I know I haven’t been earning the bounteous salary Cole awards his front pagers; in a mad dash on a book MS that will not be done nearly as soon as I would like/it needs to be. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t drop in to post this, in honor of the day.
What follows is truly the best, the trophy-retiring entry in the April 1 documentary category. Enjoy.
This thread could not be more open.
PS: Bonus cat pics, because I can. Tikka, after being informed of Ginni Thomas’s texts to Mark Meadows:
Tikka, on being informed that Clarence Thomas dissented from the order that would make those texts available to investigators.
Tikka, on being informed that Clarence Thomas has neither recused himself nor resigned:
And that’s all folks!
The pasta harvesting clip is truly fantastic.
I love the spaghetti harvest. What a classic.
Tikka … well, imma just say I wouldn’t care to be either of the Thomases if judgmental Tikka were going to look at me in that tone of voice.
OMG…that mockumentary about harvesting spaghetti is hilarious! It amazes me how creative some people are.
Fingers crossed for a good crop here this year.
Tikka casts appropriate judgement.
Open thread so . . .
I’m wondering how DeSantis vs the Mouse will vome out.
Old School
Tikka makes me want to recuse myself. I feel so guilty.
What happened?
Posted a link to this in the morning thread, noting its status as a senior citizen this year, resultant in crickets.
zhena gogolia
@SiubhanDuinne: I think I saw it on Jack Paar when I was a kid and I thought it was real.
Old School
@realbtl: I’m for anything that makes the lines shorter.
I’ve seen no April fools jokes. It’s like society has reached a collective agreement that nothing is funny any more.
zhena gogolia
@Martin: Our university president did one. ‘Nuff said.
ETA: And the NYT crossword puzzle today was one.
Tom Levenson
@NotMax: Needed more Tikka.
Tom Levenson
@zhena gogolia: Heck, our university president announced this a.m. the resignation of a star biology professor who was about to have his tenure revoked for sexual misconduct. Not foolin’ at all.
Here in carb-conscious land, we harvest edamame spaghetti with a sieve.
You should see my pasta plants, the penne pods are prodigious and ponderous.
Oh, I watched! Have loved it for decades. Never tire of seeing and sharing it. Sorry not to have commented at the time.
Old School
You don’t follow enough mayo companies on Twitter.
Here’s a rundown.
Penne for your thoughts?
I am too fearful of meeting Tikka’s gaze.
@zhena gogolia:
I was trying to remember (when NotMax shared it this morning) where I first saw it. Could very well have been on Jack Paar.
@OzarkHillbilly: Awesome alliteration
@Old School: Those aren’t April fools jokes. They’re just brand marketing, like sticking ‘Tide’ on a race car.
I’ll play management consultant to Disney. Free of charge. Tell Desantis to go fuck himself and a horse (if one is not available, one can be provided), suspend operations, padlock the gates, and announce that no further operations in Florida until the law is repealed.
It’ll take about a day.
J R in WV
Am I the only person who recalls hearing a long and involved story on NPR about the Fondue lakes of Wisconsin, and how there were fears that the then current Fondue craze was going the exhaust the lakes up there? Interviews and everything…
Yes, of course it moved on April First !!
I’ll check the comments to see if I’m the first to recall that great reporting scoop!
@NotMax: You’ve overpaid.
@realbtl: DeMouse will make sure DeSantis won’t be re-elected governor or nominated for president. DeMoney will go to other candidates.
No apology warranted. Stuff here goes unremarked upon with prodigious regularity.
My personal favorite April Fools prank is BBC’s mock Life on Planet Earth ad about a newly discovered species of penguins… flying penguins.
Old School
@J R in WV:
This is the first I’m hearing about it, but you aren’t crazy. It was a Fondue Hot Springs story in 1983.
Since this thread is open. . .
The IRS now requires you to verify your identity through ID.me. I already had an online account with the IRS which I could still use until this summer after which everyone will need to switch to ID.me. They encourage you to get an ID.me account as soon as possible.
