupers. Suffer in silense is what they do.
I wouldn’t want my vet to charge me $300 for lab work every time we have a concern. I would stop asking him.
Dogs can’t tell the vet when they feel blah or worse.
One of the Many Jens
I am so, so sorry. Hugs to you, and to everyone here going through the loss of their furbabies. I’m glad you have Henry to help you through!
Watergirl I am so very sorry for your loss today. Tucker had a charmed life with you. He and Henry are adorable in the video. It’s not every human who would or could see immediately what Tucker and Henry meant to each other and be caring enough to decide on the spot they would be together. You did the very best you could today. You always do your very best. Your kindness is extraordinary every day.
Hugs to you WaterGirl. So sorry you lost him like this.
Cowgirl in the Sandi
What a shock. So very sorry Watergirl.
Sorry for your loss. It’s tough when they leave us.
Watching the video, I was wondering if there is a 3 ft rut circling your living/kitchen area by now that you could fill in like a moat.
Take care.
So sorry to hear this. Condolences.
Tucker was wise and wonderful.
You did your best and so did he.
They ask no more.
@PJ: Yes. After we spent three months forcing food down Lily to keep her from starving, and we finally admitted she was dying of cancer and euthanized her, much to her relief.
Our Delilah dropped dead of a stroke and fell down the steps, then died howling.
Pets die many ways and at various speeds.
At my experienced old age I don’t want them hanging on too long.
My Delilah and WG ‘s Tucker were successes.
My Lily was a disaster. Tortured her for months hoping she would recover. Force fed her stuff she then staggered out to the yard to barf up. Then we euthanized her because she was so miserable.
Vets don’t know everything because they cannot read minds and they cannot run every test.
My vet wanted my Simon to go through what John Coles Lily went through. Didn’t believe my vet, didn’t treat Simon, who I loved a lot. I thought I was saving him pain. Instead I was probably kulling him.
White & Gold Purgatorian
Big hugs to you and all Tucker’s friends. So sorry for your loss. Those two are so cute together.
Sorry WG, losing our fur family is hard. I lost 2 kitties within 6 months of each other. I am still heart broken.
Oh god, I’m so sorry you lost Tucker.
Dan B
Here’s hoping for healing and, in time, happy memories and maybe a new friend for Henry, and you.
So sorry for your loss! What a beautiful video of them having fun together. I’m glad you were able to bring Henry along to say goodbye…we had a cat die suddenly when he was barely two years old, and our other cat was just inconsolable! Kept wandering the house looking for his buddy. Sending hugs.
Almost Retired
I am so sorry. People who have not been adopted by pets don’t fully understand the grief we suffer when we lose them. Tucker’s personality really comes through in that video.
So very sorry for your loss. Such a good dog and so well-loved.
I’m so sorry, WaterGirl. That really sucks.
Eric NNY
I’m so sorry Watergirl. It’s so hard when they’re taken unexpectedly. My thoughts are with you.
WG, I’m so sorry for your loss. Dogs are amazing creatures that love us unconditionally. RIP
@sab: We do the best we can for them. I appreciated your comment at 21 about vets. They have a difficult job and are frequently overworked.
Raven Onthill
Ah, my sympathies.
So sorry about Tucker, Watergirl.
Vets patients cannot talk, and the vets haven’t seen patients owners much this year.
I have seen my vet. They always pop their masks on when they see us coming.
I’m so sorry, WaterGirl. Sending hugs.
Mingobat (f/k/a Karen in GA)
Oh no, WaterGirl. I’m so sorry.
I am reading but I just can’t write anything right now. Thank you all for your kind comments.
WaterGirl, I am so sorry to read this.
You and Tucker found each other in this crazy world–now Tucker will always be with you as a blessing for all you gave him and he you. Thank for the loving tribute to a perfect animal.
Anne Laurie
Condolences to you, and to Henry, WaterGirl.
May the thought of Tucker soon bring a smile to your lips before it brings a tear to your eyes!
@sab: Simon was fifteen years ago and my vet is still furious. He thought he could save him. I said no. My vet was probably right. I cost Simon several years, probably more, of life.
