interstate human trafficking to own the libs
— zeddy (@Zeddary) April 6, 2022
… Some of them achieve a near approach to sentience, and might even get elected Governor!
Greg Abbott Stakes Claim as Most Evil Governor in America With Plan to Bus Immigrants to Washington, D.C.
— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) April 6, 2022
The force of Abbott's initial statement has deteriorated mightily as the gov provides more details about how he will bus migrants to D.C.
Now it appears: Texas is offering VOLUNTARY charter buses and flights to the migrants who already have been processed and released.
— Rebekah Allen (@rebekahallen) April 6, 2022
(Seems like Gov. Abbott has an ongoing problem with his big mouth writing checks his legal department can’t cash…)
This story is updated to reflect the new details of Abbott's border plan (that the bus trips for migrants are voluntary)
— Rebekah Allen (@rebekahallen) April 7, 2022
Thanks Greg Abbott for “Operation Lone Star” protecting us from migrant field workers and refugees fleeing totalitarian regimes. #BetoForTexas
— Sara Spector (@Miriam2626) April 6, 2022
Just for the record, how’s the Texas power grid looking these days?…
Greg Abbott's Operation Lone Star has kept 10,000 Texas troops on the border at a cost of $2 BILLION, quadruple the $425 MILLION budgeted for the mission.
Yet, Abbott still says the border is a disaster.Texas can't afford Republicans any longer.
— Victor Blackburn (@VictorBlackbu14) April 6, 2022
Taxpayer money
— Ed (@edjohnsonht) April 6, 2022
Not to mention that knowing Washington, DC, there would be a substantial group of people waiting to welcome asylum seekers, as we should do as a country anyway, and helping them find the resources they need.
— Mario A. Carrillo (@_mariocarrillo_) April 6, 2022
Major Major Major Major
Lol, what a putz
I’m in SF for a work trip this week and captured a weird moment with a flock of feral parrots. Hitchcock shit.
@Major Major Major Major: Parrots!
There were flocks all over the San Gabriel Valley in the 70s, raucous trouble-makers, eating the fruit on trees in backyards and squabbling. Mostly green Amazons, sometimes a yellow-headed amazon. I thought they were hilarious (and pretty) sitting in my dad’s apricot tree.
Trail of jeers.
West of the Rockies
Abbott is such an utterly useless turd of a man.
Wasn’t his own Lt. Governor trying to outflank him from the crazy-far right for a time to make him look bad? Did they kiss and make up?
@Major Major Major Major
Samwise: “Hey! What happened to the Food Guy?”
@West of the Rockies
Perhaps Mr. Shunderson put it best.
So Texas is going to waste money trying to ship people to D.C., but not provide any accommodations when they reach there?
I guess in the hopes a “refugee” crisis in D.C. would spark an anti-immigration backlash.
Sounds like a dressed down version of Putin trying to exploit the Syrian refugee crisis in Europe to stir up right-wing anti-immigration sentiments.
@Major Major Major Major: There’s a book and a documentary about the parrots “the Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill”.
@West of the Rockies:
Patrick has his own crackpot agenda, including pushing a “don’t say gay” bill through the legislature in 2023.
It will only get worse going forward. The three- judge panel of the U.S. District Court in El Paso that is considering challenges to the latest racist redistricting has thus far refused to enjoin the use of the new maps in the 2022 election. The Legislature that meets in 2023 will likely be whiter and crazier than ever.
I thought all of the field worker jobs were taken by “economically anxious” Trump trash back in 2016? No?
DOJ should be reminding the District Courts in Texas, by way of seeking injunctions against Abbott and his shenanigans, that immigration is an exclusively Federal concern, in which the states have no role whatsoever.
But are they paid for by the Shithole State?
Because if they are…
Trump trash want to be paid, but they don’t want to actually work, and most agricultural jobs in Texas feature seriously hard work (for shitty pay). The ones that do pay reasonably well—mostly meat processing—are both hard and dangerous.
“Get A Load Of These Guys! of Telegraph Hill” :)
Yes and yes.
The buses will just aimlessly circle the Beltway in protest.
@burnspbesq: You’re new there, aren’t you?
Hey, I know! They could put women seeking abortions on those buses! I’m sure the D.C. area clinics would be happy to help them out.
I have two good friends who live in Houston. And another in Austin. I’ve been begging them to come home and get out of that dystopia. Especially my friend in Austin. He and his husband are vulnerable to any anti-gay bullshit they get up to there. There is something wrong with that place. Like Florida, another place I’ll never step foot in again.
“You cannot white-knuckle the political highway for much longer,” Rep. Matthew Wilson of Brookhaven said last month. The candidate for insurance commissioner urged Republicans to stop catering to the most extreme parts of their party, saying that winning “does not require that you squeeze every last drop of power out of the loony bin.”
This assumes that sentience has an extremely low bar. I for one, would not have known that slugs were comparatively sentient.
Howzabout lime Jell-O?
Patricia Kayden
Bringing migrants to the liberal DMV sounds like a good plan to me.
@Patricia Kayden: How else are we going to get taco trucks on every corner?
I for one would welcome the Beltway’s first taco truck convoy.
Anyone have any idea what this is about?
Have an AP story on that cooling its heels in the wings for whenever the morning thread shows up.
I’ll be at work by then. ?
Yeah. No slam on AL but do miss the days when one could set one’s watch by OtR at 5, COVID at 6, morning thread at 7.
This is amazing.
If/when the current ban on entry for asylum seekers ends in May, as planned, migrants who pass initial credible fear screenings will, as they always have, need assistance getting from the border to the communities, all over the United States, where they hope to resettle. In the past, refugee assistance organizations and the families of migrants have paid for the bus trips from the detention centers to those communities all over the US. If Governor Abbott wants to assist the needy individuals who are going from Texas to the DC area with free transportation, then bully for him.
I know he is doing this to demonstrate his cruelty, in the way that a few politicians in the South said they were going to offer bus tickets to welfare recipients a generation ago, but it would be epic trolling for a refugee assistance organization to announce that they appreciate the generous offer and would be happy to work with the Governor.
@NotMax: AL’s job was made much harder with the restriction on Twitter links, so now she has to copy and paste most of them. All to not much improvement in blog behavior: it may load faster but having to wait for the page to quit jumping around seems to take about as long.
Mo MacArbie
“Feral parrots” makes me think of Jane’s Addiction.
Both feral parrots and angry blue jays are name-checked in Pynchon’s “Vineland”.
J R in WV
I really like long and involved novels, Neal Stephenson for example, but I’ve never gotten into Pynchon’s work with any success. Tried several times, made it through one or two, but without much enjoyment. Eventually you just stop.
Feral parrots were pretty interesting, tho, thanks Major^4…