Shaun just emailed me and M4 with a pupdate on Tado:
PapDad and his son picked Tado up about 1pm today. He’s on his way to his new life in Boston now.
These types of good things happen when you get an A+ in deportment from the groomers…
I’m not really sure if we’re supposed to leave a yelp review for the groomer or Tado.
So some good news for a change!
Look at that face!!!!!
That face is now on its way to floof all over PapDad’s neatly folded laundry!
With a floof floof here and a floof floof there,
Here a floof, there a floof, everywhere a floof floof.
Old MacFloofy floofed a floof, floof-ey, floof-ey, o!
Everyone remember to keep good thoughts for Shaun as he gets himself back to right, for Tado, and for PapDad’s clean laundry!
Open thread!
Miss Bianca
Ohio Mom
Wow, that came together quickly! Kudos to all who are making this happen.
I hope we will get further updates on Tado’s adventures, and also that we continue to hear from Shaun. We are all pulling for you.
Thanks to Adam and all for making this happen. Love a happy ending.
Joy in FL
I am so happy for the pup and his new humans : )
And Shaun, may you find support and goodness as you do what you need to do.
I am so happy ???
Many beautiful memories for the new family ?
Such good news!!
And we lived happily after.
The best kind of news! Good thoughts and best wishes to everyone, and ear scruffles for Tado.
wait, did I miss an update between the original post and this one?
Congratulations to all!
KayInMD (formerly Kay (not the front-pager))
Good news! And Shaun, I know it’s bitter-sweet saying goodbye to your good friend, even though you know he’s going to a good home with people who will love him. You’ve done a good, selfless thing. It’s evidence of your strength. I know you are on your way to healing. All the love you saw getting your dog to his new home is here for you too.
Adam L Silverman
@satby: Nope. This is what I got, so it’s what you get.
I just burst into tears. Some jackal miracles happened between the last post and this.
Shaun we are all rooting for you. Please take care of yourself and let us know how we can support you.
Tado and PapDad we are so happy for you both.
Nutmeg again
Yay! For Tado & all his people. And all the thanks to the helpers, and wider community. How can I feel neurotic & miserable with world events, when a doggy gets a new loving home?
That’s enough singing.
Sure Lurkalot
@satby: I thought I missed something too and went back to the original thread and this was posted by PapDad:
FEBRUARY 21, 2022 AT 9:02 AM
A quick update for anyone who’s still following this thread. Shaun and I had a chance to talk, decided Tado was a good match for us, and he’s coming to Boston! I will be traveling to Texas this week to meet Shaun and pick up the pup. I want to thank everyone who so generously volunteered to help with transport or contributions, we should be set for now, but if you want to throw a few dollars to you local rescue organization instead that would be a great thing. I’ll give another quick update when we get Tado to his new home! :). PapDad
This is a feeeeeeel goooooood story! Best to Shaun, PapDad and family, now including Tado.
Warm and happy news to come home to after a frigid Chicago day. Thank you for the update, Adam.
Excellent. You made a tough decision, Shaun. Trust Tado will be fine, now take care of yourself.
This is good news for sure. Thanks for posting, Adam. I’m sure Tado and PapDad have already started bonding. Shaun, I’m wishing you all the best. You’ll be very much in my thoughts.
zhena gogolia
Great news.
Some welcome news indeed!
Genuinely good story all around, just so real and genuine:
–Shaun, thank you for your honesty and courage during this rough time in your life; you have shown that you have great strength and wisdom–keep us updated–we’re all here for you
–PapDad and fam, enjoy this lucky Tado–you took him in when it was needed–no question that Tado well give as much to you as well :)
–Thanks to Adam and everyone who helped facilitate this gentle exchange–this quiet, background, gentle action is like a thread of silk winding through these harsh times.
What a beautiful comment.
@Ohio Mom: I’ll do a better job with commenting soon! I have lots of takes to share. I’m moving to NJ (Jersey City) on the 1st. I have a place to stay for March but I need to find a job up there pretty quickly. I have a BA in polo sci and speak several languages to various levels of competency. For now I need something low-key. I have had horrible family drama to deal with this past year, including a rupture in my relationship with a sibling. I also need to get out of Texas for my own sanity and safety.
The Dangerman
Tado to Boston? Tado should meet Tacko (Celtics thing).
T his is so heartwarming: a senior dog finding a new loving home. Thanks, PapDad! May the two of you have many joyful times together.
@Texasboyshaun: Oh, getting out of Texas alone should go a long way to making your life better! Wishing you the very best of luck in this next step.
@Sure Lurkalot: Thank you for pulling this from the original thread. I felt like I had also missed something.
I hope the move goes well for you, Shaun.
Best wishes to Tado and his new people. What a cute pupper!
Ohio Mom
@Texasboyshaun: I admit am very prejudiced — I was born in the Bronx and spent my formative years in Queens — Jersey City is a *much* better place all around than Texas.
Everything a person needs can be found in the New York City area, in spades. Well, except for cheap housing. I wish I had some advice on that but I don’t. But you will find your way, I am sure.
I could go on about siblings — my, how fraught those relationships can be — but I won’t, not now.
You’ve heard all of us Juicers’ words of support — we will all be waiting for your progress report.
Safe travels!
One of the Many Jens
Oh, I am so happy to hear this. The best of wishes to Shaun and PapDad, and the lovely Tado!
What wonderful news! May good futures abound for all.
This is lovely. As others have said, I thought I missed a bleg post. So happy for everyone!
Are the costs covered?
@Texasboyshaun: So glad your pupper has a new home. When you get to NJ will you become Jerseyboyshaun?
Miss Bianca
@Starfish: Me, too. I went back to the thread, but before PapDad had posted so I was left wondering.
@Sure Lurkalot: Thanks for finding that update!
This is a great story to read during so many bad news days. Happy for PapDad, Shaun, and Tado.
@Ruviana: Maybe, I haven’t picked a new nym yet!
Tado is an older dog but also a sort of Nordic (spitz) breed dog. Should be very happy in Boston where they have winter.
I had a German Shepherd in Las Vegas, and she had no undercoat. She had minimal fur like a greyhound. She was always panting. Then I moved her to Ohio and she fluffed up like a normal German Shepherd. We couldn’t keep her inside when there was snow on the ground.
So happy to hear that Tado has found a new home! Congratulations, PapDad, on the latest member of your family.
Best of luck to you, Shaun, on your move to NJ. Hoping everything goes smoothly for you!
Quick update from the road, we’re passing through western Pennsylvania with Tado in tow, hoping to get back to Boston later tonight. Tado is an excellent travel companion, popping up periodically to take a look at our surroundings, but mostly quietly taking it easy in the backseat. He’s a very smart and sweet pup, we are really looking forward to getting him home and giving him a chance to decompress and adjust :) Again, thanks to Shaun, Adam and everyone who has been a part of this journey!