I wake up a lot in nightmares, killing Simon. It won’t ever get better. I guessed wrong and killed him, and I loved him a lot. But on the other hand I loved Lily as much, and tortued her for months.
Death of loved ones is very complicated.
So sad to hear that WG, if there’s any thing you need, let us know.
Anne Laurie
@Capri: I’m so sorry, Capri. You gave Reno four extra years, and she knew how much you loved her, I’m sure.
I am glad WG is offline. Our comments probably do not help.
So sorry for the loss of your boon companion. The wrenching loss is painful because we love them so dearly.
So sorry for your loss WG.
subcommandante yakbreath
So very sorry to hear this.
I so sorry WG, Tucker was a sweet, wonderful dog. As that video showed, he lived life full & fun. His memory will always be a blessing.
Mary G
Oh, WG, what a heartbreaking thing to happen. I’m glad Tucker got a last few smells in and that you had Henry along at the end. So sorry for your loss, and thanks for the adorable video, including the “rip the torture device off the instant you get home from work” bra on the couch.
I am so sorry Water Girl. Sending you hugs and love.
@WaterGirl: So sorry for you, and understand why no comments
Anne Laurie
@sab: Second-guessing is futile, isn’t it?
The Spousal Unit kept our beloved Zevon alive for several last months by more-or-less force-feeding him. Apart from being almost blind & increasingly deaf, Zevon was sinking into doggy Alzheimers. His driving life goal, since he’d come to live with us just after his fifth birthday, was to escape bourgeois confinement & run free… and now he couldn’t even cross the living room without running into something. It was a great relief to all three of us when he made the final visit to the clinic — the vet let us carry him outside, and he went to his final sleep in the grass, happy to have ‘escaped’ one final time.
Gloria, on the other hand, went from ‘she’s at least 15 years old, and her heart isn’t in great shape’ into a sudden stroke that left her howling & incontinent at the top of the back steps. This was at the height of the first coronavirus wave, so I said what I assumed would be my goodbyes before the Spousal Unit set off with her to the emergency clinic (only one human allowed). They told him it was probably a stroke, and they might be able to tell us more after they’d held her overnight for tests… but she HATED being there, and if her heart wasn’t already broken, it would have been when she was ‘abandoned’ to a clinic cage. So the S.U. — the only person in the world she loved unconditionally — held her while she went into the Final Sleep.
Frankly, I hope I have as good a death, when my time comes.
I’m so sorry. That is incredibly hard. I hope the well wishes of those of us who benefit from your work here every day are a small comfort.
Luke was a big golden that we got between Ralph and Henry. I was working on my truck out at Brownflield Woods and my buddy was parked next to me. Luke was laying under the from wheel of my buddie’s truck when jumped in his truck and fired it up. I heard him and reached for Luke but it was too late, he was crushed by the wheel. We loaded him into the truck and flew into town on to Vine Street going to the U of I Vet school. Traffic was backed up on Vine so I just cut across Blair Park to Florida and on to the school. It was too late and the big boy was gone. That was 50 years ago and it seems like yesterday.
@Anne Laurie: The last 6 months for Bohdi were pretty rough, especially when his back legs went and I had to put a sling under him for him to walk and poop. We gave it our best shot but my bride said “he told me he’s ready to go” so we let him go.
hedgehog mobile
I am so sorry.
Sure Lurkalot
So sorry for the loss of your beloved Tucker.
So sorry, Watergirl. Our pets really do become a part of us. I’ll be thinking of you and Tucker.
@Anne Laurie: Freaks our thirty year old kids out, but spouse and I talk of end of life an inappropriate amount.
” Focus , nitwit kids! We will probably die, and also probably quite soon. Deal with it. No more money, and an amazing amount of money you did not kow about.
So sorry for your loss. That’s a riotous and precious video, and I don’t know how you kept your hands steady throughout making it. Our pets make a heart swell, but the loss leaves such a massive hole.
You have many feelings of love’s warmth from having Tucker. Talk about him and them.
I’m so sorry about your loss, WaterGirl. Tucker was a very good boy.
