Shaun has sent across a second Tado pupdate!
Good morning,
I hope you are doing well. Ken just told me that they are home. Tado is also experiencing snow for the first time. I really appreciate everything you did to help us.
First off, Shaun, you and Tado are quite welcome. I know I speak for everyone here when I write that we were happy to help and wish you and Tado nothing but the best!
And now for the pictures!
Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
Can we stop for fries? PLEASE????? (I’m guessing this is PapDad Jr. PapSon? They’ll figure it out)
SNOW!!!! I was bred for this!!!!
Open thread!
I’ll be back later with updates on Ukraine.
Hooray for cute critter posts and pupdates!
Michael Cain
My wife had a Tibetan Spaniel that was another example “I was bred for this!” and snow. She would lay out in the snow for hours, wondering why the squirrels hadn’t come out so she could bark at them.
That dog is happy, happy, happy. Such a good sight to see.
Miss Bianca
OMG, so freaking adorable. Exactly what I needed right now, along with TaMara’s ducks, cats napping on model trains, and another replay of the Zelenskyy video.
Raoul Paste
I’m pretty sure that dog wouldn’t invade a country. He’s got the moral high ground already.
Also better looking
Such good news! Thank you.
Now that’s a happy little dog! Lovely to see
Who’s a good doggie!!!!
Happy Tails! ???
Tado update from Boston – Arrived back home late last night, everyone taking it kind of easy today. He’s a great, very patient traveller, and caused zero problems on the road, even seeming eager in the morning to get in the back seat and start the day. Tado is getting along swimmingly with his new brothers and sisters, and has created a little clubhouse for himself in a corner under our bed, where he’s having a snooze right now. He is really enjoying the snow and our modest backyard, and things are working out really well so far for everybody :). Will be getting a new dog bed and some stairs so he can climb up to our bed later today.
Miss Bianca
@PapDad: Heart is melting.
@PapDad: Please tell us abt. Tado’s “new brothers and sisters”. Furries or humans? You are great to be getting that dog step, gold stars in heaven for the whole adventure.
O. Felix Culpa
Happy puppy! Thanks to all who made this adoption possible, and thank you to PapDad for giving him a new home.
Sandia Blanca
What a beautiful story this has been! Thank you so much to Adam, PapDad and family, and Shaun for making a tough decision that seems to have made that little dog happy.
This makes me ever so happy! And I really needed this happy ending.
@PapDad: I wish we were closer. We have beds and steps that are no loner used.
@Hilfy: Tado has three new sisters and a new brother. One sister is my stepson’s dog (a high-energy goofy very smart coonhound who visits often), another is our eager to please 13 year old lab-beagle mix. We also have two cats, a 15 year old female that mostly wants to be left alone, and a 4 year old black part siamese male who LOVES dogs. I think it may take a little time for Tado and my stepson’s dog to completely reach equilibrium, but things are very good with everyone else. :)
Chat Noir
My heart is melting! This is the best news.
Thanks so much! Congrats to you, and
Best wishes to bold pups and brave people taking difficult steps to get through.
Joy in FL
this is so great. I’m so happy for all the animals and humans involved : )
Dan B
@PapDad: Reading your post I felt so good and then realized how down I’d been feeling. Thanks so much!
Matt McIrvin
So glad to read this.
Tado looks like a very happy snow dog.
So good to see a pup getting a good home! Congrats PapDad and hugs to Shaun!
Major Major Major Major
Well would you look at that happy pupper!
Thanks to all involved.
So ka-YUTE! And such a good buddy. Glad to see things working out.
@PapDad: This makes my day. I’m so pleased it’s working out. ❤️ Thank you for the update.
@Major Major Major Major: Thanks to you M4 for making noise on Shaun’s and Tado’s behalf, and thanks to Adam for amplifying!
This is such welcome news. Thank you to PapDad, Adam and M4 for making this happen. Shaun, we are all 100% in your corner and cheering you on.
@PapDad: You sure you want that dog in bed? I make that mistake with every dog, and Tado looks like he might shed a bit.
J R in WV
Oh joyous day!! The pup seems happy to see snow!
Our dogs can sneak into bed while we’re asleep, and have learned not to just jump whole heartedly on my belly while I’m nearly asleep. 60 pounds each, about.
Now they carefully climb up on the foot of the bed and slide up between us, very smooth they are now. And we wake up with a toothy grin and a long red wet tongue looking at us. Sometimes two of them…
Thanks to everyone who helped this pup get to a good home. Hope the cat gets him trained up asap!
I am so happy that he found a new home ???
@PapDad: ❤️ This post makes me so happy.
I am thrilled!
@PapDad: Those pictures are the sweetest. Such a lovely puppy and lovely story. Best wishes to Shaun for a swift recovery.
A very good outcome. This one goes in the scrapbook.
Good things for you Shaun going forward.