What I found out is that if you already have an ID.me account from any other government agency, you use that log in and password. I had an ID.me for the California DMV. I logged in with the original ID.me credentials and the site walked me through the personal information verification, drivers license photo upload and then the live facial recognition. I was relieved that it was as easy as it was.
So taxes are now paid.
Tikka is no chicken!
West of the Rockies
Open thread, so I was thinking about how Republicans try to define Democrats, how they move from one disparaging word or phrase to another. I recall bleeding heart liberal from 1970-something to 2000ish. Snowflake was another. Now Woke is their go-to insult word.
But it always has to do with sensitivity, with our essential compassion for other people.
I’m sure this is no major revelation, but is curious. They really an I got mine, fuck you group of people. Angry, greedy, and fearful.
Today my wife’s mother would have been 100 so, for our weekly old people Al fresco dinner, she made an apple cake that her mom loved and has pictures and flowers!
@Martin: A friend sent me a link to one she saw this morning about a farmer who was adding bears to his farm so he could milk them.
@West of the Rockies: For the two + years I’ve been aqua jogging I’ve worn ear phones and listened to podcasts. A guy I have known for years came at the same time and we’ve shot the shit. The other day he said “woke “ and, the next time we are there together I’m going to tell him that I am one! I’m not looking for trouble but I don’t want anyone having any illusions either.
@Raven: I hope you have nice weather for your dinner!
This sucks. Why couldn’t he wait?
@J R in WV: There was another NPR one about how broccoli was named after the father of Albert Broccoli (the producer of the James Bond films), because he was the agronomist who had invented it a hundred years ago by crossbreeding cauliflower. I believed it for years, and used to tell people about it, until someone was a bit skeptical and it made me think “wait a minute, that doesn’t make sense…”
Sure Lurkalot
@Scout211: I filed my taxes using the same ID pin as previously. So I’m curious to know how you were prompted to use ID.ME.
West of the Rockies
Woke… in other words, conscious, aware, alert… the horror. Better than being comatose, unaware, stupefied.
I remember seeing this (spaghetti harvest) in elementary school. Being Italian, I didn’t for a moment buy it … and I was pretty young. Don’t think any of my classmates did either. Amazes me to realize qanon MAGAts just might.
Don’t forget to wear your CRT t-shirt!
@Raven: Maybe you’ll be lucky and he’ll be someone who doesn’t want trouble either, and just assumed you were like-minded.
What’s nonsensical about it?
@Raven: I don’t see anyone choosing to have trouble with you
@Sure Lurkalot:
I did log in with my previous ID but a message said my original account would expire soon, I think in June of this year. It just said I can get an ID.me log in now or before our original accounts expire.
Your original account credentials will work until this summer.
ETA: I had already read several news stories about the new account verification process for the IRS so I was aware that our current accounts will expire this summer. What was a pleasant surprise to me was to learn that you only have one ID.me log in that will work for any government agency that uses that verification and log in process. For me, it made the process easier than I had expected.
Miss Bianca
The paper I work for used to do an April Fool’s front page. Not anymore. I think you may be onto something here.
Well, this was pretty damn funny ?
@Miss Bianca:
Maybe it’s because a lot of people have lost the ability to distinguish fake stuff from reality.
Oh sure, but when Will Smith does it, everyone gets upset.
Miss Bianca
@Baud: Yeah, that seems about right.
@satby: Hahaha….
There was controversy earlier because ID.me used to require photo ID. I think they got rid of that requirement.
Miss Bianca
@satby: Well, that was definitely a LOL!
What they got rid of was the *mandatory* live facial ID requirement because there are many people without the ability to do that. They added an option that includes talking with a live customer service person if the facial scan is not possible.
The live facial ID process was quick and kind of wild. It uses your device’s camera to scan your face and matches it to your driver’s license photo..
J R in WV
“Oh! Hi Mom!” Smack!!
Oh, my!
@Baud: The story hangs together well, but the word broccoli is the Italian plural of broccolo, the flowering crest of a cabbage (because broccoli is a bunch of those.) It’s existed for centuries.