I’m so sorry- dogs bring so much to our lives… Condolences
Ohhhh, I’m so sorry, WG.
So very sorry for your loss, WaterGirl. Condolences to all who have lost a pet recently. Or not. It always hurts so much, and they bring so much joy to our lives.
The video is hysterical. I watched it twice, laughing out loud, and intend to watch it several more times. Love the way those little dogs bounce when they run! My Shih Tzus used to do the same thing.
Also, pets dying makes us deal with death, with us and with whomever ( city , county or state government) we also didn’t clue in. Awkward fact is that we do all die.
Just read tomorrow is National Margarita Day and doesn’t that sound providential?
Deepest sympathy for your loss.
I’ve had to decide when let pets go after long declines and sudden bad news. Both ways is hard.
So, so sorry. That video…they became friends 10 seconds after they met. Beautiful. ❤
Ohio Mom
I am so, so sorry, WaterGirl. I hope your memories of your Sweet Tucker will bring you solace and comfort. You gave him a wonderful life.
I’m so sorry, WaterGirl.
Tucker was a fine dog, a good boy.
I love that video you posted.
Chip Daniels
I’m so sorry.
He obviously brought so much joy and vitality to your life and everyone else’s. That video is so delightful- nothing more wonderful than dogs running with abandon.
I’ll give my lil guys some extra scritches tonight in Tucker’s memory.
I know, it’s so cute. But my favourite thing is the way one of the dogs (never quite sure which is the chaser and which the chasee) will abruptly change direction. Clockwise, widdershins, who cares?
Very sorry for your loss. It’s weird how we have those feelings. I had the same feeling when my lab started acting weird one night out of nowhere. A few hours later he was gone. Having a dog is such a gift. Take care.
Amir Khalid
So sorry for your loss. They never get easier.
Hugs, Watergirl. ?
Most sincere condolences.
So sorry for your loss???
What a heartbreaking end for poor Tucker.
WaterGirl you gave him the best he could hope for; now you and Henry have to carry on. The sadness will eventually ease. My heart goes out to you and Henry.
I vote we stop (idiotically) trying to extend the lifespans of human beings and invest all the research in extending the lifespans of companion critters.
So very sorry for your loss, WG.
Well this just sucks. I am so very sorry. Something similar happened with one of our dogs, and what a blow.
I love the video, thank you for sharing.
So very sorry for your loss, WG.
I am so very sorry for your loss. In that video, Tucker looked so beautiful. It was gracious of him to let Henry chase him. So he always had a loving heart. He was very loved. Take care of yourself and hug Henry tonight.
So very sorry, Watergirl. Wag on, Tucker, wag on.
Nutmeg again
So very sorry to see this news. Sending all the healing energy to you & your family~
I’m so sorry WG. I have been there too, but I am sure the BJ Jackal pets that have gone on before will be waiting at the Rainbow Bridge to take care of your Tucker.
S. Cerevisiae
So sorry for your loss, the video is such a great memory for you.
My Bella turns 11 next month which is definitely a senior German Shepherd and we rescued each other almost 10 years ago, I need to enjoy every minute with her. All these stories of loss have really made me think about how much she means to me.
Dear WG, I am so sorry for your dreadful loss. You did the utter best for him during his life and, too, at the end of his life. Thank you for sharing the loss with us, if that makes sense. For trusting us to share the grief with you. What a lovely, lovely boy Please know I am mourning with you, and will keep you in my thoughts.
Ben Cisco, MSCIS Padawan
Please accept my condolences for your loss. Sounds like Tucker was the best.
Hugs, WaterGirl, there’s not much else to say.
Both sleeves are wet and I need a tissue.
Sending my Love and condolences.
I was really sorry to hear about this. I’m extra sorry to hear about the difficult circumstances. Hugs to you.
zhena gogolia
@planetjanet: Yeah, well put.
J R in WV
Tucker was obviously a very good boy, who loved you and Henry very much. And you gave Tucker the best life a good dog could have.
So sorry for your loss, it is never easy. He knew you loved Tucker, and he loved Henry, who loved him too. Take care.
So very sorry. Such an obviously great dog, being so accepting and joyful with young Henry.