But doing some googling now, it may not have been an April Fool’s. It appears Cubby Broccoli’s wife claimed to have done research in Florence that showed they were the descendents of the “inventors” and it was named after their family. A NYT obituary cited Broccoli claiming his uncle had brought broccoli to America. Both sound more like family tales than facts to me.
I can’t find it now, but I think it was Adam who posted a tweet showing Ukrainian drivers navigating a mine field that the Russians had set up at a bridge crossing. Pretty ballsy of them, but soldiers arrived and cleared the field like this:
ETA: The original tweet is in the comments.
Tikka, tell your servant Tom, thank you for the great laugh.
@debbie: I think OO posted that. I couldn’t believe the guy who navigated the mines hauling a trailer!
zhena gogolia
@West of the Rockies: it’s why I’m proud to be a Democrat
Sure Lurkalot
@Scout211: Thanks for the good info. I was worried that I might have screwed up my refund. I filed a while back but I’ve heard it’s going to take a while this year. I did get my refund from the state within 10 days.
I don’t like getting refunds…I would rather pay a bit than have money trapped over time. This was the first year I filed taking Social Security so there was a bit of a learning curve. I’m planning better for next year, hopefully!
Especially him! The drivers around here hauling the same kind of trailers drift into the next lane all the time.
I did see this news story this morning: “Metaverse suffers ‘extensive damage’ in riot at virtual gallery.”
BC in Illinois
@debbie: That entire population has a “Russia fuck your warship” attitude
It’s April Fool’s Day, not April Wishful Thinking Day.
Carrying forth with the pet theme, I feel as though I really know this dog.
@zhena gogolia:
Oops, you reminded me that I forgot to read the circled letters. . . . Har-de-har-har.
@Baud: ?
@trollhattan: None of my dogs have been slim enough to do that. Impressive!
zhena gogolia
@Steeplejack: so lame
Cute photo at the link.
@Steeplejack: Not sure about cute…
I’d bet most of the world has that attitude too.
Miss Bianca
@debbie: Holy crap.
Miss Bianca
@Steeplejack: I.WANT.TO.BELIEVE.
Yeah, the ID.me fiasco plan was squashed faster than a ‘dillo on the interstate during a foggy rush hour.
The ID.me requirement is still in place and still will be required for all new users and by the summer for anyone who has an existing account. They have only changed the live video facial recognition part of it. It’s still there, but they have added an alternate option. You can now request a chat with a customer service person for verification if you can’t use the live video facial scan. I uploaded a scan of the front and back of my drivers license and then did the video live scan of my face when prompted by the verification process. So they haven’t dropped anything, they just added another option.
@Baud: this smells. Can’t believe the guy is that oblivious, selfish and unaware.
Thanks for posting that. They are currently using ID.me. Huh.
Even though they are still currently using ID.me, if you verify with ID.me for the IRS, your selfie and biometric data will be automatically deleted.
My favourite April Fool was the Guardian’s 1973 7 page holiday special extolling the wonders of the San Serriffe islands. It has a zillion jokes on its progression from sane fake to hilarious lunacy
Tom Levenson
@kalakal: I never heard of San Serriffe! How wonderful.
@Redshift: I don’t think he does, I just don’t want to be disingenuous.
I suppose I’m late to the party, but this one about cleaning your bike chain is a classic:
Original Lee
@Scout211: We have an error somewhere in one of the IRS public-facing databases that prevents us from using ID.me and from E-filing. We have been trying to get it fixed for years. The IRS doesn’t have the manpower or money to try to fix it, and honestly, as long as we file early on paper, they lack incentive to give a shit. We are trying again before the inevitable “you can’t file on paper any more” thing happens.
Another Scott
True? Maybe, maybe not.
But it would be good to see The Mouse use some of its overwhelming power for good for a change.
Another Scott
@BigJimSlade: Excellent!
The Lodger
@debbie: Serves the Russians right for picking on the Kryptonians.