O. Felix Culpa
My condolences to you and Henry. The suddenness of the loss is a dreadful shock. May you and Henry find comfort in each other’s company.
Dear Watergirl, I have only second-hand experience of the sudden loss of an animal companion. That means I know the pain their human feels. I am so sorry.
wombat probability cloud
I’ve been wrapped up in Ukraine news all day and didn’t see this until now. My heart is with you, and I know how painful an unexpected passing like this can be. Our chowbrador went out last May in the same way, and it’s wrenching. May your heart heal well and you get solace from the wonderfulness you shared with Henry.
Oh no. I am so, so sorry. Much love and many hugs.
Ann Marie
Watergirl, I am so sorry for your loss. It’s so hard, but I hope eventually you will just remember the joy Tucker brought into your life. Give Henry a hug for me.
WG, terrible news, my condolences.
Watergirl, I am so very sorry. There’s no love like a dog’s love, and I know you’ll be missing him everyday. I hope you’ll still feel his love for you in your heart.
Sorry to hear of Tucker’s sudden passing. Many have already described their own experiences losing loved companions. It’s always been hard for me to say good-bye to every one of our cats and dogs throughout the years. I never forget them and yet, the joy so outweighed the pain of loss that in time I rescued another.
WaterGirl, I’m so, so sorry for your loss. Tucker was a good boy and a perfect big brother to Henry. Thanks for sharing such a joyous video of two new bestest friends. I laughed through the tears.
So terrible to hear that this loss was so sudden and unexpected. What a shock. My sympathy.
I am so very sorry for your loss.
I’m sorry to hear about your loss; and the circumstances make it even harder for you. My condolences.
One more hug to add to the pile. My condolences.
Oh, I’m so sorry. His instant bond with Henry, and his sweet nature, are both evident in that video. I hope your memories can bring you comfort amid your grief.
I’m so sorry, WaterGirl. You were the best friend Tucker could have had. It’s painful to think of your loss.
Aww, I’m so sorry, WaterGirl. What a sad day.
Mai Naem mobile
I am so sorry WaterGirl. Its bad enough you lost Tucker but to lose him that way is just awful. Take care of yourself and Henry.
A woman from anywhere (formerly Mohagan)
So, so sorry to hear about you losing Tucker. What a good boy! That video is a treasure. Thanks for posting it. And good for you for recognizing instantly that Tucker and Henry belonged together. You really did the very best for both of them.
WATERGIRL: Alas! You do not grieve alone. As a rescuer of 9 (mostly off Philippine beaches) I share the experience of painful goodbyes knowing that seeing one’s friends off with LOVE is very hard but blessed by the, knowledge that is the best way.
Condolences and best hopes for future partnerships!
Responding to a likely nearly dead thread, but…
really sorry to hear about this and sorry for your loss here … these things happen and we make the best decisions we can … rather than regret the immediate choices, please cherish the memories as best you can over time …
when you are ready to think about it, consider that reading the headline my immediate thought was what on earth did Carlson do to get watergirl to devote a post to him? Not sure of how you should feel about that. Reading the post got tougher with every word as I realized how far off I was, but as one of my kids would say, sounds like Tucker was a “good boy” in every sense of the word and those are the memories to keep..
ETA: Also good to see that Henry helped Tucker develop a cutting edge understanding of clockwise and counterclockwise circling, which likely served him well…
Ken T.
Dear Watergirl, I am so very sorry for your loss. What a sweet boy Tucker was. We bring them into our lives and make the promise from A to Z. You followed through. May you find joy and more love with Henry. Grieve well. It is so hard to lose a fierce love. Condolences.
I am so, so sorry. It’s always awful to lose a pet, but when it’s sudden like that, it’s somehow even worse. One thing I’m learning after I lost my kitty Crackle in November is what a bad idea it is to torture yourself with what you would have done differently. You did the very best you could for the entire time you had Tucker, and although I’ve never met you, I feel certain that you’re like my family and me in that you’d throw yourself in front of a truck for your fur babies. Tucker was lucky to have you for a mom, and no one could have been better. I am sending you and Henry a virtual hug.